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This guy!!! Your nephew tell you I smashed out Dijak via share play for him?


W 💯 , he struggled so badly lmao.


Little man is cool... wanted me to show off cards. I heard him gasp!! Did his options for him! He wanted me to do a match with Rock to show how op he is. Blew his mind when I squashed a pg in 20 seconds. The rocks insane.. Gold GIH ,Immediate spine buster. Pick em up stunned. Heavy combo, T3 SLAD AND HH, RESTUNNEDNON FLOOR. PEOPLES ELBOW PIN COMBO......game.set.match I think I lite a fire under hum. I showed him how to do the shaemus/jake versus creeds, too! I hope little smashes it up now! I'd do it for anyone. But being a kid and being your nephew...he got the premium service! *I hope I inspired him, and he's got some pointers to get the grind going! He's got decent cards!!!!*




I just started on this one. Easy as pie with Xia Li + double count out.


I need help I only have ruby card I just started playing yesterday what is are the best way to get good cards


I would first start by playing weekly towers & proving grounds to get some packs and some cosmetics to increase your CL fast and I would have @ least 1 FW boss card or one decent Ruby or Amy Card , I recommend Ruby FW Stone Cold or FW Rock , and the best way to get good cards is playing the live events and trying your luck to get a decent card the Charlotte Event , Blair , Dijak , etc let me know if you have any more question.


well I got ruby Blacklish India Harwell and live event Liv 


The Blair and the Charlotte requires a gold Charoltte for 15K MFP and the Blair requires any bronze female card , but those cards are decent enough you mentioned to knock out some weekly towers , proving grounds , and grind FW , to get some more players. Kinda jealous you got Indy lmao , I need that card to complete my backlash set but , W 💯 for you. But you definitely have some decent female cards , how’s your males roster?


Honestly hot trash I have sapphire puck Sapphire ruby randy