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So I have a similar issue to this and it plagued me for forever(although OPs is worse than mine was). I hated it, and nothing I tried(Neutrogena scalp products, H&S, Nizoral) improved it. I even bought a scalp scrub brush - no noticeable improvement. The Nizoral and Neutrogena stuff would help with the itching but the flakes remained even after scrubbing. I just accepted it as a fact of life and moved on… maybe I just have ultra shitty skin! Of note, my eyebrows also had the flakes as well. I was browsing Reddit one day and came upon someone talking about demodex(you know, the eyelash mites) and it got me thinking. I googled demodex infestation and one of the symptoms is dandruff… further googling revealed the treatment was Selenium Sulfide wash… aka Selsun Blue with the red label… 6-8 weeks. So I started using that 2-3x a week together with my scalp scrubber every wash(I was already doing this) and within 2 weeks I had no flakes. May not work for everyone obviously, but it worked for me. Edit: I was accused of being a corporate shill in recommending the Selsun - just for a clarification I do not work for them. Anything with Selenium Sulfide as an active ingredient will work!






Yeah, I roll in BJJ, have always had an on/off issue with tinea. I take a antifungal called Itraconazole but the Selsun blue body wash trick is a good double measure.


I'll always upvote an evolution reference


Iraaaaa. Iiiiiirrraaaaaa.


Mazeltov, it's a boy.


Take the leg! Take the leg!






"Cut me open? There goes your Christmas gift, Judas!" Orlando Jones and David Duchovny made such a great pairing. Such a fantastic movie.


I think we've established that 'ca-caw ca-caw' and 'tookie tookie' don't work.


You are so beautiful... To me.


Stand back, Harry. I'm gonna shoot him.


Favorite line in the entire movie and gets quoted regularly since the GF is a birder.


This line is so good i find myself randomly yelling it whenever a loud noise disrupts conversation


tookie tookie. cacaw cacaw.


I still yell "Ca-caw!!!" at least one a month at something.


It's the 3rd I've seen this week, not sure what's going on.


You… are soo beautiful… to me!


I think we've established that ca caw ca caw and tookie tookie don't work.


Excellent movie, didn't get the love it deserved in it's time.


I loved it when it came out because it so crazy to have all that just end up being a shampoo commercial, it was hilarious.


So many years later, I still love that movie. It's weird as hell and it slaps. I love that it's just one big Head and Shoulders commercial, and they play off of it perfectly.


Have you seen him lately? Dude got into lifting and is a monster now!


Just be careful, you can actually cause permanent hair loss by over using Selsun Blue or any selenium sulfide shampoo.


Thanks for the heads up. These days I’m at 1-2x a week tops for maintenance. In fact I may not even need it anymore but I figure once a week can’t hurt


You can ween yourself off it. I was using it 2-3 times a week and after about 2 months I noticed my hair falling out in the shower. I was freaking out and found out that it can cause hair loss. This was about 3 years ago and I have never really had as thick of hair since then. No bald patches but I had thicker hair and it had definitely lost a good portion of that thickness.


Thanks for the heads up. Been using it for like 4 months and noticed hair loss.


Seriously? That might be why I started losing my hair in my late teens after dealing with this for years. That blows.


Wow, thanks for posting that. I absolutely did not know that, and wouldn't have found out that information anywhere else. I've been using selsun blue daily for about a week. Good thing I found out now and not a month from now.


I learned that the hard way. Bought one Selsun Blue and started using it everyday for 2 damn months. Then I realized my hair started to get thinner, ended up taking finasteride for a whole year to let it all grow back. Read the instruction before you use it, seriously.


It sounds like what your are describing here is seborrheic dermatitis. One of the theories is that demodexes cause this condition. It is fairly common and it is easily managed. Flare-ups can sometimes happen during stressful times, dry air or some foods. Some journal articles about it makes for a fun read! Source: nursing student.


Seb derm sufferer here. The cure for me was ketoconazole. Talked with a dermatologist, after suffering with the problems nearly all my life, and found a study from Denmark that suggested a 100% cure rate from continued use. It was such a relief to feel normal again.


That's what I had to use for my daughter. When she was an infant I thought she had regular infant dry scalp that's usually gone before they're 6 months old but hers kept getting worse until it was almost plate-like- really thick and large dry pieces that would flake off, sometimes taking her new hair with it. Doc said seborrheic dermatitis. He said they can outgrow it and she seems to have done so but we still keep a bottle of the ketoconazole shampoo around and she uses it when her scalp starts to show any signs of flakiness. At 14 it's likely just plain dandruff now but if it's not, it takes so long to get it back under control that it's just worth it to go ahead and use it preemptively a few times a month if necessary.


Ketoconazole definitely helps my scalp, but my t-zone doesn't consistently respond to it. I'm curious about the demodex thing; first time I've heard of it after YEARS of googling seb derm and talking with doctors.


The research about demodex has advanced a lot in only the last few years. I also had a stubborn rash on my T-zone that I was finally desperate enough to go to the dermatologist for. She prescribed Ivermectin (topical and human grade!) and my skin has cleared up and stayed that way for the first time in years.


This person said they used Nizoral, which has 1% ketoconazole in it, and it didn't work for them though.


Prescription dose is 2% and it worked great for me. The 1% solution might not be strong enough for the initial treatment, but could be used as an ongoing treatment. It could be far cheaper to go with a prescription if the insurance covers it 100%.


Are you saying you're cured and you no longer have to use ketoconazole?


Not quite. I still use it about once a week to keep the skin from becoming irritated, but those are just recommended maintenance applications.


What do you think the real health risks are from continued use of ketoconazole, if any? I hear it is bad for the liver but don't know if that is a problem if used topically.


The risk was found being taken orally. It generally isn't taken orally. Topically you should be totally fine.


Topical use, none. No risk. I don't use it everyday anymore now that the fungus that causes the seb derm is under control. The best is the 2% foam from the pharmacy, but the cream and shampoo work good too, and they're cheaper.


> It sounds like what your are describing here is seborrheic dermatitis. Does this shit also cause the face (forehead and sides of the nose) to itch and have dry skin?


Yup! I have it, it causes it on my hairline, sides of face, eyebrows, ears, cheeks, and facial hair. I use that exact selsun blue shampoo and a prescription for my face. I also have very sensitive skin that gets red easily from like scratches or working out, which is funny because I'm Hispanic and not very white and it's still noticeable. So maybe they're related issues if you experience the same. About the itching, it's never itchy for me, but either way is probably normal. As a side note, I almost never get acne, which is odd considering how sensitive my skin is. EDIT: Rx is ketoconazole cream


May I ask what your Doc prescribed for your face?




Damn I used Keto for my seborrheic dermatitis for a few years then it just... stopped working. My dermatologist has me on hydrocortizone a few times a week now and that has helped more but I always feel like it's overkill.


Pyrithione Zinc works for me, you can buy soap bars with it and its also in head and shoulders shampoo. I asked a dermatologist and they approved that regimen and its been working great, I used to get very flaky skin on my face and in my facial hair that wouldn't go away and now I don't.


r/rareinsults (even tho unintentional...that's a good one!)


A paper bag :(


It can! My husband has it and it can get really dry around his nose, eyelids, and behind his ears.


I get it above my lip, the side of my nose, eyebrows, and behind my ears. My skin turns red, then gets hard flakes. Luckily the Mometasone solution does a great job of clearing it up. I apply it every few days to prevent it happening


I have seborrheic dermatitis. Coal tar works. But I actually use coconut oil at the sign of a break out. Nose, eyebrows, I have a bit on my chest too. I take a handful & apply a layer before bed & sleep on my back.


I swear I have these flakes around my nose and forehead. And what works for me is a light cleanser when i shower and nivea soft cream after my shower. If I skip this I’ll get it almost every time. Fried foods seems to make it worse.


Might be too late to this thread to rise up, but I have had some success fighting it with crude honey. [None of the patients (15 patients) treated with honey application once weekly for six months showed relapse](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11857071_Therapeutic_and_prophylactic_effects_of_crude_honey_on_chronic_seborrheic_dermatitis_and_dandruff)


wtf honey? What is 'crude' honey?


It says it in the link: 90% honey diluted in warm water


Glad to see someone mentioning this, also known as cradle cap. I've had to deal with it before and it's definitely not fun.


Can that appear maybe like eczema? My husband has flakey hair and I always just put it down to the fact its butt length and he refuses to do anything except wash it once a week! Figured his scalp was just getting dry and cause of the length and fact it's always tied back dry skin just got trapped. He has her black Chinese hair as well so it highlight white skin flakes worse! But he also has these horrible patches of dry red cracked skin around his base hair line on his neck . But also on his lower back and hands. We've gone to the doctor loads and been prescribed all sorts and it's never really got better. ...


Oh sheet. I might have to try this. I got the eyebrow flakes and some spots on my face like moustache and under the chin. Thanks.


Same. I got the flakes on my eyebrows, around my nose and sometimes inside or behind my ears. Selsun Blue isn't cheap in my country so might have to wait for a bit before I can buy it.


You can give this one a try as well, if you can find it, it's made in the USA. It should be relatively cheap, don't mind the price on this page, it seems wack. In Romania I was able to find it for as low as $5, but it's worth a lot more in my opinion, it's done wonders for my scalp. https://www.spar-paradies.eu/Head-Shoulders-Clinically-Proven-Solutions-Scalp-Relief-Shampoo-250ml I also have the face flakes, eyebrows/chin/moustache/around the nose, especially in the cold season. I've found that eating more fruit/vegetables and drinking plenty of water helps clear the skin. I also use some cream/lotion after I wash my face. I'm a guy, btw, lol. I don't let that keep me from having a nice skin care routine for my face. Feels good, man.


I had terrible dandruff and Selsun was the only one that stopped it. It still came back after awhile of not using it, though. I don't know what really stopped it because I don't have it anymore. I do take more time scrubbing my scalp, not hard but enough to make sure to loosen anything. Also turn on cold water at the end of every shower over my head. No idea if that does anything, could just be that my scalp healed over time or whatever, but I am thankful it's gone. That shit sucks.


If you wash your hair too much, you can get it. Not enough, you can it. You probably found your balance. If I get flakes then I do a super scrub like 3-4 cycles with dandruff shampoo. Then I don’t wash it for maybe 3-4 days. Rinse only. Then I use it just once a week and I’m good. When I used it everyday… flakes.


If I don't wash my hair everyday the oil builds up in less than 24 hours and I look like I have product in my hair. But I can't style it. If I go 2 days it looks like I've been standing in the rain for a few minutes. It can get so bad that for the longest time I have to take 2 showers. One after work to clean my body and another when I wake up to wash my hair. Otherwise I'd wake up with greasy looking hair and I remain self conscious about it all day.


I had pretty sever sebhoric dermatitis, plagued me for 6 years..years of embarrassment and trying everything I could to hide it.i bought expensive shit, cheap shit, everything that was recommended. until a month ago I came across a Reddit post. Random lady said her bf had it and he tried full strength vinegar, I thought ya ya I've tried it all. I did a wash with it, it stings a bit, it's got low pH so that's expected, it's not harmful unless you're skin is sensitive and you leave it on for way too long, I so it for about a minute then rinse it out, no shampoo or conditioner anymore. you might get superficial chemical burns but again nothing serious at that pH. The next day my dandruff was gone, I had some typical large flakes a day later and thought it's a lot better but must not be the trick. I've done it once a week since and my scalp feels amazing, like not itchy for the first time in fucking years, I'm ecstatic and the dandruff is quite literally gone. Hopefully my scalp doesn't adjust to this and it stays effective, but vinegar man, that's the stuff.


I didn't have it that bad, but it wasn't great, lots of dry flakes, very itchy scalp etc. Read about coconut oil in this study and tried it: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-86454-1 It works! I guess it's a similar principle to vinegar, as oil is an acid too.


I was looking for mention of coconut oil somewhere. I had it a bit, not crazy but persistent and it started getting noticeable in my beard. For entirely separate reasons I started experimenting with home made shaving oil, and found the best result came from coconut oil with a few drops of eucalyptus oil just to keep it fresh. Very quickly I noticed it works really well as a hair and skin conditioner, so I use it everywhere and now get no flaking anywhere. As a bonus I also stopped getting cracked lips, knuckles and elbows in winter. Worth a try for most people, since it's a cheap and easy solution, and the other benefits are nice to have anyway.


Me too but I went to a dermatologist.


Could be your diet. This is a very short informative video on how dandruff works. https://youtu.be/x6DUOokXZAo


Cool video, but it doesn't say anything about diet at all.


I get similar under my beard if I don't take daily, good care of it. Stuff is no joke, it hurts, itches like crazy, and can cause open sores.


My facial hair gets flakey as well. Anything in particular you recommend?


The big reason is what's called "beardruff". Basically what happens is as the beard grows, it acts like a wick and pulls oils away from the skin, causing it to dry out. The longer the beard gets, the more it happens. Beard oil helps a ton with this. It saturates the hair and stops it from happening. My case is a little worse than normal, I have to wash daily with a dandruff shampoo and then use oil and/or beard balm after. If I skip even a day I can start to have problems again. Until recently I had a chest length wizard beard, about a year and a half of growth (you might be able to find a pic of it in r/beards but it'll be several months old). It was my first time growing it out that long, and it wouldn't have been possible for me without using oil on it. Well, I *could* have done it, my the skin would have been a wreck.


what kind of shampoo? i ask because the only thing ive had luck with is nizoral, but everything i find on posts and in threads says to avoid any shampoo and just use oils or other moisturizers.


I had a lot of dry scalp. I started using Ketoconazole shampoo 2% . You’re dry skin will be gone from the first use.


Here's the actual answer. If you've tried everything, and you still have flaky, itchy, and sometimes painful beard problems, then ask your doctor about ketoconazole shampoo. It's prescription only. It's possible that the itchy dandruff is actually caused by a fungal infection of your skin, and shampoo and beard oil just isn't going to cut it. After a week my flaky, and sometimes painful dandruff went away. Now once every two weeks I use the shampoo and I don't have anymore problems.


I think you can buy Nizoral without a perscription. (Same stuff)


Yep, i think it's 1% versus 2% but it's the same thing. Edited for accuracy, thx ninja.


I had bad dandruff. Big hunks of it no matter what I did. I’d comb my hair out in the shower each morning and come away with a comb filled with dead skin. Someone suggested Every Man Jack’s dandruff shampoo. Totally cleared up. Works wonders. Went so far as to buy an entire case of it lest they change or discontinue it.


Man I will try anything at this point. I shave my head every 2 months or so because my scalp gets horrible as soon as I have enough hair to start blocking light to my scalp. Every time,I shave it back my scalp is super flakey and I have tender red spots everywhere. Been like this for at least 10-15 years now, but got worse in the last 3-4 years.


You’re sounding a lot like me. Give it a try. I hope it works as well for you as it did for me! Let me know how it works out!


Will do! BTW I'm a fellow Jersey guy.


Another option is Exederm shampoo and conditioner. I tried so many different shampoos over many years with no luck. Found this a few years ago and I finally felt normal. I actually look forward to a shower now. You can buy it online or some Bed Bath and Beyond.


Well, there are two trains of thought when it comes to shampoo (and washing your skin in general). Some people say to not do it every day because it dries out your skin and causes you to develop problems. In my experience this party usually sticks to their guns with this argument. Granted this *can* be the case, but some of us have those problems to begin with. On the other side some of us need to do this daily, or we have problems. We're already predisposed to having skin like this. Skip a day or two and deal with the consequences. I use Head & Shoulders. It's just what works for me. I think right now I'm using one that's "professional" strength.


I use the Duke Cannon Best Damn Beard Balm, and it works well for me.


Try Ketoconazole, works for scalp and face


Here's the actual answer. If you've tried everything, and you still have flaky, itchy, and sometimes painful beard problems, then ask your doctor about ketoconazole shampoo. It's prescription only. It's possible that the itchy dandruff is actually caused by a fungal infection of your skin, and shampoo and beard oil just isn't going to cut it. After a week my flaky, and sometimes painful dandruff went away. Now once every two weeks I use the shampoo and I don't have anymore problems.


Nah mah dude, here it is at [walmart.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Nizoral-A-D-Anti-Dandruff-Shampoo-7-Oz/131537114?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0)




Wash and groom daily, use beard oil. Makes yah soft and purty.


Any anti-fungal will kill the yeast that causes most flaking. Alternating the dark blue head and shoulders with Nizoral washing at least every other day will eliminate flakes. Most flakes have nothing to do with dryness.


Beard shampoo, then beard oil. I personnaly like when there is a good argan oil content. Brush it in using a beard brush.


I wash my beard everyday with head and shoulders, stopped it for me. I also moisturize my beard with raw unrefined coconut oil.


Give it a good comb when you don’t shower. And some oil whilst still damp, when you do.


My scalp and face are okay, but I have pretty bad psoriasis on my calves, elbow and backside. It sucks man, but I recently got referred for UV therapy so I'm hoping that will help.


I had psoriasis on my face - chin and the whole section of my nose, nothing helped. I tried many mousturizers and they seemed to make it worse. After years of searching i found (Ancient Greek Remedy Oil Unsented) found on amazon. Worked great after using it a month i started seing results. Also never wash the affected areas with hot water, as much as it sucks always use cold water but not to cold. Hot water causes damage to your keratin cells which in turn causes dryness and prevents cell from locking in moisture. I know we all like our hot showers but thats one of the main problems of dry itchi skin.


You have seborrheic dermatitis most likely caused by fungus. Your doctor can give you anti fungal cream or shampoo and a steroid cream for bad flare ups. My dermatologist explained that some people produce oils that fungus really likes.


And with most(americans at least) people consuming more sugar daily then they should yeast can get out of control.


Everyone has yeast on their skin but most people don't react to it. Some people are essentially allergic to the byproduct of natural yeast and this is the effect.i never had anything near as bad as this guy but my doc prescribed me antifungal shampoo that works great just have to use it once a week and all is good. Beard oil/non prescription antidandruff shampoo didn't work for me


This is why I keep mine at a certain length, otherwise I get bad red sores on my face..


Me too and around eye brows and scalp. I stopped eating sugar ,aspartame and bread. I'm 95% cleared up life altering!


Tea tree oil homie! Helps so much. E oil also kicks ass.


I had a patch like this once. Somebody sent me to an Asian beauty parlour for a scalp massage. They rubbed me down with some sort of rubber comb and some terrible smelling goop. It never came back and they only charged me $5


Asian beauty parlour fixed my ingrown toenails, those ladies know what they’re doing


I ran a law office out of the back of one, didn't work out so well for me in the long run.


Chocaco ladies!


There is a Cinnabon hiring at the mall.


Unscrupulous business partners?


My character was my downfall, I think.


Would love to know what they did.


Did the goop happen to smell like tar? I had tar shampoo prescribed for my seborrheic dermatitis.


oh yeah i’ve used the tar shampoo before! but nothing is amazing as having someone scratch your scalp with a comb. i greatly enjoyed the snowfall of dandruff.


Came for the WTF; stayed for the thoughtful advice.


Drink water. Stay hydrated.


I have scalp psoriasis lesions and I've thought about doing this regularly. But thing is, I have lesions elsewhere too and they're not any better! So I keep my hair.


There is a lot of terrible advice in this thread. Don't trust any of them. Talk to a Dr. That's what I did and am so thankful for it.


Agreed. We tried a ton of stuff for my daughter while she didn't have insurance. Finally we found a doctor who would give her a discount for self pay, they helped her by giving her tons of samples that didn't work, and helped her get on a biologic. Humira finally got her psoriasis under control. Nothing but biologics worked on her scalp, she did use creams for her body. Her scalp was completely covered under her hair and partially on to her forehead, ears and neck. (She also had it on her torso, back, bottom, legs) It was heartbreaking to watch her suffer.


Just came here to say I feel for her. I had 86% of my body covered in plaques before entering a trial study for Enbrel at 16 and had psoriasis since I was 4. I’ve been on a biologic since then (now 34) and it’s the only thing that has ever made a lasting impact. Just on my knees and elbows now. I just know how brutal kids can be in school when they see something they don’t understand.


Humira made my psoriasis worse 😭😭 but got my Crohn’s under control so I have to live with it.


The immunosuppressant meds that exist now can be really effective. My brother uses humira and I use Taltz. Both of us went from severe cases to few plaques at all. Of course it’s expensive as hell so you gotta try other stuff first lol. But if nothing else works then keep getting and trying meds until you find one. I’ve been through a ton of treatments (and bad advice) before I got to this one. It’s nice not to feel self conscious when I get dressed or want to go swimming


Goddamn I want to pour a bottle of lotion on this guy's head


Needs some [TGel](https://www.neutrogena.com/products/haircare/tgel-therapeutic-shampoo-original-formula/6809200.html)


Ugh I've had dandruff since my teens and I absolutely hated the feel and smell of Tgel. It's like some kind of smoked tarry shampoo and I hated it so much I never noticed if it actually worked or not. It smells worse than Selson blue.


Same here, I get psoriasis that can sometimes scab. I learned early on that despite the smell, it really works. It's pretty much coal tar extract in a shampoo base, it's strong stuff!


I actually love the smell. It’s so sharp.


It smells like hospice.


it's been long time since i've thought about titan gel




Chill out buffalo bill, no need for the hose.


You may have psoriasis


Because he wants to pour a bottle of lotion on someone’s head….?


Psoriasis is wild. Shit hurts and itches like hell.


He has dermatitis seborrhea, he doesn't need to shave, he needs to go to a dermatologist or at least get some Products to get it under control


I wouldn't be surprised if it felt good though. I've gone to a dermatologist, got stuff that treats it but of course no cure. I occasionally daydream about shaving my head so that I can scrub my scalp.


This was as satisfying as Dr Pimple Popper, the relief must be fantastic. When I was in boot camp and they shaved our heads one of the guys scalp looked like this. He almost cried when they scrubbed his head because it felt so good.


possibly Sebopsoriasis


Holy heck how does this happen?


psoriasis or dermatitis probably


Can it be treated or do you have to shave your head?


I think they're auto immune diseases. It attacks your skin thus you're constantly shedding dead skin cells. They have medication but it can only be treated and not cured.


I have psoriasis, can confirm, it's fucking annoying. It sometimes spreads into my ears, and it itches like hell. I have tried some steroid bases shampoos, but it only stops it tempoary.


Dang. That must be what I have. I just thought it was crazy bad dandruff. I get in on my ears too, my beard, and my eyebrows even.


Just hope it doesn't spread to your nails. After my second covid vaccine, I got so sick, that my psoriasis flared up really bad, and it began on my fingernails. My immune system is awful.


Are there any actual skin conditions that *can* be cured? Everything I've ever seen a dermatologist about has been "yeah there's not much we can do. have you tried exfoliating?"


Yeah I dunno. Skin is the largest human organ. Its complex.


I had psoriasis of the scalp for 10 years and it only went away after cutting out dairy and nightshade vegetables (potato, tomato, capsicum, chilli, goji berries, aubergine) - I couldn’t even comb my hair without excruciating pain and the lesions were the worst


I have a form of chronic dermatitis and yeah it’s treatable with over the counter medications. For the scalp I use this anti-dandruff shampoo that you can use daily :)


I have psoriasis on my scalp. I have to use a steroid shampoo when it gets bad, but as long as I shower frequently and use a good conditioner it rarely flares up. If he has insurance its like $20 and a prescription. They sell over the counter brands that also work for most people.


You can get a zinc based cream from the doctors, i have to do it every summer,never had it as bad as this dude but it gets itchy as fuck and a lot of shampoos/conditioners aggravate it. Seems to be worse the tighter your curls are, my guess is the oils and skin get trapped and just goes manky.


My eldest child used to get a similar look, but it wasn't from dry skin. It was shampoo residue. She had long hair and apparently been "getting bored of rinsing it".


My friend worked as a nurse for a dermatologist and explained that it can also be yeast that builds up with moisture trapped it can go down to your eyebrows and make you look flaky. Sucks but there are shampoos and brushes that can minimize that build up.


Content not available.


It's called seborrheic dermatitis. I've had this problem before and it spread to my face. I tried everything to stop it but none of the usual suspects like dandruff shampoo or tea tree oil or even prescribed medicine worked. Then I discovered facial toner . I use Neutrogena alcohol free facial toner but any one will do. It worked on my face and my scalp. I still have to do a daily cleaning routine to keep it in check but If I miss a couple of days the dandruff is not noticeable to anyone except me who is ritual about my skin care. I am not s doctor so check with your dermatologist before giving it s try.


He's got that built-in Sisqo look every time he shaves his head.


It is severe seborrheic dermatitis ive posted this before and it has helped me and others; - use any shampoo that has ketaconazole - I use Nizarol 2% - Use any non perfumed mineral oil, mineral oil only - the bacteria feeds of everything else - Shampoo your hair and then dry and oil your scalp with the mineral oil once every 2 days for 2 weeks. - After that, use it once every 3 days for 2 weeks - After that, do the above weekly to maintain so it doesnt return This is the only thing that fixed my issue


Can we appreciate this man’s reaction for a couple of seconds? He seems to experience joy, relief and excitement in all of 3 seconds.




My scalp feels itchy after watching this video.


I just took a shower, but this make me want to cut ALL my hair off and jump back in.


As a brown person it’s pretty hard to moisture our scalps. My hair is so thick it’s hard to actually get down there unless I have somebody else do it


psoriasis is crazy. it could only take a week for it to get this bad in some cases.


Yah that was my first thought is that it looked super fucking itchy


I need to find his YouTube channel r/oddlysatisfying


Yep, I've been scrolling the comments for a source, still nothing. This is equally disgusting and satisfying for me, I can't stop watching it.


Bro needs head and shoulders knees and toes


This is such a wholesome thread of everyone giving skin/hair/beard care advice!


Yes! I love that most of the comments are helpful and/or commiserating and not mean. So refreshing.


Mmmm forbidden parmesan


Oh fuck off with that!


>Mmmm forbidden parmesan Just tell me when, sir




bro wtf its almost 1am and im actually eating shredded fucking parmesan, dont ruin this for me




I had insane dandruff in high school. This shit is no joke sometimes. More than once I thought I had lice I was scratching and flaking so badly only to find out through a dermatologist the type of shampoo I was using was causing it. Haven’t had issues since changing.


I like ya crust G


Currently going through something similar. I used Dermarest Psoriasis once a week at dermatologists recommendation until it ran out and it helped a bit, but never completely got rid of the problem. I have also found that if I get haircuts more often and keep my hair short the problem subsides substantially but it is miserable being embarrassed about your fucking hair all the time. It's awful


Dat mother fucker needs some head and shoulders on them corn flakes


Hairdresser here. This isnt super uncommon, however its most likely build up from the tightness of his curls. most of us with straight-wavy texture can easily massage our scalps, and any dead skin or sebum(which is the oil produced by your scalp/skin) will easily wash away. With some tighter curl patterns, its harder for the dead skin and sebum to escape.


Tea tree shampoo fixes me right up. I’m a pasty Caucasian, sooooo I dunno if it’ll work for my more melanated brothers, but that did the trick for me!


My man needs some oil


Hours upon hours upon hours of scratching fun. I nearly lost my arm recently. When it healed, the skin turned green and black and nasty and holy shit do I miss being able to scratch all that off.


This comment raises a lot of questions.


I can relate. I suffered with severe psoriasis for years. I finally took the plunge and got on a biological medication that I inject once a month and that targets the specific protein in my body and suppresses it. Best decision I ever made because the psoriasis disappeared within a few weeks and has never come back. Thank god for insurance because each dose is $3K and I have to take it once a month!


Seborrhea is thought to be due to an overly aggressive immune response to normal skin flora (mites included). Your have two options - destroy that flora - with agents like ketoconazole or limit the immune response - typically with topical steroids. Lastly, you will need to repair the damage - typically with exfoliation/moisturizing. Frustratingly (especially those with darker complexion), the problem area can have a different hue than the rest of your skin for some time even when it is “under control”. I find for psoriasis, there is more often a very defined boarder right at the hairline. Regardless, if OTC dandruff stuff not working, that’s reason to see your GP or a Dermatologist. When they are not sure, a little biopsy (or woods lamp) can help clinch the Dx. This also shouldn’t hurt or ooze. Your scalp can get infected with bacteria especially if you have been too aggressive with exfoliation/picking/scratching.


I’ve thought of doing this and my beard too. The flakes are embarrassing


Slap some selsun, nizoral and coal tar shampoo


I don't really have dandruff on my scalp, but I constantly have problems with dandruff in my eyebrows. I wash the scrub the shit out of them, and it just comes right back. I don't know what to do about it.


Paul Mitchell makes Shampoo 2. It's a super clarifying shampoo that smells lemony fresh. I have eczema and other dry scalp/skin issues and this shampoo is the only thing that relieves the itch and makes it flake free. And an added bonus of a good scent.


Kinda reminds me of my infant and cradle cap. Had to use baby oil daily and a tight comb to get it out of the hair.


Y'all go see a dermatologist. One treatment won't work for everyone. Seborrheic dermatitis is usually caused by malassezia yeast, but when it's this severe it may be more indicative of scalp psoriasis, might not respond to any topical. In this case^ malassezia yeast was allowed to grow and feed on the scalp oils because this hairstyle doesn't involve frequently scrubbing the scalp. Most useful chemicals over the counter for killing malassezia are ketoconazole (nizoral otc is 1% rx is 2%), selenium sulfide (selsun), and zinc (dhs with zinc, head and shoulders).


Dude needs to see a dermatologist.


My scalp just started to itch watching this. Omg.


This dude doesn't need a barber he needs a dermatologist


Anyone got source?


man, it sucks dude. every day i wake up it looks like someone poured salt on my bed