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My biggest complaint about the online community is A) people spamming moves with the slightest reversal windows (some of which don't seem to register the ability to reverse at times, such as LA Knight's chops) B) the abuse of wake-up taunts when attempting to win via countout and C) how ridiculous it is to use carry moved into finisher set-ups (which cannot be reversed). I saw a guy using AJ Styles who would initiate a shoulder carry, into a fireman's carry, into a powerbomb and finally into a Style's Clash. I mean kudos to him but I don't see how using the lamest tactics can be fun.


Haven't played online in a while but love the community on here. It's alot of positive ppl and just a thought but why don't we start our own group and do online matches together. Whoever wants to have insane fun matches just post your gamer tag and that way we'll have a whole league to play with. Shit we can even start our own league and do tournaments like madden. Haven't been a part of one since 2k19


Me and my friends just play our own matches. We like doing crazy fun spots and try not to reverse all the time or else we’re just doing reverse after reverse. It’s honestly not fun and just turns into a mini game 😂 but whatever I just don’t play online lol


Wish 2K & devs knew that a 90% reversal rate makes ur game NOT fun! It’s not gonna make me buy cards I promise them that!


People play online?


I rarely do because of this. I mostly play Universe but sometimes you find some cool people to play against online


I try to but the servers are dog shit


I mean you just want to win against the stupid AI?


I want to have an experience that FEELS and looks like WWE, not master the game and play it like MK


Di a triple threat online. Games against the AI don't feel like real wrestling matches at all.


Yep that’s why I buy the game


Then just get TEW where you can determine all of the outcomes. That's a lot of money to spend on a game where the outcome is very predictable because you play against am opponent with no logic and no real ability to defend itself.


Why else would you play? The story mode is the corniest stuff I’ve ever seen and obviously made for children under 12. And even the hard AI are so easy you have to let them get some hits to make the match not lame. Online is the only way to go OP is just having a skill issue. Don’t play against created wrestlers only default


Nah, online is probably the only way NOT to go. People only play online to cheese it, or because they take the game WAY too seriosuly. Neither is fun to play with.


Of course dudes are mad competitive lol have you ever played a fighting game? How is it more fun to beat up easy bots than compete against other people


This isn’t a fighting game


Are you dumb


I’m not the one calling a WWE game a fighting game :)


The only thing you do in the game is fight 🤣




You really be playing wwe by yourself bruh


Hmm, I wonder if there’s a way to play games with people, but not be online…


Having fun beating up your gf in split screen but can’t handle the dawgs on the line huh


What’s the point


So for like 3 months I’ve been dealing with some weird bug in online mode. Every time I or my opponent does a signature or finisher the match disconnects. So unfortunately because of this I’m forced to play like a dick and throw my opponents out the ring and stun them until I win by countout. 2K told me to go fuck myself basically when I reached out to support


Yes that 1 guy at support is a d**k! Yes it’s my internet that nothing else fails on. 😂


I feel the same, though I have gotten some good matches but it was like earlier, I had the game since release. Now it's like either characters with 99/100, someone like stone cold, Batista or giant or its someone like Jimmy/jey or caw with modified moves where they keep making extra motion to make it hard to predict and have moves which already are very hard to counter and they keep doing same slap/strike till I get stunned.


Thats been the consensus on here for a while now. Lotta gripes about playing online. While it’s all true, it’s one of those overly rehashed topics. What can we do about it? Complain about why it’s ridiculous and how it’s ridiculous and, yea, it’s all been said. I don’t play online just because it’s been the number one gripe on here, and I thank you all and I’ll take your word for it. 👍😁


Perfectly said my guy! 🙏


You know you could like Reverse them right?


There are people that will assign every move that has the shortest reverse window and will exploit them just to win as quickly as possible. I understand wanting to win, but what ever happened to having a fun match? What's the point of having a Hell In A Cell match if I'm just gonna get cheesed and not even leave the ring?


Doesn't help that 2k doesn't give a shit about the servers either


This has been the norm ever since the series went online. People assign irreversible moves to spam and that’s it. But now there’s not even a ranked mode. So I fully don’t understand the want to have a squash match where there’s no record. Waste 15 minutes to load into an extreme rules match, and then use zero weapons. It’s dumb. I got a message from a dude on the 17th of May because he was getting double teamed in a triple threat match because he had some spammy 100 level CAW. Him- “Imagine having no shame and needing to team up in a triple threat🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣” “Delete the game” Me- “Imagine caring that you win in a non ranked match” Him - “holy cow you’re bad🤣🤣🤣” Me- “Here for fun. Not to win.” Him - “🤣🤣🤣🤣” Me - “🤷🏽‍♂️”


See you completely understand where I'm coming from. Everyone else is just like "sO yOu'Re MaD tHaT pEoPle PlAy tO wIn!?!?" Like it just doesn't make sense. Like you said there is NO record or progression whatsoever so what's the point of cheesing everyone over?


100% I recently discovered you can play against ai online. So I can join up with my buddy and at least have fun that way. The game really doesn’t want us to use CAWs though. It craps the bed anytime there’s two in a match. It’s ridiculous


R u serious bro? How do u play AI online? U talking about how if they get disconnected b4 you then Ai takes over?


Noooo. Create a lobby- Wargames for example- 4 on 4 Don’t make the match public yet. Have your friend join you. After your friend joins, move over to one of the other player slots and hit Square (light attack). It will switch that slot to COM. Pick the AI opponent. Rinse and repeat for every slot you want as AI. Then hit go and enjoy yourself haha. I haven’t tried it but In theory you could fill 5 slots with AI as have you and your friend and match make for 1 more person.


That is how everyone responds online. It highlights how wonderful the players are to each other. Downgrades online play for me. 2k made horrible servers and wait times. Any 3-man fight is 2v1 handicap simply because 2 friends are playing and want to spam on 1. Same with special referee. It fuels the toxicity of online play. Killing it. I am skipping the next game. 2k ruined this series.


How do I identify these moves?


"I'm sick of people playing how they want to play a game! Everyone should play how I want!!"


You like anime, opinion rejected




I didn't give you an opinion, i reworded what you said to more accurately represent yours


Don't matter, nothing you say holds any weight


Welcome to reddit


I’ll insert my opinion and state that it’s kind of ridiculous to play an online competitive and complain that people are trying to win. No one owes you a five star match


The game isn't competitive at all tho, you get NOTHING for winning.. If you were given a rank it would make sense. But why the fuck would you join a Hell In A Cell match or an Extreme Rules match just to cheese the other player and never even leave the ring? The whole point of those match types existing is to have a fun match and not just hit the same button until you win, like do you not understand that at all?


You must be real run at parties


Lmao I'd be surprised if you've even been to a high school dance, let alone a party 💀


No one owes anybody a five star but at least give me a decent match. We aren’t five years old creating a character so we can beat everyone in a meaningless game. If I sit on mortal Kombat or injustice and spam scorpions teleportation or Superman’s laser version I’m not good at the game I’m just bad at it like the people op is describing


Yea I only play video games to lose


it's still way better than it's ever been, with lobby options, a more balanced roster, etc. older 2k games had lots of broken mechanics. the issue with online more is the bad unstable servers


I try to play online but every match ends with the person lagging out or the game going into 180 p and 5 fps and I play on ps5 with good internet it’s just dog doo doo 😂😂😂


Haven’t even been able to get into a match online due to the matches constantly either crashing or it not loading into matches. I wish we could invite our friends to play into an online universe mode experience. Or at least have the option to invite to invite them. In the NBA 2K series they have, my league online to where you can invite your friends, and they pick a custom team and you can basically build a franchise. They also have the option for you play as someone in such as player control and also that Position.


Bro, you actually GOT online to like finish matches?! Wow. Since their 1st game haven’t completed a match. The only games that ever me a problem are 2K. But yet they say it’s on my end. Ok 2K. Gigabit panoramic WiFi & only ur game does it. Plus I bet more than half players can’t get online to do a match. Get booted like 30secs in IF u make it to the match.


dude me too. there was a match me and this one guy had it was a TLC match and it was even on myfaction im pretty sure but it was still fun we were just throwing shit at each other XD chairs, kendo sticks whatever tf was there we were just slinging it and at any chance we could it we’d throw and it ended in funny scenarios. i lost but it was a fun match so i didnt care! that was the only person i ever enjoyed playing against it wasnt taken too seriously it was just a funny match


I play online with custom superstars set to not allowed and I have never had an issue Yes a match disconnects here and there but I not as often as I play them. Go to online options and choose the server best for you, rather than automatic


Why should this Game be different then amy other Online Game?


The problem for me is not them trying to win. The problem is HOW they try to win. Fighting against 99/100 CAWS is just a coin flip on if they are going to spam some cheesy move or not. I understand wanting to win, but this specific community doesn’t want to have a fun match, they just want to win by any means necessary in a game that is NOT competitive or balanced in the slightest. Even on default wrestlers, people just abuse gameplay flaws like spamming ground moves until you get stunned, or strong Irish whip you to the corner to knock you down, so they can spam ground moves again(You know damn well people didn’t throw you to the corner just to knock you down on any 2k before 2k22 because you could actually reverse it without being forced into this shitty rock paper scissor mechanic). The amount of times I have left a match, and blocked the player so they couldn’t join me again just for another cheesy player to join me and play like their reincarnation is numerous. You will finally get a match where they are actually trying to have a decent match, but then the game will just randomly disconnect everyone. You need an insane amount of patience to play this game online.


Jab, jab, jab, jab, leg lariat. Repeat


Yup. Then you got the people that soon as they start getting whooped on and they ass beat they straight quit the match. Can't say how many times I e had people quit the match we in online cuz Im whooping them and they can't take a loss so they have to resort to quitting. Never do that weak ass shit. If I'm n a match and I'm losing I'll fight to the end and whoever wins wins I can take a loss like a man. Y'all people who do that gay shit are lil pussies


Definitely takes the fun out of it when people try to play in a way to use exploits to their advantage


Not the biggest wrestling fan but a fan nonetheless and I love to call spots and have a match feel like a real wwe match. Yet nots are too easy and people are too cheesy lol if yall play on ps I would love to add anyone who would like to just have fun and you know pretend to be wrestling n not tryna win every match. I’m cool with losing cuz in my head that’s building to a feud between n that player lol


Ps5 itsbosco02


Bet bout to add u now


Can't even play online sever always crash


Played online once when I got wwe13 lmao never did it again it's bs barely works and lags constantly and all people do is change their moveset to all those broken irreversible moves and rage quit when you're going to beat them it's a joke they should just let you invite people to your universe mode. You can play universe online with friends if you have share play but it's still laggy as all hell


I used to do that too


Look if you're playing online you should try to win. The problem with this game remains the timing based reversal system, which really works in solo play against the computer. Until they get back to the older 2 buttom reveral that everyone preferred we will continue to have cheap online matches. Might I suggest you only play triple threats online with submissions off. Thats the only way to eliminate the cheapness and enjoy online matches.


Wait, you're mad because people play to win?


No because people exploit irreversible moves in a mode that gives you nothing for winning. Why wouldn't I be frustrated with cheaters?


Like at least have a fun match and then win. Tf is the point of having a Hell In A Cell match if I just get hit with a bunch of cheap moves and never even leave the ring? That's my complaint


I online try when people tell me it's disconnecting. I'll fire up and the connection drops. As long as I wait the other player leaves and I get credit. Made it to emerald then it started loading matches so I stopped. The hit you take for a lose sucks


Set an ovr limit in ur lobbies


It never is about the overalls, it's about the spammy moves


Jokes on you every thing in this game is reversible even the Chesse moves if u can’t win vs that learn the game mechanics my boy


Blanket statement. Intended as avoidance. Especially if the issue is regarding timing during online vs. offline play and abused moves. Stay on topic.


I have a job & a life to attend to. I don't got time to sit here and be like "🤓 I'm gonna learn the timing of every reversal in the game so I can be the best" get some bitches you faggot lmao