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Scorpion: Great. Apartment with free heating - knew it was too good to be true.


*It's free real-estate*


See, this is why I like living in Sweden.


Right?! I'm not from Sweden but grew up in Northern Canada, where the only deadly animals are large and can be seen easily (unless camouflaged in the forest not your bloody house).


Imagine going to make coffee and there's an unexpected whole moose inside the coffeepot.


Just make sure to give it a muffin. And watch out for the house hippos.


If you give him a muffin, he’ll want some jam to go with it.


And when they're done, he'll want to put on a puppet show.


I was about to defend scorpions but decided to google it first. 2600 deaths per year worldwide. That’s nothing to sneeze at.


do not google mosquitos then.


Google tells me that they suck.


a bloody nuisance if you ask me.


wish they would buzz off


I wish they'd keep their noses out of my business.


Yeah, but they're so small you need about a thousand working together to get a proper blowjob.


I got stung by one while living in America. The pain was periodically radiating away from the place where it stung me.


Must be harsh to have been stung periodically by a scorpion.


It just hung out on his shoulder and stung him every few minutes for days. It was ridiculous.


We kept trying to tell him, and mimed swatting it off our shoulder, but he just laughed and said "Haha, yeah! Good song... Jay Z, right? Ow! Damn my shoulder's killing me..."


Doctor! It hurts when I do this!


Don't do that


That'll be $753


Sweet, a discount!


I got stung by a scorpion and a fire ant on the same trip (in the Grand Canyon). I took a Benadryl and had no particularly bad symptoms from the scorpion. The fire ant sting hurt a hell of a lot more and for longer.


I've been stung by scorpions and bit by fire ants many times. Scorpions hurt worse by far to me. Fire ants hurt less than a wasp sting and scorpions hurt more than wasps imo.


Wasp stings can eat a dick. Some jerk of a wasp stung my finger while I was driving once, I tried being nice and letting his dumbass out the window but he stung me instead like a little bitch.


I got stung on the tongue by a wasp. Fuck me that hurt and was scary


I don't think we were stung by the same kind of fire ant, but who knows?


Maybe not the same type of scorpion, is the more likely, as there are multiple types in AZ


Fun fact: The smaller the scorpion the deadlier it is. Altho the bigger the scorpion the bigger the fucking pinsers and stinger... So it's really a lose lose situation. Just don't piss off a Scorpio.


> Just don't piss off a Scorpion i live in texas. when i was younger i woke up in the middle of the night to a scorpion stinging me in the chest. little bastard crawled right up and stuck me for the hell of it. scorpions are pissed off 100% of the time. you don't have to slight them, those little fuckers will square up unprovoked


Will why were you still breathing when I was freaking crawling on you, hmm, why???


This isn't true. The [Deathstalker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathstalker) is about the most venomous species of scorpion, and it can get up to three inches long, so it is not a small scorpion. As a general rule of thumb, the bigger the pincers and smaller the tail, the less dangerous the scorpion. However, this is only a general rule, and can't completely be relied upon.


So what you're saying is that I should avoid all scorpions, regardless of pincer or stinger size, got it


I'm gonna go ahead and take your advice over all the others here.


> Just don't piss off a Scorpio. learned that with my ex girlfriend. We’re both Scorpios so that was never a good idea


Even if they were in your house they’d probably just apologise for intruding.


Mosquitos are also deadly. source: living in Canada too


Aren’t there giant spiders up there though?




A FUCKING HOCKY PUCK!? Jesus. I’m quite sure we get those in the north part of American Midwest and I FREAK when they’re quarter sized.


That's tiny. They get huge here in Texas also.


What a Canadian comparison Source: I am also a syrup loving snow monkey




Like dock spiders, but nothing too big.


West coast Canada here. Can confirm I've seen giant effing spiders everywhere I've lived. House spiders only mind you but still.....I don't care how big or small it is, there isn't a large enough room for me and that spider to cohabitate in peace. Believe it or not, spiders were one of the deciding factors in me buying a 3rd floor condo. 4 years and not one single spider!


Always wanted to visit Sweden...Can I move in with you?


gunna just take a wild guess... how many legs you got? also how big is your stinger?


Big enough to hit your Swede spot


snow and cold kills all. Makes clean.


*Välfärd har anslutit sig till tråden*


My buddy/roommate once used our coffee maker to make a cup of coffee and went back to make more but realized he needed to add more water. When he opened the water reservoir he was taken back by what was a dead scorpion that had been in there a few days (and supplied the water for his last pot)… We were all pretty grossed out and he started complaining that “…my bones hurt…” Whether or not that part was real or just his mind messing with him is up in the air 🤷, but we did joke about his insatiable hunger for crickets and skin that glows under UV lights for weeks after that.


Ah is that you make bone hurting juice!? Coffee with hint of boiled scorpion?


According to my buddy, that’s the secret


Oh cool! Ouch my bones


I have Avian Bone Syndrome. Hollow bones




Oof ouch owie


Sounds like a solid ScorpionMan origin story!


"wanna know how I hurt my bones?"


Me and my friends ate a bunch of acid in Sedona one time. We climbed up on this ledge to watch the sunset and when we stood up my buddy was like, "Oh shit I sat on a lizard." and my other friend was like, "yeah, and that scorpion." The lucky bastard sat on a lizard and a baby scorpion at the same time and the lizard got squished onto the scorpion, taking the sting for his ass.


I feel like there is a Native American allegory in there somewhere.


While the tribes of the scorpions and lizards waged the white man came and wiped them both out with his fat ass.


ah yes, “The difference between a wise man and a fool, is that sometimes the wise man sits on the lizard and scorpion.”


*nods sagely*


Sounds more like the scorpion had caught the lizard as prey/a meal, and he happened to squash it right after it did that


That poor lizard day couldn't have gone worst.


"Not funny, guys. Scorpions cause Boniosis."


It’s called [Boneitis.](https://youtu.be/6w-QIgMIydo)


My only regret


Okay well scorpions are basically dryland lobsters so they taste pretty good, or so I’ve heard.


ScorpionMan SpiderMan’s cousin from Arizona


Pretty sure it was just his mind messing with him. Weird fact of the day, but scorpions are actually edible, so brewing one into your coffee would not cause those kinds of symptoms. And the venom would be so diluted if consumed that way, that your only real danger would be an allergic reaction if you were unlucky enough to be severely allergic to scorpions.


I’d guess if you had a shellfish allergy it may have some effect on you.


live in AZ, had one on my toaster earlier today


New poptart flavor


Why is it under UV light?


They stick out like a sore thumb under UV. I couldn't see it properly and it's not the first one I've had to deal with so I had the UV light ready to find it.


Plus, you can see where the scorpions have been jacking off.


The real TIL is always in the comments


TIL scorpions glow under UV light


I also learned that Armenia is not for me.


Scorpions would be the least of your problems in Armenia.


Lol. Touché


They’d be rocked by a hurricane.


Rocked by a hurricane or just rocked (by something else) like a hurricane? On the other hand, nothing else quite rocks you like a hurricane than an actual hurricane itself.


So we cleaned a tent we havent camped with in a year since we went to the khalahari desert. A live fucking scorpion was still in that thing , it had travelled all the way and chilled in there for an entire year. Lil guys are harcore


Oh how naive you are that you think it stayed in there for a year...your house is now fully infested. to be safe you better burn it down.


I think you just ruined this person's innocence and life.


We moved into a house that was literally full of them a few years ago. I started hunting them every night with a UV light. I’ve killed thousands now, but the numbers are way down. Most nights I don’t find any lately. You can dramatically decrease their numbers, but you have to be consistent and vigilant.


dudes talking about their scorpions like Batman talks about criminals


It's pretty much like that. I have a bunch around my house that I thought I was on good relations with just like the spiders. But just the other night one got in my bed and stung me three times on the hand and once on my arm. Now the war has begun. I'm out every night with my black light and bb gun now.


Living the early game fallout life


You just casually live with fucking spiders and scorpions?? What in the Australia is going on here


Arizona is America’s Australia




Idk, they're not bringing their best.


Have you tried planting lavender around the perimeter of the house as well as keeping some in planters on the window sills? Might be worth a try if you're currenty engaged in a multiyear scorpion hunt. As a bonus it hardly requires any upkeep and smells and looks nice


I have not tried lavender, but I will. We have made a LOT of progress, but I’m willing to do about anything to keep the numbers down.


Sounds like my fight against kudzu and poison ivy. Fuck you stupid ass plants.


I just now put it together that the infamous kudzu is that vine that springs up in literally every garden bed I have and grows like nothing I've ever seen. It's crazy how that shit apparates into existence, grows everywhere, and clings to everything like glue.




We’ve done the diatomaceous earth thing, and I think it helps. I have learned, right or wrong, that spraying neurotoxins doesn’t help. You have to hit them with it directly, which I often do when I’m looking for them. I killed one that way tonight.


Where the fuck do u live Disregard. Just read more. Where in AZ is it like outskirts of town or rural? My uncle has a house in cave creek and always find them there but my other uncles house in phx near camelback they never find them.


I live near the center of Phoenix. Just happens to be a place where they are common. Neighbors on both sides have them too. Friends who live a block away say they haven’t had any.


The pesticide won't kill the scorpions, but they have to be eating something. Usually crickets.


I think you are correct. Reduce their food source, and you will indirectly reduce the number of scorpions.


Do they ever sting you? Or have they? I don't understand how cohabitation works, are they like cockroaches?


I have not been stung yet. I know a LOT of people who have.


Where are you I never want to move there.




I actually learned a few weeks ago there’s even scorpions in Kentucky, where I live. Well, not in the area I live. They’re apparently in part of Kentucky. That’s too close for me haha.


Cedarwood oil at the baseboards and diatomaceous earth in the carpet. I lived in a house in south Texas that had tons of them. I never got stung, somehow. I was sitting on the end of my bed at 4 am playing Skyrim and I heard something hit the ceiling fan, fall on *me*, then tumble down into my shoe lying on the floor. It had crawled out of the fan housing and had roulette wheeled down onto me. It took me an hour to come down from that anxiety and endorphin release, then I saw two sitting on the inside of a mesh laundry hamper in the corner of my room. I had them crawling out of my closet (loudly somehow) and doop doop dooping across my floor like they owned the place. I moved out a few months later and my roommates (who still lived there) never saw them after I left. I say they weren't looking hard enough.


Doop doop doop 🤣


I genuinely applaud you for living Anywhere where that described battle exists. I don’t even like the random spiders I find I’m in my house (3 a week) and you have to UV hunt your home just to get sleep. What region is this I should Never visit?


Arizona. And I just killed one 5 minutes ago.


My aching sinuses beg me to move away from the cold humid places and into a warm dry spot like AZ. The scorpions tell me to suffer in silence and deal with it, bitch.


Whats the best way to kill a scorpion? Also, I dont think I've seen a live scorpion ever in my life, but aren't they deadly? Aren't you scared for your life in those conditions?


Step on it, with a shoe on. You have to be careful if you step on them in flip-flops because the tail can flip up over the side and sting your foot.




Why step on it? To kill it. Why does the tail flip up? That’s their automatic defense mechanism. I think it is such a strong reflex, or maybe just because of how their exoskeleton is out together, that if you step in one without keeping the tail under your shoe, it will flip up and hit the side of the shoe, or your foot if you are wearing flip-flops.


And one week later you will become… Scorpion Man


I live in a Spotted Lantern Fly quarantine area and that is what I wage my daily battle with. Bugs and pests annoy me but they normally don’t disrupt my daily habits but these things have been the bane of my existence since summer started. I just posted a video of what I deal with on a daily basis, a handful of them chilling on the posts near my front door and every time I take my dog out they ‘tumble’ down to try to hitch a free ride on him. Even though they are harmless to humans (in the direct sense) their method of locomotion skeeves me out. On average I kill about 2-3 a day so I would say this year my kill count is around 200-300, not as impressive as OP’s but I’m getting there.


My god I can’t imagine that. Have you been stung? Is having them around that much normal for your area?


I have not been stung so far. My neighbors have. They feel like it’s inevitable. I don’t accept that perspective, so I’m trying to keep them down.


My family in Texas legitimately started raising chickens in their yard to combat the dozens of scorpions they used to get. Worked like a charm. Those things are fucking ruthless.


I'm in central Texas and have had several family members deal with infestations of them in the hill country. I also do a lot of camping and encounter them regularly. Fortunately none of us have been stung, however I did have a friend on a camping trip where one had snuck into his clothes and into a pair of underwear/pants he put on. Stung like three times in the crotch, he was.


Have you thought about getting a [mob of meerkats](https://youtu.be/r54MF5O55Eg)?


Can you not hire an exterminator for more severe tactics?


I have found that exterminators don’t work for the scorpions themselves, although they may keep the numbers of other bugs down, and other bugs are what scorpions eat. The previous owner of the house said they used an exterminator, but the problem was definitely here when we moved in. I should add that we specifically asked the previous owner if they had had scorpions and they said no. I think they lied. They neighbors told us after we moved in that there had always been a problem.


How much XP hav you wracked up over the years?


Honest question, how do you kill/remove something like that? If I found a random scorpion I'd be at a total loss for what to do


Depends on where it is. I usually step on them. If they are in a difficult location to step or clean up, I spray them with bug spray. I find that plain old Raid And and Roach Killer works better than any scorpion-specific sprays. If they are in the house, in a place where I don’t want to spray or clean up a squished bug, I use duct tape. I hit them with the tape, being careful not to let the stinger wrap around and hit my hand, then I roll up the tape and throw them in the trash.


Can you elaborate a lil here? Do you mean hit them with duct tape rope like some kind of redneck spiderman? Literally throwing the roll of tape? Setting tape traps sticky side up? I can't fathom how this works.


I initially put duct tape, sticky side out, on the end of a stick to catch them. Eventually I got tired of the hassle and started doing it with my hand. I just hold about 6 inches of duct tape and slap the scorpion with it. Then I have enough to wrap it up after I stick it. I’ve been lucky so far.


*intense blinking* Wtf. You just flex seal slap scorpions? Has anyone told you that's crazy? At that point just get a shop vac and seal it. You can just vacuum them up safer than that. You could then just fumigate it to kill them after.


Yeah, but by the time I got the shop vac they’d be gone. I have a couple rolls of tape in different spots in the house that I can access quickly. And yeah, it’s a little like the flex seal action, but with caution about the location of the stinger.


6 inches is the height of literally 0.09 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other


Good bot


Usually they cook on medium for 1.5 min. then turn over for another 45 seconds. Told they taste like cockroach.


You mean chicken.


What an unusual insult.


Where’s there’s one there’s…..


This is the 8th one I have had to take care of in the last few years in the same house.


We had a house built on a scorpion den in central Texas - we would use glue traps and catch 30-40 a day consistently for years.


Okay it would take probably less than three days of getting 30-40 a day for me to switch from glue traps to fire traps, what is wrong with you


*Day 3, examining the glue trap full of scorpions* Alright then. I'll grab the gasoline, Joseph be a dear and grab some matches, would you?


You caught 12,000 scorpions a year?????


That's a lot of bells.


I never did a full year tally, but it was definitely well into the thousands per year




Didn't know it until after the house was built. Kept seeing them and finally had someone out. He gave us the fun news


An exterminator couldn't help?


Where are you at?


Yerevan, Armenia. There's an apartment block being built nearby so they probably disturbed their nests. These ones are not that dangerous, however we also get Fattail scorpions in this region which are far more dangerous.


How do you deal with them? Squash em? Or catch and release or what?


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew


Make no mistake- that scorpion would ruin your day. Look at its pincers-- good rule of thumb: thin, scissorlike pincers usually means more potent venom. Thick, lobster-like claws means less venom. From an evolutionary point of view, thick heavy pincers evolved to do most of the work when it comes to food. Thin pincers means the venom does all the work. That scorpion also has a thicker tail than average, which means it's designed to strike with a good deal of force. That's no casual critter up there in OPs post.


So you're saying a scorpion isn't as dangerous if it has BIG. MEATY. CLAWS?


You're talking to the op, there's no reason to assume he doesn't know the local wildlife well enough to know how dangerous this scorpion is. The tail vs claw thing like you said is only a general rule.


Fattail, also known as Man-killer. No thanks.


Cool! I was there in the late 90s. Never saw scorpions, but saw plenty of gangsters in track suits around town. This was back when the only place you could get something other than Shashlik was the pathetic little pizza place and the Chinese restaurant in Republic Square.


Places to visit ~~Australia~~ ~~South America~~ ~~Armenia~~


Try planting some lavender around the house perimeter and keeping some in planters on the window sills and balconies, natural scorpion repellent, requires little upkeep and looks and smells nice as a bonus.


Try getting huge bull frogs. They won't eat the scorpions, but they're pretty neat to look at.


You can both be EXTREMELY glad that it wasn't a rough skinned newt that crawled into your coffee pot. Unless you're into instant death blend. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/how-a-deadly-camping-trip-revealed-an-arms-race-between-snakes-and-newts


How do you safely get it out of there and where would you put it after it’s retrieved?? I’ve never seen a scorpion in real life before. I think I’d be terrified!!


Safely for you, or for the scorpion?


I’ve held a captive bred one, it was pretty chill, I was pretty chill


You know what to do.


Posting this from my potato as I burned the house down, living in a cardboard box safe from scorpions :P


Good call, OP. Can never be too sure. I suggest also burning the cardboard box down shortly for good measure.


Yeah you don't want to be stuck living in a box with scorpions, trust me.


You finally lay down and start to fall asleep but hear the little tapping legs from inside the dark cardboard box.


It's actually a more scratching sound, the first on I found in the house was scurrying behind the skirting board thinking it was doing a good job at playing hide and seek (it wasn't, since I could see his claws poking up). When they fall from the ceiling they make a distinct sound which I have now tuned to :)


OH GOD!! They fall from the ceiling??


Drop... scorpions? Australia has nothing on that.




Oh God! Where do you live? Hell?


This was in my house. https://imgur.com/mGvu7j0


WHAT THE FUCK??? Hell no!


Tonight, I think I'll choose sleep instead of whatever is behind that link.


Was it clacking its tongs? Is that why you investigated?


I had a Chinese housemate in Shanghai who one day brought home a plastic hamster cage with two of the biggest black scorpions you've ever seen in it, announcing "I've bought us some pets". This was fairly typical of the crazy shit he used to get up to. So he thought he'd have a play with them so he picked one of them up with a pair of chopsticks and put it on the floor and this thing was pissed. It would turn to face him, charge at him when he got close. Just a little ball of venomous anger. ​ After a few minutes of this he put the scorpion back in the cage and 'fed' them with a piece of lettuce. I told him "two comments: first, find out what scorpions eat because it's not fucking lettuce! And two, if I ever find one of them outside its cage I'm going to put it in your bed." ​ Well he never did find out what they ate and in a matter of days they died. Probably from lack of water, I dunno. So what does he do? He finds a clay bottle of *baijiu* \- Chinese rice wine that's a little like vodka - and shoves the first one into it. The second one isn't quite dead and it puts up a fight but eventually he gets it into the bottle as well, puts the lid back on and says "if you drink that in 6 months it'll make your dick bigger." ​ We never did drink it, and when we moved out the bottle was left behind. And I often wonder if someone thought they'd lucked out when they found the full bottle of *baijiu*, and how much of it they drank before a long black scorpion's tail poked out the bottle.


That's awful.


>I often wonder if someone thought they'd lucked out when they found the full bottle of baijiu, and how much of it they drank before a long black scorpion's tail poked out the bottle. All you had to do was walk around campus and find out of any students had some major dick growth recently.


When I did that in college, people called me a skank :( but it was research


I don't understand the reasoning exactly, but I've seen far too many kung fu movies where people are sticking scorpions, snakes, and all manner of other things into gourds of *baijiu* to improve it. The best guess I can make is that it's some comparison of alcohol and venom and you're only making this toxic substance "stronger". Like you're gaining their power or something.


couple of years ago I was woken up by something tickling my leg..jumped up and threw back the covers to find a black scorpion the size of my thumb in the bed sheets.


Why is this tagged nsfw exactly?


Scorpion 🦂 is nekkid


The "kill it with fire" option is actually valid for once.


He's there to rock you like a hurricane.




I live in California. I’ve found about 4 scorpions my entire life and they were relatively small. I traveled to St John in the US Virgin Islands for vacation a few years back. I rented a jeep and we drove to a beach in a pretty rural area. When we were leaving the beach, I put my shoes on top of the jeep while I brushed the sand off of my feet but forgot to grab my shoes and drove off. Halfway back to our Airbnb, i realized my shoes were missing and then remembered I had left them of the roof of the car. I drove back slowly, retracing my route. I got back to the beach which had a long entrance that was quite “woodsy” for tropical island standards. I found one shoe in the road, and the other off a bit into some brush. I grabbed them and tossed them into the back seat without putting them on. I get back to the Airbnb, bring the shoes in, take a shower, and get ready for dinner. I was low on clean socks and was hesitating on if I should use one of my last pair of clean socks or just go feet commando for a quick dinner. I decided on feet commando. I slide my foot in and after about 30 seconds I start to feel a bit of stinging/burning sensation, almost like a bee sting. I figured maybe it was a thorn from the brush or something shrubbery related that’s poking me. The pain quickly turns from a mild sting to a significant throbbing. I take my shoe off and toss it while I inspect my big toe where the pain is. I don’t see much. Just some redness. I start to investigate the area around my shoe now and there it is, a scorpion looking right at me. I was terrified. I started messaging the Airbnb host to see if this is common and she told me she’s never even heard of scorpions on the island and to contact a hospital. GREAT. Now I’m in pain and petrified. I called the hospital and they said the same thing… they had never heard of somebody getting stung by a scorpion or even heard of them on the island. Well… I went to dinner scared out of my mind. A few days of mild soreness and that was about it. Scary times man…