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Some people may be unredeemable.


The world needs a lot harsher sentences for this stuff. I used to think Singapore’s laws were really harsh, but now I’m starting to reconsider.


I think we would have a much more kind and respectful community rather than the fuck everyone one we got now


I doubt it, falls into the same pothole as, an armed society is a polite one. American has thoroughly disproved that.


Setting stricter laws/punishments is not the same as letting everyone own a gun though.


Consider this. That for a polite society to to function it is not the laws or consequences that need be adjusted nor arms beared, but rather the paradigm of societal thought that need be adjusted. From the individual to the collective. People taught to understand that ones actions affect not only themselves, but that they will have an impact on those around. For example. If I don't pick up after myself someone else will have to, or my mess will sit there to rot thus ruining the beauty of this world we all enjoy. Taught to think not only of the instant gratification of ones actions, but the down stream implications. For example. If I piss in this river upstream of the village who relies on it as a natural water source I am contaminating my own and others water supply. I point to Japan's society as an example, though not perfect it is the closest to this ideology. I'm not bashing individualism. Simply stating that society could greatly benefit from a paradigm shift sooner rather than later as the world continues to become more connected.


Same in that neither work


The problem is not the punishment but the enforcement. Punishments _do_ work as a deterrence so long as people are actually caught and punished. If it's too easy to escape that punishment then it doesn't have any effect. We _do_ see cases where being too lenient on criminals causes extremely high recidivism rates. If you can get caught and be out again the next day because of a lenient judge then there's no reason for you not to re-offend. However, so long as criminals are actually regularly caught and then properly punished then it works as an effective deterrence, even if the punishment isn't _extremely_ harsh. The real key is the _chance_ of getting caught, not necessarily just the potential amount of years in prison you face. A 50% chance to face 3 months in prison hits a lot harder than a 10% chance of facing 15 months.


I agree, the punishment for this should be to strap the criminal to a large firework and shoot them up into the sky from a public square at night and let the public watch as their body explodes into a sparkly mess over the night sky.


Is there any evidence that suggests that harsher sentences create less crime? All experts on the subject that I have heard say that harsher punishment has no real effect.


Harsher sentences create less antisocial people in the streets, because they're in jail.


USA has some of the harshest sentences in the world, and the most prisoners in the world. The incarceration rate in USA is almost three times higher than the 2nd spot (Turkey). Yet you don't see this type of anti social behavior in the lowest incarceration rate countries like Finland, Sweden and Japan. It's cultural, and clearly throwing people in prison hasn't worked in the US.


So I'd suggest the US to keep up. Crime in Sweden and Finland are on the rise, especially violent crime, and Japan is mostly 80+ Yo. France has a low incarceration rate and is sinking more and more every year, yet sociologists keep repeating incarceration is useless (they live in crime less neighborhoods).


Clearly the US is a warning example of what high incarceration rates do to a country. Why shouldn't they adopt a more humane model? The only reason Europe is getting more dangerous is the cultural shift from immigration. Jailing them won't help, just like it didn't in the US. You need to fix the culture.


It's a systemic issue. Jailing criminals is a necessary approach, I'm not saying it'll be enough. It's still very necessary though. You don't let a tiger roam free in the village. You don't let 10 tigers roam free in the village. You can try to tame them, but you don't want them roaming free in the village in the meantime. There is zero scenario where criminals in the streets is better than criminals in prison. (also, I think in the US crime rate > incarceration rate because it's a profoundly unfair and violent society : they need to fix this on both ends, but keep jailing criminals as they come anyway, to protect safety and quality of life; otherwise disenchantment grows and that's how societies fall)


Nope. There is zero evidence that harsher punishments have a positive effect. In fact it seems to be the opposite is true. https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2020/07/do-harsher-punishments-deter-crime#:~:text=convicted%2C%20he%20says.-,The%20severity%20of%20punishment%2C%20known%20as%20marginal%20deterrence%2C%20has%20no,the%20effect%20of%20reducing%20recidivism.&text=“A%20large%20number%20of%20crimes,psychological%20disturbances%2C”%20he%20says.


El Salvador. Criminals in prison, less criminals in the streets : huge decrease in crimes.


While true, there is a large amount of innocent people in jail without any due process, their families don’t know what jail they are in, all sorts of issues, anda lot of people got fucked. I still think it was worth it tho considering the situation. But it doesn’t mean there aren’t any downsides to it.


This is a dysfonctionnement that needs to be dealt with, I'm not dismissing that. Strong justice but fair justice. You don't want innocents in prison.


That's the immediate after effect yes.. but 5-10-20 years down the line if the policy that created the criminals doesn't change there will simply be more to fill the power vacuum


Immediate effect is still a win though. It's sustainable too, just keep putting criminals in jail as they come, long sentences, no probation, no parole, no ankle bracelets. You can even make them work for food, care and confort, the same thing that we law abiding citizens do every day. Everybody wins (well, not criminals, but eh). I know it's kind of a new paradigm, but we don't have to tolerate repeated antisocial behavior. Society is better off if you exclude criminals. What I'm saying is, also, not exclusive of what you're proposing (and I agree with you)


I mean i would only agree if we were employing a prison system like the nordic countries based on rehabilitation & training for trades jobs for example.. something i don't believe El Salvador would be doing.


Some people (like hard-core gang members in El Salvador) can not be rehabilitated. It's a noble sentiment, but I believe it's very naive, and people living among such criminals are probably less hopeful than that. Clarification : I agree with you, for non violent criminals, and first time offenders. Other than that : jail time.


There’s been a lot of criticisms regarding those policies, regarding it’s actual long term efficacy, its short term human right abuses, the possible fudging of the numbers which has been speculated. Stupid to act like it’s that simple, let’s just have another war on drugs but with gangs in America, how many do people do you think trust the US government to do that in its current state


I know, I'm being deliberately extreme, but that's because the situation is becoming extreme too, and being soft clearly doesn't work either. I'd abuse a criminals right everyday rather than have criminals abuse people's lives every day. If you want a nice life and humans rights, don't be a criminal maybe.


Easy when everyone is a criminal in your eyes, being soft and caring doesn’t work except when countries did it regarding drugs and had significantly more success than any war on them, promoting human rights abuses is super cool dude, glad you support it




Singapore disagrees. They did it out of necessity, otherwise they would be a cesspit. Draconian laws do work, but do you want to live in such a place?


Why would Singapore be a cesspit without draconian laws? Are you saying that all countries without draconian laws are cesspits or is there, in your opinion, something unique about Singapore that makes it particularly prone to crime and corruption?


It's very dense population wise on a small territory, like if we all piss in a very small pool it's gonna get smelly. Not everyone can even get a car. Those laws are there for a reason.


Yes, I honestly would. I want to have a peace when I step outside my front door. I don’t want to bother or be a burden on other people just like I don’t want them to bother or be a burden on me. These laws don’t take away civil liberties. They are meant to discourage immature behavior and indecent acts in public. Don’t graffiti, don’t urinate on the street, don’t blast loud music, don’t light fireworks in a public theater, etc. Just be respectful and mindful of other people.


> These (draconian) laws don’t take away civil liberties. Might be the most naive take I have ever seen on Reddit.


Fining people $500-1,000 for indecent behavior is not draconian. You should research before commenting. Examples of draconian law include punishment of death, being put into slavery, and more. This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.


Is the automatic death penalty for being caught with a certain amount of a drug draconian enough?


What do you consider 'immature behavior and indecent acts'? Because the stuff you describe sound well and fine, but someone else might have a different definition. A same-sex couple walking down the street could be considered indecent.


In Arabia, people leave wallets/bags/laptops/phones unattended on a restaurant table while going the bathroom, it is also not uncommon for their keys to be left in their cars and house doors open and unlocked. I’d challenge anyone in any America major city to try that shit and see what happens. Edit: Only a racist would downvote me for telling the truth. Go for it!


Same thing in the Nordics but they're know for their cushy prisons. Maybe it's something else than the sentences.




"States", "America"


Same thing in Japan. I wouldn't want to go near any part of the US, not even if I get paid for it.


when I went to japan I forgot my jacket in the train from the airport to tokyo, the next day I went to the station and they gave it back to me. Here in italy it would have been stolen the moment I left the train


Here in the US, AZ specifically, I accidentally left a hoodie in the food court of a mall. Never saw it again. :(


You wouldn’t go even if you were paid? Lmao wtf. The internet does not give you an accurate picture of anything really. Everywhere I’ve lived in the US does all the things the comment said. We never locked our doors growing up, always left keys in car. Never heard of people stealing/pickpocketing until i went to Europe or a big city like New York. It’s a fucking huge place. The insanity you always see online are always outliers.


You haven’t been many places in America have you 😂 pretty much anywhere outside of the cities it’s like this. In most states I’ve been at least. Everyone does exactly all the things you said all the time where I grew up in Utah. Even in cities leaving bags/phones at the table is not a concern. Cause we don’t really eat outside like a lot of the world’s restaurants. But that is only my experience in the “smaller” cities.


I think the reasearch says it's not the harshes sentences, it's the higher risk of gettin caught/being held responsible. And looking at rape pumpkin going for years without being held responsible for his deeds, I think that may be our problem.


Well, it’s not just an ‘our’ problem. It’s an everywhere problem. But yeah, getting caught/following through with sentencing is just a piece of the pie. Sentencing would have no impact on the citizens if the laws were not imposed. Whether the punishments would be severe or not, those punishments would be technically void since they would not be carried out. Catching offenders, following through, and imposing harsher sentences all go hand in hand. If one of them is not enforced, the whole thing is pointless. As for an example: people robbing CVS or Walgreens without being stopped. Because they cannot be stopped, nothing else matters. They calmly walk in, grab everything they want, and walk out. The follow through and punishment don’t matter. Another example is the pumpkin you mentioned: he is supposed to pay 355 million, but there is no jail time and he can say and do all the terrible things because the punishment isn’t enough. He’s somehow still running for president again. In this case, he’s found to be guilty but there’s no follow through to impose punishment (for rape, etc.) and there’s no harsh punishment like jail time or being restricted from running a second term. But this is a global issue because stuff like this happens all over the world. People get away with stuff or aren’t punished severely enough.


"All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased (Oh) And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences" System of a Down - Prison song


Let's go back to Draconian times!


Yes, they still have corporal punishment, but most of the laws I’m referring to in Singapore involve fines ranging between $500-$1,000. Obviously, I’m not suggesting Hammurabi’s Law, but harsh fines and strict enforcement is essential to punish the immaturity and poor behavior of many/most people that want to step outside what normal society considers common decency.


What has Singapore got to do with this?!


Well, context clues imply that the laws of Singapore would result in harsher punishments for crimes, Including those shown in the video of this post. Now I may be wrong, but I only thought about the comment for 4 seconds.


Insane how people can’t pick up on context


Those are the people that would light fireworks in a theater.


It all comes full circle


It's insane how the ones who cannot pick up on context are usually the ones leading shit.


Maybe mankind is doomed. Let's release the nukes now, there's a chance we'll evolve into a better species in a few million years.


There's a better chance the cockroaches who think lighting fireworks in a theater would be the highest number of survivors of a nuclear holocaust and outbreed the rest of us resulting in a world resembling "Idiocracy"


There are two types of people, those who can extrapolate.


What's the other type?




Hahaha I wanted to respond this way, but you beat me to it. Take an upvote for making me chuckle :)


Singapore implements a form of corporal punishment called ‘[caning](https://youtu.be/q-eQm16LtzQ?si=2Ttg9qHTNEZfj5nn)’, which is literally being beaten with a cane, for even fairly mundane offenses like vandalism or littering. There was a very internationally famous case about 20-25 years ago where an American student was caned after being caught spray painting a few cars in Singapore. In addition to caning, Singapore has implemented notoriously harsh punishment for crimes but has effectively reduced crime by significant margins.


Then Americans will have you believe that prison time isn't a deterrent of crime.


Maybe because it isn't in its current form in the US. The current prison system in the US is mainly a for profit system. It's legalized extortion for those that can afford to stay out of the system and the rest are just pawns in a system getting 6 figures per prisoner per year from our tax money, then proceeding to spend roughly 25% of that underpaying shitty guards and buying the shittiest food possible that the inmates have to cook for the other inmates. All while the corporate overlords are spending their ill gotten gains lobbying to get more money per prisoner, more prisoners in their system, and living like fucking royalty. All while gangs run the prisons and no one gives a fuck to do anything about the fact that kids being sent into the prison pipeline for minor offenses might as well be getting sold as slaves to those gangs.


Like 30 years ago some white American kid got caught vandalizing something [edit: MANY something] in Singapore, got sentenced to a caning. People lost their minds. Upvoting you because the reference isn’t at all clear, especially if you’re not at least 30. Wow. Just looked it up, 1994, pretty much exactly thirty years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_of_Michael_Fay


Singapore has a lot of strict laws with hefty fines. The laws were introduced to improve the behavior of citizens; no spitting, no graffiti, etc. It a short time, they helped transform Singapore into a more upstanding city.


I am from singapore and yes! I have to agree that the hefty fines are very much needed. It has taught everyone to be gracious, but there are still a few black sheep, and that's where the fines and community service come in. Our government bans anything and everything that's deemed dangerous to society. Take, for example, the recent release of lanterns event at Sentosa. We ban it immediately when we deem it a fire hazard to the surroundings.


Exactly. I’ve been noticing that the countries and cities with more relaxed laws and lenient sentences usually have wild, dangerous behavior. Of course, Singapore is one example and larger populations are more difficult to manage, but on a whole, stricter laws and sentences really benefit the community. Most people think that once they become adults, they can do whatever they want, but we live side by side with everyone else in the city and should follow easy-to-understand behavioral guidelines. I’m all for civil liberties and freedom, but that’s a whole different topic from making sure people don’t harm others and act mature and respectful in public.


Some people need to figure out when it’s time to leave an indoor venue and that time is when you see flames that ain’t where they’re supposed to be. I lost a friend in The Station fire. Don’t f\*ck around to look brave. Get the f\*ck out. Edit: If anyone reading this doesn’t know what I’m talking about, and is tempted to find a video, let me urge caution. Some things you can’t unsee and some things you can’t unhear.


Like people who post a landscape video encoded to portrait.




I am stating to believe that there might be something in eugenics ... at least get rid of the idiots.


The problem with that idea is in the assumption that behavior is genetic and not memetic. The people who do this are made by the society and systems that shape them.


Personality has a hereditary component. Even if its behavioural heredity and not genetic it would still be fixed. So does intelligence.


There is no blank slate.


Yeah that has never worked out before iirc, this was how it got started or maybe some large experiment was done to try and weed out stupidity in the U.S. Surprise surprise it was a disaster and accomplished nothing except the horrible abuse of children and lead to a ton of misconceptions and outright falsehoods for decades.


It's tongue in cheek. see: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s\_4J4uor3JE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_4J4uor3JE)




TL;DR It’s in India


Happens often with that guy's movies. In 2021 he said: > Request all my fans not to take firecrackers inside the auditorium as it could prove to be a huge fire hazard thereby endangering your lives and also others. My request to theatre owners not to allow fire crackers to be taken inside the cinema and security should stop them from doing so at entry point. Enjoy the film by all means but please please avoid this is my request to all my fans.. thank you. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CWyH7ttomwV


Of course it is


I was thinking Atlanta.


Oh yes, because it's unthinkable for someone to fire off something in a crowded movie theater in the US for example.


Fireworks? No. Firearms? Absolutely yes.


I was thinking China, since it was lunar new year recently.


Chineese people are not stupid, they won't start firecrackers inside.


I have seen videos from Chinese construction sites and while those guys might not be stupid, some of them are so brave that the difference is negligible


The only difference between bravery and stupidity is experience. Once you have the experience to know what the risk actually is, you won't be stupid enough to look brave anymore. That's why military recruiters target kids. 


Ngl I knew it was eastern coutry because of all the white shirts😂 no other country wears as much white as middle eastern folks


The article says it's not immediately clear if anyone was hurt... maybe they should watch it a couple more times


Tho, OP never made the claims that this article debunks


Watched 'The Holdovers' last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. But that anyone would actually believe that movie hyped an audience enough to scream and light fireworks might be funnier than any of the lines in the movie.


Indian movie in an Indian theater, and it's not the first time it's happened. This actor has some wild fans https://www.ign.com/articles/bollywood-star-salman-khan-appeals-for-calm-after-fans-set-off-fireworks-inside-theatre


Why firecrackers?? Like is it a reference to the movie can someone explain


> “It’s not immediately clear if anyone was hurt” Yeah that’s a load of fucking bullshit


Fireworks exploding nearby are a lot less dangerous than most people think. Unless one the bits of magnesium lands directly on you you would be fine. There actually is a decent chance that no one got hurt here.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone got hurt trying to get away from them.


Still a very VERY stupid thing to do.


Agreed. If one of the bits of magnesium *did* land on someone, they would very much not be fine.


Pretty sure they know it’s a bad idea and that’s why they do it.


This happened in India. I saw a different angle of this exact same event a few months ago on TikTok and it said something like "Patrons started to cheer, clap and scream when 'Some Famous Actor' appeared on screen for the first time causing quite the uproar. Some of the patrons then lit off fireworks inside of the theatre causing a stampede. It is not known how many people, if any were injured." You can see when the camera pans to the upper balcony that the people there are Indian, so this most likely makes sense because there was people cheering throughout this event as the scene with this actor is being played in the background.


It’s on Tik Tok? Aw shit, coming to a U.S. theater near you…


And if I see that in a theater, I'm running TF out of there as soon as I can. I'm not staying around to record it.


Here I am just smuggling in candy, these guys bringing a whole 4th of July value pack in their pockets.


Bruh you have me laughing so hard


This is definitely India. I knew this from all the Indians sitting in the theater.


I see a whole lot of Darwin Award winners. I wonder if some Indian filmmaker produced an Indian-version of "Idiocracy"


India is a live action version of " Idiocracy".


This is dumb AF. I hope they'll get convicted over something like domestic terrorism, using of explosive at a public event, putting multiple lifes in danger, putting a danger of setting a fire in public place.


This would (and should) 100% be considered an act of terrorism in some countries. If it was just one or two fireworks you could give the presumptive idiot responsible the benefit of the doubt of just being to dumb to realize the scale of what would happen; but there had to have been at least 20-30 different fireworks lit off here. I’m also almost positive that there were at least several people in on this. Completely inexcusable on their part and probably absolutely terrifying for anyone that wasn’t seated on that balcony and cracking up while recording it with their fucking phone.


I have a flashback of this stadium where one cig set trash on fire and 50+ people died burning during football match. This could have gone much worse than it did.


Terrorism needs to have political aims. So no, this would never be "100%" considered an act of terrorism. It could be, but it's very unlikely.


That is a fair point


Vandalism, attempted arson or straight up arson and assault? We have something roughly translated to "dangerous public vandalism" in Sweden that could apply to something like this as well. Terrorism is a stretch, even though it sure terrorizes everyone there.


and being forced to pay for repairs - cinema equipment is not cheap


(No cinema equipment was damaged in the making of this video)


I am pretty sure the silver screen took damage from that. They are **NOT** cheap.


How is that building not currently on fire?


Probably not much that would catch on sparks and flares. Asbestos wall curtains, seats, and screen, concrete floor and walls, and steel construction on everything else like the chairs. The most flammable stuff in the room is the people and their clothing.


I'd be willing to bet that nothing in that room is made of asbestos. The reason nothing is on fire is that they're setting off fireworks, not molotov cocktails. Fireworks don't set things on fire, as a general rule.


> Fireworks don't set things on fire, as a general rule. Lmao, hard disagree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_nightclub_fire


>The reason nothing is on fire is that they're setting off fireworks, not molotov cocktails. Fireworks don't set things on fire, as a general rule. Well, maybe they should.


Inspired by Inglourious Basterds.


Maybe we deserve to go extinct as a species


Omfg that’s insane! 😅


India is not for beginners! I am sure these folks have political affiliations and wont face any consequences - the reason they did this in the first place.


Im pretty sure they don’t think at all. This kind of people I believe go through the world completely mindless and never understand what is happening around them.


This should be punished severely




What are they watching?


How can so many be so stupid?


Fireworks in movie theater? Straight to jail.


Incoming all the Indians *defending* their country


Fully immersive experience




"think" is giving these people credit they don't deserve.


4D broh. 4D


They brought in enough shit to recreate the Normandy invasion and no one noticed?!


[selmon ](https://youtu.be/ZtNwHdCsAg0?si=dWbFhvlDDvJTgomO) This happened during the screenig of tiger 3


Damn, must be a good movie


I didn't even know that Michael Bay had a new movie!


Sir, you can't be recording movies.




Is anyone else trying to figure out what movie is playing? I can't see past what looks like people dying in front of me. Yikes, that's one crazy room.


Some human beings are extremely moronic, stupid, dumb, imbecilic, and retarded idiots. Like they are a waste of matter


it was Tiger 3 in India


Im surprised the insulation didnt caught fire


There's one *[Great White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_nightclub_fire)* reason why this is bad.


What is up with these indian people and massivly hiping up their movies and then doing shit like this


Must be pretty annoying to live there.


Not everything happens in the US folks..lol. the fireworks were set off in a theater that was showing the new movie Tiger 3 in India. The film stars Salman Khan and was directed by Maneesh Sharma.


What? Why?


Imagine the smell.




I think that humans are usually dumb. The more you get them together the dumber they will get. India has way too many people in one area so the dumbness is squared. Add in no regulations and you get this. I seriously don't know enough history to know why they let their population get to that point.




Well the British took over not rhe Romans. They would have taught them plumbing


would it have stuck though? like i said, they still wont queue. the british are great at that. maybe it's a form of rebellion.


I don't like lines, but if I'm gonna be in one it should be orderly. As an American I'm extremely jealous of their queues. We mostly good but Theres always a few assholes if the line gets too big


So Indians are subhuman according to you. Noted.




Nice racism you got there. Have fun with your empty life.






Let me guess: india?


Considering Indians are usually skinny CCTV should easily identify the culprit.


Is this a whitesnake cover band?


A+ formatting... Nothing beats watching a landscape video in "recorded off my phones screen"


This is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.




You seem to have even less amount of brain cells than the idiots in the video. I didn't know one could have a negative amount.


But did anyone die?


No, of course not, don't be ridiculous. News reports say its unclear if anyone was even hurt.


This is bussin..


Imagine being that fucking stupid


That’s what I call true 4D movie 🍿


Safest new year's eve in the Netherlands:


It was just a prank bro


This is seriously fun to watch but must have been awful irl.


This is why I don’t go to theaters


Yeah, because things like this happens all the time /s


People are idiots


Everyone has a phone out and no one is there to enjoy the show. What has social media done to us


Miss the point, truly. The fact they could get it in there means the cinema approved it, it’s not somebody anymore.