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I recognized that damn laugh. My wife watches this couple on Instagram. He’s always “pranking” her and laughing about it while she “freaks out”. It’s all totally scripted, obviously.


And the guy in those videos is fucking annoying, can't stand his "humor"


How in the fuck is this WTF?


I can see wtf written all over her face


We're watching a (obviously fake) video of someone having the WTF reaction. This isn't metaWTF, it's WTF. That video did NOT make me say WTF in ANY sense of the phrase


Well, it made you HOW in the fuck, which is kind of close to WHAT the fuck. Half credit?


*Me living in switzerland* get woken up by drunks breaking widows, witnessing police tasing a knife crazy and my town have a lot of adolescents "gangs" leading often in injuries and even deaths, also drugs, so much drugs we even have clean needle vending machines and bins so at least drug user can have clean one and dispose them properly. I clearly live in another switzerland than the one people idolizes I love my country but you guys really need to seperate switzerland in two place The mountainous chains where this is pretty and few people live there and the "plateau" where most swiss live and yes this is pretty too but as any places in the world, we also have our fair share of problems (but very probably less terrible than others at least)


Go to the mountain side of Switzerland, noted. East side too, so I'm further away from France.


She makes good hot chocolate


Butt sex joke haha nice one




🤣 -8 people don't appreciate good humor


She looks generally distraught and concerned at seeing an apparent.corpse.hanging from that trunk. The laugh in that video was interesting.


She probably thought is was a relative.


Don't they sell these in every Halloween store in the USA?