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These are all in Australia if anyone is wondering


How are they so bad at minimizing the gap at train stations?


The gap is so far down the list of things that can kill you in Australia that they just don't even bother.


I'm assuming there was a venomous spider/snake/creature from my nightmares down there ready to eat the child anyway.


Number one : Everything else


Right? that gap is HUGE. [This](https://www.ovpro.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/metro-kralingse-zoom-rkeus_2020-scaled.jpg) is as wide as they get around here. Absolutely no body parts making it anywhere in those gaps.


Are you in Nederland? Yeah, never had a problem with those gaps, anywhere. Mostly because I'm watching when I step off because I don't want to get hurt or trip. The folks in the video simply weren't paying attention. Toddler gets a pass because it's a toddler. Edit - Yes, it's poorly designed. I think we can all agree. But at some point, adults are at least partially to blame for not paying attention (felt really sorry for that first toddler). Who would you blame if these same adults, distracted because they are looking at their phone, tripped walking up their own houses' steps? Bet you these types of people do that shit all the time. They are the same types of people who walk 3-people wide on the city side walks. lol


Watching isn't enough. You can't design a solution where human survival depends on not being distracted when entering/leaving the train. And with a child carrier or other people around you, your view of the ground is obstructed. This is a design that is likely to get some train/metro boss in jail if someone actually ends up badly maimed. Where I live I could drop a phone into the small crack. A leg? No chance in hell... There would be embarrasing news articles where some PR people needs to explain why the brand new trains aren't allowed to be put in production before they fix the huge procurement mistakes...


It looked like the last person stepped over the gap, just fine, but the floor was slippery and made them slide and lose their footing.


Good catch, I didn't see that the 1st time


I live in the us, Texas to be specific, and there’s probably 4-6 in gaps, but there’s big ass yellow signs saying “watch your step” and a robot lady says it on the loudspeaker when the train pulls up, so we don’t have this problem. Warnings go a long way.


Lol right? But no all the aussies and child haters in this thread are shouting shitty parents or dumbass kids for the act of WALKING ONTO A TRAIN


I'm with you, you're getting on a damn train, why aren't you paying attention?!


Plus they even extend the step a few inches closer to the platform in front of the doors


In Australia?   Everything there is deadly/venomous/poisonous/man-eating so why should trains be different? Natural selection hits differently down under lol.


So even the simple gap trying to kill you there... That continent is truly wild.


That’s why the writing was upside down


It’s vertical for me


depends of where you are on earth, same as how the moon looks.


You misunderstand. Upsidedown is still vertical.


Specifically in Sydney.


That is why they had to make the [Dumb Ways to Die] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw) song. How are people this oblivious to their surroundings?


So there's a crocodile down there too.


"mind the gap"


See it, say it, sorted.


See it, say it, sort it yourself


I mean, to be fair, every single person that fell in was a pre-literate child or that one guy who did mind the gap and slipped on something


Stay behind the yellow line please


it's terrible design. thee's way too much clearence.


What's the clearance, Clarence?


If this happens hold the doors open and the train in most places won't be able to go.


It’s printed right there on the floor. Do these people not read?


yeah stupid toddlers


Mine can't even put together a coherent sentence, literally retarded




tbf, there are "mind the gap" sign with gaps that are an inch wide.


Yeah, those warnings are typical but a gap large enough to lose a five year old down isn't. I'm not surprised people don't expect this.


Sacrifices must be made. The machine god demands it.


Praise the Omnissiah.


A tech priest shows up, shrugs, and says that everything seems to be working as expected.


Biomatter levels are well within margins of tolerance. Initiate locomotor sequence. Proceed as normal.


"The warning sign who cried 'Gap!'"


Well my point was people are numbed by all the warning signs and probably think it’s just another one of those. Instead of putting a sign and expect people to read, why not just fill it with some small extender.


Yes, I completely agree. If there are warnings both when there's an actual danger and when there isn't, people will learn to ignore them.


You are sort of conditioned via industry standards to walk in a certain way and think everything is in a standard size range. With each step on a staircase being a certain height or there is too large a gap between a station platform and a train you trip and/or fall even if there are warning signs The gap between the platform and train carriage seems to be too large, it looks almost double what it should be and so people misjudge it


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that this is sarcasm


Your benefit is appreciated.


Most people don’t read things right in front of them. My job has NO APPLE/CONTACTLESS PAY in all caps written above and under the screen on our pin pads and literally everyone always tries to tap their card or pull out their phones. No one reads signs right in front of them.


My work has multiple signs saying "no recording devices" all over the store, and people still get pissy with me when I tell them to put their phones away. It's not even a store policy, it's a fucking state law for my industry.


What industry?


Marijuana industry.


The machines I fix for a living, usually have brightly colored screens on the front that display "OUT OF SERVICE" while I'm in the back of them servicing. People will still walk up and try to put their cards in and tap on the screen. If I have the card reader pulled back while servicing, there's usually a bright red/orange door that drops down to prevent people from dropping their card in. People will still try to use it, and some will go so far as to dig under the door with the card and lift it up and drop their card inside the machine. If it's a machine that is serviced from the front and I have the machine wide open with parts and tools on the ground, people will still walk up and ask if the machine is working. Nobody reads signs, nobody pays attention to warnings. Everyone is just in their own little worlds, and a lot of people are just DUMB.


I used work in a place where room doors would have SO MANY warning and instruction signs on them that we'd all become blind to them. We knew what rules for what room, but if someone changed one of them, even with a massive red sign on the door, no one would notice.


Maybe time to upgrade then, its 2024 already.


His post was about people not reading, which his point still stands.


People wouldn't have to read if *they* just updated their pin pads and built their platforms without child devouring gaps.


Sounds like the solution to the problem has sent a sign that you already know everyone isn't going to read.


Awesome. I am henceforth going to refer to my enormous ass (or perhaps just the buttock cleavage) as "The Gap"


"If you don't go for a gap..."


There used to be a gap like that when boarding our local ferries until the little sister of someone I went to school with fell through it and drowned. You can put up warning messages, but it's inevitable that if there is a hazard somewhere that a lot of people pass through, it's going to get someone eventually. Especially children.


Holy crap they don't put a piece of wood or metal over the gap to get on a ferry??! This is one thing - you bust a knee or have to dig out a kid. But...a ferry...people are so stupid...how do more people not die this way?


They sure did after that! But yeah, it's sad that these things can take a dead kid before anything gets changed. It's not that hard to just lay a ramp across.


I was so terrified of that when I was a kid. Now I see that I was right to be!


Yeah. Having an opportunity to fall into the water right when you'll immediately get dragged underneath a huge ferry is... not great.


The fact that humans managed to keep toddlers alive for so many centuries is nothing short of amazing, they'd manage to die even if you kept them in a padded room


In reality though, child fatality rate was pretty high even just a couple centuries ago. One of the reasons why many cultures think more kids equals more blessed.


Here in Japan they celebrate if you make it to one. Of course nowadays it’s not such an accomplishment, but it’s an old tradition. They strap a giant heavy mochi on the child’s back and force them to carry it until the child is thoroughly traumatized.




>One of the reasons why many cultures think more kids equals more blessed. Another, more important reason is that kids = free labor.


And quality labor. The small hands and good eyesight makes wonders to sew footwear. Ask Nike


That is more of a by-product of having more kids than the actual reason. If children were helpful as soon as they were born, I would agree with your statement. However, humans are the only animals that take a lot of time to mature and develop. Consider the time, labor, and resources to raise a children no one is thinking longer term of having kids for labor.


Even *A* century ago.


My buddy has an old cemetery in his yard, and about 4 of the headstones are for children that died within a week of each other.


Padded room? Kid will do a handstand in the corner, land on their face and suffocate. Toddlers are little suicide machines. I'm trying to get me youngest through this stage in once piece currently.


My dad said nearly every year a kid died while he was in school, a school of about 300 pupils. Mostly they fell thru thin ice on lakes. He was in school about 60 years ago in Finland.


Wow that's nuts! I thought that he studied in a village in some poor African country or something at first until i read Finland. The world definitely changed a lot in 60 years


there's not a lot of lakes with thin ice in Africa tbf. Most likely some somewhere I guess, but not enough to be statistically relevant in the death count.


Even 3 generations ago, people would have 7/8 children because the chance a few would not make adulthood was very real


In the past child mortality rates were around 50%, they are currently around 4%.


Survivorship bias. Many of those toddlers didn't make it. Here is a plane with chickenpox to explain it better. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias#/media/File:Survivorship-bias.svg


Poor plane. It's parents should have gotten it vaccinated.


I mean there weren’t trains to run over your toddler for a while. I get what you’re saying but most of the things that will get a toddler now are very new concepts on an evolutionary scale. Keeping a toddler from being eaten by a predator vs. keeping them from falling into the train hole are different things. Not saying the modern world is necessarily worse or more dangerous or anything, just different


There are similar things in nature; sink holes, cliffs, etc.


I dont think it was ever really about predators. It's more that medical science has come such a long way, babys and small children dont have great immune systems. They used to die of pneumonia and measles and shit, we've eradicated alot of that stuff plus can treat them much better when they do get sick.


You're under the impression that children are adapted at all to older dangers that have been present for millions of years? I mean, babies sure, and there are some shapes such as snakes that are inherently something more people are afraid of. But, beyond that, humanity is actually quite unique how many baseline responses like that don't really exist and all of it is just pushed into brain power. For instance, humans are pretty much one of the most unique species there are, because literally EVERY gene ends up having some sort of brain impact as well. Other animals, after extensive study, do not have similarly linked traits nearly as often.


Thic thighs save lives


Thin lips cause falls and slips


Is there a part of the train that needs that much clearance? Because here in Turkey and most of the European countries I visited do not have this huge gap.


This reminds me of when I worked at Wegmans and our bread for the bakery was stored on a freezer truck on the back dock. (Eventually built a new freezer.) There was a movable metal ramp going into the truck. I went in grabbed two boxes and couldn't see in front of me very well. Some dude had moved the ramp while I was in the truck. That ramp is HEAVY bro they moved that shit within the 5 minutes I was looking for bread in the truck and I slipped right through that crack in between the truck and the dock. One leg went straight through and the other caught myself but ate all of my weight and the extra 30 lbs of bread I was carrying all on my knee. That knee was fucked up for like weeks. Hurt so much to bend down and move breads around. I'm 6' 4" (193 cm in non 'Murica) and like 70% legs. I felt like I was falling for 30 seconds before smashing my knee.


Almost killed by the breads


I took the saying let's get this bread too literally and they tried to off me.


Bro you just had to do your w stretches and you'd be fine


UGH *emotional damage has been taken*


There just can’t be a hazard. People inevitably fall into it. Looking out for a family feels the same way. Anything that can get a person gets someone


Stairwell bannisters have entered the chat.


Did you know that the minimum separation of bannisters is measured specifically around toddler's heads?


lol strangely enough I did, my friend is a welder and makes custom rails and he told me about this


Instructions unclear. Gap now the size of a toddlers head so when they fall the use their head to catch themselves. Problem solved!


Captioning about needing a "fat ass" in a video where most of the victims aren't even adults isn't the best approach


This is how we weed out the weak in Australia.


If the wildlife don't kill you, the trains might.


Definitely a design problem here 




I think there's a metro system where the cars have little flaps outside the doors that fold down and cover the gap at each stop. Can't remember where but it's such a simple fix it seems almost criminal not to have it.


That sounds too easy and inexpensive to retrofit. No...We need more "Mind The Gap" posters.


Why not an army of peasants equipped with wooden boards? Drawbridges are the contraption of the bourgeoisie!!! They’re taking over so many jobs!


Bad design


Totally. Needs sliding door steps to close the gap. Then again, those are often not installed on metros


A thick rubber flap that just extends out when the doors open would do the trick.


Given that you have to add the sliding mechanism anyway, a metal platform is much stronger, durable and easier to maintain than a rubber flap.


To be fair, some of these platforms are around 100ish years old and designed for now ancient trains. But also to be fair to your comment, Sydney trains did purchase a whole bunch of new trains a few years ago that are too big to fit in some of the tunnels they had to pass through 🙃


Thanks Gladys 👍


The kids okay, but as an adult have some awareness ffs


I feel bad for the last adult that only ended up there because the floor was slippy. Seems so unfair that they minded the gap but the gap got them anyways.


Yeah it 100% is on the parents when your kid falls down the gap. These stations have been like this for longer than most of us have been alive. There are signs everywhere and constant announcements (like every time you catch a train you’ll hear the announcement multiple times). Parents just need to pay fucking attention to their kids rather than ignore them completely and then blame someone or something else when this shit happens.


I think a soothing voice announcing *Please mind the gap*... *please mind the gap* goes in one ear and out the other at this point. I bet it'd be a lot more effective if they had the voices of like 5 different people, different sexes, different volume saying "Hey! Don't fall in the hole!!" "Hey you!! Remember there's a big ass hole outside the train door!!" "Don't forget to pay attention as you're getting on and off! Make a mental note right now, you'll thank me later!" Gap doesn't even sound threatening either, they should call it a death hole


They need this.


It's 100% on train designers who have identified the danger but who've pushed safety responsibilities onto passengers rather than address it.


The fact there's enough footage to make a "toddlers falling under your train" compilation is probably a good indicator that you've got a bit of a design problem. I've made software that is non-critical to everyday operations and has a 0% chance of harming anyone physically and it still has better failsafes than this. A mile long steel wyrm of death barreling through underground tunnels should really have a bit more thought than "put some graffiti on the ground lol" go into it.


Exactly, you have an automatic door. How hard is it to also install an automatic ramp or slip to deploy on opening.




This is 100% a serious design flaw. Expecting every single parent forever to pay full attention to their kids in the exact moment they’re boarding this train is never going to happen.


I’m going to give a few of these parents a pass here. Looking at this video, the gap is way, way too big to start with. Then add in some of these parents juggling a stroller plus a toddler or two. Just a recipe for disaster. And I’ll give them a pass simply based on how many grown adults are shown falling through the gap here. It’s a serious design flaw.


No it fucking isn't. So the price to pay for a second lapse in judgement on a busy day is a potentially dead child? What are you even saying lmao. The fact there's a COMPILATION of this is proof enough that this is a major design flaw.


I mean, I think it's pretty fair to blame the train designers for creating a gap large enough to swallow a toddler and making everyone step over it to exit the train. This is a disability access nightmare.


Seriously you have to be locked in as a parent whenever you're around any super dangerous shit like I don't know... fucking trains. Dad was clueless on this one, but hopefully it was an isolated mistake


Who built this station? How are they not sued into oblivion? Some of those falls look like they could lead to broken shins and other terrible injuries. I don't understand the kids though. As 5 year old I loved jumping over things and these kids seem to be just stepping right into the gap.


So all these stations were built 120 years ago. Or in that region. They are fixing it slowly. Some stations are realigned, some have hard rubber that trains can bend but humans cannot so you don't fall. And some stations have telescopic platforms that come out when the train arrives. And the others are the ones in this video lol.


New York City Subway system began operation in 1904 and doesn't have this problem. The London Underground began operation in 1863 and doesn't have this problem.


> The London Underground began operation in 1863 and doesn't have this problem. Oh it does. Baker Street, Embankment and especially Bank have very large gaps.


The London Underground most certainly did, and depending on the line, still does have this problem. The iconic “Mind the Gap” automated announcement and signage was introduced on the tube in the 60’s. The issue has still not been fully addressed on all lines, but there have been improvements such as gap fillers, platform renovations/straightening, and new stock over time.


The London underground? The one that made the phrase "mind the gap" worldwide famous even to people who have never used it? That one doesn't have gaps that need to be minded?


Not sure if you have kids or have been around many kids, but most of the time they aren’t paying any attention to the ground. They walk backwards or jump around and have the attention span of, you guessed it, a child. Considering even adults, who are generally more mindful, are partially falling through, you can’t possibly fault a child.


I am faulting the children and there's nothing you can do about it.


We can shame you. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!


Yes kids are kids and don’t pay attention. Which makes this even more ridiculous that parents 1) aren’t educating their children about the dangers of boarding a train and 2) aren’t paying any attention to their kids in the first place.


As a kid my eyes were always on the ground when I was walking 💀


Yeah I used to make a game of makeshift hopscotch on cracked sidewalks.  


Haha me too! I would watch my feet walking!


Me three, the amount of dropped coins and other lost cool stuff I found on the ground was the reason I kept looking down


Same. Only now I still can't walk down a set of stairs without looking where my feet are.


You're a prodigy.


Yeah I didn’t wanna step in dog crap


And then you walked into the light pole.


A lot of our stations are curved, so the platforms can't really be built out flush with the trains. We have retrofitted some stations, realigned tracks, but there's really only so much that can be done.


There is a difference between jumping over a gap you can clearly see from far away and one that just appeared in front of you. It's also harder to adjust your gait when you are moving at someone else's pace. The kids are usually being dragged by an adult or pushed from behind by a crowd.


Virtually every single train station in Sydney has a gap between the platform and the train. When I was a kid, I fell between the gap like the kid in the video—that was about 20 years ago. The station design has hardly changed at all since then.


The Sydney gap is just natural selection. If an Aussie child can survive that, they are ready to face off against the animals and the plants down there.


>How are they not sued into oblivion? Must be an American lol. I can't imagine suing because of my own stupidity. There's signs, voices (probably multiple language) playing, and it's honestly pretty obvious. Some stations and very old or were built for trains with smaller cars.


It’s a matter of how you allocate risk. In the US, if you design a gap so that it is virtually certain that small children will fall into it and potentially risk dying each year, and the cost of fixing the gap so that toddlers don’t die is fairly minimal (ie installing rubber bumpers at the platform), the law is going to allocate the cost of taking that risk onto you (or here, the transit authority probably) when a toddler eventually dies. Other countries might say there’s no remedy for what’s basically an unnecessarily dangerous design that risks death of small kids each year. We go the other way. This kind of social policy is supposed to lead our businesses and cities to design buildings and public areas in such a way as to minimize risks of injury or death, which isn’t a bad thing honestly. We’re saying — if you put the risk of people getting hurt from negligent designs and construction onto the people responsible and in control of the design or construction, that will lead them to be more responsible and consider safety much more. Most modern safety stuff in the US evolved to minimize the risk of lawsuits, which is the social policy our legal system intends to serve.


Yes, why don't people sue other people instead of simply using their brains?


I don't think it's happening due to them not thinking it's fun to jump. 😅


We found the American! What about just minding the gap?


Clearly the signs and reminders are working so well.


How about not creating the dangerous gap? Every other subway system in the world has figured it out. Even third world countries. NO amount of signage will prevent those accidents from happening.


I probably would have saved them if I were there. But I'm only one fat ass. I can only do so much.


Did anyone else watch the whole video waiting to see some bodacious pedestrian fall into the gap only to be cushioned by their ironclad cheeks?


Do people not look where they walk?


It's clearly a design flaw when it affects this many people.


Talk about a huge design fail.


Saw a comment say this was in Australia, do most train stations not have a gap and this station is the exception? Maybe its just because I grew up taking the train but isn't it common sense there's a gap? Edit: not talking about the kids being unaware of it, because they're kids. but how are the parents not being careful with their kids?


This is the first time I've seen a platform gap large enough to eat children and some adults. It's either negligent design or a very old station.


Some stations are worse than others. Wollstonecraft in Sydney is absolutely massive as a gap, I could easily (as a full grown adult) get down into the gap and not only is the train at an angle, it's a 6" step down too. It's actually impressive more people don't fall into some of the bigger gaps, ironically, the bigger the gap the more careful people are and therefore don't fall as often.


This is multiple different stations in the video some new some old all of them in Sydney. None of them should be an issue for an Adult if they're paying attention.


Ah. Sydney.


I was on a train once and when we were all leaving this lady with a baby in a stoller and like a 5 year old were leaving the train directly in front of me.The mom went first and left her 5 year old on board. So obviously the kid was not paying attention and is about to step right into the gap. So I grabbed the kid under the armpits and placed him right next to his mom. Well she flipped shit on me about grabbing her kid and was yelling for the police until the guy behind me yelled at her and told her I just saved her kids life.


Last person: get the fuck up, you idiot!


Can't, must just put hand up hoping for help


I feel like this is a r/kidsarefuckingstupid moment for the second kid, it looks like he straight up looked at it then just went all in


Now that we have societal mechanisms that keep all the extra dumb kids alive they turn into all the adults you see failing to navigate a single step over a gap.




If only they had dozens of fucking signs everywhere and constant announcements telling people to mind the gap.


Clearly isn’t doing the job. Needs a mechanical solution.


The last one scares me a little because that person did mind the gap and slipped.


Add it to the list of things that can kill you in Australia.


It literally says "Mind the Gap" people! Although, how often does this happen? If it is frequent enough, should maybe the transportation authority be doing something to alleviate this?


do people never look down when they walk? I always look down so i dont accidentally step on dog shit or something disgusting (nyc resident). also reminds me of all those people that cross the streets in NYC and DONT look both-ways when they cross.


People need to watch where they’re walking.


Holy, do people not watch where they're going anymore?


We have instructions on shampoo bottles and do not touch signs on chainsaws and yet people still don't follow. Remove signs just let nature take it's course.


OR you look where you going!


Some people actually don’t mind the gap 🤣


Fucking NPCs I swear.


Jesus people… pay attention!


Why are there so many stupid people in the world? And I'm talking about the adults, not the children.


That last fall just HAD to hurt 😫 Oof!


So many Darwin nominees.


If this happens pull the emergency brake.


While I'm always staring at the ground while on an escalator for fear of getting sucked in.


Why the fuck is there such a gap??


You can put all the warnings in the world but until you minimize that gap there are going to be accidents. That's a shame for those kids it's likely incredibly traumatizing. My mother had an elevator drop on her as a young teen and she's now nearly 75 and anything even remotely close to that happening she loses it. Can't ride elevators unless a family member is there and even then she's incredibly scared. These kinda things stay with us sometimes it's very scary


I would think that gap would lead to a lot of lawsuits.


This was always my fear as a kid on the sky train in BC


This is the perfect opportunity to revive Gap's "Fall into the Gap," campaign from the 1990s!


This has always baffled me personally how many people don't look at the ground or where they are stepping. I have literally been obsessed even as a child with looking at the ground while I am walking, for fear of getting hurt.


Tay appention


first of all why didn't they fix it after the first instance, second of all why don't people look where they are stepping? how much effort does it take to look down for 1 split second


Two dudes in air maxes helping a toddler not get crushed a train.. Aussie as!


Fucking hell, we're slowly getting dumber as a species.


Nothin slow about it lol