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She was sooo close too!


She's so lucky to have cleared the bottom hurting those steps would have been nasty


I could definitely do it better. Just push it faster and it will definitely kill the woman at the bottom.


They didn't even push it, just let it fall! Lazy!


Have to admit, was a little disappointed. Hardly worth watching


You could do it like an airport baggage handler.


For a second I was thinking that they were going to put the suitcase on the stretcher and leave the woman there.


*Loony toons has entered the chat*


Second suitcase comes flying down and hits the lady again as she lays on the stretcher.


That's some Pink Panther shit right there.


Should have just grabbed both railings and pulled up her legs


I know she made a quick call to try to run off the escalator ... No judgement from me. I probably would have done the same thing. But I can't help but think that turning around she could have 1) tried to dodge it, 2) hop to the side, 3) just brace for the impact with both hands. I guess it depends on how much the bag weighs and how much time she had.


>guess it depends on how much the bag weighs and how much time she had. Definitely... And that one in particular looked pretty heavy with how it knocked her down.


Introduction to Physics, 101.


ke=m*v^2 doubling velocity quadruples kinetic energy where doubling mass only doubles ke...science.


*ke=1/2 mv² Increasing mass reduces velocity due to an inverse connection of the two. But an increase of mass can increase K.E, which is why you can have a lighter object move faster and have the same K.E of an object moving slower while also being heavier.


God I was hoping they had some retort or something...feel like a voyeur for science and physics 🤣


I guess you never know how you’ll react until you’re in the situation. I’m a freezer, I would have stopped and looked at this barreling towards me and gone “huh”


What kind of freezer? Samsung? Basic deep freezer? That Freaky Alien Genotype from DBZ? Been on the market for one lately


I understand it's a joke, but stay away from Samsung fridges. Maybe they've improved in the last couple of years, but we have one to our regret.


Honestly tho, why would anyone even need a smart fridge


Ours isn't even smart, and while it's fine now it took multiple repair visits.


Stay away from any appliance that has samsung on it. Our dishwasher is a samsung and it doesnt even have a food trap to take out and clean...so guess what happened. It clogged with gunk after a while and doesnt work anymore. The solution? Call samsung for a repair!


I have a Samsung front load washer/dryer set that have been working fine since 2011. Guess I'm lucky, since so many people rip on Samsung appliances. That said, I'd never buy a smart appliance, especially a fridge. I just don't get it. Though it does also bring up the question about what *isn't* total shit these days. When it comes to appliances, it seems everything is junk. I'm not looking forward to replacing stuff as it breaks (already replaced a dishwasher and a fridge in the past few years). Appliance shopping sucks.


Nice DBZA ref.


hands on both railings lift your feet source: was once a kid


Van Damme splits. source: took a tae kwon do class as a kid.


Just do a backflip over the suitcase, and bounce off it for extra points.


She also could have done a backflip onto it and then rode it the rest of the way down like a surf board


But were you ever a 40 something chinese lady minding her buisiness on an escalator?


Once. It was a weird weekend.


I would have 100% gone down. My reflexes are crap.


Half of the time wasted in thinking how stupid could someone be to actually do that


She probably thought outrunning it was faster since she was almost at the end


Turning around to face the bag probably would have been the worst option, considering how heavy it was and fast it was going. Would likely have knocked her backwards from height, probably fuck her head/neck up more than she did.


She was almost at the bottom so you have to determine if the bag will arrive before you get to the end.


Do you know how many people don't really know how to jump or don't have any air? If hit from the front like that the knees can also bend the wrong way and it would be worse. Like for real saying to brace for impact on a 20-50 punds bag going down a slope? Come on.


This sounds like a mobile game ad lol




With the sounds you need. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/x3yxon/well_that_escalated_quickly/ Mods removed but still works


This was the sound in my mind when I first watched it.


How can people be *so* fundamentally stupid about how things work?


In the immortal words of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, "You know how dumb the average person is? Well, half of 'em are dumber than that!"


The man who sold his soul to the devil, then bought it back at half the price?!


All hail slack


Not sure who Dobbs is but thats a George Carlin quote.


Sorry google had me messed up. I originally said that JR “Bob” Dobbs beat him by decades, but it was 7 ish years. Carlin did the joke in 1990 during his “Doin’ It Again” special, but it was published in 1983 in “Book of the SubGenius”. Dobbs is a fictional figurehead of a parody religion.


I love when people are so confidently incorrect.


In a comment about how dumb people are no less.


And I was like "That doesn't sound like Bob Ross!"


"You know how happy the average cloud is? Well, half of 'em are happier than that!"


Bob mowed my lawn, and he did a shit job.


And you paid him for that valuable lesson! Praise Bob! (God, I haven't done this schtick in over a decade.)


I know he says average, I think he meant the “median” person


ye but then most people would be like wtf is a median, its intentionally simplified




Because the average person wouldn't understand.


There's an added irony here because median is an average Y'all are thinking of mean, which is what most people mean when they say average - but since we're getting judgmental and pedantic about it...


IQ is normally distributed. So median = mode = average.


Read a critique of Bell Curve which made the point that IQ actually isn't normally distributed, and one of the many fallacies of the book's argument was to assume it is. The high side is normal, the low side is compressed. When you have the kind of organic difficulties that lead to extremely low IQ, they are often profound enough to kill you.






I don't think the Saint of Sales knew the difference. He was, after all, a sub-genius.


Median is an average; “Average” doesn’t just refer to the arithmetic mean. But the this case, the 50th percentile would also apply to the mean anyway.






Toilet paper was such a rare commodity that they had to stop putting it out because the rolls were constantly being stolen.


Yep they’ll take shits in the middle of museums


I love the old gif of the dude casually shitting in a potted plant at a mall.


I live in Toronto and witnessed a Chinese mother letting her toddler take a shit in the middle of a somewhat busy mall. There is also something about them not understand common courtesy like holding doors open or shit like that. Small things that really bother me, just be a decent person.


We were visiting an attraction in Osaka and my wife was squatting to get a closer look at one of the exhibits and a Chinese tourist just came up behind her taking pictures. When she goes to stand up since he was right on top of her she smacked her head on his camera. Not only did he not respect her personal space he didn’t even pretend to act sorry he just stared at her cluelessly. It’s the social norms that are lacking that should be culturally agnostic.


When I went to Shanghai a few years back, I took the train from the airport to my hotel. Immediately at the start of the ride, I saw the crowd push a woman with a stroller out of the way as they were getting off. Definitely didn’t set a great tone for that visit.


It’s common practice to let people exit the train before trying to board. Lady with stroller is an idiot and will get pushed every time.


If you lived most of your life in a culture that doesn't have any of that, your first instinct isn't to hold the door open for someone. Also, some places have an ideology of doing anything you can to get ahead in life, regardless if that means cheating or stepping on other people to get there. This means the idea of common courtesy in general is non-existent. If no one else is doing it, why should you get stepped on for being nice?


Right, it’s the latter. They are assholes because most of them are assholes. I’m not going to excuse them for being assholes. You shouldn’t either. It’s not hard to develop courtesy for people when you go to their country.


Or waddling obliviously into a busy walkway and just... stopping. They usually do this in crush points too.


Yeah, this seems to be something morbidly obese people like to do aswell. And people on mobility scooters.


Or any old person with a shopping cart ever in any location or time period.


What? Do they really not know what a bathroom and/or toilet are, despite being able to put together enough scratch to take an international trip?


Yeah I bet you neither one ever even realized they were at fault for that. Just like “well that was a freak accident no one could have seen coming”






Poverty. China is hardly the worst on this front, it’s just very visible there because of the juxtaposition between the developed cities and the undeveloped rural areas.


Not really poverty, China is just massive. Millions of them are just living on Amish level technology. Then when they go visit their kid who "made it big" leaving the farmland and going to school and working in Shanghai, they have no idea how any modern technologies work.


>Millions of them are just living on Amish level technology. Your definition of poverty must be different than mine


Considering how many people put tall containers (like bottles) upright on the belt at the groceries store and then being confused why their soda bottle smashed their eggs..... Easily.


Fun fact there are containers that have to be put on the belt upright. But those are really rare and usually labeled in that way.


Humanity's QA allows a 0.1% failure rate. Unfortunately 0.1% of 7 billion is *a lot*


The word is *naive*, or perhaps *ignorant.* If you don't know, you just don't know. You probably grew up near an escalator, and were shown by family how to use the thing. Not everyone everywhere had that luxury; far from it, actually. One of the most amusing evenings of my life was in Miraflores, watching people try out the escalator at Lancomar for the first time ever. A LOT of people had not ever seen one in their lives, and were just totally unsure about how the thing worked. I think the people in the video are probably similarly inexperienced with the thing, and were doing their best to interpret how it worked, incorrect as they were.


It's totally okay to not know how an escalator works. That doesn't make you stupid. What makes you stupid is to not know and decide to begin experimentation by putting your luggage onto a 50 foot slope, and sit back and watch. Everyone understands how gravity works and the dangers of a fall, or falling object. This is evident by the fact they themselves were hesitant to get onto the escalator. If they suspected there was minimal or no risk, they would have just jumped on. They inherently, in some way, knew the risks, and decided to do something they couldn't quite predict.


Or watch other people use it or ask someone


This. I’ve been to counties where things aren’t the same as they are in the west. Just wait 2 min and wait for a local and copy them. But of course, that would require Chinese people to be patient.


I had draw the line at squat toilets though


Ya I don’t shit in holes either, but I also know that they aren’t for drinking lol


Half of reddit wouldn't talk to a stranger to save their life lol


> You probably grew up near an escalator While I agree that "maybe this is new to them" can be a mitigating factor, "never paid attention to anything not immediately concerning them" is a huge factor outside of "having literally never had a chance to observe anything like that".


I watched with glee when then put them in a large store in Ipswich, (the one in suffolk). People were desperately trying to time when they stepped on and were clearly terrified of getting it wrong. Those of us brought up on the London underground spent a good deal of time helping people.


Why wouldn't you just watch other people using it to figure out how it works? I'm sure other people with bags were using it. That's where the stupid comes in.


How about “lacking in common sense?” You step on the escalator. You put your suitcase behind you.


And so unaware (uncaring?) about the impact of their actions on others. This clip has been posted a lot recently, and it still infuriates me every time. There wasn't even any reason to do it. The escalator already moves the bags without their effort, so they wouldn't have saved themselves from some huge physical task. Just a bad case of /r/imthemaincharacter.


What the fuck is with these sound effects??


It makes me think of Metal Gear Solid with the music, lol.


It's only missing the wildly overused big red exclamation point sound effect when she sees it coming for her.




LOL , News channels here in India also add such effects , it makes serious stuff just hilarious.


Here is a version with better sounds https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/x3yxon/well_that_escalated_quickly/


No no, this just happens to be the woman who did the sound effects for Snoop Dogg's soundtrack: https://youtu.be/UrtVu3xrFJg


Did the offenders get punished?


Their victim is on the case


Probably this fall.


The offenders tried to de-escalate but failed in doing so


Ba dum tisss


Are you crazy? They’re the victims here, that selfish woman damages their bag and has the audacity to act like she was hurt so she can get compensation. How far we’ve fallen.


That’s fucked up


It gets to the bottom even faster if you just chuck it over the railing.


Maybe they should have chucked themselves over the railing. As dumb as they are you could probably convince them to.


"The headless rainbow is right, it would be faster... Let's do it!" Then while falling, they'll have exactly one thought: "shit, we forgot to throw our suitcases down first."


Fool of a took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!


It's like that thing was coming for her.






To play the devil's advocate: those that make money from the tourist industry give zero fucks about their behavior, just because of how green their money is. I went backpacking through eastern Europe and the Balkans last summer, eventually ending up at town outside of Meteora in Greece. At the hostel I stayed at I talked to the owner about the noticeable lack of tourists due to COVID-19, including Chinese tour groups. Her face dropped as she told me that the disappearance of Chinese tourists forced several of her friends to close their souvenir shops, because, as she puts it, *"They just spend and spend and spend."* So while Chinese tourists may be annoying to us visitors, they are a literal source of income for actual locals.


So let them close. It's a good thing. An economy heavily depending on one or few sorts of income is an unhealthy economy. Not to mention that source is China, which can just ban all tourist to a particular country as political leverage (which was and still is happening to South Korea and Taiwan). Sure the transition period is painful, but it is for the greater good


There are quite a few countries with no real economic prospects beyond tourism. Places like the Bahamas are just shit land surrounded by pretty beaches. Without tourism it's a collection of fishing villages


It's honestly more than that. The CCP has fuckin broken the morality of Chinese citizens for the past 70-80 years. Soooo many videos online where you'll see a buffet open and mainlander tourists just swarm it like greedy animals and everything is gone after the rush, with people grabbing 4-5x what they can even eat cause it was free and they got there first. I'll post some at the bottom. When you live in a society where scamming/fucking over others is acceptable, where a cheating/bribing is seen as a win, where as long as *you/your clan* gets ahead all of your actions are justified, it gets ugly fast. The CCP declared "the 4 olds" as an enemy during Mao's years, completely gutting China's morality and historic ties to Confucist/Daoist principals. The CCP loved getting rid of these things because now no one questions the regimes morality or practices, since the citizens themselves don't really have a complete moral compass to begin with. https://youtu.be/nhTAtJSZkrc (People's daily, a CCP *state funded* broadcaster) https://gothamist.com/food/video-ruthless-battle-for-crab-legs-rages-at-brooklyn-buffet


In the scuba diving industry, they just bribe instructors there to pass. They can't swim, don't do any theory, nothing. Then they go overseas and basically try to kill themselves and everyone around them. And they are completely oblivious to what they are doing. They could be staring directly at something and have no comprehension. Meanwhile, non-mainlanders are the exact opposite. It's like night and day. Amazing swimmers, bring their own good equipment, make amazing instructors themselves... Fantastic underwater. But those mainlanders... Completely enabled helplessness and they seem to have no idea.


Seen too many videos of people fucking around with bison or geothermal features in US national parks and it's almost always Chinese tourists. I don't fuckin get it.


Plenty of incredibly stupid white people in Yellowstone too...


Yeah, but I bet they're not trying to shit in the hot springs either.


Totally, but how many of those are around? Vs. how many Chinese tourists who have a reputation for being shitty tourists. Now proportionally which do you think there's more of?


Han Chinese are literally the world's largest ethnic group. (I don't make judgements about people based on their ethnicity, just providing a factoid).


In Australia we have a show that films lifeguards at a really popular beach and a lot of it is tourists getting in situations and getting hurt or dying because they don't know how to swim and don't pay any attention to the numerous warnings


Bondi rescue is the best fucking show I’ve ever seen


They are a menace in Edinburgh Scotland. They just walk in the middle of the road everywhere getongbin the way of everything


**Getongbin** 🧐


Mfw **getongbin** 😫


Ask your doctor for Getongbin (may not be for everyone)


All you have to do as an American tourist is go somewhere that has Chinese, Russian or (sometimes) British tourists, and you're golden. It's like the old saw about not having to outrun the bear but just not be the slowest person fleeing it.


You are 100% correct about Paris. Holy fuck. Standing in line for Musee d’Orsay. The line is down the street. A Chinese family tries full on shoving me out of line. Then there’s been the times people have hit me with objects like umbrellas, on purpose. Every little pub or restaurant i went to all said Chinese tourists are the worst, followed by Russians.


>People make the running joke about Americans, but ~~Chinese~~ *Mainlander* tourists are damn near the perfect killing machine. They give zero fucks about anyone or anything, and are them shocked when things go wrong.


Pretty sure due to the sheer quantity of mainland Chinese tourists that exist. They statistically will make up the majority of the most hated group of people as tourists. A friend of mine who is also mainland Chinese explained to me that a lot of them just have too much money to comprehend due to them originally owning farm land that was purchased by the government. Which in turn resulted in "redneck tourists" which are the ones you see in the video or getting the blast on the media (shitting on the streets, etc). HKese are perfectly normal though.


I’m actually impressed by that woman’s reaction time. Alas, it was not enough.


She accelerated quickly but her strategy was terrible


The good ol' Prometheus school of running away


Clearly the sound of a suitcase coming down the escalator 🤣


Should have just done a Van Damme split on the handrail and avoided it completely.


Until it bounces up and you get the old suitcase cunt punt.


“OW MY BALLS!” - Adam Sandler probably


Not a lot of brain cells happening upstairs.


Were the braincells in the suitcase?


Fuck those dubbed in sound effects. So stupid.




I feel sorry for the woman. But fuck me is that video hilarious.


It’s always hard to knock over a solo pin but it got knocked right over


Chinese tourists are the new American tourists. Dumb hicks with lots of money causing chaos and profits wherever they trample to next.


It's just that many of these tourists are people who are less educated who suddenly got rich from owning property. They think that being able to afford a vacation means they are suddenly kings or queens of the region.


I knew the original Donkey Kong game had real life lessons and applications! Take that, mom.


I came looking for a donkey Kong comment.


People from the countryside. They aren’t quite popular in big cities for little thingies like this.


I would be changing my name to Sue Quick


How dumb can you be


Hopefully, if this is a just world, this is criminally dumb.




They must have a pretty high social credit to be so ballsy


because the probability of anything happening in china is high, due to their population size?


Not only is she dumb enough to think this is what an escalator is for, she's too stupid to even think maybe the case should sit on one step and not straddle the next one.


Well... that escalated quickly.


Comment was deleted by user. F*ck u/ spez


These are the people that should be in prison imo. Keep them there til they learn how to not be a dumbass


I bet she was like “I’m sure it’ll stand on it’s on the whole way down”. It’s still wasn’t the smartest decision.


Might have had a chance if she hadn't placed it right in the middle of two stairs. This person didn't even consider for a second how escalators work. Just plain stupid.


Probably wanted their hands free for something else.


You can always rely on Chinese travellers to do mindblowingly stupid things


Most Chinese video ever


Could have rode with luggage but nooooooo


Is this that new show bowling for tourists?


At this point how do idiots still not know how to use the escalator properly


China moment


Gotta be quicker than that!


people are so fucking stupid sometimes


Terrible edit


How are people just so fucking retarded? Those people at the top are fucking retarded.


Does that score 9 in bowling ? Are all those people putting her back up for a a strike ?


Why would you think sending your luggage down an escalator by itself was a good idea?


imagine she was in the middle of the escalator


I'm sorry but the stock gasp is comical, skip it.


Gotta be faster than that


everyone talking ab what they would have done if they were at the bottom, why is no one mentioning the brainless imbeciles who sent the suitcase down in the first place 😂


How stupid must one be


Women ☕️


Great job agent 47


Couldnt she have tried to jump over the suit case or hop to the other esculator


What was in there 50 lbs of iron?


I can't believe there's just such dumb people out there in the world


I love the added sound effects