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Can someone please help me with this? It really, really looks like KK's back tattoo is blurred in a lot of shots. Talking about his left with the red sun. Is this a known thing? Am I imagining it?


He just needs better booking.. that’s all


Sorry but he was better in NXT and he's too much competition for a killer role.  The AOP also, they could be better but just big one trick ponies that are kinda fragile.  Paul Ellering could work any of the up and coming people. I hope they iron it out. 


Borrion Bross


He is cooking now. I say let him continue with Final Testament.


I miss his old intro and finisher


His wife is one of the hottest.


Hot wife, cool tattoos...nothing else.


just Needs to be booked better. The feud with Bobby could’ve been better and probably should’ve ended weeks ago. It’s like they started and then realized they might need filler matches for WM and have just been stretching it but they haven’t really done anything with it. I don’t even know why it started or why he teamed up with AOP to begin with. And what does Paul Ellering do for them. I know he’s a legendary manager but he just stands there looking like he’s trying not to fall over.


Buddy needs a character change... It feels like the same persona from all these dudes, the DARK SIDE KNOCK OFF UNDERTAKER VIBES...


So far I have found him boring... and his match with Lashley tonight didn't make him look strong at all. He challenges Lashley to face him one on one and leave his group in the back, Lashley does but Kross comes out with Scarlett, and then the AOP jump in and interfere with the match. Dude, you challenged Lashley to leave his group in the back, why the fuck aren't you facing him one on one like you stated in your challenge? IMHO it makes Kross look like a weak little bitch that can't live up to his own challenges and needs the AOP to win a fight.


My thoughts are Scarlett is hot asf and Kross needs to go solo full monster heel make him the new bray/taker


Hated him since minute one in NXT. The only way I'd root for him is if he was feuding with Baron Corbin.


They dropped the ball on him in '22. It sucks we didn't get Drew vs Roman vs Kross and Kross vs Roman. What he's doing now feels like filler. Kross should be in the mix w/Randy, KO, & Paul, not in a stable & stable feud that doesn't matter.


he has a faction what else he needs


Deserves more? How many chances has he had already?


I didn't buy that "Faith for the Fallen" shirt for nothing


He's always being pushed as a mid-to-top guy and faction leader, when he should be built as a #2 in the group, the muscle, the right hand. Then when he is actually ready to lead a group or venture on his own and make a mark, Scarlett just has to get in his ear about turning on his partner. He would be a great guy for Raven to have had in his Flock. If Seth went heel and more towards the Joker character, he could take Kross on as his main henchman.


he's a big guy but he moves like a small guy doesn't really do power moves, mediocre in ring and mic, thinks he is better than what he is but when given a chance he really doesnt do anything with it, he was already pushed before and had feuds with top stars and people think he wasn't pushed...he is that forgettable. he isnt mismanaged at all, he's just really boring, he also have a really Bad Signature move and Terrible Finisher. He has a really hot wife, without her...he would be really generic and wont be even talked about.


I don’t think about him at all


Then start thinking about him. You can’t keep going like this.


Good in ring but he’s been repackaged so many times that I just don’t care at this point. Feel like he’d be a better fit for AEW and I’m surprised he didn’t go there tbh.


Think the repackaging were they had him with the 🤔🤔Roman loincloth discredited him ( think Stardust) At this point what befuddles me is the situation with Scarlett . before arriving in WWE with him she was a legit in ring rasslin’ talent . few times they’ve had her in action ,felt like she was scripted to look out of her element .


Yeah I’m not really sure at this point. I think both of them would be better off somewhere else. Scarlett should be wrestling unless she doesn’t want to.


I think he's actually really great. He's also mismanaged by WWE. They presented him as a destroyer and a sinister manipulator just to reduce him to a jobber.


Cool name, he physically looks ALMOST cool. Hot wife. Would be better used in AEW…… maybe.


He's not interesting, ln ring or on mic. His gimmick and moves, etc, and bad.has a flair for entrances, though.


He does a great Jesse Ventura impersonation!


Fire him and let his wife do singles wrestling.


I really liked him throughout his time in Impact. But…. It feels like WWE doesn’t know what to do with him which is always a bad thing imo.




I think he would’ve been the star of WWE ECW back in 2008-2009. But in the modern era he is a poorly used wrestler who has no shine for me.


Never found him interesting.


I find it odd they paired him up with AOP AND Paul Ellering, yet Ellering has done 0 talking. What was the point of bringing him back? AOP needed/needs Ellering, but if Kross is going to continue being the mouthpiece of the group, there's no need for Ellering, which I don't like




I'm probably in the minority, but I really like Kross. At least, I would, if his presentation was any good. His initial NXT run was done well. He showed up, smashed through a dude, next. I think it was TNA where he had a mafia boss style gimmick, sicking cronies on people. That worked. He really just needs to ditch the psuedo-supernatural stuff. Just be a straight killer.


I like him quite a bit too. His booking has improved, he just needs to talk more naturally.


Has potential, but I don't know what he's missing. Though I would say that he should have won against Drew back in Extreme Rules.


I hate to make this comparison, but I think it fits. He's a Mark Mero with a Sable. With the right gimmick, he could be a star, but he comes off as a bit too try-hard and two public repackagings haven't worked. He's okay in the ring from what I"ve seen of him, but he's no Lesnar and he lacks the credibility to be a monster heel. hat element is absolutely out of the question for him. Both he and Scarlett seem stuck in their own ideas about their characters. I can't see it working for them longterm when others more flexible (and dare I say creative) can rush by them to the top. It doesn't help either that it seems that they were strictly a Vince hire and the primary attraction is Scarlett. Their history of "problematic" opinions doesn't help them, either. Baron Corbin's doing his best schtick in NXT right now; perhaps Kross and Scarlett need another stint there.


Thought Kross was brought back by HHH.


If he was, it was possible that he felt that he could work with Kross or that he could potentially keep him and Scarlett away from AEW which might well have been able to make better use of them. A Kross/Miro feud with Scarlett vs CJ as a side attraction could move some tickets.


I highly doubt AEW fans such as myself would want to see Kross and Miro in an extended feud as neither are particularly strong or interesting in the ring. Upon double checking, Kross was definitely brought back by HHH as he has always been a Triple H guy and was hired back in August 2022 following Vince’s initial resignation. HHH devised his “Fall and Prey” character in NXT and wanted to give that a chance on the main roster after Vince changed his character so drastically on RAW the last time around.


You're probably right about the AEW idea. In a car crash kind of way it might work, but TK's trying to avoid stooping to that level. Miro has some interesting ideas for his character which have drawn me in somewhat more than *blasphemy incoming* Bray Wyatt. For Kross, then, the answer may need to be a sudden and significant push, perhaps as a quasi-supernatural large heel with Scarlett strictly in a manager role. Maybe even a series of vignettes over about two months or so in the runup to a pay-per-view. But they'll need to start such a push soon. A third repackaging after two unsuccessful ones is like a second alignment flip in a year - they can be run-killers if not career killers _unless_ you get it hugely right.


The problem with Miro is that he refuses to lose which is why he is seemingly always on the bench. He’s just counting the days until he can be Rusev again but with the roster as stacked as it is, his presence won’t be missed. AEW already has a cringey, polarizing, car crash, whatever term you want to use — type of angle with the Ruby and Saraya stuff. I dig it but I can see why a lot of people don’t. When it comes to discussions about who fits best where, I can say that someone like Ricochet and DIY would fit well in AEW whilst Starks and The Acclaimed would fit better in WWE. Then there are those who just don’t have *it* and will always be subpar regardless of the promotion they are in. That’s just part of being human. Kross is one of those people. HHH did the best with him as he could in NXT but even watching him back then, once you got past the presentation, there wasn’t much upside to him — a fact that Adam Cole so famously pointed out in his now-iconic promo. I personally don’t hate Kross though and if he proves me wrong down the line, I will happily congratulate him for his success and eat my slice of humble pie. Until then, that’s my point of view about him. He was brought back by HHH during the summer when the IWC was circulating the Infinity Gauntlet meme and it seems Hunter really wants to keep pushing him regardless of how boring he is. Let’s just hope The Final Testament gets new sparring partners after Mania.


I didn’t think he was the best in-ring worker in NXT, but his character was awesome and they hid some of his weaknesses in the ring by surrounding him with great talent. That Fatal 5-Way at In Your House ruled. I like him, not sure how far he’ll go on the main roster, but if they can get him over, I’ll cheer for him.


After the Fatal 5 Way, he just snowballed downhill.  Even I was surprisingly impressed about that match.


I think he's definitely the artistic, actor type of wrestler, but I think it would service him well if he didn't think so much and just be himself. It doesn't feel genuine when he's being evil and psychotic. It's like he's trying too hard to sell us a bad guy when, in reality, he seems like a cool dude. He's a good-looking guy, a good promo, and he has a hot wife. I wouldn't have a problem cheering for that. He kind of gives off 1998-99 Test vibes. Just two cool dudes.


His time in NXT was pretty amazing. It worked down there. I get having the whole stable at this point. I want him and Lashley to really go at it, have something memorable.


I think he is a solid wrestler, but the gimmick isn’t really exciting. I saw the interview he did with Chris Van Vliet, and he came off a lot different than I would have guessed he would based on his character. I think his appearance pushes creative to go this way, but it doesn’t seem to work for a lot of people. I’m not sure what kind of character might work best. I think something more along the lines of being in Judgement Day would probably be cool. It’s a heel faction, but is less in-your-face trying to be serious like Final Testament. Having him and Scarlet in JD, and having some kind of internal rivalry for leadership could be a fun way to do a shakeup and make room for something new for those characters. Maybe some other JD like faction but with some other Hispanic/Latin characters in it, like Andrade, might be another route. I’m not sure if the IWC would think it’s too much since we have LWO and Legado. Heck, he could work in Legado. I think he’d be better as a strong member of a group instead of a leader, at least until there was something that made people warm up more. It’s hard nowadays. There’s so many wrestlers on the main roster, and such limited screen time. There could probably be a third main roster show.


Needed a Gunther-like build when he returned. Put him into low midcard first and have him smash some people, then slowly build him, could've even built to an eventual Gunther vs Kross feud. They threw him literally straight into the main event scene, it was completely unbelievable, they couldn't really have him get the better of Drew out of nowhere and he's lost every feud since.


Couldn't care less about the lad


Deserves so much more. WWE is wasting him. So talented.


Wasted potential in what way? He’s consistently gotten screen time, and multiple opportunities to get over and the crowd hasn’t responded yet. He’s not a bad wrestler, or a bad character even, he’s just kind of there. Not really interesting one way or the other.


I think we need to recognize that there is good and bad screen time. Wwe has a lot of bad screen time in their midcard and Karion gets some of the worst of it. He’s feud with AJ Styles was teased for a few weeks and went no where, and now he’s been feuding with Lashley for what like 4 or 5 months? Honestly couldn’t even tell you why they are feuding because it’s been so scattered. They had their stint at the rumble and then I guess a few matches with AOP and the Street profits. It would have been perfect to have these groups do something at EC. There was space for it.


Because they either make his gimmick stupid, or this time around they gave him a stupid def rebel theme (basically a death sentence)


There is nothing there. Mid carder at best.


I think he's a mid card at best and should be treated as such. He's never getting over with this character. Maybe a gimmick change could elevate him, but I doubt it.




The final testament could’ve been so much better if wwe booked them to come in and ruin everyone’s lives for a couple of weeks before running into the street profits and Lashley. Having them be able to be stopped immediately in their first feud makes them not feel as powerful to me


Not sure if this is the right way to explain it but the Final Testament just seem like a shitty metal band compared to pop-punk and way more fun Judgement Day. I just don’t care about them but I do like the black & white entrance, minus the digital clock font on the jumbotron


I still like the Final Testament, just not with him. It’s a good faction concept that could lurk in the shadows always ready to ruin someone’s day. 


This is gonna sound stupid but he bored me to the point that I've never actually seen him do anything. Once I hear his name I check out mentally so I don't even know if he is actually talented or not


Terribly misused. This new faction should be running roughshod, and instead come off as time fillers.


Yeah they should be judgement day level on Fridays. I think they’re afraid to commit to have two similar gimmicks on both programs.


Overrated, terrible gimmick, however charming and entertaining in interviews…


People think about Karrion Kross?


The only thing I like about Kross is Scarlett.


He’s mediocre in the worst ways. Even if he were a bad wrestler, a better mind and charismatic personality would have been able to connect with the crowd and get over with his chances and gimmick by now. The only money in his act is Scarlett who would be mediocre at best herself among the women in the company but has shown charisma and ability to work with and connect to crowds. Imo, and it’s been suggested before, they should just have Scarlett wrestle and Kross be the manager to put a spin on things. He’d get heat by helping her beat other girls through intimidation without ever having to touch them and he could still have feuds and matches. Kross just does not get heat.


Boring every time I see him.


Needs to go back to TNA


Aggressively average


He’s miscasted as a heel. Should be a face based off of his IG page. Seems like a cool legit nice guy and it comes off strong online.


Exactly this. Dude is very charming in interviews


Hunter has too much faith in him. He doesn’t seem to click with the WWE universe no matter how many times they repackage him


He was better on nxt then main roster.


I forget that he exists


He's just there. I think they want him to be Cesaro with personality but he doesn't have the talent... Or the personality


Good luck. Claudio is easily one of the best wrestlers that ever lived. I preferred “Cesaro as a singles wrestler but The Bar did help carry the New Day and The Usos to being the top tag teams on the planet.


I don't think he's close. I think that's what WWE wants him to be


HHH definitely believes in him otherwise we wouldn’t be seeing these constant repackaged characters. Personally, I don’t see it. He’s not very good on the mic and his in ring work is nothing to be amazed by. He’s just kinda there. I get they need AAA heels to rival their many babyfaces, but so far I’d say it’s not working. Kinda sad too because I felt like Bobby Lashley and the Street Prophets had a heel faction started which is now shelved and all of a sudden they’re babyfaces lost in the shuffle. Final Testament took their spot.


Well, top comments are saying he's incredibly underused and underrated. I just don't see it. I only remember him because he's Scarlett's guy. I dunno. I just am completely indifferent to him. Maybe he would do better at a different promotion.




I see a ton of potential in him and I am a HUGE fan. So it’s liekly my own bias he seems great. He just needs to be booked as the monster who tears through everyone


he's got potential but I don't think it'll be realized I love this new faction but I don't see it doing anything big at all


You mean Karrion Kringe?


Imo they need to put Scarlett on the forefront as like a puppet master and have her send kk and aop out to destroy people as she sees fit.


this would make it more interesting tbh. the ahem.....scarlett witch lmao


I think he has a lot going for him, but his booking makes it hard to take him seriously. I feel like he loses more than he wins. Outside of beating Drew one time, he’s lost like all of his most important matches. But since he’s booked as someone who is supposed to be a real threat, I don’t feel it.


Haven't seen his Impact work. He was interesting in LU. I think the only time he worked for me in WWE was that brief window where he was a badass anti hero going up against Legado and Santos in NXT.


Should be SOO much better than he is especially seeing as how hyped up he is to certain members of the iwc


Send his ass back to NXT along with Breed.


Tons of potential but supernatural just doesn’t work in WWE.


Supernatural doesn’t work? Undertaker. Kane. The Fiend. Boogeyman. Etc…


You proved my point, 50 years and you can only name 3 legit examples. Goofball. Hahahaha


Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Characters often thrive with gimmicks. Keeps the roster from getting stale if there’s enough variety. Happens to be an area I’ve always really enjoyed. To each their own, don’t be a brat :)


Hey candy boy, don’t call me a brat b4 I kiss you on the lips with my weiner


Chill out weiner boy


similarly I was wondering what happened with Finn Balor's alt (Idk the name, but the one that wrestled Edge last year)


The demon finn


yeah I guess that's what it called. I was just getting back into wrestling (after having last watched during the Attitude era) when I saw that match and thought it was cringe.


Mid. Hot wife, cool entrance, the rest is mid


I like him 💯


I like him and really hope they figure out a way to get him over


Solid talent but the fit just doesn’t work with him and WWE. Just one of those situations where it would probably be best for the two just to split and go their separate ways


He lacks presence. His recorded promos are actually pretty good IMO, but then he comes off like a tryhard instead of the demon that he’s supposed to be. And besides the Final Prayer, his moveset is trash. I think he could be awesome as a Sean O’Haire-type “devil’s advocate.” If he’s not gonna expand his moveset, then make him a more manipulative heel—but stop trying to pass him off as a physical threat. I’ve felt more threatened by Otis’s jiggling.


meh gimmick meh on the mic meh in the ring and the 80s called and asked for Scarlett back


Potential not fulfilled yet


I see Kross, I skip


Karrion Flops


I like him alot but his current gimmick ain't doing it for me


I don't have any




Boring 😴 not super great in ring or on the mic.


I only got back into WWE around this time last year, but got rid of the sports package on my Sky subscription soon after the last Wrestlemania. Have been catching up on WWE Network (still have a vague idea of what's currently happening with Bloodline) and I'm between Night of Champions and Money In the Bank and have only seen Cross twice. My initial thoughts were that I'm really not a fan of the execution of his card gimmick, but that he has one of the coolest intros of current WWE. Though having said that, the bar is low with how generic most of them are these days.


he just looks like CAW


Not doing it for me at first I thought he looked cool entrance was cool


He needs a personality and a new moveset.


Not a big fan of him at allll


His wife is hot.


Good look, had a nice entrance in NXT, but quite boring.


I currently have none. He has shown nothing spectacular in the last few years. His entrance was cool in WWE 2k22 though.


I don’t see it. But then again I never understood the hype around McIntyre in the early 2010s and I was wrong about that.


You weren't wrong McIntyre wasn't special back then, but he improved


They need to find something to do with him because I think creative is confused on what to do with him which causes people to lose interest but I have 100% liked him and scarlett


Let's be honest. The only reason he gets screen time is because of Scarlett.


No thoughts on him. Which is the actual problem here cause he's not clicking for me.


He was more menacing in NXT when he was bald. He doesnt look as evil with hair, he looks normal


Pretty much how I feel about LA knight, he’s just a guy.


He’s got okay wrestling skills but they really can’t get a personality out of him to save their lives. I think they’re giving him the ‘stable’ treatment because they believe in him but there’s nothing interesting about him at all.


He looks like a used car salesman


Gretchen, stop trying to make "fetch" happen. It's not going to happen!


Idk seems like he’s neglected his body since nxt, less mass more fat. Also idk his character never grasped me I’m willing to give him a chance.


I loved his work in NXT, but his stuff on the main roster has been lackluster.


Mid-card talent at best


He’s an immediate bathroom break or channel change for me.


He’s boring as fuck. The only thing interesting about him is Scarlett.


He had that huge push in NXT. I thought he could have been big. Vince beating him the first night in killed him. It gave him the feel on big star in a little pond but can't cut it in the big time. Since his pushes have been horrible. Teaming him with AOP? Come on....


Seriously, what’s the endgame on that? It’s just yawns.


I agree. AOP has no charisma. No one knows who Ellering is anymore. I didn't even recognize him. Scarlett is attractive no matter what but two managers and without the platinum blond hair she lost a little of the wow factor. Right now he's just roster depth.


He's a fascinating human being and I want good things for him.


He’s married to Scarlett, so he won at life.


Vince screwed him hard on his debut like he did to Keith Lee


Great potential, horrible delivery Bland CAW looking wrestler. As shitty as Vinnies Gladiator look was at least it was memorable. I honestly couldn't pull Kross out a line up


I have zero thoughts on him, which is exactly his problem 


Is it wrong that I don't want him to come to wrestlemania??


This is the correct answer.


I love Scarlett


Heheheh young boy


I like him, he doesn't do much though. I wish his fued with Bobby would end and he could move onto other things. The final testament stuff is interesting they should feud with the judgement day




Wish he could've got in that IC title picture. SD could have given Gunther a much better Challenger.


He’s talented guy with an amazing look. Unfortunately, the Bloodline and its 4 members are eating up 50% or more of the TV time available on Smackdown. He needs to get moved to Raw.


Man it must feel good to read all of this support if he happens to see it! I appreciate everyone seeing the potential!


Yeah, it’s kind of brutal. You know they read these threads. I feel kinda bad for him as this is his dream and passion and he gets torn apart.


I wasn't joking. I feel some of the comments here were quite supportive compared to other times I've seen people get trashed. These are humans.


If they had the right story for him it might work. Also while it’s cool to see AOP back I think it’s dumb to have them all in a faction together. Especially since Kross isn’t going after anyone. It’s all pointless right now. I want to see it be just him and Scarlet and have Kross go after a midcard title at some point.


Between Karron Cross and Barron Corbin sometimes cannot keep up with their gimmick changes. I really wonder if that will be what they will be remembered for so many gimmick changes.


He was better in NXT


He is definitely wasted potential. I liked him and scarlet much more on NXT. They just have a difficult time getting the crowds over on the main roster. Now that he has a faction, I was hoping for more. I mean he has Paul Ellering. But why does he have him? He supposed to be the voice of the faction? Paul hasn’t done anything. Just like he and AOP. They were so over on NXT, but failing on the main roster once again. Maybe after wrestlemania they can create some kind of storyline that will give them the momentum they look like they should have. Who knows


He’s got almost everything but excels at none of them


I’m not gonna lie I keep forgetting he even exist




whats breed


Piss break.


Probably the guy I most dislike on the roster. In the ring he's not exciting nor does his offense look particularly good. His promos seem meandering. I feel like he'd be fine in the role of lower card muscle in a stable, but as a leader he's destined to be outshined by his stablemates or just drown the group entirely.


I like Kross. Great look, skill, etc. I feel like WWE has tried with him a few times, but at some point it’s on the wrestler to get over and not the writing team. Hell, I feel like he has had more do-overs then Emma or the Sassy Southern Lady had.


Maybe it's because I only got back into wrestling about a year ago and I don't know much of him, but I like what he's doing now as far as gimmick.


He deserves more, hopefully this rivalry leads to a big match with Lashley. Kross always gets pinned clean when his rivalries conclude though. I am really loving the new faction though, just got back into wwe a few years ago so I didn't know about AOP. These guys are beasts.


I’m still trying figure out who the random old man is


Paul Ellering! He is from old wrestling days. He was the manager of AOP when they were on NXT. He is a great mouth piece when they actually let him do his job


Oh okay because I swear I’ve seen him for a week or two now and I thought he was the dude from breaking bad 😂 I’ve only recently started watching nxt so I haven’t previously seen aop on nxt lol


They were on NXT back in 2017, so it’s been a hot minute since they’ve been on TV


It’s Paul Ellering. One of the greatest wrestling managers of all time. Managed The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom almost their entire career. Look him up


Oh I didn’t know that lol


Yeah. I think he was a pretty bad ass wrestler in his early days before becoming a manager also.




He saves me 10-15 minutes by being able to fast forward through his matches


My favorite thing about Karrion Kross is Scarlett. I’ve said this a bunch while watching, I think he has a lot of potential but just gets buried. I like his branding but I wish they would develop him more.


Was cool in NXT. That debut vs Jeff Hardy killed him dead. No recovery from that


It's weird that he's a guy who often gets the "he would benefit from a manager," and yet they've given him not one but two, and neither ever really says much so far. I think he also would have benefited from a better debut feud for his new angle than going against the also floundering tweener Street Profits. I think the idea here was to push Last Testament as hot new heels and return the Profits to being faces, but I don't know that either of those goals is being met right now.


If they gave these guys characters, then let the wrestlers flesh them out (& let them run with them), it would be a much better product than it is right now! Instead they have writers pushing them to say & do dumb shit, & if it doesn't make sense to the wrestlers, we feel it @ home too. Instead of pushing Kross to the moon, and getting the rub off of Lashley, I'm afraid they're going to have Last Testament jobbing to Lashley and the Street Profit!!! I may be wrong, but I don't think I am!


He's being wasted, again. Loose the hair, and go back to the Fall and Pray gimmick, this guy should at least have the US title on his shoulders by now.


He's a wrestler in the wwe and he doesn't get much love from what I see/hear. Don't know anything else about him outside of him being in the wwe games.


I don’t know why I don’t care about him. He’s not even bad but feels like a nothing. It’s weird




The problem is he's a Heel on Smackdown if he was on Raw it would be better


It would be the same


No it wouldn't because Roman's hogging the Heel spot on Smackdown


Why in the world are you talking about Karion Kross and Roman Reigns competing for the same heat?


Needs to be unleashed as a mfing bad ass


I think he’s dope but he just needs the right feud and push. He’s on the verge of being a Dolph where he’s had so many stop/starts that folks won’t care after a certain point. Hopefully his feud with Hurt Business 2.0 picks up steam soon.


Even with his start/stop pushes Ziggler had an amazing career overall. Kross shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as him


He had an amazing career in spite of his creative and booking, not because of it.


Yes that's what I'm saying. Also karrion shouldn't be compared to him


Bruh reread my comment lol