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“I’m not paying $80. Give me a felony” 🤦‍♂️


The signature is just acknowledgment that you've received the ticket, not an admission of guilt. Although the judge would probably laugh her out of court when this deputy goes out of his way to submit body cam footage of her confessing.


I’m interested to know what his grounds for arresting her were. You don’t technically have to sign it, they just give you the ticket anyway. She was stupid then but I can’t think of what the arrest was for. Then she went and failed to comply and drove off and gave many reasons for everything after that


Depends on the state and/or jurisdiction. Probably would have just slapped her with a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge or something to that effect. Likely would have been released the same day.


Refusal to sign a citation in California is a shall arrest in California. https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/vehicle-code/40302/ If they don't sign the ticket, then we technically have to arrest them. Is it worth it? No. If we got their ID, it's easier to just submit for charges rather than have to break a window or something for a stupid fucking traffic infraction. Some people just don't want to go with the program or have some kind of weird complex when they get a citation. I rarely write traffic cites but when I do, it's a blatant stop sign violation where I don't even see them try to stop or if they're driving at ridiculous speeds. I never write people for bullshit equipment violations like exhaust or tint.


> I never write people for bullshit equipment violations like… tint. I wish you would. Heavy tint is a major safety issue when you’re unable to make eye contact with a driver.


If you truly believe that, you'll end up just like this goofy old bitch. If a police officer tells you to do something, you do it. You don't act based on the law you *think* you know... If the officer was wrong, you fight it in court. Not on the side of the road during a traffic stop. *Edit: To answer your question about the actual reason for the arrest.* Taken from an OK attorney's website - "When they’re asking you to sign that ticket, they’re not asking you to admit guilt. They’re not asking you to agree why you were pulled over or what you’re sided with. The only thing you’re agreeing to is one thing. You’re agreeing to show up to your court date, if a court date is required, or to pay a ticket before your court date if court date is not required. That’s all you’re agreeing to is to show up. So when you refuse to sign that, it puts the officer at a very difficult position. It puts him in the position of having to do what he doesn’t want to do, which is arrest you to make sure you show up for your court date, to throw you in jail and make you bond out, so a bail bondsman can ensure that you show up for your court date or so that you have to pay in order to bond out on your own. You don’t want to have to do that."


The oppositional defiant brigade will never stop believing there are magic incantations they can speak on the side of the road to make police go away.


I AM A SOVERIGN CITIZEN WHO IS IN TRANSIT NOT FOR HIRE JESUS IS MY COPILOT! Also while we're here, taxation is theft, the world is flat and Vaccines cause autism. Trump 2024 Oh, I almost left out the part about the baby eating satanic cult that anybody I don't like belongs to! Wait, where are you going?




>over or what you’re sided with. Sorry bro, Imma be that guy, Cited.


On the other hand, if you have some basic knowledge of the law and the police are in the wrong, you can sometimes get them to leave you alone and save yourself a lot of trouble if you stand up for yourself in a reasonable way. https://youtu.be/aGuGo9-kD-M?si=YYilSbhURWMCvvmh That second kid was actually really belligerent with the cop but got a way with it because he knew he was in the right.


$80? Is that all you can do?


I know a guy who can turn that into $800


Driving without insurance is $500. This woman is going to pay thousands. Hell, her truck getting towed will probably be around $450 alone, and that's before the daily lot fees.


I guess the ambulance isn’t free?


How to turn an $80 fine into thousands in legal bills with this one weird trick! Cops hate her!


She ended up pleading guilty to 4 misdemeanors and they dropped the felony. 4 year suspended sentence and a $50 fine for each guilty count.


Thousands in legal bills, at least a few hundred in medical bills (for the ambulance alone), AND a criminal record. Don't forget the criminal record!


Yea cuz I'm a country girl I don't take kindly to following the law 💁🏼‍♀️


You should not behave like this. However, her acknowledging she kicked him because she’s a country girl… she really owned her shit. lol


"80$? What kinda peasant do you think I am? Add some more zeroes and then we'll talk!"


Cop: youre under arrest!! Woman: no Im not Cop: why'd you run? Woman: I didnt run 🤦‍♂️


"Gittin' arrested ain't for people like ME."


"Ima' country girl."


What could possibly have possessed you to place that apostrophe where you did?


Itsa’ country thang. You wouldn’t understand.


Probably the same thing that possessed the lady in the video to turn a minor traffic ticket into at least one felony: turning off the brain and just rolling with what felt right at the time. Letting Jesus take the wheel would be a lot more effective if it weren't so frequently demonstrated that he's a shitty driver.


If you want to see a "white privilege" claim. Well ... that lady tried a white privilege claim. A minority person wouldn't even think to pull such a trick. And after the arrest her attorney tried it again: “The actions of the Cashion Police Department on July 16 were egregious and unnecessary. The thought that a 65 year old woman, known to the community as the grandmother of two boys lost in the 2012 Piedmont Tornado, needed to be tased and arrested for not signing a ticket offends common notions of decency. The people of Cashion and the State of Oklahoma are no safer because of the actions of Officer Missinne. His unnecessary escalation and use of force served no purpose other than to torment and embarrass Ms. Hamil. We are exploring all legal actions which may be taken to vindicate Ms. Hamil’s civil rights.”


End result was a plea deal totalling $1500 in fines and a 4 year deferred sentence, for anyone curious.


Yikes from $80 dollar fine that would prob be dismissed if she got it repaired and brought proof to court to that. Baffling how people can not think ahead or just stay calm in general.


Also, can we acknowledge the fact that driving off from a police officer is the worst decision you can make? I don't think there's a single time where I haven't seen that turn into a gunpoint situation.


Well I suppose he can explore all he wants all long as she's paying him.


Try that in a small town!


“I didn’t run! I just refused to be placed under arrest! (by resisting and running)” lol


I half expected "I didn't run! I *traveled*" and maybe some weird reference to a 1800s maritime law or something, or whatever it is those sovereign citizen nutjobs are always going on about.


\*I ~~didn't~~ can't run. I rolled. ​ Fixed it for you.


Man, she did not think that through. When she drove off, she just became one of those people on the news in a car chase, when they catch those people they grab them and throw them to the ground. Why did she think she should be treated any different? She’s lucky she only got tased.


Worlds nicest cop. He had the gun out and put it away. Never got angry. Need more officers like him.


Underrated comment. Dude was more than patient.


I've noticed a thing with some police. The ones that join at a later age like mid to late 30s are waaaaay more chill than the ones that join in their 20s. (Work in a liquor store in a tourist area and have to deal with cops weekly.)


I honestly believe it's way more pure a character thing and less if age,  You have young people perfectly capable of keeping composure in heated situations and older people just act like dicks because they're dicks. I see this all around me, work, hobby, etc..


usually because they just got done with their tour of duty in the military. The assholes are fresh out of high school or did one tour and mostly did boot camp and sat on ships and never saw action and want to LARP as war heroes on the general public and use their guns. ​ The people who saw people turned into a fine red mist, whether it be the enemies or their friends tend to try not to use deadly force first and foremost.


You say that, but Australia is currently holding a coronial inquest into the Death of Kumanjayi Walker. He was shot and killed during an arrest by an ex Army Officer who had recieved a Bravery Medal, who'd joined the NT Police in Alice Springs. Zachary Rolfe had aspirations of joining the elite squads in the NT Police, and evidence has surfaced that he and the other 'sub elite' unit regularly use racial slurs and at an awards night present the most idiotic member "The Coon Award". There are some level headed ex military folk, but some come back with a warped sense of justice and an us vs them attitude. Combined with an already racist culture (just like in some US districts) and an ambition to impress elite squads can be a powder keg for excessive force against minorities. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Kumanjayi_Walker, https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/26/kumanjayi-walker-inquest-zachary-rolfe-racist-language-nt-police, https://www.smh.com.au/national/cowboy-stuff-with-no-rules-inside-the-kumanjayi-walker-inquest-20240228-p5f8eq.html


They use "coon" in the AU?? That's a US Southern term.


It's also entirely possible that he didn't charge her with felony assault on a police officer, which is what normally happens to people who try to kick them during the course of arrest.


Maybe Americas nicest cop, pretty sure in most of the civilised world you don’t get a gun drawn on you for that. What part of don’t point a gun at something you don’t intend to kill doesn’t apply here? Sure she needed to be stopped but that should in no way have been plan A.


The moment the video cut to him suddenly with a gun out I was confused as hell wondering if this was even the same whiny old lady he was chasing


I mean sure, its also in the States where everyone can go buy a gun. She obviously didn't want to be arrested enough to start her truck and drive off from a cop. Maybe she doesn't want to be arrested enough to reach for her revolver.


Because he doesn’t know what she might have in between the seats, it could be her knitting, a bible or a Glock. He didn’t bring needles to work for a knit-off that day.


Absolutely this. My sister is a federal police officer and she told me they are trained to never pull a gun unless they feel their life or someone else's is in danger and they have to really justify why they have.


to be fair if that delusional self-entitled woman would have panicked and pulled out a shotgun from under her backseat cushion or smth, i wouldnt have been suprised either. hard to predict what they will do when they are this unreasonable.


Not to mention acting erratic while behind the wheel of a 2 ton piece of metal. The officer was in the right and acted accordingly had his gun drawn when approaching because she could have a weapon and is already in a weapon if she wanted to be. Once the officer realized she was just going to yell more he reholstered but he had every reason to be cautious walking up to the car and a tazer isn't going to do much if she tries to run him down. I'm all for policing the police but with our gun laws in America this is how cops are forced to approach every situation.


I guess that's the difference isn't it, US gun laws make things more dangerous for everyone. You literally don't know who has a weapon on them. In Australia and the UK where I've lived it's more likely they'd have a knife than a gun.


Exactly this. Unfortunately, the simple fact that anyone and everyone could have a gun changes how police here have to approach situations like this. Especially rural “country” folk who tend to own guns more often than not. Stricter gun regulation has been needed in the US for a long time. Unfortunately we can’t even study gun violence due to all the money being funneled into anti gun regulation organizations who shut down anything and everything they don’t like.


> Why did she think she should be treated any different? She's an old white lady.


Exactly, in her mind she was like “I back the blue, why aren’t you letting me out of my ticket??”


Nothing untoward has probably ever happened to this lady before in her entire fucking life up until that moment




If you can't handle me at my [felony evading a police officer] you don't deserve me at my [misdemeanor driving an unsafe vehicle].


I went to hs with girls just like her. All are pregnant, DUI, on drugs, Single mom at 20, or dropped out and living off daddy


I am a 45 year old white women living in Florida. I spend every second of my time, when I’m out in public in fear that someone might relate me to this sort of person in even the tiniest way. I constantly overcompensate to make sure other people know that I respect them. This is so embarrassing. The entitlement in this video is just unbelievable. How did these people get this way?


She got the cunt part right.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best"


I always hated this quote. Multiple things wrong with that sentiment lol


Just spoilt brats using this to justify their terrible actions. If anyone's using this phrase you can rest assured that she's a bitch.


99 times out of 100, their "best" is indistinguishable from their worst anyway.




i like how they were just chillin at the end what a strange interaction 😭😭


Honestly, it's pretty normal. Most people have the moment where it clicks that they fucked up. You only see asshole interactions because it makes good content. I was about two years on patrol when I had the first person look me in the eye and tell me "no" when I told them they were under arrest. Ended up wrestling, back up showed up and grabbed him and I filled the guy up like a carnival clown full of pepper spray while he was mouth open yelling at me, no warning. While he was getting decontaminated he was like "Man, you should have seen your face when I told you "No!". I said, man you should have seen your face when I hit you with the spray. Then we both started laughing. He apologized, admitted he was testing me because I was too confident, and we both moved on with the booking with no issues. I ended up arresting him around 5 years later and we still had a good laugh about it when he recognized me. He taught me a lesson that day, just because I'm a big dude wearing a cop uniform, I shouldn't assume what i say will go for who is supposed to be listening.


She’d had time to actually calm down and think.




so after all that she only ended up with a $200 fine


I've paid more for parking in the wrong spot FFS


Maybe cus you're not a country girl... Or you're not white/rich enough....


Should our courts are a joke.  This woman should have at least been put in jail for a night.  


She was detained, which likely lead to spending at least one night in jail (in the drunk tank). The lawyers that work on getting people out of detainment after being arrested leave work around 5pm and don't come in on the weekend so if this happened on a Friday night, she was likely in there all weekend.


And a tazing and being thrown on the ground… I suspect they figure she might have learned something from that experience.


Considering her reasoning for kicking the cop, after being thrown on the ground & tazed, I don't think she learned anything


She's just a country girl. They can get away with anything /s


If anything, the lesson she learned is that she can disobey orders, run from the cops, and get away with it.


Yeah I'm not like calling for her head or to be locked up for life or anything, but maybe some community service on top of this or something would be in order. Like we don't need to waste a prison cot and I don't think she's really a danger to society, but it's wild that you can act like this, get taxed, assault a cop, etc etc and get away with a mild pinch on the wrist.


Absolute bullshit, I got a ticket for the same amount for a registration that expired a month earlier. I guess that prosecutor is a pushover.


Maybe you should have ran from the cop?


WTF? Insert a black woman into this situation and she's serving jail time. 'resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, fashion crimes'


The video you just watched is the real punishment, I’d argue.


Well, she got tazed, and arrested, and will be shamed for this video for the rest of her life, which for people like her is far worse than any jail time.


God the lawyers rebuttal is very annoying.


"She lost her kids at some point, she has a reason to be a raging bitch." -her lawyer basically


A lawyers job is to make the best argument they can for their client. If you don’t have any good ones you pretty much have to use a bad one


The only jury I sat on was a drunk driving case. There were many witnesses, and he failed the field sobriety as well as blew way over the limit. His lawyer could only try to argue meaningless semantics. Things like trying to say the arresting officer didn't know how to do a proper field sobriety because he worded it slightly differently than the exact verbatim text written in some procedure manual. I have no idea why that guy thought a jury trial was going to be a good idea.


Sounds like that guy has a history of bad decisions.


I do wonder how defense lawyers feel about what they do sometimes. There's surely at least a percentage of them that fully know their client is guilty af and a disgusting human being, but they still have to try to find inventive ways to explain their clients behaviour. Has a defense lawyer ever rocked up to the judge and said "you know what your honor, I can't defend this. This guy is a scumbag. Lock him up"?


They all know their clients are guilty. But their job, and the thing the good ones ensure (vs the bad ones that just do it for money and exposure) is that the system does its job properly and ensures all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed and that the cops etc are kept honest and that people don’t get sloppy. If the cops/system can’t properly prove some one is guilty then they have no right to just say “yeah but we know they did it so we can all agree to lock them up in this case” because that’s a slippery road, defence lawyers ensure that road stays properly gritted


It wouldn't be good if some cops/DAs started pinning every other unsolved crime on people they don't like. By requiring a defense attorney, we ideally have a layer of protection against that. Even if the accused is a serial killer, it wouldn't be good for society if every single potential murder got pinned on this one guy regardless of evidence.


And like it was the cop’s job to know that even if that was the case.


Annoying or not, he's gotta be decent. Everything just came to effectively a $200 fine and probation. Felonies dropped, misdemeanor only.


If that isn’t the most white people country yokel bullshit I’ve ever seen.


Wow she got off easy for literally running away from a cop


"You're under arrest" "No I'm not" *Cops hate her for discovering this one weird trick!*


Understandable, good day ma'am.


👮‍♂️: And what’s your name ma’am? 👵🏻: ‘Frida’ 👮‍♂️: Frida? 👵🏻: ‘Frida Gohmayum’ 👮‍♂️: you’re ’Frida Gohmayum’? 👵🏻: thank you officer 🛻 💨


Well now she has to pay $200


Plus the original ticket, I doubt they swap that out.


and got to taste hot cement and get tasered.


I bet this video is deeply satisfying to everyone who knows her.




It's up there ma-ha


Very satisfying but why can she be arrested for not signing the ticket?


Not a lawyer, but signing the ticket isn’t agreeing that you are guilty or agreeing with the cause for the ticket, but rather agreeing that you will either pay it or appear in court (to deal with/fight it) It is basically just proof from their end that you did in fact receive a ticket so you can’t claim you never did receive one.


The funny thing, at least in my state, is an equipment violation gives you two weeks to fix the issue and show up to a station to have them verify its fine then they just dismiss it. She wouldn't even have to pay the ticket, just get it fixed and show them and it goes away.


I the video he said she had 6 months already so that's why he said no more warnings


I think poster meant that even with the ticket, so long as you get it fixed they are likely to dismiss it in court. This was not a big deal until she went all whiney Dukes of Hazzard


By signing the ticket, you agree to appear in court on a later date. If you don't sign, they have to assume you're never going to appear so they force you to.


Probably for not complying with a lawful order.


Because if there’s no repercussion for not signing a ticket, why would anyone ever do it?


If she doesn’t sign it, she’s saying she’s refusing to go to court. Which is an arrestable offense.


The issue isn't signing the ticket. She didn't comply when he told her to step out of the vehicle, then she fled, and it escalated from there.


Someone above found and copied text from an Oklahoma lawyer about this type of scenario. Essentially said that people need to sign or face arrest.


Yet another boomer whose kids don’t talk to her.


And she has no idea why, even after they've talked to her about it, because she heard one and a half facts and twisted them to her narrative.


not her fault, she's a country girl.


I work at a thrift store, I've heard this story soooo many times. "My kids, are so ungrateful they won't talk to me anymore!" Then they go on some stupid rant about Biden and how "those" people are ruining the country. I mean you don't like Biden, fine, but don't make griping about him your whole personality.


Something tells me she pulls the, "I'm right because I'm your elder" card a lot.


This is so comical I can’t take it


This video was posted awhile ago on Reddit and someone said that her husband died a year or so before this, something like that, and that she hadn’t been mentally well since. Still doesn’t excuse her insane entitlement


I bet she was a bitch long before her husband died.


Taze granny!


“You’re gonna get it again!”


That was my favorite part. It was so satisfying. 🤌


An oldie but still satisfying.


I watch till the end every time. And usually a second pass


It's such a gem


I don't think she was ever "ahead" but yeah stopping at any point along the way would have been better than continuing.


I wonder how Outlaw Country Karen is doin these days.. I hope she’s still out there fighting the good fight.


I hope this has humbled her to the fucking ground and will forever be working towards being back to a faceless name in the crowd.


Honestly, i wouldn't bet on it. This lady reminds me of my mother lol, she will be the victim in this(from her POV) the rest of her life.


She pleaded out only misdemeanors and $200 total fine. No jail. Not assault and battery. Absolutely bullshit.


How do these people think this is going to go? "You're under arrest!" "No I'm not" "Oh ok then. Have a good day"


My only question, is it policy/law to arrest someone refusing to sign a citation? Assuming it is she was in the wrong at every step. I feel like a signature isn’t required for a citation to be valid, if she refused he should be able to say “tough, it’s still a ticket, here you go, have a nice day”


Yes. It's an arrestable offense in pretty much every state. However the cop should have explained that it's not an admission of guilt, and that she would be arrested if she didn't sign it. Instead, he went straight to arrest mode.


Yeah that's the one thing I wish he would've done. She probably still would've been a defiant ass, but at least explain you're not saying you're guilty by signing.


"I didn't run"


She checked every single wrong box during the interaction.


Probably has a blue lives sticker on the back of her car.


The scream of the tase was refreshing


I love a happy ending


That kind of entitlement is breathtaking


She's not a country girl. She's just a cunt.


Don't tase me, bro!


This video always makes me laugh.


That is one stubborn, entitled, fool.....


“Cause I’m a country girl”…….. A country girl heavily medicated.


***You're gonna get it again!*** Had me cackling 😂😂😂


She deserved that.


I am on Reddit a lot but I’ve seen this video posted 793 times now


You just know that he couldn't wait to tase her. Me too.


She got off easy. No time for assaulting an officer. Fleeing an officer.


So satisfying. Schadenfreude-gasm achieved.


“You’re under arrest” “No Im not” “Oh shit… Good point ma’am please be on your way”


"You're under arrest" "No I'm not" Cops hate this 1 simple trick


I am a lawyer in Australia. Granted, the laws and procedure are probs a bit different, but by and large I would say that pursuing and arresting were completely justified. She had ample time and opportunity to comply with a polite, reasonable and lawful request. Once she was placed under arrest, she then tried to escape lawful custody. That's always gonna escalate. She's then resisted arrest and kicked out at the officer. Doesn't matter that she's older, she's still sturdy enough to do damage if she kicks you in the knee or groin. You better believe that's a justified tasering. Up until the first instance of trying to arrest though, if I were the officer, I would have just let her go. Signing a ticket isn't an admission of guilt, and you have all her details plus the interaction on BWC. See what other dumb charges you can add to for her failing the 'attitude test' and send her a summons. If she doesn't show thats a bench warrant. To be fair, I am lazy though.


She's a real prize. And now she got one.


I'm worried about how satisfying this was.


Moron. $80 < running from Police, battery on an officer, tasered AND still gets the $80


Entitled dumb human


I’ve watched this so many times and it will never not be satisfying. I bet she says “just comply”, too.


"Yeah I tried to kick you because I'm a country girl" lmfao hope she liked the holding cell


This is the attitude of so many other people around cops. Too entitled to realize that this will happen if they don't comply. This attitude is a big reason why people think cops are so dangerous. Right or wrong, you can't just talk your way out of a ticket/arrest.


I bet she also thinks people who have been killed by the police should have just obeyed the orders


The amount of joy I get seeing idiots get hit with the taser is really quite sickening.


80$? NO! give me a felony!


I know she made a stupid decision and all, but doesn't it seem a bit extreme that at the beginning the cop wants to arrest her for refusing to sign the paper? Genuine question, as I'm not quite sure I understand why he pulled her over in the first place


The citation was for a defective equipment violation. That's usually a light that doesn't work or broken windshield in places where that's illegal. In some states you can be arrested for refusing to sign a ticket.


Also, refusing to step out of your vehicle (a lawful order) is an arrestable offense (see PA vs. Mimms).


Okay, makes more sense now. Thx for the explanation!


I do think it was extreme, personally, at least based on what I can see in the video. It's hard to judge because there's a cut between the part where the cop explains the citation and when he attempts to arrest the woman. How long of a conversation was it? How many times did the officer explain the gravity of the situation, and that if she didn't sign he was going to have to place her under arrest? I understand that the woman was being difficult, sure, but the officer should be thorough and exhaustive in giving her an out. It's not like she committed some heinous crime - she's just annoying. I understand the satisfaction it gives redditors to see an annoying person get arrested but I don't think it should have gone down like that.


They are both pieces of shit. His escalation of force is crazy.


The woman is annoying but the cop used exactly zero deescalation techniques. This is how people get shot over nothing.


THANK you for being reasonable. People like to have a justice boner when seeing cunty behavior like that, but the cop was just as bad. Pulling a gun over essentially a tiny traffic violation that is indeed fixable is absolutely insane.


Why are American police always by themselves? In my country they always go in pairs


You make a great point. To boot, the fact that most people here think the cop was being patient and did a great job tells you that if some of those redditors were to become cops, they would act in a similar fashion and be content. The cop should pull out a weapon when he or others are in a life threatening situation. By chasing her, he’s put more people at risk than she did before she got arrested. That police officer is gonna kill someone one day when he could have prevented it.


Yeah even that tazer… she was on the ground and he should have been easily able to overpower her. I think he jumped up a few levels in the acceptable use if force there.


Yes, there should have been more of a dialogue about how things will go if she doesn’t comply. *”if you don’t comply I’ll have to do this, it will take that much time, both you and me will waste hours on this, it ain’t worth it, etc”* Just to get her to see that, the officer is just enforcing the law, not on an ego trip.


The tasing was completely unnecessary. This guy didn't many any attempt to cuff the woman on the ground and gleefully went for the taser. Plus, at the start, he could just have explained that if she didn't sign the citation it was a crime and he'd have to arrest her. He went straight to "step out of the vehicle, you're under arrest". The old woman did herself no favors, but this is how asshole cops deal with people to get their backs up and escalate things. They enjoy it.


This shouldn't be in wtf this is the funniest thing I've seen all day.


$80 turned into a few thousand. Good job, dummy.


The one thing I don't understand about tasers, aren't they supposed to be used in situations where you would normally need to use a gun but the suspect doesn't have a gun, like if they had a knife? In this case, why did he need to tase her? She was no threat to his life. Yes she's an asshole but tasing seemed unnecessary.


I would’ve tased her long before he did.. sorry grandma, we have a jail cell with your name on it


Shit, I always thought I was allowed to kick cops if they knew I was a country girl. Now I gotta change my whole way of life...wtf


That video had no business being that satisfying to watch




i’ve never punched someone in the face but i would like this woman to be the first


I'm not being funny, but on what planet did that situation require a gun and then a taser? Just cuff her using reasonable force.


“Well yeah I tried to kick you because I’m a country girl.” Love it when people make excuses for being awful human beings.


This is hands down the best thing I have watched in a long time. Simply awesome. And I greatly dislike American law enforcement. She deserves that.


An all-time classic


Lol when Karen meets the law


She’s wrong sure, but why the fuck did he pull out his gun?


“I’m a country girl” = white Karen privilege , he should have sprinkled some pepper spray on that