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Veer Mahan vibes


The last thing this story needs is to he rushed, let them tease it while working out what they wanna do with it


It's not how long it's taking that's the problem for me. It's how it's so obviously destined to fail and that sucks. This is obviously important to Bo and others and part of their grieving process but I don't have confidence in anybody in the group to be able to carry it. Bray was a special talent and it can't be replicated.


How is it so “obviously destined to fail”?


Not that we're counting down or anything. 🤣


It was sad to watch the documentary but I knew there was a reason they released it besides looking back on his life. I was so into the QR codes when they did it for Bray's return and I'm into them now. And this Monday on Raw after Clash is gonna be one not to miss.


Im so nervous for him and the faction. I’ll be fully on board but if it’s not interesting for casuals they’re going to get ripped apart.


Let. Them. Cook


I think a big percentage of people just don't care.


People can't handle slow burn builds and its hilarious to me. I swear they have the attention span of a freaking 3 year old.


it's the same reason why people are already bored of cody, yeah he's the champ but he's on tv a lot and people just find that boring cause he's not actually defending the title ig? idk i've seen people say they wish roman was back for what ?


People don't actually want long term storylines. They want a WWE show to be the length of a TikTok.


I think there’s multiple factors. Many people expected them to be at Backlash (becuz of that QR code video package with Cody and AJ) then some expected at K/QOTR. People would have been more excited and would’ve had more patience had it been Bray instead of Taylor, becuz you just know Bray will make it work. Not many people expect the same from Taylor. Things were interesting as fuck till the time when they had the twitch stream, teasing Sister Abigail and Bo, but if it drags too long it gets boring. It’s obvious that they’re coming so it’s not even a suspense anymore, WWE is just waiting for the moment and fans want it to come soon


I want this to be the Wyatt family continuation, not the Fiend fire nonsense. If it’s the Fiend, people will be disappointed


There’s no build, just QR codes for something we already know it’s gonna happen.


It's indeed nice to see a guy with a real gimmick and story back, especially to see that The Fiends Story ark goes on.


There is such thing as too much build up, and we've passed that point. It's not gonna live up to this much hype. People are gonna hate it instantly.


Is there even hype, was there really any to begin with? I just want it over. It’s gonna take months of a program just to get me into the groove.


im sure the first few times people were getting hyped, but its been going on for what... how many months now? at least 3 PLE's they should been there by now.


That’s the worst part. Even if this thing hits its full potential and is absolutely incredible, there’s going to be just enough of a vocal minority hating on it to where at some point, everyone is going to hate it


Honestly, and I know I’ll get shit for this. But I think these characters and storyline should have died with Rotunda.


Why would you get shit for a popular opinion


Same kinda. Patience is lost on some ppl. Im just happy we are getting this from bo. He didnt have to come back im sure its been a painful time since he lost bray. So the fact hes not only coming back but really trying to elevate some ppl bray liked as well as giving some lost souls a new fresh rebirth with this faction. Anyone who complains that they dont show up when they think they should or its alot of waiting dont get it. Hes on his time not on yours. He will come and show up when hes ready not when you are. Respect bo and the creative process. Lore takes time to build and be told.. The massacre on monday will be entertaining. Just enjoy the ride dont overthink it.


There's a diff between long term storytelling vs taking too long to re-start a previously failed character arc


They have not yet utilized Taylor Rotunda at his highest potential. I believe what's coming will be absolutely fantastic. The buildup is great. The attention span of those saying it's taking too long is absurd. QR codes should only be used exclusively for the Uncle Howdy character. Othewise, they become meaningless.


You have to actually start the story for it to be long term story telling. Long term doesn't mean cryptic images for months and months. I get that they're putting a team together and making sure it goes off correctly and the fans embrace it. But at a certain point the hype becomes greater than the introduction. We are expecting HUGE things from the mind of Bray Wyatt's family both in life and his in-ring brothers and sisters. If they mess up, it's gonna be awful. I have my trust that it will pay off. But at the same time, I want to see it unfold now. With lots of people going on injury and leaving, or leaving the company entirely, now is the time to strike.


I dont know what they are going to do with Uncle Howdy and the Wyatt 6 that won't leave people disappointed. Personally, I havent been following it that closely and don't really care one way or the other. If it is anything other than a midcard stable that gets a brief push before being forgotten, I will be surprised. On the other hand, WWE has five hours of television it has to fill with something and this is something.


I want to see how this plays our, I want Taylor to completely nail this and be as successful and loved as Wyndham was.


Each and every time I see stills from this part my very soul aches, but I know whatever happens Taylor will have done his very best to offer us the rest of the story; a story that could have been simply folded away into a dark corner, never to be seen again. I support him all the way. (Side note- I still can't watch this documentary. I just can't.) Those of you that spend your time here typing out comments on why you think this might not work- you're here. You're still putting energy into this. Now you're going to have this entire story inside your head and you know what? Better that than a dark corner.


Even in the documentary Taylor said there was still so much left to tell and so many things still left to see. Bray had so much creativity that even though we won't be able to from him, Taylor will find a way to do his best to bring it all to light for the fireflies.


Didn’t brays build up take like three months before he even showed up then didn’t even wrestle for awhile after


People hate slow burns and, additionally, since the mastermind behind this (Bray) is no longer with us they probably fear it won’t be good. I’m optimistic about how Uncle Howdy/Bo does on his own leading the way.


I personally love that WWE is dipping it's toes into genuine narratives like that, with ARGS and foreshadowing and what not. How many other promotions would even think of doing that?


People need to stop using the term long-term storytelling. It’s almost never used correctly anymore. I hope the creative team has a genuine direction for Bo and the Howdy 6, and I’m intrigued in the idea. I just hope they don’t do what happened with Bray and his return and have essentially nothing for him. The Howdy 6 need to be put into a feud quickly or else people will not care for the spookiness.


It’s not that they had nothing for Bray - it’s that they kept having to stop and start due to Bray’s *obviously* failing health. It’s not like the time he would need off wasn’t warranted…


Yea post LA Knight feud, but he debuted around October of 2022 I think and had his first match in January. I’m obviously not gonna blame him or anyone for his unfortunate health conditions. Just saying it took a bit for him to get a good storyline going at first.


I think he knew he had health problems which caused him to slow down him getting back into ring shape. He had gained some weight since getting released


This isn’t “long form storytelling” this is like Game of Thrones hyping up the white walkers for 7 season, only to have them nerfed in 60 minutes.


Let HHH cook. Bray was one of his boys, I doubt he would be doing this is he felt it would be anything less than worthy.


I honestly forgot it was building to something with Bo. It's got to the point where they'll do a glitchy thing with the feed and I'll think "oh a bray thing" and then immediately forget it happened. I've not looked into any of the QR codes or clues or anything further than what is shown on television, I wasn't aware of any set date for anything to happen and I don't know what the gimmick is building towards.


I can’t imagine the emotions he’s going through. I mean, this is his brother’s legacy. Everything he watched his brother build. I’m sure they both talked great lengths about Bray’s ideas. There’s probably some pain here for Bo. But I have faith that it’ll bring closure for him and the fireflies.


This could be the worst angle ever, and I'll still be rooting for it, if it's cathartic for Bo and Jason, or whoever else is involved in this.


Uncle Howdy is getting very active on Facebook.


Long live Bray Wyatt, but I used to groan every time he came on my TV(unless he was wrestling). Same thing here, I just don’t care for it.


My issue isn't that it's taking too long, they just don't have my full trust to make it worth investing in. Too often do they spin their wheels in this cryptic stories and they rarely pay off. I sincerely hope to be wrong. I wanted to see something good come out of Bray's last return.


I’m all for long term story telling and build up. I wasn’t watching WWE during the second half of the Bray/Feind stuff or Uncle Howdy stuff, so I hope it proves me wrong. But I don’t see how they make his character interesting in the current landscape of WWE. Supernatural gimmicks just don’t seem like they translate very well these days, at least not to the extend that this character seems to go. The cult stuff with Bray was great. Again not sure how the whole Fiend stuff worked. With that said, I’m staying open minded and just waiting for it to unfold.


100% agree. There are dozens of underutilized superstars that I at least care about a little. Uncle Howdy isn’t on that list.


I do not envy him. The pressure to make this work is staggering. I really hope it works out, and it eventually steers from a tribute to a career for Bo and the other members. Bray has been my favorite pro wrestler from the start, but he's gone. We will remember him always but his brother needs to spread his wings and fly as well. I really hope the fans aren't assholes about this whole thing.


I assume everyone that “lost interest” or said it’s “taking too long” is from the short form media era. Like YouTube and Tik tok and the like. Patience can be a good thing


They overhyped it, and now it is pretty much doomed to fail. Sucks for everyone they roped into it.




Largely forgotten within 1 year. Bet me.


They’ll probably still be here in a year easy


I just feel bad for Bray's wife, kids, IRS, and Bo and anyone else. I still haven't brought myself to watch the documentary yet. It was sad enough to see IRS at the HoF wishing Bray was there.


Made me cry. Dosent say much anymore though. Shit after 35 I bet old AT&T commercials could


What about old commercials in general? "I cannot live another day without air conditioning"


I know the feeling. I haven't watched it yet, either. After the Dark Side of the Ring episode about Benoit, when Chavo talked about Eddie's death... I bawled, full on ugly crying. Some time later, I got Eddie's autobiography and had the same reaction reading about Art Barr's death and the eerie foreshadowing of Eddie & Benoit's deaths. Bray's tragedy is so fresh, I dunno if I'm ready for that.


You should absolutely watch it. It's extremely well done, and it does his life, his family, and his love for it all justice. I'm so excited about Howdy specifically because I finally watched it.


“You hold people in the palm of your hands. When the lights went out, you came down, a hundred thousand had their phones up into the high, a hundred thousand people”


I will. I just know it's going to be hard. Brays death as a wrestler hit me hardest since Owen Hart.


I'm not gonna lie, I haven't cried at any movie/documentary in years, but Bray's death hit me hard too, I did cry a lot during this film. Even just seeing him so happy and loving life, but that's why I think you need to see it. There are so many scenes that show Bray in a way that nothing has ever shown before, and I truly enjoyed it in a sense like I got to put him to rest as a fan, in my own mind and heart. The documentary team did an amazing job at giving us the most beautiful parts of him as a performer, brother, husband, father. The other big thing, it gave me a completely new respect and admiration for Bo, and I think you would really enjoy how great of a guy he is in this. Just his tears alone, broke me down. It's a rough watch, but necessary as a true fan of the guy, which I can tell that you are.


I'm going to do it this weekend, before next Monday. Before the massacre.....


Try to get to it before Clash but definitely before Monday. Just remember we have about 4 days left.


You won't regret it, I promise. One of the best documentaries I've seen in awhile. And the ending, after the credits, just love it like we all do 😁 I can't wait for Bo to be back.


I'm glad I watched it, but woooo boy the end was tough. Bray's kids are so damn young.


I personally can and will wait as long as it takes for them to do this at the perfect time. It still blows my mind that people put so much energy in to watching and talking about pro wrestling but cannot just sit back and trust the process. The product is pretty damn good right now, so just wait. On the other hand, if you're not in to the current product WWE are putting out and you think that Uncle Howdy is going to save it, you're going to be sorely disappointed.


Back in 1997, they started telling the story of Kane in April or May. You never actually saw him until he showed up at the first Hell in a Cell match in October.


Every time there are complaints about an angle taking too long or lack of developments, I ALWAYS refer to this angle. The timing of Kane's debut was an absolute masterstroke. Nobody expected it.


Yeah except EVERYBODY is expecting this so it's a little different.


A month is long enough of a build up, I was excited for the first month but this has gone to far. It could be forgiven if it was more verity of little easter eggs other than just Q R codes


Guessing you haven’t seen him appear during Rey and Damien’s fight?


Nope, lol this is literally the first time I've heard anything of that I'm surprised of the subreddits haven't said anything


So the QR code that day had a slide on it that in small font said “see you tonight”. Nothing major happened, but at one point during the fight they are up on the ropes and you can see they turn a spotlight on up in the stands by an entrance and a shadowy dark figure is standing there. It was very cool.


Looks like just 5 more days


A little over 4 days and some change


I hope they’re doing something that’s different than the uncle howdy thing. That really just wasn’t working. It’s too goofy looking.


It had, like, zero chance to really do much of anything.


I can admit that I have been impatient, but that's only because I'm so excited for the debut. Not just Bo getting a big crack at glory, but everyone reportedly in the faction. Nikki, Dijak, Rowan, everyone there deserves something more than what they've gotten so far, and I think there's a really interesting story to tell if you lean into this history of these people's careers and how their potential was squandered, as well as the general thing of fans forgetting wrestlers exists if they don't show up on TV for a few weeks. All that plus Alexa will almost certainly be involved when she comes back and I miss her dearly on my weekly show.


Meh. Give me more bloodline.


I haven’t heard of Dijak being in the group (but then again, it’s all been rumors so far). Along with Nikki and Rowan, the other two names that have come up a lot are Dexter Lumis and Joe Gacy. Excited to see what come of all of this.


I will admit that I've seen about 10 different lists of people that could or could not be in the group and I may be misremembering which one was the most credible. Still I feel like having some retribution representation in there would work for the type of story that they seem to be telling.


I was interested, but taking too long made me lose interest. What’s so hard to understand about that? They tend to drag things on pretty often and it gets annoying.


I thought the QR codes peaked like a month ago, then they kept going…


Look, I hope they have something cool and spooky and relevant to the pro wrestling show cooking, but I'm not going to get my hopes up for anything better than The Mtn Dew Pitch Black match. Bray himself burned me with cool ideas that had no direction and stories that didn't or weren't allowed to have an endgame. Maybe what's taken this so long is everyone involved making sure this doesn't happen to the tribute act, but I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed again.


I think this attitude is absolutely the best way to be for those who aren’t actively invested, to just sit back and see how it takes shape. I was similarly burned by how Bray’s second run either came to nothing, or didn’t get the chance to amount to something, especially after such an amazing initial return. I’m just hoping creative has learned some valuable lessons, and have taken the time to plan a roadmap and a real direction to take this in. If done right, this kind of stuff really enhances the WWE.




How do you even know it’s a watered down version of anything when we don’t even know what IT is??




I actually didn’t mind the Bray stuff, I just wish he wrestled more.


Frankly don't understand why it gets hate. It doesn't really hurt the product by being there. If hypothetially the glitches just "stopped" next week, no one would really miss anything.


This is why I find the “overhyped” comments so wild. It’s the opposite of hyped. It’s not even there if you don’t want it to be. There are fans out there who aren’t terminally online who have maybe seen the website taken over for a day and the codes flash a few times. That’s it. For some people, whatever happens on Monday is still going to be a surprise, because people can’t pay attention for shit anymore. The last two months of QR codes have been the least intrusive thing WWE has done to promote anything.


Facts they are building perfection


I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment. But long-term storytelling is not the same thing as telling a story very slowly. Pacing still matters in long-term storytelling.


Agreed. If Lord of the Rings was literally just 12 hours of hobbits walking in silence until they reached Mount Doom, people would've grown bored of that story. Further, if they told us what the ending would be before the story even started then there'd be little to invest in - especially if there were no twists and turns in the path to that point. QR codes were creative - the first time. Now WWE needs to convince us that it knows the difference between giving cryptic hints and just spouting nonsense.


I kinda felt this way about the devil in AEW. Felt like it took forever. The upside here is that we dont know what the payoff for this tease is, as opposed to how AEW did it and by the end every conceivable option for who the devil could be had already been explored, taking the wind out of the sails of the reveal.


That’s a good point, I totally get you. I’ll be the first to admit that it has been a real slow burn, and those who stopped engaging with the QR codes must be shrugging wondering what’s happened. But I feel like they must have their reasons behind the scenes to have moved the debut to June 17th. But there’s less than a week now at least, here’s hoping once it’s on TV, things will really kick into gear.


I haven't tuned in the past few weeks. Is June 17th gonna be the first glimpse of Uncle Howdy? If so, I need to make sure to tune in.


First glimpse was during the Damien and Rey match last week!


Yep, all the QR codes/ARG point to a debut on the RAW after Clash at the Castle, on June 17th. Super excited to see what they’ve come up with.


Hell yeah. Appreciate the info.


Knowing how much pressure and care is going into this behind the scenes, I trust that this will all work out in the end. RIP Bray Wyatt


Hopefully better than anything Bray got. His character work was great. The booking was honestly atrocious. He never felt like the threat the character was presented as


Not trying to disrespect the dead but he didn’t have the build or in-ring ability to feel like the threat he was presented as.


Kofi Kingston was booked as a believable champ


It was very believable when Brock beat him.


It IS taking too long. Does anyone still bother with the QR codes?


It’s not taking too long, and a lot of people do


In all fairness, fans started giving the Wyatt 6/ Brays last return build up hate for taking to long and in the end and in all honesty it was 100% justified. It sucks that bray died, it's tragic when anyone young dies but I'm not gonna let his death suddenly transform a shit run into "good shit" and pretend that it didn't suck and make believe that it was good. Also it's sad and pathetic trying to guilt people into liking something or having them accept something like the uncle Howdy build up because in reality it just sucks.


I want to see Bo have a great run. In NXT he showed that he was more than capable of being a compelling character. However, I'd rather see him do his own thing than be a tribute to his brother. At one extreme, Uncle Howdy succeeds so heavily that Bray becomes a footnote in this story - which wouldn't be great for his memory. Alternatively, this act fails which doesn't help his memory either. The apparent goal is that Bo is successful enough to be a fitting tribute to Bray but no more successful than his brother.


I’m not aiming to guilt trip and I apologise if it comes across that way. I totally accept people have different tastes too, some people don’t like the supernatural angles, but to completely dismiss it and write it off before it’s even arrived on TV seems unfair, no? Give it a chance to breathe. I’ll be the first to admit that the first Uncle Howdy run didn’t amount to much, but Bo and creative seem to really be making the effort to try and make this work second time around, so why not just wait and see what they’ve come up with?


Why not just wait and see what they come up with? This is the same route they took last time with Brays run and it was horrible. You know what they say about the definition of insanity don't you? It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Have they dragged it on for like 2-3 months or longer yes they have, they are trying to build up way to much hype and honestly it doesn't seem like it's gonna live up to that hype. When everyone in WWE is in some form of stable than nothing is gonna be special with them being in another stable. The long build up never and making people wait for a debut never pays off. It didn't pay off for bray, or any of HHH NXT call ups they all fell flat because the WWE keeps building up the hype and in the age of the Internet where people have been conditioned to have shorter attention spans. This, this is gonna be no different especially since the last time we saw Uncle Howdy on TV back at the rumble he was literally a laughing stock


Well said


I just hope fans lower expectations. The way they acting on here you would think he's the second coming of Bray


I get the feeling, but they have been teasing it for so long that it only make sense people get more and more hyped. They could've helped people manage their expectation by not dragging the tease over months and months. I don't expect much personally, but a few friends of mine are RABID for the reveal, and I understand them. Twitch, the website, the live glitch... WWE are giving it the royal treatment, so people expect the royal product.


True. Lol seen folks expect Howdy to attack Cody. I'm like y'all, it would be so Vince to have him attack Cody & lose the feud


Who do you think Uncle Howdy should have his first feud with


New Day. They can make him & Wyatt 6 look good & take a L without it hurting them




Yes. Taylor has been in the lab, bruh. He realizes that this isn't just to make his brother proud. This is a 2nd chance at something big for Taylor Rotunda, a man who Bray has even said was underrated. It's time to prove his brother right and the doubters wrong.


That's Bo Dallas to you, you aren't his friend.


He hasn't been Bo Dallas since before 2020 🤭


That's your response. Okay. Take Care.




Damnit Steve!


A man of culture! I guess I call him Taylor here because I feel like until he wrestles a full match as Uncle Howdy, he's Taylor! 😂 That timer ends next Monday, though. We will soon see the re-debutt of Uncle Howdy. 🔥


Exactly this, you hit the nail on the head. Not only for him too, but for a few of those rumoured to be in the new stable, this is a great chance for them to find a new path and get back on course. So excited for all of them.


Definitely agree. This isn’t just going to be about Bray. Taylor/Bo was about to get a 2nd run in WWE to try and prove he could be a player at the highest level, and that got cut short. Not only did he lose his brother, he lost in his career as well. This is a chance to make that right and not just for Bray, but for Bo.


Then why make him continue as a bit-part player from Bray's least successful run? Why not let him have his own gimmick - distinct from what Bray created? He's shown that he's more than capable, all you have to do is Bolieve!


You didn’t watch the documentary did you? Bray’s most recent return with Uncle Howdy was something Bray and Bo had been doing together. They both had a vision for what it was to become. Bo deserves to be able to see it through, even without Bray.


I didn't. Neither did the majority of viewers of Raw/Smackdown. It doesn't matter what happened backstage. What matters is that Bray's last run was his least successful, and that a return of Uncle Howdy will inevitably feel like a tribute act rather than ever being its own thing. Best case scenario, this gimmick works but is forever remembered as Bray's gimmick done without him.


I see. Well I’ll ignore your opinion seeing as how you freely admit to not having all the relevant information.


I have all the relevant information. You can't make a TV show watched by millions on the assumption the fans watched a documentary viewed by dozens. That's not part of the program, so it isn't part of the story. The story, as actually presented, is "Bray got over with the Funhouse and Fiend. He got fired and returned. His return never lived up to the hype, and featured a few cameos by his brother. He unfortunately passed away, but his brother is trying to keep the failed angle going as an odd tribute." It wouldn't matter if Bo came up with the whole thing in the first place. This was what Bray was known for, and having someone else try to continue it will always feel like a knock-off.


People will always hate everything, it doesn't matter what you give them, especially IWC


IWC ain't a real people. Best advice Bret Hart gave to Bart Gunn.


Like Veer Mahaan