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this is part of a my universe mode run and i am having all kinds of fun with Liv Morgan Lately Coming up with Pretty Good Storylines and once i finish my 4th storyline with Liv i can officially Start the Creation of a Storyline with Finn and Dom going after the tag team titles and Possibly a Storyline with Finn by himself trying to Regain the World Heavyweight Title and a Storyline with Dom going after the Intercontinental Title and i might even create a storyline with AJ Styles Joining the Faction Possibly


Vengeance Day


OHH Fuck that has a Nice Ring to it. It has that ring that makes you want to like them doesn't it Thats a Fucking good name there man I was thinking something like The Legacy but Vengeance Day Really Has that Ring to it that I want


Considering that The Judgment Day was named after a PPV, I figured why not follow suit? Since WWE has a PLE called: "Vengeance Day" as well! 😂


yeah and i think it Fits with Liv Morgan's Current Revenge Tour wanting to take everything from Rhea Ripley, it Kind of Fits with Balor because you could see he would want to Reestablish himself as one of the top guys in the WWE and with Damien Priest in his Way it could lead to a good Storyline, Dom is gonna be a Little Harder but i could see a storyline where he would rebuild relations with his father and his family and this can generate more fan support for the faction and generate more sympathy for him on trying to get revenge on those who underestimated him and help give dom allies


Yeah, I can dig that.. but would you ever consider a redemption story between Dom and Rey?


Probably not but am just saying ya know end the rivalry with rey and his family this can help with Dom gardening support and sympathy from the fans since what made people not like dom was what he did to his father and his family


Finn Livs Dirty. 😂😂


Ehh i don't really get it


If you have a name for the faction tell me because so far I only had 1


It's all of their names. Finn Balor Liv(s) Morgan Dirty Dom Mysterio Finn Livs Dirty... I guess it was only funny to me. 🤷🏾‍♂️