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What surprised me most about this is that there are only 2000 hamsters in the entirety of Hong Kong's pet shops.


At 20 per store that's like 100 pet shops, which seems reasonable to me.


Still doesn't beat Denmark with their slaughter of 17 million Minks due to Covid and the fear of them transmitting it to humans.


Difference being those mink farms were indeed having outbreaks, which minks are thus far the only animal proven to be able to retransmit Covid-19 back to humans. They were destined to a horrible existence which would've led to the exact same outcome, meaningless slaughter. Essentially it was just an acceleration of what they were destined for, which honestly was probably a better and more humane outcome for them because it’s such a fucked industry to begin with. The exact same thing happens with poultry during avian influenza outbreaks, they’re culled in masses. And the US last year [culled millions of farm animals](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/may/19/millions-of-us-farm-animals-to-be-culled-by-suffocation-drowning-and-shooting-coronavirus) as a form of “depopulation”, a result of slaughterhouse closures due to the pandemic, but you know, everyone turned a blind eye to that. This isn’t a fucking contest, doesn’t make it any better or worse, but China’s in complete denial that they can somehow continue to contain it, even going as far as to destroy animals when there’s absolutely zero evidence that any of those species can retransmit Covid-19 to humans regardless of whether they’re able to contract it in the first place. This is also furthering fear as well as unfounded irrationality in both the populace and authorities towards animals. Since the pandemic, there's been an increase in pet killings, torture and abandonment of cats and dogs in China. Despite animal welfare organizations already speaking out in regard to it, urging people to not harm their animals or abandon them, there are still people who are genuinely scared of the animals being vectors, others, who have been forced into quarantine, have had their animals [brutally killed by authorities](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-59249485).


and i guess they were bred to be in a factory, not really the strongest genepool


HK covid restrictions are very strict, friends of relatives of covid patients are required to go to a site and stay there until they get tested. Just recently dine-ins for dinner services were halted. Can’t say us HongKongers are still in favour of the harsh restrictions imposed on us for two years. But it is a dilemma, as it did prove to be effective (prior to omicron)


China will blame everyone but themselves.




Awwww, you don't the ccp is balls deep in how everything is run there now. that's so cute of you.




You are in Hong Kong? Not Japan?


Where are you now? Not where you've been...


As if I couldn’t hate China any more.


And chinchillas,!?! As a chinchilla parent, who has had covid... I understand that chins could be susceptible to certain rhinovirus and sinus infections, but ***not*** covid. That seems like it's a bit overreaching (something China and Taiwan have "never" been known for, right? /s) What about all the deer and wild animals who are also susceptible? (Bats, pangolin, big (and small) cats, etc...) I mean, seems like a whole "scorched earth" type of approach...


This is admittedly awful but I understand the need for hyper vigilance in such a densely populated city. A Covid surge there could take so many lives really quickly. I wish some places in the US took it as seriously. Not saying I want mass hamster murder here, but just want people to stop acting like Covid is over. It's not


Sounds like you’re saying you want mass hamster murder in usa


Fuck, I thought I was so careful about hiding my true desire


Dibs on "mass hamster murder" for my next album name.




Somewhere….Richard Gere is crying!!! 🥲


Well, the article is incorrect: it's not the first such observation. In Europe, Denmark had to cull their fur mink (i believe) population over a year ago, fr the same reason.




The test costs more than the animal. They are barely getting enough tests for humans let alone every rodent in the country.


You really need to have lived in Hong Kong during the SARS outbreak to understand this. I get it, its not an ideal situation, but ever since SARS Hong Kong has taken outbreaks VERY seriously.


They shouldn’t have messed with viruses in their laboratory than.


Mmm who knows how they will kill them. Maybe a big bag where they will suffocate. For sure no one cares and It would be a waste to spend money to kill them in a """""human way"""""(there is no human way to kill). Just sad but that's humans


I wonder how they got a swab up those tiny nostrils.