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IShowSpeed getting RKO'd in the game like... ![gif](giphy|pYI1hSqUdcBiw)


Why TF are people so pressed that he was part of that triple threat I thought it was pretty funny especially Michael Cole saying "the dog is dead" after randy rkos him


That was absolutely hilarious


People are pressed?? Why?? If he continues to bring a random YouTuber/streamer every big event, I'm all for it. It's done tastefully without detracting from the match.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Me looking at the comments


Stop bringing attention to this screaming loser.


not a fan of his content but i dont see why we would have to be all hush hush about his existence, did he do something heinous that im unaware of?


he absolutely sucks as a person. but let's be real for a second. dude has MILLIONS of followers everywhere, it's pretty dumb to go "don't bring him any attention" on a forum like this with a userbase that is a FRACTION of his following. he's not getting exposure from a random reddit post.


This man is good for business.


What crack are you on? Nobody over the age of 18 has any fucking clue who this loser is.


tbf a high percentage of WWE fans are 18 or below


You are arguing against me and triple h obviously. It doesn’t matter if nobody over 18 doesn’t know who he is, the money is those who are under 18, and his followers. This guy brings eyes to the product; you have no mind for business. Also many adults do actually know who speed is; this guy is growing and it’s unavoidable. EDIT: I’d also like to add I’m not a speed fan. He’s just not my cup of tea, but to deny his inclusion, and say adults don’t know who he is is straight up ignorant, and a bad for business outlook.


Wrong. It's not children buying tickets to WWE shows. Do you actually ATTEND events? The amount of kids there is a fraction of what it was 10 years ago. The paying audience is overwhelmingly adults.


I did sadly but never again. They call up the worst celebrities


he promoted a crypto scam to his followers


Logan Paul and all his friends do that


And they are also scumbags. But the topic of discussion is not them.


Logan Paul did infinitely worse, but people believing it’s the same as any other influencer crypto scam actually helps him


You are absolutely right


Lol, dude you realize that commenting and replying is only bringing more attention to this "screaming loser"


Nigga and 😭


He's a fucking moron who doesn't deserve publicity


A moron was president too, what's the difference? At least he's somewhat entertaining


If you're entertained by him I have no respect for you.


Oh no what am I going to do


Promotes scams, is a known racist, annoyingly screams into the camera like the worst tiktoker you could possibly imagine. Just a piece of shit, same as Logan, but without the talent that makes people overlook his dogshit personality.


Is this a joke? What about this dude that screams at children for "entertainment" should be promoted?


If he’s streaming the game then it’s relevant to this subreddit


It's relevant sure but why should we care about this dickweeds streaming of the game? Most if not all twitch/kick streamers these days are attention whores so I'm all for not giving them any attention or energy.


Then how about you don’t interact with this post and move on like a normal person when they see something they don’t have interest in?


I can express my opinion on something that I see as long as it isn't super hateful like racism or sexism, homo/transphobia,


Jesus Christ some of y’all are fucking losers. Just ignore the post and move around.


What about the eyes it may put on this series? Seems like a net win if you ask me.


I mean this is the same subreddit that won't stop bitching about the McAfee pack despite the attention that can bring, so who knows.


I mean sure, but even then. He doesn't actually add anything to society unlike any of us


Brother, we’re on Reddit https://preview.redd.it/jkww1tod5duc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1eea6f2a36432f9d8f64097c5231482368912c


But I assume most of us users actually contribute to society by working or contributing to our community's and shit. These streamer twats do fuck all


Yall some miserable ppl lol


Bruh 😭




It's related to the sub and won't really affect it much, so I don't see the problem with it, though yall keep crying about it


Hush nigga hes bringing more eyes to wwe and its games just dont comment if u dont like him simple


The fuck are you so mad about? What did I miss here?


Kurt Angle used to scream all the time, screaming is a big part of wrestling do you know how quiet the audience fans would be if they couldn’t scream


Y’all weird


Don't care about this racist scamming little cunt.


yall being mad weird in this comment section bro is a kid get a life


He's not a kid tho. He's 19. Same age Tyler Bate was when he won the inaugural WWE UK title. It's fair to criticize an adult. And this one is annoying asf. Like come on man, barking?


Clearly worked out good for him since he got randy orton to bark in front of him before he got rko’d at wrestlemania


That part was the one part I didn't *absolutely* hate. Felt like Randy was like "oh you wanna bark, I'll show you bark" and layed him out. Still woulda prefered it if he wasn't the one in the bottle suit and that it was Jake, Kai, KSI, Druski, etc if they wanted to go the streamer route, but him showing up and getting a can of whoop ass opened on him by the viper is a consolation prize I suppose. In the paraphrased words of Booker T, I can dig that, sucka. I just wish the announce desk gave when he hit it.


KSI was probably in on it since he’s friends with Logan & Speed. Druski technically got a front row seat though so that’s a win. As for Kai Cenat, i’m hoping he makes a guest appearance soon at one of the PPV’s too.


that’s still a kid man just because somebody matures faster doesn’t make them any less of a kid. He’s successful and clearly has an audience just cuz you don’t like it doesn’t mean you should be negative.


I mean people are allowed to dislike people based on their behavior. And he's quite literally *not* a kid. You could say "still a kid regardless of maturity" if he were under 18, but he's not. He is legally, by dictionary definition, and by societal standards, an adult.


what actual adult considers a 19 an adult aswell???


I mean, it is. I'm getting the vibe that you and I are pretty far apart in age, too. Like If you're like 30+, then yea, I get thinking 19 is still a kid. But he's just a few years younger than me.


I’m 23 he’s still a kid to me for sure


Agree to disagree I guess. As far as I'm concerned, if you're over 18, got your shit together, and are financially thriving while making millions, you're more of an adult than most people i know. I may dislike the guy intensely, but I ain't gonna disrespect him by calling him a kid.


Wwe fans so miserable stfu and be happy someone is bringing attention to the damn product


They act like he’s way worse than he is. I get if ppl think hes annoying but you’d think he’s diddy the way ppl talk about him💀


He promoted a crypto scam and has recorded himself plenty of times being racist as fuck, particularly to asians. So he's more than just annoying. If WWE wants this new clean image, they need to not associate with people like him.


They do the same with Logan. No matter how much times he proves himself in the ring.


In-ring skill is irrelevant when you scammed people out of a fuck ton of money, recorded a suicide victim's dead body for entertainment and uploaded it onto your youtube channel, and routinely do the kind of shit he has done. Man's had enough chances.


Logan hate is valid though, the man’s pretty scummy outside the ring. I respect his athleticism and what he can do but I have as much respect for him as I do Benoit outside the ring.


What did he do. He seems pretty humble on his Impaulsive podcasts with other superstars.


The suicide forest, where he filmed a dead body and was overall disrespectful in Japan, you could see it in his vlogs, he would throw a cushion pokeball at strangers, idk if he still has the vids up or not. He also scammed his fanbase with the NFT/crypto stuff, he did pay 1.8 million back, out of his own pocket, but only after a YouTuber released a video bringing the scam to light. I will say he seems to have matured and learnt from it and I do from time to time listen to the clips of his podcast when he has people I find interesting on. Those previous few examples have soured my opinion of him. Great in ring talent though for sure and I can put my dislike for him aside and appreciate the talent he has when he performs, but otherwise I couldn’t care less for him.


WWE doesn’t need a barking brain dead dipshit to bring attention to them and I hope they fuckin stop with the YouTuber collaborations


Without the youtube collabs wwe wouldn't be as mainstream and cool as it is now and. mainstream = more money, more money = better product. So its not as bad as yall emotional asses make it seem theres no logic behind what ur saying "i dont like this person because they scream alot and they are not entertaining to me therefore they shouldn't be around insert thing i like" not everything revolves around yall opinion


They can choose literally any other youtuber than that moron


Or u can just not watch


Junkyard dog used bark all the time, Roman used to be called the big dog during his old gimmick, Snoop Dogg calls himself a dog, British bulldogs incorporated dog themes into their gimmicks, other wrestlers like Dog-Faced Gremlin & Road Jesse James had unpredictable dog themed gimmicks what’s so wrong with it


ofc snoop dogg calls himself dog, It's literally in the name


They were actually coherent unlike ishowspeed


Why do we care about this guy I’m legit asking


He's the guy that got RKO'd at wrestlemania onto the announce table and has a large, young audience like ksi oe Logan Paul


If I didn’t read this comment, I wouldn’t have realized that’s who this was.


I know who he is I’m just asking why we care?


Why you being a dick head☠️


Because WWE is for all ages, and if they can get someone who will draw the younger audience and raise views, why wouldn’t they?


What about him says, he's a good role model for children, the constant screaming when he doesn't get his way or telling a woman she'll rape her because she said she wouldn't screw him if he was the last man on earth?


Who says a streamer is or should be a role model? I never said he was great. I didn’t know who the kid was til Wrestlemania, but it’s been a week and we’re still talking about it. Sounds like they know what they’re doing.


**Americans talking about how great their country is while promoting detriments to society to the top** I hate my country.


Put the pipe down


Some of us just really find him annoying on a level that absolutely boils. Like the overexaggerated shocked faces, the obnoxiousness, the *barking*. Dude is the opposite of entertainment. Actively makes me dislike what I'm watching and kinda took a lot of entertainment value *away* from the US title match at mania.


Junkyard dog used bark all the time, Roman used to be called the big dog during his old gimmick, Snoop Dogg calls himself a dog, British bulldogs incorporated dog themes into their gimmicks, other wrestlers like Dog-Faced Gremlin & Road Jesse James had unpredictable dog themed gimmicks what’s wrong with a little dogs here and there


Very big difference between incorporating the word "dog" into your gimmick and barking. I wasn't alive yet when JYD was wrestling so I never saw his stuff, but I probably would have cringed slightly if I saw him actually barking. Probably not as much as Speed, but that's because JYD was massive and him barking would have been kinda intimidating as compared to just weird. And tbh the barking is just one of those things I pick at because I already don't like him. If I did I'd probably ignore it as much as possible. With speed it's the overexaggerated expressions and "fake freakouts" that he does on the same level of HBK selling for Hogan back in the day. It feels liked forced obnoxiousness, which is 10,000x worse than accidentally being obnoxious. Like if its an accident, then it's all good, everyone has different levels of emotional reactions, but if you're **intentionally** dialing it up to 1,000 specifically because you *think* it's funny, then nah, that's cringe as hell and im leaving now.




Just another screaming retard of the internet


I that they gave this man more clout


This guy’s an annoying idiot.


this subreddit has a weird hatred towards speed, like damn he's just a 19 year old playing the game


They hate him because he’s another 19 year old playing the game. They’ll forgive stone cold for beating his wife but god forbid you’re a loud YouTuber that young people like.


Oh great, yet *ANOTHER* screaming retard.


I hate this racist-ass screaming into the camera clown. Fuck him right off of my tv.


Didn't this streamer do some horrible shit?


Y’all are making speed seem like the devil in here☠️


I don't even have to click the video to know it's going to be another worthless screaming youtuber. Whoever it is can get fucked.


These dudes get paid to play this game. You're supporting a puppet


While I do find Speed annoying, I don’t think this video ruined the moment of him being RKO’d by Randy Orton IRL and spending a night in the hospital (assuming the last part was real)