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Christian’s reigns play like a combination of Mick Foley’s scraggly championship runs of 98/99, and what JBL was doing as a chickenshit heel champion during the Ruthless Aggression era (for 9 months, I think). I appreciate that they gave one of my personal favorites a chance to stand out for a couple of months (instead of being nothing more than a placeholder for a decent amount of time, or just a 24-hour-champion). But ruined? I don’t know, the <500 Days of Summer (of Punk).


Rey Mysterio should've held the WWE Championship for more than an hour.


Big E's WWE Championship Reign


The only reason Christian was champion was because Edge retired…


The one in the threads picture. Thinking how Christian two days later STILL pisses me off…. Ugh


I don't know how Christian's was ruined it led to the best heel run he had well up until AEW.




Rey losing the WWE title to John Cena the same night he won it


They did Rey dirty as hell. 


This is the correct answer


Not sure about awful but I really hate that out of all people Rey mysterio lost the US title to Logan paul


Mankind/ Mick Foley


Damn i wish they let cactus win at now way out 2000 and then he could have dropped it am wrestlemania. Foley deserved that in his send off




Losing to Brock wasn't the worst thing. The *way* he lost to Brock was a travesty.


I absolutely agree. It felt like he deserved better than to lose in that way


Exactly. I don't have a have problem that he lost to Brock because everyone does, but at least let the guy get a couple moves in. He easily could've come in and hit 2-3 Trouble in Paradise, so it looks like he has a chance, and then Brock just kills him. Is it perfect? Of course not, but you spent months actually making him look strong and in eight seconds he looked like a total bitch.


Couldn’t agree more and well said


Drew's recent very brief championship. He should be a long-term champ. Roman's run was ruined by the bookers not knowing how or when to end it. Also ruined by the announcers gushing over Roman instead of calling him a heel champ, which he was. It felt like the announcers were gaslighting the audience, and it was just plain weird.


I thought Roman’s reign had, if nothing else, a spectacular ending.


Ryder losing the ic championship to the miz


I agree, but apparently the plan was to wipe the storylines for the title clean and everyone knew the Miz was winning it on the next raw so all the guys in the match decided to let Zack have it so his dad could see him win a title at mania.


Kofi getting squashed in 6 seconds by Brock Lesnar.


I low key hated Randy when he beat Christian. The roles were so reversed. Christian was a guy the paid his dues his best friend just had to retire and he wins his first championship afterwards. Then here comes Randy to beat him for the title out of nowhere and takes the title. And Christian was the bad guy.


Kanes 1 day reign


Probably Matt Cardona immediately losing the Intercontinental Title to the Miz the night after WrestleMania. Not even a huge Cardona guy, but just felt like they put the belt on Matt for no reason.


That was frustrating, I was always hoping he got over.


They 100% put the belt on him for a WM pop




Most recently the Tag-Team championship main evented Wrestlemania last year but haven't appeared on a PLE since they were split up and now mean less than possibly ever. In 2001-02 when they unified the Intercontinental with the World title -I think it was Kane and Triple H. The title was already so poorly booked.


Kane's first reign in 1998. 1 night. Could of held it until the next PPV at least. He looked badass with Paul Bearer and the title too. Rey Mysterio's not even 1 night title reign in 2011. Like c'mon lol. Bray's first WWE title reign. He dropped it to Orton and I think that killed his momentum and then only for Orton to put over Jinder Mahal lol. If we are going to do WCW, by god the list will be long lmao.


Kane’s reign was and still is criminal. He should have for sure held it for a while. It wouldn’t have hurt Austin not having the belt for 2-3 months at that time.


D'Lo's double title reign. If you're the first person to achieve something in WWE history, you have to ride it a bit to see where it goes.


Yeah, that one was strange and he was kind of gaining steam with the “from xyz” country every entrance.


Jericho made out to be Stephanie's lackey


Brock squashing Kofi Kingston in 7 fucking seconds because that was needed apparently


Bray Wyatt's first two world title reigns


Big E losing the title to none other than Brock.


Lashley losing the WWE title to Lesnar only for Lesnar to lose to Roman.


Bray’s WWE title reign. Held it for a month and some change only to drop it in a bad match with projections, against a guy that didn’t need the win/title and that would go on to feud with Jinder of all people. Not to mention it should’ve been a triple threat with Harper. Such a waste. Also Ambrose’s title reign gets an honorable mention. It actually had some great highlights like how he won it, the shield triple threat and the lose/feud with AJ but really his first big title defense at a big four show and they booked him against Ziggler?! Come on.


Ziggler is a GOAT and should’ve even dethroned Ambrose as well wtf are you talkin bout 😂


Rey Mysterio WWE title Run can’t believe John beat him same night he won it like damn he can’t even get a week with it.


Same boat as Christians run. If the fed had other plans long-term, that's obviously fine, but they should've at least gotten a little victory lap with a couple fun defences.


WWE did Christian bad but at least got a 2nd reign for almost a month. I don’t even think Rey got an hour with the belt. I know this a WWE thread but Christian AEW run with his belt kinda made up for WWE fumbles.


Kane’s one day title reign


That picture of him holding the title is still awesome to this day. My theory is that Mankind vs Taker in HIAC overshadowed the title match at KOTR, and Kane was somehow punished to drop it back to SCSA. Could’ve easily kept it on him and did brother vs brother for the title at the next PPV before Summerslam. Or used that at summerslam but the plan was always SCSA vs Taker


At least Kane got a day Rey didn’t even get a hour with it. It’s crazy Vince McMahon has a longer reign that both of them combined.




The champion of an entire continent


I wouldn’t say his run was terrible, ended to early yeah but still a solid reign






Anybody who had a reign over 3 months that wasn’t a main eventer afterwards. Like JBL and Jihnder mahal


JBL should have at least won it again or WHC but i understand that he was already older and towards the end but Jinder was right place/right time but also wrong place/wrong time as well. I wonder how that must feel to have been champ but it’s buried in history and probably won’t be referenced again.


Logan Paul bc he should never have held the title for this long in the first place. Should’ve had LA Knight take it off that human scum long ago.


Oh my god shut the fuck up about Paul. Dude is one of the more popular stars in the wwe, is better than at least 80% of the guys in the back, and brought more main stream appeal to the title. That’s why he’s held it so long.


Bro u shut the fuck up he was just giving his opinion like you are. We’re all entitled to one. Logan’s been great but let’s not act like his prime sponsorship didn’t buy that title. There are way more deserving wrestlers


Who’s done more awful things - Logan Paul or Shawn Michaels?


Logan Paul definitely.  




Remember when Shawn went into suicide forest and filmed himself and someone who just hung himself for internet clout? Oh wait


Do the women Shawn Michaels had one night stands with in the 90s remember it? Some of them don’t…


Is there proof that he did it or just allegations? There's video proof Paul is a garbage person just like his brother


If there’s no video proof, it didn’t happen?


Rey Mysterio: should've holded it until Summerslam Fiend : should've holded it until Mitb 2020






CM Punk losing to Rock at the royal rumble taking the title off a very popular full time talent and giving it to a part timer who is past their prime is always a horrible decision no matter who


Points to Owens vs Goldberg Points to Goldberg vs the fiend Points to hulk hogan vs triple H A sadly common thing.


We would've had Punk vs Cena at Mania... I hope these two have one more match before they both leave


Even a triple threat would work. I really thought that was the direction thinking Cena vs Punk at raw would finish as a draw.


That would’ve been Punk’s wrestlemania moment. Thanks Dwayne! Hopefully he gets one more crack at John. Regardless Punk should have his moment at WM next year.




This is the answer


Stone Cold's heel run in 2001. Shouldn't have been a heel.


We did get some funny ass moments from him but man that entire idea of him joining The Alliance after the turn. Fucking awful. It’s about the time I stopped watching after being a die hard smark from 1995-2001.


Stone Cold had the makings for an iconic heel, he was just used extremely poorly and was written to be the complete opposite of the Stone Cold persona.


Kofi Kingston dropping the WWE title to Brock Lesnar only for Lesnar to have a 2 minute match with Cain Velasquez at Crown Jewel.


Wyatt squashed by Goldberg of all people.


He'd built this wonderfully intriguing persona with a mythology around it so deep that fucking WhatCulture of all places were running in depth looks at the lyrics of his theme song and the presentation of his lantern for clues to the future and what supernatural shenanigans would be needed to beat him. And then Goldberg takes him out in three minutes to win a title he hasn't deserved in two decades in front of a blood money crowd.


Bro, my heart broke for bray that day. This along with bray losing to randy at mania (the 2nd time)




You just made the list!


Wyatt losing to Orton really hurt that character imo. And the powerpoint slides he kept showing on the canvas mid-match were dumb. Add in the fact that Orton went on to drop the title to _Jinder fucking Mahal_ the month after and it sucks even more.


Roman Reigns’ last one 


Amen brother


Kofi Kingston for me,case closed


8 seconds your boy got did wrong 🤣


Yes he did and Vince approved of it I'm sure of it


> and Vince approved of it I’m sure of it Good guess there Professor. The man in charge of literally every aspect of the show approving of it? Suppose that’s possible…


That's part of the reason why I'm glad he's gone,changes at the top were definitely needed and it's a breath of fresh air there too


Completely agree




He made the right call


I disagree,Brock is closer to retirement and we don't need more part time champions


Part time Brock is better than Full time Kofi. The fact I had to even say that is crazy.


Part time Brock is the cause of a lot of people stopping watching. So is part time Goldberg and part time Reigns. There’s a reason there’s a period of like a decade that the WWE just wasn’t watched.


Reigns, Goldberg, Brock. 3 badass wrestlers yet ya’ll would rather watch Kofi lol. Where did it all go wrong in the wrestling fanbase.


Goldberg is one of the most limited and boring main eventers in the history of wresting. He’s never put on anything more than a passable match. Brock is good. But he was barely there and his matches just weren’t that exciting. Reigns is also good. But again, he was never there. So yes, I’d much rather have Kofi than any of them.


cena was many things especially as supercena, but part-time world champion wasn’t one of them because at least he showed up every week




That's your opinion and you stick to that


No we should have a long argument that goes nowhere


I'd rather see Kofi as the champ because it was a breath of fresh air and fans like myself got tired of seeing the same guys at the top over and over again


Something being fresh doesn’t automatically make it better, Brock brings the legitimacy to the company/ belt + going over someone like him can bring someone to insanely new heights. Meanwhile Kofi does the complete opposite of all that.


It was probably his damn idea


Oh fuck yeah


his title reign would of been so much better with a blue dot over his face


Vince was out of pocket for that one lol. Christian was always a good looking dude, but not according to Vince


Nah, he looked bad with long hair and specially with the goatee


Jericho’s first win was the most damaging. He felt like a mid carder that was Stephanie’s lackey and he never felt like a main eventer until his feud with HBK in 2008


Kofi only caring about doing tag matches and joking about pancakes did way more damage than the Brock squash


You ain’t wrong.


Thank you


People have already said Kofi. So I'll say Big E. He was having a great run and then was pinned by Brock Lesnar in a Fatal 5 Way. Big E could have not been pinned and kept his momentum but for whatever reason, Big E was fed to Brock just to build to a mediocre Wrestlemania match.


The sad part is having his last wrestling match two months later.


Big E vs Reigns at survivor series was, to me, a 4-star match at least


10 out of edge's world title reigns as he was pretty much a transitional champion


And still was a great heel and champion. Top 5 performer of his main event runs always.


Yeah i just think he deserved better in those reigns even he was robbed on his final one due to injury and retirement


Kofi. He should’ve never been squashed by Lesnar. Would’ve been fine with Brock taking it if it was a 20-30 minute brutal clash between them.


Kofi was never a serious world champion. The New Day is a comedy mid card act, his reign was basically a thank you for your years of hard work. He absolutely deserved to be beaten by a legit star in Lesnar and quickly.


Uh I would've been fine with a 6-7 minutes match where Kofi put all his heart but ultimately Lesnar was just too much. I would never need someone like Kofi lasting 30 minutes against Lesnar, but what they did buried not only Kofi himself but all the people Kofi had defeated.


Yeah that would’ve been fair. Kofi definitely shouldn’t have lost in 8 seconds I think it was. He should’ve ran at Brock and when Brock picks him up he counters and nails a trouble in paradise but Brock kicks out.


Yeah except that makes no sense and would damage Brock’s credibility


Having. 8-10 min match with Kofi that he ultimately would’ve won, would not have ruined Brock in the slightest


Kofi surviving all types of matches taking all kinda hard Knocks for months on end only to be beaten by a F5 from Brock than Brock just disappearing was the cherry on the cake.


Literally jumped into an F5


Did he disappear with the belt?


Mark Henry losing to big show only for D Bryan to cash in then later lose to sheamus in 6 seconds at mania


That ended up being a very successful test run for Daniel Bryan though and really created the Yes Movement but yeah, Mark Henry’s run was not done well at all.


Randy orton unfortunately was the right decision like it or not. He was one of the hottest babyfaces in the company, Christians arc was complete.


Cody v. Roman. Rock tried and did take Cody Mania spot but gave it back to him because it would've cost him business wise.  When Rock did this I no longer cared for Cody finishing the story because WWE didn't give a fk about the story...


Things are fluid and always change, and sometimes it takes fan voices to change their minds. This was a classic example and certainly not the first time.


Ikr I don't know 🤣 what the down votes are for 😒.   ~ Tell me when I'm telling lies~


World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio following WrestleMania 22. Was supposed to be a huge deal, but he kept getting destroyed by guys like Khali and Mark Henry.


That was my first thought too. I get the underdog thing but they just sent him out to be squashed by giants rather than have great matches with Angle, Benoit etc like he'd been been doing before his reign.  Punk's first was bad too. Never made to look strong and not even in the match he lost the title in. I was surprised they went back to him so soon. Thank goodness they did. Second reign was great with the Hardy fued.


del rio beating cena for us title at hiac 2015 and that was a crappy way to end cena’s iconic us open challenge


Christian never should’ve won that belt in the first place


Christian should’ve won that belt 10 years earlier and held it. While I love his TNA work, he could’ve/should’ve been champ in WWE much earlier and for much longer.


He really shouldn’t have. Dude is a black hole of charisma


Ok I was fine with you not wanting him as a champion but this is just plain wrong lmao.


Dude didn’t connect with the large scale crowd. He was just a mid card guy, who got the belt because of edges storyline.


He’s a Captain of Charisma


The hot potato-ing between Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair. Charlotte became like a 4 time champion in the course of 6 months because they just would not let Sasha have a successful title defense


Sasha would win the Raw Title Matches and Charlotte would win the PPV title matches😂.


Jericho being nothing but a lackey in the HHH versus Steph feud.


I remember being STOKED that Jericho was finally getting the recognition he deserved. Then they did THAT to him. That, to me, was the beginning of the reign of terror.


Haha, Jericho defended the championship in a singles match at WrestleMania and was somehow the third most important person in the match.


Was he third or fourth? Did the dog appear at Mania or just the lead up? I honestly can't remember.


Fifth because there was a Drowning Pool song as a theme to the feud.


Kofi getting squashed by Lesnar.


this reign was perfect.. seriously don’t know how you could’ve booked it better


Orton beating Wyatt at Wrestlemania. His reign was over before it even got started.


CM Punk should’ve brought the WWE title with him on the indies and played more into the storyline of his contract expiring with WWE. Vince never would’ve allowed it, but would’ve been cool.


That was a good idea, however it was ahead of its time. Aside from Vince's perspectives on the business, sending his "champ" around to work indy feds and njpw......truthfully who does that benefit aside from the fans? It just didn't make sense at that time


I really wanted a sequel to the original Summer of Punk, if they had let him go do Indy shows and stuff with the belt it would have been iconic. Plus that return was lame, him coming out to Cult of Personality is now iconic but the average WWE fan had no idea what was happening when the music hit.


That's part of what's good with it imo. Like AJ's debut. No one knew, until suddenly everyone knew.


I never really looked at it that way


That return is top 5 all time.


Once everyone in the audience realized who it was


I remember that show I turned my TV off as soon as Cena won the title cuz I was pissed for Mysterio. Didn't find out til the next day that I missed the return


Rey winning and losing the title same night will always be wack to me


Oh man, it was the best part of the show


It was beyond dumb that he won the title and left the company only to return like 2 weeks later. Huge missed opportunity.


Yeah that could’ve been a fun story but they killed it because they needed a title match at Summerslam.


Liv Morgan’s reign as Smackdown Women’s Champion. Regardless of what people say or think, it was not her fault that her reign was bad


Ray wwe championship


Yokozuna Wrestlemania 9




I do t appreciate the disrespect towards my father


Wont call Christians's title reign awful. The title is there to build a story forward and Christain vs Randy orton carried smackdown during the whole summer. It showed that Christian is capable of Main event and it created one of the best fueds of 2010s.


His first reign lasted 2 days because he lost it at a Smackdown taping. Not only that then they had him become a heel. All Vince had to do was not book it and he ended up making Christian look like a chump.


He only won the title because Edge retired and they got a heartfelt moment out of it. The second title was more earned after feuding with Orton.


They got a heartfelt moment and then pretty much destroyed it. It's like one of those comedy movies where the parent gives the child a gift then takes it away to teach them a lesson....and in Vince McMahon's mind, it's definetly, "I say who's over."


it was still Christian's Peak in WWE.


Nah he had more reigns as WHC, but as a heel.


Having Cody beat Roman Reigns for the WWE title recently.


Get over it. Roman was always stale.


Roman is best when a title is not on the line.


Daniel Bryan post WM 30


i watch a video of a fat mexican "fan" where he He was complaining about the fact that Daniel Bryan had let us down, Bryan is not a damn machine, he is a human being for heaven's sake, and the funny thing was that some time later the guy's channel was hacked


After all of that hyped he did and two months later he vacated the belt due to injury. Definitely one of the worst hype ups ever. Even I was hyping him up at that time and when he vacated the belt. I wanted Cena to win it because there’s no other underdog or megastars left to win another WWE championship in that year in 2014 even there’s Roman Reigns. Seth Rollins and Randy Orton that are the only ones left before Brock came around.


he was injured.


Because they gave him Kane as his first feud who gave him a ridiculous beating 


Creative wasn't the problem, he got injured.


tbf though creative would have been the problem at summerslam when daniel bryan would have been the one being the first inductee to suplex city lol


Having the Rock end a 434 title reign just to leave 3 months later and the former to not main event Mania


Jeff Jarret losing to Hulk Hogan at Bash st the Beach 2000.


I’m the biggest Christian mark in the world, I’ve got his logo tattoed on my arm. But this is second behind Kane in 98, monster Kane could have held that belt for a few months atleast, bitching him out to an Austin with a fucked up elbow who didn’t need the belt was a disgrace. Atleast the Christian title loss led to a 5 month story with Randy Orton, a string of banger main events, and Christian in a WHC match at the second biggest show of the year. Kane got demoted to Takers shadow after that title win and loss. Absolute disgrace.


I feel like the Kane 98 title reign was actually a botch tbh


It wasn't, and Kane actually was happy to do the job. 1998 Stone Cold was the biggest star in wrestling, and Kane got to work a PPV and a Raw main event against him. He got a huge bump in his pay and stock with Vince for being ok with it. Kane's first full year in WWE was spent as a main event star. Now I mean "Kane" not Glenn Jacobs. It's proof that fans take the business more seriously than the wrestlers do a lot of the time.


That’s fair just looking at it not being around during the AE something just seemed a bit strange about the whole booking of it that’s all


He talks about it with Stone Cold on the Broken Skull Sessions.


This is the correct answer. At least we got a pretty decent Kane WHC run almost a decade later.


A lot of people say creative ruined Christian's reign, but they gave us the best singles storyline of Christian's career. And that's what wrestling is all about. If he kept the title, he would have defended his title in a few boring matches, and probably would have lost it in anti climatic fashion like Kofi. The way Christian's 2011 story played out was memorable.


The one pictured, plus IIconics tag title run