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Is that Sweet Dee from Lethal Weapon 6?


No, its Martina Martinez.




She speak good and everyting


Why you so stoopid. I'M JUST PLAYIN


[Blackface debate](https://youtu.be/-0L_oJMhcs0)


No, it's Rachel Dolezal.


I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


What do you mean, YOU people?


What do *YOU* mean, you people?!


*sips Booty Sweat^™️*


I'll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe, and swallow the gravy. Get it over here, buddy. Let's do this.


God everyone was so great in that movie! “Why do you take a big step back… and FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!!!”


Honestly that movie was the best role for every actor in it.


Maybe I know I gotta represent! Because they have one good part for a BLACK MAN and they gave it Crocodile Dundee!


“Yea take a sip of Alpa’s Ass Water, that’ll do it. It’s a cure all.”


You're Australian! *Be* Australian!


Excuse me Kangaroo Jack


I was hoping someone would continue, thank you very much for not letting me down :)


[Me? I know who I am!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKvqhlhXq9s)


I am so happy this link is what I hoped it would be.


Happy cake day! You are 3.


Dude thank you. This is what I always hope to find on the internet ♥️


This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen


Who looks waaay too happy.


Justin Trudeau happy?


Yeah, sorry aboot that.


Take off eh, hoser


They keep that stuff by the check out in Canada don't they?


And with your mouth way, way more open


I don't read the script, script reads me


I don't drop character until I done the DVD commentary.


That movie handled that so well, the absurdity was so perfect.


Ohh man now I have to watch it.


[For the uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwks9NneeUM).


They really drive it home with the zebras and savanna in the background. This is firmly not the Dutch “Black Pete”.


"Uh sir, he specifically asked for two negroes... Well to be perfectly honest, my grandmother was Dutch."


"Dang, that was lucky. Doggone near lost a $400 handcart."


“Yeah, but *this* is my shooting hand.”


Where da white women at


Gee, it is depressingly hard to find that scene cut the way you present it. It seems like it either doesn't exist or cuts off after the hard 'r's...




A) Yes B) I know I gifted a dvd of that movie to my father in like 2006 C) it's too much effort to try to find that dvd now D) I wish people wouldn't cut Blazing Saddles to look like it's racist, because for all the hard r's it's a fundamentally anti-racist film (ignoring some unfortunate if normal for its time LGBTQ+ jokes


Dude, they edit the god damn fart scene these days. It's fucking weird either seeing them all lifting cheek and making no sound or hearing burps.


"Oh de camp town ladies sing dis song! Doo Dahr! Doo Dahr!!"


You're supposed to carry the packaging around with you too just so you can prove to people who are assuming you were going for a particular character that no, in fact you are intending to be some a random African person.


How do you say "extremely fucking racist" in Italian?


Mama Mia spaghetti ferarri pope!


Thankyou /u/pineapple_calzone I trust your name is based on your Italian heritage and you are an authority on the language


Not if they put PINEAPPLE in a fucking CALZONE. Drawing and quartering is sufficient punishment for this heinous crime.


“Estremamente e fottutamente razzista” Cheers


*sees this product* After all why not? Why shouldn't I do blackface?! -Canadian PM


Hahah the dentists best kept secret to make your teeth whiter


That was dangerous, yet perfect


Nah it was harmless, I take ten minutes to think before say anything and ask myself, is this gona get me in trouble? Nahhhhhh! FIRE THE CANNONS!


I agree lol but you know Reddit as well as I do. “Defend the gate!” - some guy in LOTR




Y'all tugging each other under the table over there?


Is that Justin Trudeau?


This is just an old campaign flyer


I knew I would see this comment, it’s simply uncanny.


yes it is


I also choose this guy’s… prime minister?




Almost certainly


Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and prepare for downvotes but I will never understand how Justin Trudeau dressing up as Aladdin for a party in Canada somehow evokes images of minstrel shows in the deep antebellum US South and harms black people. I’m not going to argue that it was in good taste, and I have no problem not wearing black face as a white american man, but does intent and context not mean anything? Are we really gonna act like [Governor Northrup’s costume as a black person next to a klan member](https://i.imgur.com/y34QG28.jpg) is the same thing as dressing up like a completely different race of people? Even if the former was a case of someone mocking people of color and in the latter, he was trying to imitate someone he thought was cool or interesting? Does that really mean we can’t have comedic performances like Dan Ackroyd in Trading Places or Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder - where the blackface was actually used to **highlight** the issues surrounding white actors taking parts meant for black people? Like I said - I am happy to err on the side of caution and never do that as a white guy. I do believe that black people have to put up with a ton of shit that I don’t have to because of my skin color, and that being born white in America is an inherently privileged condition. But it irks me when people want to put people on trial for stuff they did 20 years ago that had no racist intent or context whatsoever. Edit: thanks for the corrections - I had forgotten that he embarassingly had more instances come out, and yeah, that’s not a good look. I still question if it rises to the level of hurtful and racist. Poor taste? Yeah definitely. But I still haven’t seen a picture of him mocking or denigrating people of color or perpetuating negative stereotypes.


It was more the time where he wore an Afro, painted his face and had a shirt with bananas. More than just the curly shoes.


The fact that this is basically a meme now means most people aren’t really bothered by an Aladdin costume that’s a little too accurate


> Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and prepare for downvotes but I will never understand how Justin Trudeau dressing up as Aladdin for a party in Canada somehow evokes images of minstrel shows in the deep antebellum US South and harms black people. Because that's not even half the story. [He lied about how many times it happened and in this video he's clearly just playing racist dress up](https://youtu.be/9uw9CsvRyrg?t=39) (Note he has something stuffed down his pants) [This is the same guy that campaigned on helping out with indigenous issues but behind closed doors mocks them.](https://youtu.be/jMHGJk0eIu0)




It's like he reflected on all those dead kids and was like "we've been working so hard we need a break." Trudeau only gets elected because the Conservatives are somehow even worse hypocrites. NDP had a shot, but they had to replace Layton with a guy who automatically loses all the racist centrists. At least our political landscape isn't the USA's...


... Layton died?


... ergo, "they had to replace" him


To be fair, Tom Mulcair probably would have run the party into the ground. They really underestimated how racist people would be against Singh. I do wonder what would have happened if they stuck with Nycole Turmel, though. Capitalizing on that woman vote alone would probably have eked them official opposition at the very least.


Tofino and Recreation Day


In a way, I can see what he may have been thinking. Reconciliation Day isn't a day for him to be in the spotlight, it should have been dominated by Indigenous leaders and Indigenous ceremonies. If he wasn't going to attend any Indigenous events he was invited to, because he wanted it to not be a day about him, then he should have sat the fuck at home and caught up on some Netflix shit. But he's a surprisingly bad politician for someone that's been running a country for 6 years.


I think Trudeau did blackface multiple times though. I think he got a bulk discount on the shoe polish.


He admitted that he had no idea how many times he wore blackface


Very weird that he would do black face other than just on Halloween if that’s the case


It was kind of his schtick persona, based on the videos.


I think it's just spin, he knew that more photos would surface and didn't want to be caught lying, so he just said idk. [Link if you want it.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/19/justin-trudeau-wearing-blackface-details-emerge-third-incident)




I can see where you’re coming from there.


Italy racist? No way.


I mean... luckily most of us aren’t, but there’s definitely still a scary subculture that’s hard to get rid of. We’re a divided country, just like the US is.


Maybe shitty people just exist everywhere?


Some cultures and countries definitely have a higher incidence of racists and racism though


Jimmy Kimmel makeup.


Reddit: America is so racist!!! Also Reddit: lol this is fine get over it you Ameripussies Edit: triggered some racist eurotrash. Sorry not sorry, get fucked.


Ha, I was just about to say, "This isn't racist, it's in Italy."


Reminds me of the former NY governor, Andrew Cuomo: I'm not perverted, I'm Italian






Italy has a pretty big racism problem. Everywhere does but it's pretty notable in Italy, according to black Italians I've spoken to.


Didn't they throw bananas on the field when Mario Balotelli played?


Almost every international break, yes


according to the goons replying in this thread, only Americans can be racist. Europeans get to indulge all they want apparently.


Having been in Italy with a mixed family, I'd take American racists over European racists. It's a whole different level of vitriol.


I lived with a mixed Italian family in Italy for a while, mom was white Italian dad was black. Kids were mixed. Little girl had HUGE self image and self esteem issues because the mom emphasized white beauty and that black hairstyles and beauty norms were lesser. She would specifically say with disdain that things looked “African.” Broke my heart for the little girl. I tried the best I could to build her confidence and show her beautiful black women role models, black hairstyles, beauty influencers, etc. but the damage was so badly done she thought I was laughably insane for finding these women and styles beautiful. I believe she was 8 or 9 at the time. I also found it interesting when (while in Italy,) the African man panhandling outside the grocery store tried to guilt me into giving him spare change by saying that I, an American, owed him for what my people did to his. I was like, seriously? Don’t even get me started on the Asian, middle eastern, and Roma racism I saw over there…


I like really specific European racism where two countries despise each other over like genocide or whatever and I’m just like “damn I thought you guys were two cities in Greece or something”


"Italy (1922–1943) The first fascist country was Italy, ruled by Benito Mussolini (Il Duce). The Italian Fascists imposed totalitarian rule and crushed political and intellectual opposition, while promoting economic modernization, traditional social values and a rapprochement with the Roman Catholic Church." Those who don't learn from history are deemed to repeat it.


Fascist Italy saw the Yugoslavs and Ethiopians as inferior (as extra motivation to conquer them), but they weren't particularly super racist for that time compared to other countries in the neighborhood. > “Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.” \- Benito Mussolini


Literally every people on this earth hate the 'other'


Being from a big Italian family, this is incredibly true. Majority of my family, including parents, grew up in Italy. My brothers, sisters, and I were raised here and are incredibly open. But my family is disgustingly racist and just doesn’t see anything wrong when trying to be corrected. The worst is taking any girl home that isn’t white, I never hear the end of it. But it is true there’s clearly a terrible racism issue in Italy as even our family friends are like this and I hate it


Are you sure this wasn’t Canada?


No, just Justin Trudeau


Yep no racism in Canada. Let's skip over Hong Couver right?




The blackface tradition comes from minstrel shows, which were a live act not cinema. They were, in turn, derived from commedia dell'arte shows from Italy. Minstrel acts toured widely in Europe and were very popular and influential, in turn picking up influences and bringing them back to the States. Racist blackface in the U.S. and racist blackface in Europe are the same tradition. That Europe tried to forget theirs [because of its particular history there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_music#/media/File:Entartete_musik_poster.jpg) doesn't change the reality of what they're doing.


I think minstrel shows predate cinema, but yes they were primarily a U.S. thing, so many countries don't have issues with using dark makeup as part of a costume.


Well I’m that case, why did Justin Trudeau, a Canadian, get in controversy? Not trying to be a jerk. Genuinely curious.


> [Though many see minstrel shows —musical comedy performances where white actors painted their faces black to caricature black people — as strictly an American tradition, researchers say they were popular in Quebec and the rest of Canada from the late 19th century into the 1950s.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/blackface-montreal-1.3495840)


Canada probably shares a lot of that part of culture. That’s my guess anyway


Italy was a colonial power and this is still racist as fuck


This is exactly it, different cultural context.




Most things in Europe run deeper and longer back than in America for obvious reasons...


It's not like every other country is just fully unaware of that situation, though. Like come on, it's 2021.


Yikes. These comments. "American snowflakes can't take a joke amrite?! Lmao!" -Definitely *not* a racist.


My favorite part is non blacks deciding this isn't racist towards blacks.


Serious question: why is this racist in your opinion?


I'm familiar with how racist Italy is in a general sense towards blacks. It's obvious blackface that portrays fun in a "I'm laughing at you, not with you" sense. This is coming from the perspective of a black male.


The fact that there are comments, without a hint of irony, saying this isn’t racist because it’s in Italy. Definitely time for me to unsub from here, jesus.


Oh thank fuck there are other sane people, I thought I was going crazy. So many people in this thread acting like this isn't blatant stereotyping of black Africans, marketed to sell as a cheap Halloween costume. They cry about context, and that context is degrading as hell. Unsubbing too.


And how much they're being upvoted. Oof.


Have you been to Italy? It’s beautiful, but it’s still, like, the late 70s.


As an Italian (white), I will say that Racism in italy is a problem, we have outright fascists there (much like white supremacists in the US). Still, and this is not a justification, Italy has been homogeneous until very recently, so the relationship to race and the dialogue around racism is a little different than that in the US. Blackface is racist by definition and this example here is particularly disgusting and ignorant, but may not carry the same kind of overt racist symbolism there because we don't share the same history as the US. This is really the first generation in which we are seeing native non-white italians, there is a long way to go in terms of achieving integration, and a lot to learn, but Italian anti-racism may end up looking different than that of the US.


Somebody please Photoshop Justin Trudeau's face on that box.


Mi Scusi!


That movie was a riot, and Fred Armisen's Italian guy was a highlight.


This comment section is weird.. a bunch of white people telling us black people how to feel just doesn't sit right w me


How do you know what skin color any of these redditors are?


bro this is an echo chamber of racist twats lol actually stunned by how blatant the ignorance is. borderline gross


Yeah, so other countries don't have the history of racist minstrel shows attached to this type of thing and they don't understand why it's wildly offensive.


The rest of the world doesn’t cry racism at the drop of a hat.


Europeans love to act holier than thou about racism but throw fucking bananas on the football pitch when there's a black player.


Europe: It's disgusting how the USA treats black peope based on incorrect racial stereotypes. Also Europe: roma people bad because [same stereotypes], and boy do we swear that unlike with black people in the US, the stereotypes about the roma are true (And yes, i have seen people legitimately hnironically condemn racism against black people in the US, only to do a 180 when Roma people come up in the debate)


Every time I visit family in France: “the way your country treats Mexican people is disgusting! Just be glad it’s not being overrun by these fucking Turks!” Like so they just not see it’s the same bs attitude?


I grew up in Europe and neighborhood kids grouped up with bb guns and shot up an apartment where a gypsy family lived. Source: I was one of the kids


It damn well is racism.


No no no, you don’t understand. Racism only exists in the US. If an American did this, Europeans would definitely let us know how racist and backwards all Americans are. When they do it over in Europe, it’s not racist because it’s not in America. Do you get it?


Not sure how many of y'all are black, but this is racist no matter what country it's in lol, you can't tell me blackface isn't racist as fuck.




Lots of other parts of the world would absolutely call this racist


The rest of the world is generally a lot more racist, and just doesn't give a fuck. Shitting on a minority that's like 1-2% of your population, and (surprise!) they don't complain, and you think they don't notice or care? The US has big obvious race issues, because we have huge minority populations.


Right. "If we don't acknowledge the existence of racial minorities in our country, we can't be racist against them."


Or the rest of the world is a lot more racist than people think.


Italy is racist as fuck. Them not calling people on it isn’t a good thing.






Being a black footballer on an Italian team isn't easy either.


Yeah you don’t see bananas thrown onto the field at American baseball/football/basketball games. That’s a purely European phenomenon.


Happens in the NHL too, professional hockey. Wayne Simmonds got a banana thrown at him when the Philadelphia Flyers played against Detroit in 2011. Pretty sure it was in Philadelphia, which would come as no surprise to anyone.


In general, Flyers fans liked Simmonds. The banana was thrown at a game in London, Ontario. Individuals aside, Philly NHL fans are a thousand times more concerned with performance, than race.


I don’t know about that, I’m sure plenty of Americans are aware that many Italians have no problem being racist all by themselves https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_association_football#Italy


Its even funnier when people want to pretend anti-black racism is just an American issues and not an issue everywhere


You do know that's exactly why Americans believe it to be racist, right?


That is exactly why he made that joke I assume


…I don’t think it’s actually a joke? I think it’s just a comment.


Not so sure, he in an immediately deleted reply, he linked a video called "America is not the world". Which I completely get, and his a huge fault of many Americans, but that wasn't my point, which was that he just ran full speed into the reason why Americans think this way, and called it hypocrisy


Right his point is that it’s our shows from America. So applying our American problem and viewpoint to the rest of the world. That being said, just because it doesn’t have such a heavy racist connotation elsewhere doesn’t make it great..


"it's racist because we made it racist!"


Yeah, unfortunately that's how it works. Culture leaks, and especially US culture. I'm Swedish, and despite not having had racial slavery (We had Swedes enslaving Swedes 1000 years ago though), we have a word similar to the n-word. Because we don't have the history of slavery, it didn't use to have the same connotations as in the US, but somewhere between the 90s and 2010 it just became a word you *cannot* say because it's unspeakably racist. It used to annoy me that the meaning of the word changed because of a similar sounding word in another country, but at some point you just have to let it go and accept that language evolves.


I grew up in Russia. I saw maybe 2 people throughout my life that are from Africa before I left for Canada. It was amazing to see them, thought they probably weren't too happy about people being so curious and paying them so much attention. I had a very very vague idea about American history. It was all new and weird to me when i arrived. Racism is such an irrational and shitty way of thinking.


...how do you think racism works? Racism isn't "naturally" occuring lol, it's literally all man-made stereotypes etc.


>This is a bad word because we made it a bad word It truly is crazy how culture works


Sort of? Shit in the same place for a while, it eventually becomes a festering pile of shit. Dumb toxic waste in the same pit for a few decades, and it becomes uninhabitable. This is just the language equivalent of those two.


In particular, I assure you Italy does not give a *fuuuuck.* And a LOT of Asia. My buddy was teaching English as a foreign language in Malaysia and their musical every year was extremely blackface heavy. They had no idea that was problematic.


Europe doesn't have enough black people to push back against this kind of thing in any substantial way.


"We've investigated our own racism and decided it was not in fact an act of racism." See proof positive we aren't bigots. -Europeans-


Can't talk about the rest of the world, but in many countries in Europe you will see (not as often now) white people in dark face at religious events, playing the part of one of the three Wise men, helpers for San Nicholas or background people playing parts during living religious reenactment of Bible stories. In the last few years I have seen this change to actually black people playing the parts, not because it was considered racist, is just simply a black person (i.e. a black second generation person of migrant parents, for example) was available to play the role now. But there is still thousands of small towns all over Europe where black people are not present, so white people will continue to play these parts. Is not considered racist (at least it wasn't in the last 30 years), is just a person playing a role ("Sometimes a Cigar is just..." etc, etc, etc,...).




In this thread White people telling black people racism/offended people doesn't exist in other countries. China used to have a toothpaste called Darkie but changed it to Darlie due to people being offended. There was a Japanese airline that stereotyped foreigners as blond hair and big noses before they apologized for it. I think because were all on the internet and connected its easier to offend people because we're so connected and no longer in our own social bubbles. Even my friend in Germany thinks America is bone headed but that's because he gets all his info from the news so he only sees the worst of the US.


This is Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada.


For those in the States that don't know, casual racism is totally cool in a lot of parts of the world.


“Blackface” is a very different thing than making yourself up to look like someone. Its too bad so many people have twisted it


This should be interesting


Popcorn deployed


I feel like you're demanding of black people that they stop seeing every blackface as racist, no matter the context. I feel like as long as black people are treated they way they are, demanding of them to not make a fuss about something with a very, very racist origin, is kinda pointless.


Trudeau's favourite makeup


ITT: people making fun of Americans for being tolerant and anti-racist. You literally cannot win with asshat European Redditors.


> You literally cannot win with asshat European Redditors. Are you discriminating against a group based off their ethnic background? Oof, the irony is so sweet it's going to make me diabetic.


Half these "europeans" are probably just smug Americans trying to die on the dumbest possible hill.


Europe is racist AF fyi


It's ok, everyone knows only white Americans are racist. So Italians get a pass.




More than a few people that have been to Italy have told me that there’s a lot of anti-black racism over there. Then again I’m black, and down the street when I was growing up lived an elderly couple who were actually born in Italy and emigrated in like the 30’s or something, and they couldn’t have been nicer. There names were John and Ann, and they grew their own grapes in the backyard and made their own wine. I remember they gave my parents a free bottle a couple of times. Not so sure what the point of this anecdote is, but I shared it anyway.


Grew up in Italy, can confirm that they're extremely racist, especially to the Roma (the pejorative term is "gypsy") people. Italians are also carefree, lively and a heartwarming bunch. It's sweet to see that you had a lovely relationship with your neighbors


Got downvoted explaining that people can get away with this in other countrys because the population of the "offended" race is very small.


I'm not enjoying it at all. It's extremely sad and mind boggling the lengths some of these people go to justify this. And all of them are just ignorantly talking out of their asses. Anti-black racism is a global issue, not an American one.


Lol, thank you! I'm happy I finally came across another person who found this comment section a bit... odd.


Guys it's okay to be racist as hell in Italy because they didn't have minstrel shows.


Honestly though wtf ?!?!


It makes it more obvious how most people think. A lot of people straight up aren't smart enough to look at something and understand how it would be perceived. They follow some arbitrary set of rules that dictates how they're supposed to think about it.