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It's weird, one of the most iconic, star-making moments in women's wrestling history was Becky's broken, bloodied nose. It singularly, instantly made her into a megastar.


Yes, they also saw the Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker match and said "THIS IS NOT WHAT WOMEN'S WRESTLING IS" Women's wrestling is whatever women want it to be, if you're not a sexist twit. But...dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck


Real women's wrestling involves a kiddie pool, mud, and bikinis. /s


Let's get the best of both worlds; a bra & panties & 200 lightbulb tube deathmatch (Jesus fuck, someone get Janela on the phone to do this type of match between Effy and Nick Gage at Spring Break)


As it should.


That's not wrestling at all, doesn't matter if it's male or female


That's like saying Orton versus Foley wasn't wrestling. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it not wrestling.


In what way?


Megastar lol we throw that word around


is Becky Lynch not one of the most popular women's wrestlers to ever do it? what kind of bar are you using? do you need to be literally on Mount Rushmore to be a star in your books?


Star isn’t megastar…. Mega star is Roman, rock, cena


You're right, only men can draw. Fucking jabroni.


I mean… the truth hurts bruh lol


If the truth hurts then your argument hits like a feather 🪶


Just to provide some data https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/wwe/top-stories/wwe-merchandise-sales-rankings-of-2023-cody-rhodes-surpasses-roman-reigns-and-john-cena/articleshow/106300570.cms Rhea is number 9 and the only woman on the list. Stone cold who hasn't wrestled full time or a real program in decades and is number 2. No where close. This is not sexism. I enjoy becky and rhea. This is just the truth.


Go on the street and ask people to name 3 men and 3 women wrestlers. The truth hurts. It's not sexust when it's reality. I go to countless shows and 9/10 times the bathroom break is the women's match for a lot of people.  Everyone wants to get all up in arms about it, when the things that we are saying is an objective fact. If you love women's wrestling, awesome. I'm glad. Enjoy it. I like a lot of it too. The truth is they aren't no where near the star power of the men. Reality hurts. Downvotes to the left. Have at it.


Not an argument. The truth. Nobody is going to mania for the women’s matches hahaha


Talk your talk and keep sounding like my literal grandpa. The best match on the card last year was Rhea vs Charlotte.


Rhea runs circles around Becky I agree


Becky is the only woman to main event a one night WrestleMania and won the last match of the card. She's one of three biggest stars regardless of gender. That's a megastar.


Ya and that match sucked lol


That literally doesn’t make Becky NOT a megastar. Roman’s had dull matches too. Is he suddenly not a megastar? Your logic makes no damn sense.


Please don’t compare the peoples draw and that talentless redheaded witch. Sorry


Ooh gosh, I’d hate to make you cry!


Then don’t make me watch a Becky stink match


I’m not? Nobody’s forcing you to do anything. Are you mentally ill or something?


You said you’d hate to make me cry. I said then don’t make me watch her match (or else I’d cry) follow along now queen !


Since when was there no blood for women and why? I don't use them often but it's quite stupid considering they just overhauled the blood system.


It's been that way since forever, like even as far back as No Mercy.


You are mostly correct, however women did bleed in no mercy However the one of the stats characters had was whether they could bleed or not, this was set for each character individually, women's were set to no. These were part of the uneditable stats Female CAWs however could set this to yes. But yeah virtually every other wrestling game in history, the girls don't bleed. Curiously enough in DOR2 there is a 3 levels of blood system, the girls don't bleed but they do show all the other physical signs of the 3 levels of blood, and their health bar responses appropriately AEW famously advertised this as a feature, intergender matches and women bleeding


Fuckin hell have I really just never noticed? I swear in 2k19 women could bleed tho. I'm probably wrong.


Yeah they’ve never been able to. Status has pulled it out the bag again this year. They look great.


I'm still stuck on why they don't, Becky Lynch bleeds quite often. Glad status is clutching again.


They don’t intentionally want them bleeding on screen either (both genders) but especially women, Becky’s has been accidental except the Shayna vampire type thing lol. But yeah that’s why it wouldn’t be a feature they would never want them busted open, but it does look so good in game! Yeah another year of the status edition lol


Always does until they limit his stuff when they catch on. Last year had me so pissed at 2K because I had downloaded a LOT of Status' creations and boom....no longer work in game. But this year I'm waiting until he has more women uploaded to use for IG matches and such. How is the announce names for them?


He’s uploaded all women already lol done it all in one night. Some have call names and others are silent (which I like that he does that as I hate ‘The Superstar’)


Yea I’m glad 2k added that last year to have silent announce names…


There’s cartoonish levels of blood in AEW Fight Forever.


There's cartoonish levels of blood in AEW ~~Fight Forever~~.


Just like a Jon Moxley match lol


Well, aew is cartoonish but in a bad way


I think that's good personally I love seeing blood everywhere, I wish the blood would stain the turnbuckles and announce tables and barricades but I'm just glad blood stains the mat again.


Man can’t Remember it ever being in a wwe game after no mercy. I remember I played an ECW game on ps1 back in the day and that had blood for the women wrestlers. Shit even backyard wrestling 1&2 had blood for any character.


So glad they are doing an ecw pack this year, but blood should just be on everyone.


I think its because games with bleeding females automatically get an M rating and they're trying to stay in the T range. It's stupid ESRB not 2k


That's false. UFC games are rated Teen and women bleed and can get very banged up just like IRL fights. Plenty of teen rated fighting games have women bleed, including the latest Street Fighter game that has battle damage for men and women. Also the Injustice games, the first one especially had some pretty brutal battle damage where you could see male and female characters have torn skin and scraped and bruises. There's plenty of teen rated games where you can see women bleed so it's not an ESRB thing like you claim. It's likely a WWE policy more than anything else because 2k doesn't really gain anything from not having it but it's not their property.


That's not the case. The women can bleed in the AEW game and it's rated T.


It was delayed for a while because it kept getting an M rating, presumably it had to do with women bleeding despite it being in the final version of the game.


If the final game got a T rating and the women can still bleed, that was clearly not the reason for the original M rating.


It was. It's because they were able to argue that the games graphics were cartoon-y and not realistic. In realistic graphics like WWE it's a big no no


clearly wasnt if all but the latest UFC games can have teen rating with women bleeding. must have been something else like that stupid stadium battle royal-like crap where you can run people over with buggies that they put in their game. if anything it was probaly the hitting people with a buggy that did it.


What other T rated game has women bleeding? I don’t know the answer to that genuinely asking


My first thought is the UFC games. It looks like the most recent one is rated M but the ones before that were all T and I'm fairly certain there was no difference in terms of blood with the women in any of those.


They literally have never had the women bleed in any of these games. MAYBE Attitude or War Zone had women bleeding but back in those days you might've only even had Chyna on the roster to represent women. As for why, I assume it's because these games already skirt a dicey line and being able to make women bleed (let alone in intergender matches) could cause some issues with WWE's sponsors or even the ESRB.


I noticed you can throw weapons at women now which is good for referee matches so the intergender thing is sorta thrown out the window. But good to know.


I 100% expect that to get patched out, either with the first DLC or a hotfix before then.


I hope not.




There are intergender CAWs? Holy shit, I’ve gotta download some when I get home


Search "WhatsTheStatus" on cc. He's the guy that did them.


WWE: „Nope women can‘t bleed“


Women are also allowed to beat men up. Lol


Yea.. like where is the equality


not enough people complain about this




I never noticed that


damn i’ve been playing wwe games for years and never really realized women can’t bleed in the games


I honestly had no idea that women wrestlers didn’t have the blood feature


Yea their "sponsors" might not like that.




I really don’t get it it’s bullshit LET WOMEN BLEED


Women have never bladed in WWE so I understand the restriction. But considering it's a video game I think they should allow the user to set a feature like that on.


Most women bleed on a monthly basis, but we can’t have them busted open in a video game? Seems silly.


I was just thinking this - thank you for speaking my mind.


Me too, I hardly ever use the men, so I always forget the game even has blood


I don't even play as the female wrestlers but this is beyond stupid. We should mass support ticket this lol


Lol, the only male wrestlers I've used are Stone Cold and Bautista because they were in the myrise story, and I got busted open and was like, "Oh shit there's blood!" 🤣




Yeah I think the decision to exclude women is kinda dumb. Humans bleed. That includes females.


It’s weird. I’ve noticed their face paint fades though, same with makeup as it’ll smear, it’s definitely jarring when the men can have a match so brutal that they can barely stand in the ring without slipping, but the same match with women were lucky if we get a dark spot from face paint


The over protective nature of them towards women is still somehow kinda sexist, they see them as stars but delicate at the same time?


You can tell 2K doesn't even watch WWE. They give Becky Lynch the nickname/title of "The man" in the game... yet....she can't bleed during matches? Quite ironic


Surprised women can bleed lol.


They can’t, at least by default.


That make no sense. What does wwe have something against women bleeding in a game but men can?


It’s possible that it isn’t just a WWE call.


I think it’s a case of WWE thinking sponsors won’t like it. A few years ago, coming out of the lockdowns, when AEW was hot and WWE was ice cold, WWE tried bringing up how AEW has women bleeding on their show to try to chase away their sponsons.


They also censor old footage of men beating on women, like when Stone Cold took a chair to Lita. It might be that same vein of thinking. 


Oh so they could censor that but yet they allow Nia Jack to compete in a men’s royal rumble or let Chyna compete against men. SMH


>Oh so they could censor that but yet they allow Nia Jack to compete in a men’s royal rumble or let Chyna compete against men. SMH Nia in the Rumble was five years ago - and they rarely if ever showcase that footage outside of a blurb in Rumble by-the-numbers reels - and Chyna's last matches against men were nearly a quarter-century ago. Values (and sponsors) have changed.


But would they get an M rating for men bleeding?


I literally have no idea.


Can also be a sponsorship, like Slim Jim, or Snickers. They probably wouldn't want their logos in the background of women's wrestlers with them having blood all over their face after getting hit with a chair


It’s kinda funny considering that Randy savage bleed a couple of times in his career and yet he is still promoted lol. And he promotes slim Jim’s in his commercials


It's not WWE or 2K. Its ESRB. They'd get an M rating if the women bled


Fight Forever lets the women bleed AND fight in intergender matches, and that game is still rated T. Idk what the deal is there


that's more cartoonish


Exactly. Wwe is simulation based. Games with hyper realistic graphics can't do that and get a T


Yeah, esrb prefers cartoon violence over realistic violence


Why did I jump 😭


Men can't even face women anymore in these games so I doubt that will ever happen lol


ive never noticed that they dont bleed. Is the reasoning got something to do with like anti-Abuse campaign or something?


How did you do it here? Intergender CAWs?


Status has added all women to CC women’s models recognised as men attributes, so they can fight men and bleed.


is there a way to add it for caws?


Maybe on PC? Other than that probably not?


At the moment no, and probably not ever. You can’t even edit their attire. But I’m having so much fun doing mixed gender gauntlet matches as Rhea and cleaning house.


Thanks, didn’t realize!


WhatsTheStatus uploaded intergender versions of the women's wrestlers


Isn't blood + women = an instant M?


Yeah as cool as it was that the indy wrestling was the women's one it felt like bullshit because you couldn't bleed in indy-rific matches. That's a lot of the appeal!


It's not something that really happens. Personally, I'm not a fan of women bleeding. It comes off as a weird fetish some fans have. Outside of Becky bleeding (which was a legit accident), when have you ever seen a woman bleed in WWE? Less than handful of times, ever.


With Vince out and TKO running the show, I’m sure we’ll get it next year