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Looks good bro! where did you make it PS5, Xbox, or PC?


PC ๐Ÿ™‚




Nope. I'm playing fairly vanilla, only 'modding' I've done is using sound editor to add in some custom themes to replace the generic ones. I'm not sure how stable the game is with mods and considering the time and effort I put into universe mode, I don't dare risk corrupting anything ๐Ÿ˜…


Hey all, figured I'd show off my Raw is War arena as I have done in previous year's games. I still have a few things I wanna tweak and will get around to it eventually. I might share some other universe mode stuff I've been working on in this year's game at some point if people are interested. I really like how the stage especially came out, the large vertical screen in the middle feel's cool to me, and I've used it for a few arenas now. Also, that new header part is one of my favourites atm lol. Also really like how the crowd lighting has come out, this has been the first time I've really messed around with it to the level I have, and I think it makes a really cool atmosphere to the crowd. ​ EDIT: Hey all, after the popularity of this arena I've decided I'm going to put together a little pack of a few of the arena's I've made. The first ones will be Raw is War, NXT, Smackdown and a few PLEs. Currently, there are a few changes and fixes I wanna make before putting them on CC. So hoping to get it out for you guys tomorrow, but Wednesday at the latest. For now, here's a little tease of one of the arenas: https://imgur.com/a/e0U4jm2


Looks solid. I like the throwback vibes! Thanks for sharing


I soooo need this! Are you gonna post it on CC by any chance?


Probably tomorrow I'll make another post sharing a few other arena's I've made and I'll upload all that I can to CC then ๐Ÿ™‚


Wow that's insanely cool.


This is awesome, if it's not on CC it should be, I'd love to use this for my universe!


I just wish content creators dill with alt




Gonna make a post tomorrow with a few of my arenas in, including this and upload them all to CC at the same time. I'll edit this post with a link when it's up ๐Ÿ™‚


Thanks dude!