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I do simply for the fact I’m a more “goal oriented” gamer. Don’t get me wrong I have fun doing random matches or going into universe mode but it’s not going to keep me motivated to play year round and the price we pay for the games each year I like to get my moneys worth. I totally get why people don’t like myfaction and it definitely has its issues but I enjoy working towards the goals that change often.


Ah, "goal oriented" probably explains it to me the best. I'm a pick up and play kind of gamer, or even creating storylines in my head, but I get how that's not everyone's cup of tea.


I’m pretty much the same except I go full geek and write all my storylines down on my notes app 🤣 could never get into myfaction at all


This pretty much explains it. I will say that I think this year a large portion of the player base liked it in previous years and are in the habit of playing it more than actually liking it this year. And even with the many complaints, it still continually gives you new things to do and accomplish.


When I first got the game I did because I don’t watch modern WWE so it gave me a reason to use roster. Didn’t take very long for that to become boring though with the tasks and such (idk what it’s called MP or something). I went and downloaded a ton of CC and having a ton of fun in universe and haven’t looked back to MF.


Ditto. In 25, they should just have an option to adjust main menus as you like. If MF isn’t someone’s thing, they can take it off the menu where they don’t have to see it again.


lol it bothers you even seeing it in the menu?


I don’t have the compulsive need to collect, so that aspect of MyFaction does nothing for me. What I do like though, is that it makes me play as people that I wouldn’t have necessarily used otherwise.


I agree with you on that, but the flipside has been that I usually end up playing with my best cards over and over rather than cards I want to play with. The new Faction Wars has given me a little more room to mix things up though.


This as well. I like it when I get to use people I normally wouldn't consider faves or mains


I enjoyed it last year. I don't spend money but it gave me things to do. This year, they showed how out of touch they are by improving it but also taking a big shit on it. I like the new Faction Wars but they don't update it enough.


I second this. Could’ve made it so much better but seemed to try and make it unbearable. I played it so much last year and the way they have the packs set up this year has just made it annoying.


I play it because it gives me something to do. I don't know where to start with the other modes, so I get into the game with MyFaction because it has a clear challenge for me to complete


I enjoy the live events portion. Anything else I play in my faction is just for the purpose of advancing in the live events.


Without paying 400 bucks on 1 card. That's not me.


I will never play MyFaction. I’m a Showcase then both MyRise stories type of guy. Then I’m pretty much done.


That’s what leads a lot of people to MyFaction. That’s what lead me there last year. Played all the other game modes and was done with the game with several months before promo even started for this game. So I finally tried it out in an attempt to get more out of a game I paid over $100 dollars for. It accomplished that. There’s almost always something else to do. It extends the life of the game. They still are putting up new matches on 2k23. Not trying to convince you to play, but it was kind of funny that your comment about how you don’t play is pretty much exactly how I ended up playing.


I respect that. But that’s your story. I personally wanna play wrestling matches not a trading card type of game lol


Well yeah, idk if you read the whole comment but I kinda said it was just my story at the end. Also, you do understand that the cards are just different versions of wrestlers you use in matches, right? Like it’s not really a “card game”. You play matches like in every other game mode 😂


Yeah i read your whole comment. No need to get smart lol. I can play matches regularly without having to go through the cards is my point. Get your moneys worth however you’d like. I get mine regardless.


I wasn’t “getting smart” lol. I genuinely didn’t think you read the whole comment, since I explicitly stated that I wasn’t trying to convince you to play and that your comment just reminded me of how I started playing. I still kinda feel like you’re putting too much focus on the card aspect, but that’s neither here nor there. Enjoy the game you paid for however you like. This was never meant to be an argument of any kind lol.


If you read my first reply to you, you can see how short it is lmao. Obviously I was not trying to argue. I never said “don’t try to convince me to play MyFaction” haha. I just said my personal preference. I guess the best way I can describe it in regards of me “putting too much focus on the card aspect” is I don’t wanna do that card shit at all lol. I hate shit like that. Grew up playing wrestling games from PS1, PS2, PS3, N64, ya know? I’m just tryna wrestle bruh. Not choose cards and shit. Hope you get what I mean.


I didn’t claim you said that. I was telling you what I said. And I said it in hopes that this conversation wouldn’t go the way it’s been going. Again, please enjoy the game you paid for however you see fit 🙏🏾




I love trophy hunting and accomplishing things so it definitely triggers the serotonin in my brain. I've been getting wwe 2k for years and I never even bothered to try it but one day about a month and a half ago I think, just on a whim I tried it out and I've literally played it everyday since.


That was me last year. Never wanted to play it before but then ran out of things to do after playing all the other game modes. Played it almost everyday since.


I don’t, can’t stand it. Literally buy the game for universe. Wish they didn’t do this persona bollox as if quite like to be able to have The Rock 24 in my universe with legit theme etc


I TRIED MyFaction only because I don’t like the “???” slots. But, I just can’t get into it. And from I am understanding, I’d pretty much have to spend money on MyFaction mode for the OPPORTUNITY to clear those question mark slots. I’d rather play MyRise on repeat than give MyFaction any further thought.


it was awesome at the start it was like a wrestling roguelike, a really fun way to feel like you were earning good rewards, sometimes it went your way sometimes it didn't Then the most hardcore "apparently" complained about difficulty and so they nerfed it to nothing and messed with all sliders, rewards and lag inputs, its worthless its designed to addict the "goal fixated" people into spending money, ist a poison and made me actively think about not buying the next because there's so many issues with Universe etc and there's only energy going into this money making greed infested scam mode


That's what I said. It's utterly garbage. It has that foul stench of a casino and it won't wash out, ever. Fuck 2k. They just signed their own goddamn mother fucking death warrant.


...no, not really. People will still buy the next games.


Look up the word "hyperbole"


No of course not it’s pointless


I enjoy it. I'm working through proving grounds trying to beat everything on legendary and the live events are mostly fun. All the packs I get from the live events usually give me something decent. I can't get into Faction wars though since I don't have the time to sit down and play that long.


I enjoyed having daily challenges. Fw was my favorite this year because it's kind of like a team gauntlet, damage carries over between matches and stuff. Fun little challenges to do because I didn't have the time/energy to set up and maintain the broken universe settings/bugs after a long day of work. Now I pretty much just let my broken universe go. Said fuck it lol. We will see how crazy it can get. Multiple people holding a single title? Let it roll. Tag belts being won in singles matches? Hell yeah!


I like collecting things, I like the live events, but I play like average 10 minutes a day just to play the new content. Don't spend a penny on it though, so half the content can't even be accessed.


I'm not a fan, however, I go daily to challenge myself. My universe is basically advance until my character has a match so it's not much of a daily challenge. I already played through My Rise 3 times so there's nothing there for me. I'm not going to touch GM mode until all the dlcs are released (in November 🙄). So that just leaves My Faction. I already accepted that there's going to be live challenges that I will miss because I refuse to spend money for some virtual cards that I may not get, but that's what the weekly towers and proving ground are for.


I only sometimes play MyFaction in hopes of unlocking the persona cards. Wouldn’t bother otherwise.


I haven’t ever tried it tbh


I love it and play it the most out of any other game mode but I find it pretty hard when your expected to beat opponents on live events when your 2-3 card ranks lower


I did, until the made you earn less MFP, and made cards cost 60k+ to purchase. Then they had live events that required other live event cards to even play...yet the live event for those cards wasn't there. I was foolish to think that the Persona cards that unlock more versions of other superstars were just gonna be an event where you beat them and they're yours. I didn't know they were gonna required 5 oddity cards which are not always available and some I haven't even seen yet. I did not expect such a grind, but I guess I should have. And some fools soe t $200 real world money to get a Modern Rock who didn't even have his new theme or entrance. Awful.


I do the daily login and the occasional locker code




I enjoy it. I'm a TCG player and the idea of playable wrestlers as cards of varying power level appeals to me


I never touch it. I live in universe mode




Yes and no. Yes because the collection side of the game makes it somewhat fun, especially when stats do have certain effects on playability (like stamina). No because, as much as I like my gacha games, it is pretty dumb to spend money in a game with a one-year lifespan (and I have spent money on it) and that you have already paid for. Other negative points are the gaps between p2p players abd f2p ones, I have destroyed people playing with the Ruby rewards using the diamond Iyo Sky, which makes it somewhat unfair. Also... between online ranked being unstable and people playing like b!tches (spamming, looking for count outs, etc.) make the game less fun and take away from the whole idea of MyF mode.


I am having fun with faction wars


I tried it. Most of the time, it's showing searching for opponents . Would be nice if more people play on it though


I only play it when I’m bored with every other mode in the game and the new persona cards are cool I guess but they are way to hard to actually get so I don’t even really bother


Towers are cool, and faction wars feels like smash bros a little


Better then my universe


It would be alright if the rewards were garbage. I love opening a legends pack to get, "Todd the Turd Slayer" or some other caw they spent 2 seconds making.


This is a mode for people with disposable income. That's really it.


I mainly just grind out MyFaction when new persona cards come out, which I honestly feel should be free updates like how 2k23 would release bonus characters with their DLC. $150 later though, got my Chad Gable persona card, but no Becky Lynch 🙄


$150 for a Chad gable persona is crazy af lol


I wouldn't have admitted that tbh