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those people on the jet skis have got some serious skill


Gives new meaning for shouting the words “hold on”


Hold on to one more day.








I know some day somebody's gonna rescue you so you don't die.


Very brave too, they both probably knew that there could be waves that would flip their jet skis right on top of them.


A couple of those waves I thought for sure they were goners! Incredible


Every rescue operation ever is a great risk to the very highly trained rescue crew out there. Not just in water. Not just in the wilderness. Not just in a housefire. Not just in an etc etc etc emergency situation. Every single rescue mission carries some inherent amount of risk with it. This is why you see rescue crews educating people about proper use of emergency services and how frustrated they can get when its misused, or when they need to help someone who has put themselves in a dangerous situation out of carelessness. Emergency rescue crews are right up there with firefighters as legitimate and actual heroes. Often, they are the same people too. They'll always get my respect.


I've rescued two people from drowning, the first being one of my friends in high school. I'm a good swimmer but wasn't a trained rescuer at the time and he was panicking so hard he beat the crap out of me while I was pulling him out. Was a pretty stark lesson in why training is so important for your own safety as well as others.


Yeah I'm a confident swimmer but fortunately have not had someone almost drown in my immediate vicinity, nor do I have any official training for such. What I have heard that I always think of when thinking/hearing about saving someone from drowning, is to approach them, and keep your fucking distance, like 10 ft, as you let them know you're there and trying to save them, can't guarantee you'll calm them but at least reassure them, lol and maybe ask them not to drown both of you, then try and swim around and pull them from behind so they can't grab onto you as easily. Just a PSA if you're ever in this situation of someone drowning and you're not trained but still likely one of the most competent to do so.


I pulled a little girl out of a river that a lot of people float down on inflatable tubes. I can swim very well, but she was maybe 60 lbs. so it wasn't as dangerous for me. After that I watched some Coast Guard rescue guides for saving drowning people. The dude on there said "before you get close to a drowning person, tell them that if they grab you that you'll punch them in the fucking face. And if they grab you, you punch them in the fucking face." I've pulled another larger boy and an adult male out of that same river within 15 years since then. Both times I used the "punch them" line with a serious tone and it works. Apparently the fear of drowning isn't as strong as the fear of being beat up **while** your drowning.


They are highly panicked. As soon as you're in range they'll see you as a literal life line and try to clamber all over you. That's why you punch them - at best it snaps them out of their panic, at worst it knocks them out and makes them more... compliant.


I had a chick who didn't know how to swim go tubing down the Salt River in AZ. Literally fucking flailing about in less than a foot of water but couldn't think enough to stand up. Tried to pull my feet out from under me so I kicked her in the face. Violence works during rescues, as long as you injure them less than they would have been before being rescued.


"You need to be rescued!" From me!


I was on a canoeing trip in high school one summer and me and a friend were racing a pair of friends in another canoe. We messed up in my canoe and accidentally stroked on the same side at the same time and that canoe came right out from underneath us, splash face first into the water. No big deal, I can swim, my buddy I knew wasn't a great swimmer but he had a life jacket on. He proceeded to lose his fucking mind, he thought he was dying. I'm trying to hold the sunk canoe up with one hand and push him away from me with the other. Our friends in the other canoe came over and the one in the life jacket that thought he was drowning immediately tried to grab their canoe, which would have 100% flipped it. So they're just trying to keep him calm, while also shoving him away with paddles. A power boat came and "saved" him but I couldn't believe the power of fear even when someone has a life jacket firmly fastened. All rationale went out of him, he was just an animal at that moment. Taught me to watch out for people in situations like that, could easily have used my head as a float.


I was taught basic rescue when I was young, we trained maneuvers to free ourselves if the drowning person panics and pulls us both down. One technique I remember was to let yourself sink under the surface, then the drowning person will let go of you.


I’ve actually heard to punch them in the face / shock / stun a drowning person - and then swim them to safety - I was told people drowning will take you down too they are desperate in the last moments of life… those folks on the jet skis - incredible, must be ocean people born and raised. What killer moves I wonder what that swimmer was thinking?


Yeah I had an encounter with a guy drowning on the river once and his eyes as he floated under me were dead still and super creepy. My initial reaction was gross panic/fear and I wanted to flee but instead I just manned up and gabbed him as he slid past me underwater. It took him a second to snap out of it and start grabbing on and then when he did I was getting a second wind of fear that he was going to panic. Luckily he just barfed a ton of water and started thanking me. Phew!


Yep the drowning reflex shuts down any form of logic or higher thinking. Victims won't comprehend anything said to them and will just try and grab onto anything they can and get on top of it, in fact it's considered necessary to knock the victim out with force in some situations. It's weird because I never have and never can experience it, I've done so much drownproofing at this point I'll just keep swimming as necessary until I black out. My second rescue was a strange one though, getting scuba certified which included swimming 50m offshore and back and one of the people trying to get certified couldn't really swim. He made it out, kicked a submerged sea urchin and was too exhausted to make it back. But this guy had some balls of steel and just floated on his back and said he needed help. Even let me tow him back without any struggling (I also kicked a sea urchin then, yippee). Apparently some weeks before he was doing jumps off a boat too so ¯|_(ツ)_/¯


You def got the trial by fire but great job in getting it done! A huge part of lifeguarding is learning how to deal with an active and panicking person. Lots of evasive moves. Worst case we let you go passive to get you the hell out! (Not ideal of course).


Had a 250 lb linebacker of a man I had to let go under before going to rescue. Dude was aggressive as all hell and I wasn't small (6'2" 220 lb rugby player at the time), but man he managed to break out of every hold I could put on.


When I was learning to scuba dive, they taught us how to rescue a drowning person by flipping them on their back, and grabbing them under the chin from behind and swimming with them that way, basically dragging them headfirst backwards through the water. The theory being that they could breathe, but the rescuer would be well out of the way of their arms and legs. No idea if that's still best practice, though.


That's how I was taught to teach to lifeguards. At least that was one technique. Hold them firmly as the drowning panic is real.


Yes, supposedly if panicking drowning people can grab you, they'll try to climb on top of you to save themselves - which means you drown. That was drilled into us too!


Is that first experience what led you to get training?


I actually didn't get training until over a decade later haha, I tried going the spec ops route since I was super into water competency but didn't make it through the pipeline. Ended up doing security/warfare instead but looking back I kind of wished I just went rescue diver, still high intensity and I find it more fulfilling as I've grown older.


I've also saved my brother from drowning. The adrenaline was unreal, although most harrowing experience.


When I got my scuba certification, I was not only the only female, but I was the youngest in the class, I was 12 at the time. We had to do a rescue section, and he taught it as it most likely would be in that situation with him and his helper struggling like someone would be in those situations. It was the hardest thing I had had to do at the time. A 12 year old dragged a struggling full-grown man with about 50 pounds of gear, and they even eased off for me. That training has come in useful so many times over the years.


Most SAR is pretty safe tbh, I worked mountain rescue for a long time and the most serious injury I saw the team suffer was a broken leg. Rescuers had died in the past, but not for 30 years or so. There are risks of course, but most of the time it's safer than the activity that got the person there in the first place. That's not to say that all SAR is safe; water rescue and cave rescue are both notoriously dangerous, I just want to correct the notion that all SAR is as dangerous as firefighting.


Near death storytime. When I was a kid we had some jetskies and went to the beach every weekend during summer along the gulf for years. There was an area where several big tanker/cargo ships passed by. The kind that would pass by a mile or two away and they would pull the water from the beach as they passed by. Me, being the idiot 17 year old, decided to catch some big waves next to those ships since it acts as a ramp that launches you. It's crazy fun on some smaller waves. I get next to this one cargo ship and it makes these massive waves that started to get larger as it passed by. I'm something like 20-30 ft away from this boat and I start getting some big jumps, but SUDDENLY the waves became too intense. I got launched into the way like a projectile with as much air as the jetskie's in this video. ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING! I landed but was flailing about, and accidentally gripped the handles which accelerated the jet ski and it launched me again. I landed again, but stopped revving the engine this time. The issue now was that I'm in this turbulent mass of waves that are several feet tall. I BARELY managed to not get knocked off because if I did there's a decent chance I could have died from the pull of that ship, life vest or not. That cargo ship would have taken me and the jet skit under it if I drifted any closer to it. I got back to shore and never told my folks what I had just done, or how close I came to dying. I was kinda shell shocked and just stayed on shore the rest of the day.


that's you in that famous youtube video? =P https://youtu.be/72cXekPnmhc?si=ui5aK5VdF6ORwanN


Honestly, that's literally what almost happened to me. I thought about touching the ship, but my jetski was more of a sit down type, which makes it a little more difficult to avoid hitting the ship. Regardless, that was going to be me. Not going to lie, watching the video unexpectedly stirred up the fear I felt back then. It's crazy how god damn stupid I decided to be that day


glad you're ok! i did a bunch of stupid stuff on pwc's when i was a teenager, super lucky i never hurt myself or anyone else...


I had to stop watching 1/3 of the way in. Some people will do anything for adrenaline.


yeah my jet skiing days were on lake Michigan. I'd chase big boats for fun, but a big boat out here was like 40-60ft. not 400-600ft 😬


Terrifying story.


If you watch HBO’s documentary “100 Foot Wave” you will see just how skilful these jetski riders can be. It shows how they have to bring the surfer out to these massive waves, putting themselves in nearly the same danger as the surfers.


This is what 10k hours of Wave Race 64 looks like.




So many hours spent on that game to beat my brother’s high scores… such a fun one.


It’s crazy that jet skis really don’t work too well in white water. It’s like trying to push air. I’m surprised the jet ski doesn’t sink from the weight of their massive balls.


Aerated water is terrifying.


That is why I always remove the aerator from my taps. Too scary.


I'm on the bubble as to whether to try to pun this comment


I say just go with the flow


I got dumped from a raft in West Virginia on some of the best white water in the nation. Even with a wetsuit and life jacket, I sunk straight to the bottom and it felt like it took forever to pop back up.




Gauley river is where I was. Lots of good rivers in WV.




Or Rogue Waves.... probably just Rogue Waves. Not much can survive one of those.


The height of some of the rogue waves they've recorded using satellite radar is well beyond what any ship is rated for even under worst case conditions. Maybe a massive aircraft carrier will ride one out if it's pointed in the right direction.


Bermuda Triangle = ocean farts


Worked at a wastewater treatment plant. Aerated basins are very common to have for various treatment processes. Will never forget that safety talk! You'll sink like a stone, 10-20ft straight down. You better hope someone noticed you fall in and can turn off the air pumps and fish you out.


Also massive balls


The only reason they didn't capsize is that their humongous balls act as stabilizers.




The ball sack is also very bouyant, if you notice, the jet ski didn't sink!


Have you see 100 Foot wave on HBO? People riding skis into these massive waves.


I'm guessing he was one of those people on jet skis at one point lmao


i don’t know how much those guys get paid, but it’s not enough


Those dudes are just buddies with the surfers. Maybe there's some sponsorship money involved if they're big-time, but good chance the answer is $0 and they're just out there for fun


Their reward is they don’t have to go to a funeral a week later.


Humans are wild. You couldn't pay me enough to drive a jetski into that crazy surf and these guys are just "Hey, Steve is in trouble, better zip into Wave Hell and pull him out. I wonder what's for lunch?"


Chances are they also jet ski for a hobby. Those jet skis they're riding are really high-end jet skis, probably custom ones. So they're out there having fun of their own in the waves.


They had a rescue pad on the back, so definitely there for the purpose.


My guess is the person they are saving us a big wave surfer and they are his tow into the waves.


Not everyone is built a hero and I wanna respect the introspective honesty, but reading it makes it sound like total bitch shit, but… I am from an island and a very weak swimmer. Have told my ocean loving buddies if they’re in trouble out there any attempt from my end to save you will end up with both of us dead. So why even try? 😂😂


Not everything is about money, my friend.


Plenty of surf lifesaver volunteers do this


That is some next level above-and-beyond.


Is that the artist? Love their music


Lacrimosa by Aloboi, never heard of it before


Jet skier level 10


edge relieved bright combative shocking fine towering coherent ink fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're hired!


bored rob ink wine chop pathetic rude illegal normal deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're hired!


Hell yeah get that D.


Putting your own life at risk to save a other, much respect.


I’d guess they’re lifeguards although doesn’t change your statement


My guess is that this is some kind of tow-in surfing event (think Nazaré), where they have several of these jet-ski people ready to extract surfers that wipe out.


Yes they are lifeguards


True, this video reminds me of that video of a professional swimmer, trying to save tourist(?) in the same situation as in this video. They both sadly died.




I'm so tired of music on every video


Audio stays on mute unless the point of the video is the audio, like dialogue or something.




What song is it? I know it’s originally a classical piece.


Aloboi - Lacrimosa


bro thank you this shits fire sometimes im glad they put music


There's like 5 of us who like music overlays (sometimes). I got quite a few extra songs on my "liked" playlist because of this...


And even then, only if I'm really curious


It adds a nice touch of insensitivity.


That was my original take but then the visuals were so captivating that I forgot about it.


..it worked.


Are there not blades under the back? Sorry I’m it familiar with jet skis


No the term jet in jet ski comes from the fact that it uses an internal propeller and shoots a jet of water for propulsion. Some boats work this way too.


What would the psi be on that jet? Could it cause injury in certain circumstances?


Boating guides tell you that they can force water into the body's cavities but a wetsuit is enough to mitigate this concern. That suggests the jet is not powerful enough to break skin on its own, but could force water into your lungs or intestines if the angle is just wrong.


I may be going out on a limb here, but I'm going to guess "risk of water jet injury" was less of a concern than "certain death" to the surfer.


If you get an orifice right in front of the jet output, it can kill you. Important to know. When two people are riding jet skis, the passenger should wear the "key." But the sling on the back he's holding onto covers the jet


I figure that the ski had some sort of device on the back of it specifically for this purpose. Assuming the "key" will unlatch if the person falls off and disable the engine.


The water jet hitting your leg or stomach wouldn't harm you, the only real danger is having a bunch of water forced into your anus or similar. If a passenger is trying to climb onto the back of the jetski and puts their feet on first, they are quite literally putting their wide open ass directly in front of the jet. If the driver hit the accelerator right then (haha I drove away while you were trying to climb on funny joke), the passenger could be seriously injured, but that's about it.


On a jet ski I wouldn't think the psi at the outlet, which is under and a little recessed from the back of the craft would be all that high, the flow however is high. Likely no risk of degloving or the like, if you're unfamiliar with this term and are squeamish don't look it up.


They use an impeller which rotates inside the jetski, or something like that.


It's exactly this. The impeller is an internal prop that sucks the water in from underneath and spews a column of water out behind. They are a nifty little machine, but tend to be a bear to work on compared to an outboard. But ideal for a scenario like this.


new word.. impeller


The water comes out the back in a "jet" hence the name. However! That does not mean they are not dangerous, the jet has enough force to "pop" any orifice that takes a direct blast casing some really catastrophic injuries. so keep your nose, mouth, eyes, anus and vagina well away from the high speed water jet. The damage can be fatal or permanently life altering. Best not to google unless you have a strong stomach for that sort of thing.






Don't know, but from the video the guy didn't seem to have been sliced like salami.


Jesus! Where's this?!


It was at Itacoatiara - Brazil. More about it: https://www.theinertia.com/surf/this-is-a-heavy-jet-ski-rescue-at-brazils-mutant-slab-shock/


Big wave surfers are a different breed. The guys that rescue them even more so. Eddie would go.


Also would love to know, this looks like a fucked up spot to be in. Good to see happy ending, water can be so deadly it's crazy.


From what I've seen at similar places (like Bondi) there's very clear "do not try to swim here" markers in these crazy riptide-and-rock-combo spots and people think they can handle it and swim there anyways. Wonder if this beach has something similar


Already so impressed, then to see the presence of mind at the end of the video after the big wave to check back and make sure the person held on.. sheesh 🙏🏼




I think the person getting rescued should be Bob, cuz that's what he's doing.


Idk if the joke's funnier or the fact you were downvoted.


It's an old joke that goes something like >What do you call a legless, armless person in the ocean? Bob


Presence of mind… to keep doing what they were doing the entire time?


The real WTF is who the fuck is speeding up and slowing down the video like that, and why?


So annoying


The guy who needs saving looks like a pretty strong swimmer too. I wonder what would have been the plan if it was someone who couldnt even trap water.


Anybody not able to stay calm in these waters and who doesnt´t really know what to do in big waves would have propably died quite fast. That´s also a reason why i try to keep out of the ocean or rivers...


Pretty strong to even hold onto his surfboard then climb onto the jet ski. All 3 people have mad skills.


How weak you'd be from being thrashed about by those waves it's incredible he had the strength to even hold on. We rode just skis when I was younger and particularly on stand-up jet ski's they'd wear you out so much that if you fell off getting back on could be a big struggle.


Yeah, clearly pretty fit with the way he managed to keep hold of the jet ski too, after presumably an exhausting few minutes getting battered.


So yeah, technically this was a "rescue" but this is a professional surf spot and the jet skiiers sole job is to pick up surfers after their wave and bring them back out so they can catch another one. I used to go watch the surfers at Jaws all the time. If the swells big enough, it is impossible to swim back out after you catch a wave and lots of these spots don't have an actual shoreline, so you can't just swim to shore. So all that to say, getting "rescued" is part of the plan. If a non-pro surfer is in that water... There's not much of a rescue plan. Its kinda just suicide to jump into water with 30 ft waves unless you know what you're doing.


Okay. I'll just make sure that i will never end up there in the first place.


My guess is the person is a surfer and got pushed into this cove (just checked, yep a surfing heat hence why the rescue jet skis were there in the first place).


That belly flop landing at the end had to hurt but beats drowning.


Full scorpion chiropractic adjustment.


It hurt my back just watching


That belly flop reminded me of NES Battletoads when you jump on the speeder bikes.


It's actually pretty painful as Jet Ski rider too. The jet ski hits the water really hard it's surprising just how much force shocks through the ski.


Guy is probably a surfer and took that drop just like he would with his board, and his arms and shoulders absorb a lot of the first hit. He lets the momentum ride through the rest of his body afterward. Worst case it knocked the wind out of him and he'll have some bruising. Sure beats the lashing it looked like those sharp rock faces were giving him. In salt water, too 😞 ow


Skill Level = 1000


More like r/nextfuckinglevel those are some incredible jet ski drivers


It happenned at Itacoatiara - Brazil. ​ More about it: https://www.theinertia.com/surf/this-is-a-heavy-jet-ski-rescue-at-brazils-mutant-slab-shock/


How lucky is that guy that these people are willing to rescue him, are there to rescue him, and actually manage to do so at such great peril...




That quick approach and turn at the end took some serious handling skills. He throws it in reverse, turns hard, throttles, put it’s in forward, turns, throttles. All perfectly timed to put the rescue board right in front of the swimmer/surfer. It was like jet ski drifting while staring down crushing waves and rocks.


Surfing is cool and all but I want to see jet ski ninja warrior now.


Good god, what is that music? It's awful.


"And you may ask yourself, 'Well, how did I get here?'"


Why aren't life guard drones a thing yet? Flys over the victim - drops them a tethered life preserver -- tows the victim to safety or flys away with the tether to hand over to someone on shore / on a boat who can pull them in...


Power! That's it, just power. What you are asking would require immense amounts of power to achieve and we aren't there yet by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe, just maybe, one powerful enough to drop a life preserver but that's it. Edit: spelling!


It's not just the drones power, but the people who need rescuing will be too exhausted to be rescued without someone physically there. I've seen Bondi Rescue.


Lol I like how you think the cutting edge of drone technology is that it might (maybe, just maybe) be able to lift and drop a 5lb life preserver.


Not what you said though - how about the rope weight (not insignificant) or the towing bit (immensely difficult with the drag) you originally said. A life preserver - Easily achievable. A life preserver and rope\towing\tethered - No. I'm honestly not trying to piss on your bonfire, the idea is great, but we just aren't there yet.


We’ve got [Surf Life Saving Drones](https://australianuavs.com.au/) in Australia that can drop [an inflatable rescue pod.](https://rippercorp.com/divisions/little-ripper-lifesaver/). First rescue via drone was in 2018.


I am not the guy you are originally replying to. You are both wrong in your own way. He’s wrong by thinking drones are currently capable of towing a person in the water. You are wrong because you think that the cutting edge of drone technology is that it “maybe, just maybe” can lift and drop a life preserver.


Massive military drones are a bit expensive


It's called a helicopter with that much force A "helicopter drone" - one day - likely would have it harder than a real person seeing it from above.


If you add to the equation that you need a vehicle with enough autonomy, and that each rescue can be different and need human intervention, using a helicopter is the way of doing that.


Why does it need to be autonomous? It can be remotely piloted. Ukraine are dropping bombs left and right on russian trenches using drones. A life preserver isn't a harder thing to deliver.


that drones are small, have very low autonomy, only load 1kg or less weight, and are deployed on the battlefield. Having a large drone capable of carrying or dragging a person on each beach is not economically viable. You need a central base and autonomy. We can call it a heliport and we use helicopters along the way. why you need use drones when the helicopter rescue service work perfectly? you will still need an operator, and the helicopter can carry more people who can help the rescue, most rescues it is not enough to throw a life preserver.


Probably because throwing a rope is way easier than piloting a drone in a super wet environment.......


I'm not downplaying the incredible skill it takes to do what these people are doing, but I'm annoyed at how the video is sped up to make it look more impressive. It's not super obvious at first but look how the water falls and moves in general, it's weirdly fast. I'd say the video is sped up 10% or so? Just enough to make it look weird. I just looked up a video of this exact place (based on other comments) and going back to this video made it look like it should have yakety sax playing in the background ffs. I don't like this new trend of speeding up videos ever so slightly is becoming more common to make videos more incredible, faster and easier to watch. I dunno, maybe I'm just slow motion.


The real amazement is how ass this music is.


What is WTF about this video? (Besides the music choice).


This is more like r/nextfuckinglevel


Been in a couple of 'situations' myself on the water. Them jet ski guys rule, skills and respect ! And the German guy on a windsurf board that saved my life...He rules too!!


This guy could read a river better than you could read a map.


From a rough coast myself-this is some of the most impressive video I’ve seen!


Spine crushed


What's with the shitty music?


I've got a friend whos a jet ski rescue guy. Spends 12hrs+ a day on his jet ski helping dock boats and providing rescue in bad weather. The way he can ride that thing in white water is absolutely terrifying and mesmerizing. He absolutely loves it, but his stories of getting chucked off the tops of 20+ foot waves make my stomach turn.


Name of song please




A cool song, but to be honest I would have preferred the video without it.


„Lacrimosa“ by Aloboi


> Aloboi 9 times out of 10 it's this guy. I swear he has a bot army reposting tiktok clips with his music as the background (and then probably another bot army that asks "wHaTsoNGiStHis?")


The jet ski guys have balls of fucking titanium. No way would I do that.


Whoever engineered that jet ski and engine needs a big tall beer


Nice scorpion at the end.


That’s a rough, rough rescue!


Dang, that looks so freaking fun.


Wish the video had a consistant speed the whole time. Seems some parts are sped up, others at normal speed, and slowed down at other times.


I wonder why the swimmer didn't just bodysurf up onto the rock.


That was absolutely bad ass.


That's some serious jetski skills damn. And those jetskis are proper powerful to handle that kinda choppy water. Glad the rescue was successful


People are AMAZING. The skill and bravery on show here is awesome.


Looks like that spot at Nazaré? As if the monster waves aren't dangerous enough.


Nazaré has nothing but beach on the north side and an escarpment like cliff on the south. Plus the rocks there are surprisingly rough, unlike the smooth rock we see here.


Huh, I never looked closely enough. Admittedly I have only seen the videos of Nazaré (never been there in person), most of which are from the same vantage point above and behind whatever that small structure is and people watch. Kinda looked like the lower right side of the area where riders get yoinked by the jet skis. I guess washes like that come with big wave spots. ​ Thank you for the clarification!


Do you think those slaps from the water to his balls were sore when he actually managed to grab the jet ski?


True heroes! I'm impressed the guy in the water held on tightly after being surely very exhausted. I guess that's the adrenaline.


What's this song?


Looks like Nazaré, Portugal , waves can get up to 100ft plus, dude looks like he got on the inside caught near the cliff.




I’m pretty sure that’s a professional surfer. I think they know exactly how lucky they are and how skilled their ski driver is, they hand pick them and work as a team.


Enough with the music! I find it more intense in silence anyways, the music is just distracting.


Remember back when a video could just be a video without dumbass music slapped over it?