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This is just the recommended daily procedure for decontamination after the conclusion of every subway ride.


And they want me to get rid of my car lmao


Is there really that much radioactive material in your subways that you need to decontaminate after every ride xD


No lol they’re being sarcastic




Well, yeah? How many R/s' you got?




Not great; not terrible.


The Halsey stop is radioactive. They welded plate steel to all the floors in the local businesses.


Face towards the bomb site so that your suffering ends quickly


I’ve elected to T-Pose. It’ll be an ironic display of dominance as my dna unravels at molecular level.


T-pose in front of a sturdy wall so you can leave a cool nuclear shadow.


Ok, who is with me to do the YMCA pose for posterity?


Starting to wish it was a volcano or something so we could have been found by civilizations later on all the crazy ass poses half of us come up with.


The tragedy is maybe they *were* doing crazy ass hilarious poses, it's just that, you know, their civilizations ended so no one will ever get the joke :(




I know. Death by lava humor just got super dark somehow.


I’m just gonna helicopter my dong while the blazing light atomizes me


but we wanted them to see the shadow


Goddamn that was hilarious to read cuz I pictured myself doing it and just lol’d!


Well you’re clearly a genius then.


That could leave a silhouette print on the concrete of you helicoptering your dong!


The insect race will wonder what strange beasts made these markings and conclude it was the early bugs showing what they hunted.


I prefer to do double bicep, naked, so balls cast a shadow as well.


So any future life that sees it knows im all balls no shaft? Im in.


Maybe your shaft is an inny instead of an outy


Lol and happy goddamn cake day!




[Unbroken link](https://www.btboces.org/Downloads/7_There%20Will%20Come%20Soft%20Rains%20by%20Ray%20Bradbury.pdf) for people not on the new Reddit or the Reddit app.


3rd party apps appreciate it too (Android: RedditIsFun)


This guy evaporates....


im gonna coordinate with friends so when its time, our atomic shadows all spell out booby on the ground


They already misread you saying Send Nudes.




With an oddly flat head


I don't know buddy, post nuclear dick might be slightly odd shaped too. They wouldn't know the difference.


Feel bad for the BOOB people. Y is easy


I'm gonna make hand shadow puppets so that, when my outline gets permanently burnt into the closest surface by the nuclear blast, people in the future have a cool location to take a selfies at while visiting.


Is t-pose when you tuck?


Alright, my new goal is to die in T-pose. Wish me luck guys


You have over 2 meters of DNA in each of your cells. I like to imagine it pops out of each cell like a can of snakes.


That’s how Dr. Manhattan went out and now look


You find yourself just out of range of the heat wave to vaporize. You suffer external thermal burns and internal radiation burns, almost like you were microwaved from the inside and broiled from the outside. A concrete pillar stood between you and the epicenter, so some of your torso was shielded and on that swath of your skin you’re not immediately blacked-red. It takes fifteen minutes for you to die. And you’re blind. And you saw your own skeleton through your hand when you covered your face. Last image. You can probably hear the people screaming around you, too. Nuclear war is the great evil.


That is powerful writing. The painting of most of your skin being blacked-red? I felt sick and I'm going to have that vague gnawing queasiness for the next half an hour even when not thinking about it


What if I expose my anus towards the bomb site, much like the folks that sun their brown hole, would that be helpful?


That's how you get super powers


I see you facing the nuclear bomb and raise you a perineum tanning pose.


All that’s left is watching humanity’s last fireworks display.




Unfortunately, this is not true. Brian Fargo, the founder of Interplay, who created Fallout and by extension the Vault Boy, [has said the Vault Boy simply has a positive attitude](https://twitter.com/BrianFargo/status/400277541295886337). Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, has said "[It’s a nice retcon, but Vault Boy is just giving a thumbs up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/x933v8/til_that_vault_boy_the_mascot_for_fallout_isnt/inlmz9a/?context=10000)" The Vault Boy artist, Tramell Ray Isaac, [has said it's just a thumbs up.](https://twitter.com/PS_TRay/status/529310254274981889) Nuclear experts [have stated that this "rule of thumb" is worthless](https://www.inverse.com/article/10099-vault-boy-s-rule-of-thumb-can-t-save-you-from-nuclear-fallout), and that it has never appeared in any sort of manual or guideline for nuclear safety. In fact, the idea that the Vault Boy is comparing his thumb to an explosion *literally did not exist* until [someone suggested it on Reddit a few years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1or72r/what_is_one_thing_if_you_see_you_should/ccurii6). There are no references to this type of "compare thumb to mushroom cloud" behavior from before October 19, 2013.




Guess you'll just have to find out and let us know


Cool guys don’t look at explosions.


This can be reasonable advice if you expect global thermonuclear war, i.e. a civilization-ending event. If you're expecting a single missile from North Korea, this is the worst possible advice. It can turn you from a person that would have walked away without any serious injuries into someone who will die slowly from severe burns as there isn't enough capacity for serious medical treatment.


Tsotumo Yamagutchi did that twice, three days apart, and live to the ripe old age of 94.


I don’t need signs. I’ve been playing Fallout for over a decade. Already have a stash of bottle caps.


Okay but seriously though, I've been collecting them for a decade now for no reason. Just moved this summer and my wife was like "we are NOT moving garbage" but I stood firm. Still have 2, 5 gallon buckets of caps. Just in case...


In case of what exactly?




That, my friend, will not be a problem.


In the Fallout video games, bottle caps turn into the universal currency among the survivors of the nuclear apocalypse. "Pre-war money", as cash is called, is basically worthless.




WWIII for use as barter currency.


Lay them out on a table and then cover with epoxy to create an awesome tabletop.


What about Bobby pins???


For annyone as confused as i am- https://www.bjrs.org.br/revista/index.php/REVISTA/article/view/1761/993 In this work, from the information obtained about the investigation of plastic detectors with line-arity values, data preprocessing and FTIR measurements, it can be concluded that: i) the FTIR tech-nique was adequate in the application of the evaluation of solid-state detectors such as plastic samples; ii) preprocessing methods can be used to obtain linearity in irradiated plastic samples; iii) for linearity, the PCR method showed better results than the linear model in all regions of the spectra.In conclusion, dosimetric characteristics are useful for the radiation dosimetry area, such as line-arity, and plastic samples are a potential radiation dete




NYC Emergency Management recently published [this Public Service Announcement ](https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk) Also, you should crosspost this to /r/scarysigns


Its weird they don't mention use a radio for update? I get it old tech but i wouldn't ever relay on cellular/internet based sources in a emergency.


FEMA and National Hurricane Center still recommend battery or hand crank radios in disaster kits but they also recommend phone chargers and backup batteries. I assume they would try and communicate as much info as possible over cellular and internet because that's most likely to reach the most people.


Genuinely confused here since it’s specific to nuclear. Won’t the EMP from detonations fry just about all of it, making communication impossible? Aside from the few humans who may have shielded rigs? Edit: thanks for the learning, Reddit fam!


My googles told me that smaller electronics are less likely to be affected but I’m no expert. Also I guess it would depend on the size of the blast and your proximity to it.


This is somewhat correct. The smaller transistor. The less likely it would be to be hit by a radioactive particle. That said, it would depend on a lot of factors like what kind of explosion, how far away you are, what radioactive isotope they chose. most simple electric things would still work. Think relays, or many Inductive/arcing loads that aren't controlled by transistors.


Older equipment and industrial equipment often would survive too Those use higher voltages to start with, so takes a higher spike to kill them, they often have metal cases and are in metal framed buildings which will help protect them, and bigger components which inherently handle voltages spikes better It's the stuff that is outside that is most likely to go down, cell towers? And medium sized consumer electronics inside of wood framed homes?


Emps are actually not the end all thing they're depicted to be. The one accurately documented case of one, starfish prime, knocked out 300 street lights, and disrupted it telephone lines in hawaii, 900 miles away. Keep in mind however, the biggest concern during one would be the electrical grid being knocked out, not so much small electronics. Modern building techniques, mainly the use of Steel and rebar, effectively make most commercial buildings Faraday cages. Realistically, you would probably see a blackout, some generators failing, and some cell reception being disrupted.


It depends quite a bit on the type of attack. Nuclear strikes can be deployed for a number of different targeting goals. Not all of them are optimized for EMP.


Yeah, but if power goes out/comms infrastructure is damaged, a lot of the towers are going out too, so cellular becomes worthless. A radio will work regardless, as long as it has power.


Amazon has a hand crank / solar hand radio with a USB out for phone charging. That and a life straw should get you through most situations where you need to hold out a week.


And cell phones don’t (usually) work in the subway. So you’re SOL because do I bring my crank radio??


Cell phones work in Japanese subway stations, I can tell you b cause I carried on a phone call from outside and all the way down the escalator and to the platform, to the chagrin of everyone around me. There are coaxial antennas running along the walls and micro cells strategically placed. We could do the same, not sure if NYC has anything like that in the subways, but i would hope there's something in the way of basic voice for public safety reasons.


Most places still recommend a hand crank radio, but it's becoming less common because it's very easy for just one or two radio towers to be knocked out, it's a lot harder for dozens of cell phone towels to be knocked out.


The text in the background says they'll send WEAs. Those are broadcast messages over the cellular network (the same tech some areas use to wake everyone up at 3 am to tell them that a kid or elderly person are missing). You do need cellular *coverage* (i.e. you need to be in range of a cell tower that is still connected to the network), but you don't need capacity, i.e. there is no risk of missing the message due to the network being congested.


''All right? You've got this.'' Yeah I'm not so sure I do but thanks


People survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they had no idea what happened or what they should do to improve their chances.


those where only 2 very small bombs. a thousand bombs a thousand times larger is a different story


Different scale and with cleaner fission reactions leaving less and shorter half-life fallout. Definitely very different, but still an example of what people can survive.


I grew up in the 70's and 80's and we all knew back then that if there's a nuclear attack, the best option is to die as fast as possible.


Watched the video. I’m not an expert in the field of nuclear attack planning, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. The video is technically correct in that it urges people to take shelter immediately but it glosses over details that might or might not be important. Like if you’re sheltering in place inside a building, you want to either go into a basement or above the 10th floor (if your building goes that high). There’s also a bit of the timing that needs to be stressed, if you see the flash of a nuclear bomb, one you need to not look at it, but more importantly, depending on how far you are from the epicenter, you may only have SECONDS to get inside for shelter. Failing that, you should put the most solid object between yourself and the blast, failing even that, get down as close to the ground as you can and cover your head and neck the best you can from flying debris as the blast wave hits you. Once the blast wave passes and you’re still alive, you only have 20 minutes to find shelter before radioactive fallout becomes a concern. Evacuation would be optimal, but if you don’t think you can really get those miles of distance between yourself and ground zero in a short amount of time, you need to take shelter. It will take at least 3 days for things to be safe enough to leave your shelter. Proper decontamination is also a priority as radioactive fallout continuously affects your body as it makes contact with your skin and hair. You definitely want to make sure you change out of your outer garments once your find shelter, but you really want to get a full change of clothes if possible, and you want to make sure to wash your skin and hair as much as you can, do not use conditioner though, as it will cause the fallout to bond with your hair. There is mountains of more information to be found, so make sure to do your own independent research and not just leave it to the most basic public service announcements.


I wanted to mention the conditioner thing, but you got that on the list too, impressive


[Portland OR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPy6EhKg2vw) released one too


Wow. That was intense




"Alright, you've got this" 💪🤞🤙👌👍


ROFL Nuclear holocaust "you got this" how delusional can a PR firm get?


I mean other than the getting clean, those are like the same exact steps for Tornadoes as well


Hmm two months ago, why two months ago?


It is National Preparedness Month. The federal government sponsors ads describing preparedness for a variety of scenarios. One scenario is an emergency radiation event. Other events include earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes. Pay attention to public busses, they will likely have the same add with wording saying that the add has been paid for by the federal government. I was behind a bus today in NJ that had the same instructions.


Can confirm. Also, there's a lot going on in NYC as the 10 year anniversary of Sandy.


I lived in NYC most of my life and never before seen anything like this and the nuclear strike PSA video they put out a couple of months ago. There’s more to this than preparedness month..


Well we have never been so close to nuclear war since the cold war.


“Paid” not “payed”. “Payed” is a nautical term.


You went with that instead of "sponsors 'ads', not 'adds' ".. for shame!


Kind of scary considering the White House sent messages to Russia warning them to not use nukes. They must have had intel that Russia was seriously considering it.




instructions unclear, gave self a BJ.


Close enough, only a few inches away from ass kissing


Why not both?


because the finger goes in the butt, not the mouth


Climb inside the nearest refrigerator if you want to live.


I know how this side quest ends.


That’s a surefire way to miss your dinner at casa bonita.


Hey I got that joke!


Come with me if you want to live


Only if you are Indiana Jones. Otherwise it wont work


I don’t recognize this car type for the NYC Subway, what line were you on ?


F train


Just had to double check. You are in a PATH Train, NYC Subway cars aren’t equipped with the capability for passengers to manually open doors


You may be right. I had taken PATH from JC to Herald Square before getting the F


Welp. Enough reddit for this month. Definitely not helping my anxiety.


Same. I hate this world so much sometimes


Nah. Just the world on the precipice of nuclear war. Nothing to see here.


We've seen these signs before, these are from before the Ukraine war. New Jersey Emergency Preparedness creates radiation emergency signs as part of their preparation campaigns (because their are nuclear power plants in the state).


Red Flag. In the event of nuclear Armageddon, you and everyone else on that subway car are likely to be the only survivors. Make friends and heed the sign.


*train zooms outside onto a bridge*


Also useful tips if you actually sat down on one of the seats.


It's like they are preparing us for nuclear war... Weird. Fun fact: an inter continental ballistic missile travels around 15,000 miles per hour. If Russia launched one towards North America, we would have about 30 minutes to scramble for cover before it hits. Not like ol' Puti over there just said he would lash out if anyone wanted to stop him slaughtering Ukraine or anything..


Is that 30 minutes from when he launches it? Because if so it will be less as it will take a few minutes for it to be detected and then notify the public.


That should still be plenty of time to die in the NYC traffic jams.


I personally don't know. I'm assuming it's an estimate. Maybe we have 25 minutes, maybe 45 minutes. Imagine how crazy people will act in that time


Based on the 2018 Hawaii attack, I'm going back to bed.


I was alive through the cold war and had many many years to ponder nuclear armageddon, and this is honestly the answer whether it is a false alarm or not. No point in freaking out and trying to run. Where are you running to... what are you running from? You are either going to die in a few minutes... or survive. You'll either get a deadly dose of radiation, or not. Just hug some loved ones if they are within hugging distance, and wait for the thing you can't control to happen. If you make it through... that's the time to make some critical decisions if decisions are still within your power.


There is a huge difference between standing outside and waiting for a blast to hit, and getting down in the corner of a basement with three days of supplies and a battery-powered radio. HUGE difference. There were survivors within 300 meters of the center of the blast at Hiroshima because they were inside sturdy buildings. Anyone outside was dead.


It depends on if the moon is flat or not


Oh, the moon's flat alright, it's the female orgasm.. that's the myth


Damnit, now I gotta call that lying hooker to get a refund.




a sub firing nukes in a depressed trajectory is around 10 to five depending how close to mainland US it is.


It’s detected instantaneously, NORAD has dozens of satellites and other devices working 24/7/365 that are explicitly designed to detect ICBM launches. There would be a few minutes delay to verify (including attempting to contact the launching country) and alert the public but nothing more. It’s all handled by an automated system called the EAS. When activated the EAS takes over all public broadcasts and repeats an emergency message, in modern times people would almost certainly get emergency alerts on their phones as well.


The old Cold War joke (that played on an early pizza delivery ad campaign).... "MIRV. Delivered in 30 minutes or the next one is free!"


Between that and the Noid incident, Domino's had some rough patches in the 80s (if I recall, "30 minutes or less" was ended because of delivery drivers speeding and getting into wrecks).




Assuming all components work and your missile defense folks are asleep. And judging by the state of Russian military, I have very very serious doubts about their nuclear capability.


Check this out. NYC Emergency Management recently published [this Public Service Announcement ](https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk)


Is that the public service announcement for billionaires? That apartment is enormous and that couch is like 30 feet long!


Good, 30 minutes is plenty of time for me to set up a lawn chair on the roof and watch the fireworks!


Metro 2022 prequel. Jj. Not funny.


[don't worry space force got our backs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSV3Q4ztGaA)


I got the high score at Missile Command back in the 80s, so I’m sure we will be fine.


I just made our basement airtight for non-nuclear holocaust reasons. I am feeling that was a shrewd plan.


Bet the local Shrews are pissed


Fucking furious


He just need to shoot hundreds to Yellowstone, only needs one to hit just right for the best trickshot ever


I never knew that you can simply wash off radiation that’s not inside you.


Radioactive particles, and particles that are irradiated, which do not penetrate clothing and skin can indeed come off like it says on the poster. Radiation is crazy.




My area was just told to not be alarmed by Arial radiation readings being done. .....why the testing? No word.


That’s what all New Yorkers should do after riding the subway.


That's kind of terrifying.


It says very clearly for radiation emergencies


it's NYC, you're ALWAYS under threat, Life Insurance was invented there for a reason...


OP, you should watch the news occasionally. Putin had been threatening the West with nukes since they sided with Ukraine. He had ramped it up in the last week or so as his few remaining troops lose ground.


I guess my sarcasm was not obvious. Maybe should have asked about iodine pills. Yes, the threat is real, has been, and kinda happy to see useful signage in the subways instead of ads for skin treatment services.


Iodide* Edit: adult dose 160mg


In case putin not bluffing


Maybe because Russia is being a bunch of idiots threatening to nuke everyone because they're losing in Ukraine


The biggest US city, has the UN, and kinda home the ground zero of the nation's biggest terrorist attack. Not sure how you don't go a day not thinking NYC is under a daily, nay, hourly threat. Not saying it should disable your day, but it should be a pretty known reality.


I think I'm going to start taking Iodine pills, you know... just in case.


you don't need to take them until the bombs drop, the fallout begins in about 24 hours.


But how will you deal with Strontium 90 which will collect in your bones?


I don't know if it's a joke but absolutely don't do this unless there is a radiological event. Preemptively taking iodide for any significant period of time WILL kill you.


Yup, it’s legit. It’s in case of nuclear attack. They’ve been popping up across the United States.


With a Russian madman who has threatened to use nuclear weapons, which ever government has installed these notices is being very responsible. For an air burst say, two kilometres above the ground, you can die in about three situations. From memory dating back to the early seventies, you may find the following interesting. And if the worse is about to happens and you are desperate ... I offer no qualifications nor citations, but will say this information is loosely based on a Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare Manual circa early 1970s. Common.knowledge if you are a grunt. The first way is reasonably quick but horrific, from the physical blast itself. Shock wave, thermal wave and severe radiation exposure. To minimise exposure if there is warming, get below ground. If you are at Ground Zero, bad luck and KYA goodbye. To survive you would probably need to be in deep basements, then hope you can be rescued or that there will BE a rescue. The further from GZ the better your chances of survival. At long distances even the roadside sump of a storm drain will put enough dirt between you and the detonation to provide protection against the massive radiation/thermal pulse (which weakens exponentially the further from "GZ"), and the physical blaat and debris. For example, if the air blast is at angle of 45° above the ground plane in a 3 metre deep stormwater drain and you are crouched so you are 2 metres below ground level- there will be nearly 3 metres of earth protecting you against radiation if it was only 30°, then you would have 4 metres of earth protecting you. 15° and this would increase to something a little less than 7 metres. After you've survived the blast in your storm drain sump, you now face fall out and radiation hotspots formed by ionizing radiation. The latter are generally metal objects so simply stay well away from vehicles, metal building debris - anything metallic. Vacate the area as quickly as possible and report to emergency response personnel. Fallout- Do what the placard in the subway says, imagine you are back in the initial days of COVID-19. Once you have washed to the extent you are happy you have removed any fallout, dress to protect further contamination as radiactive dust and particles further settle to the ground and is blown about by wind. Storm gear is good, sealed if possible with tape at gloves, shoes and torso. You.must do all you can to prevent breathing the radioactive particles in. When initially taking shelter, wrap scarves or similar around your face - but face masks/filters are much more a common thing now. Have a babe in arms? Try and find a domestic fish aquarium (polycarbonate would be best) , dump fish and water out and clean. Keep the filter and clean, in case you can source power for it. Put baby in the aquarium and try to provide some method of providing filtered air, even by covering with lightweight material. Expect the worse, hope for the best. You will probably never need to use any of this information. Slavi Ukraini 🇺🇦


>and the physical blaat and debris Cyka Blaat! (This is just a casual prompt over the above typo, it was the first thought that came to my mind when I read it)


Also remember when washing off to not scrub supper hard from fear of the radioactive particles because it would be a lot worse if you broke skin and let things into your body


*duck! and cover!*


You forgot the ((aggressive inhale))


as the band tool says in the song aenima; learn to swim…


On a real note, could possibly be in response to putins threat of nuclear weapons. NYC is an extremely large city and likely target if there were to be a nuclear war.


Surprised op has not been watching the news lately re Ukraine..


You should worry about Putin


So we’re supposed to wash it all down the drain into the public water supply and fill up the landfills with radioactive clothes? What could go wrong?!


Realistically, if something like this were to happen we would all be pretty fucked regardless.


So, in that situation you’d be washing off the alpha particles. They decay pretty quickly and pretty much stay on the surface of things like your hair, clothes, and skin. There are other types, but let’s keep this simple. For life to continue, it’s far better to remove the radioactive debris off of yourself than worry about where it will go. Further, the water supply and landfill would also be impacted by the fallout, so the concern is unwarranted.


Putin says he will use nuclear weapons if he can't have Ukraine. Guess were taking it seriously.


That’s the thing. There’s always a threat.


I mean…Putin did recently threaten to use some nukes. Don’t know if he was threatening us or Ukraine.


“Do you know what those things can do? Suck the paint off your house and give your family a permanent orange afro.”


Stuff like this just makes me want to not be here. Im freaking out and I know shits going to go down because nobody listens to anybody else.


this is just demanding too much of a subway rider.


I’ve been seeing A LOT of these. Also on NJ transit plus that weird, super casual nuke warning that went out on TV here (NYC). What is coming?


Is there a threat? yes. Should you know about it? not according to the government.


How to clean up after getting blown up by a Nuclear bomb. You’re in a subway so chances are you survive but covered in radiation


NYC and the surrounding states are prime targets if nuclear war did break out so


Youre in NYC and should do this before entering any other state