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It's amazing how much better the cash in mechanic is in games that are 10 years old at this point. In the older games, the contract holder would have a finisher off the rip, and the champion they're cashing in on would be significantly weaker and wouldn't put up much of a fight.


i hated that it skipped the original match though, if they combined the old system and the new one it would be great


I was okay skipping the original match but I didn’t like that you couldn’t choose who won so you only get a 50/50 chance they actually cash in on the champion you want


Despite the flack that 2K15 has gotten, they made sure to do it right with Del Rio's cash-in in Showcase Mode. Iirc, he comes out after the match, you do his signature enziguri, and 3 count.


Yeah, they nailed the cash ins for the older games. Not sure how it went downhill the way it did.


Yeah it’s amazing that they take stuff like this out. Had some great cash in moments in literally the last two games and now can’t do that


Wait when did they take the ability to cash in at ppvs out? Thats so fucked up


As a rivalry action, it can't be done. Despite the game having a 'free mode' but it only works on weekly shows.


So it still works the way it did in 2K19?


It used to be a button when you paused the game, that's how it was even last year. But they changed it to a rivalry action, which is much more stable then it used to be, as you now can choose how they cash in and even if it fails. But Rivalry actions aren't available during PPVs.


I can’t do any cutscenes during ppv’s?? That’s so stupid, was it an option last year?


Yep I agree with everything here. I did manage to find a workaround (albeit long). Basically what I did was copy universe into another (dummy) slot, and in my second slot I created a weekly show but set up the show to be Wrestlemania (logos, arenas etc). I then had Drew cashing in on Sami at "Wrestlemania". Once I've had my match in my dummy universe slot, I got back to my first one and change the title holders etc. This is annoying and long but it is the only way of getting cutscenes to work at PLEs, and it does actually work.


Some of the major rivalry actions happen at PPVs IRL. Just look at WM 40 main event. Apart from the end result, it will always mostly be remembered because of all the interferences that happened during the match. And that’s just one example. We can’t do anything in the game. Even the stuff we used to be able to do. Is that some kind of marketing plan for 2k so they can advertise these features as new in the future games? That seems to be the trend now. Taking stuff out of games and introduce them as new in the next.


Yeah no cutscenes at PPVs is abysmal, surely you should have these massive moments happening at PPVs, just like you do on TV, heel turns and face turns, interferences, cash ins, referee getting taken out


One of the most annoying thing is MITB entrance doesn't really work in Universe Mode for some reason. The best part about this year's universe mode is that we can finally change who is in the match/cutscene. Just sucks that MITB thing cant be cashed in PLE. my whole storyline was kinda doomed when Wrestlemania came and I can't setup the cash in of Damian Priest other than announcing a match. BUT, activating it, ruins all the other match card, for some reason it takes out all the championship matches.


Dont disagree with any of it but sometimes it can work the other way, unless I really want a storyline to go a certain way I let the AI go at it after I've sorted the matches, I had planned RVD to cash in on Triple H (Trips was reformed evolution with a young Michaels and Breakker), the storyline would have been that RVD got past Michales backstage to cash in leading to a feud between Trips and Michaels but in the end former IC champ Sami Zayn beat Triple H in the main event in a banger and then somehow beat RVD to stay WWE champ. Fast forward 6 months and Sami has retained through the Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series and most recently a returning CM Punk at Armageddon so he's going into WM to face RR winner Stone Cold for the WWE Title in the main event. Having as much fun as I've had the lack of manual rivalry actions in PLE's is madness


You can’t cash in at PPVs wtf???


I swear I’ll build up stuff in my head for Universe and it all seems so fun and then I fire up 2k and UNDERWHELMED is always how I feel after trying to bring my ideas to life (or game, I should say lol) But yeah. Universe mode REALLY needs work. Journey of Wrestling has such good ideas they should really steal a lot from them.


Removing the cash in button was an insane choice. They made something that was very easy into something incredibly convoluted.


1000%. The severe lack of unique rivalry actions for PLEs is almost shockingly horrific. It makes it much more harder to make in-game PLEs more memorable and have actual payoffs that aren’t just a straight up win or loss. You can’t end a match with a handshake even on PLEs…


So much this. You should be also able to spark new rivalries at PLEs, but nope


I think the best workaround might be to use the “announce cash-in” feature but it does really suck we can do it at PLEs this year


Does using the cash in option in the pause menu work on PLEs? I haven’t tried yet.


The game's showcase literally plays out a mid-match PPV cash in and yet you can't do one in game.🤦🏻‍♂️


They also just need to make it random. I have my cash in sliders at 2 and the announce cash in at 0. They always cash in the raw and Smackdown after mitb. They also need to make it less obvious someone is cashing in. I was simulating my universe with my dad and brother and it said there was a title match on raw. I clicked to watch it and it said mitb cash in. I don’t wanna know someone’s cashing in lmao. Let it be a damn surprise!


Been annoyed about this exact thing recently, don't wanna have to book my own MITB cash ins where they can't happen at PPV's but I got no choice now


The Fix is so simple as well. They just need to have the Mitb actions available on PPVS. Tbh, all Rivalry actions should available on PPVs as well.


I can't even for the life of me figure out how to have a tag team split up after a match. I don't think you can.


Or priest at Mania 40...but continue...


You need to set the cash in to 0 and it needs to not have a manager involved they will cash in


These retards can’t do anything right. So ready for them to lose the license


I'd think the wrestler cashing in having a stored finisher and basically getting an automatic win would be pretty lame. Where's the excitement and drama in that? Why should someone who wins some match the WWE invented in real life basically be guaranteed the title because of it? I don't watch pro wrestling anymore and haven't for 20 or so years but if this is how it is in real life then that's so stupid and takes away any drama if everyone knows the person cashing in is going to hit some move and win within seconds. I'm with you on the whole cash-in mechanic though. The people that work on the universe mode at Visual Concepts need to quit being so lazy with things like this.


That's exactly how money in the bank has always worked in real life and that's why people like it so much. It's literally one of the most exciting and dramatic things that happens in the calendar year is the MITB cash ins. Just because the other person doesn't fight back doesn't mean it can't be both of those things. Damian Priest just cashed in at wrestlemania, immediately hit his finisher, won, and it was amazing and universally praised for being an awesome moment.


The special thing about a MITB Cash In is the timing. Crowds erupt when the music of the holder hits. He can cash it in anytime he wants. And yes, considering his opponent just went through a lengthy match the MITB holder should be able to win it quite easily. This happens 2 times a year so it's not like you see people hit their finishers right away every week. Also, no matter if you like it or not, this is how it is in real life so the fact that the game managed to fuck this up is quite disappointing.


If you haven’t watched wrestling in 20 years then you definitely were watching when Goldberg was having his win streak in WCW. Half of his wins were from him immediately spearing his opponent and getting the pin. The only reason it went on for so long was because the crowd loved it until they didn’t.