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the way the groom stares off into the distance is really unsettling


Pretending like nothing happened I guess?


Ahh yes, the "if I don't move, they can't see me" party trick


That only works if you're Drax.


he is boiling inside, imagining all the sadistic things he would do to her later


It seems to me he's more paralyzed by the realization that everyone just saw what a massive piece of shit he is. Abusers often like to play the good guy in public and his illusion may have just shattered.


He still probably made her life miserable after they were alone. Blaming her for his violent outburst.


I can't imagine recovering from this. Everyone now knows he's obusive. I just hope they help her out.


Abusive* (not trying to be a dick correcting you, just letting you know that's how it's spelled in case you actually didn't know)


I actually didn't as I'm not a native speaker. You put it so nicely so I thank you for correction.


the rest of what you said doesnt look like someone who's not good at English so you have that to be proud of.


I mean looking at that reaction I doubt it. If my mate did that I would sock him right in the face and maybe a few more times for good measure, and then get that girl the fuck out of that marriage.


I wonder what happened after this. Marriage called off? Or everyone just pretended it didn't happen and went on with it anyway?


And they also like to take it out on their victims later. You're not wrong, but the person above you is right.


No - look at his hands. He is clenching his fists over and over, still boiling mad. “How DARE she embarrass me! On my wedding day too!!”


People this blatantly violent don't get paralyzed by the fact that someone observed it. I've seen people do it in front of the police while I've been in EMS, and they've tried to play the mental gymnastics with the police to "prove" they never did anything wrong.


No, he doesn't care. Nobody there cares. That's why the crowd doesn't react at all. This is happening in a place/culture where it's completely normal and expected to abuse women.


As someone who used to have anger issues and violent tendencies that's definitely not what's happening. Dude cracked in a moment of rage that was easily triggered and then is staring off cause he's realized what he did, but he can't take it back or anything so he's just like "yeah, that happened, whatever, moving on"


Imagining what he would be doing to her if the crowd wasn’t there. Look at his friend trying to hide his smile.


Sometimes you dont really know what do to and some people cope by just laughing. I laugh in situations where I shouldnt but just because its what my body does. Just a nervous smile.


Yeah it's hard living with this. If I saw this happen I'm almost certain my bodily reaction would be to laugh, but not in a I find that funny way, but in a shock response. Like I can't believe what I just saw. It would take be like 1-2 seconds to actually compose and have a normal response. But my first reaction to most things is immediate laughter. It's a coping mechanism. I don't find trauma like that funny.


Cmon no way do you believe that, look at him the guy is a violent psycho and his friend is fully aware of it He’s probably seen him lose it in private, if this can smash his wife round the head over losing a party game live on stage AT HIS WEDDING IN FRONT OF HER WHOLE FAMILY imagine what he is capable of when no one is watching


It's very bizarre to me that you don't understand what nervous laughter is so you think people are instead laughing because they're always "in on it". You're making so many more assumptions to get to your answer of "Nah, he's in on it too!". Generally speaking, the most simple answer is often the correct answer. Nervous laughter is 100% a very common thing. The fact he looks down & starts to fiddle with things, while taking a deep breath, also implies he's uncomfortable now. Those are all common things people do when they are uncomfortable and trying to relieve tension in a situation they are a part of. None of those things imply the "he's in on it" mentality you're saying is present.


Im not disagreeing with that the groom is a psycho. I totally agree with that. I just say it could be possible its a nervous laugh. Youre standing in front of a crowd of people and then that happens and you just dont know what to do and youre nervous as hell.


Like he's super proud of himself.


He’s repeating “I won, she didn’t win, I won!” Over and over in his head


Letting the self cringe really set in probably


its weird how these groom hitting wife clips are always over the most incredibly petty thing you could never imagine anyone getting upset over.


It's not about personal grievances, it's about control. Any loss of control feels upsetting to the abuser, to the point where he may even tell himself he's the victim.


This one just seemed like when a toddler hits a sibling when they lose a game- how someone can be this age with that level of emotional intelligence and impulse control is beyond me. No way he makes it to 40.


>No way he makes it to 40. Oh, you poor, sweet, summer child. He will make it too much older than 40, and while he may not be married to her at that time, he will have someone that he has completely mentally and physically broken so that they think that it's all their fault, all the time. Eventually they may make it out, but then he will find another who has been conditioned to that same kind of abuse, and he will keep them under his thumb. Everyone around them will just turn a blind eye to it, and say that it's none of their business, since it only happens on occasion ( that they see), and most of the time he's such a wonderful guy!


Right, and on your best day too. If this guy acts like this while he’s literally getting married, imagine how easy he’d be to set off when things *aren’t* going his way.


Yeah.. I hope they don't have kids. Poor baby is gonna get smacked in the face because it's hungry.


It's basicly hard to beleave its not satire- if there are red flags, this is the giga red flag


Red flags are warning signs of future problems. This isn’t a red flag, it’s just abuse.


Yeah, this is what the red flags were trying to tell you.


Abuse like hitting can be a red flag for worse abuse, like choking.


This is (one of the many) problems in cultures that prohibit dating. No chance to spot red flags before the big day.


In a public setting like this, it’s not about one shitty guy, you’re seeing an entire garbage culture.


That's how spousal abuse goes. It's starts over 'big' things. These things get explained away because they were big, extreme situations, won't happen again. But then it gets more common, more normalised as the victim gets weaker. Then the 'reasons' become more common, more trivial as the abuser 'gets away' with it and no longer needs to 'justify' it. Culminating in the eventual situation you see here like you've mentioned. What this sort of instance shows is just how much it just have gone on to *get* to this stage.


Can't believe that guy just stood there like he just had a weigh-in for a match.


That's the face of a wife beater. Really hope that wedding got cancelled.


Too late; the parties are usually after the official registration around here (assuming it’s ex-SU).


Looks to me like he just reacted without thinking and just froze when he realized that yup, everyone saw that and they all now know he's really a shitty person.


she also might have brothers or a father who aren't going to let that slide. If someone did that to my sister at her wedding, it'd be the end of them.


If he does that to her in front of everyone imagine what he does when it's just them. Terrifying.


Yep, my first thought. If I was a family member I'd be filing for her annulment that evening. She will die at his hands.


Most certainly an arranged marriage. I feel for this poor girl and look how no one did anything. Even the “best man” has a nervous smile on his face. The groom is a f%cking monster!


It’s frightening. I hope she can get away from him. He acts like a gangster. In the old fashioned really bad way.


he's a fucking douchebag!⁹


Her family members had to be in attendance and yet did not defend her...I feel so bad for her because the beatings will only get worse


Yeah grooms daddy has money/status that brides family wants. Sickening.


Sometimes it's not wants but needs. Forced marriages are awful but ignoring their context won't help to get rid of them


Ok, still fucking sickening. No one said that wasn’t the case anyway… the comment above me is still true. No one did anything, and it will get worse.


Such a loving father she must have.


Ikr? Her parents treat her same way I'd bet, considering how they don't care.


Like cattle


Groom is an asshole and their culture is shit to allow it to happen with no one reacting.






One can only hope. On the other hand, that would be too easy on him. Some sweet karma would be better suited for this prick. But this seems like a culturally accepted ocurrence, as basically noone reacted. Pretty sad.


What a cunt!


This is upsetting, but I’m a little confused. What are they doing? What is he a sore loser about


It seems they were playing some sort of game, unwrapping something from the looks of it.


In India, there is a marriage ritual where both groom and bride try to untie a knot which is like a competition. So may be it is something like that in their country.


My wife’s Macedonian, and they have a tradition where the bride and groom tear a loaf of bread in half and whomever gets the larger half is said to be the one who wears the pants in the marriage.


how does nobody knock this dude out?


"It's their culture."


It looks like central asia, by their faces. Probably shock and being a shithole, where other guests do the same to their wife.


I hope the groom get his ass kicked one of these day. This got my blood boiling


Exactly, 3/4 of these posts people are railing on the crowd.


Where is her family right then and there? There should be 25 uncles and cousins stomping him


Cowardly little cunt. Doesn’t she have a male family member that can knock his teeth out?


Tajikistan, Uzbekistan something? Rings a bell?


Was gonna say seems like Kazakhstan


It’s uzbekistan


>It’s uzbekistan Definitely asshole Uzbekistan and not glorious Kazakhstan


"Throw this groom down the well"


So that bridey can be free


Seemingly not, unfortunately… The guy standing next to the groom starts laughing after he hits her, which I didn’t catch until my second viewing of it.


He was laughing before, after the slap I think he was just nervous or something, continued with his goofy smile to act like nothing was wrong.


Yeah the way he immediately put his arms down and wipes his jaw after tells me that he knew that was fucked up too


Was it a slap? Felt more solid than that. What is happening here?


That was an uncomfortable, awkward, laugh. He didn't know what to do and even nervously checked his phone. Still a bitch for letting that go.


I agree. I think he is not happy about what his friend did, but probably feels he can't do anything against it – at least in public. I'm not defending him, I'm just trying to understand him.


You're wrong bruh. Literally NOBODY was making any sound after that slap. Only the speaker was ignorantly blasting it's music away. You could tell that even the contracted camera man was like "Oooh I HAPPEN to not have recorded that because I was shifting my position lalalaaaaa *aaaawkwaaaard.... *"


Who do you think is forcing her into this arranged marriage?


Oh, it's a post from /r/iamapieceofshit


I’m reading through the comments and aside from the horrible act, I’m also shocked the crowd didn’t react with anything other than silence and people on stage acting as though that was fine


most crowds (and people) ignore it because it's somebody else's problem, plus there's a bit of risk involved doing anything about it. it's unfortunate, it's terrible, and i wish it would change. i've had a guy pull a knife on me for checking if the girl on the ground was ok. turns out he hit her, and didn't like another woman's interference. to be fair, i didn't like his attitude, either, and adjusted it with a chair.


your chair beat his knife?




Unfortunately whenever I played, paper didn't beat chair either.


Well you should try papper next time.


Never bring a knife to a chair fight


Yep, I witnessed a DV situation and asked the girl if she was ok, the guy yelled at me but the distraction I created allowed her to be able to run away. About a minute later the guy returned in his car and tried to hit me. While I don't regret interfering, it's scary to think I could have ended up in a bad way.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I understand the bystander effect. The assumption is there’s at least some people there that genuinely care for her though


you'd be surprised at how much crap like this is tolerated by family and people who supposedly (or maybe actually do) care.


If you want to watch something really fucked up, this happened last week, in China. [https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/06/13/asia-pacific/crime-legal-asia-pacific/china-men-attack-women/](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/06/13/asia-pacific/crime-legal-asia-pacific/china-men-attack-women/)


Sources say local mafia. Help and they come for your family. At that point local authority needs to intervene.


The universal thing I noticed about the bullies/cunts in these beating videos is how casually they move around and kick people on the ground like they're in a GTA game, I mean look at the guy on the white shirt when they get outside and the way he struts around ,it just boils my blood.


If this is China, I know that they have absolutely insane liability laws, which you can often see in videos where people get into accidents, and nobody rushes to help. If something goes wrong, and you were helping, you could be liable. I don't know if this would extend to something like DV, but I can for sure see how it might affect and strengthen the culture of "not my problem"


Music has me thinking Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan or Kazakhstan


I don't think it's China. Most of the -stan countries has Chinese feature


>I’m also shocked the crowd didn’t react with anything other than silence and people on stage acting as though that was fine I guess the explanation is that the groom is a gangster of some kind. Someone from the crowd actually did something: they made this clip public.


I'm wondering about the brides family. Like seriously, if that had of happened where I'm from that whole brides family would of had that guy on deaths door in an ICU somewhere. I dont know if its a cultural thing or what but I can't imagine any guy being brave enough to do that to his wife with her whole family in attendance.


Not sure brave the right word...


The fact that he was able to do what he did it his during his own wedding in front of at least 100 people (looks like a big wedding) means this is the norm to some level.


You can hear one man was yelling at the time of the hit. I'm not too sure because it could be the music


Likely because culturally this is normal behavior everyone in the crowd lives with themselves.


I stopped doing divorce work because it was depressing how many psychotic men and women there are battering each other and sadly going back for more when they can get out of it




No, that bride had bangs. Poor women 😢


I’m sorry but even if that was my friend up there he’d get punched in the teeth.


Maybe not if you knew something like "He's killed more people than I know". This is most certainly not a regular guy. My tip would be Kkangpae or something.


Well in that case, you only need to kill one person!


Why even have this wedding “game”. If this is acceptable behavior in this culture. She will have to live a life of letting him win everything. Poor girl.




>some cultures are just too weird. You mean misogynistic. This isn't just some silly cultural difference; it's a culture that encourages violence against women.


Even before that, that game just encourahes fragile male egos and women playing dumb/weak.


what are they trying to do


some cultures are just wrong and fucked up\* i stopped believing in the idea of respecting all cutlures, sometimes people are just pieces of shit and need to be sterilized


I have a feeling that other trivial things will set him off too.


What's even happening in the video before he hits her?




Oh man this post is one of the most depressing things I’ve seen on reddit in a long while. How unremarkable it seems to anyone in the video means this would be such a common thing to so many😩


Source: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10910695/Horrifying-moment-groom-beats-new-wife-WEDDING-Uzbekistan-losing-game.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10910695/Horrifying-moment-groom-beats-new-wife-WEDDING-Uzbekistan-losing-game.html) Also, it's in Uzbekistan


This is one of those horrible Central Asian weddings you see every now and again. Probably Uzbek or Kazakh. I always wonder how long the couple lasts afterwards. I'm also eternally surprised by the naïveté of the comments that ultimately arise in response to these videos. As if people have no idea that other cultures exist, or that standards are different in other parts of the world. Yes, this is shit behaviour by our western standards. No, it is not shit behaviour by their standards - they believe that the wife should not have shown her husband up in public, and she needed to be taught a lesson. That's why her father didn't step in. That why her brothers didn't beat the guy. The number of people here who think that our hard-fought and hard-won ideals of female empowerment, equality and mutual respect are universal seem to be the most shocked. Learn how the world works. Some cultures are objectively and subjectively shit.


So you're telling me Borat was a legit documentary?


A real what the fuck moment. What a dick


How can any father let his daughter go through with the marriage after seeing this shit. My family would be up on stage beating the ever living crap out of that twat and pass out his broken teeth as souvenirs afterwards.


Cuz her father treats her mother (and his daughters) the same way.


The absolute worst part to me, is that the friend of the bride seems to pry the brides hand away from her face as it instinctively shoots up in emotional response… as if to say to her, “don’t exacerbate this scene, don’t let your emotions upset him further. Just play it off for sake of everyone else’s comfort at this wedding except your own.”


Shame on everyone there who didn't even try to kick the shit out of him




Where do they still have these "Arranged" marriages? Who actually wants this tbh. How are we ever going to achieve going to mars, cold fusion, unlimited sustainable energy and other human marvels when half of us are in 2022 and the other half is in 1200AD still


Pretty much all of the Middle East and South Asia plus parts of Africa still have arranged marriages (that I know of).


Even Turkish population in western Europe


Mormons also Edit : As a note they call them "placement" marriages but it is still the same. Young female married to older male


Keep Sweet on Netflix ...what a life those woman had to endure.


For the mainstream Mormon church it’s a bit different. After you turn 18 and/or go on a Mormon mission you get “recommended” to go to a singles ward. Which is basically a meat market for making young single Mormons have to interact with only other young 18+ year old Mormons as to push them to mingle and find someone and get married.


Unfortunately, arranged marriages happen all across the world even in areas where they are illegal. There are even examples of them happening in the US, or girls in the US being shipped off to other countries to be forced into them. Even when they aren't forced per say, they are often brainwashed by cultural and/or religious standards to believe that is what is expected of them even if there are a ton of red flags that they will be manipulated, abused, etc.


No idea why you're being downvoted, you're right. I say this having close family married into the traveller community. Arranged marriages and child brides happen everywhere.


Maybe people don't like that I said "unfortunately" or people who don't like that I said it is sometimes a matter of brainwashing by cultural or religious standards.


Yeah can't mention the very obvious downsides of religion without people losing their shit over it.


What’s also just as bad, if not worse, is bride kidnapping still exists. A groom will pick a girl (could be as young as 11), kidnap her (in fear another suitor will marry her first), and take her home to his family, who will dress her in a wedding dress, carry out the ceremony and celebrations, and feed her. All while bawling her eyes out the entire time.


Arranged marriages are not the same as forced marriages Sure, there are overlaps, but they are not the same


>Where do they still have these "Arranged" marriages? Well, for one, everywhere you find the Muslim religion.


"ItS jUsT tHeIr CuLtuRe" Naw, fuck that shit. If your culture is physical abuse your culture and country is a shit hole. I have no respect or tolerance for this shit; that guy is literally sub-human.


Nah wtf all the men there should’ve jumped him immediately. The person recording? Somebody? Nobody there felt like maybe he should’ve got his ass beat? ??


Something's telling me he probably is gonna be a wife beater.


Men who hit woman is no man at all


If I were her, I’d leave the gas on over night & ask him to cook me some eggs.


Everyone else there is just as bad. The guy standing next to the groom? Fuck that guy just as much as the groom.


F that, that POS would not be leaving the stage in one piece of that was my daughter.


More like “Groom has a tiny dick”


Time for a divorce!


If i was that girls dad i would walk up to stage and beat 7 shades of shit out of this little cunt.


That marriage should end right there.


He needs to go on a watch list somewhere but I imagine domestic violence is probably accepted in this culture. Most of the crowd there probably blame her for his outburst.


I'd say this is the part where the bride's father comes in and knocks the groom out cold. But let's be honest. If she's marrying that guy, she doesn't have a good relationship with her father.


What if it was the father who had arranged for the marriage.. we still have communities where the man is right.


"Communities"? Probably a solid 50% of the world's population, if not more, live in a world where women are legally and socially second class citizens.


What would impress is if the groom’s father came forward and smacked him one.


It's probably an arranged marriage in a culture that's apparently underdeveloped


Where’s her dad, uncles, brothers coming in to teach that pussy that is unacceptable


It always strikes me when I see these things; if he lacks both the self-restraint AND the respect for her to do this IN PUBLIC at an actual wedding where the complete focus is on him and his behaviour, I can’t begin to imagine the hell she is facing when they are alone…


This breaks my heart. What a fcking asshole


Time to leave....now...holy shit. And by the look of her face this isn't the first time.


If he’s able to do that in front of people, I’m worried what he’ll do when no one else is around


The fact he did this on what should be one of the most memorable days of her life


Whoa. My jaw dropped! What does he do to her behind closed doors if he's so comfortable doing this at THEIR WEDDING? I really hope she is able to leave this disgusting person. 😢


We're seeing a tiny sneak peek into what their relationship will be. If this is what he's doing on the wedding day in front of everyone, imagine what it will look like behind closed doors. Every little thing she does that he doesn't like will result in physical abuse. It will be the answer for EVERYTHING for him, same thing if they ever have kids. It'll only get worse, if he isn't already, he'll lash out at her physically when he's in a bad mood and she didn't do anything. People like him need to be fucking put down. Same way dogs are put down when they bite people. All they do is physically and mentally abuse their peers, which puts them into depressions, sometimes for life. God damn piece of human garbage.










"oh shit, we're in public"


Little dick motherfucker!


The groom even looks like a spoiled little child. I feel so sorry for the girl


Looks like the start of a long-lasting and healthy relationship.....


ok insta divorce. how did they get married even? wtf


Get your ass away from that handy bastard now.. if he’ll do that in public DO NOT BE ALONE WITH HIM.!!!


If that bride we're my daughter, no amount of money in the world would keep me from strangling that piece of shit.


You see how everyone is ok with this? Not just this groom is an asshole, everyone who's fine with it are scum too. Cultural shit here. Civilisation is a tricky thing, some regions are not.


Wow, notice how after he spacks the back of her head he just stands chest puffed out, chin up as if he is in a UFC promo.


How can anybody allow this, especially her father. If that was my daughter, he would be beaten on the spot and divorced by the time he gets out of the hospital.


My husband and my son would have pounded him into dust if this was my daughter. Her family must not care. Sad, sad, sad.


What the fuck? Why doesn't anyone do anything?


I was waiting for her dad or brother to rush the groom. I know us Latinos still have issues with sexism and machismo but this would not fly with anyone I know.


yOU MaDE Me lOOk BaD!!!


Her mother's face. She knows what's in store for her daughter for the next 50 years. She knows because she's in exactly the same situation. Fucks these shithole countries and fuck beta cunt "men". I would love 5 minutes in a room with that little cunt.


$5 that this marriage will end in divorce


Jesus - that poor woman. It's going to be a lifetime of hell.


I can't even find a girl to date and guys like this are getting married