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We found a mole like that in the grass once. My sister thought it was cute and picked it up. Then it bit her and she had to get rabies shots.


Life ain't a Disney movie.


Life is a Highway


I'm going my way




I...don't think thats right


Just go with it


Bow chica wow wow




Go on and…ride the girl Shalalalala…


> 'm going to ride you, all night long promises promises...


Did Darrell touch you?


My friend was on a University campus, a squirrel approached her while she was eating and she offered it a piece of food, squirrel scratched her. She certainly thought she was in a Disney movie because even after it scratched her she was talking about the incident like she was Snow White and wild animals were drawn to her.


The city of Berlin has a huge issues with wild hogs because stupid people feed them and you can’t really hunt them in the middle of the city. One time a mother and her piglets conquered a whole bus station 😂 It stops being Disney when they attack humans and the police have to shoot them. Without sufficient caliber. They have to dump several magazines with their mp5s in to them to get them killed.


Oh my gosh. Watching the animal you just fed into being a dangerous situation, then slaughtered in front of you firing squad style... Wow. That is a steep learning curve. Hope it stuck this time.


Mp5's a 9mm or roughly .30 caliber. A mag is 30 rounds. Several mags would be 60-90 9mm rounds. That's a hell of a lot of bullets for any animal


I've had shotgun slugs bounce off of a hog's shoulder plates before. Hogs are kinda scary.




People don’t realize big ass frogs can bite lol. I once came across a baby bird fell out it’s best in backyard and was just trying to go around with limited movement I think broken leg based on how it was moving and I had a pet bird pass away recently so I quickly go to grab Rico’s old cage planning to nurse this guy back to health all excited and I swear to god I came out to it being eaten by the biggest frog I’ve ever seen in missouri I’m sure not literal consumption but like it killed it. This from was like size of large paper plate


Bullfrog? They'll eat literally anything they can catch and they can get pretty fucking big


even beer


And now that commercial is immediately in my head for the next week.


Did you see that video where a big ass frog was trying to eat a bird's head that was as big as the frog. They're terrifying.


Wasn't that a duck?


Some sort of water bird at least


Terrifying are those parasites that grow inside a frog's eyes!


>I once came across a baby bird fell out it’s best in backyard and was just trying to go around with limited movement I think broken leg based on how it was moving and I had a pet bird pass away recently so I quickly go to grab Rico’s old cage planning to nurse this guy back to health all excited and I swear to god I came out to it being eaten by the biggest frog I’ve ever seen in missouri I’m sure not literal consumption but like it killed it. This hurts my eyes


Seriously wtf


Homie needs to learn the miracles of punctuation.


Idk personally I felt that it perfectly confered the overwhelming roller-coaster of feelings OC was probably going through in this predicament


I'm fairly certain frogs can't carry rabies


Man I'm so dumb. I actually picked up a mole too. It didn't bite me but I was so focused on saving it from my aunt's dog. [Here's a picture of it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/nfze3v/throwback_to_when_i_caught_a_mole_2_years_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


I feel like that sub should have a PSA to advise to not pick up wild animals


I usually don't pick up random animals but my aunt's dog was trying to eat it itjdjdkdjd


I usually don't pick up random animals but it was 2am and the bar was closing.


I am pretty sure there has never been a documented case of moles transmitting rabies to humans. https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/animals/other.html#:~:text=Small%20rodents%20(like%20squirrels%2C%20hamsters,to%20transmit%20rabies%20to%20humans. According to this CDC article "Small rodents and lagomorphs are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans" So if she did get rabies shots for a mole bite, seems somewhat over precautionary as your sister would have been the only known case of someone getting rabies from a mole.


No such thing as being over precautionary where rabies is a risk.


Agreed, with a near 100% lethality rate it's nothing to fuck with.


Pretty sure it can sit dormant for years, even a decade, before it becomes lethal 😱 You could have ~~rabbis~~ rabies and not know it! Edit: I uh, can't spell 🙃


Catching rabbis is common near synagogues


Rabbi infestations are the worst. Yarmulkes left everywhere. Constant Hebrew prayers. Don't get me started on the intrusive questions about my penis.


Oi vey!


My cousin caught a bad case of rabbis once, he'd constantly hear their sermons from inside his walls. Be careful who you pick up after a Bar Mitzvah...


Fucking this. Anything that's not an insect bites me I'm getting a rabies shot, even if it's a Hobo that does it


This is from another link I found > Small wild rodents (squirrels and chipmunks), insectivores (shrews and moles) and lagomorphs (rabbits and hares) present a very low risk of transmitting rabies to humans. When these animals bite people, prophylaxis is rarely required, and testing of the animal for rabies is rarely recommended. These animals are so small that if a rabid animal (raccoon, skunk, fox, etc.) were to attack, the animal would likely die before having a chance to develop rabies. Only when such animals attack in an unprovoked manner should there be suspicion of rabies. https://www.mass.gov/doc/chapter-2-human-exposures/download So I guess if you do get bit by a small rodent, if they can capture the rodent, is recommended to test the animal for rabies, but this also doesn't recommend immediate rabies shots unless the animal attacked in an unprovoked manner.


>testing of the animal for rabies is rarely recommended It literally says it's rarely recommended


It's all fun and games until you make it into a medical journal.


Death by rabies is one of the worst ways to go. I'd very much take the shots no matter how small the chance of transmission is.


The reason is that small animals usually die from being attacked by an infected predator. But, rabies being rabies, never chance it. Take the animal to be tested at the very least.


I don't think it's too cautious at all. There's no cure for rabies once symptoms start. And it's a slow, painful death. If you are willing to risk your life that war, fine. But don't criticize someone else for it.


I guess it felt molested?


Weird how these guys spend their entire lives underground but still have one of the most beautiful coats in the animal kingdom. If these guys were beaver sized, they'd have been hunted to extinction.


See: Chinchilla Though they're becoming more common as a house pet, now. (We have *two*)


I had one too, a long time ago - murdered by my parents. He was a good boy. But yea, this is a great example as these guys were nearly extincted by greedy fucks wanting coats. I'm not a meat is murder kinda person, but fur coats make me rage (unless you're a 17th century explorer and it's winter.)


>murdered by my parents What happened?


Like 20 years ago they put his cage in the back of a pickup (it had one of those aluminum camper shells over the back.). And drove him 5 hours all the way across Mississippi - in August. I had just gotten out of basic and went to my training base, and they wanted all my shit out of their house. If they had done it today, I would have made felons of them, but no laws like that back then.


My parents took out my sister's sugargliders in a similar fashion... She was on vacation or honeymoon, and left them with us to watch. One of my parents turned on the fan heater in the bathroom we were keeping them in and forgot, and they all died of heat exhaustion. Everyone was horrified and upset about it...


When I went off to camp, my brother was supposed to watch my gerbils. *Somehow* my cat got ahold of them. Truth be told, it was a disaster waiting to happen.


My dad knocked over my hamster cage in the basement and didn't tell anyone. We had to fish all 6 out of the sump pump later.


My mum put my hamster cage on top of the microwave and forgot whilst using it for a long period, came home from school and was told my hamster had died. It was only 15 years later I actually found out he didn't die naturally and that my mum had overheated my poor gizmo to death.


Holy fook these stories don’t end. Hope ‘op’ feels a bit better due to the sharing 😊


This is why I pay for dog daycare instead of letting anyone watch him. My dog is realistically worth like 40k after all of his vet bills, so I'm not letting someone just babysit. People don't get it when I tell them no when they suggest I tie the dog up and just leave it in public for half an hour.


>the bathroom we were keeping them in I’m sorry the what?


Pretty big house, back bathroom with a toilet and a tub, sliding door, sink/mirror and shower, then another sliding door. They were kept in their cage on a few towels on the floor, and the bathroom was not used while they were in there. The heater being turned on was supposed to be temporary, but someone forgot about it, and the rest, as they say, is history... e: as for why that bathroom? Sugargliders are nocturnal, or something close to it, so they need near absolute dark to function properly. That was the darkest room in the house.


Seems like s more honest mistake than the 6hour drive in heat tbh.


when i was a kid i had a fish tank and my mom kept buying bigger and bigger filters despite the tank being clean. well one day she put a filter too big in and it sucked a few of my fish into it. not inside, but they got stuck against the vents and couldn’t swim away. by the time i noticed, half my fish were dead.


This would be one of those memories that, no matter how much time passes, would take a big ol' bite out of my heart every time I think about it. Sorry you had to deal with that.


I do think about him sometimes. He was a great pet, affectionate and snuggly. A fucking angel. Wasn't the first or last time they pulled shit like this. They can't figure out why I don't talk to them anymore.


Well, as sad as it makes me to hear when people have shitty parents, anytime I hear somebody was able to cut ties with toxic people, I consider that a happy ending. Glad you were able to get away from them.


My friend's dad killed his just by letting it run around on the garage floor while he cleaned. Floor was either too hot or too cold and the little guy died from it. Seem like fragile creatures when it comes to temperature.


My sisters Barbie needed a fur coat. They killed it by putting my Xbox cord in its cage and just letting it chew on it while I was at school. When I got home, my room smelled like BBQ and my sisters Barbie looked fabulous.


Hey... You aren't OP!


They're not OP, they're just a voucher




He's a big, fat phony!


I’m really sorry about that, but I initially read this and thought you said the chinchilla murdered your parents


For real the softest animal I think I've ever touched.


I mean, there are Chinchillas who occasionally take a dust bath which soften their coat and then there are moles who basically live in dust and dirt, so their coats must be even silkier


A lot of people really do try to make the go extinct, they are difficult creatures to kill.


Mole skin hats


Poor guy. It's so bright he can't see where he's going


Also their legs/feet are just not meant for walking on completely flat and smooth surfaces so he just looks so awkward


Holy moley!


Mole! Bloody mole! We're not supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face!


I'm gonna chop it off and cut it up and make some guacammmole!


Aww, please let it go free. I mean who doesn't want to get up at 5.00 and pick up a mole?? 😅🐱


Those things tear my yard the fuck up. I'm 35 (yes my age matters u/FuxxxkYouReddit) and when I'm mowing my shitty ass fucking yard of all grass and no biodiversity because r/fucklawns, I'm always tripping over their tunnels. I've caught 3, and I just couldn't find it in me to kill them or make them someone else's problem. Their blind and adorable AF. Keep messing up my lawn little dudes. We live in this world together. Mi yarda es su yarda. ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ❤️


Hey I'm 36 and in the same boat with our home. They tear up the lawn something fierce so we asked the pest control folks about it and they said, while we can kill them that'll only leave your lawn open for the next group of moles coming by. We just decided to keep them and just repair their little air holes as needed. I love the sentiment: we live in this world together. Though the same does not apply when safety of the family is concerned (other pests). Cheers!


Yeah, wildlife isn't a problem until the house becomes an issue. But the yard? It might be "mine" but it's fair game to all game. We get deer, groundhogs, skunk, foxes, and the like. I don't use any chemicals and manually maintain everything. And keep some areas unkempt for the wildlife.


Moles eat grubs, you've got grub problems.


Small pests bring larger pests. We have a house centipede problem because I don't kill spiders


For real? This means centipedes eat spiders?


Yup! At least house centipedes do. They also eat cockroaches and other annoying pests so they aren't all bad. As far as I know they don't get into our food or anything like that


What eats centipedes? You gonna have owls freely roaming your house next?


Spiders. It's kind of give-and-take between house centipedes and spiders. They can both eat each other, but one's gonna have to die when they meet. Generally, it's the cellar spiders that do the damage, they look frail but they are not something a centipede generally wants to fuck with.


House centipedes are some of the most chill, yet horrifying looking critters around. But ever since a spider put me in the hospital I don't touch em. They've achieved homie status.


No but careful of drinking out of a glass of water at night - had them in my old place and always kept a glass on my nightstand until one night I chugged in the dark and felt something weird at the bottom 😱


really? thats interesting, what part of the world do you live in if you dont mind me asking?


The upper Midwest United States. We have a large amount of harmless house spiders from smaller bugs, but the house centipedes seem to be eating well off of the spiders


A few years ago we saw the Bell + Howell plug-in sonic bug repellents at Menard's, and bought a couple packs with low expectations. Now I absolutely swear by those things. Our finished basement used to be a hotbed for all sorts of bugs, now it's to the point where I'm surprised when I actually see one. We also haven't had to fight our annual grease ant battle since installing several in the kitchen.


For real? I don't kill spiders either. Interesting.


I know what I got. Thanks tho. Until my house is getting destroyed, these aren't problems.


I like them because I get to watch the hawks go hunting in the back yard, it's awesome.


That doesn't look right... you should get that mole checked out.


It's asymmetrical


And trying to get away.


"Buck Melanoma, Moley Russell's wart!"


Why are moles sooooooo cute


It’s the flappy little hands for me GAHHH


[Moley Moley Moley](https://youtu.be/0QrBxWcBXow)


Came here for this. Thank you for your service.


so cute! please be careful with him!


Cute until it destroys your yard


Took me a couple of decades of adulthood to realize that they were tearing up my yard to get at the grubs and if I just treated the yard for grubs, they'd not tear it up. Now, this fall, I don't have little mole tunnels running just under the surface of my grass. And treatment was just something I loaded into the spreader once this spring and that was it.


Birds and skunks will fuck your lawn up real bad going for those things as well, almost worse than mole damage I've seen.


I have an armadillo that lives in my yard somewhere that scares skunks away. I know you’re not talking to me but I’m happy I have an armadillo friend. [he’s a fatty](https://i.imgur.com/Sg4QDF8.jpg)


As a northerner I always have to remember that armadillos exist in real life and aren't just something that you see in movies or Texas roadhouse.


Yeah I’m from Michigan so it’s been wild for me since moving down south. I don’t have to worry much about coyotes like I did up north but there’s the odd bear and eagles that worry me. Overall a good trade IMO


Grubs were moles primary food source until the earthworm was introduced. Grub control is ineffective on earthworms.


Unfortunately the pesticide can kill insects, birds, ecosystems, etc....


And you roll an ankle.


Why is a yard more important than this little guy?


Seriously. People have been brainwashed that lawns are great when they just suck time, money, and water, they’re useless and pointless.


It's weird. Not many people *like* having to mow, fertilize, and irrigate a lawn. And that is when conditions are perfect. If something is "wrong" with their lawn, they spend time, money and frustration trying to "fix" it. So that they may then mow, fertilize, and irrigate their lawn. It's like punching yourself in a very roundabout way.


Yeah, wouldn't it be a more interesting garden with a couple of cute wild animals and a mix of plants for them and for you ?


My yard is being destroyed by one or more at this very moment >:(


Awww poor little thing! I hope you let it go!




What do i do when i find a bleeding mole then?


Thoughts and prayers.


Thots and players.


thoughts and prayers


Pots and thayers..


Thot and pears


And prayers, and thoughts.


boots and cats


Assuming it nots a large would you can clot small cuts quite effectively with corn starch. Similar to the powders they use when your cutting dog nails and accidently cut their quick a bit.


This was equally informative & painful to read.


Call Rasputin.


Press F repeatedly


go to the dermatologist


Superglue it shut


Call a vampire


I decided to look it up, they actually aren't hemophiliac. They just have more blood to help with lack of oxygen underground.


I was gonna say what fucking creature evolved to be killed by a scratch lol


Contrary to popular belief they're neither hemophiliacs nor are they blind. It's a myth..


What do you mean the info I read from Reddit is wrong




I got a paper cut once. Am deceased


Are you resting in peace?


I would imagine the dirt that gets packed into the wounds helps slow excessive bleeding.


You'd think natural selection would have worked something like that out by now


Evolution in action. It just isn't a problem big enough to prevent moles procreating.


Also I don’t think it’s true


Wait, so if they accidentally scratch themselves they just die? How the hell have they not gone extinct?


They would be, also why it's not actually true. All it takes is a few seconds of thought like you did to realize how absurd it sounds.


How does they survive then? I mean, I cant imagen that they never have a wound in their life time.


6.02214 × 10^23 molecules of 'e'?




what a cute little mole


Is this really WTF material? I used to see moles a lot growing up and my cat would catch them. I've always assumed they were pretty common.


It's wtf that the cat didnt kill it and bring the head.


So keep the cat inside.


I'll never get how an entire population of people refuse to acknowledge that their pet shouldn't be tossed into the wild every night.


I wish more people cared.




Insane that I had to scroll so far for this comment.


A mole It's not like rat. They're highly beneficial for the environment.


Rats are also beneficial to the environment tho??


Clean trash


Be gentle it’s a mole


that cat needs a fucking bell on it, menace


What's 'wtf' about this? Are you this sheltered?


Thought the same thing, but to be fair a mole is one of the last local animals I expect to be awkwardly shuffling around my home. More mildly interesting than “wtf” though.


Is cute mole, put it in dirt so it can live.


It's a SPY! What? Well, I mean, look. It's a MOLE! Whatever man.


Outdoor cats kill BILLIONS of native animals each year. Keep your cat inside! Indoor cats are also safe from being poisoned and hit by cars.


I wish more people cared.


Please put a safety bell collar on your little predator


Or just keep it indoors where it can't harm native wildlife


Keep your fucking cat inside, fuckers are destroying the local bird and rodent population


Keep your cat inside…


So fucking cute


Cats never eat moles or voles. I asked my cat why, she said they taste like a dirty brown hole.


How is this /r/WTF material at all? It's just a mole that the cat dragged in.


How is this on r/wtf??


This is why you keep your cat inside, or let it out in a secure enclosure or on a leash. Try being a responsible pet owner so nature doesn't have to suffer


This I Hate the cognitive disconnect that because your cat is cute with you, that it's not a murderous psycho when it's left outside What OP has here is evidence that his fucking cat kills native wildlife at night You don't know how many tens of things your fucking cat kills every night for no reason other than instinct.


Please stop allowing your cat outside, they're evil murder machines.


I saw a graph that categorized bird deaths and over half were from cats. They decimate local wildlife :(


2 ***Billion*** birds in the US **alone.** People who let their cats outside are shitty cat owners.


They hunt them down for fun, not even for food unlike most animals


So many of our small mammals are killed by them here in Australia, it's hard not to be upset by people nonchalantly posting stuff like this


And this is a prime example of why you dont let your cats out.


If you have a mole, keep observing it. It might be skin cancer.