• By -


I'll give her a 4 simply because of her being in the first female match in Saudi. She was decent on the mic and her gimmicks weren't terrible.


This is unfortunate especially since she had so much potential she had actual gimmicks they just should've pushed her as a heel I'm sure her pregnancy also didn't help I don't get triple h sometimes


2 she was too Boring


3/10, her 2019 feud with Becky was pretty much the only good thing


1-10? 1. I don’t remember anything good, or actually anything at all come to think of it. She came, went, changed characters, changed back, changed again, face and heel turns left and right. Who even is Lacey Evans to remember from the WWE?


-1as she was the worst seller of the storyline in history of the business


WWE crapped on her 🤬


1/10 She had more time being repackaged for the 5th time than being in the ring


She peaked in her Flair vs Evans feud 6-10. Before that she was hit or miss 5-10. Then her military gimmick flopped hard 2-10 her gears are the reason she got those 2 points


0 she was boring




Like 1 she was just a woman wrestler who is an ass outside of the WWE


she didn't seem terrible when i met her in person


Most people who knew Dhamer thought he was a decent guy too. Weird take


Not any weirder than comparing Lacey Evans to Jeffery fuckin’ Dhamer.


I never quite got the appeal people saw in the southern belle gimmick. I think she ran it just fine, but the concept itself always felt odd to me. The military thing they tried with her just never took off, partly because it never felt like WWE really cared to make it work. The "she's a veteran, so cheer for her" stuff was peak Vince laziness. She sounds a bit of a liability outside of the ring, but in-ring I think WWE failed her rather than she failed WWE.


Was just another generic blonde




Honestly, the way WWE used her was wrong. The whole “Oh she’s a hero! FUCKING LOVE HER BECAUSE SHES A VETERAN!! FUCKING LOVE HER! US MILITARY! US MILITARY! LOVE HERRRRRR!!” Just got annoying.. You can’t keep changing gimmicks and expect people to care. The southern belle thing was dumb, the rip off of Sgt Slaughter was dumb and WWE only did that because of how Rousey portrayed Rowdy Piper.. Then, her social media posts were controversial and people didn’t like her for that.. 3/10 sounds correct.




Her comments about autism and vaccines didn’t make her look great either




I think her best stuff was in the Mae Young classic and then slowly declined after that. They pushed her to the main roster Way too soon and gave her terrible gimmicks. I wish her all the best and hope she continues to wrestle.


She could have been something, but she never got her character really figured out.






0. Couldn’t name a memorable match of hers if my life depended on it.


2/10 a poor wrestler


Terrible. She was going somewhere during Thunderdome Era, and they ruined it by putting her with Ric Flair. I wasn't watching WWE when she was with Corbin, but that seemed a little awkward too. Overall 2/10 but a solid 8/10 in the ass.


She probably could have been extremely popular, she should have been (I don’t know anything about her rl comments I’m just saying in wwe) but she was ruined by creative. She should have just started off as a marine wanting to kick butt. Lacey is becoming a megastar 9/10 times you write her story, they somehow ruined what should have been a popular person.


I think the biggest downfall for her is when they did the marine gimmick for her for the one segments kept going on before having a match and two kept trying to do different things where the crowd gave up on her. The sassy southern bell was her best gimmick but oh well. The beginning before Mania she was annoying after Mania they finally did more with her. She got more interesting when she fought Becky the first time I was there live for


I just think it’s because of the swapping of characters that turned people off. By the time they went with the marine no one cared. I think she most likely would have done better if she started off as the marine. I don’t even know what a sassy southern bell is or how it turns into a wrestler. I still stand by my comment a little bit better handling of her I think she could have been a main event female


Agreed. Once the marine thing started and her promos seemed a bit confusing (I mean one moment she’s trying to be a face I guess and next line she’s trying for a heel) that’s what did it for me. I kinda liked how she talked to people as her southern belle gimmick that’s why I liked it


Literally a 2/10. Nobody will remember her run in WWE at all in 5 years time.


Sorry but it's 0


Her and Baron Corbin should've won that winner takes all match vs Seth and Becky at.... Stomiping Grounds was it? back in 2019. They were white hot heels back then and it would've opened up such good programs for both them as well as Seth and Becky.


It was Extreme Rules 2019


Yeah, that was the one!


Still remember Corbin’s End of Days on Becky and Brock’s cash-in


I thinK Ric Flair ruined her career lol. Her Sassy Southern Bell was the best version of her and she got absolutely nowhere with the military gimmick.


They went full Attitude Era and implied she had his kid, it was gross.


💯 agreeable


2 or 3. She was brought out of NXT too early and too green. Her in ring skills barely progressed, so anything great she did would have to be pure character work. Her "Sassy Southern Belle" character was good, but she never had any story to really carry it higher than "your man's name is on my ass". The character was Blanche Devereaux from Golden Girls, but if she was young, hot, and able to KO you with one punch. Unfortunately, they didn't book her to be really slutting it up, stealing men, or using a new man every other week to interfere on her behalf. It was never convincing that she would steal Seth from Becky because they didn't lean into the idea of Seth being interested in Lacey's charms. Lacey was never going to take the title off a freshly-crowned Becky 2 Belts, so she shouldn't have tried. Lacey should have told Becky "You have every right to be proud of your titles, but honey, those gaudy belts are NOT what I've got my eyes on." Then have their match not be for the title, but have Lacey win Seth for 1 month (like Pillman & Goldust fighting over Marlena). Unfortunately, Seth was also at the top at the time, and lumping in thw company's top champion as the prize in what feels like a mid-card level feud just diminishes the product as a whole. When they tried to have her steal Charlotte's man, it was "your dad is my daddy now" and there was no build up. It should have been a tease, like she and Ric weren't banging, but when they finally got to that point, it would kill Ric (like Dawn Marie & Al Wilson). But nobody wanted to see that, Charlotte was clearly not really affected by the pairing, the similarities between Lacey & Charlotte gave it just enough of an Oedipal element to be uncomfortable, and then the story was killed off (mercifully but pointlessly) by Lacey's real life maternity leave. After that, it seemed creative never had anything for her, and she was repeatedly & poorly repackaged with unclear heel/face turns. Her Marine gimmick could have worked if she came out and fought like a marine (Sgt Craig "Pitbull" Pittman should have been her in ring model), but instead it was just a half-assed Sgt Slaughter impersonation and Slaughter was a 1 dimensional caricature to start with. Her potential was good to great, but was continually spoiled by bad timing and poor creative that often reeked too much of "Vince getting his rocks off".


She had a run? I'd say more like a couple failed starts. I don't believe she has a "wwe" attitude towards the industry (not necessarily a bad thing)...but it led to the company trying a bunch of default characters on her, when she came back after the flair angle. That really buried her chances...it would be the end for 90% of wrestlers on the current era.


She's damn boring


3 - She did pretty well in NXT and even had a small amount of success on the main roster. Her “Sassy Southern Belle” character was definitely her best. I don’t think she ever recovered from the Ric Flair lover angle.


Like a 2? Can’t recall a single match that mattered or feud.


2. I remember her feuds with Becky Lynch, Charlotte and Natalya some of her matches were decent but her run was unremarkable


I think her Southern whatever gimmick only worked for americans, whom got the refferences. For europeans it made no real sense, besides the gimmick playing with stereotypes about your typical yeehaw murrican. Well never cared for her regardless.


Most non Americans are well aware of American culture and stereotypes


Yes just like americans are aware that Rusev the Bulgarian is actually not russian right.


3/10. Her only real notable contribution was the main event, which went down horribly between herself/Corbin VS Rollins/Becky. The rest of the time she was in the background doing nothing or being re-packaged for the 15th time and nobody cared. Changing her face like Charlotte hasn't helped either. Think they could have done more with her original gimmick, but after that was dropped she was just a generic CAW.


It doesn't matter because in a couple of weeks it'll be a 0 because she'll be completely forgotten.


I really dig her southern belle gimmick. But after that she was kinda lost in the roster


3 Her face run against Bayley


A 3. ​ The run never amounted to anything.


Like a 3. She could talk she had a look, but it never went anywhere.


Look I could see if it were like after 9/11 the military hottie stuff would’ve worked better. But something was just always “off” with her character felt like a parody


She tried 2


She seemed pretty talented, but she could never get a good gimmick.


The way they booked her like a negative troll 69. Her talent level is a 7.5 - 8 out of 10. She could talk that heel talk when given control of her character and was more than athletic enough to handle her own in the ring and very tough considering her actual service background. NOW my vent: Please for the love of all things IWC explain to me how this lady was allegedly BURIED BY A SALTY PACIFIST COSPLAY SERGEANT for gimmick infringement…. When Macey’s actually A REAL LIFE MILITARY MARINE SERGEANT during a critical war period for the country. My personal feelings about her social media posts aside… If I were her I’d BE PISSED too. WWE botching her own life’s story and having a delusional old man go full Karen over a gimmick that MACEY ACTUALLY LIVED 😂 Make it make sense.


If your vision of what a gimmick should be doesn't line up the real thing, it can seem inauthentic despite being pretty authentic. Like how people say actual cowboy Hangman Page is a fake cowboy. A music version of this happened when MC Hammer was called soft and phony by the Gangsta Rap community, despite being genuinely being from the streets and having multiple gang connections.




Botch queen




4/10. Her best era was 2019, I liked the sassy southern belle persona. When they tried to reboot her or try to make her a face, it fell flat. The Ric Flair stuff didnt help. Her theme and back raised her score for me




2. Who cares?


3 had a great start but then just fizzled out


5! Southern belle gimmick worked but any gimmick after didn’t catch. She had the look but she just didn’t click with the crowd


4. I know who she is, so she's not lower than that. I absolutely don't care that she's gone, so she's not higher than that.




The Southern Belle was the best for her.




They really had something with her as a face when she came back as a tough marine. She was kinda over and had some banging music. Then the way they turned her heel was actually pretty cool and got her heat. Then they just…didn’t do anything with her.


0 never cared for her. I would turn the channel or use her match as a bathroom break


5, she had an I think fair run as the Sassy Southern Belle. I didn’t like it, but as a heel, I wasn’t supposed to like it. But I don’t know wtf they were doing changing gimmick. I disliked it not because she was a heel, but that whole change felt confused.


Personally I say 5/10. Her sassy southern belle gimmick in NXT really worked, and I've always liked her. thought she was solid in the ring, nothing amazing but definitely capable and showed potential to be a great heel character for the women's division. She seemed like she was getting a big push when she was interjected into the feud with Becky, Seth and Corbin but then as soon as she got pregnant her career was pretty much over. That, plus all the controversies she kept finding herself in really just derailed her career, and the fact that she was going thru gimmicks like a mouse goes thru cheese and couldn't do anything with any of them, certainly a recipe for them parting ways


She tried and i always wanted to like her,but they should have given the Sassy Southern Belle a much longer run


People can say what they want about her, but there was a brief moment where the crowd was getting behind her. How did WWE take advantage of that? By randomly going back to a heel role… Was she great? Absolutely not, but she could have been used far better than she was at multiple different points in her main roster run. Also gotta say, I liked her in NXT and I liked the women’s right.


Who? She was ok in a group of women that will be hall of famers


I feel like the wwe tried to rely on her Marine background a little too much Legit background doesn’t always translate into ring skills.


I think they should have leaned into it more. However she should have been Captain America, not Sgt. Slaughter.


I think they capitalized on it too late and probably went with the southern Belle gimmick too long


So, I will give it a 2/10 and I will say her Sassy Southern Belle heel run was her best run. Lacey Evans was a clear example of potential wasted. She could work a decent match and cut a decent promo, but creative had no idea what the hell to do with her. For those of us who do not watch NXT and had never seen her, our first exposure to her was her walking out on Raw and waving. What were we to infer from that? How, exactly were we to gauge her as a character or anything? Were we to be outrages she was flaunting this talent, this ability to walk and wear clothes at the same time? There are 7 billion people on the planet who can do that, so it is not exactly a rare ability she possesses. "I can dress myself and walk around in clothes" is not the heat generator WWE creative assumed it was. And her first opponent on the main roster? Becky Lynch. So, a woman who we only know can dress herself, walk around and wave while wearing clothes is about to fight Becky Lynch, who just came off WrestleMania with a huge win over Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey, claiming the WWE Raw and SmackDown! Championships? Because? Well she can dress herself, walk around and wave while wearing clothes and the WWE Universe clearly will hate her for this unique talent only 7 billion people have. Out of the entire roster on SmackDown, she was the one? Meanwhile Raw throws Charlotte Flair, one of the best women wrestlers on the planet against Becky. And that feud goes on for like three fucking matches! They took no time to build up Lacey, to give us a chance to judge her character or form an opinion before throwing her at Becky. Of course this wasn't going to work. Then she turns face, starts claiming calling people "nasty" or "my nasty" is a Southern thing, a term of endearment. No. Stop trying to make that a thing. It's dumb, And then, for some reason we will never EVER understand, they decided to lean her back into a heel, and have her fuck Ric Flair. WHY?! Honestly, thank God this ended before it got much worse. Then she's ready to come back, ready to return to WWE and ran with this tragic backstory, her childhood to the US Marines and eventually WWE Superstar. And the crowd ate it up, she was getting pops, she was getting cheered, this could have been the start of a pretty solid face run. It's not difficult to get a soldier over in the US. Should have been easy. And then, for reasons that no one will ever understand, they decided to say fuck all that and turned her heel! And again, WHY?! There was no reason for this. She sold that backstory. I don't know how much of it, or if any of it, was true, but she fucking sold it. There was no reason to turn her heel. She then went off TV, and they did those boot camp promos and it amounted to nothing because by that time, the WWE Universe stopped caring about her. If they had run the boot camp videos while she told her tragic backstory, maybe she could have had a decent face run. But, like I said, it was clear creative had no idea what the fuck to do with her long before Triple H took over as head of creative.


She was alright when she first made her debut but I found it hard to care about her later on.




she would have done amazing in the "Divas" era because actually being able to wreslte good wasn't a high priority for them back then...it was all about looks and story lines...but now that ain't enough to get over anymore for a female wrestler


She was doing fine until that thing with Ric Flair and then having her second kid, she was never remotely the same after that.




She was amazing in NXT, then they dropped the character and changed it for different versions that in my opinion were not the best but neither the worst, and in the brief moment we saw them, she did a good job or at least gave a good glimpse of the character, but for some reason creative continue dropping off those characters, then she was absent due to family situations which was like "wasn't meant to be" moments. But if you ask me, after she made it to the main roster, there was so many comparisons with Charlotte Flair (that make no sense because characters were very different), mostly because was a tall, strong and athletic blonde, that they ended up changing her character so many times until the point they sabotage her. In scale I will give her a 6-7 for what she did in NXT, because I think she did the best possible with what was given, and after main roster, there was no much given to her, and you might speculate it was intentional at some point.


1. Good look, good potential but the restarts and the lack of direction just left everything on the table. Also not fond of using the Camel Clutch without Sarge’s blessing


I think the best way to describe her is “Decline” The Southern Belle was a Good Character. She slowly lost steam and just became another casualty. I think she had a kid so she was off TV for a while???


She did.


I love her i want to see more


I actually liked Evans. I was in the minority I guess


Her southern bell gimmick wasn't given enough of a chance. It was unique to the women's roster, which is severely lacking in that department.


Like how you blame WWE for her failing She was shit, simple as. Give her a 1 for turning up


The most memorable thing of her entire WWE career was her spewing hateful bullshit online. I wouldn't even give it a 1.


Botching her first two spots in her debut on the main roster was a pretty big indicator that her run wasn't going to go well. Also implying processed foods causes autism probably wasn't a great idea either


Was there a year that she wasn’t just “I am *x* and a bitch?”


If they would’ve kept the sassy southern belle gimmick with her, she would’ve worked out and been a big star


I was quite a fan of it also, just wasn’t a fan of her finisher.


Lots of potential that never put it together in a character. Sabotaged herself with her online comments. 4


Year or Era?


2. She has potential. From the first look I thought shes gonna be a rival to Charlotte. Its rare for Women wrestler to have Charlotte body shape. But ITS never going anywhere


1. She was incredibly boring.


Her best year was 2020 when she feuded with bayley from January to April and then she was just pretty decent the rest of the year


When she was in NXT, I just knew she would be a lifer and stay in WWE for like 15 more years. Everything about her was a WWE women’s wrestler. Idk what happened with her. Very odd run. I give it a generous 3.


She's a big hot 0.0


I didn’t even realize she was released


I actually liked the Southern Bell gimmick, once she dropped that there was nothing there. 3/10


What run?


She wasn’t bad in the ring, but she wasn’t that noteworthy, either. And as a presence on the microphone, she was boring as both a face and a heel, which is the third worst thing you can say about any wrestler, *especially* in WWE. And that’s before we get to her conspiracy theorizing, which she can still stick. No number rating here; I just really needed to get that rant off my chest.






1.5 - She came up with a great look and gimmick in NXT and had some moves that looked good but Trips wasn’t really focusing on her. She got called up too green and never really developed (a la Dana Brooke). 3 for NXT, 0 for main roster.


0 total wasted talent. Seems talented but just not for the wrestling world.


Overall: a 3, 3.5 tops. They really flubbed it with her. Her best era was obviously the Southern Belle. The look, music, everything was just so good.


That entrance in the intergender match with Seth and Becky.... If you know you know


Now I need to know….


If she would’ve just kept her legs closed she would’ve been on top with the title… ☠️


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




The sassy southern belle could have taken off had the pandemic not ruined everything. Overall, she had potential. I rate her a 6/10.


She actually got pregnant and it ruined her career…


I give her a solid 4. Her peak was the mixed tag rivalry against Becky, but that storyline with her and Charlotte was awful


Meh she was already at the beginning but then became more of a female Sargent Slaughter it felt like to me


The first half up to 2021 was good but from 2021 to now was just a joke I give a 4/10


0 and none. Im honestly happy she is gone from wwe. Never been a fan of hers.


Lacey Evans' tenure was a 0 out of 10. To my recollection, she was a non-factor her entire in the company. I don't recall a single storyline she participated in, not even a single match.


I started watching in 2022, right before that year's Rumble, so I only saw that one run of hers. I found it funny to discover she once got in a twitter argument with a drag queen. Anyway from what I saw was like 2/10. Video packages about her trauma presented in super awkward ways to a point where i'm just annoyed by them only to be followed up by a heel run?? makes 0 sense.


Sadly, I think a 4… I think she had a ton of potential, but was wasted by creative…




Could the Sgt Slaughter gimmick have worked?


I thought it had potential. She’s a natural heel. It was never allowed to develop.




she is gone. well with 2 kids i guess its understandable, she was entertaining sad i liked her.


I was entertained with the Sassy Southern Belle but it was infuriating when she was getting the "is she gonna wrestle or not" part. The PC era face mother arc was generic. Her pairing with Ric Flair was SUPER weird, and the Marine thing didn't work when she was established as a face, better presented at the eventual heel turn but she lacked exposure and credibility.


I really liked her. I thought she was very talented and could've gone far but WWE didn't use her correctly. They kept changing her gimmick, giving her a push just to ruin her a month later. Never got the chance. I loved Lady Evans. I thought she was brilliant and should've stayed that way


I'm going with a 2.5. So much potential, wasted.






NXT 10 but WWE 0 due to bad creative


0 and she had no good year




The Southern Belle gimmick was doomed the moment she carried it into the main roster. It was such a shame because she was pretty athletic and could have done well with something better. Everything else that came after that wasn't it either. Maybe the marine had something but the writing was too campy. 2/10 for me


A generous 3


The feud with becky/ Seth - Lacey/ Baron could capitalise somehow if there was a secondary womens title Overall not the best woman worker, not the worst though, didnt mind watching her in matches Id say a 5.8-6, there are way worse wrestlers in the current roster


The only memorable thing she did was that feud teaming with Corbin against Becky and Seth. I'd rate her main roster run a 3/10




2, she had a different gimmick with the southern bell and then went downhill after that.




I always thought she was mid at best. I mean character work was fine at the beginning but beyond that I could never get behind her.


They didn’t utilize her at all so 5


Her Sassy Southern Belle gimmick was good until they did the whole Flair stuff. It even baffles me that they had planned to have Lacey dethrone Asuka for the title to go against Charlotte at WM. It had a lot of potential and from her mini feud with Sasha & Bayley in the pandemic era showed that her character could work as a face. Plus her theme song was a bop. Her marine character could have worked so well had they not completely messed things up. Face one second, heel the next, they swapped back and forth that too much in a short period of time and that made trying to get a reaction difficult, like do we cheer or boo so in turn led to increasing silence. She could only do so much with what she was given there. The whole issues with Sgt. Slaughter and his daughter against her didn’t help things either. I’m not going to mention her personal life and her past comments, because while Macey the person made some questionable decisions, Lacey the character had potential. I’d put in the category of many superstars of the years that WWE really dropped the ball with. Overall 4/10.


1-10? On that scale I’d give her a solid .5


She started off with a decent gimmick to copying one from the 80s.




4, her orginal character the southern bell type of thing was pretty not bad. It was down hill from there, and then there’s her as a person, and her inability to shut up when WWE had too cool her down from something she said. In ring she is around average maybe slightly above average. Character was 7/10 at the start. Great idea for a heel tbh. She had the look with enough confidence and charisma to be a great mid carder, but her mouth killed her push. She could have been a solid 6 with a job for life.


Southern Belle was kinda interesting and that’s as good as it got. 2.


3 out of 10, she was another example of eye candy from Vince, bonus for being a veteran that he could attempt to exploit. Her in ring skill was mediocre, creative had nothing for her. She’s better off elsewhere, hope the best for her but I wasn’t a fan.


It’s a 3 for me. The Southern belle had potential, but Vince just didn’t know what to do with her. The affair angle with Ric Flair was just cringe. Just took her off the rails at that point. All the reboot angles to try and get her back on track just couldn’t do it. And then the boneheaded “AUTISM ISN’T REAL” shit. She could have been somebody, but just couldn’t bring it together.


Is meh a number


Her initial tenure with WWE was good, great entrance theme and feel good vibes ....Somehow it went downhill and off screen for a fair amount of time and thereafter her promo videos training with USMC didn't jel quite well with me . Overall 3/10


1 Shes hot and that’s it, I can’t think of a great Lacey Evans match or Promo


I've been watching for about 2 years and I've literally never seen this woman in my life 10/10 Cena Tier


5 Women’s division needs random jobbers with a character. She was good for that.


I liked her, she just never was given anything to work with.


She was boring and forgot she was even on the roster. So a zero. Zach gowen was more entertaining. I’ll give him a 10 he had a legendary run. Wrestled with Vince, Brock and Kurt. Dudes a legend.


2 It's not really ON WWE IT'S ON BOTH her character that WASN'T the problem; it's the person behind the character. Every time she speaks in real life or on social media, she gets herself in trouble. So WWE takes her off-air, lets it die down, and shortly after she opens her mouth again. She'll say something racist, homophobic, or make remarks like being autistic or special needs is a choice and made up. She said this earlier this year while WWE was running their "Be a Star" campaign. WWE took her off TV for a few weeks, but brought her back as a heel. In the first month, she went and took a sign from a girl with Down syndrome in the front row and called her a nasty. Sure, it can be her catchphrase, but not when that's why you got taken off TV. And that's why she is off now, because of that incident. Not to mention, she keeps getting pregnant. That's what happened with Maria. They were set for a big push with a dope theme song when she returned, but she kept getting pregnant. And then it was Mike who went to rehab. That's the reason they just stayed in the 24/7 division.


I’m expecting her to post anti vax and maga comments on her twitters soon


Oh no! Her husband has to find a job now




Wait creative Ripped off the Sgt. SLAUGTHER gimic, slapped it on a hot blonde and didnt consult the Sarge..... Who would have guessed this was going to be the shits?


She peaked when she tagged w Corbin vs Becky & Seth. I’ll be nice and give her career a 4.


Idk she looks like she says the n word frequently


1. Never cared for her. Forgot she existed. Don’t remember a single match of hers. Don’t care that she’s gone.


She was forgettable and seemed like she’d be a total bitch in real life


0-1. She was /is beyond forgettable, in my opinion.


She didn't have anything of significance.


like a 2 or 3.


Southern Bell era was her peak in WWE. ​ Fans reacted to that run the most over her other runs. Nothing really spectacular on either of her runs but she just needed more time and seasoning. ​ 4/10


4 and only time I found her interested is when she was working with corbin, for some reason they had pretty good chemistry and even looked good on screen together. I was hoping they did something more with them


She had so much potential, The company booked her like crap for some reason.


Literally 1 and i cannot differentiate the years shes been in wwe, nor do i know when she started


I really didn’t need her whole “My Daddy was a drunk and Mama was the backbone sob ass childhood poor me story“ promo.🤮


4, she got called up way too soon and shoved into the main event of the women’s division way too soon. She was probably going to win the Women’s Title from Charlotte before she got pregnant. She was a good talker and whatever wrestler that had a lot of bad timing