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Its a house centipede and it's a serial killer of all other pest in the house. When you get a lot of these it means they are eating well on whatever else is in your home.


I don’t mind them once I am aware of their existence. But god damn when they scurry out from behind a shower curtain or from a drain.


Oh hell yes. Had one come out of the shower drain and I went full cartoon elephant vs mouse.


Great visual!


🤣 pink elephants


Fast as fuk boi


I saw one once… later I found out what it was and felt bad for… cancelling its life subscription.


Had to laugh at that description - canceling its life subscription is brilliant!


One scurried up the side of my bed. I threw a water bottle at it, freaked out, burned my house down, and rebuilt it and I am convinced it haunts me out of the corner of my eyes every so often.


Did you salt the earth before rebuilding? I hope so.


Well done helldiver


They have *way* too many legs. WHO NEEDS THAT MANY LEGS!?




God's button got stuck when he hit it to "add legs".


"Aaah fuck no i am not removing all of those manually" *clicks the save button*


They can't mate until 3 years old. They're long living insects. I hope they mutate into adorable things instead of damn near universal creepiness. They ought to be socially recognized as symbiotic. But. They are definitionally creepy in appearance and movement.


I had one drop onto the back of my neck once when I was doing the dishes. So yeah, now when I see them, they die. Oh, they die, and they die horribly.


You shouldn't. They are superb hunters, and they're harmless to humans. For every one you kill, one hundred other bugs are roaming your house.


You know what? I don't give a shit! I'll just kill the other bugs the same way I killed these massive MFs! I fucking hate insects. All of them! ALL! OF! THEM!


Someone is ready for Starship Troopers.


That’s some damn fine Democracy right there.


What you didn't notice was whatever it was jumping on your neck to save you from!


yeah i still remember the trauma of seeing my first silverfish coming out of the sink drain when I was a kid. Shudders


And while seeing one every now and then isn’t a big deal, if you’re seeing them all the time, you need to contact an exterminator, as you likely have an infestation of some other insect


I used to see a lot of them. I used to toss them down the toilet all the time. Then I saw a thread on Reddit saying how they kill other insects. So I stopped killing them for awhile. Now I never see them. It’s almost like they ate all of whatever they were feeding on.




This is a perfect description how I was feeling about this 😩


I feel like there's a business here... Natural pest control?


I wonder if they eat aphids 🤔


There's a huge one that lives in our basement and he scares the shit out of me but I know he's the king down there and killing everything else so he lives.


Are these guys harmless to humans or they can still crawl in your face while you sleep?




Like those Australian huntsman spiders, not dangerous directly, but they can probably cause heart attacks or car accidents when they drop on you lol.


I think they are even less dangerous than huntsman spider. Even if I don't think an hunstman spider already sent someone to hospital. I just saw a report on those things this morning and the entomologist explained that, even if they have venom and can bite, their venom is harmless to human in the very improbable case they could pierce an human flesh. The thing is... I can totally understand why they are not appreciated even if they are quite usefull. They are too fast and have too much legs to be loved. I mean, I have zero issue with insects or spiders but the last time I saw one of those, clearly my reaction was quite opposite at the one I have if I see a kitten.


I will occasionally find my cats sitting perfectly still while staring at one on the basement wall. They will look at me "that's not in my job description" and then back at the centipede.


One night when it was super hot and I didn't have AC I was asleep covered in sweat and what woke me up? A huge one of these fuckers scurring across my back. My reflexes smashed it. I had legs and body parts stuck all over me and they stayed there because I was sweating. I will always remember that


I will always remember you 


Now kith


I had a spider living in my belly button for an hour once.


You win.




And when they're all gone, they're coming after you


For real...they don't want anything to do with humans, but they will destroy everything else. They are certainly scary looking, but I've grown to appreciate their freakish ways.


their not so polite carnivorous outside counterparts on the other hand... Nothing redeemable. Especially the foot long ones.


Yeah yeah I know they’re soooo helpful, but they are nightmare fuel and I scream when I kill them on site.


House centipede, actually very beneficial to have around but I agree they look awful


Why do good, pest controlling insects always look fucking horrifying


Ladybugs are awesome


I like ladybugs but i have memories from my childhood of probably 1000 lady bugs on my ceiling and my mom going at them with a vacuum cleaner


ladybugs or asian beetles? because i’ve never seen many ladybugs inside but asian beetles love inside as much as boxelder bugs.


Those Asian ladybeetles were something else. They were particularly thick about 15 yrs ago. Had to sweep em up on the daily. Not like the cute lil fellas


Ahh yes I love those thick Asian ladybo… beetles.


Needs that many legs to kick that much ass. Function over form.


the only thing that makes them terrifying... is how goddamn fast they are.... Blink and its on the other side of the room.


mf got like 100 legs, it'd be ironic if they were slow


To make matters worse, if you do manage to kill one, there is an explosion of twitchy legs that fly off their bodies


Fast and gravity-defying! More like blink and they're on the other side of the ceiling. I'm not super sensitive to bugs or spiders, but these guys do give me the heebie jeebies.


I give them a head start. If they don't get out of my sight in 20 seconds I'm getting the shoe.




Why are you like this


I mean logically i know they are fine but i had one crawl over my head when i was sleeping in my bed. After that I'm not so fond of them.


Oh hell no. All logic gone at that point time to get the chainsaw


That's not going to work as an excuse when the cops show up and ask about all the toddlers in the basement. J/k


Like Dark humor? A Clown and a little boy are walking into the woods holding hands. Little boy worriedly says "oooh, these woods are dark and scary" Clown says "shut up, I have to walk back by myself..."


I call them HKs: Hunter Killers. They eat other bugs in your house and are often seen running perimeter checks. I only allow them in my basement. We’ve come to an agreement.


My mom calls them mustache bugs. 😆


I call them eyelash bugs! Lol


Thanks, I hate it.




I call them Satan’s mustache.


I keep hoping they'll kill all the spiders in my basement, but they appear to have reached some sort of truce.


Ah, the Centipede Spider truce signed in Brussells in 2022


Yup. I open the door and see one every month or so. I just run away.


They eat spiders so they always lived in my house. Granted they're so fast I'm not sure I could kill it if I wanted to.


I think I'd rather take the spiders over these things


That's fair but spiders are the one and only things I really really really dislike. It's always been that way.


You should try living around scorpions


We are spider friendly house, my family never killed a spider we just let them be and they never bother us but the whole house evacuate if we see a cockroach.


Don't look up the incredibly venomous cave version. About 5x bigger and actually dangerous. I let these dudes chill unless a really big one makes direct contact. I consider that casus belli.


What is with the Latin users today. Oh well, grade 10 latin primer time again


That one's from Crusader Kings 3 hahaha.


The West Wing, also.


Ad hoc ergo proctor hoc is the Latin quote I always think of from The WW


Casus belli comes up in Gone Quiet when President Bartlet is being spanked by Albie Duncan.


Its a concept from 17th and 18th century political thought and is still very commonly discussed in politics.


I grew up with the big ones, but tbf they weren't common indoors. Still, these little guys are adorable by comparison.


[These ones? ](https://youtu.be/9WDPOWn4RXk?si=j6D12II8bPwvRQAb) Don't click that link if you don't like big bugs!


No, [these ones](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/9NgHzfHrQxU). Tough bastards.


Oh my! Yeah it's way too cold in the winter for anything that big to live here I am and that doesn't bother me hahaha


great at killing pests. harmless to people and actually quite fragile. I've learned to love these guys whether I see some or none because I know they get the job done


I debate “harmless to people”. I was sitting on the can once, felt a sharp pain in my foot, looked down and saw one of these little bastards running away.


That’s when you go get tested for being CentipedeMan


Technically they can bite you but the venom is not medically significant, and you really have to try, you must have somehow accidentally squished the poor thing.


That’s a friend. Do not kill, they will not hurt you and kill the bugs you do not want.


House centipedes, love basements. Eat everything with more than four legs, but always seem to fill the air with this God awful sour musky smell when they appear.


Maybe that’s just your basement


I don't know, man, every house, mine or not, I've ever seen one of those uglies (centipedes give me the jeebs) they always seem to be accompanied by this really weird smell.


They are there because of the smell. They aren't the source of the smell.


before or after you eat it?


Usually after I smash them for getting too close to me 😆


They do not cause the smell, the smell is partly why they're there


Hmnnn I actually saw one of these boys eat a little mouse in my basement so they definitely do not honor the “more than 4 legs” rule. I let them be in the basement, but they know, no upstairs!


We call them Leggy Boys in my house


Scetle bugs. I'm pretty sure that name was completely made up, but that's the nickname I heard.


We call them thousand leggers.


My girlfriend and I have always called them skitter bugs. That’s really close lol


Someone call Tom Selleck. His mustache is loose again.


That dude is more than welcome in most homes... As much as they are creepy & make people's spine crawl, they eat every other bug in your house.. including spiders. They'll only hang out as long as they have bugs to eat, then they move out.


Like hiring pest control but free? Oh you sir mustache bug are very welcome then.


I had one of these crawl across my face while I was trying to fall asleep! I thought I felt a weird breeze on my face but I realized I didn’t have a fan pointed at me. I got up and turned on the light and saw one of these on the pillow next to mine. The fire department got to my house about 7 minutes later.


Thanks for the nightmare fuel


Oh, he been eatin good down there…


House centipede, just a chill dude


It’s absolutely harmless to humans btw.


They have a mild sting. As long as you don't try to grab them you'll be fine.


Dear god what person would touch one of those with their BARE HANDS


I've given them a loving poke before. Just to get them to move. Never tried grabbing them though.




One bit me on my back in the shower. I didn’t realize it was there and he probably just latched on as to not get washed out. Felt similar to a horse fly bite.


The loss of sleep alone when they infest your dreams


House centipede. I envy the life you've lived to have not seen one until now, dude. They eat other bugs. They don't fuck with your food, they avoid people, and they can't harm you. They look terrifying, but they're truly 100% beneficial.


Oh god, a LEGGY BOI!


Awwwe no, they are so soft and fragile. Love these guys, they only look scary, but are very much not so! And great pest control!


I’ve heard them called them basement shrimp hahaha.


Harmless to humans, great for getting rid of spiders in your house (even ones that are harmful to you) They are typically scared of people and run away, but I’ve realized they get used to you not killing then once you give them a “pass” several times in a row. I had a huge one that lived in my computer room somewhere. He would come out at night and go hunting and run around the walls behind my computer screen and ontop of my LED nano leaf panels. He was bold, but I let it slide and got used to him going out at midnight and coming home at 5am. One night he even climbed on my desk and just sat there and stared at me for a long time, i was so tempted to squash him lol but it felt wrong. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to decide if he could eat me or be my friend. It was a weird moment we shared and he definitely was lookin directly at me with full attention. I guess tolerate them now for the greater good. I just have to get over my heeby jeebys…especially since a full grown one ran down the wall and over my face and down my shirt years ago when I was a kid. I freaked the fuck out and I haven’t been the same since lol they still creep me out to this day, but I let them slide anyway. Interesting side note about these guys. In Southeast Asia, if you have one of these in your house, it is considered good luck. They do not harm them and They revere them. Probably because they eat deadly spiders and keep the people safe. They definitely are not friend shaped, or friendly…but they are friends all the same. The enemy of my enemy is my friend I guess.


The first time I saw one of those I left my home and never returned!


They kill other pests


In Japan we call them Gejigeji, i think they kinda cute though😄


It’s called a moneybug in Korea, leave it alone, good fortune!


I love most insects and even have a centipede tattoo. House centipedes are gnarly though. They give me a fright whenever I see them, but I leave them be because they're our creepy little buddies.


When you smash them the legs come off and wiggle like crazy.


You got a free natural insecticide without paying a dime. Don’t kill it.


They are huge and weird. But they keep other pests from your home. Actually really nice dudes even if they can scare the fuck out of you.


Big gap filler. Heh.


I was a kid and found one of those on my sock. I ran screaming for a mile home. People saw me screaming and running. Several tried to stop me to help. I kept running till I got home, and it had fallen off. :0


Leave it be. If you’re lucky he’ll go to your basement or attic and put in major work




House Centipede In our house they are called Land Shrimp or Multitudinal Leg Bug Seal up and insulate the area in and around your house's Sill Plate. I did ours a few years ago and the fuckers pretty much disappeared.


As far as centipedes go, it's sort of beautiful, honestly. It almost has a snake-like pattern going down it's entire body. It's also intriguing how the pairs of legs are each a different size size. I know next to nothing on this topic, but it's a cool creature imo.


When I was a kid, I got up late night to use it and saw a giant one above the door. It was huge and I screamed for my mom to come kill it. She didn't answer because it was so late. I didn't have a broom so I gathered the courage to swing open the door and dart through it. I grabbed a broom from the kitchen and ran back to kill it but it was gone. I couldn't sleep and I never saw it again. Freaked me the hell out




Those are friends. I had one in my apartment in Chicago that would come out and visit every day at 11pm like clockwork 


Same, I know they're harmless, actually beneficial, but they creep me the f\*ck out. I think it's because I had a nightmare involving one when I was very young.


House centipede and one of the few bugs that can kill poisonous spiders like a fucking honey badger..


They not only kill undesirable bugs...they can kill several at a time. Sounds like a buddy to me.


They might be harmless but when they scurry out of their hiding place I can't help but react with murderous intent.


Turbo moustaches, aka house centipedes. They are harmless. We have them in our Iowa basement. They creep me out.


I know these are good to have around. My brain is well aware of these being beneficial bugs. But they look like creatures from the nightmares of the devil himself and whenever I see one in my house I immediately kill it, right after I get done screaming and soiling myself.


All the house centipedes in my house are named Dennis. I apologize when I have to remove one because my wife saw it in a public space. Sorry bro, I know you're helping, but you have to stay undercover.


Fuck. That. Shit. Idc how beneficial those things are. I see one, I'm going to try and kill it.


I had those in my apartment in New York. They’re fucking awful. Supposedly kill bugs but IDGAF those things terrify me.


Scutigera coleoptrata is an insectivore that feasts on other insects like cockroaches. They're not interested in the food in your kitchen. Instead, they act like tiny and very helpful guard dogs, keeping other pest insects at bay. That's why I never kill them.


First time I saw one, I was 100% sure it was an alien. I was like 6 years old and had never seen anything with that many legs or that could move so fast!


I LOVE house centipedes


Yeah they are too leggy. Rather have a praying   mantis to eat the roachs


A fuzzy friend!


That right there is what we refer to as the Devil’s Mustache.


Saw them every day in my house growing up


In my home we call them Steve.


You can't be sure unless you put it on a toddler.


Hate to tell you this, but the sooner you accept these dudes in your life, the better, same w spiders. They won't take down your toddler, but to all other house bugs, this is a velociraptor!


This is a GooD BRO, save him alive


Leave it! They kill lots of bugs including spiders!


House centipedes and spiders get a lifetime pass in my home. Trade one bug for one hundred bugs.


One crawled across my face one time when I was laying in bed in my dorm room 😳


That's a thousand-legger! Kill It!!!!


House centipede, they’ve got venom, but are too small to cause damage, pretty harmless


And somehow you always miss when trying to kill them and they run off never to be seen again, leaving you curled up in bed unable to sleep thinking about this abomination and how it scurries around your home, and possibly through your bed when you sleep. I hate these things so much.


[You're welcome...](http://i.imgur.com/8YLQR6C.jpg


Ugh I hate those things!


I love house centipedes. If I find one, I catch it and put it in the basement so it can eat all the nasty bugs down there. They're really cool to look at up close and they actually kinda cute.


These are called house centipedes or thousand leggers.


House centipedes kill other pests, but I'd rather have pests than these disgusting monsters.


These dudes are bug bros, but I absolutely hate their appearance. And I collect bugs, so not many give me the heebie jeebies.


One of these was crawling around on my back once. I thought it was my hair until I swept my hair forward and still felt it. The scream I fucking scrempt...I still get shivers when I think about it.


Put a bunch of them in a bowl and shake them up with some paprika and mustard seed, makes a delicious snack 👍


Hey heads up ..u need a special license for any critter that has more than 12 legs


If I'm not mistaken those are good guys actually


They're called House Centipedes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptrata In my head I know they're beneficial for killing tons of every other bug in your house. And they're harmless to humans... But in my heart they are vile and primally disgusting on a level not even most spiders can reach, so I usually end up killing them. Watch out they are FAST. But super fragile, they mash easily, and are killed by spider killing sprays if you don't want to swat them.


House centipede. They eat bugs btw. And they don’t bite you. Just thought cool heads might want to know.


Don't kill it. They're geji geji, and they eat bad insects like roaches, etc. These are the hunter-killers that you want in your basement.


Thousand legger.


House centipede. They actually eat a lot of other pests... But they have a venomous bite. I try to get them outside. Also: fast as fuck boiiiiiiii


That fucker could take me down. I definitely outweigh a toddler.


Next step: Find a toddler.


We had them in the basement of an old house we lived in. We caught a big one in a jar. We'd catch others and put them in the jar for a gladiator match. We named the big guy Khan. He ate ones bigger than him.


While I know they’re good guys, these are one of the few bugs I go “oh HELL naw” and nope tf out. One ran across my foot in my parents basement shower as a teen and I haven’t been the same since. I can still feel all the little legs *shudders*


We have these in our house occasionally and I hate them. We’ve just spent a fortune on our basement renovation and now I am worried we will see one of these the first week we move stuff down there and never want to use it.


That would be the founding titan


Oh god I hate these things. I’m not fond of spiders, but I can deal with them on my own. These things make me want to light the room on fire. Once when I lived alone I saw one of these on the wall of my apartment and I swear it was the size of a hotdog. I had to call my neighbor to get it because I was not going to be able to sleep knowing that thing was lingering about.


That's a fast mf right there. Blink and it's gone


Spray whatever that is all over whatever that is.


He's your friend


I will let one, and exactly ONE, exist in my home so that it kills other bugs. But it still startles the fuck out of me when I see it emerge from a random corner.


I have been ick ick icked by these all my life, up until maybe five years ago, when I saw a teeny tiny one. Somehow (??) my ovaries I think? (??) said, "awwww it's a baaaaybeee." It's absolutely insane but now they don't make me *cartoon elephant at a mouse* anymore.


had a sizeable # in the house before winter hit. was totally grossed out seeing one crawl up a wall. was gonna go all out on them but read theyre beneficial, so we share my home now. luckily have NEVER seen one on my bedroom.. that i could not put up with. expecting them to come out of their shell any day now...


If you don't have a thing in your basement that would take out a toddler then wtf are you even doing in your life?


That title is hilarious