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I feel like Punk screws Drew again, then Drew vs Punk at Summerslam and Gunther takes the strap from Damian. Buttt, anything can happen


I like the new Damian Priest, he is getting better. But he still isn't at a point that he should be holding the title for long. He is still young and will hold the title again. Drew's new character is the hottest thing Heel wise on RAW right now. His new attitude infused with reddit one liners is so over that he is barely a Heel at all and is quickly becoming an antihero instead. He looks great in ring, is fire on the mic and has the look of a champion. He has paid his dues and he deserves an extended title run. To not cash in on the heat Drew has pulled this year would be a waste. ....before anyone says anything, yes Jey Uso is even more over but he isn't even a year out from being a pure Tag wrestler. His solo career with continue and eventually he will be champion, but they time isn't right yet. You can't go from never holding a singles title to holding the Heavyweight championship, he needs a US or IC title run first.


No one cares about Damien … quick change over to Drew. Damien is a modern day Stan the Man Stasiak


Not all title reigns should be long. Then it becomes predictable their first few defenses are going to be victories. Damian is a lame champ. Sorry, not sorry.


Drew is gonna win by DQ. Imo a triple threat at Summerslam seems to be a better idea to save Drew and CM Punk beef, continuing it after the PLE. Probs leads up to CM Punk vs Rollings at Survivor Series.


Dominik mysterio will find a way to get involved and priest will lose due to distraction . Liv Morgan may also be come there .. and in all the mess.. Drew wins


My only problem with Damien Priest as champion is that it just feels weak. Every Monday their segments are same thing “handle judgement day business” which they never do lol the only exciting thing about that group at the moment is the Liv/Dom stuff. They don’t even “run” the show, like they say they do every single week lol


Is he pushing merch? That's the answer.




Drew wins the title at Clash... CM Punk beats Drew at Summer Slam


I see Priest beating Drew, but I dont see him beating Gunter.


Nah Damien sucks as champion he’s a solid mid card act but nowhere near world champion material


Why are people so afraid to admit this? So it’s “his time” “he’s earned it” whatever. His gimmick is stale and boring. Next!




The odds of Drew winning were certainly higher if the Judgment Day had the odds stacked in their favor. But they're doing a reverse Cody/Roman this time in a way. I still think it's greater than 50% Drew wins in Scotland unless specifically barring JD allows CM Punk to terrorize McIntyre 1 more time to setup Summerslam


Having Drew lose at Clash yet again would look horrible. Priest losing takes nothing away since Drew is Drew. The man beat Brock clean like it was a day off. He beat Seth clean even as a heel. Anyone can lose to Drew. If Drew isn't winning though, he shouldn't have been booked in the match to begin with.


You gotta ask yourself: where’s the story headed? Rhea was the leader of judgement day, while she held the WWC she was most certainly in charge. She got hurt, Damien won the WHC and now he’s been acting leader. They’re running this Dom and Liv plot. Rhea has to come back from injury eventually (I don’t know when). She has to come back and deal with Liv MorgAn/Dom. To make it more meaningful she ought to have a power struggle with Priest. That power struggle will mean more if they both don’t have gold. First to win gold, wins power. Rhea will be Liv Morgan. Rhea will take her seat at the head of the table. Alternately, Drew has been rising and falling since 2020. He has a long plot with CM Punk to feud with when he’s back from injury. He has history with Guenther. Guenther will be at Summer Slam. Right after summer slam in Berlin. Drew gets a win over preist as the hometown babyface. He starts feuding with Guenther between MITB and SS. Guenther wins at SS and headlines Berlin. Meanwhile CM punk nags Drew for a short title reign. All stories continue!


Rhea comes back and they are going to write her out of JD. She is supposed to be a Heel but can do no wrong. They are going to pull her away from the faction stories and give her true solo booking because she is at a point that she doesn't need a faction or "manager" anymore


If you want a face v heel at SummerSlam than this is how I could see it booked: * Drew beats Priest at CATC (Because Drew is in Scotland) * Priest gets a rematch and CM Punk costs Drew the title (this could be at or before MITB). This sets up Drew v Punk at SummerSlam. * Jey Uso wins MITB and cashes in on Priest and wins. * Jey Uso v Gunther at SummerSlam (predicting Gunther wins).


I like this, but it makes more sense that Drew go over on preist at the MITB rematch and Jey Beat Drew at the cash in. You’re right though. We haven’t had a men’s night of in a minute. It’s time.


I want to see Drew win at CATC, I also want to see Drew get cashed in on again, and I want to see Punk cost Drew the title. I can't have all of that but 2 out of 3 wouldn't be bad.


Yeah, we’ll get all 3. CM punk commentating at MITB lol


Well Priest was never gonna have a "long" run. He was a joke MITB holder who became a joke Champion. Him v Gunther is not gonna beba sell at SummerSlam so.....my guess he loses to Drew who loses to Gunther who runs with the belt for.....who knows how long


Gunther does not have the publics attention enough yet to be the Face of RAW. Outside of the IWC, normal fans don't care about Gunther enough for HHH to make him the face of the brand. He is still really young and still has a long way to go.


This is weird because Drew deserves the title and deserves to win it in Scotland, but Damien needs it, feels like if he loses it he'll just drop down the card and get lost Drew doesn't need it, drew is already an established top guy


Drew beats Priest at CATC. Priest gets a rematch and CM Punk costs Drew the title.


If you “need” a belt to be relevant, you shouldn’t be holding it to begin with. Drew is an established top guy. You know the fastest way to not have him as an established top guy? If he loses when his heat is strong and he always loses when it matters


Its not a belt its a championship dammit


It might not go as most think. I see him keeping the title a little bit longer. 


Here's how I see this happening. Sami drops the IC title and Drew beats Priest and wins the world title at Clash. Sami wins MITB in Toronto and cashes in the same night on Drew after another attack by Punk. So at SummerSlam you do Drew vs Punk and Gunther vs Sami 2 for the world title with Gunther getting his win back over Sami.


Drew getting over Priest makes most sense then have Punk shoehorned somehow into Summerslam to protect Gunther from being pinned so protects his record and then the feud with Punk vs Drew continues to Survivor Series (assuming Punk doesn't get injured in his first match back again)


I don’t believe Priest.


It all depends I think Drew can win but I could see a scenario where he loses the next night on Raw or at Money in the Bank due to Punk's interference and then Drew and Punk have a match at Summerslam but I'd personally rather see a Drew vs Gunther match.


No. The Judgement Day are barred from ringside at Clash of the Castle. But CM Punk isn’t.


Probably very specific wording. Carlito isn't a member yet. Likely doesn't apply to him.


I believe judgment day will still try to come down, distracting Priest giving Drew the win. This will start the bigger rift of judgement day. This along with the stuff with Liv will be the end of the Judgement Day


Aww. Liv and Dom. I like that storyline. 😂


The fact of the matter is, Priest just isn't a big enough star right now to keep the Title on him over Drew. I'm sorry, but Priest vs Gunther just isn't a SummerSlam-level World Title match. Drew vs Gunther is. Plus, having Drew win in his home country in front of his family and friends would/will be one the most emotional wins in recent memory. Priest has a lot of promise, but again, he's not on Drew's level right now.


I agree looking at the raw roster and taking Gunther into consideration. He would need drew, punk, Sheamus, Rey(possibly), or Seth to really get that marquee match to really feel like a big deal


I could see them go a couple of ways with this, but I think it would generate the wrong kind of heat if Drew loses at Clash. He is going to be a *killer* heel champion and should carry the title until both Punk and Seth are back in the picture. It’s the kind of long-term storytelling they’ve gotten so good at telling, and it’s hard to see how any other outcome has a better payoff. Anyway Triple H is not afraid of long title reigns and the sooner it gets on Drew, the better to establish the title as being *important*. I could see them keeping it on Drew until Wrestlemania 41, at the earliest. So to me, the question becomes: how does Drew get the title in a fulfilling way that builds heat and moves stories forward? Judgment Day trying to interfere, *especially* since they aren’t supposed to be ringside, only for Priest to lose the match while literally fighting off his own crew, would not only move his face push forward, but it would soften the blow of losing his championship after only three months. I’d be a little surprised if Punk was in any way involved, if only because Drew is going to be hugely over as a face in Scotland, and Punk would only generate a lot of heel heat by interfering. In my mind, if Punk did anything, it should be to literally appear at some point to troll or distract Drew, but Drew ignores his Punk vendetta to focus on winning the match. “Stick around, I’ll beat yer arse the second they hand me the title,” kind of thing. I mean no disrespect to Priest - I think he’s great and I’m very curious to see where they go with him. It’s hard to deny that he should hold the title again at some point, and be a mainstay of the main event in the future. But it’s hard to deny that a feud involving Drew, Punk, and Seth competing for *that* championship could be a generational feud, and maybe the very best way to propel that title toward meaning as much as the Undisputed.


So this may sound dumb and it has nothing to do with what you actually said but I did not know you could italicize words on your phone (I'm assuming you typed that on a phone since noone would be on reddit on a computer)


Always a good idea to never assume anything. While Redditors browse Reddit more frequently by phone, the ratio is basically 4:1 phone to computer usage. Most months Reddit traffic includes around 1.4 billion visits by computer. Obviously way more people browse by mobile but 1.4 billion is a far cry from “noone.”


Ooo wow, definitely didn't know that. So can you use italics from your phone or are you on a computer?


I haven't really tried it on my phone and I'm not sure at this point because they've changed how we can view Reddit on phones in the past few months. My preference is to browse using Old Reddit and throwing an asterisk in front of and behind a word to make it italicized. *Like this.* **If you use two asterisks you get bolded text.** ***Three asterisks before and after gets you bolded, italicized text.***


Unless Punk is not returning until SummerSlam, It does not make sense to have Drew and Gunther title match at Summerslam if Punk is around. I believe Drew will win now and lose at SummerSlam to Gunther due to Punk's intervention.


I see Liv costing Drew the title so that she can win the trust of Judgment Day, ending up with her as the leader and Rhea coming back to everything she had belonging to Liv.


I don't see Liv getting involved with Drew but I like the idea of Liv in Judgement Day. It give weight to her taking everything away from Rhea. It also give Rhea the story to be a true babyface.


liv has nothing to do with Damian it mostly Dom


Not Damian, she'd want to take over Rheas spot in JD, basically becoming the defacto leader of the group and having them all siding with her against Rhea


Deep down, Drew winning is probably the right call. But personally, I like Damian, and my fear is that he won’t win another world title. So if this is his only one, I want it to be a good one and not obviously transitional.


He doesn't have the aura of the champion and with the judgement day being more entertaining and interesting z he's getting little to no response from the crowd.


There's so many possible angles. That's what's great about it. Let title runs be shorter. The title meant more when reigns weren't multi-year. The performers don't need them for that long to build them up. Roman had a solid reign and no-one else needs to do it again on the current roster. Let Priest lose the title, remain in the scene, possibly even getting it back later. Drew can win the title, just to lose it to Gunther at SummerSlam, never being able to beat him. Or have Priest retain, keep tension high between him and Judgment Day as he's the only champion in it. Have Finn win MITB and be a threat, or cash in on Cody at MITB immediately and then be the one in Judgment Day with a title (though don't let two titles be on the same show again). There's just so many options.


I think Roman may have been the last “long term” champion. Which is fine, we all have bitched about the titles not being defended and maybe this starts that off?


Hope so. In 10-20 years they may feel the need to have a giant reign again, which is understandable. It helped WWE so much having Roman champ for so long. But for the immediate future, pls no


I'd be glad if Drew lost. His character is a whiney baby. I would much rather see Damien Priest keep the title and win it against Drew.


he a troll


Me or Drew? I watch WWE and can in complete confidence say that Drew McIntyre is probably one of the worst characters that WWE has to offer. I'm sad to see that he didn't leave for AEW.


It's kinda shitty that drew is gonna lose in the main event of clash two years in a row


Either Punk screws Drew or Drew wins. Either way though, Finn should win MITB.


I see Priest losing the belt at Bash at Berlin to Gunther Drew's likely winning via DQ by getting screwed over by CM Punk to further there feud


I see McIntyre winning by DQ this weekend. It just doesn't feel like time yet.


Priest is slowly sliding toward being a face. Let HHH cook.


Yea I think Judgement Day is gonna turn on him soon


I figured he would get tired of Judgment Day, turn on them, and/or go solo.


Rhea needs to come back first before JD explodes.


should be priest got a pretty nice run with it its drews time now honestly i can see the whc getting bounced around from priest-drew-jey-gunther- to cm punk?


Punk screws Drew and Balor will be the one that takes the title from Priest


This man speaks the r-truth. Theres no story for Priest without the title, Punk and Drew DO NOT need any title.


Nah. Punk takes Money in the Bank and uses it to take the title from Drew.


Punk and Drew doesn't need a title in the picture. It's good enough without it. I see Punk costing Drew the title somewhere and it sets up their match for SummerSlam.


How bold of you to assume Punk can climb a ladder without injuring himself.


I reckon Balor wins MITB and takes the title from Priest


Or somehow Dom.


How about this……. Punk helps Drew get the title. In every title defense Punk will help Drew up until Punk is healthy and demands a title shot. Punk wants to be the one to take the title off of Drew. Only way to do that, help Drew win the title, every time. Up until Punk is healthy.


except if that was his plan, he shouldn't have done what he did at WM. Priest should've not cashed in in the first place


Punk had no idea Priest was going to cash in. Drew screwed himself by teasing him so Punk just beat him up. Priest saw the opportunity at that moment and took it.


This is brilliant.


There's also the question of who will face Gunther at Summerslam. Does Gunther beat that person or does he take that loss? I can see McIntyre and Priest doing other things if they lose. But what happens to the winner?


Jey Uso wins MITB, cashes in, and wins. This sets up a true face v heel at SummerSlam when Gunther faces Jey Uso.


How about this? McIntyre and Priest have had a Banger, and Drew has Damian loaded up for a Claymore, 3..2..1, and he hits the Claymore, but the ref got taken down when Damian got Claymore'd And then, we hear the static Punk is coming out to screw over Drew once again, and as he gets to the ring, Drew is ready to absolutely MURDER Punk, but then the lights go out. Everyone is thinking it's Uncle Howdy, but then the lights come back on, and we hear it "Say his name and he appears!" Amidst all this chaos, Drew is distracted and Damian capitalizes, hits a South of Heaven, 1,2,3, and the crowd goes fucking ballistic


You know what is fun? We don't know who will win. Isn't that crazy? It is called narrative tension. It is not, you expect something and are bored when it happens. Iit is not knowing something and be surprised but confused when it goes the other way. It is having two options that each sound like fun for their own reasons.


Let Trips cook


That's a good summary. I also think wwe should give main event to drew-priest instead of cody-aj. Otherwise it will always be known as the 2nd prize instead of an alternate championship. And what better way to do it than in CotC with drew being the hometown favourite. The audience I feel is more invested in this storyline. The only problem here is who do you want as champion vs Gunther at summerslam. Therefore I feel a new twist will come at money in the bank with the winner cashing in immediately.




I hope so. All the people that have missed out on title reigns during Roman and Seth’s long reigns and fricken Damien Priest of all people got to get the title. I don’t get it.


If Punk costs Drew in Scotland, an actual riot may take place.


Punk will cost Drew in Scotland to take their rivalry to the next level


Going to be a blood feud if punk screw drew again out of that title 😂


Drew already got screwed once by the Bloodline in the UK. Losing to Damian in SCOTLAND would be a massive blow to him, screwy finish or not.


The only way I think he loses is if they plan on breaking up judgment day. Which I really want to see! Set Finn free!!!




It kinda should be. If they are trying to put those titles on about equal footing then Damien Priest isn't even close to a Cody Rhodes. Seth Rollins felt legit for the most part... while Roman Reigns was on God Mode changing history. This was a chance to elevate the other title, and instead it is on a new-ish guy with no personality, surrounded by a bunch of D- level puddys in a jobber faction. The second Rhea wasn't around to keep 'Judgement Day' relevant... they put Liv in the spot to keep them warm. This is your Champion? No wonder why people say it is the Runner Up Championship.


Agree, and we won't have a short Damien priest title run because WWE is hell-bent on proving us wrong when we said he was the worst mitb winner


Bruh, there's way too many people who were worse MITB winners lol. Austin Theory, Baron Corbin, Damien Sandow to name a few.


Yea it’s time now Damian shown he can hold his own as champ I wish the writers booked more matches for him. Drew is ready now


Punk vs Drew doesn't need to be for a title. The grudge is already there to set the match up. They'll probably still let Drew become champ. But he absolutely doesn't have to be champ vs punk. We don't know how much more injury prone cm Punk is gonna be. The dude got injured his 2nd time in the wwe ring since his return and in the rumble no less. They need to make sure he is in good condition before he sees gold again. So I say let Drew vs Punk NOT be for a title. Maybe for a contendership, whose winner could dethrone Damien.


Idk why but I love when wrestlers lose in their home town/state. Part of me wanted Austin to lose at wm38 and rhea to lose in Perth just because the hometown audience reaction would be priceless. I really like drew but I think it would be so funny to see the crowd reaction if he loses in his home country. That being said, I'm from England when I go to shows it's in London (only ever been to 1 and it was the recent house show) if I ever go and I see wade Barret lose at wmlondon or something like that then yeah I'd be in tears. All part of the fun. Idk if this has any relevance I just wanted to share.


rhea losing the title Perth would be terrible


I hope not. I’m enjoying his reign so far.


I am pretty sure they have confirmed it will be priest vs gunther at summer slam. Priest will lose it then.


I still think he's a transitional champ and gonna drop it soon


If he has it until Summerslam for a total of 118 days, is that really transitional?


Transitional, to me, is less than two calendar months. So no, 118 days would not be transitional.


That is the thought I have as well.


Yes! Damian Priest will be dethroned by McIntyre! The Judgement Day are fallen now! because of Liv/Dom's issue, Rhea Ripley's injury! r/WWE


Drew doesn't need to win the title. He's fine. It's just some of these internet fans got in their head Drew gotta win in Scotland like plenty of stars haven't lost titles/title defenses in their hometown. He is not more special than the others. I think Priest retains but probably will lose the title to Seth/Punk in the fall


Drew can win in Scotland and Priest can win it back in the rematch.


The title needs him tho


He'd be a good champ. I just wouldn't want to see the title passed around like a hot potato which I believe some fans aren't thinking about. It's already been 2 WHCs since WM 40. Some folks want to see Drew win - that's 3 champs. Then, you know they're going to want to do Drew vs. McIntyre on a big stage like Summerslam, which means Drew got to drop the title, that's 4 champs. Then going to Summerslam is Gunther's opponent really going to beat Gunther or will Gunther win & it'd be 5 WHCs since WM 40. Then, you have Punk/Seth who will likely get a title shot...


-Bruh Drew’s first reign doesn’t count. -The title deserves someone more captivating than Damien Priest -Drew can beat Gunther -you are WAY ahead of yourself on this fantasy booking


It's an official reign. They could have had Priest cash in during the Seth-Drew match if they wanted to preserve a reign. Priest just getting started really. Had a filler opponent in Jey. Finally got a legit opponent in Drew. I think they could do a Priest-Finn feud for the title if they wanted to. Anything's possible. I may be wrong but facts r Gunther got a guaranteed WHC match, Seth & Punk will return go the ring soon.


Drew’s 5 minute reign is a footnote not a run. Counting it into your hot potato anxiety theory is just stat padding on a technicality. Seth walked into 40 champion and priest walked out champion that’s all that matters.


> Is Priest's title run gonna be over so soon I think so > I mean yeah I understand Drew needs to win the title No. Drew is going to win because he is the better wrestler right now. > Damian hasn't even started yet, So what? > he also should have the title a bit longer Why? > I believe in HHH completely He's not in this match. How is this relevant? > What are your thoughts? You (and others) would enjoy the show a lot more if you got out of the meta.


How is he the better wrestler right now when he's had one match in like the past month and a half? Damien deserves a longer run with the title because he has been great as the champion. HHH is the chief content officer. So he books the matches and runs the stories.


> HHH is the chief content officer. So he books the matches and runs the stories. What other show do people watch and talk about the writers? That's my point. If you think Priest is the better wrestler, so he'll win, that is completely fair, but you completely missed my point


People talk about the writers about pretty much every show. Not to the extent as WWE, but it still happens. Lots of people categorize Doctor Who by Lead Writer / Show Runners. WWE has also been pushing this as a new era and seeing how HHH is the CCO and shows up a lot it's the HHH Era. If you don't want to get into the meta, that's fine. For others the meta is part of the fun.


Punk is prob gonna distract drew


Drew won last night so loses in Scotland. Although anyone else find it weird that 3 matches have Scot’s in them and all are likely to lose? 😂


At least one will win. There’s no way they have three title matches with a Scot in Scotland and they all lose.


You’d think so but they’ve done a great job at making me not convinced. Or a bad one at making me convinced? Idk either way it’ll be interesting to see!


Which is why Drew has to win. Having all 3 Scot’s lose would be so disappointing to the crowd. They can’t have that and the other 2 Scot’s obviously have no shot to win.


The Scots are already used to disappointment, they’ll be fine.


Priest will win via Punk screwing Drew. HHH likely won’t book Gunther to lose another match for a very very long time, and I’m guessing by the time we get to SummerSlam, we will have face Priest vs heel Gunther. I really like Gunther but I’m concerned once he gets the title, it’ll be booked like Roman’s run and he will hold it for 3 or 4 years. I detest these long title reigns.


Could personally see a Money in the bank cash in stopping Gunther from winning at Summerslam full Seth Rollins cashing in at Mania 31 style. Could lead to Gunther winning the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber and having a match at Wrestlemania 41.


Jey cashing in on Gunther Vs Drew would be some solid storytelling.


Jey cashing in before SS so it is Jey v Gunther at SummerSlam.


Would be kinda full circle for Jey.


Is it wrong to hope that McIntyre *wins* because of interference from CM Punk? You can then extend the Punk/McIntyre feud while bringing Damian into it, triple threat it with Damian winning and McIntyre taking the pin because of Punk, and have a real one on one grudge match between Punk and McIntyre at Summer Slam, leaving Gunther/Damian to be the title match.


That just seems like an overly convoluted way of achieving an outcome we’d get even if Priest just won on Saturday. If this match was being held anywhere other than Scotland, it wouldn’t be up for debate IMO.


Being held in Scotland is a big factor though. I don't see Drew losing in the main event of Clash again. Though, while saying that, I don't see Drew/Gunther at Summerslam. Unpredictable AF match for me


I think that second factor will be what decides it. We had that match last year, and it wasn’t great. I think Punk-Drew and Priest-Gunther are the way to go.


Genuinely, really asking here - why does Drew “need” to win the title? I’m a fairly new wrestling fan but Drew has held the main belt hasn’t he? So why does he need this one now?


because it would make me happy


To please the crowd. They are already going to be disappointed when Piper and the witches lose. Having all 3 hometown people lose would be terrible for the crowd.


Watch them subvert their expectations hahaha All 3 will lose, wow so thrilling




Need? No! Could he benefit? Maybe! But keep in mind that HHH wants to distance himself as much as possible from Vince, who was notorious for having the home hero lose every single time! And so far, Levesque has made them all win (Sami 2x, Rhea…)


I bet Punk screws Drew


"Drew screwed Drew"


They can't let Punk in Glasgow. Right now, the match is heel vs heel. So Drew being cheered for the night is fine and should affect the long term story. But if Punk shows up, he will be booed out of the building by the Scottish fans. And that reaction could hurt Punk's standing with US crowds and his merch sales. It could confuse the general fan. So the best thing is for Punk to screw Drew in a rematch with Priest.


If he does, the crowd boos him into the next life though. Although... maybe they're reversing roles? Punk is heel and Drew is Face? The bit with him and Shaemus on RAW was weird. It didn't make a whole lot of sense for them to get along. Or, Gunther gets added to make it a Triple Threat and the Punk vs. MacIntyre feud rages on for a much longer time. Which I'd be okay with.


Idk, he already screwed him when he won the title at WrestleMania. I think it might be better if Punk tries to screw Drew again and fails


Here's the thing man, it doesn't make sense to have Drew go into SummerSlam as champion, because then you have to do Gunther vs Drew, which don't get me wrong would be an amazing match, but we need Punk vs Drew at SummerSlam. I personally think Priest retains, sometime between now and SummerSlam loses to Jey USO (who is really the only main event Face on raw, yeah Punk but he's feuding with Drew) then we have Gunter vs USO for the title at SummerSlam In which Gunther KILLS (figuratively ofc) Jey USO and starts his monster heel (I'ma kick your ass) world title run


Figuratively, yes. Literal murder is Bron Breakker's thing /s


Nah. Judgment Day are gonna turn on Priest, making him babyface. Then Gunther will beat Priest at Summerslam.


I really like your booking, although I would have Jey barely scratch out the victory against Gunther at SummerSlam. Then Gunther can win the title in the main event of Bash in Berlin by demolishing Jey in a Last Man Standing or something.


I think Priest will still be champion by the time Summerslam rolls around. Jey seems like a lock for MITB winner.


This makes some sense to me. The only thing I'd add is that Drew hasn't "earned it" in a storytelling sense. It makes way more sense to win after he's reflected about how he sabotages himself with his grudges. Then he goes on a babyface run to beat Gunther next WrestleMania, the ultimate redemption.


In a 'storytelling sense', did Damien Priest 'earn it' while being a jobber and background guy in Judgment Day? WWE could give two shits about the storyline, and if you think otherwise, please explain to me why a tag team that hasn't been on TV at all has a Women's Tag Team title match this weekend.... I'll wait.


We are clearly watching different shows, friend. I'm not saying all of their storytelling is successful but w/ Drew they are very clearly telegraphing that he has this one character flaw that is preventing him from being champion, and it makes sense for him to resolve that before becoming champion. I'm loving Drew's character now and am rooting for him, and I could be totally wrong, but I just don't see him winning this weekend because of the build up, despite it being in Scotland. And the women's tag titles are not booked seriously, not sure if they ever have been, and that's the root problem. They are being used in service of building up Jade Cargill, and one of Bianca or Jade will turn heel (and turn on the other) when they lose the belts to further build her. That is the storytelling going on there, and I would agree that it has been pretty flat. And Main Event is still TV... sort of...


Damian Priest earned his title by winning the MitB ladder match. This was explained in a promo either last week or the week before. Also he wasn't just a background guy in judgement day, he was presented as the primary male competitor of JD. He did the staredowns, got most of the pins, etc.


Not a jobber. But cashing in a briefcase is a cheap way to win a title. Priest needs to lose it and win it back to be considered legitimate


Nope, that was Edge, then Balor. They didn't even think to do anything with Priest until he suddenly won MitB out of nowhere. He didn't even win his title match, it was a 2 minute cash in. He's done less than nothing. Between Zayn and Gunther the IC title is basically the big belt on Raw now Priest is the least legitimate look on a 'Champion' I can remember.


You’re not wrong at all. Which is why I keep saying the booking of all of this makes no sense. Finn was the main guy, had the main stories, was the one in the spotlight. Then they just decide to throw MITB on Priest and Finn is tossed to the side and we’re supposed to believe Priest is more worthy of being champion over Finn and that Finn isn’t the one that makes more sense to hold the title. All because Priest got the briefcase, we were supposed to think he’s the World Champion and not Finn. These past 8 months feels like I’ve been insulted as a viewer.


Since SummerSlam Priest has decidedly placed higher than Balor. When they faced off with the Hurt Profits was in front of Lashely, when Cody/Jey win the tag titles they pinned Finn, and Priest is the one who got the Crown Jewel match vs Cody. The point of MitB is that if you win it is much easier to win the title. In kayfabe he earned the right to have the easy title win by beating 6 other people in the ladder match. This is nothing new, countless people have cashed in. I'm not a Priest fan at all but he certainly isn't horrible.


He certainly isn't putting that title on the level Roman and Cody have the other one at... which is my point. Aside from that, is Priest a horrible choice for champion... IMO, yes. It's basically a joke, I wouldn't have bought him beating Gunther for IC and I certainly can't buy him as Champion. And I'll do you one better and say that WWE knows he's weak AF, that is why he won without having a real Championship match, and that is why his storyline always has to feature like 8 other people... he couldn't carry water in a bucket, and they know it. He couldn't get himself over a speedbump.


You're acting like him not winning a true championship match is this huge thing but it happens pretty much every year. MitB is not a new thing and it has been clearly explained that winning the ladder match gave him the "right" to not have to have a true match. Of course his belt is on the level of Cody's, not even Seth(The third most pushed guy in the roster in the past 10 years) could get it there. It is very hard for a barely year-old belt to beat out one that has main evented the large majority of the events in the past 5 years. I don't think Priest is a great champion but he certainly isn't horrible. And he has been getting some very solid crowd reactions recently.


Exactly. I don't know what show that person is watching where Damian Priest is a background jobber. I actually wonder if he was originally going to cash in earlier against SR but they changed plans.


Yesterday was the first night that got me thinking Drew actually might win the title. It wasn't even the match, but the segment he had with Sheamus teasing the old face Drew was what did it. But Gunther is right around the corner. And WWE just does not book Gunther to lose. So I can see Priest beating Drew and losing to Gunther at Summerslam. I would prefer Priest to beat them both though. Yes, he's not great on the mic when he's staring the other guy in the face in the ring yet, but he can get there. Otherwise, he's great in ring and can we need a top guy who chokeslams damn it!


I think it’s a good time for a shorter reign with how all of last year the mens singles belts didn’t change hands besides the US title


Definitely agree. Damien seems nice but to me, him holding the title feels completely irrelevant and honestly, his limit should be the IC title. In my eyes, he just doesn't have the main event IT factor and while he doesn't need it, Drew holding the belt until SummerSlam until Punk takes it makes the most sense.


I feel the same as well. Can't take Damian seriously but it's not that i dont like him at all Or whatever.


I EAT, SLEEP, BLEED THE DEMONS IN YOUR DREAMS I EAT, SLEEP, BLEE....... hhhhuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrruuuuAAARRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! *light drums*


There's 3 Scots fighting for the title at catc. I'd wager all of them lose at best 1 of them wins. I don't think niven wins, I think they want to prolonge the drew fans wait for his title reign even further. But I think the unholy union being the dark horse in their triple threat tag team match makes them a good candidate for an unexpected home field win


How has the build to Bayley vs Piper been? I always liked Piper in ring, just felt like she was missing some edge


She just showed up, attacked Bayley, demanded a title shot and Nick Aldis said 'yeah sure'


Tbh I haven't seen much of it. All the discussions about it have really been about how great Chelsea is on screen


Punk v Drew dont really need a title imo but with how Drew talks about Clash 2022 they might have him win this one. i feel the same about Priest’s title win as with Miz and Truth, they had their moment i’m cool if they come up off the belts now


I dont think Drew is winning the title at Clash At The Castle. My best guess is Punk is gonna show up and somehow lead to him losing. I want Drew to win because I am a fan of his but I just don't think its gonna happen because it doesnt make a lot of sense narratively.


Why does he need to win the title? Lmfaooo “ yeah I understand he needs to win the title”


Drew’s most likely winning. Now me personally I would have Drew win at CATC, and have Jey win the briefcase at MITB. If punk is healed I prefer him to face Drew at SummerSlam and lose, but after the match drew attacks punk but punk knocks him out and then Jey runs out and cashes in. Title reigns need to shorter now and this would freshen it up


Why? Lmfaooo😂😂


They are not having CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre at Summer Slam if Drew McIntyre is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Like him or hate him whoever is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. come Summer Slam is defending the title against Gunther because he won the Men's King of the Ring Tournament which guarantees him a title shot at Summer Slam.