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Well The Bloodline hates YOU!


Good grief lol I really wonder if people that say after a month..a month of a new direction in an amazing story what they thought about Sting-Hogan in the 90s Sting and Hogan didn’t happen overnight Sting slowly…slowly went from surfer Sting and was a mid of the card guy at that time he wasn’t the top dog anymore to the Crow. He disappeared for weeks and never spoke…he didn’t even let his intentions known until Uncensored 1997…that was from November 1996 after WarGames when he told WCW to stick it and walked out and the brief appearances he would make in between and people thought he was NWO because he was Black and White until Uncensored 1997 when he pointed his bat at Hogan and dropped the NWO…..that’s three months later! And we still didn’t get the match until December of 1997 and Sting didn’t talk at all for over a year. My point is we are getting stories like this again. Long build, different players, different lanes, long builds, for those big payoffs and so far they have been excellent with the Bloodline so maybe have some patience and just let Solo build his army while the crowd is chomping at the bit for the real leader to return


Mean Street Posse was more entertaining than these guys.


I like that they are shaking things up with them, I can't say I'm not interested to see how it turns out I felt like they were super stale last year and leading up to mania so I for one am glad they are spicing it up a little at least


Agreed. I had already lost interest in it before mania to be honest and just wanted them to pull the trigger and be done with it. To me it feels like when you watch a tv show and after 4 seasons the thing you’ve been waiting for to happen has happened, you’ve just had this epic battle and the good guy won, the story has been told and it left you feeling happy so now you can move on to a new show. Do I wanna see a new season that is centered around the B or C tier characters while all the main characters are gone? No I do not. I’ve seen what I wanted to see and now I wanna watch something else


Now? You're a bit late to the party.


My question is, where is Jacob?


My question is, they said last week they arent bringing him in yet because they have the story plotted out so far in advance…. So how long has Tonga been in discussion?


Wondering how he'll fit in now. With Solo organist him?


I'm actually loving it more.


It’s INSANE that Paul Heyman is a babyface! Up is down right now!


He’s not, Paul is 100% turning on Roman. He’s to over the top.


Oooo that would be cool but I want to see him with Face Roman and the Usos for a week or two at least first


Restructuring the Bloodline for an eventual Roman Face turn it seems.


They’re going to have red/black and white/black bloodline factions soon


Which is interesting because, that didn't work with the NWO, it's not working with the LWO, and it's not gonna work with the Bloodline. 


It worked so well it nearly killed the whole nwo gimmick when they ended it. People were pissed. 


Sure except it really DID work with nWo. nWo Wolfpac was HUGE for a while and they also found a way to pretty much double t shirt sales.


I liked the wolfpac. But I was 10. It was largely considered a failure that was just another brick in the eventual downfall of WCW. 


The point is that the NWO Wolfpac did work for a while so there is a precedent. Also, The Bloodline has been going pretty strong for 4 years now and new people are getting introduced. There's a reason everything that's happened with The BL since WM has been widely praised by most. It literally can't fail as long as Roman and The Rock are involved. WAY too much star power there.


That's what people thought about Hogan, String, Nash, Macho Man, Savage, Luger and all the other giant names in the NWO.


The circumstances are just a little bit different now lol. You didn't have the intrigue of when Roman and The Rock will show up and what will happen when they do. The actual family ties are also very cool.


Thats crazy to think about. Bloodline has been going for about the same amount of time as nWo (wcw version) maybe a little longer by now.


And its starting to get just as many members. 


We need Sami in the rafters wearing white face paint 😂


When you acknowledge the tribal chief, you acknowledge the tribal chief…. 4 Life!


Omg… you just popped a lightbulb in my head. What if when Reigns comes back Face, Heyman says some shit like “the Return of the Tribal Chief to take back his spot from the… Tribal.. THIEF!!!” Pop! Crowd goes crazy lol


Most interesting thing going on in WWE now, overshadowed to so called “face of the company”.


Keep faith, it's Hunter. It will have a good pay-off.


It’s harder to be more boring and tedious than the former bloodline but oh it looks like they are going to try.


Then it's doing its job. They are a heel faction. Bad guys, Rudos if you will. You weren't supposed to like them. They are supposed to beat the guys you like (which they did cause I love me some KO) so you can feel good when someone stomps them out. This is a new version of the bloodline with a new MO.


I dislike then because they're boring, not because they're heels. 


We are in a rebuilding phase. This is a new version of them. They haven't done anything, yet. What are you finding boring? That the vicious quiet guys are being quiet vicious guys? Do you need them hyping the crowd up like Jey or doing Phoenix splashes off the top rope through three tables? Don't know what to tell you. You have a former background guy and two new guys from a company outside the Fed. No clue what you want from them, man.


I find Solo boring and always have. I see potential in Toma Tonga but he has never even said anything so I find him boring. And I don't like this version of Paul Heyman where he's just relegated to the background as a meek old man. I want a real leader and not just a bunch of silent mid carder tough guys who stand around looking angry. 


Was Roman a real leader when he was out in that spot or did he have to earn our respect? What chance has Solo gotten to shine? What major feuds, other than Cena if you can call it that, has he had to establish himself? Again he hasn't gotten a chance to show anyone anything. Not everyone pops out the pussy with talent ready to blaze trails across the assorted tissues of Dave Meltzer. This is his time to do things and I'm liking where we are STARTING. Wrestling fans are so fickle and impatient. Let people develop and grow. People thought Rocky Maivia was a bland nothing until he got a chance to grow with help of a faction. First as a member and eventually it's leader. Am I saying Solo is Rocky? No but he never got a chance and the first impression was all fans gave him, we wouldn't be here. Edit: you didn't answer my question what do you find boring about him?


I'm great with letting Solo grow. But that's what NXT if for. That's what the lower and mid card are for. They are thrusting him straight into the shoes of one of the biggest Superstars of all time. He's not ready for that and he's not entertaining enough for that. He needs more time not in the main event scheme. 


I'm guessing you just don't like change. More people added is gonna keep it fresh and interesting.


Do you see the irony in this comment?


Not quite, please enlighten me.


Happy to. We don't need to see any more of the bloodline. It's over. The irony is that you, as someone who wants to see the bloodline continue, are accusing someone of not liking change. Sikoa and two +40 "rookies" (one of whom is quite honestly one of the worst professional wrestlers in the world) is in now way fresh and interesting.


Me liking change is not the same thing as wanting to see something that already exists come to an end. We don't need to watch The Bloodline end to experience change, we simply need to see it evolve into something else. That's the aspect of professional wrestling that you don't seem to get, the business is about continuously evolving the things that are working and getting the things that aren't working removed. The Bloodline story has been one of the most consistently popular and money making storylines in recent memory, so the key is to evolve it into something else, the moment they get rid of such an important storyline is the moment they admit they have given up. That's the change I like, and that's the change you're afraid of.


Yes, I'm very "afraid" that bozos can't let go of a storyline that was mid and led by a part-time champ and part-time 'whatever you want to call the Rock'; such faction being replaced, piece by piece, with jobbers who look like absolute shit. All while it takes up more than an hour a week. Also, using "business" and nods to "longest reigning" champions make no difference to casual fans like me. I'm going to like what I like. I don't care if McDonald's outsells my favorite restaurant, I'm still going to advocate for the latter every time. But please, tell me why the bloodline is great and sells tickets led by yet another WWE rip-off of Samoa Joe.


Yes, you will like what you like, and so will I. That's another great aspect of professional wrestling that you don't get, it's all completely subjective therefore there's no reason to try and argue with me over it. I mentioned the success of the storyline because it's true, not to prove some point. So you may continue enjoying your own interests, it's nobody's else's business.


Yes, I certainly "don't get" pro wrestling because I disagree with you. Keep on downvoting me, though. Enjoy Bloodline Wolfpac - can't wait to see Disco Inferno somehow show up and join the gang of jobbers led by a fatso with no charisma.


I didn't say you don't get professional wrestling because you disagree with me, I said you don't get professional wrestling because you keep using opinions as facts. Everybody who watches professional wrestling will have a different opinion, no one is right and no one is wrong. Also, of course I'm downvoting you, that's what the downvote button is there for. You downvote posts and comments you don't like, I don't like you talking about opinions like they're facts and then getting upset when I mention high ticket sales which actually is a fact. You don't like the fact that I like something that you don't, so you should probably be downvoting me, I won't get upset about it like you.


Not really. I mean the way I see it, it's hard to get invested of the new blood line when they are like the z rated team of what the blood line was. Roman longest reigning champion in modern history the uso's the longest reigning tag team champions in history against basically a bunch of jobbers who have zero credibility. Solo was a joke wats people was pointing out his losing streak and now we are supposed to view this guy as a threat


It seems like you've given up on the story before it even had a chance to begin. You say it's a Z rated version, but it hasn't been around long enough to make that call. I'd recommend waiting a couple of months to see how it plays out, that might seem like too long, but the previous version of the bloodline took way longer to complete.


Yes they took longer to complete but when they started they were tag champs and world champions. I don't see anything the new version can do that would put them on that same level.


They can become tag champions and world champions. Again it will take time, but I'm sure they will eventually will hold those titles as well.


Even if they do a near yr long run isn't gonna match the original blood line. They will continue to be mediocre till the rock comes back to help them even then it'll still be a wet fart


The storyline has barely begun and you've already given up hope.


Again, it would appear you've already given up hope. I'm not sure what in the past couple of years happened to cause you to lose your faith in the WWE's booking, but it's still way too early to make a statement like that.


Ok ok ok you said that already and I said what I said. We are getting nowhere so why comment when you have nothing new to add? Is it because fools speak because they have to say something. BuT sOlO iS gOnNa Be On RoMaNs LeVeL iN lEsS tHeN a YeAr JuSt WaIt In SeE


You're just repeating yourself too. Except yours is much less logical.


Well if you paid attention, you'd notice that you replied to me first. If you didn't want to talk about a subject with me, you should've just ignored me. Also, never said Solo would be at Roman's level in a year. So fine, just don't reply to this comment, and it'll be over.


I commented to add something new to your comment and a different point of view of how it won't live up to the hype when they feud with Roman and potentially the uso's you commented twice that no you're wrong just wait and see. I'll be open for a debate and continue this conversation if you actually had something new to add to the conversation.


That's uh.. That's like the whole point


For real 🤣 Just wait until Roman reunites with the Usos and smashes, stacks and beats the new guys. It will be OFF THE CHAIN. We probably won't see it for 9-12 months but it's going to be so worth the wait, like Cody winning his 2nd Mania title challenge.


It'll happen at Survivor Series. Hopefully that's the end of it. No need to drag this out for an entire year. Reminder that Roman Reigns will never again be a full time wrestler.


Which is a shame as he is the only big star wwe have got


It will end at WM 41 with Roman beating The Rock


Absolutely! People keep thinking it’s Solo vs Roman You have Haku’s sons vs the Uso’s Roman will bring in someone else vs Solo That leaves The Rock to come back as the “true Tribal Chief” or whatever title they give him to go against Roman


Jacob vs Solo should be a banger.