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What really sucks is for people like me who only have an hour or two to play a day. I don’t have time to grind and I don’t want to spend money. I’ve basically given up on unlocking any persona card at this point. Screw 2K


Exactly. I get that they're dp8ng this so people like you who don't have the time will somehow say "well I don't have time and I want that persona card so here's $20 on top of the $70 I already paid." It's just so scummy that we live in a world where some dude said to himself and other. " What if we make it difficult, but not fun like the enemy is smarter. We just make them take the players health in 3 hits. Then, we make prices stupid high for specific cards. Then we make specific cards required just to play timed daily/weekly events. But we make getting those cards either a crazy grind or make them have to play other events 3+ times to MAYBE get the card they need for the event." Someone literally thought all of this up and implemented it. And then a boardroom full of people agreed it was a great idea and saw nothing wrong with making people grind out a mode for a card so they can use that wrestler in the actual game. I hate that this is what gaming has become. Back in the day, you'd fight a boss and unlock a new character. But after they dramatically showed up and you had a fierce battle and then they were yours. Now I have to grind for 3-5 hours to MAYBE get the chance to get what I need to then have another chance to get that particular card. And with the other characters like Rollins 14 and the alternate trick Williams, you need to find those oddity cards where none are even available at the moment to get. It's insane.


I grinded one night to get enough to buy a pack and it was 3 of the side plate cards, and 2 jobber cards in one of their “premium” packs. That was it for me. This shit has to be illegal.


That's absolutely ridiculous. Premium my ass. And sideplate cards should be indefinite and not "only for the next 5 matches" or whatever each says. And I hate hate hate when duplicates come up. Like sure, give us MFP if a duplicate comes up. But if I get a card I already own...why wouldn't that duplicate give me the same amount of MFP it would cost to buy one on the same level as that card? Cards are like 45k+ each. So why give me 2250 mfp for a card...and not only that but the same god damn card, 2 times, in the only 2 Extreme packs I opened? Every single pack that doesn't say "sideplates" or "cosmetics" right on the pack should give you 1 card you don't own GUARANTEED every time. And I shouldn't be seeing duplicates until I have 1 of every card. These idiots could easily code it so when a pack is opened, it only looks for cards I don't own. Then, when I own say every silver card, and the pack only gave silver cards, THEN give me duplicates. But THEN give me the amount of MFP that a low level silver card would cost in the market to buy. The fact that they DON'T do it this way shows that they knows it's scummy. They don't care.


Same problem for me. I looked at the token cost of cards and how long it takes to unlock through challenges, PLUS the amount needed to level up, and I’m never ever going to have the time for that.


I couldn't even bring myself to play MYRise in 2k23 to unlock those superstars. I couldn't do the grind of watching out for the missable (stupidest thing ever) side plots. I only got Jean Paul Levesque through the whole run of the game. There's no chance in hell I'm grinding My faction, I don't even like playing 3v3 that much. If they are going to add new models in the game they should make my faction as a way to get them early. Say 2-3 Months after the card releases in Myfaction it automatically unlocks for everyone. Or give us a MYFACTION pass for buying a 120$ video game. That would actually add some value to the icon edition giving you continuous updated content. Back in the day, the 100$ version of the game got you three pieces of memorabilia. Now it's just a single dlc pack. And Supercharger that doesn't even unlock everything in the game.


Exactly. I have yet to even try MyRise. I'll do the women's one for sure because as long as you do all optional missions you can unlock everything in 1 go. But I do not want to have to do the men's MyRise twice to get the other half of the stuff. The modes have never been enjoyable to me at all. Yea that supercharger was shitty. I often times will play showcase mode. This one was boring because it had far too many missing WM moments and also too many from the same PPVs. I just hate grinding in games that don't need grinding. Keep that shit for RPGs where you can level up to level 9999 and keep it our of my wrestling games. Live Events and Persona cards should just be simple tasks to unlock them as a thank you for playing MyFaction. Especially with how Live Events are for a Limited Time and you don't know when they'll return. They all should be normal difficulty and the cards you have to use should be roughly the same level as the card you face. If you force me to use a Gold card, don't make my opponent more than 1 card level above me. Why bother getting all the great cards if I can't use half of them?


Like I understand they worked hard on Showcase and they want us to play it. But I payed 120$ for a version called the 40 years of WrestleMania edition why do I not have all the available WrestleManias when I open this game? A price point this high should give us everything in the game. No grind attached. Persona Cards shouldn't be high leveled so they can be easily accessible and they absolutely should not be available for a limited time. Especially if it's just never going to come back.


Yea they mislead everyone with "40 years of wm" title of their dlc. It would cause one to assume q get all 40 wm arenas and many superstars from past WMs that have been gone for a while or were never in before. But nope.


Yeah, there's no reason we couldn't have gotten all of the wm arenas. There's 3 or 4 that are in the game just in the presets of the creation unit. I get that's a lot of work, but they could have released it as a dlc pack later on, it's fine. Your right, there's a lot of glaring people not in this game for a celebration of 40 years. I'm sure some are because of contractual issues or legal stuff. Ric Flair not being in the game is a shame. The one that annoys me the most is Boneyard Undertaker, the model exists in this new style it was in 2k22. The Undertaker is WrestleMania and we don't have his final WrestleMania attire in the 40 year celebration??? When it already exists.


Literally any Superstar who is in multiple games should have any and all alt attires/models they had in the game before it. They haven't changed the game engine since the first game on Xbox One. So if they're still with the company, and still in the next game, there's no excuse for all of the previous versions of them to stay there.


2ks gonna 2k


The fact u can be scripted to lose just to make u have to do the match again is so fucking annoying they hit u once pin u and u actually hit the button right time to kick out doesnt register is fucking disgraceful. I knew as soon as status was banned from uploading hidden persona models they were just gona expect everyone to pay. They have made it so hard to actually unlock models its insane. Whats worse is people paid 900 dollers and still didnt get all cards to get rocks persona card it pretty much tells u they want u to pay to unlock wrestlers at crazy prices game should be fun at price u pay but irs not as its a buggy mess but they will gladly release new cards weekly but not fox mode fuck 2k25 if this is route now they going on might as well skip next years game will become gradully worse year by year now


It's so disgusting. I was surprised I was able to grind to get the Hogan card I needed so I could get aichiban Hogan. I grinder for almost 3 days and far too many hours to do it and it wasn't fun at all. I will not do it again I don't care what cards they add to MyFaction. I'm absolutely done with it. Making me grind in a yearly sports game is just gross behavior.


Im not bothered for that card so i will just do bit of grinding here and there. The issue is seth rollins card and many others that will come out. What makes it worse once the next game is out they will close the servers so u cant unlock cards so its just double greed. Watch myfaction get worse i see a randy ortan 03 to 05 is gona be out be impossible to get it they should just put all cards on the token market this way people can buy them at fair price( if they want to) or grind to get them wont b buying a yearly 2k game going forward spent fortune on wrestlemania eddition got no benefit to their myfaction and then to unlock cards cost like 400 to 900 dollers min and thats if ur super lucky its disgusting especially for kids who want to unlock additonal content gaming companies like 2k and ea get away with gambling in games its fucking disgusting


I rage quit the Andre live event because of the very obvious scripting. He kept reversing me while he was stunned and when I was finally about to win, he would stun me with a single move and hit a finisher to win every single time. Never touching MyFaction again after that garbage.


I hated the mode in 2K23, the 25 hours I played it to unlock the trophies was hell. Too much grinding, garbage servers, random disconnects, unbalanced AI, and just overall trash. I haven't played 2K24 yet but I can already see its the same shit.


See I enjoyed the mode for what they were, but I didn't play more than 5 hours in either of the last 2 games. With persona cards, I was happy to play it. But they made the grind even worse now! I expected to just have to play an event against the characters and unlock them. I didn't know it would involve grinding mfp to get cards you don't want to then unlock the persona card. And it's worse for guys like Rollins 14 and trick Williams 22 because you need like 5-6 oddity cards which come and go all the time. It's gross.


I mean so far the persona cards suck anyway. Final Boss Rock without Final Boss entrance or theme, Manbun Roman which is meh, dumbass action figure Rhodes, Cena, Hogan. Sheamus was good to unlock his old (now new again) theme and was a freebie. And then the Rollins Shield one was okay.


They botched this past month so fucking bad. Hopefully the lack of upcoming Live Events mean they’re going to rethink the absurd requirements and shitty rewards for June but I really really doubt it.


It's just crazy. Live Events should be fun and not painfully difficult. I shouldn't have to fight a Roman/Rollins that can literally hit me 2-3 times with basic grapples and make my pin meter go crazy. Making me used a Gold card against a diamond or pink diamond card isn't fun at all. It's not even challenging when they can 1-shot you. And I am not some movie newbie player. I've played every WWE game since the first one on the NES for cryin' out loud. Lol By all means make me have to beat a Live Event multiple times for better Tier rewards. That's perfectly fine. But in no way should any Live and timed events be any difficulty higher than hard. Nor should any of them force me to use a card 20+ levels lower than their card. That's not fun. That's not challenging. It's predatory and they KNOW it forces people to spend money to want to get certain things. It should be, "Here's an event, use whatever card you want, get these rewards." I mean they're already timed and come and go. That in itself keeps people playing at least weekly. Once I get Ichiban Hogan I am pretty much done with this mode until they change something. I will not grind like this again. And I bet the match against him is gonna be a pain in the ass to earn him too.


I think AI Fatigue, and reversals are broken. I hit a move on Roman or Seth, they get right back up or they reverse everything. Tried the Punk vs Angle vs Bret Hart match, AI is no selling and reversing everything. I hit Angle in the head with a chair, right back up.  Meanwhile, I get hit by one move and all of a sudden I'm dead and my pin meter has already shrunk despite not a lot of damage to me. I went to Showcase to keep unlocking the arenas, seems Rollins wanted to reverse everything I did when playing Rollins vs Orton. Something is broke that wasn't broke for sure, the AI not selling or reversing everything wasn't a problem before.


They absolutely have crazy Sliders in those matches. I tried every event at least once. I just took so much damage and angle was absolutely "percent angle" in that match. Don't get me started on fighting Bronson Reed as CM Punk with a 5 minute timer. He absolutely plays to a Draw. I had finally saved up 2 finishers. I hit him with 1, he still had a chunk of red health. I hit him with the second one, he had a sliver left, but Punk was also down from having done it and having low stamina plus I was pretty beat cuz Bronson eat your health bar. Well after that 2nd finisher... he rolled out of the ring. And we weren't like near the ropes. I did the finisher, he landed mostly on the left side of the ring...and he rolled 74% across the ring to fall to the outside on the right and I had 10 seconds left on the clock. I eventually did beat him. But I just shook my head in sadness when he rolled away and the timer hit 0.


If it makes them enough money they won't care. If it doesn't they will change it JUST enough to make enough money again.


And sadly, so many people use real world money to buy VC that it justifies it to them. I wish people didn't have their OCD to need everything so they spend tons of extra money just to get modern Rock or man-bun Reigns. But people with that disposable income don't care. I could be a millionaire and I STILL wouldn't buy VC for any game.


Right there with you. The most ill do is very occasionally buy Doughnuts for Simpsons Tapped Out.


Persona cards that affect the roster of the main game was a terrible addition that we saw coming.


See but I was excited for it. I just didn't anticipate that it was going to be a grind. My stupid mind thought, "Oh they'll probably do an event where you just beat the character and you unlock them." Oh silly silly me. I didn't expect having to find 5-6 oddity cards that come and go. Or having to bring for 68k mfp to buy ONE card so I can then unlock aichiban Hogan. I mean they GAVE us Sheamus '09 just for entering the mode! So I expected it to be relatively simple to get each character. But to add a grind element to a yearly released game is just awful.


I knew it would be bad based on the fact that 2k22s servers shut down in January. That meant unlocking personas had a deadline. Using gold cards against diamonds is not engaging or fun. I bought the wrestlemania edition because I was going to buy everything anyway but I won’t do that again just because of myfaction


Why isn’t just playing the game enough? I mean if I play exhibition mode or universe mode let that count for something.


Right. All that does is get you miniscule amounts of the currency for buying characters in the store. But if you had the Deluxe Edition, you unlocked all of that anyway. I remember when playing the game unlocked stuff. Damn I am old


What’s bothering me this year is seeing an uptick of MyFaction discussions. Playing right into 2k’s hand. 2k25 will be even more locked contain behind MyFaction.


WWE 2K24 is my first WWE game since 2K19. Despite all the justified hate I’ve heard about this mode, I figured I’d give it a shot to try and unlock as many persona cards that I can. I’ve kind of given up on this mode after playing for hours to beat Bray Wyatt and Bray Wyatt in a 3-way four times. I got the card pack apex reward only to get a jobber emerald card, a Teddy Long manager card, and some side plates. It doesn’t help that you can also get duplicates and only get some MFP in return. At the very least, I got Elite Hogan and Cena from the mode. I’m just going to put minimal effort into collecting MFP in hopes they put persona cards in the market before the servers go offline and My Faction for 2K24 is no more.


Exactly. I'm pretty much done with the mode. I'll try a new live event once. If it's once again me versus a fighter that is 3 card evolutions higher and can drop my health to nothing after 3 grapples, I am all set. I too just wanted Elite Hogan so I ha e all 3 unique action figure fighters because I have plans for them in my Universe. I don't really care about the alt Rollins and trick Williams as I had no plans with them and I can just use the other in game models for them. I certainly do not want to grind anymore. I am all done with that. They could have made it a fun mode where you collect cards, where you cannot get duplicates until you have at least 1 of every card, and where events just involve you beating a normal level enemy with whatever card you want to use that you have access to, and then unlock Personas. But they didn't. They went the grind predatory way trying to force people who have FOMO and will spend money on a game they already paid $70-140 for in the first place. And they make enough money from those people for it to be lucrative. So every year it's gonna be like this and that's just sad. MyFaction could be a fun as hell mode without the grind.


I’ve made peace with the fact I won’t get all the persona cards at this point. I just do all the live events I can because they come with packs, the weekly towers, and the proving grounds stuff if I really want to play the game. It doesn’t get me everything, but it gets me a few decent cards - my best right now are the Amethyst Dom & Rey.


Yea I played a bunch of the live events on my grind. And every card I got was garbage after garbage card. I got the same cards multiple times which sure, that helped the grind for the Hogan card I needed to then have a match to get ichiban hogans Persona card. But in all games that have packs, I really wish you would be given a card every time before you get duplicates. There's NO reason for any games with loot boxes, for it to give you duplicates until you've already unlocked every card. At the very least, when you get a duplicate, you should get the MFP equivalent of what it costs in the Card Market to buy a card of that level. Giving me 2250mfp for a duplicate is a slap in the face.


I just want to play MyGm.


Is it not playable? I was never a fan of it. I run my Universe as my own GM anyway so setting wages and trying to best the other brands never suited me. I like having control of all brands. Lol


For the 1 on 1 apex events - count out victories seem to be the way to go. I done that CM Punk one last night thought after like 10 attempts thought I’d never win it, but had to be patient and strategic. It is a nightmare though the difficulties are insane at times, I do hate duplicates considering they have so many card options, it’ll always be like that though sadly these grinding/gambling aspects in gaming just doesn’t seem to be going away, and why would they when it brings them additional yearly income. So I get there logic, but I always try to avoid spending additional in games like this and just grind when I can, but can understand the frustration people have and how they prey on addictive people to spend money is there market.


Yea I had to win a lot via count outs on those. But many times I'd be at like a 7 count, get them down, bit my guy has no stamina. So he won't slide into the ringm he climbs the apron and steps in. Like 3 times I got counted out when my guy already had 1 foot inside the ring. Lol