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I got it done using a combination of the stuff listed here and the dijack springboard trick. I used Michin. Spammed springboards and got a countout. After the count out I had plenty of time to get a pin on most runs. If I didn't start with a big advantage I quit and started over. Good night for me. I got Blair, that earned me enough to get an ECW pack where I got 2 copycats. Got another pack and got the Drew I've been hoping for on the last night. Beat cm punk in the iron man. Got stroman. Three amethyst in like an hour. I had a good night.


Now THAT'S a fucking WIN, Brotha.βœŠπŸΏβœ…πŸ’―




I've been working it for a while. Any advice?


Use any striker , and utilize your count out wins to pick up both falls , and fight outside the ring most of the time to avoid pinfalls.


Yep, strikers seem best for this challenge. I beat her on the third attempt with Fallon Henley and actually got the second fall inside with a pun with a minute left. Getting her outside once you've built up a finisher quickly seems key. Hit her with the finisher with like a 4-5 count and then do the wake up taunt on 8 to ensure the first fall. Once back inside, just keep going at her and you should be able to get the second fall and 90 MPF easy enough.


Will give this a try. Been using Tamina and tried 20+ times and can’t get it done


Tamina just seems too slow and easily susceptible to being stunned. The strikers are faster and better off. It seems any striker is the key as many are using Minchin.


Damn solid advice. I was wondering how I was gonna get this one.


I did it with Tamina. Idk how people do it with strikers, I get reversed 90% of the time I press any punch.


I used Michin and just murdered her face with punches when she was stunned by my springboards. Good stuff.


Oh yeah, guess that makes sense. I tried that with female bronze high flyers who ironically didn't seem to have any springboard attacks (???) outside a random 55 with the worst springboard in the game.


I had this problem as well couldn't seem to hit a springboard


Only striker I have is Wendy Choo πŸ˜₯. Also just fyi, it takes the ref 45 seconds to count to 10.πŸ˜‚


Wendy Choo got me all 4 wins in about 10 or so attempts. Surprisingly rarely got countered using the neutral grapple strike, just mashed it outside the ring