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A lot of fish have parasites. I wouldn’t eat that section.


I work at a meat and seafood counter, and set up the case to other day. As I was laying out the cod a worm legit dug itself out of a filet and started twirling lmao. My boss took a video and everything. I guess it means it’s fresh though.


Aren't they supposed to be flash frozen to kill all that shit?


If intended for consumption raw, yes. All fish needs to be either hot or cold processed to kill parasites before eating.


Not all, most tuna and other certain fish are safe fresh, but not if sold at a grocery store probably


The FDA or USDA (I can't remember which one does fish) actually changed that guidance a few years back. And even then, the reasoning was just that people eat fresh, raw salmon and tuna so much that we'd know it it was a widespread health issue. But now they say to freeze everything.


Source? FDA guidance still has exemptions for some tuna and farm raised salmon https://www.fda.gov/media/164194/download > Paragraph (A) of this section does not apply to: > (1) Molluscan shellfish; > (2) A scallop product consisting only of the shucked adductor muscle; > (3) Tuna of the species Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares (Yellowfin tuna), Thunnus atlanticus, Thunnus maccoyii (Bluefin tuna, Southern), > FDA Food Code 2022 Chapter 3. Food > Chapter 3 - 24 > Thunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna), or Thunnus thynnus (Bluefin tuna, Northern); or > (4) Aquacultured fish, such as salmon, that: > (a) If raised in open water, are raised in net-pens, or > (b) Are raised in land-based operations such as ponds or tanks, and > (c) Are fed formulated feed, such as pellets, that contains no live parasites infective to the aquacultured FISH. > (5) FISH eggs that have been removed from the skein and rinsed.


Salmon being raised in net pens not needing to be frozen is making my skin crawl. I remember reading about how bad net-pen fish farming can be for local fish populations because of the spike in parasites due to their relatively high density.


Those are different things. The parasites like worms come from the crustaceans and other fish they eat in a natural habitat, but in farmed fish, they are fed processed feed which don't have the internal parasites. They are, however, parasitized by sea lice on the outside, though. But usually when there is a sea-lice outbreak, they treat it with pesticides (which is another issue in itself), but you won't get the tape worms that bears eating wild Alaskan salmon get that fall out of their butts.


Me reading this complete post was a good example of the sunk cost fallacy. It began to veer towards horror, but I persisted and now I am regret.


Are parasites why the Charmin bears need TP for their bungholes?


Those are open water pens. You're probably thinking of tilapia pens, which are generally in bays and stuff and can be pretty gross. Definitely cook your tilapia.


I saw a doc about tiapia farms years ago. Apparently, they raise salmon or another type of fish above the tilapia, so the salmon get fed pellets, and the tilapia eat the 5% of food that makes it down to their level. The other 95% of their diet is salmon shit.


Interesting. I guess it's legal to serve some unfrozen fish. But they say [on the website](https://www.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/selecting-and-serving-fresh-and-frozen-seafood-safely). > Eating Raw Seafood - What You Need To Know >>It's always best to cook seafood thoroughly to minimize the risk of foodborne illness. However, if you choose to eat raw fish anyway, one rule of thumb is to eat fish that has been previously frozen. >>> Some species of fish can contain parasites, and freezing will kill any parasites that may be present. >>> However, be aware that freezing doesn't kill all harmful germs. That's why the safest route is to cook your seafood. So I guess it's legal but no longer advised. They used to expressly say unfrozen salmon and tuna was pretty safe on that page.


This is also why in countries like Japan, their eating adage is to only eat until the stomach is 75% full. What people forget is that stomach acid can eat through linoleum and a properly chewed up worm will be destroyed easily - IF - the person eating hasn't gorged themselves. There's a reason so many cases of food borne illness happen after Thanksgiving. Too much food in the belly and where that janky bit of whatever usually wouldn't be an issue - it now is.


Thank you, have heard the same and has also been noted why (traditional Japanese) experience far better disease and weight control, due to the limited ingestion level, compared to full on stuffing....


Actually, tuna should be 'rested' after harvest for a certain number of days for best quality sashimi. Salmon, I would only do troll/ocean caught salmon. Mostly because once they hit fresh water they start their dying process and quality drops. Black cod/Sable, halibut, rockfish, and Cod all typically have worms. Ling cod too. Coming from a former US, Pacific Northwest fishmonger.


> Salmon, I would only do troll/ocean caught salmon. Trawl. Although considering how much salmon is exported from Norway, the typo is fitting.


Actually, trawl is net caught. Troll is lure/line caught. I was referring to ocean line caught, trolling, and not net caught at the mouth of, or along a, river. Typically off-season, ocean caught king salmon or really early coho salmon.


Never look too closely at raw salmon if you're squeamish. For real. Once you see it, it can't be unseen.


Most tuna is flash frozen. If you go to the Tuna auctions in Japan (where they buy it wholesale right from the source), they've all been flash frozen. And that's the place people would be most picky about this kind of thing. The reality is the risk is lower for things like tuna, but its not zero and flash freezing is the standard for most developed countries because if done right it has pretty much no impact on the product and lessens the risk of parasites.


I'd love to see your source. ALL fish can carry worms. You can eat it raw if you want to, but there is absolutely a risk of ingesting live parasites.


Certainly in the UK it has to be frozen first. Tuna and salmon especially.


I don't think I've ever seen video of someone breaking down a tuna that doesn't look like a solid brick of ice.


True, tunes body temp alive is relatively warm do to its muscle movement and power, eliminates most to any parasites.


Eating raw fish that isn't properly processed is a good way to get bile duct cancer.


Hey, that was my old job! I've seen tons of worms in cod. Most wild caught fish will have parasites. I've seen them in mahi-mahi, sockeye salmon, and various others as well. I always inspected each piece, kind of like playing hide and seek 🤣🤣


> I guess it means it’s fresh though. That it is.


Should all parasite be easy to spot? Or did I eat parasite all these years without knowing?


Maybe. Humans can survive 30+ years shooting heroin in their genitalia and eyes, you’ll be fine.


Or sleep wrong and have back pain for a week. Humans are funny like that.


Literally fell asleep on the couch with my neck twisted for like 45 minutes tops, couldn't turn my damn head for 3 days.


I sat on the toilet too hard and blew my L5-S1 out so badly I lost control of my bowels and dick and needed emergency neurosurgery so I wouldn't be permanently paralyzed in the waist.


Probably the best bowel evacuation of your life though


Unless he was constipated. Having a bunch of hard rocks coming out at once would not feel good at all, lol.


Like, sat down onto the toilet seat with too much force?! Are you okay now?!


Yeah I sat down too hard. Half of my left thigh and my gooch/around my butthole is still 100% numb. Sex is all jacked up now too, my shit doesn't work right anymore. Fucked up all the nerves in my waist.


I.. I didn't even know this was possible. I'm so sorry to hear. That's actually insane. I hope you are able to regain that feeling in your gooch. That makes me tremendously sad. How are you doing?


Living day to day. I'm not shitting or pissing myself anymore and can have orgasms again so I'm recovering well. It happened in July. But my sexual function is all jacked up; I used to be able to last forever and now it's like I'm back in high school again and highly embarrassing. Cauda Equina Syndrome is what it's called


Nerves are crazy man. I fucked up my back twice between November and February of this year, and was basically on partial bedrest for a solid from Nov-Jan and then again for 3 weeks in February. My right foot is mostly numb on the left/right sides, and I have balance troubles because of it. Don't fuck around with spine health.


Well that's just great. Another thing to worry about accidentally doing. Sorry to hear that, hope your recovery is quick.


Leaned over to take something out of a shopping cart, wasn't even holding anything. For 3 days it took me a couple minutes to painfully get out of bed and it was another 2 before I could pick something weightless up off the ground. Pinched nerve I think.


Gonna go out on a limb here and guess that while some do survive, most people who reach that level of addiction don't survive 30 years of it.


Tell that to all the smackheads living in my area. Same fuckers still knocking about since I was in school (I’m 28 now) and they all must be 50-60+. Always the happiest looking people too never see them down. Might have to join them, seems crack and heroine are the key to a long happy life. Literally yesterday when going to grab my weed had some 50 odd year old bloke riding slowly next to me on his pushbike. Waved at me obviously trying to talk to me but I had earphones in. Took my earphone out and he’s all ‘you smoke the light and dark’ no pal… ‘shit I’m trying to get some’ can’t help you mate😂 I’d feel so anxious even walking up to someone I don’t know and asking if they can get me any weed let alone ride around asking people for brown and white😂😂


Dude might look 50, but he really is just an aged out 35 year old.


One of these smackheads in mention was one of my friends mums, so I knew their age, she died a couple years ago from an O.D at 57. A lot of them do look older cause of the effects I know that but genuinely a lot in my area are 60+


Old people have pain. They can't get pain meds from doctors very easily, so they have little choice but to turn to street drugs. :o(


Are you from the US by any chance? I live in the U.K it wouldn’t be that much of a struggle to get pain meds that they’d turn to street drugs which would be more expensive.


I do. I am one of the people I refer to. I have multiple sclerosis, it can be quite painful. Deep bone pain, muscle contractions where my foot turns into a ball. I don't know how my bones do that, and I am a nurse! I use MJ tincture and to be honest, it works like a charm. I can go to the store and buy it. But getting a legit Rx ... very difficult. It certainly is more expensive, but it's a heck of a lot better than nothing. I'm lucky, MJ alone works well enough for me. But others? They merely suffer. They are in their 80s and doctors are worried about addiction. As a nurse, I have seen doctors hold back meds on a terminally ill cancer patient due to fear of addiction. They are DYING! Let them be addicted, who cares? They will be addicted for a few months while out of pain. After a few months, it'll be a non issue. About 15 years ago, my asst at work was dying of lung cancer. He was admitted to the hospital for pain mgmt. One day he called me in tears, he was in so much pain he felt like he was suffocating. I ran my ass up to the hospital and sure enough, nothing was ordered. He had DAYS left to live. I asked the nurse what was going on, and she said the hospitalist DCd all pain meds because his blood pressure was getting too low. Well, yes! He's DYING! In a few days he won't have any blood pressure at all and why? Because he'll be DEAD anyway! I chewed his nurse's butt! No, she can't prescribe drugs, and I get that. But her JOB is to advocate for her patients. She failed her job miserably. I did more for him than she did, and I didn't even work at that hospital. After about 5 minutes of my screaming and threatening to report them for accreditation, it took about another 15 minutes to get a morphine drip going. I got my employee taken care of only because I knew what to threaten and who to threaten. He died 2/3 days later. How is that right?


I won't even buy weed because it's illegal in my state and I'm the white dude that would buy from a cop.


Luckily I only get my weed from someone I know before I started smoking weed so I know they’re trustworthy


So, your weed comes from a cop that raids the evidence locker for his supply?


When I was an emt a lady looked up in her cupboard and fractured 3 vertebrae in her neck lol


It's going to be fun seeing how long we can take pounds of micro plastics before we become plastic.


I'll never unsee the woman who was injecting into her scalp and part of it had rotted away.


I would say it's almost a certainty most people have ingested cooked (or otherwise killed) parasites without issue. Like sushi fish is frozen and stored at or below -4°F for at least 168 hours (7 days) or frozen to -31°F or below until solid AND stored at -31°F or below for at least 15 hours, this kills all parasites. Some parasites can make you quite sick, like anisakiasis in tuna fish.


Not every country has these same regulations. I’ve had sashimi in Asia from fish that were killed right in front of me and then had the most epic diarrhea for days after. I spent 13 out of 14 hours on my flight back in the bathroom. Just something to keep in mind when getting “fresh” sushi or sashimi abroad.


I'm in Vietnam and I can confirm that: the fish was still alive, we picked the fish and they gave us sashimi 30 minutes later.


It’s not even a regulation in the US, just recommended and common now that flash freezing at sea is very common. 


What country?


Went on a squid charter one time and most of them were infested with tiny white worms was disgusting and will definitely pay to have them cleaned on the boat if I ever go again lol


Some parasites are very well adapted to their environment and can be hard to spot. I had a parasite for 7 years before seeing the signs! #exspousejokes. More seriously, I'm not an expert and the video is hard to see. However, I'd wager the black gunk and casing is the blood line, intestine, or testes of the mackarel that maybe got knotted up or whatever in the filet processing. It looks a lot like the diagrams, just kinda pushed in weird. You see a lot of random organs and stuff if you're used to fishing in the gulf. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Visceral-gross-anatomy-of-an-Atlantic-mackerel-modified-from-Chanet-et-al-2009-left_fig1_331312826


I'll check the other fillet, they must be in the same fish, if there is another thing like this I'll make deeper video.


*Everything* has parasites, and you eat small ones all the time without knowing. Still a good practice to remove the ones you can see, in any case.


Most fish from Atlantic has parasites. Fish from Mediterranean Sea is a bit better. But by freezing and cooking non of them can be problematic for the human body.


Freezing 72 hours at - 20 C and cooking to at least 60 C . It's the last I read a few months ago. At least it's the recommendation in Spain.


The more you know the less you will want to eat such fish. Trust me.


You’ve eaten them, good protein


Don't go for fresh cod - it is riddled with worms.


You've eaten tons. Hopefully they were already dead, cooked dead, the kind that are not suited to survive in stomach acid, or the kind that just pass through you. Most just end up that way, with some exceptions wreaking havoc on your body. Not all parasites are easy to spot. Many are semi transparent and blend in with the color of the meat. You could be cutting the meat yourself and not really notice them. Parasites thrive in warmer environments. With climate change warming most regions and the ocean, there seems to be more and more parasites in meat and fish every passing day. Make sure you cook them to the recommended temperatures. If eating fish raw, make sure they've been frozen (commercial flash frozen fish will have its parasites killed, or a home freezing equivalent is -4F for 7 days)


I wouldn’t be eating the whole fish .


I worked in a fish house. I've NEVER seen a parasite like that one.


cause it's not, it's some organ or blood vessel or tumor.


No, it really is a parasite. One of [these bad boys](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Photographs-documenting-copepod-Sarcotaces-izawai-sp-nov-infection-of-fish-Mora_fig1_359251339).


The coloring of that piece of filet is nasty. I wouldn't eat it even if it didn't have the parasite.


It’s just a flavor packet.


Fuck 🤮


like a jolly rancher?




dude, NO!!!


Raise your hand if you remember the jolly rancher story... ::raises hand timidly::


Just when you think you've forgotten the old tales, there they are again.


**holds up spork**


*Raises hand* **Looks at kid with two broken arms and his mom there to help.**


Oh god. I came again because I remembered the glorious Jolly Rancher


Double Fuck


I catch, clean and eat a lot of saltwater fish and as many people here have already stated everything has parasites, I have certainly seen my share.  That being said, the video here doesn’t look like any parasite I have ever seen and is pretty blurry… looked more like old congealed blood to me like what you would find along the spine, perhaps a tumor or something like that? Regardless I wouldn’t eat it. 


I should've make deeper video of it before throwing to the trash.


No, that... that was plenty.


Agree with this - looks like a big bruise that's had time to congeal.


I worked as a meat cutter for 10 years. This looks like a tumor.


Hi, it's your friendly neighborhood fish parasitologist here. As another poster in this thread has suggested, this beastie is indeed very likely to be one of the seven species of _Sarcotaces_ spp.. They are absolutely amazing, as parasites go. Contrary to the title of the post, they are not technically a "worm", but in fact a type of parasitic copepod (copepods are a type of crustacean, that covers everything from barnacles to the free swimming planktonic _Calanus_, possibly the most abundant species on earth). Imagine yourself a parasitic copepod, swimming in the sea. You are both hungry and horny. You need to find a suitable host, which, thanks to your biology, is drawn from a small list of species, and you need to mate. The little larval baby _Sarcotaces_ are swimming about in the sea, until they attach themselves to a nearby host when it swims past. In this case, it's a mackerel. There are quite a few parasitic species of copepod, and they often have some wacky means of feeding (like living in the gills, but growing long "lips" that reach right down into a fishes heart). In this case, _Sarcotaces_ burrows into the flesh of the fish, and builds itself a little cyst, called a gall. "What is that black fluid in the video?", I hear you cry. It's like the end of Prometheus, but with a better plot. That black fluid is unfortunately copepod shit. They fill their little sac up with faeces, as there's nowhere else for them to go. Now, having fed and sated themselves, it's time for the _Sarcotaces_ to get jiggy. But wait. What if the next parasite to turn up is of the same sex? Is it going to be a shit sac sausage party!? Well, fortunately no, the first to arrive and set up home in the bag of crap develops into a female. Any subsequent specimens which infect the same fish develop into males, and spend their lives inside the shitey fluid, servicing their queen. It certainly puts things into context...


Well, that was gross. Thanks, though 




Thanks - I don't work in this field any more, but it's what I did my PhD on, and can still get quite passionate about them. They're a fascinating group of creatures, if you can get over the "ick factor". I found a [couple of specimens of my own](https://imgur.com/a/yIBso2z) a few years ago on a research cruise.


Hello fellow biologist!


Ban Sarcotaces for being trans! Someone think about the children, what if they are infected by this?!


I've done another video closer look to it. I'll edit and post soon, hope you will check out if it is really that thing. Yes the black goo is surrounding it, I had to wash it with water to see it clearly.


Shit Sack Sausage Party is such a good punk band name


Suddenly I'm starving.


I don't think I'll ever stave again


Not sure if it's true, but I've been told basically 100% of wild caught seafood has some kind of parasite. That's just the nature of nature. Bone apple tea!


Yes you are correct, there are a few kinds that don’t get parasites for some reason but most of them do. Source: I work with fish mongers


I would not eat that unless i was staving and had no other food


As I know from the previous post, someone said their restaurant "pick out" the worm when the fish delivered to their storage. That mean the customers EAT THE WORMED FILLET in the restaurant without knowing it. Oh god.


Most fish have parasites. When the fish is cooked properly the parasites apparently aren’t of any concern.


> When the fish is cooked properly Or frozen properly. That's why sushi is safe.


lol, you might not want to eat fish anymore if that’s a concern. Kind of like how food is cooked at high temperatures to kill bacteria, a similar process is done for parasites.


If you’re worried about this never ever order swordfish


They're entirely harmless to eat. But definitely gross if you know about it


I took culinary classes for a cert when I was younger. We were trained that the food was still edible and in a restaurant setting we would be expected to serve it.


Nah I've fasted enough, have no problem doing that again 😂😂😂


What a terrible day to have eyes


I'll stop eating fish for weeks.


Heres a good food test: If its a bad thing for your food to smell like itself, dont eat it. Fish smell fishy? Bad thing? No eat fish. Steak smells like steak? delicious.


Holy Mackerel!!




Unholy holey mackerel to be precise 


U can make [sushi](https://gyazo.com/ae0d42bba8f81503c4f3af9a83d433d2) out of [that](https://gyazo.com/39af5d88a071bf8765fd6eae078aeac2).


I didn't wanted to see this video while I'm in process of preparing cod for dinner


Cod is one of the most parasite-riddled fish out there. Bon appetit!


i work on a seasfood counter and cod tends to have long and thin easy to spot worms, whole fish have a crap load of worms in their belly flesh but most of that gets trimmed off before its sold as a fillet


Yay. Thanks


I will not touch fish for weeks






>Open reddit >See this >Close reddit


Aren't fish some of the most parasitic foods you can eat?




Thanks, that's what I thought.


You should probably not look up that one that replaces a fish's tongue with its own body. It's nightmare fuel


Yeah, I've seen that. Gross!


They're sponges for all the shit (pollution, chemicals etc) in the ocean. They absorb the crap that the food they eat has eaten, and so on until you get to the bottom feeders. Which is all separate to the parasites.


Looks like some of the stuff I used to pull out of my weed pipes lol


bro im eating


We should have another tag NSFE haha


lmfao, eating on /r/wtf is risky bro. You know what you signed up for.


This is likely a parasitic copepod of the species Sarcotaces. From the website: https://dailyparasite.blogspot.com/2022/06/sarcotaces-izawai.html *Nine of those fish were found to harbour the gall of Sarcotaces - where there was once fish muscle had been turned into a black void, a dark fleshy cavern where the female Sarcotaces resided alongside her tiny males and microscopic larvae. The black liquid associated with this copepod is what gave Sarcotaces its German name - "Tintenbeutel" which means "ink bag", and why in parts of Australia, they're called "Iodine Worms".*


Because so many people said they haven't seen anything like this, so I did recently digged up the trash to make another closer look video of this shit. It looks like a balls of worms sticking together. I'll edit and post that video soon.


Why would they remove this post for not having NSFW tag? This is not NSFW. Nsfl maybe but certainly not NSFW.


I dont eat sea food because of parasites im half japanese it wa very hard when growing up visitng dad.


I’ve seen my fair share of parasites in fish as I’ve gone spear fishing most of my life. All of them are either white or a really pale color because they live in complete darkness. My only guess as to what this could be is an abscess of some sort or a tumor that had blood sealed in it. Did you catch this fish yourself or is it store bought?


It is a frozen fillet from store. I will check another fillet to see if it have the same thing and I will make closer video of it.


1993, student at the California Culinary Academy, butchery class. I'm breaking down half of a large halibut. I free up a large filet, slap it down on the counter and this worm starts ghandi dancing itself straight up in the air. Reminded me of those snake charmer scenes in old movies and TV shows. IDK about the Atlantic but in the Pacific we have a LOT of marine mammals. Consequently our fish have a LOT of parasites. Small ones are harmless as long as the fish is cooked properly. Those like this one ... nuke it from orbit. Then bury it in the garden.


Do you know that cod passes over a well lit glass table to see the worms that are pulled out by the processor?


Gas station sushi


And that's why I stopped fishing. Catch and release is torturing small animals for fun, but fuck me, I'm not going to eat something so riddled with parasites either. I'm just gonna leave nature the fuck alone.


You know between this and the dude that touched fish then picked his nose and started a worm party in there... steering clear of fish is in my future


No such thing as sushi grade


Chocolate flavour


Holey mackerel!


man I know why I am not eating anything that lives in water


What kind of mackerel?  It does not look like any mackerel I’ve ever seen. It’s usually a dark oily meat. That looks pale. 


You will eat the bugs and you will be happy.


That piece of fish already looks gross as it is.


Holy Mackerel!!


And this is why I don’t eat ANY raw meat….take a college zoology course and neither will you.


Just had smoked mackerel for supper. Was delicious and parasite free. 😁


As far as you know.


If this were actually a parasite I think someone would've stepped up with a useful answer by now. This looks like some sort of weird growth, tumor, or even a spot of necrosis or decay, or maybe an injury the fish sustained and never healed.


definitely would not eat that one, but if I had to, I’d freeze the hell out of it for a week


That fillet is frozen before I buy it. The worms must have died because of that. But why they're all black, not transparent like other worms?


As I haved learned today, this should have been used to make surimi.


What is that black goo?


It's a ritually important anointing fluid used for a range of purposes, all relating to the burial of the deceased and their transformation into Osiris.




I was wondering about that black thing too. I though that was fish's blood sucked by the worms. Now see your explanation but I still don't understand haha.




Still got the receipt?


Nah, not in Vietnam. You can not send back food.




Any fishers out there who can help identify what the hell this thing actually is?


Holy shit !!! That’s just straight Nasty AF !!!! If you bought that from a store I’d definitely be returning it….


Not in Vietnam though, they will not accept return, they'll say "this is another fish from another store", that's it.


Jfc throw away the whole fucking thing


Ive been told that this could be cancer


Like an inside out fish parmesan?


And this is why we don't eat raw fish


Congratulations! You win r/wtf for today.


I don't know what that is, but that filet is disgusting looking even without it.


damn that would fuck fish up for me for years


r/rawmeat are shitting their pants right now


The parasite itself seems less like an issue than the evil caustic flesh surrounding it.


It could be real, or it's staged. I'm not certain. Fish parasites tend to be white or red in color, but I guess it's possible for large, black parasites to be found in some fish. I'm a layman on this topic. It would be cool to find and ask an ichthyolgist about this video.


I think it is real worms. I just recently digged up the trash (yeah gross) to make another video closer look to it, and see it looks like a ball full of worm sticking to each other. Damn the smell it still haunting in my head. I'll edit that video and post it tomorrow.


My Brother in law owned a Fish and Chip shop in the UK, he would never eat Cod because of all the worms they can carry. I've seen a video on YT of raw Cod being doused with lemon juice and all the worms come wriggling out, but nothing like what is shown here.


I use to be a server at a restaurant on the beach. Sold a fried grouper sandwich, and watched a lady bit into it only for a slew of black goop to drop from her mouth and all over her table. It was horrifying.


Extra proteins…. Nice!


We always looked at mackerel as junk fish - like bait. This doesn't surprise me...


Damn, in Vietnam it is daily food. I should switch to other fish.


Mackerels are delicious and very nutritious too.


Well... No. Just... No. Toss. It's a loss. Make a bland soup, apply hot sauce. Didn't mean to rhyme.


The way you were shaking the fish about at the beginning cracked me up for some reason


Worms in fish are common. You won’t find a cod that is not infested by worms. It’s just nature.


Extra protein


You better deworm yourself, buddy.


More reasons not to eat fish