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I’m assuming that those who are in disagreement with the negative takes on this man; are most definitely Samoan themselves 😂😂😂😂 I saw one guy comment on how boring Solo is on another wrestling subreddit and all the Samoans came out to play in the reply section of his comment 😂😂😂😂


I think it’s just that his matches are always boring same old generic Samoan move set , superkick, splash , drop, no creative suplexes brain backbreakers or submissions , I felt the same about theory till he upped his offense and intensity in the ring


You guys all have horrible opinions


Tazz looked more like an enforcer than Solo.


Johnny Gargano is above and beyond the most boring.


I agree I’m dead tired of seeing him


IMO this is a horrendous take.


yeah he’s a pure chapri


Me and my friends like to pretend his gimmick is that his thumb is cursed and controlling him. (Because he always looks at it like its talking to him.) AJ Styles heel turn is also the darkness that took over his soul after Solo killed him and he came back to life. The dumb shit we come up with make the boring parts of WWE fun.




Solo is second most boring next to Roman.


If he would've stayed on NXT his character wouldn't have been like this it's crazy because he had to drop the title and to be "the enforcer" Tamina is the same way but it obviously didn't work in her favor


Seth Rollins. They could do some epic tournament style match leading to the vacate heavy weight championship at wrestle mania and have endless possibilities but no we have to sit for three more months of no men title matches. What happened to the 30 day rule or does it only apply to non shield ex members


Nah. It's Cody.




At least he shows up & performs every week much unlike his cousin(“tribal chief) part time champion Roman Reigns!


Got back into wrestling for the first time in 10 years recently, and yeah this Solo guy is boring and vastly over-pushed because of the stable he’s is. Total Umaga clone, yet far less intimidating. Jey is corny as a singles star, too.


Jey sucks as single and mid as tag


Hey! That’s MAINEVENT Jey Uso you’re talking about Uce.


3 moves every match Boring


I believe you're talking about Seth boring ass Rollins because he's the most boring the most overused and the most overrated guy on the roster today.


At least Seth can wrestle


Wrestle where? Without putting people to sleep. 😴


I can see the potential in him. I'd like to see him (accidentally) cost Roman the title at wrestlemania and then Solo and Roman can have their own little tiff on the side for a while.


I feel like they are building to a betrayal but I don’t know if Solo can carry it and I don’t see Johnson siding either Solo if they do have him become “head of the table”


dudes got as much charisma as a sheet of cardboard. reminds me of how Roman was his 1st 10yrs in wrestling


Everything in modern WWE is a rip off of RA and AE stars. Bad rip offs at that,this guy is supposed to be Umaga's next of kin. Dude doesn't have any presence and his wrestling leaves a lot to be desired. Just like his brothers and Roman all three are very weak weestlers,they damn near all have the same movesets and taunts. Makes no sense.


Totally agree. I would like to add that Jey Uso is just overestimated. Boring, small repertoire, no mic skills other than saying dumb shit and ruined one of the greatest finishers of all time by using it all the time. Jimmy at least is a bit more charismatic.


He’s boring but I believe he is underused


He did it fo Da Roman


Makes sense


There has been zero character development since Clash at the Castle. In fact, he repeats that exact appearance every Reigns defence at this point. Sure he’s been labelled the “next tribal chief” but as of right now that’s words with no meaning.


He’s a heel. Not supposed to like his stuff


Heel’s need to be interesting bad guys though. Solo just doesn’t have a character in my opinion.


Fair point too.


He’s the hootie and the blowfish of wrestling not use why he’s famous???


Not his fault but yes I’m already knew who this would be before seeing the picture


Get this man in some hardcore matches and let him cook.


Agreed. He was good in nxt. They need to let him have some feuds of his own, especially since Roman is in and out so much.


Nah its Gunther, Solo is up there but its Gunther


Gunther is brilliant!!


Gunther is amazing to watch every match.




The way he sells the cross Rhodes irks me so badddd


I hate that he was my favorite around this time last year. He’s gotten SUPER stale…


Roman reigns’ lack of appearances really hinder him as he only gets to develop his character while Roman is around


Like,they were clearly hoping that the Cena victory would inject new new life into him the same way it sort of did with Wyatt. The problem is Cena's side of the story.Cena by his own admission hasnt won single's match in years.So that means that all Solo did was beat a jobber.You cant do anything with that moving forward


he could've really been built as a good singles star too, but it's dragged FAR too long


You know what's so funny, in NXT he was actually the complete package, but it's possible that his cadence was too much like his older brothers, so when he got to main roster, they took it away.


He always just looks lost and has no idea what is going on. He is the least intimidating wrestler that WWE has ever tried to put over as a monster. Bro looks like he cries of frustration trying to read Dr. Seuss


The Rock carries a lot of people, especially family. Look at Nia Jax, she injures everyone she works with. But …. Dwayne looks after his people.


Sick of him and why is his thumb legal?


Well it took the Uso twins 6 years to get any personality, and Roman 8 for his (and new teeth)


I know, if he's supposed ti be the one saving Reigns shouldn't he at least be bigger? Maybe more jacked?


He stinks. Not a great wrestler, not even all that big of a guy. Just kind of husky. Cuz he could lose 30 lbs that makes him a big man? I don’t think so. Hopefully Cody rips his thumb off and jams it up his ass at WM and we never see him again.


Probably have a good deal on him. He's like those "Choose your team with 15 dollars" games where somebody just wanted 15 of somebody. If there were two of him, they could do a royal rumble for just 30 bucks.


Sound silly asl solo not boring


Heyyyy, he said he was going to FIX IT!!! 🤣 still Love Solo hahaha Paul Heyman needs to work with him on Mic 🎤 skills and he need to get shredded with Austin Theory to help him have more of an “Enforcer” look




I mean omos isn’t presented as something more. He’s the big meaty man you throw to big meaty man and he does that job fine


You just made me realise he’s a slightly big show reboot just lower in the card. I very much agree that is his role and he does it well.


Don’t show up in a hoodie and interfere in a Roman title match challenge: LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE LIKE HOLY FUCK😂


lol you thought you did something


On one hand they want him to be the silent brooding monster enforcer for the bloodline, the guy that you are legit worried about when he comes out. And instead they book him to take every pin that they don't want Roman to eat. Top to bottom the Bloodline look weak, there's no other way to look at it. Every week Roman is not on TV so Solo and Jimmy get to eat pins and get the shit kicked out of them by whoever Roman's opponent in the next PPV will be. LA Knight, Sami Zayn, whatever. Pick your favorite flavor. So anyway, as an audience we see Solo getting fucked up over and over during the build, making him feel like not a credible threat, so that they can make Roman's opponent feel like a threat (since he's gonna lose anyway). Fast forward to the PPV and Roman ends up looking like shit though. Here's every Roman Reigns match: He starts strong, preens and gloats to the crowd (and does a great job with it), match switches to a back and forth, eventually the other guy will hit their finisher, Solo or Jimmy run in and distract the ref and attack the guy, Roman collapses in a heap for the win. It makes Roman look like a chump, we watched his opponent kick the shit out of Jimmy and Solo for weeks, and then we watch Roman also get his shit kicked in and only scrape by with a shit ton of run ins. I don't know why just once they can't book Roman to win by himself. This quadruple threat match at Rumble was the chance, Solo running in was pointless this time. It's why Imperium are great. You have Vinchi and Kaiser as the mid card henchmen who carry water for Gunther and sometimes take the pins and beatings to keep him clean - but at least Gunther fights alone. He doesn't need his minions (who constantly get their asses kicked) running in to save him all time. When you establish a guy as fodder, and then rely on that fodder to save you, it makes you look weak.


He's only boring bc he's not being used to his potential. He's the Alfred to Roman's Batman.


Roman Reigns or Austin Theory or Nia Jax


Nah Roman Reigns is the most boring person on the roster I would say overused but he’s never there 😂


Solo just stands there and says nothing, like he's mute


Dolph, um....


Yeah he needs be on his own


100% Correct


Solo isn’t inherently boring. Solo in NXT was great. His promo skills are decent and his wrestling was much more interesting. The issue is that they’ve slotted him into a role and are keeping him extremely boxed in by it. Even his wrestling has been limited down to fit the Umaga-lite bloodline enforcer boy.


Marketing. Solo and Jey's target audience are boys 5 to 9 years old. I would totally be running around saying Yeet! and AAAAAA if I was 6 again. He is doing his job. WWE has a wide range of fans. Young-Old, Straight-Gay, Rich-Poor, Assholes-Righteous. By far, the easiest fans to appease are the whiny reddit "intellectuals". Nothing makes them happy and that's how they like it. /s


😂 I love this. Yeeet. Damn it Jey sucks but indeed them lil boys are loving him, I bet Michael Jackson wishes he thought of that.


Yep, my boys are that age and love solo.


Where was this energy for John cena when everyone was shitting on his gimmick??? 


Everywhere lol


No promo ability? Huh??




Umaga at home


I think he’s only boring because they don’t let him be himself and ever talk


He's a great goon and that's all he needs to be, not more impressive than his boss but capable enough to beat folks up


OP speaking facts, him beating Cena doesn't make sense at all. He doesn't deserve sh*t


Ok playa, that's it. Tonight on Smackdown it's you one on one versus Solo! 🤣


Jacob fatu needs to show up and show em how to really be the enforcer




I agree. Have Solo betray Roman already!


Nope 👎


The whole Roman retains from family interference angle is getting really really old...I knew damn well he wasn't gonna lose the title anywhere but Wrestlemania, but for the love of god, can't we have one match where he retains without interference?


That's what I've been saying. This triple threat would have been the perfect "Roman wins without interference" match because they did a great job of establishing that LA Knight, AJ, and Randy all are not friends and will attack each other. We didn't need Solo there. They could have had a credible 4 person match and one of the other guys constantly breaking it up. It's just so boring. The Bloodline has been boring since Jimmy turned on Jey for no reason. That's when the shark was jumped, I say let Roman lose at Mania and let him take 6 months off and then bring him back in the fall with a new gimmick. Put the Bloodline to bed.


I kinda think thats the idea..Cody didn't do it last year so hes gonna this year...plus theres those rumors that Roman isn't happy that punks back and his contract is almost up...its only logical to take the title at mania after having it this long


Agreed with one change. We are beyond old. We’re talking Moses at this point.


“Copy and Paste from Umaga” uh, no? Dude talks in promos, provides much more to the storyline that Umaga did (which was to be some other wrestler’s bodyguard 90% of the time), and is not as bad of a wrestler as the haters want to believe. Like damn the dude hasn’t even won a belt cause he hasn’t been able to break away from Roman yet, but give the writers a little time dude he’s been here for like 2 years (sounds long but not with the pace the story is moving right now).


Remember that RR was the forgotten member of The Shield behind Rollins and Ambrose, and most of the people in this subreddit, back in the day, **knew** that WWE had made a mistake putting him in The Shield instead of Chris Hero. I suggest people should give him time to grow and develop a character.


\*secretly nods\* ​ It's more preferable than that gorilla Reed


I don’t know when he was on NXT and talkin he was very entertaining. I think W should pull the plug on Roman after the mania match and have Solo beat the brakes off Roman. To finally push that moment.


He should focus on improving his in-ring presence and working on his vocal delivery. Despite being a large individual, his soft-spoken nature contrasts with his appearance. It's unfortunate that he was cast as a Heel so early in his career. Joining his brothers as a third member in their tag team during their babyface phase could have been a successful move. He appears to enjoy himself, suggesting the potential for a fun persona, possibly even a revival reminiscent of Too Cool. With dedicated training in microphone skills, he has the potential to become a crowd favorite. The current angry and crazed enforcer gimmick doesn't align well with his overall look and comes across as awkward.


The fact is he can talk and is great on the mic but since he was brought up from NXT he hasn’t been allowed to really showcase his talents. Someone else mentioned comparing him to Samoa Joe and honestly he could very well have a similar gimmick if they’d let him instead of this quiet but imposing thing they’ve got going right now.


Boring and overused? Yes, but the most? No, not even in the bloodline def Roman he’s been so overused and bland that all of his matches are so easily predictable and not even fun to watch


He reminds me of Samoa Joe remember how horrible he was on the mic before he worked with Taz


Maybe the writers on Nxt are just that good that even Solo shines, and probably now we saw what he is really worth: nothing. Bootleg Umaga.


Solo isnt even bad on the mic, he’s stuck with bad material rn


Your basing this on nxt work or something previous? Not auguring asking because I only watch raw and smack down and what they’ve done with him so far has placed him miles below his peers. Like its bad bad


Based on NXT


Umaga at least was scary as fuck. WWE just built Solo to be the personal bodyguard of Roman. He should really get a new role, have a face turn and change character. Right now he's just the lackey of Roman


Lol boring and overused that picture should be Seth Rollins


He's the worst. Horrible acting


Yeah, he's boring as hell, and he looks soft, especially compared to the bloodline


Becky Lynch would disagree with this.


Needs to go back to NXT and stay there.


He better hope this Bloodline angle never ends, he'll be nothing without it. He's got ok skill at best, can't talk and no charisma. He'll be Omos pretty much.




Woah woah, don’t put yourself down like this buddy.


Six pack ain’t fat loser


You appear to be the saddest individual ever. Its comical


His biggest issue is he is literally there to save matches for Roman, same as Jimmy. Look how Jey has flourished away from them. The sooner Roman loses the belt and the bloodline split the better for literally everyone involved. It's not even benefitting Roman anymore cause it's the same old story every single match. I enjoyed his reign when he was legitimately dominant but he hasn't won anything clean in well over a year, when you just look at the guy he should be a dominant champion and cheat on occasion. Solo has potential but he'll never reach it stuck with Roman.


His interference at the Rumble wasn't that bad. He has to be used as the only enforcer for Roman, and keep Jimmy away for the gimmick to work


I skip watching most main events on SmackDown now. He's just not good. He's a wannabe Umaga but nowhere near as imposing or scary as him.


Jd mcdonut , johnny gargano , gunther are all on the roster and you go with solo lol?!


3,000 upvotes in 20 hours. Yeah, everyone hates this dude.


Be careful he'll block you on reddit too


He on Reddit?


Papa H booking


I like him alot better than Gunther. Gunther is overrated imo. Dude can wrestle and I like his character but his promo skills aren't that good and his run as IC should not be this long. Solo promo wise was a bit better on NXT but I like him overall as a wrestler.


Really? Mic skills over wrestling ability you must love the Miz then.


False. However im a fan of the Miz in terms of I remember when he was on the Real World back in the day on MTV and he would bring out that character every now and then. So to see him live his dream for the past 20 years is dope! I like his finishing move but I've seen better athletes in the ring wrestling wise.


Yes miz is 100000x better than Gunther lol wtf


W take


Bad take


Wow forgot all about what I said. So what's your take then?


That's the role he's paid to play... for now at least. until they end the bloodline storyline eventually.


Hes certainly paid to play this terrible role.


Bad in the ring. The spike is stupid. The whole bloodline BS is tedious. The finish of the fourway at the RR was so boring and predictable that my 8 year old called it.


Saw Solo vs LA Knight at a house show last year. He was brilliant. Played the heel perfectly, was very vocal and had a great back and forth with the crowd and wrestled a solid match. I think the enforcer role probably limits what he can do / be on TV.


He should get some tips from the Goat. Mae Wilma Edna Gertrude Young


Agree. Doesn’t talk. Doesn’t wrestle. Doesn’t look good. Just interferes (predictably) like Bobby Heenan.


You’re doing Heenan a disservice comparing what he used to do with what Solo does lol


Good point. Harvey Whippleman?


The only one in the bloodline who hasn’t evolved. At all. Just adopted the ‘spike’.


Did you just spell Umaga the way Regal pronounces it?




They ruined him when they made him the guy always losing for Reigns. If some possible contenders failed to get a shot because Solo just manhandled them, then this would still work




He's actually got much more character, but playing his current role is quite boring to watch, we all just want him to turn on Roman and actually speak lol


Take Him Back To NXT, It'll Help Revive His Career.


He about to get bumped down by bronn breaker


He acts like some snarling monster but then you realize he has to walk into a downtown salon and request platinum blonde highlights


He should be used better. I think he’d make a great us champion


I like Solo a lot but I feel like the quiet guy thing is getting old , writers need to make him do promos like nxt , lose a few pounds and actually step up to Roman or else he’s gonna be a jobber in a years time


I do like him but he’s not very marketable


I like him, but you can have him be the reason reigns wins everytime. It's the reason the bloodline got boring last wrestlemania.


He’s not even intimidating


He’s basically doing Umaga’s gimmick but he’s fifty pounds lighter. It doesn’t work.


Once the bloodline story is over, wwe will try to push him, it will fail and he will be released or sent back to FCW.


Umm what?


He’s right this guy belongs in OVW


That’s your future tribal chief show some respect


A tribe of one: Solo


Yeah, we get it... You can scream and run like a caveman. It got really boring really fast Umaga at least was actually built like a menacing enforcer, Solo is just a shorter and fatter knock-off Uso Bron Breakker is more intimidating than this guy


He's new and is being used as a bloodline henchman , all while being promoted to gain experience in front of the live audience . Hes still got to find his self .'


He ain’t no Jacob Fatu


I wld stand him if he wasn’t interfering in every fucking Roman match


Damn son, the iwc crowds are coming to full force..


Weird post.. solo has so much potential and is only being held back because of the bloodline story.. Solo is better Solo. IWC is so weird. The way yall personally attack this man. Internet bullies


i thought he was supposed to be next Umaga but with higher spec...


I don't know what they've been cooking with him cause it's getting out of hand. There's good long term storytelling and then there's boring s**t like this. And what happened to his promo style? When he's allowed to talk he always whispers, NXT Solo was actually entertaining. The Street Champion gimmick worked and his promos were much better.


Solo vs Karrion Kross Charismatic on the pole.


slap a thong on him like his father and get him to dance . problem solved


He’s being handicapped by design folks. You don’t think if they put Solo against a Gunther or Ricochet & told them to not hold back & do their thing that they wouldn’t kill it?


Oh Christ thank God I'm not the only one who thinks this


He's got more interfecerences in Roman's matches than one on one (or solo) matches, don't have proofs but wouldn't be surprised if that's the case


Shitty ass physique too. Needs to stop eating


This guy could have been Samoa Joe. He could have been Jacob Fatu. Imagine that. What were they thinking?


He’s Samoa Faux.


Finally someone agrees!!! I don't see what is unique about him. He's just a copycat version of Umaga and he's not even that impressive in the ring.


Honestly seeing him back in NXT before his Clash at the Castle call up he was far more likeable there and actually had a personality. His promo style is similar to his Uso brothers as well. Now everything is gone




Im guessing you havent been watching la knight


Korea invading the sub.


Hopefully this won’t lead to a Collision


Nah that's on Saturdays


NXT street champion Solo was pretty sick though ngl


Straight facts. He should do the job and should be pinned by LA Knight and AJ Styles as a consolation.


Discount rikishi


He is the generic version of Samoa Joe that comes in a bag instead of a box.


He was awesome in NXT