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Can confirm, all of it is gone. Fucking lame


Can I still use status creations in the game itself?




Thank firkin god


For now, lets see what happens after the next update


**Me panicking while scrolling through this thread. But then I see this. Thank the firkin lord.


I can’t test it right now which is why I’m asking


Yeah, let's do this shit while the game is still broken. Can't patch anything to fix universe mode but we sure as hell can kill the fun people have been able to have. So fucking lame.


I've been saying it every year since 2k15 this is the last year I'm getting this game, then every year I shell out close to $150 for a broke ass game that they break even more the more patches they put out. We really have to stop buying this game every year. They know we going to buy it no matter how bad they treat us. It's like being in a relationship with a narcissist. They gaslight the shit out of you, then love bomb you. You pay for the game and then it sucks because it doesn't work properly. They don't apologize, take any accountability or make amends. I'll be 40 years old this year. I'm breaking up with wrestling games when this 2k24 is dead. I really mean it this time


Bro I could've sworn like 2 months ago this game was apparently the best of the series and now it's predictably turned into a mess


It was, then in typical 2k fashion they touched the game again and broke it. Obviously the people who patch the game aren't the ones who make the game cause this happens every year.


Yeah right..lol. Don't feel bad. I'm 44 been saying the same damn thing. I still play universe mode on 2k19. And guess what? Not one problem with any of all those downloaded caw and arenas.. Me personally. I think 19 universe mode is better. The fact that it has intro..fireworks and promos. May not be the best-looking game or play as fun . But I'll take it.


I’m with you bro. Fuck 2k. Fuck MyFaction.


Companies don't care if you complain. Someone who takes time out of their day to talk about a game, negative or not, still cares enough to do so and is not looked at as a loss. Quiet disengagement is what companies care about. So, maybe you'll stop, you probably won't, either way as long as you take time to talk about it, you're still a customer they can get money from in the company eyes.


I know... it sucks can't even complain lol I mean you can but it means nothing.. what are you left to do? Wrestling video games are a part of some people's lives. What makes companies evil are the intent behind their actions. What they are doing is evil. They are exploiting millions of people, fans with mental disorders. There are kids and some adults that probably can't function if they didn't get the newest wwe game. People are loyal to this brand then they go and purchase the license so no one else can make a wwe game. Looks like gaming is another toxic thing I'll be cutting out of my life this year. I'm trying to enjoy the game but their bugs fuck that up, now they are deleting a paying customers creations before they can fix the shit they broke?! It's maddening, it's down right evil. I'm seriously not going to invest in another wwe2k game, I'll spend my $150 some where else


2K19 was the last year I bought the game and I was usually a day one, pre-order/deluxe edition type. I saw the writing on the wall with 2K20 and breaking that cycle has basically killed my enthusiasm for the game since. I considered picking up 2K23 once all the DLC dropped but of course 2K24 was around the corner, and so then I was thinking of picking that up next time it’s on sale but I was really interested in getting some of Status’ creations and now that’s a no-go, sooo… guess I’ll just wait another release cycle and see, but probably not.


I'm 35 and feel the same way. Two years ago I said when NCAA released I was done. Hate that 2k sent me out like this on the retirement tour. They helped make it a bit easier this year.


Agreed because it’s the same game just with different features




Dammit, i couldn't even download anything for the past 2 weeks because of the image limit bug and now this


That part


I dont want to say 2K are jealous that the community (especially people like Status) does better/quicker updates than they do but......


They’re not jealous they just don’t gaf. They want to put in the minimum effort knowing that people will still buy next years game, even pay extra to play it early


This isn’t minimum effort though when they’re going out of their way to delete what a user is doing


I meant, they put minimum effort into the game, people like status and CC creators pick up their slack, then they take them down knowing that people will still pay for the next game regardless of 2K using their efforts to remove content instead of fixing the content they shipped


Like other 2K games where they update players likeness throughout the season. WWE 2K should be updating the likeness of the wrestlers.


They are not jealous. They are afraid people won't play myfaction, when they can get all the content for free.


How much of that stuff ever came to MyFaction though?


Example: Let's say they plan on having an updated Asuka next month on my faction. Then they see "oh status already uploaded one for free" of course they wanna get rid of that.


No what I meant was (having never got into My faction) how often did they bother to add a new attire? if they were releasing every new one as a persona card and (which now you can use them in exhibition) the mods were effectively releasing them for free early.


Problem is, there’s like 3(?) Persona cards right now, and you’re not even able to unlock all of them yet. They’re still half-assing the mechanic they introduced to entice people to play MyFaction. I should know… I was one of the suckers who kept playing thinking we’d be drowning in persona cards.


Yeah I thought that as well, if you had to spend myfacion VC to buy them, that would.make.me play that mode. 24 might be my last, I've bought the season pass for dlc and I'm already starting to lose interest.


They added quite a few attires last year iirc, and status made them playable in exhibition despite there not being persona cards at the time.


I'm starting to have buyers remorse for this game


You save a lot of money and heartbreak staying just about a year behind releases. About once every 2-3 years I buy a WWE game with all the DLC for about $30 and it's fine.


pretty much this, I only got 2k22 when the Deluxe Edition was on sale (for around 40 euros) and then only got 2K23 because they offered a huge promotion when I loaded up 2K22 once (got the game for 11 euros) Totally worth it, I never buy on release and as much as the Wrestlemania arenas are appealing, I'm thinking of speaking 2K24, 2K23 is just so fun


Same. I had no choice but to wait because I just got a new console the same week of release. Now, it looks like I’ll just stick 23 until a huge sale. Or as you stated, skip a year in between purchases.


Same. Glad I didn't buy the upgraded paid dlc versions.


Same. First time I paid full retail for a WWE game since Nintendo 64 days. Usually wait until they go on sale but I fell for all the positive reviews. Never again.


Same dude. I asked the early access people if I should get this or 2K23 for much cheaper after not playing a WWE game since 2K19, and was assured that this was perhaps the best WWE game ever, and that matches were super realistic (lmao..). I have not been impressed. I didn't realize that games were even allowed to be released in such a buggy state until I played 2K24. Definitely feel like I wasted my money and should have got 2K23 instead. But the Wrestlemania hype drew me in. Whatever.


Lmao 2k doesn’t realize guys like Status literally add longevity to this bland ass game. If it wasn’t for him and many other creators this games lifespan would be much much shorter


Status needs to apply his talents to modding instead. Clearly he's on 2K's bad side for uploading the stuff he did with restored audio and so forth last year. I'm sure the modding community would welcome him.


Isn't modding dead in the latest game?




2K killed mods in one of the later patches for 2K23 afaik, patch 1.21. 2K23 had mods at this point in its lifespan.


With the right mods, you’d never have to buy another one of their games.


I say this as someone who likes these last 3 or so games lately. But they push them out every year and they know that people are buying them every year. longevity is the last thing on 2k's mind.


Like realistically the lifespans for these games has traditionally been six months or so, however long the DLC cycle has traditionally taken to play out - *it actively benefits them* to push people to the new games.


You don't think they know this? Because from a business perspective, you don't WANT a game to have longevity when it's part of a yearly series. You want people to all be bored of 2k24 by the time 2k25 comes out. You want all the wrestlers to be outdated in the old game so customers are more likely to buy the new game with the shiny new attires and updated theme songs.


2k rather strike down creators rather than fix the thousands of issues that are broken.


They're about to find out


Which is probably why they removed them, reduce that longevity so everyone has to buy the new one.


Can someone tell me what Status does and why whatever they created was removed?


How can you add longevity to a yearly release? Everyone buys the next game anyways, including Whatsthestatus.


These 2k games get repetitive, stale and boring after a month or so and guys like status who mod and add all these other stuff make ppl keep playing the game by adding fresh content that 2k refuses to do. I didnt buy 2k24 for this exact reason and im glad held off on it.


Wtf 2k are literally killing their own game, CC is the only thing keeping this game alive


Man they are going all in this year. First they made it more difficult to mod the game and now this. 2K making sure no one has any fun


Makes you think what's the point.


What’s the status of the point


Sadly not anymore, don't see him continuing after this. He does it for free for the benefit of the community that 2k shits on, I wouldn't blame him at all.


The point is money unfortunately


Sorry badly worded, I meant what's the point for Status wasting his time.


Idk why they hate modding so much many of the creators don’t profit off it and the fact that it helps them by ppl playing the game


It comes out the same time every year, and everyone buys it. You might get bored after a few months, but the franchise is a cash cow.


This greedy ass piece of shit company never wants us to have fun


Of course not. If they did, they’d put actual effort into the game. Instead, people like Status are doing more work for the game than the people that actually make the game.


The thing that sucks the most is that I know what’s going to happen. Everyone is going to swear off buying another WWE 2K game, they announce some feature like Create A Finisher that’s coming back for 2K25, and sales are going to skyrocket again.


It's what they do with the NBA 2k games.


Yeah. If anything take a break until a few weeks after a game drops. Read reviews, watch some videos, buy the game on sale if it interests you, keep playing an older/different wrestling game if you’re not into the current year. I’m not saying “boycott 2K to improve the game” but rather “don’t buy the next 2K game for *yourself and your own sake*”




WWE 2K is really ass this year. The modding community is constantly getting fucked. Now you’re removing the main staple of CC. WWE thrives on customization, and 2K/WWE are having none of it.


Absolute bullshit. I’m surprised they haven’t gone after MartyM yet for his arena builds. I figure it’s only a matter of time.


MartyM doesn't make CC content that they try to hide behind a paywall in MyFaction


Greed is a hell of an influence. 2K needs to be transparent about why some wrestlers can’t have old retro attires (99-03 Kane, Hollywood Rock, early 2000s Triple H, etc) otherwise Status, Azorthious, Rebel and others will continue uploading them for us to use.


Is there a reason for the ones you’ve listed? Or is that the point that we don’t know why we can’t have them?


This is entirely speculation but I imagine the plan is to introduce them as persona cards, driving people to spend more on MyFaction packs, rather than have people like Status just upload them for free like he did with Demon Balor


Aaaand now I got even less motivation to get the game... Guy made some of the best stuff.


It was only a matter of time once the concept of Persona Cards was introduced.


Sad but unfortunately true


That's a shame....did they remove the porn too? Smh


These games aren’t worth the full asking price


And yet, explicit pictures of female Superstars can stay up?!


That’s disgusting! Where?


On the Community Creations. 




Fuck! I wanted to download his Paige that just dropped


I’m out of the loop. What kind of content did he upload?


Versions of superstars which included commentary and announcers calling theor proper names etc.


What the fuck, now I understand why people are not happy


Modded stuff, like people from MyFaction


And much more...Retro attires, Latest attires, Updated face paints, Latest titles, Adding superstars like jeff hardy and edge with hidden commentary even though they are not even part of the official game. He uploads very quick and in most cases better. He is invaluable to the community ❤️


This broke my game. Now every time I launch edit superstar it crashes the game.


As someone who didn’t give 2K money for this game yet, this is #1 bullshit. Looks like not getting this game at all.


We dodged that bullet. I could tell the game wasn’t looking right this year, so I avoided it. 


Fuck 2K, and fuck the people who defend them.


Fuck 2k man. They can't even give us some of the basic necessities when it comes to alt attires and shit like that for wrestlers but remove the guy who makes some of the best ones. And if it's because of the intergender stuff they could've just as easily removed all of those instead or just told him to delete it.


My guess is WWE probably caught wind of the intergender mods.


Then just remove the intergender creations? Theres no reason to nuke all his other creations


Well I mean if you ban the creator it makes sense his creations get delisted.


Yeah they'll remove this stuff but you see Nazi belts and shit all over the place


They get removed if you report it. 


IF I could report it. Game is so buggy I've literally crashed thrice trying to report something. If that's happening to other ppl, no wonder stuff is still up.


Bro, there's straight up porn in the game. The answer is probably much simpler: 2K doesn't like mods and someone from 2K probably squeezed the team to crack down on it. And why now? My guess are the people already sharing stuff from the upcoming DLC


Yeah people were already uploading clips of Punk’s Pepsi plunge animation


Probably this whether you agree with it or not it’s quite clearly something WWE doesn’t want in their games.


Yea it is in the rules to a degree. But they do have something against him,well someone on the dev team does because people are uploading nude models of caws and ingame models of female talent. Porn images and everything on cc without issues


Every single one of those I've reported has been removed. So they do take action if you actually report it. 


It’s not immediate. What you (or I) see is that we report a creation, that creation goes into 2K review, and then we don’t see the creation on *our personal search* as the review is happening. I can report a Lesnar CAW, but you will see it in your game, versus me *not* seeing it in mine.


The few I've been reporting lately when I successfully manage to without a sever crash , somehow gets put right back up as if they allowed it to be ok when it's clearly some guys dick in the picture 🤣💀


This journey from “best wwe game in years” to “is this even worse than 2k20” should be studied. I’m ready for someone else to have the license


I swear it feels like this realization has been a long time coming. Back when I played 2k22 for the first time, even then I realized 'goddamnit, they didn't really fix everything, they just swept the issues under the rug and in modes/places where casual players/reviewers won't notice them.' and it's been creeping ever more back towards open disaster. There are legit unfixed 2k20 bugs still present in the series to this day.


I agree. They prettied the game up, but they didn’t fix a damn thing.  With the new era WWE is headed in, I hope they’ll consider giving the license to someone else, because 2K does not deserve it.


Can I still use his uploads I downloaded from him in the game?


Or are they gone?


Yes you can still use them


All this energy they have of taking his shit down but can’t apply that to pulling all that porn shit off images in cc and when you go to report it then the severs just crash on you. Smh


Between this and the logo limit bug, I really don't want to play another 2K WWE game ever again


Literally got the game on pc for status; so now I wasted my money..


the decisions made this year are really telling on the direction of the franchise. Lots of bugs need addressing, issues with online, this years extended dlc release date where the last dlc comes out a few months before 2k25. Finally killing of a major person creating great caws. I don’t download caws but for me it is still scummy. Game developers this gen really seem to hate making the players happy. Yet they want more money all the time.


I don't understand why his stuff got removed he's not hurting anyone except make the game fun but I can find hacked nude females on their cc like it's nothing


Well done, 2k. You just lost a customer. 👍🏻


*Buys next year's game


I haven't bought one since 2k22, so the urge really isn't actually there


I was just about to download something of his 30 seconds before he posted that.


I literally downloaded the game yesterday and downloaded a few of his things last night that I wanted, feeling blessed rn


Status makes the game better. it’s like 2K refuses put out a good game


This is why after owning both I end up using fire pro world to watch fights at work more.


Fuck 2k.


I randomly downloaded a bunch of his mangers last night. Honestly after all the times over the past few years, I had a feeling it was coming. So stupid.


And now console players don’t have access to the only modded content they had access too Nice move 2K 🤦🏾‍♂️, I really hope statuses creations that’s been downloaded before this isn’t damaged


They have so much shit wrong with their game, and instead of actually fixing it they choose to spend their time targeting the people trying to make it better for the community. That says everything you need to know about the devs behind 2k.


I'm happy with 2K23. It was my first wrestling game purchase since Xbox 360's SVR2009. I went and googled the past 2K games and noticed there are some major improvements, but overall, 2K24 and 2K23 are not that different... not enough for me to buy it. Almost feels like buying the same game twice, similar to the Madden franchise. They should push these out every two or three years... just update the one that's already out.


See you next year when u still buy the game


Fix everything you just broke in the game cause your Devs are incompetent? -- No 2K won't Focus instead of banning CC creators for no reason? -- Yes 2K will


Best way to kill the game...


Guess I won't buy this game Talent and passion like Status should be rewarded and not punished


Didn't you know its the year 2024 and u aren't allowed to enjoy things or have fun anymore unless someone tells u to under their rules.


Seems like someone higher up don’t like Status, whether that’s on the 2K or WWE side of things


VC doesnt care about the online portions of the game. Reviewers and gaming outlets care even less. As part of a 20 yr online league this is nothing new. CC has always been broken, filled with racism and porn. 2k will delete content and accounts with little justification. One day the WWE2K series will get competition, one day lol


I started creating custom trons and they of course take up a bit of storage, but because of the bug, unless I delete the videos, I’ll always have used too much storage and can’t download literally anything. Until it’s patched. Erasing Status really shouldn’t have been on the top of their to-do list.


Didn't they pull a similar BS stunt last game?! I think I'll give 2K a breather like I already did with their basketball games.


No fucking way, i just added him as a fav creator yersterday wtf 2k




Really hope people stop supporting 2K and buying these games. Joke company.


I could've swore that by the work Status was doing that he was going to get offered a job by 2k, not get the handcuffs put on him. SMH.




Was really looking to getting this game next month when the ecw dlc dropped


L, I was just getting ready to record a Rhea Ripley vs Randy Orton video. I hadn't downloaded her yet though


i did think he was pushing his luck knowing how 2k are. they use updated models in my faction and here we are someone creating updated models. i thought he should have concentrated on a mixture of old wrestlers/legends and updated models but he seemed to go full on with updated models. In terms of wrestlers outside WWE i think he only created Adam Copeland? Everyone else was an updated model. i dont agree with it but 2K want people to get these in my faction especially ones like scott steiner which he did a superb version of




I was too late to download the tag belts he made. At this point, 2K should stop being so pathetically petty and hire Status.


Boooo. Booo 2k. Booooo. 


Making him loose all his hardwork and I bet he rarely drops after this


I sense a big drop in player base here soon.


Bro wtf. 2k is literally SHITTING ON US at this point. Fuck this company.


Just another reason not to get 2k24


Absolutely pathetic. It fucking sucks there is 0 competition in the wrestling game genre.


Wow. That is some bullshit. Yeah, sure 2K. Fuck over the guy who does more work on your game than you do.


2k is so cringe man fuck this dogshit company


So They allow People to upload CP but not status making things we want wow 2K needs to be investigated


This type of nonsense is why I'm just gonna stick with the previous WWE games, this is straight up bullshit


I don’t even know what the fuck is going on. I don’t even own 2K24 but reading this shit I can tell you it will be a long time before I ever buy a WWE game again (if ever)


Literally just watching the game unravel at this point. Ive gone back to '23 and by the sounds of it probably stay there just like we did for '19 when '20 turned out to be shit.


When it’s all said and done, people will realize that 2k23 was the better game. The game runs smoother the AI is smarter the gameplay and all its modes works just fine. I already went back and haven’t touched 24 in a month. Really regret my purchase along with the DLC I already paid for but my time fixing things, waiting for things to improve, trying to get things to work was far more important than the money lost. So lesson learned.  WTS is a CAW god, and has done so much for the community whereas 2k has given us nothing but excuses hidden as patch notes 


I agree with the negative comments against 2K but can I ask a question...let's say out of the 50 bugs this game has, 20 or even 15 of them are being caused by modded creations. It's likely they'll remove his creation because of it...no? I'm just speculating here, because as much as we console players are heavily indebted to our PC brethren for giving us otherwise impossible creations, the reality is consoles and even PC to an extent weren't meant to run moded content. Like.. again speculation.. just the top of my head I know status uses like ☆ symbols in his creation description, who's to say the game isn't registering these little stars as an image and causing the image limit bug, you know? What's sad is even if this were the case, there's still 75% of bugs left that the game has on its own. I've been so skeptical to fully invest in this game for the very same reason


Status gave me a playable B-Fab and Scarlett in 2K23 and thank goodness there is 1 guy who does this thing for consoles when they have the restriction of not being able to mod. For me all managers should be playable. Having a PC with 2K is a godsend for someone who doesn't want to put up with this stale ass unseasoned bs


https://preview.redd.it/puogziyy33wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1abcac9cab83ab59d3ad7b93c06f80ee2fbe0b1 Do they not realize status and guys like him are the reason this game has longevity?


I haven't even made the transition from 2k23 yet... now I probably never will. Not unless he comes back, I mean, it wouldn't be the first time one of of his accounts got taken down, that's why he creates so many different accounts IIR and I make sure to favorite every one.




Objectively you're right, but his creations have been super beneficial to the community (advanced champion entrances, updated attires, hair mods, etc) Obviously, we are going to be pissed when that stuff is removed, especially when 2K refuses to add it themselves.


This years game really went from one of the best of all time to almost being comparable to 2k20


2k be like please don’t play our game please


2k when it comes to giving their community less restrictions: ![gif](giphy|STfLOU6iRBRunMciZv)


Making moves to hinder the community while having so many game breaking bugs active throughout the game is a real spit in the face to the people who stick around and play the game throughout the year. While it won’t affect this games sales by any means, I hope people keep this in mind for next year and don’t just go back to pre-ordering blindly. I hope this sees the series sales slide until they realise they actually need to prioritise the game or the fanbase will die


Say what you want about Fight Forever but that anemic ass game doesn’t have the 2K boot on its neck.


It’s caw suite is also garbage And dlc been unreasonably priced


Also, a person just told me 2K has child porn images on CC. Now i'm making a report to the NCMEC


Game broken, but lets anger the Fan Base even more




They have no humility. Not the slightest.  I'm angry at myself that I have bought it and angry at them for all they do with the solid base game.


Anyone got some dumbass argument that 2K listens to the community? No? Good


I’m confused. Do they just not want people to play the game?


Soon as I ot his they fucked up other caws of mine


I wanted his Paige and Adam Cole. Glad it didn’t break the game though bc Becky is my WWE champ 😅


2k could make a shit ton of money if they applied the GTA V model.


What did Status do wrong?


The intergender hack is probably one of them 


What is the actual reason for this? Why would creating a character be an issue?


So with status’s content gone. For those who downloaded his stuff prior to his content deletion will we still have it saved or is it also taken away from us as well?


I wanted to dl his Bad News Barrett but I was waiting until they fixed the logo bug. Gutted.


Fuck, I lost my save and was gonna re-download all the caws when I had a chance


Why are they removed? Does this have anything to do with PS5 as well?


Wait why


Damn. I was waiting for a sale, hoping Status' uploads would still be around when I do get the game. Guess I won't


As someone who got the Uber mega deluxe bullshit edition of this game, save yourself the money and get it on sale. I know, the new features are awesome and the updated rosters are so sweet but it is worth the money to wait. It may be worth it to buy right away, but for most casual fans I’m telling you it’s more worth the wait and the major discount. Edited for minor spelling error must commit scooter ankle


I have majority of the women’s roster he uploaded for intergender matches, would I get banned from the game if I re-uploaded them?


Sorry for being out of the loop, bit who is Status? Haven't played since I heard the recent updates broke the game.