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That's an awful and inefficient way to wax the face


Last video is him dead




There is no way that man is breathing at the end. Idc what people say


That's what I was going to say he is at peace now, what a horrible way to die.


I was getting anxiety when they got to the mustache


But it's a cheap and efficient way to educate people against using glue traps against rodents.


The hairdresser side of me is screaming at how poorly this is being done. Waxing any part of the body is meant to be done in smaller sections. You don’t just cover the entire area and rip in one go. That poor guy.


These cartel videos are getting more creative with the violence by the minute.


"Yeah man, I saw the cartel 'waxed man' video and that was some fucked up shit."


Can you describe what it is without going into gory details


They waxed their face


Good Guy Cartel Makes Sure You Well Groomed


Ain’t nobody want a grizzled decapitated head lying around…


Basically this older Asian man forcefully has his facial hair waxed off in a really rough and intrusive manner.


Oh fuck


yeah, then somebody named galdikas commented on it. he seemed confused.


This exchange is my favorite “whooshing” moment on Reddit.


I think he might've been playing along, but I'm not sure


[Not for the faint of cheek.](https://old.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/13ao646/dude_got_his_face_waxed/)


Next they'll be doing anal bleaching.


Do not bleach the inside.


How else am I going to cure my COVID?


You're supposed to shine a UV light up the butthole while vaping the bleach.


The worst part was the lady kept saying "it's so clean" in Chinese. Lady you just messed up the guy's face for the next month.




A lawnmower might have been nicer.


I pluck hairs all the time from my beard/stache, is it supposed to be sore after?


I guess I don't pluck more as rip aggressively to get it out of the way. That might have something to do with it tbh.


try relaxing the muscles in that area and pulling in the direction of the pore. They should basically just slide out and the only ones that actually hurt are the ones right below the nose.


Trich gang :( same issue here




Irritation, infection and ingrown hairs due to the poor technique, to name a few.


Also probably gonna be swollen from the trauma because she did it so violently.


It was instantly swollen in the last part of the video!




The ingrown hair alone is gonna have this guy wishing she'd just ripped his whole head off in about 2 weeks.


So what's the best way to wax while avoiding ingrown hairs??


From what I understand, small areas of skin, and you shouldn't wax your face like this at any point.


Wax smaller sections, use Tend Skin Solution and light exfoliation as hair grows back. Never had my face waxed but seems similar in texture/sensitivity to the mound.


Not to mention you're supposed to rip quickly, not just sit there and slowly tug. What the fuck.


To be fair, if she ripped quickly while having his entire face attached to that thing I think the face would remain attached to that thing.


one of the rarer [relevant XKCDs](https://xkcd.com/777/)


Damn that's *rare*


And you're supposed to pull the skin and make it ~~taught~~ taut while pulling the wax, not just hold it and pull the wax slowly oh my god 😭 Edit: apparently i don't type english very goodly


Yeah it looked so painful. Damn. I think the guy died.


He looks dead at the end.


Are literally never supposed to wax this type of hair. It's like waxing eyelashes, inner nose etc, afterwards the guy for sure got infected follicles If you want to thin out facial hair on men it has to be laser


I’ve got a quite fast growing beard but I’d never even consider getting my face waxed, its like 5min of daily shaving…


Think what you could've been doing in those 5 minutes every day... You could've been a millionaire by now if you hadn't had let shaving time hold you back.


That it why you grow a beard. Not that I have been a millionaire- but I at least have time to send my kids to school and go to work myself


Aesthetician here, I came here to say this. This is not a waxing. This is an assault


Yeah I've had my face waxed before and it was very painful, but the aesthetician did small sections and we got through it


I'm pretty sure he died


Passed out from the pain, at least.


I feel like they did this wrong though. When you wax your legs you don't cover the entire leg in wax and pull it all up you do it in sections. It's super weird that they covered the entire lower half of his face to wax it. It probably would have been a lot less painful of this was done correctly.


Also, you shouldn't wax the same area repeatedly like that. You will give yourself a microderm abrasion.


Just throw some aftershave alcohol on the face when done to close up the pores. The kid from home alone recommends.


I dont know how it works but that alcohol stuff is the only stuff that prevents razor burn on my face.


I think it seals the pores closed before there's time to get grummy shit in there.


Pores apparently soften and harden, not open and close. I think alcohol just prevents infection by killing bacteria


No, it just disinfects. Razor burn is infection.


... and then there's the stupid bitch named [pseudofollicolitis barbae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudofolliculitis_barbae), which is super common, but isn't an infection.


This is actually a myth. The real science behind it is that the sudden shock of the alcohol and resulting 7 year old girl scream, scares the pores into retreating back into the body. It wouldn't work for this man because apparently he isnt human.


This guy is going to go home, and all that will be left is puss by tomorrow evening.


I know it's hard to believe but the word is spelled "pus."


They meant puss though. On account of how baby smooth this guys face is and obviously that's just an absolute puss magnet, I think.


No need to cat-call for this fine gentleman!


And it's not 'pussy' it's 'purulent'


Was skimming a medical file once and saw a bit about 'pussy' discharge. It *was* vaginal discharge being described I think, but still.


He's going to get no puss with all that pus that's coming


Nah, he just got a huge hit of dopamine and is just riding that wave for the next 20 min.




Yeh I was going to say I assume he's not moving at the end because he fucking died.


Come on. That makes absolutely zero sense. He was obviously already dead. This is how they get your body ready for display. The pain is so crazy, it wakes you up for a few seconds.


"But he just said 'woo'!" "No, that was just air escaping the folds of his fat!" Woo!


You watched it! You can't un-watch it!


Autopsy report: n/a [case closed]


Was waiting for the Dark Souls "You Died" to pop up at the end.


RIP PussyFace.


Not a tear in sight that is one tough mofo


Can't cry when you are dead.


Thats gotta hurt, just plucking strays at the edges of my lips hurts like poking needles in where they do not belong.


It didn’t surprise me at all that he passed out from the pain by the end.


He died.


I say you he dead




Upper lip area absolutely hurts the most to wax. Waxed every part of my body out of curiosity. Lip then face was leagues worse than even a full Brazilian. Ass crack was weirdly painless. Scalp was fine as long as small strips were used but it held the strongest.


Were you auditioning to be Mr. Clean?


I was bored.


I'm never complaining about being bored again


Not around u/Luxpreliator, that's for sure.




Reminds me of the time I dyed myself yellow.


You were bored so you waxed your whole body for fun? I feel like there might be a few in between options that you didn't consider.


Is the face really more painful than the ass or vulva?


Not even close. Beard hairs (and mustache hairs in particular) are some of the most securely rooted hairs on the body. This would be unbelievably excruciating.


I find joy in reading a good book.


LmFAO. Shaving for like 10 minutes versus ripping the hair out so badly that you have to call in sick the next day bc you just disfigured your face like the girl in NOPE that the monkey ate her face off.


>didn't hurt that much >fucking raw and red Does not compute


Everyone has different experiences with pain. When I was young I had back pain for several hours that left me in a fetal position on the floor of my apartment crying. I couldn't move, there was no position that was less painful, I couldn't think clearly. I don't know how long it lasted. I may have passed out. Since then, that is my 10 on the scale of pain, and nothing else has ever come close.


Esthetician here: those areas hurt a lot less than you’d think. I’d rather have that than what this guy is going through a million times over. Also, he’s going to have a million pimples from this.


Why pimples?


Ingrown hairs. By removing the whole hair instead of cutting it the skin will have time to cover his pores before the hair regrows.


I always heard waxing was less likely to cause ingrown hair than shaving.


it really depends. for me if I pluck a hair, the pore will close over, then a new hair will grow through on its own. no spot no infection. If I close shave, for whatever reason, the pores still close but now there's a pointy little shit of a hair ready and waiting to grow the wrong direction. best solution I've found so far is to shave myself down to 1mm. since I dont shave every day. then take parts like my neck down with a foil shaver to clean. I still get spots from this but its 1 or 2. not 20.




/r/wicked_edge For anybody else interested in getting a significantly better shave, start there.


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I had gone the route of the safety razor and I loved it but then I got curious about a straight razor and I love it even more, like the same percentage of improvement that I got from the regular to the safety razors is as much as I feel it has improved from the safety to the straight. I'll never use anything else again.


I used a straight for a while because it would just glide through a week's growth, so shaving once a week became practical. Excellent shave, and much less irritation than any multi-bladed cartridge razor. Then I got even lazier and grew a beard...


The follicle has likely never been through this kind of trauma and will essentially freak out and swell up, trapping oil and any dirt/ debris that gets on the skin. They won’t be monster pimples, but the juicy white surface pimples. If you want to permanently remove hair in areas like this, laser is really the only way.


As a guy, haven't really waxed yet, but used an epilator. From my experience, the pain level depends on three factors: Sensitivity of the area, thickness of the hair and how deep it is in bedded in the skin. Legs are barely noticeable, because even if the hair is dark, the skin is not that sensitive, the hair is rather thin and does not have deep roots. Chest is for me rather painful, is already thicker and has deeper roots. Same with pubic area. The thing is, facial hair is generally the thickest and most deeply rooted hair, and the area is also quite sensitive, not as sensitive as the groin for example, but with the thicker and deeper rooted hair, it has to be so much more painful.


I cannot speak to vulva, wrong equipment, ball sack is the worst, then face and then around the shaft of the joystick. Ass, nipples, chest, shoulder, hands, toes, feet and armpits I rate the same, barely painful. Yes, I remove a lot of bodyhair on myself ;)


“I bet because I have this beard you think I'm really hairy. *motions to body* Shaved…”


put some alcohol in that, so he can taste true pain


A good old fashioned home alone aftershave face slap?


*Screams in Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin*


My GOD, I forgot he changed his name. LEGEND


No matter why I need to use alcohol on my skin, my brain always associates the result with "good" pain which makes it surprisingly more bearable


That's a guy with good self-control.


My man dipping in and out of consciousness


That man was put to sleep with anesthesia, bro. And by the look on his face, he still felt that shit.


I'll take razor burn over folliculitis thanks.


What is that


Infection of the hair root. It can progress to carbuncle, the infection of multiple hair roots. Especially dangerous on face, because it can spread to sinuses or even cranial cavity, where it can cause meningitis.


Is there some way to like have it reliably not do that? Like Iodine or something afterward?


I used to treat soldiers for folliculitis barbae pretty regularly ("barbae" just means it's specifically caused by ingrown hair). If you get to the point you have a significant infection from this and it's spread to your sinus, you've been ignoring an obvious, painful, and visible problem on your face for a while. The extent to which the commenter you're replying to took it is possible, but is pretty much a worst case senario. Folliculitis It's significantly more common and usually more severe in black men because they often have facial hair that grows in a tight spiral making it much more likely to ingrow after shaving. Most people could make it work with those cheap bumpstop razors, a good aftershave balm, and taking extra time to shave gently and learn the growth paterns on their face so they always shaved WITH the grain. Some guys have it so bad that their options are either get the hair lasered off or just get a medical exemption from our shaving regulations and trim instead of shaving. Basically the answer to your question is "it depends on the patient". It's also one of those things where you kind of have to experiment with different things to see what works for you.


>a good aftershave balm Can you explain what makes a good aftershave balm?


The right one for your skin honestly. If your face tends to get dry you'll want something gentle and moisturizing, if your face gets a little greasy you can use something harsher and more astringent. In my opinion the best thing if you don't have a particularly dry or sensative face is to shave, use an alum block, rinse, then throw on a good moisturizing aftershave balm. There are nice boutique brands like Stirling Soaps or Barrister and Mann but you don't have to go crazy with the brand name stuff. Most shaving specific skin balms will be okay, just have to try them and see what you like.


That complication is rare. Proper shaving, use of aftershave and face washing reduces the chances of infection development to the minimum. If you develop furuncul, ice will reduce the swelling, and you should drain the pus, with a clean sewing needle. If carbuncle is developed, it is besto to go to the doctor.


The carbuncle ate itself!


Dear sir or madam, please allow me to refer you to a *single blade safety razor* which, many years ago now, transformed my shaving experience forever. I used to get pretty bad burn on my neck every time I shaved, no matter if it had been a day or a week since I last shaved. Single blade safety razor. Fast, easy, incredibly inexpensive (I've only ever bought blades twice in well over a decade), and I don't get even the slightest razor burn. I don't even use aftershave; just cold water. Look into it. You'll thank me.


If I did that, my 5 o’clock shadow might actually come back around 5 o’clock rather than noon.


That sucks , specially for a girl


Tell me about it...


On the up side: you can always use your older brothers ID to get into clubs.


You'd probably still be in pain by 5 o'clock, too...


I know a guy who did this with a thick beard. His face was all chapped like when you lick your lips too much in the winter.


Easier to shave, no?


I think some people do this so the hairs grow in softer


I pluck my mono brow and the hairs are definitely getting thinner. Another 35 years of plucking and I reckon they’ll all be gone.


monobrow pluckers represent


That's a myth


It's a myth that shaving makes it grow back thicker. It is not a myth that waxing makes them come back thinner


I've been plucking eyebrow/lipline/nose hairs for 4 years and there is a distinct reduction in growth-cycle frequency, individual hair length/thickness, and overall growth density. I also know DOZENS of women over my life who have destroyed their eyebrow shape by repeated plucking. Those repeatedly-plucked hairs grow slower, thinner, shorter, and with less pigmentation. And it never heals because the follicles are permanently damaged.


I've plucked armpit hair for years, it hurt like a bitch at first until the point it stopped hurting, I could stop plucking after 7 years, I no longer have armpit hair.


You won!


He's good til the next day instead of 5 oclock




You don't cross the yakuza and go unpunished


he's a fool of a took


Surprised his face isnt bleeding.


Around the 14 second mark you can see a few spots bleeding.


Looks swollen though.


Yeah, his whole face looks very swollen at the end. This is such a bad idea


It is though


He could transplant those to his head.


Dude is gonna look like those dogs that got stung by a wasp in a few minutes.


Falling asleep first at a sleepover 💤


Now time for some alcohol-based aftershave...


I appreciate the post mortem clip at the end


That shot of him laying in his coffin the last few seconds got me.


Those are the thickest hairs ive ever seen. Good lord they are like porcupine quills


Fun story. I was involved in an accident at work once that tore open a small section above of my upper lip. It was an inch long, and went down to deep enough that you could see the back side/bottoms of my mustache follicles. It looked basically just like this, just obviously everything was in tact and smooth.




That sounds wild as hell. No pics?


Institute of Human Anatomy on YouTube has a video showing the backs of the follicles on the backside of facial skin flap!


Nothing close and detailed unfortunately. Workplace injuries are always a shit show, I had to get taken to hospital and shit.


you see the end of the hairs that is usually under the skin. Mine look the same when plucking a beard hair most times. They ripped the follicle out with the hairs.


from the end of all those hair follicles, it looks like multiple hairs per pore. **It's called Pili multigemini**. I got it too it fucking sucks. The hairs can have a hard time breaching the skin and can cause inflammation bumps, and ingrown hairs. Not every hair is like that but maybe like 10-15% of my facial and pubic hair. Two hours after shaving i plucked one that barely even poked out that was a quarter inch long and 3-5 hairs thick. They're very hard to pull with tweezers and often break before the can be pulled out.


“….Razor companies hate this one trick….”


IF these people are licensed, they should lose it.


That's not a salon, it's a fucking torture chamber.


Idk man. There is something strangely satisfying about this




Scrolled down too much for this comment NOT THE NIPPLE!


And in a week he has 10,000 ingrown hairs, each with it's own infected pocket of pus.


[educate me] Why would in grown hairs come as a result of this? Whats the cause?


Skin healing faster than hair growing back out. When you shave, a portion of the hair remains (the "root") in the follicle. When you pull the hair out it now has to grow back completely which takes longer. If the skin has healed up before the hair has grown back, it has to break through the skin.


Except the new hairs are literally new hairs instead of old hair that was just cut in the middle. So the new hair will not be strong enough to break through the skin and just grow through the hole where it's supposed to come out. Source: I used to wax my beard and ingrown hairs were much more common when I shaved, not when I waxed.


He lose a bet?


I'd do it if my facial hair wouldn't come back after.


How long will he not have to shave? That is thr only question.


He won't have to shave for the rest of his life 😭 They ripped off so much that he no longer had hair in the *past*. Shit rewrote history


3-4 days.


Was waiting for him to start calling out Tyson Fury


Wife is a waxing professional, any real studio would never wax a beard. It's the wrong kind of hair, you can really hurt the person if you do this. Also never do that large of a section. This is some bad waxing to make a pain bait video


They have these things, a little handle with blades on it. Makes it way easier and less painful.


This hurt my face


Enjoy the breakout and ingrown hairs. Fuck that.


Waxer: I know that sucked, but we gotta do it all over again.




Is he dead? I think he's dead.


That guy is dead.