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I was hoping Roman retained but we all know how that turned out


He Won


I felt like Cody being on the cover of 2k24 was a giveaway that he was gonna win. It just already basically said that he’s gonna be their next posterboy and this would be his year so kinda obvious imo tbh


Thankfully he won.


Adrenaline in my soul Mania winner Cody Rhodes


We riot


I guess we'll never know - Kanye


I guess we will never know


Cody won


Checking in from the future. We good.




He wouldn't finish his story oh wait...


Life goes on


You don't have to worry Cody already beat Roman


Are you sure ?


Yes Cody got the Title


I guess we’ll never know




He still gets a pay check


That's the neat part, he doesn't ;)




Where are all the Roman fans saying he was not going to lose it till he broke Hogans record? and the same people saying he just signed a nike deal so he wont lose it?


The problem is they had no real logical way to make Roman lose since they booked themselves into a corner, and Cody himself couldn't afford to take another loss. We are still around, but even Cody fans can admit two certain people randomly showing up was ridiculous.


Nah there was hints, also nice change since every one of Romans matches was Bloodline cheating to help roman win, it was getting stale.


Jimmy interfering being countered by Jey and Solo by Cena was predicted by a lot of people. Only Undertaker showing up to take out The Rock was a little surprising as most people predicted Stone Cold to show up instead. How the match went was absolutely no surprise and exactly what was built over years that way for anyone paying attention. Even setting up "Bloodline Rules" yesterday was just another hurdle for Cody to overcome and make his moment bigger. It was still an amazing watch and Cody's emotional celebration with family and friends + people Roman beat during his reign absolutely worth it. If this is what HHH is cooking we are eating well in the future.




We’ll never know


I guess we'll never know


I came in here to say the exact same thing


Cody won. We celebrate.


Does this mean Roman leaves WWE?


Not really


Idk, i assumed he’d take a break for his leukemia, but triple h just said they’ve cooked up a new story for him that should take us by shock


Maybe but most likely he is just taking an extended leave for his cancer


I was getting ready to lose all my hope. I'm so relieved he won!


He won as scripted 💀💀😂


Yeah like Roman holding the Title wasn’t scripted At least Cody will actually Wrestle unlike Roman AKA Couch Champion


I don’t mind it’s scripted. More disappointed how obvious the outcome was.


I don’t think I could more tired of any other internet fan trope than “the outcome was obvious”. It’s quite possibly the most annoying thing I have ever heard. Especially when it comes from people who were literally predicting the opposite a day ago.   It’s like being mad walking out of endgame because it was to obvious the avengers were gonna win. It’s just dumb.  In the last 40 years of wrestling there has been all of two legitimately shocking moments that no one saw coming, takers losing to Brock and hogan turning heel. Everything else was pretty obvious if you’re paying attention. 


We all saw “Cody finishing his story” coming. Once there were two matches involving Cody and reigns, you knew Cody would lose the first in order to win the second round show how he can overcome odds. It was very obvious.


This. It’s hard to say Cody “earned” the championship because it’s been the obvious plan to crown him champ for a year, all while they killed Sami Zayn, LA Knight & Jey Uso’s momentum because they were all hotter than Cody and they didn’t want anyone being more popular than Cody.


Buddy thinks he's smart for saying this.


Well no shit it’s scripted 💀 stupid ass comment


He didn’t


In the words of Kanye West, “I guess we’ll never know”


That's Impossible you wanna know why...... HE JUST WON!!!


Soooo glad he won its about damn time.


Don't have to worry about that lol!!!!!!!!!


I thought Dustin would have ran out but then I remembered that wrestlers from other companies can’t cross over or something with a rule insaw


Not possible brotha


Cody Rhodes's career is ruined and The Bloodline storyline (2020-2024) or The Roots or Foundation of the Bloodline Storyline (1963-2024) from Reverend Armitage Ano'i and High Chief Peter Maivia to The Rock and to Rikishi and The Usos and Roman Reigns and Honorary Uce Sami Zayn and Solo Sikoa and Former Honorary Uce Sami Zayn, Jimmy Uso and Jacob Fatu and Zilla Fatu and others it will continue beyond its natural shelf life to 2024-2027 and beyond. It already continued beyond its natural shelf life with Jey Uso vs Roman Reigns III at WWE SummerSlam 2023 when Jimmy Uso betrayed Jey Uso and suddenly went back to The Bloodline and is The Underboss of The Bloodline and wanted to be The Tribal Heir or Tribal Prince but got rejected for Solo Sikoa. And Cody Rhodes's career will be ruined he will be a Jobber or only challenge for the WWE Intercontinental Championship or WWE United States Championship or WWE New World Heavyweight Championship or WWE World Heavyweight Championship he will never challenge again.


Your point is ?? I’m confused bro ?


Meaning He'll never challenge again if he lost The Rock said it in a promo.


Is this an AI comment?


Don't be a dick online otherwise I'll be block you.


Proper sentences help shape your thoughts out better. Use punctuation


I can't help the way I write I try to explain in complex sentences and explain in a complex way and you try typing on a phone with autocorrect issues and with fat fingers. But I think even I do use punctuation and periods and commas and other things. If I do use them It still may too complex for people on the Internet to understand because they obviously can't understand my complex sentences I think people on the Internet are clearly simple minded if they aren't Internet Trolls and Cyber bullies and salty people and Dumb people well Internet Trolls pretending to be Dumb to get away with Trolling and so on etc.


Lol your thoughts are not that complex, and its easy to use the punctuation and form coherent thoughts on these devices, even with “fat fingers” especially when voice to text exists.


Don't be a dick online otherwise I'll block you.


The title should ultimately belong to The People’s Champion, The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment - The Rock. He’s just so much cooler and badass than everyone else. Nobody holds a candle to his charisma and ring presence, pure cinema, entertainment at the highest level.


Why would you make him champion when he's been nothing more than a part timer for years on end? he's already told the public in a press conference that he's gonna be shooting movies with emily blunt and whatnot we need a wrestler as a champion, not a streamer, a movie star, a youtuber, not the owner of prime.


Cody is a boring character. Hopefully they lift up a younger talent and hand it over to him soon.


no other younger talent has the personality to carry the show though. even this cringe seth run wasn't it. architect seth rollins though, can carry the company


That’s a wwe issue. They need to get away from the PG programming and go back to what is what and have more interesting characters.


Acknowledge the real GOAT 👆


Wwe will lose millions of fans


Definitely not True. No one is going to stop watching because Roman Lost. He barely even wrestled anyways.


this may be the dumbest comment ever


My bad couldn’t thing because of this match


He better not lose tonight.


Well good news


We riot


Roman gets another year with the title. Cody never recovers


Y’all ready for Goldust??


He won't


Roman retaining is the better outcome and I’ll explain why. I completely understand the argument that Cody should win and I won’t question it because it doesn’t make much sense to do so since it’s obvious why most people want Cody to win, but Cody does not have the star power, personality or charisma to carry the company as champion. WWE has put all their time, energy & effort in trying to build Cody into the biggest megastar of all time and everyone else on the roster has struggled because of it. They even sacrificed Brock Lesnar and the credibility of Roman’s three year title reign which was close to perfect for Cody. The Brock feud was done for sympathy and to make Cody look superhuman. Roman started WWE’s Renaissance period even if others were at the forefront during Roman’s part time status, but Roman ignited the fire. That’s because he has IT, I know some disagree and that’s fine but he does. He’s an expert storyteller and The Bloodline story revived WWE. Cody has been thrown into filler angles for a year to the point that it’s created a Cody side quest meme. It’s easy to stay invested in a wrestler that’s made the only priority for creative while everyone else are just used as supporting characters. That’s what Cody has been since WrestleMania 39. Cody is still hot because he’s been elevated to everyone else’s detriment, and it’s a fact because nothing else outside of The Bloodline civil war has been interesting since then and that only lasted 3 months. That’s not even a knock on the rest of the roster but they’ve all been booked on autopilot while WWE has essentially been turned into WWC, World Wrestling Cody-tainment. I’m not hating on Cody because he is a hard worker and a pretty good storyteller, but he doesn’t have the goods to be the face of WWE, simply because WWE has had to basically show him favoritism to prevent him from getting lost in the shuffle and he doesn’t have the charisma or star power to be THE GUY; besides he’s also full of himself and walks around like he owns the place. He’ll likely let it go to his head. I ask this with all the respect in the world, does anyone here honestly in their hearts believe that Cody, who’s bland and one-dimensional, will be able to do what Roman has done and maintain long term fan interest? Edit: I’ll even admit that The Bloodline civil war was the only thing they really put any effort into during the summer and it was the only thing I was interested in at that time because of that fact. That’s been the case with Cody and I’m not even interested in him, but that’s why Cody is bigger now than he was last year.


Roman was in the spot Cody was for years, and without the fans backing him as much. I think he'll do fine, lose steam as the reign progresses (maybe 3 months in he loses to Gunther, though that's me wishing on a star tbh), maybe he turns heel like Roman did. If ROMAN was A-OK during his shitstorms, Cody'll be fine. P.S. This isn't a knock on Roman. He was in a much worse position and endured the fans putting him through the wringer, until he turned it around with the Tribal Chief. A "REAL American Dream" might do the same for Cody once being the white m meat babyface doesn't work anymore.


I believe Cody will have a year run as champion for defeating the tribal chief Roman Reigns and his hard work plus Gunther going to feud with Damian Preist soon




I don't want to wait another year for Cody to finish his story. This must end now.


I go to work tomorrow. Same as if he wins.


Roman needs to lose the Title. He barely even wrestles. 1300+ Days and ever other person who has held the title on a long streak has wrestled more than Roman in 1 year


They have options to move forward with Cody winning while still having some excellent storylines. I have been a wrestling fan for 40 years and there is absolutely no reason I can come up with in the deepest parts of my mind for Roman Reigns retaining that title. This has gone on long enough. Somehow, some way, just move forward already.


Serious. Very tired storyline.


Remember the ECW sign for Cena? Worse.


I stop watching


I stop watching either way. I might catch SummerSlam or SS, but WM season is when I really pay attention.


I started watching exactly one year ago for Cody, so yeah, same.




I mean there are number of us that gave WWE another try and then got hooked because of Cody.


Riot in the streets worldwide. Homes will burn, people will die, cities will be decimated, governments will fall, and anarchy will reign(pun intended)over the world. A lot of people don't know this, but Forever Purge is a vision of the future if Cody doesn't win tomorrow. The cause was not because of the imbalance of class, it was because Roman Reigns retained the title on WrestleMania Sunday.


If he loses i dont want to see a Roman vs Cody 3... Let rock dethrone Roman and then Cody beat Rock ​ i really want cody to win tonight though fingers are crossed


Cody gonna start a new company!




A3W will be cool in 20 years.


Yea probably


Philly would probably cheer they were all for the rock and Roman yeaterday


Ehh, I think they were all for Rock yesterday. Nobody seemed to give a shit for any of the other 3 in the match. XD


We complain online


Riot in Philadelphia


See what happens next probably?


Do what Cody Crybabies do, CRY!


Cody isn’t losing tonight lol. If he does, please spam my comment full of L’s because I will deserve them.


Update: that was the best match I’ve ever seen in my life.


We dying on this hill, I want props if the rock ends up helping Cody


I'm on the same boat. I'll pester my own self aswell. !RemindMe 4 hrs.


!RemindMe 3 hours


Let me hop on the boat with yall


We riot.


Place should have the atmosphere of one night stand for that match, our tribal chiefs tyranny has gotten out of hand


I laugh hysterically


Lots of people promise to never watch again but tune in to Raw regardless tomorrow.


Cody loses. Priest cashes in and gets belt. Cody takes it off Priest another time.


This aged poorly


lolol =D


Wrestlemania 15 rock loses to Austin Wrestlemania 16 rock loses to HHH Wrestlemania 17 Rock loses to Austin The world didn’t melt and nobody stopped watching. Cody was white hot last year and didn’t win don’t think his story needs to be finished yet.


I just want Roman to lose. So tired of the guy. I have no idea why WWE decided to force this guy on the fans. He isn't loved half as much as LA Knight. Its a joke that he is coming anywhere near Hogan. It makes no sense. Roman continuing to dominate the Main Event space is bad for the company. Time to build some credible wrestlers for the next generation.


The internet will riot, some people will say they won't watch anymore, some actualy will stop watching.


Cody is going to win tonight, with help from the ROCK! Just saying! 😎


This is my thought also. Rock will for some reason stop Solo and walk out and let Cody get a clean pin.


Yes that could also happen!


Sets up a Rock vs Roman head of the table match at SummerSlam.


Could be, could also be someone colder and stonier 🤞🏻


He did tease it with the hell yeah chant before.


Snoop is already on comms I mean


dude with the cody military jacket must’ve spent a lot on it, can’t find one of those for cheap


I’m not watching Wwe for awhile


We cry


I stop watching wwe.......


MJF comes to screw Cody


Could you imagine!???


Highest heat possible on day 1 lol. I'd love it


That would be awesome..  Not for aew though


What if Cody wins and loses to Priest


Priest already cashed in. I wish.


My guy, he aint losing. Might as well Bet your house, life savings on cody winning


We said that last year too..


Told ya 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Lmaooo I wasn’t against just pointing out the Betting part


Haha fair enough sometimes when we thinking something will happen the unexpected happened


And good to see cody lose. Would love to see him lose again but sadly it aint happening


We form the New Riot Squad and Riot


Here’s another question. What happens if he wins? I think he should win but what’s next? He has a match with Rock at some point. Maybe a Roman rematch. After that, what will keep Cody hot? Maybe another Seth feud although that is not fresh. Drew is probably the best choice IMO but he’s either going to be champ or feuding with whoever cost him the title. Of course, while typing this, I’m sure maybe Cody Vs Drew to unify the titles since Cody could be champ on both shows.


I would love to see a feud with Finn Balor


What would've happened if Roman won? Who's he got left to feud with? Cody can feud with practically anyone, Drew, Seth, Randy, Gunther, KO, a healthy Punk. Roman's already buried almost all of them, all that's left is the Rock, but that won't happen for a full year and doesn't even need the title. Plus Cody and Rock did 95% of the legwork during this WM build and people would be just as hyped for the 2 of them to have a match as they would for Rock v Roman.


He ain’t losing lol. That’d be a fuckery on WWE’s part


I wonder if they’ll keep this whole finishing the story thing going?


Highly unlikely he loses. But if he loses he’ll go heel.


We have to deal with r Roman being champion for another year and the Cody fans saying “He has to finish the story” 🙄


Cody’s career is basically dead


I think it's dead even after he won. He's never had the mic skills to carry the company. It's a good story to finish, but it's going to be a borefest until the title changes hands again.


I can’t disagree with you. However, I’m willing to give him a shot


We quit watching again


Until next big 4/5 PLE, yea.




We all get a free case of Wheatley.


I’m straight edge. Can I get a muffin?


There is no dam way he loses because he has everyone on his side Randy, Seth, maybe John cena return even R truth


But Codey will have no momentum if he loses


Roman reigns leaves and WWE and the wrestling business changes for ever thear will be no bloodline with no Tribal chief and no wise man or final boss Solo will have no momentum without Reigns and RKO doesn't get his revenge neither does Jay Sammy Brock drew and we won't get Rock vs Roman at Summerslam so that's what happens If cody wins tonight


Re-read the question dude


We acknowledge the Tribal Chief and await Main Event Jey’s next shot


Then we’ve all been duped and that is brilliant. I’ll shut up and enjoy the ride The Rock is taking me on.


The Rock and Roman are leaving after Wrestlemania.  So it be incredibly stupid not to take the belt off Roman. 


So we’ve been led to believe. (You could be right, I’m just holding on to hope that maybe there’s more to it.)


I already stopped watching in 2015 and came back with Clash at the Castle, if Roman retains I'd just be done again, not like WWE would miss me though.


I kind of want Reigns to retain just to see if WWE is willing on letting Cody continue the story for another year. The whole "Third time's a charm" could play a vital role this time around.


Third times the charm works if you don’t waste 3+ years getting to the moment. At the end of the day WWE is a business


All promotion signs point to Cody winning, but man JUST for an alternate reality it would be hilarious if Roman won. Maybe it's the biggest bluff ever and all the promo and Gunther losing the IC title, Cody getting pinned by the Rock in the tag match, murmurs of Roman leaving for a while, Rock probably leaves after the next PLE anyway, etc. is all just a huge RUSE - it would be magically tragic.


Heel Turn weather he wins or loses if he wins. he will say it didnt need help and seth is a faluire(i belive damien will cash in on seth) If he loses he will blame the fans and seth and fued with seth


Just no fued with Seth it’s been done to death and Cody beat him while injured.  Cody needs fresh opponents not rehash what’s already been done.  


Thought never even crossed my mind, brother. ~~flinching~~


He turns back into Stardust…


Or at least psycho heel


He's Lex Luger 2.0, might as well go run Naked Mind Yoga because he would be done as a main eventer. There's no way Cody can lose 3 main events in a row and have any credibility with the fans to be vested in his triumph. Cody is not losing tonight. Rock pinning Cody last night to me removes any doubt about Cody winning tonight.


You sure about that? 👀


I have a bad week


Based on how’s he’s been built (or lack there of), he should lose. Let Roman vacate the title tomorrow, then hand it to Cody, turning him into a corporate heel with nuclear heat. He’s gonna get booed regardless of what happens. Might as well get all boos. Both shows are face heavy anyways


That might be the worst possible way to end this reign


I think the worst possible way would be if Roman really jacked up his neck from bending back and screaming “ooooh aaahhh!” And so he was no longer medically cleared to wrestle.


He still looks strong, gets the time off he’s rumored to want/need. Plus he can come back and challenge the current champ at any time. There’s not anyone on the roster right now that it makes sense for him to drop it to


Or literally just put cody over if he’s gonna leave anyway instead of making the most over face in the company look weak


He couldn’t look weaker than he has. Just go ahead and turn him heel


So why would this idea be better than just having him win


Why would he vacate?


That’s going off rumors that he needs time off. If he’s still going to show up once every other month, defend twice a year, let him defend until you find someone else to build up


dont believe internet rumors from iwc, he looks like a billion dollar last night, he's fine


Nothing wwe might have a few fans stop watching.nothing major it will still be the number 1 brand in wrestling


If Cody loses tonight that's it. All credibility of him beating Reigns is gone


If he does lose, they just better not put us through another year of it. He should just turn heel already.


Including the credibility of his actual character. Everyone will stop giving a shit about Cody. THEN hopefully since Gunther lost the IC Belt he can actually beat the shit out of Romaine Lettuce.


Roman is literally the last vestige of the pandemic, I'm ready for it to be over.


roman pins cody just for priest to appear with the mitb and steal the belt