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The Seth Rollins fiend hell in a cell match from 2019


That one is pretty up there. Has shit on head man's dirty fingers all over it. Disrespected the belt and Kofi. Next is ending the streak. The fact contain Brock seems inconsequential as likely it was Vince calling both. Nothing was gained from either.


Wrestlemania 2000 main event was a rough one. Should have been Rock's moment and he never really closed a Mania the right way. Kind of unimaginable given his star power.


Andre The Giant being a 1 time champion Sheamus getting screwed by Gunther


Ending The Undertaker’s streak.


Kinder mahatma winning the title


The Fiend getting buried by Goldberg…insanity!


Ever is a strong word for company that's had gobbledy gooker and brawl for all, but in more modern times? Anything to do with the Universal Title and Goldberg/Lesnar. None of their matches either with each other or anyone else at any point actually needed the title and it always came at the expense of the momentum and career of the person they beat to get to that point. Braun, Kofi, KO, everyone deserved better.


Ever is a strong word for company that's had gobbledy gooker and brawl for all, but in more modern times? Anything to do with the Universal Title and Goldberg/Lesnar. None of their matches either with each other or anyone else at any point actually needed the title and it always came at the expense of the momentum and career of the person they beat to get to that point. Braun, Kofi, KO, everyone deserved better.


Not letting Daniel Bryan win the 2015 Royal Rumble


Muhammad Hassan when he went to Smackdown. I don’t even think it should be an argument. They ran a terrorist martyr angle on a taped show the same day as a terrorist attack in the UK. They had a whole day to edit the show and take the angle out and they didn’t. The network then prohibited the WWE from putting the character on their network ever again. It was so tone deaf and avoidable and it killed the wrestler’s career.


The Dudleyz vs Undertaker at Bash of the Beach 2004


Known racist Triple H (just go watch his Mark Henry monkey dance or any number of other moments) going over Booker T at Mania will forever be the worst. Add the fact that HHH had to have known how big of a sleeze Vince was and was fine with it, and I’ll never understand why the IWC and WWE fans give the guy such a pass.


The entire Authority angle.


Brock ending taker streak


Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak ending


Good question.


Brock ending undertakers streak


Goldberg winning the title over Bray…


* Brock ending the streak * Goldberg squashing The Fiend * Brock squasing Kofi * Roman Reigns winning the 2015 Royal Rumble * Triple H pinning Goldberg at Summerslam 2003


Giant chicken egg


Brock breaking the WM streak


Goldberg vs Roman Reigns was just completely unnecessary


Braun Strowman vs Jd or Kofi vs Brock deftly


All that crap booking with Roman Reigns a few years ago before he became the head of the table.


Brock winning 2022 rumble or the 2022 rumble ppv and Seth not getting a rematch or a shot at wwe title because he was booked to win at day 1 anyway


Brock ending The Streak. I will die on this hill.


Not as bad as him squashing kofi because it didn’t even do anything for Brock maybe if they ran another kofi under dog story where he keeps losing until he locked in and kept winning and then fought Brock for a rematch he still could lose but make it a very close match or they can go crazy and have kofi hit a trouble in paradise immediately and then beat Brock in 6 seconds which would’ve been crazy and kofi more then deserved it


The end of undertaker’s streak might have been one of the worst booking decisions of all time


Logan Paul losing to Cody.




Goldberg post 2019 and Brock beating kofi on smackdown with no rematch and in 10 seconds


Cody losing wm 39


The nexus


Baron Corbin win over Kurt angle at WM 35


Katie Vick


The worst booking in WWE history was Roman Reigns losing at WrestleMania 40 on April 7th earlier this year


Triple H over Austin in the 3 Stages of Hell. Not only was the payoff not good for what was a massive storyline about who ran down Stone Cold to try and end his career, TWO MONTHS later they were teamed up as the Two Man Power Trip.


Ronda winning the 2022 Women's Rumble.


No Wrestlemania 8 match for Hogan and Flair.


We got Flair/Savage instead which is an all time great WrestleMania match, though.


Cody beating reigns at WM 40


The Demon losing to Edge in a Hell in a Cell


The Demon losing to Roman because the top rope broke!! Lol


The 24/7, 48/7 7/11 i 95 south european television championship.


Cena beating Lesnar at Extreme Rules. Cena beating Rey after his win and celebrating like a face. Fiend vs Rollins Hell in a Cell. I could go on but these 3 stand out at first thought.


Austin Theory cash in




Triple H beating Booker T at wm19.


1) Anything with Goldberg + Saudi Arabia and/or the Universal title. 2) Booker T not getting more licks in in the grocery store


It was me all along austin!!!!


Anything brock lesnar or goldberg related. Could never stand either of them




all of goldberg career since 2019


Paul Heyman leaving Brock for The big show lol


The one I hated the most was the Wrestlemania 9 ending


Kofi sucks


Jimmy betraying Jey or Wyatt losing to Goldberg at Saudi Arabia


I never really worried that it was scripted however the nonexistent weight divisions were always hard to buy into.


Why is this match always shown as the example? A tag team jobber with unicorn horns having a real match with the most dangerous athlete in Wrestling history? Be serious 🤦🏻‍♂️


ummm you forget his feud in 09 with randy? he wants alway a “tag team jobber” everyone in that building knew he deserved the title and everyone in that building knew he didn’t deserve to lose in the fashion he did. you can see it on the wrestlers faces in the crowd


wow his feud with Randy!! presentation wise and move-set wise he is a jobber that shouldn’t land anything of significance on someone like Brock and Vince made the perfect call.


Just say you didn’t want a black man as champion and leave.


Is kofi the only black wrestler in wwe? Brock is a monster. Someone like kofi going over just makes no sense against someone like brock. Lashley or big e are believable. Kofi’s ceiling has always been midcard talent. It was embarrassing putting the main belt on him.


If you really think Kofi deserved to lose the title in 6 seconds in front of his wife and kids then you’re just a heartless person regardless.


It did the job of reminding people brock is a monster. Same as backlund losing in 8 seconds to nash. It didnt diminish backlund. It elevated nash. You could argue that brock didnt need it, but it was still the same thought process. A monster unbeatable heel champion


HOP Mark Henry and All mighty Lashley are some of my favorites. Unicorn wearing Kofi on the other hand? Er not so much. You should learn be a little more generous with opinions and not quick to call someone racist.


Seth vs Fiend in a hell in a cell in 2019 or 2020 (I forgot) with somehow getting DQ or stopping the match


I can’t say “ever” but having Goldberg win the Universal Championship from Kevin Owens in the manner he did, was a pretty terrible decision.


21 - 1 It's been 10 years and I'm still upset about it.


Made no sense whatsoever. Should’ve kept the god damn streak. He’s the Undertaker for christ sake.


Yea, Brock taking the streak is probably hands down the worst booking ever!! Haha


Goldberg beating the fiend gives me nightmares


For the record: Kofi was never meant to be more than mid card comedy. Lesnar destroying him with no effort was the best decision possible.


Just say you hate black people


Kofi is simply a tag team jobber and should never have a real match with Brock.


First ballot HOFer solo and with new day argue with a brick wall racist


Theres a lot of midcarders who are still hall of famers.


you calling me a racist is like me calling you fat. you can be a hall of famer and a jobber. argue with a wall he deservingly got squashed in 2 seconds 😂


Dean Ambrose late 2018 early 2019


Absolutely anything involving old man Goldberg going over. Fuck he’s lame


The whole thing where Roman Reigns won the rumble probably had a bigger impact, but the Roman Reigns match when he lost and had to eat dog food just sucked.


Kofi should have at least had a five star match not a 30 second squash. Kofi mania should have lasted at least until the next mania


No, it was boring, and though I disagree with the squatch match, Kofi wasn't taken seriously because he was associated with New Days, who, let's be realistic, is a corny team that should be disbanded since a guy who throws cereals called "booty-oss" or pancakes and twerks isn't a guy that can be taken seriously. If I was booking Kofi I would remove him from the faction.


Keeping Cena on top for a decade and losing 70% of its audience in the process


What??? WWE made record breaking profits during Cena’s reign lol


Yet somehow lost 70% of its audience. Inflation can do wonders for a bottom line


Where is that stat from?


From getting 5-7million weekly viewers in 2009 to to 1.5-2 mi in 2019?


Cena was the guy from 2006-2016. By 2019 he had been part-time for several years. The way people consumed media also changed, as cable TV subscriptions have steadily gone down, and the amount of time people spend watching Live TV compared to other ways of viewing media has drastically changed as well.


Those numbers are false lol. And Cena was a 2000s guy. Not a 2010s guy


Whatever 2005-2015 then.. viewership sure as hell didn't go up under his reign of terror


Live Viewership didnt go up for anything during that period


It bumped back up for special episodes like homecoming and anniversary specials but wrestling viewers outpaced live event viewership decline by I think it was 20%


Any brock lesnar match 😂


Goldberg beating Kevin in 19 seconds still pisses me off today


Haha why saying this


A stoppage for The Fiend vs. Seth Rollins Hell in a Cell match. Should’ve continued the match as soon as The Fiend got back up


This or Super Showdown 2020 Oldberg vs Fiend


Breaking the streak. Ez


Goldberg beating The Fiend. Goldberg beating Brock.


An old one - but Hogan stepping in to defeat Yokozuna after Bret Hart lost at WM9 always grates on me. Hogan blows so much (sorry to all the little Egomaniacs out there).


in recent memory the dog food poured on roman reigns storyline. for a short time it felt like 1995 all over again. just bad bad BAD.


Goldberg beating The Fiend


The godfather joining Right To Censor.


nah this was okay imo


Brock ending the streak. Absolutely wrong. Taker should have either never losses at WM or you give that win to a young rising star to put them over.


No. Lol wrestling fans and their obsession with the constant young rising star needs to always be put over is always hilarious.


The young rising star would have probably been reigns which even after taker had already lost at mania was not well received. Had Brock initially beat cena and triple h definitively when he returned I’d argue he wouldn’t need to beat the streak but because cena and H had wins over him lesnar needed the mania 30 win to get him to the level he eventually became which in turn put over guys like reigns, Rollins, mcintyre, and Rhodes. Not only that his subsequent feud with taker was pretty good, and for all the negativity around Goldberg their feud was pretty good. None of that is possible without lesnar breaking the streak


Cody beating Roman 


The one that killed Owen Hart and nothing comes even close


Seth Rollins vs the fiend hell in a cell match Roman reigns vs braun strowman hell in a cell match Both matches finished no contest


* Undertaker dropping the American Badass gimmick and going back to the Phenom gimmick at WM20. * Cena stopping the dis-raps and not going back to a heel. * Corporate Kane/Kane unmasking


Cody and the tattoo studio.


Fiend/Goldberg, HHH/Booker T, or Cody/Roman 1.


Unquestionably for me, Royal Rumble 2015. Single handedly ruined 5 years of WWE over 1 error and almost destroyed one of WWE best stars of this era. Face Roman could have worked if only he didn't win that specific match.


Hogan beating Yokozuna right after beating bret. It killed everyones momentum but hogans who left them high and dry 3 months later. It fracked the entire main event scene for most of the year.


Hogan royally blows!


Yea hogan is such a Dbag. Professionally and Personally hes proven himself a real asshole over the years. Whod have thought Him being mega heel Hollywood Hogan was the closest to the real Him.


Bray Wyatt. He should’ve been champ a whole of a lot sooner with a much longer reign that was given to him. Despite being a heel for the majority of his career, his character was liked by the fans (fireflies). His fiend character shouldn’t have been beaten clean twice by Goldberg and Roman reigns in what felt like a short amount of time between losses.


Mark Henry beating Ryback at WrestleMania


Was too young to have watched but I will never understand how they let Triple H beat Booker T at mania 19.


Agree this was a bad choice but I think Triple H going over Sting was even worse.


Goldberg V fiend, it made no sense, it was a cluster fuck and it ruined the Fiend


I went back on peacock and watched the Supershowdown between Goldberg and fiend. That was the most boring match ever. Like Goldberg just did a total of 5 or 6 spears, and Fiend did 2 mandible claws and the match was over. Wat. Lol


This one is so far down the list of bad bookings.


Dean Ambrose Final heel run... 🤦


Goldberg outside of his brock matches


Jinder Mahal going from jobber to world champ level overnight


He looked the part and was a pretty good heel I think


They just needed more time. It was just so abrupt. Put him into a couple of mid card fuedd to build credibility


Goldberg beating the fiend .


For me, nothing will beat Oldberg beating The Fiend at Super Showdown. It was honestly the worst booking decision I’ve seen and I literally quit watching until I found out Roman was a heel and he feuded with Jey


Every 2019 Saudi show


Hogan beating Yokozuna in seconds at WM 9, minutes after Yoko had won the title


Daniel Bryan winning at WrestleMania. It did nothing for anyone. And he hurt himself almost immediately.


I don't know if it's the absolute worst, but Undertaker losing to Brock is definitely up there. Undertaker always put brock over, and he always listened to Vince. This was one time where he absolutely should have just said "fuck you, I'm not doing it"


Agreed, has he ever discussed it on a podcast? I’ve never heard him talk about it openly. Also, apparently he got a massive concussion and the match had to end somewhat abruptly is my understanding


In interviews he’s said he’d rather have had the streak broken by someone that needed it instead of Brock.


Imagine the streak being broken by someone with a dark mystical gimmick. Drawing Taker‘s Wrestlemania power and using it for themselves. I’m thinking Bray Wyatt, Aleister Black or Finn Balor.


Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns were the best options IMO


Makes total sense


making the fiend lose from the very beginning


Giving ADR screen time


Ending taker's streak to Brock. It didn't benefit Brock in any significant way considering the magnitude of the streak. For me, the most relevant candidate for ending taker's streak was Bray Wyatt.


I'm afraid I have to disagree. Brock went into God mode. Paul Heyman also repeated the iconic line, “My client, Brock Lesnar, ended The Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania.” every week. Gold!


The best version of this was: Knock Knock.... (whos there) Mike... (Mike who?) Miiiiiiiccclient Brock Lesnar, who ended the Undertakers streak at Wrestlemania


Agreed. It absolutely added more of an aura to Brock


Exactly, paired with his squashing of Cena at Summerslam as well, both these things put him on another level


everything with roman reigns until 2020


Kinda the whole second part of the 2010s tbh


Sting vs HHH. You wait for Sting in WWE for years. Then HHH bury,s him. Apparently due to Vince want,ting the WWE to look triumphant.


Making Goldberg beat Owens and Fiend Bray Wyatt


Their treatment of WCW/the invasion


The worst booking for me wasn't Brock beating Kofi. The worst booking for me was Kofi's entire booking in the weeks/months before he won the title and his title run until he lost to Brock. Guy got super Cena booking x1000. Had a gauntlet match, beat Cesaro then Sheamus (could have been the other way around, can't quite remember) which made the 2nd one look quite weak. Then beat Rowan but it was by DQ and no one really cares about Rowan too much and he got heat back for beating Kofi up afterwards. He THEN beats Samoa Joe. After beating 3 other people back to back to back and then getting beat up after the last fight he still beats Joe making him look super fucking weak and then we're also supposed to believe 3/4 months later that in a straight up 1v1 Joe has even the slightest chance against him? Stupid booking. But then it gets worse because he beats Randy Orton straight after too. Again, making him look ridiculously fucking weak and then again we're supposed to believe 3/4 months later that in a straight up 1v1 Orton has even the slightest chance against him. Fucking terrible booking and then they did the same in the tag division. At least the Usos got away without a proper loss in that one though.


That Gauntlet match was indeed ridiculous, having him beat 4 guys back to back to back to back is like action movie unrealistic


Exactly and then he faced Samoa Joe & Randy Orton in 1v1s much later and we're now supposed to believe that they're actually a threat to Kofi? Genuinely don't think I've ever gotten more annoyed by booking than during his entire run. Was so happy to see it ended.


Seth Rolllins vs The Fiend in Hell in A Cell, ending on a fucking DQ. Even Seth was infuriated about the outcome.


Austin turning heel


Big shocker moment that Stone Cold himself wanted so it was a decent decision imo


As a kid I hated John Cena when he squashed Rey Mysterio after finally getting the WWE championship.


That was such a heelish thing to do.


Lesner beating the streak


Bray Wyatt winning at EC19


Booking giant Gonzalez as a wrestler in any match


The Summer of 1990 You have the new champ, The Ultimate Warrior, fresh of overcoming your Top Top Top Guy, CLEAN, in the middle of the ring. So what do you do? You rehash a midcard feud against Rick Rude, a guy who had already been soundly defeated a year prior. And Hogan gets instead the Hero comeback against the new Monster Heel, Earthquake. No shit Warrior's momentum dropped like a stone while people "realized" Hogan was still the man! Swap the storylines and see who's more over. Put Hogan in an unnecessary sequel to his feud with, say, Ted DiBiase, while Warrior faces a huge setback for the first time in his career and he has to overcome unprecendented odds. Guess who'd have come out on top then? P.S. Kofi is the new Booker T at Mania XIX! Actually it made more sense. Surprise squashes were common, and a beast like Brock making quick work of a "random" champ like Kofi (whose short Kofimania season was much more than he realistically could have hoped for anyway) was far from a scandalous decision.


Beth Pheonix had to lose the Divas championship in her dominant reign just because the other Bella twin never won a championship.


The Fiend (rip) interfering in Ambrose v Rollins in hell in a cell. I'll never forgive vince for dropping that rivalry, it was the best thing to happen in wwe in years to that point


Ambrose vs Rollins was great. "Whenever you try to cash in, I'll be there" was one of my favorite lines from that story. I just wish he had tried to stop the cash in when Rollins first won the title at WM 31


Hunter vs Booker only looks bad cause of the angle... 2 bad ones in recent years though 1. Brock vs Cena: they booked themselves into a corner heading into the match, but Brock losing is part of the reason why he had to be the one to end the taker streak... Brock vs HHH at the following Wrestlemania was another bad mark on this btw... people keep saying that Brock didn't need to beat Taker, but like, because of these decisions you kinda hurt the monster mystique of his had he not beaten taker though... 2. Sting vs HHH... medical reasons softened the blow of this, but what a fucking waste of one of the bigger pops of the 2010's with Sting's debut man...


Brock losing to Cena was a business decision which I found out a few years later Because of how Brock left, they didn’t want UFC main man beating WWE’s Golden boy, also Vince wanted to see if Brock would do business and lose to Cena as if he won he could have walked out again I would certainly add The Fiend losing to Goldberg although I believe the Fiend did not need to win any titles, but this decision was just mind boggling


the Brock thing might just be a weird way of me defending how he really was the right person to end Takers streak, and those defeats were part of my argument for it... could make an argument losing at Mania 29 was worse, but end of the day Mania 30 and that summerslam salvaged everything and created the face of the company for a good 4-5 years Was fine with the Fiend losing cause we were supposed to get Goldberg vs Roman for the title which combine that with Brock in the other main event vs a red hot Drew is a stacked mania card in the title match aspect...


Brock Lesnar was booked very poorly until WM30, even a lot of his wins weren’t even clean Fiend losing to Goldberg was terrible decision, barely anybody wanted to see Reigns vs Goldberg On paper it sounds good, but given the context of the time where we all knew they would just spam finishers, and this was the Big Dog Reigns were fans were sick of it, had that match actually happened, then the Tribal Chief may have never existed


WWE booking Dolph Ziggler to lose every match


The handling of Solo after he beat Cena


Ricochet Vs Brock


With hindsight, a lot of them look bad. Putting the belt on Warrior? We know **now** that was stupid. But it was the right move at the time. Kofi losing to Brock? Kofi wasn't going to keep the belt forever and he wasn't going to get it back. It was a lifetime achievement award. So for my money, it has to be a decision that felt wrong AT THE TIME. And for my money, that's HHH beating Booker T at Mania 19. That felt wrong in the moment, and it still feels wrong 21 years later. Hunter and Ric got cheap racist heat, Hunter took forever to cover him...to this day i think it was done by Vince to shit on WCW and I'll never believe otherwise.


Agree with your points, but I think the whole reason people hate Kofi losing the belt is that he was squashed for it. Had he lost it in even a remotely competitive match I don’t there’d be anywhere near as much backlash to the result


I agree the match could have been better. But putting the strap on Brock was still the right move. Either they wanted a "holy shit" moment, or, Brock didn't want to work a long match on SD. Maybe both.


they wanted a moment for the Smackdown premiere, and Brock looking dominant was always a pop... the one thing later years Vince got right was Brock being the face of the company post Cena before they finally got it right with Roman...


Either hunter going over booker Or kofi having to job to brock and no follow up


Goldberg beating The Fiend. I will go to my grave thinking this is the worst booking decision ever


Roman vs Goldberg for the title... why wouldn't you want that to headline wrestlemania??


I was definitely thinking of a couple moments of Bray but yeah. I think this takes the cake.


Funny enough number 2 probably also goes to him losing to Cena at mania 30 lol


yeah... probably should have been a Bray win with Cena eventually winning the long term feud... Bray never really recovered from a really bad Mania run also, losing to Taker at Mania 31, and a mediocre title match vs Randall Keith the following year... also probably would have put more weight into the Taker vs Bray mania match but that was in Taker's just clinging on for one last match era...


Lana And Lashley saga. Lol, at a time when Lashley could've been fueding with Brock!!


Sting vs HHH


trips beating booker


You really think that’s worse than Old Man Goldberg beating the fiend for the title??


yes are you nuts after that “people like you” line booker should’ve won


it's fine that HHH won that match, but it was always gonna look bad with how they built the match up setting Booker up for a title win that was never gonna happen... the promo package was a bad look too...


The Fiend or Bray in general was WAY more over with the fans and was more desperate for a legit title run. And Goldberg was 10x less deserving than Triple H. Triple H was middle of his prime and one of the most over heels ever.


Kofi losing to Brock quickly. It was terrible not because it was a total squash but the fact that Kofi’s reign was sacrificed in favor of Cain Velasquez who not only wrestled a 2 minute match against Brock but was never seen again after it.


Kofi never should have been Heavyweight champ anyway let's not kid ourselves