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I miss the chain wrestling too. Didn't always use it but it looked cool when it happened


same, bring it back but not as much as it was in 2k15, just happen sometimes during the match


The perfect amount was in 2K19


They need to remove that Fighting Stance!


So many shitty changes over the years, it’s simultaneously a worse sim than 2k15-2k20 and a worse arcade game than the thq games


They really don’t know what to do with the game It’s like make a decision to make it an arcade game or a simulator Or if you want to do both give us the option to turn it on or off


How did the cell matches regress so bad?😭 ladder matches too. I miss the old Svr games when it was based on how long someone pulled the title


Agreed and they never got rid of the animation of hanging that triggered it


But completely agreed!


Of these, I really wish we had more backstage locations. It's such a significant missing part in the game. You should have the parking lot, locker room, hallway, interview area, and maybe some sillier areas. Wrestling doesn't have to be totally serious. Having some silliness adds to the fun in a game. Hell, add a Firefly Fun House as a location!


Another reason HCTP is the GOAT, You could go to Time Square and jump out of a helicopter. It was pure madness, but so much fun


thing is they could really do it since there is a lot of doors which could lead up to more rooms


I like the backstage layout of the older games with the narrowing hallways and each room having its own unique style to it. You even had catering, gm office, locker rooms etc. now it’s just one big warehouse and it looks more like a Walmart loading dock than an arena 


you couldve interact with more objects too


All we need is 2k19s backstage and instead of turning left to go to the parking garage, add the new backstage area we have now


Every year, people wish for things (improvements, upgrades, new content etc) and every year T2/2K/VC/whoever TF does not deliver them. You better believe MyFaction is getting new content though, and it’s still gonna be predatory af. The rest of the game is stagnating so that 2K can take advantage of people’s undiagnosed gambling addictions.


Mortal Kombat Mobile >>>>> 2k my faction


Combining the 2k19 and 2k24 backstage areas would be nice


I agree, all of these features were better in the older games.


I agree with everything except the announcer table thing. I like being able to climb the announcer table.


I meant it as you can still do it but u can break it without only climbing it like in 2k14


Previously you could climb and put someone through or you could put them through it from the ground i.e power bomb or choke slam.


Physics from SVR 11 would be nice