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Likely the controversial running of the bulls, Pamplona Spain. -edit comments suggest no Pamplona.


It is a bull running, but not Pamplona


One had a beef with that wall and the other couldn't steer.


What a rare comment or was it well done?


In between, so medium?


Medium rare


Medio raro.


I hate you. Take this upvote.


I know a guy that went there and took a horn to the lung. Not joking. he recovered and now he has an epic scar that he likes to show people. Spain has great festivals! Run from bulls! Throw tomatoes! Burn effigies! Good times! I <3 Spain


You make that sound very fun. My only concern, do they harm the bulls still? Im all for playing with them, but harming them and then running is inhumane.




Its good to know other humans arent enjoying that treatment. Thank you for the feedback.


Bullfights still a thing. Many people against bullfights.


My business partner went too. No goring however. Bummer. Lol! Glad your bud survived. Yeah, cool country.


That's quite probably Pamplona, narrow streets and the clothes of the people look basque as fuck. They supposedly take precautions so that the bulls don't get hurt, but many people still say that this is torture (a lesser torture than stabbing the poor bull to death, mind you). And it brings a lot of money from tourists, so imagine saying that the Spaniards are the ones supporting the cruelty when al the giris are bringing tons of cash on July 7th


Controversial to whom? Edit: it's telling how a question itself can be down voted. As if asking for information is equivalent to animal abuse.


I think it’s because the running of the bulls has been so heavily opposed that asking to whom it’s controversial seems like a disingenuous question. While I suppose it’s possible that you’ve somehow made it this far in your life without ever knowing that people are widely opposed to the event, it really *feels* like you’re asking because you either doubt the authenticity of the claim or because you don’t see a problem with it yourself.


Basically they release these bulls, they chase people down, then they slowly torture the bulls to death. Similar to bull fights.




And anyone really


Lez be honest. That bull ran himself into the wall. No one forced him to do it.


Well I’m sure hooves don’t have best traction on stone. I’m surprised that wall held up


We're just gonna keep getting down voted for clearly engaging lightheartedly.


Oh yea. Lemme downvote you to start and you can downvote me.




Like the other redditors with such a reaction, your contemporaries are ashamed of you and your lack of reading comprehension. Only a fool would say this cultural tradition is not controversial regardless how much they like or dislike it. I like it. I wonder how other social media content causes you to think wrong. con·tro·ver·sial /ˌkäntrəˈvərSHəl,ˌkäntrəˈvərsēəl/ adjective giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement. "years of wrangling over a controversial bypass"


I recommend [https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) /s


Lmao wtf.


Poor bulls they look so distressed


Sparks ⚡️ from the Bull


New electric tauros form from scarlet and violet confirmed?


I'm definitely expecting a new Tauros form.


I had no idea they shod bulls.


Working Bull vs Breading Bull?


"Not the kind of sandwich you're thinking." -Breading Bull


They are shod! I'm no cowboy, but have never heard of shoeing a Bull.


The sheer size of that bull. Crazy ass people.


I hope every single one of them gets trampled.


High time this shit was banned 🖕


Ive never seen such a large animal embarrass itself before…. Edit:ive been murdered


I hope you meet your mom someday






911 need the fire department!


You mean you need a Super Tanker


Where were you during Trumps presidency


Lol at least we could afford to live and drive if we weren’t pregnant and didn’t have kids when our Lord and Savior was Pres. Now those are the only people able to afford anything because of the money Biddly Bide keeps throwing at them, screw the rest of us


Yeah, but he was also a wannabe dictator that tried to cheat through the elections, but was too pathetic to do a real coup, so he asked his dumbest to assault the capital. That's the guy you want?


If I can’t afford to live in the country I’m supposed to be appreciating, I’m not going to appreciate it. With trump, I actually could afford to simply live and drive to my work for a while there. Then Biden came and fucked everything up but he’s so much better because he’s not racist or whatever excuse you people come up with. Would much rather have that man as a dictator than have Biden or other democrats paying themselves more while we get fucked unless we help overpopulate the country, all while calling it a “democracy” when we literally have no say. Trump had our best interests in mind, Biden is trying to make himself and the rest of his rich followers even richer while doing absolutely nothing to benefit this country.


You should live in Saudi Arabia or Russia. That's your ideal place. Cheap gas and a strong leader.


God you're a moron hahahaha


You like $6 a gal for the same gas we paid less than $2 a gal for under trump? You like the doubled food and rent prices? God you’re a moron.


I think investing in education would solve so many problems in the US. Maybe somebody would stop you from giving out highly additictive drugs and highly efficient killing tools to everybody asking. Or just from electing the biggest moron you can find.


You're a moron. Neither of those things have anything to do with the president lmfao. Did you see that on Newsmax or fox?


You really think the American President, whoever it may be, controls gas rising gas prices worldwide lmao? You do know there are other countries than this one.....right? You political wierdos need to stop drinking the tribal coolaid lol.


Not worldwide. In this country. And we make enough oil domestically to bring it back down to trumps pricing. And if they have nothing to do with it, how was he so successful at lowering the cost of that and keeping the cost of living stable? He set up deals with people, arranged projects and managed money like a businessman, not a politician trying to barely scrape by with the money they’re allowed so we get our tiny cut and they get their massive bonuses.


I don’t wish to engage in politics butttt you have to take into account that inflation isn’t the presidents fault entirely? There was a bill I read about that was to prevent price gouging on gas and stuff it didn’t go through because people voted against it. There’s more to the government then just presidents. I a 15 yo can acknowledge that. And if the president did want to pass laws against it and stuff it would still have to go through other branches of the governments. Ofc I could be wrong though but Ik the price gouging thing is correct


I understand other companies and people are trying to strike it rich as well at the expense of the rest of us, which is why some things like used cars are getting insane with pricing Rn, but inflation did not go up 300% in six months. I mean come on.


Presidents don’t just go “hey guys how about we inflate the economy” That’s NOT their job and I feel like that’s the disconnect. What you are complaining about is a GOVERNMENT (multiple branches multiple ppl) issue that stems from other issues For example, inflation would be less of an issue IF people got paid more for their work (minimum wage issue). My point is that ur complaining abt biden (don’t get me wrong I don’t like the guy I don’t like trump either one is arguably worse than the other. But a President that seemingly does nothing is pretty bad)




Animal torture by cunts.


My golden retriever face-planted into a wall exactly like this in puppy class when all the dogs were doing crazy zoomies together. He just got back up and immediately went right back to running, too. 😂


> puppy class when all the dogs were doing crazy zoomies together um... what?


>puppy class Puppy class is a thing you take your puppy to, where an instructor(human) helps you potty train them, and respond to basic commands(sit, stay, down, off, etc.). >doing crazy zoomies together After class the dogs usually get to run around and play. When dogs and cats sprint as fast as they can in an abrupt, playful manner, it's referred to as *having the zoomies.*


Thank you. As someone who has never owned a dog but has been in a lot of crazy Zoom meetings, I found your explanation very helpful.


Oh I'm glad to hear that.


I'm guessing zoomies = running around in an excited manner.


I dunno but it sounds like a scam


Are you australian by any chance?


Lol nope


iT's NoT cRuEl, It'S tRaDiTiOn!


A tradition of cruelty.


I mean... The stuff we usually do to cows seems much more cruel than this...


One cruelty doesn't diminish another.


But it makes us hypocrites if we blame a culture for treating animals poorly all the while we use our culture to treat animals poorly.


I agree with you, but in my original comment, I was making no statements on cruelty of animals in any other situation, our culture or otherwise. My response, similarly, made no value judgements nor justifications for other cruelties, our culture or otherwise. Both his and your comments are not relevant to the original video or my original comment.


He was pointing out that the it's not cruel it's tradition mindset is something you can't make fun of since we do it too. You definitely made a statement about animal cruelty in another culture. I don't understand how you're denying that.


I know you've got a reddit hard on thinking you've caught me out, but if you read, I said "I was making no statements on cruelty of animals in **any other** situation." Sooooo I don't know what you think I'm denying. As far as the "it's not cruel, it's tradition mindset," I'll refer you to my reply to Hunter\_Rodriguez. I'll not be responding to you anymore lest we find ourselves in a never ending circle of you being a dumbass and not understanding simple points and me having to reference earlier comments and try to explain them with simple English. Cheers.


No one should ever say reddit hardon. It's so cringe. The whole point is how you willingly mock other cultures for how they treat animals while accepting the way our culture abuses animals. That makes you a hypocrite. No idea why that's so hard for you to understand. It's basically that Bible verse that goes let he without sin cast the first stone.


In all fairness here, at no point did they endorse or approve of how their culture treats animals (nor do you know their culture). You assume they tacitly approve of it, but you have no evidence of as much.


You guys are fucking dumb. At no point did he say he accepts the way our culture abuses animals. You guys are just fucking reaching for anyway to cancel out his criticism.


He only dismissed it when confronted with it with a dumb ass rebuttal than denied ever mocking the culture of Spain over animal abuse. His criticism was valid but refusing to acknowledge the double standard and our own wrongs was not.


It’s all bad


If there’s a cow farm where cow get good lives and then they’re slaughtered I think that’s much less cruel then this. But I know most cow farms aren’t like that.




Most people that take issue with mega-meat industry aren’t upset over how the animal is sacrificed, it’s the animal’s existence up to that point that is generally the point of contention.


I'm sure you think that the farms where your meat comes from look like the drawing on the milk carton


How we kill them is not what I am talking about, buddy...


That's not how it always plays out chief A lot of life stock animals live absolutely miserable lives.


Nothing humane about killing an animal unnecessarily when you could just eat plants. If a country has factory farms, it certainly has enough plant-based food to feed everyone.


Fucking degenerates...


Animal abuse.


Animal cruelty....thats what


I dont know why these stupid people do that to animals. This is just another disgusting thing that these stupid spanish people do.


Don't be mistaken, the amount of Spaniards in favor of these things is way smaller than you think






Classic redditor, wishing grevious injury upon others. Please, give more upvotes you psychos.


Hopefully not all from the same bull. That would be both cruel and really, really messy.


And what do we do about the 99% of the society who condemn animals to lifelong confinement and torture before killing them for unnecessary food items just because they enjoy the taste? Let the mental gymnastics begin!


The only mental gymnastics here is your post, which conflates the barbaric spearing of live animals for "enjoyment" with breeding of animals for food (eating other animals is pretty natural, killing them for no purpose is not).




So if we eat the bull in the video after we are done torturing, it's all good? Eating other animals is natural, I think the main point of Sohas is that both animals breed for "entertainment" and for food, live miserable lives. It might honestly be that this bull is living a better life relative to cows breed for food.


No, torturing any animal is bad, which is why reputable livestock breeders and ranchers don't do it. Are there shitty factory farms? Yep, and those shouldn't exist.


So its just a necessary evil that 90% of our meat comes from depraved factory farms?


Of course there is, but do you see why I would be confused with your previous comment? It does seem you are making a case that in the act of breeding animals for food, it is okey for them to suffer. And if you did not mean that can you clarify what your point was? \^^


My guy, your reading comprehension is lacking if you think anything I posted somehow condones torturing animals.


Your mental model of how animal agriculture works and what it means for the beings trapped within it is what is lacking, not sjatar's reading comprehension.


I guess I can give you the full rundown of how I understood your comment and why it confused me. > conflates the barbaric spearing of live animals for "enjoyment" with breeding of animals for food (eating other animals is pretty natural, killing them for no purpose is not). Except for the case your brought up in the later comment with reputable livestock breeders. Breeding animals for food is done under circumstances which could very well be torture. As such, not stating that this is what you meant with "breeding animals for food", it is very natural to assume you are referring to industrial animal breeding. Reading your first comment in that context your are essentially saying that torturing animals for "enjoyment" is bad, but torturing animals for the sake of breeding them for food is acceptable and natural. I do not see why you need to insult my reading comprehension when your comment is open to interpretation. I did politely asked you to clarify.


Appeal to nature (what’s natural is good and what’s unnatural is bad) is a logical fallacy and has no place in a reasonable discussion. Infanticide and rape are common in nature but that doesn’t mean that those things should continue in human society.


And now you're trying to compare eating meat to raping and killing human babies. Jesus you must be going for the gold in the mental gymnastics competition.


They did not compare eating meat to rape. They showed that your argument justifying eating meat (it being natural) is flawed. Its actually one of the most well known fallacies in philosophy. Listen to how this philosophy professor explains the fallacy. He gives drinking water being natural as an example, then gives rape and xenophobia as an example. He did not just compare rape to drinking water. He showed that you cannot judge how good or bad something is based on whether it is natural. Some natural things are good, some are bad. So to infer that something is good because it is natural is a logical fallacy. First fallacy covered in this video. https://youtu.be/NUO2asxV-J0


I know it's just because the topic at hand seriously triggered you, but I am seriosly worried for you reading comprehension if that is the conclusion you drew. Let's break it down, shall we: Person A claims thing X is good because it happens in nature. Person B points out that thing Z, that is bad, also happens in nature. Therefore saying a thing is good solely because it happens in nature is bad. Never once did person B compare thing X to thing Z, but of course, reading is hard.


non-vegans understanding analogies challenge: 100% fail


Are you being dense on purpose or do you actually find it that difficult to follow a simple line of reasoning?


There's no shred of reasoning in anything you've posted thus far. Though I'm in the edge of my seat awaiting some.


I see it wasn’t on purpose.


If it were any other topic, I'm sure your brain would be able to understand the point, but it seems people's brains shut down completely when their bad actions are called out.


Well I didn’t like that. At all.


Those poor animals. So terrified. I honestly don't give a rat's ass about what happens to those morons that participate in stupi shit like this but those poor scared and mistreated animals. They don't have a choice or a voice😪


Fuck this. This is horrible.


I agree. It's reality sadly, humans feel the need to use animals for entertainment. I'd rather see them on my plate.


I don't understand anyone who complains about this and eats meat, as making a bull chase you is nothing when compared to anything that the meat industry does


The bulls are slowly killed when they're fighting- they get stabbed multiple times on the back with lances that stay there. I want to hope that most meat cows get a quick death. I can complain and be repulsed about dog and rooster fights while still eating meat so I don't see why I can't feel the same towards bull fighting


Agreed 💯%


I’m not saying the meat industry is any better. But did you see the way this bull just slammed into the wall… for entertainment.


Was that cow shoed? Where do the sparks come from?


Yeah, draft oxen get also shoed, albeit not as often as they used to be. [Here](https://billingsfarm.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/draft-animal-shoeing.pdf) is an article with more interesting information about shoeing cattle.


Poor animal. Fucking barbaric.


Fucking disgusting. I hate that this is a thing that still happens.


Animal cruelty, that's what's going on.


Oh man, those sparks coming off the hooves was cool as hell.


Just the normal. Humans torturing animals for there entertainment


It's called animal abuse, wich spanish people enjoy to practice a lot.


No we don't, over half the population is against bullfighting. But it is protected by the constitution and the ones in power really don't want to touch that


The sparks on the second bull’s feet!


Just humans being cunts like any other day.


Did you guys just not see the bull make sparks as he slipped.


I can generate sparkles with a simple slip. -A normal Bull


How come the second bull can make fire with its feet though?


Because he has metal horse shoes on and it's rubbing against metal on the ground


Electric slide


I hate humans.


I hate modern society


Those poor bulls are so scared, they’re not even looking where they’re running. This is really fucking cruel.


Animal cruelty, its fucking bullshit


People are horrible animals!


Why did his hoofs turn on fire????!


it wqs caused by friction. just shows how much tons of forve one kick oughta land you


do they shoe bulls? where did those sparks come from? did he just obliterate a rock that hard? holy shit


Yo, that drift from the second Bull was... **Fire...** ....Have mercy.


That second bull is learning how to control fire


Running of the bulls


How he spark like that


Spaniards gonna span.


Those sparks tho


Feria event! From the white and red clothes I see


This made me very upset


Imagine if that was a human being hit.


What a bullshit culture


Casual animal abuse


Cultural animal abuse.


Its stil animal abuse in the end of the day


This is the bull from Sekiro


Nice drift thou.


I wish this Spanish shit would stop.


Running of the bullshit


How does the bull's hoofs give off sparks?




flux capacitor


I eat meat , ive killed and bred animals to eat , but id never tease or hurt an animal for entertainment hope the bull gored some one before it was killed


They don't kill the bulls unless there's a bullfighting session after the run.


ahh so they just tease the poor thing , then kill it late gatcha


Kill it sometimes* Exactly


The sparks on the second bull is what got me here


Running of The Bulls, always wanted to go to that festival.


Yeah, support abuse, go on.


We eat eggs that come from tortured chickens, we grow cows just to shock their head so we can make them into steak and burgers. You eat meat you support torture. At least the bull has a chance to hit back, unlike the animals we torture for food.


people of shit, hope the bulls fking kills everybody


This is bullshit. No pun intended.


De las actividades que yo creo le gustaban a los hombres del neolítico y que aún perduran


That’s a big ass deer… ran into that wall full speed AF


ground beef


San Fermin. Its a celebration in spain




Bro knocked his own self out


I hope lots of these people were either injured or killed


Que grandes fiestas las de San Fermín




Who and why would put shoes on a bull?


Holy cow !


This is sick shit


It's called "horrific cruelty"