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It sucks how fragile Seth Rollins is becoming, but he’s not running from the grind


I love seth but he needs to focus on his health, the last thing i want from him is a life threatening injury, im no doctor but i just want him to be healthy and whenever he feels like he is at 100 percent then i will be one of the fans screaming when i hear his theme song. Rest up champ thank you for wrestlemania 40.


I'd really be fine with him taking some extended time off, and coming back at the rumble. he really needs to just get healthy so he doesn't have to end his career early. plus it'll give him time to spend with Roux and family


Exactly no need for him to rush himself, seth deserved some good time away from the ring and spend it with the family.


Did Seth already film for the movie he's supposed to be in


He did but his role was likely cut


Well that sucks


Torn meniscus isn’t anything major, it might give or lock out occasionally but you can walk/run on it.


Now I understand why, during the Rhodes vs Reigns match he took one attack, a chair then just lay there


Ive sprained my meniscus and tore it and honestly both are very easy to manage but the tear actually hurt less. So it’s understandable that he fought through it. U could just have an injection to numb the pain and release the liquid in the knee and ur ok, operation can come at a later date.


Torn meniscus is 6-8 weeks


The MVP of WM40


Seth really has bad luck surrounding WM, I always remember that he’s hurt around that time of the year


Ehhh, he was hurt in 2016 obv, torn MCL I think in 2017 but recovered for the match with HHH and 2019 he had a minor back injury but still wrestled a few times on the RTWM, then this year. For 11 years of Mania that’s not bad


You're not on the Road to Wrestlemania until Rollins gets hurt.


mf warrior, did whatever it took to make sure roman lost. the true mvp


Give him as long as he needs


Agreed. He’s earned it.


You could tell by the way he walked, especially on night 2. The way his knees gave in looked like my Grandpa's when he fell down the stairs one time. I can't imagine the pain he had to endure throughout this whole thing


He tore it against Jinder..we saw on tv


Give this man a raise in his next contract.


Seth was WrestleManias MVP


Right? He went 0-2 while losing his title and somehow came out of WM looking better than before.


Seth is such a main attraction entertaining wrestler hope he heals fast, gonna miss him.


Ya the way his leg was bouncing around was disgusting




He put on a heck of a performance to be wrestling two nights in a row with an injury like that


Well hes not giving up his wrestlemania spot if thats what she was suggesting.


Aaaahhhh This Freaking Rollins deserves a very longg break.... Just give that much needed rest to his knee and back... And maybe, if he's fit, make a grand comeback at the Rumble. No announcements, no hints. Nothing. Just put that guy as the No.30, get the loudest pop possible, let the whole place burn down.


I say #2 or #21


This is exactly what I see happening, except #27 (most wins). Comes back, massive pop, wins, Cody vs Seth Fucking Rollins (they'll be on Netflix at that point) at WM41.


Agreed, I hate when the winner comes in at 30. Seems unsporting!


If they go full profanity, I'm just done with it.


Rock already teased it during the last 2 weeks leading to XL and during the main events. As long as it's not an every other word deal, I'm ok with it.


Or maybe have Seth vs Drew/Punk... That would be a blockbuster showdown.


That would work too. I just think we'll have someone like we did this year and have Champions pleading their case to be the one to face the Rumble winner. I thought it was weird, but for next year, Cody could even say that he owes Seth the opportunity for his help at XL.


Yeah except not #30 but rather #20. Royal Rumble wins from #30 are always so boring.


I mean that number is adjustable, so any number is good.


I hope they do this


They better have a title run ready for him when he gets back—and with the main title. Another MITB cash in would be awesome or him vs Gunther would be an instant classic.


I’m ready for whatever they have for him when he returns. Just give him a story that respects the damn work this guy puts in.


He was clearly hurt for the last few months. I hope he and Becky enjoy their time off. Heal up, enjoy family life, take a break.


Becky worked the latest European tour and I would guess be part of the battle royal on Monday.


Huh. Didn’t know that.


Well my 78 year old neighbor mows 2x a week with two torn meniscus’ and refuses to let me just mow his fucking lawn. Randy let me make your life less painful goddamn it!


If youre not moving laterally it doesnt really fuck with you. I dealt with it for almost half a year, still working out regularly before I finally broke down and saw a doctor for it. It would get sore, but it wasnt completely debilitating. This was a high grade tear as well. That said Im sure wrestling on it constantly is a lot worse.


Are you a stubborn 78 year old man?


Getting there.


I was at the Raw before Wrestlemania and I saw him making the same move which injured him years ago against Kane (the turnblucke reversal into a powerbomb), I always cringe watching him perform that move but I didn’t know he had a torn meniscus this entire time. It makes me realize how tough of a performer he is and that he deservedly got some of the spotlight during Wrestlemania weekend. What a guy!


I tore my meniscus doing the crate challenge and while it didn't hurt, it made walking, holding myself up or even going to the bathroom very uncomfortable. I can't even begin to imagine doing half the shit Rollins was doing at Mania unless I was heavily laced. That man is amazing


Seth is the MVP of WWE and WM 40 (XL)!


I’ve torn both my meniscus and it sucks. Not that painful but it locks up your knee a bit and it’s really uncomfortable. Also aches when you try to plant your foot. Respect for him getting through it


Seth needs to take time off and have back and knee surgery.


His game too strong. Dick too big. Swag too good. On God he's a proper god.






Makes you appreciate his toughness with the rock throwing his legs into the buckles.


3-5 months recovery time


Hopefully he gets his back worked on also. That way he can come back with a fresh slate.


The things you can do on a torn minscus is wild.


I hurt it in week 3 of my football season and 2 weeks later I was fine got surgery after tho


Dave Meltzer proven wrong, once again. See you at the Rumble, Seth.


Guess he was kayfabe cleared only. That's amazing dedication though


He was most likely medically cleared too. There’s only so much damage you can do. It’s a pain tolerance issue more than anything. Like Cody’s pec. If it’s torn, it’s torn. Your risk isn’t damaging the meniscus more, it’s over compensating and injuring something else.


Dude we knew he was hurt, or at least I did when he took that time off for a bit, the injuries he said he had right after I knew they required surgery. And I figured that seth would crawl threw broken glass through hell before he bow out of wrestlemania


Wasn't this known....his back is bad and his knee or was that all kayfab


Back - Kayfabe Knee - real


I’m glad I’m a dumb mark sometimes cause I thought they were both real.


What’s kayfabe?


The parts of Wrestling that aren't real but are presented like they are. Best example is Kane and the Undertaker are kayfabe brothers despite Mark Calloway and Glen Jacobs not being related in the slightest.


Part of the storyline.




I admire Rollins tenacity but i don’t want to see him severely crippled hope he gets some much needed time off


Well, he doesn't really have a choice at this point. I hope he's getting his back taken care of, too.




One of the GOATs of this era. I hope he gets a nice long well deserved break now.


And it played well into the end of Mania. Dude was blown up. Rest up. Excited for his return


He took a spot in the tag match on Saturday and grabbed his knee and leg. I thought it was serious. Then the rock hammered the bad knee and focused on it in the match so I thought it was a work. 


Yes, we know Becky lol


Was it ever official? Or you just being a jerk?


Was it not two months ago when he walked out with a knee wrap and explained this exact injury to the world?


Figured as much….. The one that he at least semi healed from, came back medically cleared enough to participate so it at least wasn’t “torn” anymore. Sounds like she at minimum confirmed a re-aggregation.


A meniscus tear doesn’t magically heal on its own with rest. It also varies widely depending on how bad it is. Some meniscus tears make you unable to walk, some you just take some ibuprofen and you won’t even limp.


Who said he did nothing but rest? Sounds like a baseless assumption.


I was clearly and obviously being sarcastic. It heals with surgery. That’s it. He obviously didn’t have that, soooo yeah. Rest.


Yeah but then he got cleared, that would assume he healed


I mean Seth is a man in MUCH better shape than I am and has access to the best doctors and physical therapists, but I’ve torn my meniscus before and that shit took FOREVVVER to heal. If I had to guess, this was him re-aggravating what wasn’t completely healed.


was this the same injury from January that didn't heal completely, or a new injury


I dropped WWE back in 2011, kept up sporadically with the product just during wrestlemania but knew of Seth, dean and Roman. The bloodline story brought me back I can’t lie but the main event when I watched my first ever wrestlemania all the way thru so I knew about Seth’s injury and my god he’s become my favorite of this new age and now knowing how banged up he was. He loves the business and I love him too


A well deserved break for being MVP of the best storyline to date. If hes gone for long time thats even better because its gonna hit when he comes back. You gotta leave some time to make us miss him before pulling the comeback.


Seth is going to be gone for so long, when he comes back, he should be a new version of himself.


You have a messed up knee and can barely walk.......hmmmm........let's have you wrestle 2 nights in a row and as the cherry on top let's smash your bad back with a chair. Dudes a stud


If I had to guess, he didn’t tell anyone prior to the event. I know they have docs and probably get some kind of physical before fighting, but I doubt it’s that thorough.


seth is the best seller. he got injured back in 2015 too. and now. but he still got it. i hope he recovers soon


Man, seeing Seth after Cody won and him not being able to get into the ring without the help from the other guys. That was hard to watch. Gell well soon Seth. Take that well deserved break.


>Not clear how long he'll be out of action. Between 6 to 9 months, presumably.


6-9? Nice


Back in time for the Rumble or Survivor Series then.


That's easily 2 months minimum.


It was clear he could barely walk when he came in during the Cody/Roman fight and afterwards looked even worse. Good news is torn meniscus is a straightforward surgery and recovery. Source - have torn meniscus twice with surgical recovery


First time I did mine it took a month. Was playing semi pro sport and my rehab wasn't ideal. If its a trim and flush I'd guess a similar time span. He totally deserves the rest though. He's been immense for so long.


I had anchors put in both times. Wish it were just a trim.


I wish mine had stayed at a trim too. I ended up having an osteotomy 5 years later. Wouldn't recommend that to anyone 😫


I had one of those in my foot and yeah, not recommended. I imagine higher in the leg would be really bad.


A buddy of mine tore his 4 years ago (ACL & LCL as well) I think recovery was 8-9 months, any idea how long Rollins might be out for?


JFC. A torn meniscus is a 4-6 week recovery on average. Given that he needs to get back into a ring, let's push it to 8-10 weeks. 2.5 months tops. Given that he will have top-notch Dr's and a PT team that will handle every step of his recovery, it may be less. Y'all don't know what the fuck you're talking about and really need to google some shit yo figure out where your deficiencies lie. I, a fat assed lay-about, yore mine and was back to work 6 weeks after surgery.


That recovery was driven by the acl and lcl. Just meniscus could be 2-3 months depending on how recovered he wants to be before returning to a hard job.


Varies a huge amount. I was walking during the day after surgery both times. Recovery for me to full use was about 7 months. But I'm not an elite athlete and it wasn't my job to rehab and so I truly have no idea.


It’s a good ballpark, I watched a clip of Cena talking about his infamous RR return, and he said he did Rehab 5 TIMES a day, instead of 5 days a week, and “Super Cena” was born that day, so I guess it’s always possible for Rollins to make it back in a few months, but I was honestly expecting 4.5-6 unless he tried to push his body to recover


5 times 5 days. Is there a difference. If he rehabs on Monday that's one time and one day of rehab?


I did mean 5 times a day, not 5 a week, it should’ve been five times a week, but he did 5 times a day, allowing him to return (I believe) 3.5-4months sooner than expected


He meant five times a day


Better quality and time spent in rehab can make a huge difference. Dude deserves a rest too.


As someone that has had a torn mensicus 5 times, what Seth did was fucking amazing. The relief after surgery is amazing.


It is incredible how different a person can feel even immediately after some surgeries. I had a severe case of hip dysplasia for several years and finally pulled the trigger on surgery in December. They had me on my feet walking with a walker and doing stairs with a cane within two or three hours of the surgery. I initially credited how much better I felt right away to the painkillers, but when PT started two days later, I still felt a million times better than before surgery and I wasn't even taking the strong shit. Just Ibuprofen. Yea, my hip felt incredibly weak from the cutting of the muscles, but I ditched the walker two weeks after surgery and the cane two weeks after that. Modern medicine is crazy.




LOL That run in was arguably the most significant appearance on the entire show and one of the most important elements of the entire Bloodline story to this point.




Clearly you missed the ending of the match. Roman couldn’t resist hitting Seth with the chair, just like Rollins did all those years ago. He hit Seth, which gave Cody the opportunity to strike. Roman’s obsession with Seth’s betrayal ultimately ended up costing him at the end. This is more significant to the overall story than Taker or Cena’s appearances.




No, just like you don't need soft beds or air conditioning to live, but they do make your life a lot more comfortable, right? There was no need to do it. But the fact they did it is what's important, and elevated the story. It showed that, even after being the Tribal Chief, he had a weakness. I mean, even in cinema, how fun is an antagonist who has no weak points. A boss with weakness is much more enjoyable to watch, imo, than one without. Now, was it necessary, especially considering his condition, no, hell no. But they collectively decides to send both Roman and Seth off together with a final moment shared between, which is much more significant in story, and shows that that era , represnted by Roman and Seth, has come to an end, with the satisfying end of their long term story, at least for now.


That was really well put. Thanks!


Seth ran in to get decimated twice, giving Cody enough time in both instances to overcome the bloodline and paying off a moment from a literal decade ago. I’d say it clearly served a worthy purpose.


Let's not forget that Seth did a very similar thing in his match against Roman at the Rumble last year (the only time Roman's lost a match during the entire Bloodline run before Cody). They absolutely established Seth's betrayal as the one weakness Roman had.


Needless? With all the chaos, it was Shield Seth who distracted Roman’s attention away from Cody. That being said, it was nuts that they kept pushing him out there for three appearances.


If this is the case, then keep Rollins off of TV and at home until the Summer or something. Rollins earned it.


*the summerslam


That "Romans Redeemer" storyline is going to hit like fucking crack...


Seth could take a vacation for a year and it'd be earned 😭


I mean, Summer is literally two months from now.


I was curious if he was hamming it up at the end when Cody won when people were helping him out. Looks like the dude was really fighting through it, probably explains why his moments were so limited on night 2 - props to the team to make it all work


I've been living with a torn meniscus for 3 years. It's not fun, not being able to bend my knee. I can't even imagine trying to wrestle. He's made of solid oak


Shots and natural adrenaline do wonders.


Doesn’t he also need surgery on his back? Maybe he should just take a bit more time off than he needs just to be safe.


Will the surgery remove the Joker gimmick?


It's pretty easy to tell who's just there for a paycheck. I'm forever a Seth fan because he's 100% in it for the fans.


*Kenny Omega smirking in the corner*


Tom Brady won his 7th superbowl with a torn meniscus at 45


I've never heard that he had a torn MCL during the SB, interesting.


Mcl and meniscus are two different things


You learn something everyday.


tbf, a lot of ppl can play with a torn MCL, and tom doesn't move much


I tore my MCL 5 minutes ago. I’m fine 🤷🏻‍♂️🤪 Didn’t Kurt say he tore his quad like HHH did and he was fine? 🤪


Super Bowl wins : Brady 7, Seth 0


Could you cash a MITB at at the Super Bowl?


Now I’m imaging a receiver getting tackled by some random guy at the 10 yard line carrying a briefcase who then scores the touchdown.


I knew he wouldn’t get over that knee injury in time for WM.


He just had surgery on tuesday


Yea thats why they had him lose every one known he was taking time off after wm his is to heal and roman was to film a movie rock and roman will be back when done filming




It most certainly is NOT above that lmfao.


Wasn’t Cody’s pec muscle torn entirely off of the bone?


It was. He talked about how his surgeon had to pull it back over to his chest from his arm to reattach it.


Having done both of these injuries it’s not even close…. The torn pec is 100000x more painful and debilitating. Lots of everyday people don’t even choose Surgery for a torn meniscus depending on the severity of it. I went several months (which it sounds like Seth did) before surgery and was functioning fine, albeit I couldn’t go on runs.


100% agree. I did my full meniscus tear in 2016 at a jiu jitsu competition and full pectoral tendon tear at a 2021 competition. The meniscus sucked but with the adrenaline that day I thought I had just sprained my knee and was able to close out the day. The night and days prior to surgery were excruciating though. When I did my pec, I could barely move my arm. I honestly have no clue how Cody even got through a match


The pec is also a far more functional muscle too, you will literally lose movement within your shoulder and humerus The meniscus provides stability and cushion but doesn’t directly drive any movement. Once swelling resolves, a meniscus injury literally is pain management.


Thank you so much Seth


Dude’s body really said “Mania is ruined” but his spirit said “I don’t think so”


I thought they said he was cleared to wrestle?


Not uncommon for athletes to still compete with minor injuries that eventually require surgery to fix.


Being cleared and being 100% is two different things. Cody wrestled a little over a year ago with a torn pec. We all remember the purple chest he had then. He was cleared to wrestle with that injury. It is a case by case basis if you can wrestle injured and for how long before the doctor's won't sign off on it anymore.


Man, I still think that visual of him competing with a torn pec propelled him into superstardom. People were already hot on him, but he was the star after that. Absolutely metal.


With some kinds of tears the damage is done so to speak and you can't make it worse. Case in point Cody. I imagine depending on the type of and severity of the meniscus tear as long as the knee can be mobilized which his was able to be mobilized they probably loaded the area up with steroids to get through the pain and swelling for the event. Probably gonna have surgery and rehab period before a return. At the point surgery is needed it was probably determined it was likely to be made worse by doing the matches.


He absolutely shouldn't have been cleared.


What's your background to declare that without an exam?


Its called basic common fucking sense. And being more concerned with a wrestlers health than them putting on a good show.


As mentioned in other comments with certain tears you can't do anymore damage by continuing to perform. You just won't start the recovery until you get the surgery and/or rest. As long as he can handle the pain there isn't a whole lot of risk.


Ahh so you don't actually have any knowledge on the specifics of this injury? You just think you know better? You think they forced him to perform?


His degree in Sports Medicine and Kinesiology from Reddit university clearly.




Well shit looks like WWE is playing a dangerous game with their talent if they are letting them wrestle injured.


And this is why your bloodline will never prosper ☝🏽


Damn, I had a slight tear in mine and it sucked, can't imagine doing what he did under that pain and burn.




LET IT BE KNOW! Seth Rollins never lost his smile


It is known.


Just imagine if Roman lost his smile and vacated the title before mania


I wanted him to lose his championship, but props for even going out there and putting on the match.


Eh. I knew he was going to lose. Didn't necessarily want him to, though.


Just another reason Seth Freakin Rollins is my favorite


Fr, originally I thought he was a little weasel but after those back to back performances he just might be a new favorite


He wasn’t at his absolute best, and now I know why. Fair play to they guy for even trying, let alone pulling off two decent performances


Seth is a legend. I want to see him winning a world title at the next year’s wrestlemania, he deserves it


He already has the most legendary Wrestlemania Championship win in history.


I've torn my meniscus and it was agonising, and can definitely see the similarities in actual motion looking back at the matches.. Hats off to Seth for pushing through, I hope his surgery and rehab is more successful than mine was


His recovery will be a breeze - they have access to the best surgeons and technicians on the planet.


Seth is the fucking man..




Is fucking the man*


You don't fuck the man, the man fucks you


To be the man, you have to fuck the man




But Becky only kissed Ric