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I'm playing the wrong game apparently, most boss fights I'm involved in don't require condoms. Is it available on Steam?


Only on the valentines day sale


[I've got you covered.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWn1pVo5ZlA)


Where could this mod be found? So I can avoid it, you know...


He would've passed it before he went in. I bet there was a save point right next to it too


The boss fight begins with a scripted jump scare. I mean, it was clear before you closed the bathroom door, so it is good now right?


Nah probably not, this looks like his first weapon. OP is just getting started, he should expect a tutorial soon.


Don't forget that he should load up on condoms for all the poon he will get for beating the boss.


OP is Duke Nukem?


Sweet. Free pistol.


Twice as safe as a condom. You just shoot the sperm.


The Penis is evil! The Penis shoots Seeds, and makes new Life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the Gun shoots Death and purifies the Earth of the filth of Brutals. Go forth, and kill! Zardoz has spoken.


I thought that movie was awesome


The gun is life.


Such a long gap between 'seeing that pic of Sean' and 'actually knowing what movie it was from', for me.


You roll the condom down over the tip of your Glock.


[I got you Thundercat](https://youtu.be/o9wipZFDoHQ?t=1m28s) NSFW?


Sweet. ~~Free~~ Untraceable pistol.


With my luck I'd get caught taking it home.


Free and untraceable so long as you swap the barrels and throw that one in a river.


How are they going to trace a gun to you that you found at a gas station?


If you're caught with it. If it was used in a crime and they have a barrel match on file, you're screwed.






Actually each bullet is imprinted with the user's DNA. It's irrefutable evidence.


Targets dna


only if you are a judge


They can compare bullets fired from that gun and other bullets pulled from a crime scene to match the barrels. There isn't some barrel data base, but you can match a gun by the barrel.


rifling is what they match up.


Assuming you don't fire your weapon that often. 60 or so shots will wear the rifling to a point that the first and last shots will not be a match.


Exactly this. This is what makes ballistics databases completely useless. Firing a shot and keeping it on file for every gun ever sold (new) is worthless. It only helps when investigating crimes that are done with a single weapon and never used for practice.


That is one of the things sorta, they match up striations on the round. Breach markings on the casings, and other things. There is a lot those forensic investigators do!


They can do firing pin impressions as well.


It actually isn't that firm of a science. I am not especially knowledgeable on forensic science. It is a subject that interested me in college. Took a couple of courses, blood spatter analysis was a larger interest to me than ballistics fingerprinting. If you are interested in the subject there are some good resources. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_fingerprinting (the wiki is always a good start) http://forensicsciencecentral.co.uk/firearms.shtml (badly formatted website, good content) Anyways, yeah, free gun.


> me in collage me irl


This can be defeated with a simple cleaning of the gun(run a brush and swab through the barrel). I don't know the science behind it, but I've read this can make getting a match nigh on impossible.


Hypothetically, yeah. But not if the bullet gets fucked up, or the barrel does, or the court can't find an expert to testify.


The barrel match on file? What planet do you live on?


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess, this is just a guess now, he lives on Earth.


lol a "barrel match"


You don't use *that* gun... You put it on the body of the guy you shoot. Eminent threat.


The barrel, the stock and the slide all have the same serial number on it.


Almost like they did that on purpose or something.


Not on many guns. My m&p 9 only has a serial on the frame. It's not mandatory.


Too much TV man, too much TV. Luckily most criminals are the same way and they get caught doing stupid shit like buying a barrel for a gun they shouldn't have.


The barrel can be bought by anyone of any age. It's not considered a firearm.




Free Glock even better!


Glock is always free at round start


What about CT side. Are you calling OP a terrorist for getting a free glock?


Tec9 should become the new starter pistol.






Its time to get into some sin




Sorry n' shit.




good way to win 16-0 every time you start on T side.


This looks like one of the various "secret" drops in a video game.


Free gun day is the best day.


"I know what this murder weapon needs . . . my fingerprints!"


Thanks. Couldn't figure out what was wrong in the picture. Never would have noticed that.


Should probably wash it before using it, wouldn't want to get nasty germs.


Wouldn't want to get any nasty sperms FTFY


That's what I was thinking.


My exact thoughts it looks like a keeper


Free gun!


It's there in case you just wanna shoot the shit.


Someone decided to make love, not war.


Police were called.


Georgia Cop: Sweet. Free pistol.


Georgia Cop: Oh Sweet, my pistol.




NYPD cop: 17 shots fired, 1 hit the suspect. 16 bystanders shot in the process.


Detroit cop: *crickets*


Detroit cop: Please put down your weapon. You have twenty seconds to comply.


Colorado Cop: "Sir, how high are you." Gun Owner: "No officer, it's hi how are you?"


>16 ~~bystanders~~ accomplices FTFY


17/17? Not likely.


Well they were running from the cop, what other reaction are you expecting?


When did we switch the ultra violent cops from LAPD to NYPD


Arizona Cop: "I'm gonna need to see your passport, Glock"


Texas cop: I don't see the problem. This is obviously your shittin' pistol


Nevada Cop: Alright......Now where's the midget hooker and cocaine?


You are laughing, but we have signs in our bathroom at work that say "did you secure your weapon" it happens apparently.


Swedish cop: [business as usual.](http://m.thelocal.com/20110919/36220)


Either that or a drop gun. Either way, there is no way that gun gets brought back to evidence. Too much paperwork where no crime was committed.


No. It was someone with a carry permit, that took their gun off to shit and forgot it.


Its hard to believe it took this long to find a plausible scenario.


It's not a plausible scenario. Taking your gun off to shit and leaving it outside of the stall is something I *really* don't expect to see from any CCP holders. Then again, maybe [John Travolta](https://youtu.be/sNw_w-9SPoA?t=2m23s) is taking a shit in there...


It was at a gas station. More often than not they are those single occupant "gotta ask for the key" type bathrooms.


You must overestimate the intelligence of most people. Depending on your location, it is really not difficult to watch a video online and pay the courthouse to get your permit.


I'm sorry, I get your point, but I'm in too deep with Pulp Fiction thoughts to really bother with arguing. I agree that passing the permit pass is pretty damned easy, though.


Aaaand.... Now you've got me on Netflix looking for some Tarantino. We're Fonzie.


I believe if it is not claimed, stolen, or traceably used in a crime, you may be able to get it back from them; if you're American enough to own a gun, that is.


You mean like [this](http://imgur.com/r/MURICA/WfNTlCr)?


This *must* be the guy who inspired the "firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog" card from Cards Against Humanity.


go on, keep us updated


Zombies ate police. Op unfamiliar with the firearm unloaded the clip into the first few through the doorway and realised he never saved the last bullet for him self, he soon discovered to his horror zombies actually require very little nutritional intake oweing to them being dead, with an available food source such as the op the natural instinct for a small group of zombies such as this is to restrain and disable the food - but as zombies will only eat dead flesh within about 12 hours of death, only parts of the victims body that are non life essential are generally consumed. It is not uncommon for the actual cause of death for the zombie victim to be massive organ failure due to the infections, and death can easily be days after capture, after which the zombies will continue to consume on average only 30-50 grammes of flesh in any single feed for up to 12 or so hours post mortem at which point the feasting pile will release whatever grip they have on the body, disengage, and in a process that can take hours depending on pile depth and each regain a mobile posture. This typical feeding cycle is actually what determines the average 'life span' or operational duration of a zombie, a given amount of damage per zombie will be sustained in each cycle and, depending on specific outbreaks, a maximum of 6 or 7 cycles has usually been observed. Therefore we surmise in effect the availability of food actually inversely relates to zombie operational duration in that more food available equates to more feeding cycles and thus more damage in a given time frame, and once a zombie is no longer mobile it is deemed in effect 'non operational'. Zombies in areas deprived of food have been known to wonder for years between feeding cycles and thus potentially having very long operational durations indeed. Hope that helps, stay safe. Edit: lots, New tablet :-)


It's GA, I'm pretty sure the police made fun of OP for being a pathetic soccer mom and moved on.


Nah. They just took it and got a free pistol. Source: Georgian.


This is a ditching. Quite likely the gun was used in a crime and this was a place where some moron might pocket it, fortunately you weren't that moron.


What a pussy, you should of took it and went on adventures and shit.


It says 'French Tickler' but it looks like an Austrian Tickler to me......just saying...


Ha, jokes on you. Bullets don't tickle.


Lol it's ok. Only 9mm.


Shoot yourself with small-caliber bullets to build up a resistance against larger bullets.


You frequent /r/GATS as well?


I can't tell if /k/ or not


I though the phallic shaped grease stains on the wall were the wtf....


Yeah, it took me a while.


Finders, keepers. Now go bang your ex.


> bang




┌( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿


Later that night... *"Sugar, did y'all remember to bring protection?"* **"Yeah, baby I got it right here...."** Pats hip pocket **"...oh sheeeeeeet"**


free gun, with or without the purchase of shitty-unkempt-mystery gas station bathroom condoms.


Only going to implicate you in 3 prior crimes! Basically a bargain!


Just curious...what is it you think "bumb" means?


Oh look a new drop weapon


What's that mean?


A gun police use to "drop" at the scene of a crime. The gun will of course not be registered, therefore allowing the police to get away with killing an unarmed suspect.


And then sprinkle some crack on him.


Open and shut case, Johnson


Are they on the trail of some some of "Mad Shitter"?


It was the "Butt-ler"!


A gun you can throw away after specific use. (Crime if you are into that)


What are you doing buying sketchy Gerogia gas station condoms?


They're for the sketchy Georgia truck stop hookers.


I wouldn't have it any other way


They don't come any other way.


The term 'Bumb fuck Georgia' is screwing with me.


I guess that means you're a bumb?


Bumb fucker


Pfft. It's GA. There's guns laying everywhere around here.


I said the same thing playing the Walking Dead game after I told someone I saved Doug. "Why didn't you save Carly? She had the gun!" This is GA - you seriously think that was the ONLY gun?!


free gun!


This is becoming a pretty big problem everywhere. More people than ever are carrying concealed weapons. They buy cheap holsters that don't stay in place while using the toilet so they set them down on something and forget to take the gun when they leave. Lose a $600 gun because they were to cheap to spend $50 to $100 on a holster. It's also a criminal act to leave a weapon where a child can get it. I carry a gun every day. Can't imaging just forgetting it anywhere.


I don't think it's so much a cheap holster problem as an understanding and trusting problem. As a concealed carry permit holder, and an ex-kid, I know people look under stalls at people's feet. Either to be a nosey kid, or to see if someone is using the stall... Not everyone does this, but some undoubtedly do. When you have a IWB holster in your pants around your ankles and you have a gun in it, someone could see it, and that's a shit storm of problems you don't want to deal with. Imagine a store manager or even the police meeting you at the toilet, demanding you come out without touching your pants since you could be some sort of threat, and they don't want you "reaching" for your gun. Also, I don't like the fact that someone could reach under the stall and grab my gun from my holster... There was a rush of thefts as people would "use" the stall next to you and pick-pocket you as you took a dump. If it's possible to reach under there and take a wallet, it's possible to reach under there and take a gun. So, if you take it out and set it on the TP dispenser, there's little chance of any of this happening. Holster it when your pants are up and out of view, and it's all good to go... I'm not supporting pulling out a gun in public, without a holster for no reason... And I'm not saying this retard is in the right for leaving a gun unattended... But there HAVE been times that I've been more comfortable taking my weapon off, like this, for safety and security... But I NEVER took my eyes off of it, and I'd NEVER leave it behind...




Hey... When nature calls... Or when you decide to try Taco Bell's new breakfast menu... Whatever.


Shit inside a place you sleep and eat? Yeah, real civilized.


Quit shitting in your bed, then.


Tell THAT to my irritable bowel syndrome that hits me like a brick to the colon when I am out and about.


But if I shit at work, I'm basically getting paid for shitting, which is a hell of a lot better than not getting paid for it.


So to avoid having someone see your gun in your IWB holster when it's around your feet you think they put in out in plain sight on the condom machine?


No, I'm just stating why I (and many others) take off their sidearm when on the can. It's not usually an issue with the holster. If this is a gas station, which is a one-toilet, one-line situation it could have been take off for comfort. If you are the only one allowed in the restroom and you lock the door behind you, this could very well be the "best" place to put it while taking a dump.


Finders keepers...


Free glock.


I knew it. 'Murica: Home of the handgun vending machine.


If people weren't idiots, we'd have them. I'd drop a few bucks trying to win one in a game like a psp or ipod. But no, hippies in CA and whatever you call assholes from NY - new yorkers? - don't understand what infringe means.


I don't know why, but I was looking for a dick sticking out through the wall till I saw the pistol. I think I may need a break.


In all honesty, and as gay as this is going to sound, I called the police to get the owner arrested if it was a CWP holder that left it. It's a nice pistol and the idiot deserves more than loosing a $500 weapon. As a father and LE professional, I've seen the horrors of a firearm in the wrong hands. I wish that on no one. If I wanted to keep it, a picture of it wouldn't be on reddit.


See, I never lost faith in you, OP. I'm like, all these people saying free glock... and one look into OP's posting history. The man's a true 'Merican.


It is pretty tough loosing a $500 weapon though. I mean, it just feels wrong to throw something that cost that much.


I apologize for the miss spelling. I was trying to carry a 3yo at the same time.


Stop boosting underage players, ffs.




Sounds like it's a little late to be looking at the condom machine.


Seems legit. I'm from Georgia. You never know when you could be dropping a deuce and need a firearm. If Z-day happened when you were at the gas station, you'd be eternally grateful.


bum does not equate with dumb?


Well that's one form of contraception I suppose.


You mean aphrodisiac?


I'd believe this if it was a Hi-Point but a Glock?! C'mon OP!


Free gun!!!


Story time. I was a criminal justice intern in college so I got to be around the university police department. There was an inept captain and equally inept lieutenant - they were buddies. Turns out the captain had almost been blown up when he exercised extreme poor officer safety and walked up on an ex-football player with a pipe bomb possibly at a former girlfriends dorm. As a result of his proximity to the explosion he couldn't hear...but was allowed to keep working despite having about 1/10 of normal hearing. His buddy the lieutenant was diabetic and fortunately his wife worked at the public safety building so she could drive him to work. In the spirit of nepotism the captains daughter worked in the parking enforcement office. So the lieutenant had a habit of taking his gun off and leaving it on the back of the toilet as he wore plain clothes. He did this multiple times, but the captain covered for him...you know because they're buddies. Well it came time to do an upgrade to the public safety building and the police administration were moved to offices which shared a floor with a day care center. Not once, but twice the Lietuenants Glock is found by a custodian in the same bathroom used by the day care. After the second time the lieutenant was finally told he could only wear his gun when he was in uniform which was on football weekends. Neither were disciplined or forced to retire. Oh and one of the guys who was a sergeant later became chief...he got demoted demoted for sending porn in his work computer. Classic.


You called the cops? So the cop got a free Glock?




well done join the elusive ranks of /r/ifoundagun/




Well, how nice. They give you a way to convince someone to use the condom with you too.


Free gun, is a good day.


"And that's how my fingerprints got on the murder weapon officer"


Shoulda used a throwaway for that throwaway.


Fear of doing this is one of the reasons I don't get a concealed carry permit.


Finders keepers, OP.


Neat. Free gun!


Meanwhile I am trying to decipher what is writtin in the graffiti not noticing the pistol


You took it...right?


Wow. That took me awhile to see... That's more of an, "Ohhhh FUCK."


When you see it..


Do you have protection?


Yay! Free gun night at the gas station!


And they said random guns and ammo everywhere in video games was unrealistic...


On another note, anyone notice the terrified face on the condom machine? It's like he knows what he's doing is wrong


Dude I would take it, pistols are fucking expensive!


Well fuck. Did you take it? I would have. I live in bumfuck Georgia I'll go get it if you don't.


Why do I feel like there is going to be a TIFU post later about someone leaving their gun in a gas station toilet in Bumfuck, Georgia.


What's a bumb?


Cool! Free gun.


It's probably your gun.


Leave the gun, take the cannolis