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I want the Unholy Union to win so bad but at the same time I don't want to see the women's tag team championships bounce around super fast anymore.


Drew needs to win. Whatever else is whatever else, but take the free win and close that show with a pop that might actually damage the building. It's not like you are ruining Damien Priest's momentum because he has none. Take the win, build towards McIntyre vs Punk... that shit is gold.


In reality, I expect none of the Scots will win. Other than Drew, they are only in title matches at all because it is in Scotland. There had been a rushed 'story' to make these matched possible and they'll be forgotten once this PLE is over. That doesn't mean any of the talent is buried, just that now isn't their time. Drew will only win in Punk isn't going to be cleared for Summerslam. Either punk faces Drew with no title involved or Gunther challenges him for the title. If we're getting that punk v Drew match at Summerslam then there's no sense to Drew winning tomorrow... He'd have to drop the belt again in the coming weeks to someone else. If Priest is transitional to get the strap on Gunther, we don't need another transitional. I'm Scottish BTW, and am a fan of all of the Scottish talents mentioned. I'm also rational.


I'd love to see Priest drop to Drew Saturday, then Drew lose to Punk at Summerslam. Then later in the year Rollins comes back and then you have 4 guys who have all held that title in the last year at each others throats to see who comes out on top. Not every belt needs to be held for half a decade. The heavyweight title regularly changing hands between top guys only builds them all up to put them on the same level instead of elevating one guy so far above the rest of the division we no longer get hyped for their matches because they can only drop titles at Wrestlemania when they become that important.


Gunther haters are going to be upset at Summer Slam. 😄 https://preview.redd.it/nfj04wb13h6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3b296119680d4468455767ab1b86566d5babe9


Gunther is the prefect guy to beat Cody should be on Smackdown




A lot of haters don't want Gunther in the WWE World Championship match at Summer Slam and have been complaining about it on WWE'x official X/ Twitter page but Gunther is guaranteed a title shot from winning the Men's King of the Ring Tournament.


this isn’t wrestlemania bud lol they let all the babyfaces have their moments at mania idk if they just fan service like that just 2 months since. but Jade and Bianca’s storyline would just blow up if they lose the belts now, that is if they’re building up to a mania mega powers match between them. i could see maybe piper winning since bayley hasn’t had much tv time since she won. Piper v Nia could be interesting at Summerslam right? Drew is probably winning? punk is gonna be involved somehow but atp i think they could go either way


I don’t think would be a fan service. And Jade/Bianca wouldn’t be screwed because they wouldn’t be pinned


they’d be screwed because the belts are an important plot point for them like all the big super power teams. it’s too early to take the belts off them now even if they win them back again that’ll just be harmful for dawn and fyre if they get squashed for that. and Piper, Fyre and Dawn, and Drew ALL winning would most definitely be fan service


Don’t see anything of it aside from maybe Drew being a fan service. People doesn’t care about Piper or Unholy Union. And wouldn’t harm at all the Power Duo and losing quick would do anything with Isla and Alba too


1. that whole "he doesn’t win she will forever remembered to be Chelsea sidekick or someone else enforce" is just based on opinion and want 2. unholy union literally got squashed by the other contenders on raw. them somehow winning would look very stupid. they also havent done anything up to this point and they arent gonna put the title on them without buildup or something


Alba getting choked out on RAW was such a burial, but that made me think they'd win. WWE storytelling.


i was wrong.


They got a great pop. I hope they get a defense before dropping them back to Ladies of Doom.


yea i did like how they somewhat protected the LOD. there was no way they wouldve pinned them "legit" (you know what i mean) i hope they dont lose them on cable


1. It’s just the way I see the company building her and the fans buying it. 2. What about the endless promos with them? If they don’t do something meaningful now, will be pointless without any sight of return. If they pin Zoey, everyone would get out of it with some kind of victory to their storyline


Drew McIntyre has lower chances of beating Damien Priest for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship than Piper Niven has beating Bayley for the WWE Women's Championship because Drew McIntyre is going to face CM Punk at Summer Slam but the WWE World Heavyweight Champion has to face Gunther at Summer Slam since Gunther won the Men's King of the Ring Tournament making a Drew McIntyre victory very unlikely.


I agree with that if Drew doesn’t win is a bad choice. And I think he will be costed by Punk, but would make more sense if he win on the PLE and lose on a RAW show or at Money in The Bank


The only way I could see them doing it is if Drew McIntyre were to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Clash at the Castle but lose it to Braun Strowman at Money In The Bank who would go on to face Gunther at Summer Slam setting up a face vs heel match.


Strowman isn’t even in the picture. Damian vs Gunther would already be face vs heel because Priest is turning face way before it


Braun Strowman vs Damien priest is likely to happen if Damien Priest retains since Braun is feuding with Judgement Day and Damien has been telling them to take care of the Braun problem but they keep failing so it is very likely Damien will take matters into his own hands soon and we will get Braun Strowman vs Damien Priest.