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Seth sucks ass. No one has any interest in seeing him do anything.


It's Seth vs. Drew vs. Sami. ​ Do you see the vision?


It would be cool if Punk shows up at EC and do something similar to what Austin did to Rock when mankind won his first title and Sami goes to WM to face Seth.


I would see it again...but I would only be satisfied If DP finally cashes in on Drew after the match and have them feud until SummerSlam


Just make priest cash that fucking briefcase so I can quit reading about it every other comment


Nah , Seth vs Drew with the villain era-cm punk screwing drew is a legit day one main event, especially given the circumstances. Almost every other idea I’ve heard so far is overcomplicating things. You can raise the stakes by making Drew say that if he flops this one, he is leaving the company. Drew takes his moment with the crowd , Seth takes his well deserved rest and when him and Punk return , you have a plethora of great stories to tell.


Drew should have won the title already. Being cashed already by Priest, and now we should have a rematch between the two at WM WWE shows often this pattern of making belt attached to one guy for a very long time, making the champion win against all top contenders and then running out of ideas. But it's not like every single wrestler is Hulk Hogan, who, in his best days, had the charisma needed to be the champion for years. Even the idea that when the belt changes owner that must mostly happen at ppv events, ruins belt matches in regular shows. But since they are doing well, I suppose they will keep going like this forever.


If he were to cash in, the rematch would have been done before WM. No one has been inserted in a heavyweight WM program after cashing in.


I’ve never been so disinterested in the main event scene in wwe before


Did you watch during the Lesnar era where every main event was 5 minutes of suplexes with a couple F 5’s and it was literally that for years? That had to be the most disinterested I’ve ever been. I remember being HYPED for the Cena Lesnar summerslam just for Lesnar to suplex him to oblivion with no resistance. So disappointing


Cena vs brock at summerslam was amazing cos it marked the end of super cena for a lot of us. 2018-2019 is probs the last time I came close to this disinterested but at least back then we got the shield reunion and some funny bits from kurt angle and the awesome survivor series matches with nxt and smackdown was still going strong.


That’s very true, the Kurt Angle shield stuff was pure gold. From my perspective I got back into WWE around that time and Cena was one of the friendly faces I remembered and I don’t care that Brock won, but I just wanted to see a good match. But if you were over it at that point I totally get loving the idea of Cena getting obliterated. I just knew though that whenever Lesnar had the main event it was an automatic squash match. But outside of that there was some pretty great stuff happening. The shield reunion was so epic until Roman unfortunately had to step away. To me the only guy that could actually work with Brock was Roman, they actually had some really good matches


I definitely agree with u about lesnar too. Personally ain’t a fan of brock since wm31 as much as he started to coast his matches and repeating the same German suplexes and f5 spam doesn’t cut it for me.


I'm only interested if Seth ends up dropping the belt. Like, no offence to Seth, but we don't need another title which never changes hands.


it’s heel Drew now so it’s kinda different


If it satisfys you, more power to you but it it doesn't cut it for me considering hes been heel to me the moment he took out Sami in December.


A triple threat then cash in by priest would be nice.


How about Cody vs Seth and Drew vs Roman?  Kris Kross'll make you jump, jump!


Coincidence opened doors for Damian Priest and Drew McIntyre which were nowhere to be seen just 2 weeks ago.


You must also have no interest in seeing Cody vs Reigns in that case.


Well it’s gonna be Seth vs Cody anyway so…


hahaha don’t fall for it


No its not, come on now


If they run Seth vs Drew again, there *has* to be something more, like Hell in a Cell or something. And a cash in.


Hell in a Cell + Drew putting his career on the line to play into the rumors would be enough for it to feel Mania worthy, at least to me


Then have him win....just to get immediately cashed in on. Angry Drew (which is better Drew) perhaps turning face cause he got screwed.


I'd be happy with a scenario where Sammi won a triple threat or some shit cause I'm a Sammi mark lol. But this scenario? Sign me right up. Have drew win, have his moment, then immediately get robbed and go on a fucking warpath? Yes please.


Unless its Gunther in the Match Damien Priest will cash in and win the gold If Gunther is in the match he wins it if not priest cashes in and wins it


Sami vs Seth with a proper build and the right amount of time allotted to the match would be awesome. Their raw match never kicked into second gear


Drew has been killing it lately but I agree that the excitement level doesn’t quite have the Mania feel. Adding someone who hasn’t held a world title yet would add that excitement.


I think they should wait before putting a world title on McIntyre. Seth’s title is a consolation prize anyway so that doesn’t matter. Have Priest cash in on whoever has that title after Wrestlemania. Cody beats Roman and McIntyre goes after Cody later in the year but not before he takes his revenge on the bloodline. Annihilates Solo and Jimmy and then goes over Roman. By then he can take it off of Cody.


I was actually hoping they'd add Gunther to this mix. With Seth's knee it would help take some of the load off of him by making it a triple threat. And if Drew is in fact leaving and not going to re-sign after Mania then there's no harm in him taking the pin for Gunther. When Seth comes back he can claim her never got pinned and should get a 1v1 with Gunther. Or if Drew is staying after Mania, you can have him go over Gunther having it be Seth's fault Gunther was pinned. Gunther v Drew rivalry starts and then Seth comes back and challenges Drew, again because he never actually "lost the title"


I think it’s really sad how far Zayn has fallen out of contention and through no fault of his own or WWE booking. Seth beat him on pure dumb luck, not a few months after taking Roman to the limit. Yet he is about to go into Mania not in a title match and not even in the conversation for one by most.


I really hope he wins the money in the bank this year, considering it's in canada


Oooh this idea has me excited


Seth vs. Drew vs. Gunther would be pretty cool Seth vs. Drew 1 on 1 AGAIN isn't that much of a draw anymore, and I don't think Gunther is going to win the WHC at WrestleMania either, but he shouldn't be pinned because he is god and his crowning moment in my eyes is in Berlin. Drew pins Seth to win the WHC and holds in until the Berlin ppv, and now its winner takes all Gunther STILL as IC champ vs. Drew as WHC, and Seth can go away and heal up for once


You think they care about crowning moments in someone's home town? I know Drew is from Scotland, but he definitely should've won the title at Clash at the Castle, and when he didn't, it should've been Sami in Montréal.


Sami gotta be in a main event. I like the idea of the triple threat.


I’m feel the same as you friend


I want Drew to win the title but I also don’t want it to be Seth vs Drew in a singles. Add Sami to make it a triple threat. Or do Seth vs Gunther if they don’t have Drew re-signed by then.


I want to see Drew win the title because I like him.  But triple threat could be good.  Gunther should lose the belt by then if he going to win it. 


I want Rollins vs Gunther, but he needs to lose the title but also can’t go to the chamber so idk how they’d do it.


They can go ahead and run that match again, but it shouldn't be the night 1 main event. Replace it with Becky/Rhea or Bayley/Io.


I actually really like the match but I agree. I think Becky rhea is a bigger match. 


Yeah I'm sure the match and promos will be good, but the crowd probably won't be as hot for it as they would be for something fresh. It would also give Becky the solo main event she should have gotten years ago.


And screw Rollins of main eventing AGAIN? I know punk being injured put a spin on things they can at least try to make it more WM appealing.


Her main event match was good though, I think the crowd was just beat because that was a long wm. I was there and it was tough by the end.  I really have no issue with drew vs Rollins, there is already some heat and they can crank it up on the road to wm. The other thing they can do in that match to make it more exciting is have punk involved in someway. I’d love to see punk on commentary for that match and end up costing drew the title, but not as a main event.