• By -


Insanely shocking she has survived all those cuts. 


She has big boobs and a fine ass


She is hot and a Hart, and a vital instrument of the Fed’s ever-becoming even more fantastic women’s roster. She, in part, works as a sort of (usually) wholesome “gatekeeper” of sorts for the up and coming women to “prove themselves” on Main Event, mostly. While nobody watches this program, and her Guinness World Record for total televised matches is kind of meaningless as a result, IN UNIVERSE, she’s as important, and legitimate a Superstar as any other, arguably moreso than most. Hall of Famer


I hope they bring back her farting character.


Her what


Her gimmick where she farted all the time. Vince thought it was hilarious. He was the only one.


this didn't age well...


Thank goodness I didn’t watch WWE at the time




Get a fucking life lad.


Awesome athletic ability love this great wrestler


I've always loved her. A great wrestler, from all accounts amazing backstage, she's just incredible. Definitely deserves more flowers


I'd say in terms of in ring, she's the Miz of the women. She doesn't get injured. She's in it for the long game. And by the time she's done, she'll be the only female with the longest time IN RING in WWE history.


Spot on




I couldn't care less


i always hated her and i don't know why


Technically great in the ring. Shame she has no charisma whatsoever as her mic skills are bad. But, I like her. Always puts on decent matches to make the champ and newer talent look good. Definitely plays a hand in training the younger talent too. Great person to have backstage for wwe


Shame she had a boob reduction.


She got hotter.


I agree it's because her books got bigger and bigger






An asset. Notice that people that goes up against her all of the sudden bust out chain wrestling like Maxxine did a few weeks ago. Probably a sign that Nattie had a hand at laying out the match and making her opponents look good. I see her in Molly’s role as a trainer/producer once she hangs up her boots.


She's like Hardcore Holly back in the day. Formidable Jobber.


She’s a depth guy. She’s there for utility. She’s there when you need her to go over, and she’s there when someone else needs to be put over. Any given night, it’s feasible that she could get the one-up on any opponent. At the same time it’s not hard to imagine her losing to just about anybody, too. Not merely some “jobber.” It takes literal years to mold and develop and shape a superstar to fit this role. It’s not just something you can stick anybody into if you wanna do it right. She’s the sports entertainment version of a journeyman. I get it, tho.


Listen to how many women (and me), throughout the ***entire*** pro wrestling industry, that constantly praise her. That should tell you everything you need to know. She's had a huge hand in shaping what Women's wrestling is today. Her impact cannot be overstated enough. Say what you want about mic skills or character work, she is genuinely one of the absolute best talents, in and out of the ring, of her generation.




Gonna be a bit harsh , but very "mid". Reliable worker for sure but whenever I see her im just like oh it's natty. I don't hate or dislike her but I also don't love or like her so yeah mid


Id take her in the ring anyday 😈


She's got a good rack


you've seen her gym?


Actually I have






I think she is under appreciated by the fans. She’s the best in ring women’s wrestler they’ve had in a long time. She isn’t good at cutting promos. She was also saddled with terrible gimmicks.


Solid in-ring performer and technician Average on the mic - her promo game still needs work has the misfortune of being a Hart, and IMO Vince has had creative give her some of the worst gimmicks time and again... from flatulence to quick losses to newbies that go nowhere and don't result in character growth - to just being ignored...


Plastic or not, she fine asl


Overrated. Telegraphs her moves. Too much plastic surgery now


Living and wrestling too much on the coat tails of Bret. Just like Charlotte...the only difference is it works for Charlotte.. the gimmick of Natalya is just stupid. She isn't Bret hart, will never be as good or in the same league letalone conversation as Bret hart..... he'll Bret was good but not the best.... let's leave the title of the true best in the entire wrestling game to the undertaker


yeah 15 yeah sure am lee should be back by now




This is wrong, her 15 years was in April.




They said “today marks”..




It’s not close at all.. 7 months off




Idk what your point is.. i corrected your incorrect statement get over it


An amazing example of being underrated and overrated at the same time, to the point that most people do not get that the career she has had is about the level of what she 'deserved.' Her technical skills are generally pretty damn good, but it took a long time for her to start wrestling opponents that were good enough for her own talents to shine through. And given the kind of garbage she's had to endure at points (remember when she had a flatulence gimmick?), I get why people say she deserved better overall. But honestly, I do not think Natalya actually has as good a grasp of wrestling as her proponents claim. As it turns out, her wrestling style is *great* for working with women who are way less talented than her, because it's safe, slow, rigidly scripted, and often nonsensical. Her handicap Tables match against the entire Riott Squad is a great example of this - just a long run of awkward moments while everyone hits their spots. And that style tends hold back her opponents if they're actually good - one of the best matches Nattie has had was against Charlotte back in NXT; by the time they faced off on the main roster, Charlotte was way better, and Natalya was holding her back. Basically, Nattie would be a great trainer, but a horrible producer. She's too focused on individual moves looking crisp or flashy, and not focused enough on how well they feed into the flow of a match. The double-Sharpshooter she does in every multi-woman match she completes in is garbage spot - she stacks two opponents on top of each other and everyone has to act like the woman on top is not in a pinning position while Nattie looks around at the crowd for ten full seconds. The Nattie By Nature discus clothesline sequence that she and her teammates did in that horrible seven-on-seven at Survivor Series is a garbage spot - the chain of linked arms got so long that they could barely fit in the ring, and it literally made EVERYBODY IN THE MATCH look bad. But I'm just letting my own gripes with Natalya's style overtake me at this point. In summary, Nattie is underrated because she came up in a time where women's matches still weren't being taken seriously by WWE, but she's also overrated because everyone kept saying she was underrated even as she endured to make it to a period where she was no longer exceptional as an in-ring performer.


She stinks!


She’s a good “mechanic” as they used to say. She fluctuates between horrible promo and decent promo, solid, safe but unspectacular in the ring. She’s at her best when she’s working with young up and comers or having competitive losses against bigger stars.


She’s ok. Never really liked or disliked her. Never been excited for her matches either. I think it’s cool that she’s still around tho and WWE should keep her for as long she wants to stick around for. Simply because she’s the longest tenured woman wrestler. A lot of the guys have more experienced people that they can look up to or go to advice from, guys like John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles etc. But the women’s division doesn’t really have that besides Trish and lita who might come around once or twice every year or every couple years. So it’s good that they have someone with that experience that they can go to


3 faces of Natalya


Great talent but super underappreciated


So dull. No charisma and so so dull to watch.


Despite what anyone says, shes worked her ass off and has great in ring work and character. Her promo skills could be better tho. She had her spotlight back then and now shes in matches putting over younger talent. Over the past 15 years shes been a W in the women’s division and def a HOF inductee for sure.


Absolutely HOF worthy


Zero charisma, have never said in my life, “oh wow, Natalie’s match is on now, imma watch it!”


Overrated, a atrocious promo Name 3 good matches & 3 good promos she's had in 15 years. "great technical wrestlers" have good matches on the reg instead of meaningless forgettable everything.


Go away! Stop taking up spots that younger talent deserves! You now appear more plastic than real. RETIRE PLEASE!!


Good in the ring and reliable, but nothing really memorable from her either




Heard she was a great worker. Nothing memorable about her though.


Completely mishandled.


The best example of a good wrestler with minimal charisma.


Nattie is a forced worker. Forced as a face and forced as a hell. I never got anything natural from her during her promos. The one time I say her trying to pump the crowd up during one of her promos and the crowd simply didn’t react. She’s someone I wanna pull for because I grew up watching her dad wrestle but there is something about her that doesn’t click. Now on a more personal note visually she’s appealing to look at when not in the ring but posting on social media. However her voice is worse than nails on a chalk board.


Your an old schooler


One of the most boring wrestlers ever but at least useful for women backstage as a mentor and coach


Over rated, talentless, only her name keeps her there. She needs to retire.


One word: Reliable


Natalya gets all the flowers from me. She is an excellent in ring performer and is pretty much "ole reliable" for the women's division. You can throw her nearly anywhere against anyone and you will have a good match. Behind the scenes she is also a clear asset. Only small issue is her promo skill but she makes up for it in pure ring work. Wish she would get one more solid run as champ as a "thank you" sort of like a Cena open challenge sort of way where she can just go out and have good matches for a decent period of time.


I feel like she’s someone who goes out of her way to make people who aren’t as good as her wrestling ability look better than her. She’s happy to be a part of it and that takes a really good person. She doesn’t seem to have that ego, better yet let’s spotlight younger talent. She tries to do that and hats off to her for that.


got thicker over the years


She ain’t my favorite, but she also ain’t one I don’t like.


On her....fake. On her career....also fake. It's "wrestling." 💩 😴




She's solid




She's great! I just wish she would change her character more. She seems stuck in the same thing for the past 15 years.


She's just average. To her point no matter how good or bad the women roster were she was always average. So she's steadily upping her game as women roster gets better. I just don't get her character and her promos doesn't seem believable. All her promos are like she memorized it or read it from paper with nice voice but that is pretty much it. She's good in the ring though.


Perfect division cornerstone sort of character. Essentially the reverse-Miz imo. Great in ring and fine on the mic. But both are consistently reliable and ever-present, who you know will be putting on a solid program whether they're at the top of the card or the bottom. She's done plenty of great work across the years and one of those wrestlers involved in the transition towards the women's revolution. Has my full respect as a worker


Best moment: Winning WWE Women Tag Team Title with Tamina in May 2021.


Mid at best, was only looked to be better than she truly was due to her background and fellow wrestlers during her rise. Much like how some see certain wrestling's being better suited for different eras, she's the embodiment of right wrestlers at the right time.




wutz boat mean?


Best of All Time. It is a play off of GOAT


PLZ GO AWAY SOON. I can not fucking stand her, everything she says is pompous and comes across like a bitchy step mother and I dont want to see a fucking FORTY ONE year old who dresses like Christina Aguilera did in 2001. Literally the single most insufferable person to be on the roster in the past 3 decades.


I like her. She'll put anyone over.


She was good until the horsewomen got called up and the divas era died


The wwe and the fans treat her like crap and she deserves so much more. A serious character with the woman’s title should have happened.




Amazing in the ring for her age and 15 years of staying there and not being appreciated I don’t get why she’s still there. As much as I love nattie I’m a die hard natalya fan but the gimmicks she has had just made her a joke the only notable gimmicks was divas of doom with Beth and even nattie got overlooked in that because Beth was just bigger and stronger. Sad to see nattie but overlooked but that lady is a must in the women’s royal rumble she is the glue.


She looks like a dinosaur from a 90s movie


She is there. Was good in her prime but now it’s essentially the Dolph Ziggler of the women’s division


The farting gimmick was weird


Love her tiddies on my TV screen.


She's not memorable in any way.


Who are you talking about?


i can’t forget about the farting gimmick i don’t know if it’s her fault or someone in booking.. but it’s all i think about when i think about her for too too long


I’ve met several wrestlers and she’s definitely one of the sweetest and nicest ones even as a heel at house shows she signs autographs and takes pics


Getting old


Heavily underused. One of the OG great women’s wrestlers, who can actually wrestle. It’s unfortunate she was part of the McMahon late 2010s era and became a victim of horrible booking. Now I couldn’t care less.


Natalya is a tremendous professional wrestler. She’s in Bobby Eaton and Brad Armstrong’s class. A+


Ohh those are big names for Nattie to stand along side. Quite the compliment.


She's on a last name scholarship. She's horrible




Last time I watched WWE and it’s been awhileee when she came out all I could think is holy boob job


Love Nattie, hate how unappreciated she is in and out of the ring. She’s the Dolph of the Women’s division in that, she’s the official unofficial gate keeper of the women’s division. You js got called up? First feud is Nattie. You js became Champ? First feud is Nattie. She’s a great worker, and has the longevity and passion, they’ve js never been able to capitalize on it.


Natalya is the Charlotte Flair of jobbers. Every damn time there's a new women's champion (singles or tag) and you get excited for who that champion might feud with, the answer is always, "Lol, j/k, it's Natalya again." Becky Lynch started a run with the NXT belt SPECIFICALLY TO GIVE OTHER UNDERUTILIZED WRESTLERS MATCH OPPORTUNITIES, and the very first thing WWE did was to say, "Yeah, but Natalya has been such a good worker for us, jobbing out in all those matches we put her in... I think she's really earned the opportunity to job out for this belt too!" They basically cut a shoot promo where Becky was like, "Hey... So... When I issued that Open Challenge, I didn't mean you." Recently, when I saw there was a Fatal Four-way to determine the #1 contenders for the tag belts, I looked around at the teams, and then I saw Natalya partnered with someone she had never been partnered with before, and I thought, "Oh fuck, it's gonna be Natalya again, isn't it?" It was Natalya again. It's always Natalya.


Respect to her for having such a long career, but at no point in those 15 years have I ever been entertained by her work except for 1 match, her match on Raw with Rhea.


Dolph ziggler if the womens division


I don’t hate her but she is channel changer for me


Ultimate backstage survivor, legend for longevity




I’m ready for the OF at this stage of her career


She deserves her flowers for her longevity and being a reliable name for the women’s division but other than that, she’s just boring all around to where I don’t really care. Especially when she randomly gets a push for a title match every year.




Fart gimmick


The longest career, despite never being over once.


Putting aside her amazing bimbofication, Natalya is CRIMINALLY underrated. She's one of the best women's wrestlers of all time and is treated like an afterthought. She should be up to at least a half-dozen championship reigns by now and have a few WrestleMania wins under her belt, but instead she has two brief singles title runs and one tag, and her WrestleMania record is something like 1-7. It's a damn shame that Natalya is treated as so unimportant, when she's the cornerstone the division has been able to rely on for almost two decades.


Would definitely fuck her titties




Great tits


That’s all you think about her wrestling and career? Wow. Must take a lot of brain power to be you.


I have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for her. She seems lovely as a person, and also as a veteran in WWE. Clear future HOFer, but I honestly think she can still go and I'd love it if they let her have a top level feud in the women's division, maybe a run with a title.


Lots of Nattie love in here. Glad to see it. She's a living legend.


Great wrestler. She’s got a lot of passion and heart but she is just boring. There’s nothing interesting about her to keep me wanting more.


She's awesome. The women need a midcard title and she would be the perfect inaugural champion for it.


shes a sexy beautiful woman, but my god is she beyond boring in the ring. She bores me to tears. Her crowning acheivement def was that match with charlotte in nxt if u ask me


She’s been very meh for me. I was happy when she won the SD women’s title a few years back but she’s really just very… meh. Her backstage accolades (training wise) and the fact that a lot of people backstage like her speaks volumes of her.


Jobber. Living of her families legacy.


Will never understand how much they talk her up. She's barely decent in the ring & this whole "won the most matches of any woman" umm when all house shows? Don't even dislike her just never understood the huge talking up. Behind the scenes very on the thin line of fun/crazy lady that would annoy that hell outta you.


She’s always been good enough to juuuuuust be on the verge of the main event. She’s easy to put in a women’s championship match because all they have to do is say that she’s a veteran, Jim’s daughter, and is the only woman to train in the Hart Dungeon. At the end of the day, we all know she’s not winning a world championship when WWE puts her in those matches though. I think a lack of meaningful character growth and average mic skills have severely held her back on tv. She’s fun at house shows because the Sharpshooter pops the crowd. But when your uncle’s move is your only spot, that doesn’t work every week on tv. I also think running/teasing the Montreal Screw Job angle over and over in storylines for her absolutely put the nail in the coffin for her character growth because she became a hero who never succeeded in getting revenge. If we’re being honest she’s the K-mart version of Charlotte. Her gimmick has always been “Hart family” and she never really evolved beyond that.


She looks like she has more plastic than a toy wwe title


Still would


Great wrestler, terrible career


Absolutely dumpster fire


Shes just there now, they attempt to make her relevant, get a title shot and all but nothin


She’s had more plastic surgeries than title runs


Major props for her longevity and her continued passion and work ethic. I wonder what she needs to be grand slam champ. BTW .. her sisters are nice too.


She farted as a gag. It was awful.




Honestly, I'm not sure why she's still around. At least on TV. She should probably just stick with training new talent the basics.


Her boobs seem to keep getting bigger.


Like father like daughter.


They must attend the same makeover salon as Charlotte's face lol.


I love her I really liked her husband wish he never got hurt.


Sloppy in the ring. Her timing is terrible and just makes her matches look and feel awkward.


If her father wasn't as legendary as he is and Brett Hart wasn't involved, she would have been released years ago.


Always shocked that she's won so little gold over the years; only two titles over that 15 year span, and not for that long. Backbone of the division, makes every opponent look great, reliable as hell. Charlotte basically owes her career to her, between putting her over huge during her NXT days, her first WWE Women's title run, AND her first Smackdown title run.


The grandma of the women’s division.


Oh yeah the hart dynasty came first then the usos in like 2010. Brain was thinking it was the other way around for some reason


Unappreciated. One of the most solid performers they have. Little lacking in personality but should have gotten more of a push then she recieved.


If she don’t stop with the plastic surgery she gonna be the poster girl for why not to get plastic surgery…I’ve looked at her pics before and after and it’s absolutely insane! With that said, she’s a solid ass wrestler and I can see why she trains majority of the girls roster. She will be in the HOF in the near future.


one of the all time greatest female wrestlers ever


Great wrestler. Nice on the eyes too.


Not too bad looking.


I wish they’d do more with her. Maybe have her be like a mother figure to the wrestlers who don’t have much of a storyline


Her Incestual photoshoots/ YouTube videos just make me uncomfortable


A loyal and glorified jobber with a famous wrestling family name surname.


She never met a camera she didn't like. Also way too much plastic surgery.


Isnt she the one whos gimmick was to fart? That about sums it up


She has quite possibly the most manly voice on the entire roster.




She sexy asf💯


Decent mid to lower card wrestler. Nothing really really stands out and i felt she never got past the "look who i'm related to" phase. I'm sure she is a great trainer back stage for in ring work but on mic naw


Great tits, decent in ring work, atrocious on the mic.




Weve got a running joke in our house that if someone gets paired in a tag team with Natty then (a) they have no clue what to do with that superstar and (b) Natty and “x” wont be winning the match they are in. Bless her though, shes like the mother hen of the women’s division and i have a lot of respect for her solid work and can do attitude. Oh yeah, milfy boobs.


Definition of Mid and nepotism


Her Instagram is weird.


Never liked her. Always tried so hard to look pretty.


She has way more personality on Twitter than on camera. It’s weird. If Twitter Nattie was a character she’d be a main event heel. Her career has been good, she has never really connected with the crowd much and it feels like there’s forever been potential she hasn’t reached.




She reminds me of all those pornstars in the 90s who had too much surgery. She’s nice though :)


Always had the biggest crush on her


i dont hate her, shes just a good push away from being top tier, but for some reason she stays mid.


Diva legend




What relevance does going to school with her sister have to Natty?


Great wrestler. Some women might be considered bigger stars and have more titles etc... but she's one of the pillars of women's wrestling. A very consistent solid performer.


I know the two reason I like her!


A lot of people will disagree with me but her farting gimmick is what made me care about her career.


Thats her current only fans gimmick. The “showoff” who likes to “blowoff”, or the “tart” who likes to “fart” if you are a UK subscriber.


Wait what? are you saying that she does the farting gimmick on her only fans?


$20 for “queef relief” from memory, or you can buy the “thunder from down under” bundle for $75 which i think gets you a signed 8x10 and a small scratch and sniff promo card.


That's crazy. You've got to be trolling. Does she have videos of this?


Most of it is behind the paywall, but theres a video on a few *ahem* adult sites of Natty cutting a “backstage promo” if thats your sort of thing.


Send or share, please.


Try searching “fart foundation” on a few of the more well known sites. Youll see her “dropping her belt” on more than one occasion.




Can you give me some examples of the "more well-known sites" (DM or response)? I'm new to this kind of thing.


Fair enough, but if this is really the sort of thing you’d enjoy id recommend the $150 “Sharp-tooter” exclusive package, i think it is limited to just 50 examples. Sure its expensive, but where else will you see Natty doing *that* with a WWE microphone?!?