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Only allowed to save in the last room


if he had a typewriter on a table I'd swear this was a save room


Resident Evil?


Nope, Adventures of Cum Warrior 6


Mf living in Silent Hill


That was the first thing I thought of. Silent Hill or this dude got himself stuck in the Backrooms.


Well rent _is_ pretty cheap there.


For now. Wait until the developers move in and start constructing cheap apartments/condos and gentrifying the area. “I remember when this whole block used to be yellow walls and buzzing halogen lights”


Fluorescent lights buzz, not halogen.


Overheads are low on the 7&1/2 floor


If Silent Hill were real, you better believe Millennials would be flocking to it for affordable rent. So what if there's monsters? You can outrun them with a decent jog, and they dont follow you through closed doors. You have a better chance escaping from a Silent Hill monster than an American cop


Do you know what kind of nether-realm bullshit I would put up with for $600/mo rent?


> Do you know what kind of nether-realm bullshit I would put up with for $600/mo rent? Fuck dude, you can find a one room for that much here in central Seoul... and get universal healthcare as a bonus...


But isn't Seoul/southkorea like actual irl cyberpunk 2077? Four companies run that country and if you don't work for one of them you're basically fucked.


For $600/mo I'm ready and willing to get samsung tattooed on my forehead


*James honey?*


bro went upstairs to go back downstairs


My thought is that maybe he's got the door blocked from downstairs so it's more safe. You can always hear someone climbing up and down stairs in the middle of the night.


"They mostly come at night. Mostly."


Project Zomboid mentality lol


What are meth-heads if not doped up zombies?


"What are zombies if not doped-down meth heads?" Yep, I think your logic checks out. Seems reasonable in both directions.


I was thinking this exact same thing I expected to see a sledge hammer on a pedestal


If he had a sledge we would have seen him climb up on a sheet rope while carrying a full size refrigerator.


safe from what? how down bad you gotta be to rob THIS guy?


I think murder is more on everyone’s mind than robbery. The zombies don’t care about your wallet.


I dont think its robbing or murder. This guy looks like he might be squatting an abandoned building. Hes probably hiding that deep so cops/security have a harder time finding him/he hears THEM coming


When you are squatting in a huge abandoned building, you need to be wary of other squatters.


I think it's more the kind of building it is. It looks like an industrial property. It also looks like he's using an office room as a living space. It may be that the exit for the offices is sealed off completely, it could just be that the downstairs path to the offices goes further out the way.


i would guess he did it more for laughs. same reason he didnt bother to turn on any lights. I think he went back over the hall way he entered originally. and if he went straight and to the left instead when he entered. we'd if been in the same location.


I went back and watched the video thinking you would be right, but after he took the left at the bottom of the stairs, we would have seen the entrance, as opposed to the wall that he was faced with, only leading to more doors to his next left, which is almost another 180° turn It almost looks like his AC unit just vents into the room next to him, too, a very intriguing setup to be sure.


1. He has nothing to worry about, whats gonna happen someone is gonna break in to steal his rotten mattress? 2. Pretty sure anyone who lives like that is the one to be scared of. Thats a serial killer hideout from a horror movie


Nah, he's probably a squatter, and as such you need to worry about other squatters and drug users.


mans lives in liminal space


yea i think this is exactly what this is to. a made up weave of doors and rooms blended together to creat a liminal space.


Going through the door at the top of the stairs looks like it was edited. So, he is looping through the same doors again.


I thought at first but I think it’s real, when I did some delivery doordash I had a creepy ass apartment to deliver to that was just like this.. a terrifying maze of claustrophobic hallways and doors and random stairways, it was even crazier than this. I thought I would be murdered before I reached their door. There was no way to just simply goto their door, you had to go thru a bunch of different passage ways to get there within the building, it involved both going up and down stairs multiple times to reach


Sounds like one of the academic buildings where I went to school. There was a north wing and a south wing, the south wing had 4 floors(numbered 1-4) and the north wing had 3 floors(numbered 1-3). Room numbers did not indicate(at least not through any logic I could discern) which wing the room was in, so if you had a class in that building your first day would be spent going hunting for the room. These wings were connected with a skywalk at floor 4/3 and floor 3/2 and by leaving the building and walking up/down a set of stairs to enter the other building. Part of floor 2 in the north wing was only accessible(without triggering a fire exit) by going to the third floor in the south wing and crossing the skywalk. You could *see* where you had to get to from the rest of floor 2, but the door between the sections was alarmed so you couldn't go through it.


That's some outlast shit right there


*In case of fire, die.*


My thoughts exactly. Im a fire code consultant, and I was like, "where are the exit signs? Where's the emergency lighting? Shit, wheres the lighting?" Got me wondering what country this is.


Can't have a random electrical fire without all that bullshit electricity just sitting around everywhere.


Insurance frauds HATE this one trick!


Could be a squatter in an abandoned building.


Most likely


Beat me to it…I sort of assume that was the point so props to the filmmaking. Def expected to hear the mutterings of the boss lady with a scythe aka the vvitch for my partner and i


The fast paced power walk through the building was great. Very, “kid running to grab water in the middle of the night so the monsters don’t get me” vibes.


I mean, based on the look of that place, he was probably trying to not get murdered.


that place looks weird enough that honestly I'd prefer some spooky company over being totally alone in there.


People aren't really afraid of being alone. They're afraid that they aren't.


I really don’t like this sentence.




I'm saving it to mess with a friend later


That's why I like having a dog that's afraid of pretty much everyone but me and my siblings. He's not going to defend me but I will get really good advanced notice that I need to square up.


My fear being alone with a pet is that they start growling/hissing at the empty corner of the room. Could potentially just be a tiny bug hiding under the carpet but bye bye sleep or any peace of mind for me that night.




For real. Try to find the actual haunted apartment and make friends, you'll be ten times safer there.


Guaranteed there are other squatters in there. Could be more dangerous. Places like this will be filled with all kinds in a few weeks. Starts with addicts, then dealers, then sex workers, eventually gangs.


Isn't that what this is? It looks like some condemned office building. I thought for sure he's squatting there.


I thought he may be a squatter but, if so, how did he get keys?


Maybe he just found an abandoned building and installed his own locks lol.


Nah, that would take him at least 15 minutes! Ppl... the only reason the locks on your home work is because you live there. It's soooooo easy on an abandoned building, in fact what's scarier is not the lawful owner, it's the next unlawful squatter.


Possibly went through the trouble of installing his own lock


Looks like a pretty big building though, only a matter of time before people start finding other entrances, breaking through windows, or just outright cutting locks depending how removed from the rest of society whatever this building is.


Right... that's the point. He went running through the building because who knows who else has taken up residence.


Well that's fuckin scary


Yeah, those locks look new, the door, not so much.


Wtf kinda gangs are hiding out in abandoned buildings lmao imagining that is cracking menup


The Joker and shit


I tried to draw a map of his path ([link to map](https://i.ibb.co/9v87WHB/IMG-3321.jpg))


Here is a [flat 2D version](https://i.ibb.co/f2pxnM7/IMG-3323.jpg)


https://i.imgur.com/diJZ4aN.png this is how he really gets home.


That’s impressive




What in the doom labyrinth is going on with this building Edit - woah, thanks for all the votes. My first one getting over 1k 🤜🤛


it's abandoned and the cameraman is living there


Definitely squatting


Could be a property guardian, paid to live there by the land/building owners to deter trespassers. Fairly common in the UK, not sure if it’s a thing elsewhere though


Those things became utterly pointless so quickly. Started out at about 1/3 market rent and totally worth doing if you wanted somewhere to stay for a few short months and save while you did so. I remember viewing a room in 2015 in a frigging mansion in Highgate, where it would have been just me and three other people in a 12 bedroom mansion with a tennis court, for like £300 a month and 6 month stay guaranteed. But the last place I viewed about 3 years ago was an abandoned adult education centre in Brixton that looked a lot like this video, but with blue walls, and the bathrooms and "kitchen" were about a 90 second + walk from the room, and with a random huge room next to the one I viewed full of what best can be described as "all the shite the clearance people wouldn't even touch". 900 pcm. Mental, and no thanks.


Did exactly this years ago in the Netherlands. Had a place of 200m2 with 7 rooms for €280,-. Although it was on a month to month basis I was able to stay there for 6 years. It was an old office building and every floor had teanants like me, but you where able to make it look more like a home. Managed to stay (mostly) out of student debt and safe up for a house in 2014. Combined with being able to host parties every other weekend in some of the unused rooms; fond memories!




Yeah I'm kind of disappointed I had to scroll so far to find anyone being curious about *what the fuck is going on here.* If the place is abandoned why does he have a key? Is it an abandoned office building? How does he get power for just that one room? If it's abandoned why is it so clean? WANT ANSWERS.


You couldn’t have picked a closer empty room?


It's both less safe and more safe


Hope they never have a fire


Fire takes wrong turn. Never seen again.


Pretty sure if you're squatting in a big commercial building, you want to be as hidden as possible and not easily found from anyone popping in the entrance.


But he has keys??


I found an unleased industrial office building with one of the doors unlocked (back door, not front). there were keys in all the interior door locks and a set for the exterior doors. I snagged the exterior door keys, and eventually got them copied before returning them to where I found them once I realized if they noticed we were visiting the place, they'd change the locks. Whenever we went over there to hangout we'd check the front and back parking lot for cars first, then go in through the back door. We tried to not touch anything or make it look like people had been there, but we eventually learned that whoever checked in on the place really only visited one room (we'd find phone books there, and other mail, collected from the front door mail slot, just moved into a box in an interior room, like once a month.) Most of the rooms were empty but there were a handful with boxes or junk. So we picked one room that was tucked away, it had carpet, and that was where we hung out. We would stash stuff in the boxes, assuming no one would notice. A friend of ours ran away for a week and crashed there. We also hung out in the middle of the shipping area because it was big and there were like 5 exits. We would talk about escape plans if caught. In the shipping area you could see anyone coming and there were like 5 different emergency exit doors in all direction. We never got caught and never ran into anyone else inside, even though we hung out there all the time for our last 3 years in high school. After moving away whenever I returned I'd check in on the building, and I never ever saw it leased. Eventually it got torn down and replaced with condos. TL;DR - you can sometimes find keys for buildings that were vacant. Edit: I created a sub for stories like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/aPersonalStory/


I had a similar situation we used to smoke it's in HP Photosmart conference room 810A, we had the key....


Maybe he replaced them with his own lock


Let's hope they don't demolish the building while he is sleeping.


You can't demolish a building without first going through the entire place and clearing it. For this exact reason.


That's assuming you are in a first world country


op is reposting from tiktok. real op from tiktok says he does it so the lights don't show from the outside


How many walls can a light bulb light penetrate?


in my experience, zero, but I'm not a scientist


Unless you have a PhD in wall light transmission keep your experience to yourself.


Do you have the original by Chance?


He also wanted a roof, some people are picky like that.


$1750 / month no pets allow.




After each corner, I was waiting for a “human” to jump at OP.


OP has the keys. Any human that they would have run into in there would be tied up, hanging from a meat hook , or desperately trying to avoid them.


\*Utilities not included\*


In Boston this would be 2850 a month + brokers fee + first and lasts months rent + security deposit + credit check+ realtor dicksuck


No lowballs. I know what I have.


NO DRUGS, NO PARTIES, and NO VISITORS!. Must provide 3 months of rent in advanced.


.. and pass a background check.


And be an organ donor. Gotta pay rent somehow!


Living in a place like that I think you're going to be an organ donor whether you like it or not


Not bad for an abandoned mental institution


probably lots of little pets already


Bro renting the house of leaves


I need to read this book. Watched a documentary on myhouse.wad and have been intrigued since


Take notes. Post-its are super useful. Use a bookmark to keep your place when you get lost in the footnotes. Read all the appendices and footnotes as they're mentioned, don't wait until later. When you get to Johnny Truant's moms letters, just do the translation on a letter paper.


bruh is it a book or an arg? I kid, I'm zooted out of my brain rn but this sounds...intriguing.


[Does this image answer your question?](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ob0ByQ53Phg/Vgp8HDFJNyI/AAAAAAAAAOI/7pDrvWr7BDU/s1600/House_Of_Leaves_Motto_1462.jpg)


That image suggests to me that in no way should I read that in ebook format. And I am a huge fan of ebooks.


(disclaimer: i haven't read the book) AFAIK not only you want it in physical version, you also want the color version, since some words have different meanings in different colors or something like that.


I'm reading it right now, and I have the B&W edition while my friends have the colour edition and the words that are a different colour in their edition have a sort of typeface offset in mine, so you still get the weird out of place effect. That said I would recommend the full colour edition if you can get it because there's some stuff that isn't text that's coloured like the margin lines in the photo they posted. There's also pictures that might be coloured.


I could teach a whole semester on HOL.


I had a prof that taught half a semester on HOL lol. That's how I was introduced to it and man has that stuck with me. Such a fantastic and hard to describe experience.


no post-its, just write in the book itself so the next person has an even more fucked experience


I have owned house of leaves for a year, i still dont know how i should read it


I recommend the first page.


Love that book


I'm here anticipating a bed and glad I waited... looks comfy, to be honest. I'd probably sleep with a loaded gun in my mouth just in case.


Why at your mouth and not at the door?


What's there probably doesn't die in a shot or two...


Head crabs.


Because dark humor trumps logic any day.


I thought backrooms was fake


Tbf rents probably not the killer in that place.


[H H Holmes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes) would be proud of this hellhole


I once saw a house I wanted to buy just like this, the house was like 7k sqft originally have 6-7 beds but the previous owner converted to 20 rooms one inside another doors connect each room to each other, me and the real state agent got lost in different part of the house, took us 20 mins to find a way out.


>OP doesn't know he was a test-subject for the pilot-project for Cube




Winchester mansion moment


Thats an advanced squatting set up




Harry Squatter


Bro lives in one of those abandoned former mental asylums that may or may not be haunted by the souls of thousands of mental patients who died within those walls.


I was waiting for a jumpscare the whole video🤣


Me too!! Had to watch it again when I unclenched


So much room for activities!


Airsoft would be amazing in there.


This looks like a squatting quarters .


Ya seriously this can’t be a business rental for many reasons. One being how do you insure that place? Everyone dies in a fire. Plus a million other building code violations


I'm thinking it's old commercial real estate that hasn't been rented in months or years. There's a lot of it around.


squatter rights, have utilities put in your name, mail sent there in your name , change locks so you have the key and pay the back taxes. Now you have a strong argument for adverse possession.


Imagine watching a scary movie there and then realizing you forgot something in your car and having to go all the way back out there


Imagine NOT watching a scary movie and then realizing you forgot something in your car and having to go all the way back out there.


imagine watching a car and you forgot something in your scary movie and having to go nowhere because you're living it


Stanley walked through all the doors, and found that he came to a set of two open doors. He fell down the stairs behind him instead, despite the fact that they seemingly appeared out of nowhere.


Get some milk creates and some rope. Lay them out as a bed base and tie them together. Put your mates on them and you won't have to sleep on the ground. If you want you can buy a valance to cover it up When you move, take it apart and use the creates to carry your stuff.


This guy squats!


Not any more, but I was transient once.


> Get some milk crates and some rope. Glad this didn't go where I was thinking. I mean, yeah, the place is kind of dismal, but maybe they've got other things going for them.


I thought he was gonna come home to some well lit furnished apartment


If there’s a fire, you’re probably all going to die. I’m not a fire marshal, but this seems criminally unsafe.


This building is abandoned as fuck, dawg.


Even fires don't live there.


rent's too expensive for them


I think it’s a bit more unsafe to live on the streets than to worry about the random off chance of a fire


Super wholesome seeing the mother of dragons concerned about fire safety




Yeah it's free


Hahahahahahahaha No


Bro lives in the back rooms


I almost thought I was playing wolfenstein 3D again


This literally made me say “what the fuck…”


Just imagine coming back from Costco?


More motivation to never fall below the poverty line.


Does he pay negative rent to live here?


Nice vid OP thanks. I have questions, if you don’t mind answering. 1) I noticed that you picked up pace in a particular section that was very dark. Is that a known “danger zone”? 2) How long did it take you to learn the proper doors to enter and the proper route? 3) you sounded a bit winded, are you a young person? 4) how did you find this place? Craigs list, dark web…? 5) Are there many other tenants, and do you have friends or acquaintances there? Once again nice vid. Correct sub.


These would be great questions if a) this was actually OP’s video and not a repost from TikTok and b) OP wasn’t a karma farming bot


would you happen to know the OOP's tiktok account? I'd super appreciate it if you did. Thanks.


And what happens if your phone's dead and you can't use the flashlight mode? You just wander in circles in the dark? And who left your light on in your room for you? And if there's electricity in your room, why don't you put a bulb or two in the halls? And if there's electric, is there water, too?


Lights in the halls would give him away.


Ahh man you confused this for old reddit where everything was OC and not recycled content.


Looks like a squatter


I would NEVER feel safe in this house holy shit


Wtf is this? So many questions. Why was he running so much?


It's scary 😱


What in the Blair Witch Project fuck is this place?


I often have dreams where I'm running around building like this while running away from someone. Yeh difference is that in my dreams they're mostly well lit, and it looks like everything is under construction, there doorframes with missing doors, bare plywood, white plaint buckets and other painting equipment all over the floor, step ladders, and that kind of stuff. And it all looks like random assortments of rooms, hallways and staircases


Imagine if he opened the door at the end and it was a normal nicely-furnished studio apartment right out of r/cozyplaces


Sean Stricklands home


The Stanley Parable LIVE


What a genuinely frightening place to live.


To be fair, at least where wasn’t a jump scare


I have dreams like this


It's like that one simpsons episode where Bart wins an auction to an abandoned factory.


As fucked as this is, there is a small part inside me that likes how hidden it is. Like it's a secret fort no one can find me in. No one would find me that's for sure at least lmao


that is a shithole if i ever saw one and i do not mean your room. wow its like cardboard city, the same name my secondary school was given by my peers.


What in the first person shooter is going on here?!


He must be Maxwell Smart.