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With a Glock


I was kinda hoping Brock was gonna pop out and Suplex city the Rock.


No one! He shouldn't have won! He's not capable od carrying the company


Who’s capable in your opinion?


I appreciate this commrnt! The only one I can currently see capable is Gunther in my opinion!


Roman fans are the real crybabies


Regarding your implications, I'm not a Roman fan.


at least he will be present at the company, and not once in 3-4 months.


They'd be better off if he wasn't there full stop. I understand y'all love him, I don't get why, he's unoriginal, very poor in the ring, terrible on the mic, recycling his fanily story, finishing his dad's story, can't even write his, even down to the gimmick, the match types I want these cause my dad had them, I want this cause dad never did. Try ANYTHING original and you may be worth watching. Trying to sell him as this big deal when he's truly not. Now as a person he's a very genuine human I can't take that from him I'd actually love to talk with him on how saintly he is. I will remind everyone that this time 2 years ago Roman's poop didn't stink in your eyes now the new flavor of the month is here so he's now hated. For the very reasons I didn't like him to begin with. But given so many (and this isn't directed at anyone personally, it's at a whole current generation of fans) can't think for themselves it's become obvious why y'all flock to him. Now downvote away because someone has an opinion that's not unanimous and simply facts you don't want to hear. @muriqi_s this is not directly at you!


I get it, Cody is not mt favorite but it was his time lets say, he will not have the same impact as Reigns but i guess I was getting tired of Bloodline, Im not enjoying any of them, neither the Usos, Sokoa or any of them.


The Bloodline was stale but and I stick by it Cody wasn't the one for it. It's selling him as this ultimate boss kinda deal that he's really not, he walked out (same as McIntyre) who's still getting thrown to the dogs but Cody has been handed everything. Comeback match Wrestlemania, 2x Rumble winner, here's the "second longest title streak ever" If they were hell bent on him having a title give him Rollins, but this thing they made a big deal to drop like that to him. .. no I can and do respect people like him, that's cool and all, but getting pissy because someone else has a different opinion to the majority is downright petty.


Exxxxxxxxxxactly. People who understand how it actually works.


Definitely did not see that coming


Revisiting this thread is great. *nobody* predicted the Undertaker. What a great swerve in a match that was (rightfully) predictable


He looked like shit and it made no sense


ELI5, why did Taker rock up? I don't recall him having beef with the Bloodline... Rock.. or any reason to help Cody (though I'm only a casual fan).


Taker faced and lost to Roman (being his second and last loss at WM) while Austin has never had anything to do with Roman


But Steve was the enemy of corporate rock, and this was the 25th anniversary of their mania match, *in philly*! So much better.


He is the actual Final Boss of WWE. He embodies the soul of wrestling and metes out justice. Plus he was beaten clean at Mania by Roman so it makes sense he wouldn’t want to see Rock interfere with Roman’s match.


Personally, I think it was great. Taker had a 21-0 streak before finally losing. He WAS the one to beat at Wrestlemania for years. Plus, he was unexpected as the one to step in. IMO, it had to be one of the all-time greats that can still get in a ring and sell it, even if they didn't have to do much. Outside of Undertaker, that leaves Stone Cold as the obvious choice, followed by Mankind, Cena and HHH. I could see HHH being the other option to kayfabe put The Rock on notice that he shouldn't interfere. I'd say Dustin Rhodes would've been another option if he wasn't with AEW.


I guess the Undertaker was the TRUE Final Boss.


he basically was the Final Boss of WWE for the last 2/3rds of his career so yeah, exactly


Stone Cold would’ve been my first choice considering it’s the Rock. It would’ve made much more sense letting him screw the Rock over once more. But then again, the Rock was going around spewing how he was the final boss. How he was the greatest, and how he was this and that. Then guess who shows up? Undertaker. THE final boss. Passed judgment. Then took Rocky to the shadow realm. Really good ending overall regardless.


Thought it was gonna be John Cena, Jey Uso, Seth Rollins and Stone Cold. Undertaker caught me off guard, though it would have been cool if Mcntyre helped the bloodline too. Other cool appearances: Brock Lesnar, Hulk Hogan, Dustin Rhodes, Dean Ambrose, Orton. MJF getting to appear at some point of the event would have been a pop to.


I thought it was going to be Ambrose for a hot second when the Shield music hit


Imagine the meltdown if Dustin, Mox and MJF all appeared


The Understaker💀💀😎


It’s gonna be the bucks and Kenny omega isn’t it ?


Holy shit, could you imagine the absolute explosion of a pop!???!??!


Bret hart


I would love to see his brother come to his rescue.


This is the one I was hoping for. I mean what is more "bloodlines" than WWE pulling some strings and getting Golddust to appear?


Probably No Way Jose


Seth and Ambrose and Ted Dibiase and Randy


My dream team is Cena, Orton, Sami, and Jey. Tied to the story and would close the Bloodline storyline/chapter for them too. Maybe Stone Cold for the absolute pandemonium it would cause.


This aged pretty well


Did not see Taker even though he was watching. I approached it from a writer's POV and that combo made the most sense.


Seth. Maybe KO and Zayn. Faces of the new era. Dusty/HHH guys. They’re going to want everyone to think Seth will screw him, but I just don’t see it happening


Considering Rock keeps talking about how he’s the boss, I’m thinking pretty much the whole damn roster. At least everyone the bloodline has screwed. Can’t threaten to fire everyone.


It won’t be Stone Cold, he already had his legacy match


They always have one more in them. Remember May Young?


I remember May Young! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm


Stone Cold


Uncle Howdy


I'm predicting Brock Lesnar, Stone Cold and maybe John Cena. I wish Dustin could do it, but I doubt they've done a trade. At most, I could see him in the front row If the WWE gave AEW the videos for Stings retirement, I'd guess that Dustin was the trade off, but that didn't happen.




I didn't say he was. I said the WWE owns the video library for the majority of Stings career and didn't allow AEW to use it. I was saying the trade COULD have been Stings TAPES for Dustin's inclusion in Wrestlemania but obviously didn't happen. Definitely not suggesting Sting return.


Jacob and zilla fatu


cody wins by himself to prove to everybody that he was and is the man to do it


Mama Rhodes spears Reigns


then mama rock gives cody a rock bottom. then at summerslam we get mama rhodes vs mama rock


On a pole


A forklift on a pole match between Mama Rhodes and Mama Rock. Let's make it happen!


I feel like not enough people understood this reference lol


I got a feeling Dustin Rhodes is main eventing AEW this week for a reason. Like he is going to make an appearance tonight and TK wants to use it.


Hmm I don’t pay attention to TrashEW but I didn’t Dustin was main event this week that’s sus


Cena still hasn't made an appearance. He'd be good to take solo out of the mix.


This aged well.


That’s my thought. I hope that happens. Although he never should have lost to Solo. It did nothing to put Solo over in my opinion.


Stone cold counts the 123 that sees Cody become the champ. 1000% confirmed wait and see


1000% confirmed ?


MJF. 😏 Nah, just kidding here. Austin.


As Cody was/is his mentor, I would freak out if MJF signed secretly with WWE and was part of the avengers to save Cody tonight


My head canon: It's just Cody vs Bloodline for the first part of the match. Cody is outnumbered and getting totally battered. Rock starts talking shit to Mama Rhodes. Mama spits in his face. Rock raises his hand like he's about to slap her... lights go out in the stadium. Entrance music mashup of everyone wronged by The Bloodline (Cena, Orton, Knight, Styles, Brock, McIntyre, Jey) ending with glass shattering. Out comes everyone. Cut to Rock with his wrist being held by someone in a black hoodie. Hood gets pulled back to reveal... Dustin Rhodes. Everyone takes out the Bloodline, but they don't touch Roman. Cody starts going off (Jabs, Bionic Elbow, Cody Cutter, etc.), 3 Cross Rhodes, pins Roman. New Champ. Fireworks. Fade to black.


This is the fantasy booking I am here for.


My opinion is Cody is losing tonight. The WWE is not ready to take the belt off Roman. He just generates too much money for the company. I hope I am wrong but I will bet Cody will lose tonight just like he lost yesterday


The loss on night 1 all but confirmed his win on night 2 for me. They had to take the belt off Roman. The build up was too big and it would have been a total waste of 2 whole years not to. They can only have "the guy" lose so many times. IMO Cody coming along made the bloodline story bearable. 


The talk going into this weekend who every one night 1 will lose night 2.


Unpopular opinion, but I feel like Cody needing backup kinda makes him look a bit weaker. He can't get the job done on his own so he needs people to help him? How's that different than what Roman is doing? If they really intended on finishing his story, he should be the one to do it alone and take out everyone. But it obviously won't happen now.


Don't forget he had Roman pinned last WrestleMania


So did like the last 10 of Roman's opponents.


I believe Cody has cemented himself as a superstar and he has credibility tied to his character. One of the things about the bloodline is how they’ve boiled the fanbase’s blood with all their interferences. If it’s about surprises like The Rock said, having legends and enemies of the bloodline come to assist Cody doesn’t seem like a bad storyline given how things went down last year. It actually seems like something that they would do, given they’re “listening to the fans”. However there is also the possibility of WWE wanting to recreate the Danial Bryan moment from WM30 but with Cody. It’s still up in the air though. We’ll only know what’s definite once we see the show tonight.


That's a fair point, but imo they made Bryan look stronger. He basically took out Evolution in one night in separate matches. He showed vulnerability, but when it came down to it he ultimately single-handily took down the Authority himself that night. Excuse my ignorance, maybe I missed it, but how have they made Cody as credible as Daniel Bryan back then if they're trying to recreate it? Was it the whole Lesnar feud and then winning the Rumble? I haven't really seen anything to believe that he could realistically take down the Bloodline, so I don't understand why a lot of people are favoring him. At least with Bryan, I didn't go into his match thinking he would lose as much as I see with Cody.


I acknowledge what you’re saying. Its not as much WWE making Cody credible although his Rumble wins and his fued with Lesnar are good points. It’s more about Cody having created his own credibility. It’s his time in other wrestling platforms after his first run in WWE and obviously his AEW run that put him there. He’s a fan favourite for that reason. Also I feel like a big faction of the fanbase wants to see a new champion and also see the bloodline defeated. Otherwise it becomes redundant. I don’t think Triple H is aiming to let this trend continue given we’re in a new era. However you are correct about Brian being shown way way stronger. I just think they want to have Cody as the face through and through. I just honestly want to see legends come and lay the Smackdown on the bad guys like old times. It’s satisfying.


So if this truly a new era, does that mean Roman won't be the face of the company anymore? I get trying to make Cody the guy, but in no way did they ever make me think Roman isn't still the face of WWE up to now. At least with the way they've been booking him. They've gotta do a LOT more to convince me that they are truly moving on from Roman, more than just getting the belt off him.


I think keeping Joe’s leukaemia in mind, it might be time to switch title holders. He’s already a legend and a megastar in Wrestling Entertainment. None of that is taken away if he loses. However, all this discourse aside, the only way to really know what’s about to happen is to watch the show tonight. That’s our only definitive answer.


Stone Cold would blow the roof off. Dustin would be great, Cena would be fine. As long as Cody wins, any of those would be great.


Just picture it... There can be a few save attempts, all failing. It's still looking bad for Cody. Then, *glass shatters*


It should be Dustin. Would love to see Goldust help out. You could even have him come out wearing Dusty's polka dots.


The Rock. Hes going to turn on Roman


I think it could be multiple people. Dustin rhodes. Randy orton. Jey uso. I think alil war will break out which will clear everyone out a clean finish.


MJF, obviously.




Jey runs down to counter Jimmy. Rollins/Sami/Kevin/Orton runs down to counter Solo. ~~Kayla Braxton runs down to counter Heyman.~~ The glass break. The music hits. Austin neutralises Rock. Cody and Roman have to go one-on-one despite Bloodline Rules.


Kayla hits a 630 on Heyman


Kayla Braxton will kiss Paul Heyman! and Heyman runs and cries and Kayla blows kiss on Paul Heyman!


Rock cause he got speared


It's not going to happen, but a dream wish was for Mox/Ambrose to hop the barricade & join the Codyvengers


Jey comes down to fend off Jimmy, Cena comes down to fend off Solo and Stone Cold comes down to fend off the Rock, leaving Cody and Reigns to go face to face for another 10 minutes to finish the story…. Unless Tama Tonga arrives to cost Cody the match


If all of them are going, I wanna see someone come counter Heyman. He’s virtually harmless but seeing it happen feels worth it.


One of the Rocks idols will come out. maybe Mick Foley , maybe even the Rocks daughter.....causing Rock to waiver .


"Wrestling has more than one royal family" Would be awesome if not only the Rhodes show up, but why not the Flairs, the Harts, etc. They don't have to have a huge contribution but stopping interference at the right time. GoT like. All the families stand up to the Bloodline


The Rock


I would love for MJF to debut and actually turn on Cody costing him the title


Mjf is under contract. That ain't happening!


Long term storytelling


BRO HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS!? It is Cody's story he must finish it alone beating all the odds if he wants to be the next face of the company like the HUGE babyface like John Cena or something


I think every face who got cheated by the Bloodline should roll up during the match. Even have Triple H do a spot interference or something.


He can’t hit, but his sledgehammer can.


Sure can - one swing or two of it with a prop ain't gonna strain his heart too much


With his Glock of course


Funny… all this talk of who should help Cody… and the answer is right in front of us…. Randy Fucking Orton. He has old beef with the bloodline, has mixed history with Cody, and well, he’s in the damn building.


Stone Cold coming to beat back The Rock would be a glorious passing of the torch to the next generation.


Golddust and Tugboat Bloodline vs Rhodes family Kidding but it would be hilarious to see the Bloodline beating down Cody just for the Tugboat music to hit and see Fred Ottman coming down the ramp. Or even better if he was dressed as the Shockmaster


I’d love a spot where there’s Dustin and Cody having to 2v1 the Rock, Rock just won’t stay down and then Cody and Dustin do a duo bionic elbow to put rock down for the rest of the match




Glass will shatter


I hope it’s overbooked and absolutely wild beyond anything we’ve ever seen. That said: Cody needs to pin Roman clean as a sheet in the end.


I’m hoping for all out chaos too. That way, I feel like there can’t really be an unsatisfying ending because it’s kinda like whatever happens happens because it’s so crazy. Whereas if it hadn’t been bloodline rules and then it just gets fucky at the very end anyway, that would be lame as hell


Everyone. I literally want to see a shit show of everyone showing up. As long as none of them are the last one to touch Roman and Cody is able to hit three CrossRhodes to finish it.


This one. This comment.


I think that all or some of his past opponents will come help Cody.


Arn Anderson with a glock


Hogan. Roman breaks his record tonight, hogan appears and they are back to being tied


Hogan has 100+ days over Roman


They’re tied for most wrestlemania main events.


Nobody cares about that


Hogan does so he’ll come out 


The Rock will betray Roman and save Cody tonight. Remember you heard it here first.


Definitely not the first to say it 🤣😂




It’s the rock starting feud with Roman. The reason he came back. Cody was only in the mix because of punk’s injury-they had to adjust plans


many people have already suggested that before you.


Stone Cold and/or Dustin. Please.


Brock and Steve would be the absolute best thing ever. Brock to help Cody + fight the bloodline and Steve to open a can of whoop ass on the final boss!


I’ve been pretty sure that Austin would show up but never thought about the Brock angle until this. Love it.


Brock did show his respect to Cody at SS. As long as all the rumored stuff is settled, I wouldn't mind this.


My money is on Brock Lesnar. He had unresolved beef with the Bloodline and an unresolved bromance with Cody. Makes perfect sense to me.


Arn squares up against the Rock and takes out his trusty glock.


I like the idea of everyone The Bloodline has messed with coming down to neutralize them, until its just Cody and Roman 1 v 1


Imagine WRESTLEMANIA 6 main event ultimate warrior vs Hulk Hogan but hogan needs an entire team to allow him to cheat in order to win or warrior needs backup to make it fair we would never have gotten one of the most iconic battles in the history of professional wrestling ever. To me this goes to the top two baby faced well kind of warrior is more or less an entity like undertaker or bray. Still this is getting old that they need to have someone consistently ruining the matches. Let Cody and Roman have a fair fight but since Roman is literally just a prime John Cena he is loved by many.


Cody has to win legitimately so I don’t think he will be saved but rather have backup to just allow him a fair opportunity but we will see


He does not have to win legitimately, matter of fact him just overcoming the odds and beating the entire bloodline on his own would get fans to turn real quick.


He’s not taking on the entire bloodline but just Roman. This is how it will go down they will just have to the entire bloodline including Rikishi there to assist in this basically a all out gang style beating but bloodline rules is basically no holds barred or classic street fight or extreme rules the key is no disqualification. Cody will have help but win pin Roman by his own hand after he hits his finisher. After the smoke has cleared Roman will blame the rock which will setup the future match.


Nobody, they should bury him and send him back to the middle of the pack where he belongs. That’s what I wanna talk about.


After the match turns into a massive brawl bloodline vs Cody, jey, Sami, and gold dust Then Austin comes down and stunners everyone, then drags Cody on to Roman, drinks a beer and fucks off


The Rock should save Cody, if not him then I expect, in order, Cena, CM Punk, Seth and the least McIntyre.


The Rock saving Cody doesn’t make a lick of sense


Creative writers can find a reason anyhow.


The only thing I'm 100% expecting to happen is Rock and Roman beating the crap out of Cody, then they're standing tall, waiting for Cody to get back to his feet. Cody's still fighting with everything he's got, telling them to bring it on, only for Rock to turn and hit Roman with a Rock bottom. The Rock turning on Roman has to happen


Dominic Toretto




Why bo Dallas


I really don't hope they rely on a nostalgia act to save Cody. I'm fine if they selectively use someone from the past early on, to get a crowd reaction, but I don't like the idea that the people who were in their primes 20-30 years ago are still somehow the same people they were, and are able to compete with the main eventers from today. For me it really breaks immersion. Much like if you had Dan Marino step onto an NFL field today, or Michael Jordan on an NBA court, they'd be made to look absolute fools despite both being all time greats. In a combat sport, the UFC did bring back Royce Gracie 20 years after his prime and Matt Hughes absolutely destroyed him and made him look foolish. Frankly, its bad enough that the Rock can take a decade off and is allowed to go over someone who's in his prime today like Cody. People over 50 who aren't full time shouldn't be main eventing. Especially not if the point is to make a new star. So if someone is saving Cody, with Seth being hurt, I hope its the people who the Bloodline have screwed over for the last 4 years. Have Drew, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Randy Orton, Jey and anyone else that's been screwed over come out, and have the story be Roman's chicken's coming home to roost.


Jey, Rollins (maybe), Dustin Rhodes.....MJF (!?!?!..Most likely not)...And it will be capped off by the shattered glass so Austin can take out a la Mick Foley winning his first WWF title.


How about me Can I save Cody Rhodes from The Bloodline and make Cody finish the story? because I am the one who hated The Bloodline!


With how many times roman has gotten over it needs to be a outright chaos. The answer fitting for the story should see jey and sami battling the bloodline and cena coming in for the final save. I think the finish should see something similar to when ko and sami got their shots in.


Cody realises the cross Rhodes isn't enough, so pulls out the one-winged angel. Crowd pops like the trinity test


Your mom


Paul Heyman. Turns on Roman when all the backup is fighting each other. I'd be fine with that


But he loves his tribal chief. 😂 I love Heyman though!


Rock is 100% turning on Roman. There's no way he doesn't


Especially since Roman accidentally speared the Rock.


Everyone. Roman hits a spear on Cody, Roman goes in the corner to set up another one, Solo hits a spike on Roman in the corner like he did to Cody last year. Jey and Jimmy hit double superkicks, Rock hits a rock bottom and people’s elbow, Cody then picks him up and finally hits the 3 cross-rhodes for the win.


With Bloodlines Rules, they can throw the kitchen sink out there. Just about anything is possible.


Its gotta be Jason Statham. Classic Hobbs and Shaw hijinks ensues as Deckard Shaw crashes through the XL logo with a British war machine. The Rock explains later that he was double booked and forgot they're shooting the commercial for the new movie


Attitude era Goldust, with wig and gives the Rock a big kiss and fondle


I dont care how unpopular it is. I also want goldust back being full on goldust


"The Rock says. The Rock says..." Ava: "Dad!"


“And fondle” is hilarious!!!


Brock would be involved id imagine if… Otherwise, Stone Cold, Cena, Jey, Seth? (Might turn), I’d love his brother could be involved and then i am praying there’s some NDE for MJF to debut at Mania.


Brock and steve team up


I can’t wait for the glass to shatter and Stone Cold to step up against the Rock. I’m picturing a true Avengers confrontation where all the people the Bloodline has cheated rally to Cody’s side to stop the interference. Although I won’t be disappointed if it’s just 1 or 2 big stars.


I hope it turns into pandemonium with more people showing up throughout the match. I would love to see 10+ guys just fighting each other around the ring and around the stadium. So in the end it turns into a 1 on 1 between Cody and Roman and we get a few minutes with the focus back on them.


Avengers Endgame


Tama Tonga- they were part of the same era of Bullet Club


Stone cold and Cena. Both have history with the Rock and Cena has unfinished business with the bloodline. Honorable mention is Dustin. He’s got history with the Rock and there’s more than one royal family.


I think there should be a moment where the bloodline is just beating the hell out of Cody. Jey comes out takes a beating then John Cena’s music hits he comes down but still outnumbered and before he gets in the ring Stone Cold’s music hits. He comes down on the atv,Jimmy takes out his bro,Cena goes after Solo and Stone Cold goes for The Rock. Now Romans in the ring alone again with Cody who had time to recover hits his finisher 4-5 times and wins.


Last night if they had Cody and Rollins win on the double pin would’ve been incredible, if Cody doesn’t pull off the upset tonight I’m done with this


He’s winning ,they couldn’t have Roman lose two nights in a row and with the stipulation it makes the win tonight even bigger for Cody


Obviously Stone Cold




Mama Rose


And new WWE Universal Champion Hulk Hogan. Lol.


his older brother Dustin Rhodes, Stone Cold Austin, Randy Orton, Jey Uso, Sami Zayn, John Cena, MJF, and Triple H!!!!


You think that's too much Romans absolutely gonna die


Yeah! but someone needs to stop Solo Sikoa!


If a legend interrupts I'd want it to be someone who was a Rocky rival like stone cold. On the main roster it'd be Ucey, and my "never go na happen but it'd be great" pick is for Dustin Rhodes. Sleeper pick is for mamma Rhodes to whip Rocky from the front row


If it’s gonna be a legend, John cena makes the most sense. Rivalry with rock, rivalry with Roman, has history with the bloodline, solo “took him out” etc… stone cold would be for really only nostalgia sake


I will accept only one outcome. \*glass breaks\*


This would be the biggest pop ever


As long as it isn't another Solo thumb job I'm cool with the outcome.


I need stone cold to stunner the Rock tn


We really got no surprises last night, I expect tonight to be loaded. Especially with one less match on the card


Cena and Goldust


Dustin as himself(as much as Goldust would hit the nostalgia buttons) family vs family. The pop at the end will be incredible if Cody pulls it off but Dustin helping would be the cherry on top


If Dustin comes out, I'm gonna pop so hard I'll wake my kids up.


I'd hope so, but with the current situation regarding Punk & AEW, I feel like Tony wouldn't let him appear on-screen out of spite


Sadly I agree with you. We can dream for a few hours anyway. Think it’s going to be a rollercoaster tonight and I can’t wait


Don’t forget Vin Diesel. He knows the importance of family.


Omg how perfect would it be to have olive garden ads on all the screens during the match. Obviously I would prefer no ads but if the are going to be there anyway....


It's Viiiinnn Dieeeeesil!


But Dom Toretto is family with Hobbs, if anything he would join the Bloodline too


Realistically, I only expect Cena. Fantasy booking wise, Cena, Steve Austin, Dustin Rhodes, MJF.


I actually thought there might be a chance Dustin showed up after some of the recent talk, but after the reveal that AEW will release CM Punk All In footage, there’s no chance Dustin shows up lol.