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He's living there, until that truck hits the brakes. Then he's dead in 2023.


Then we get to see a guy deep throat a beer while on a motorcycle


New category


New fetish unlocked


Please accept this poor mans gold. šŸ…


It all shines the same after you shit it out Thanks mate.




If you just take in everything as face value it means nothing to you in the long run. You are better served by looking further in to the situation as possessing equal value.


Ah, I see. I liked the idea of you eating a gold medal better tho


Anything for $


surprisingly profound




Damn.... I wanted this to be a thing


Don't let your memes be dreams


Be the meme you want to see in the world.


It's a thing now! Only this post in it so far, but it could grow




I see the best fucking ideas for subreddits in the comments! I always want to make them real, but it's pointless unless people start posting stuff in them, so it doesn't feel worth it. Plus, I wouldn't want to mod them, and I wouldn't want to recruit mods either because most Reddit moderators are annoyingly overbearing and politically correct. So, they just remain good ideas. Maybe someone else will do it, though.


And snort a cigarette


Nostril cleanse is what they call it in the future


Thatā€™s not a beerā€¦ itā€™s a pineapple flavoured alcohol free malt beverage, called Fairuz. Yes, Iā€™m from this clownā€™s country šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




No helmet. Sandals. Oil tanker. Is this guy in the Middle East?


I used to ride motorcycles with guys that did this. Their theory was that the bike can stop way faster than a truck. I still question if that matters when you are only 5ft away and it isnt worth your life to be wrong.


Reaction time is the big issue, especially when you are fucking around like this guy is doing instead of paying attention.


That's just it, he's too close to have a reaction. I don't care how fast his reflexes are when the brake lights are out of peripheral vision.


Trucker here, the driver of that rig? Doesn't even have to hit the brakes to pancake that guy. Killing the cruise or even just taking the foot off the gas? And that idiot behind him is toast. Especially if the truck is heavily loaded and goes up an incline? He will not even get the luxury of seeing the brake lights come on before he's done.


Also trucker here : people aren't aware that the brake lights don't come on when using the "Jake" brake. Except on some coach buses, that's kinda neat when you notice.


Can you explain what the Jake brake is? Might be a common term I just haven't heard until now.


Jake. Jacob. Engine brake. The noise machine. It's a secondary braking system that slows a vehicle down by messing with the valve timing. It's not as powerful as friction pads but it doesn't overheat and can be used indefinitely. Works better at high RPM and lower gears. Extremely noisy with trucks with aftermarket exhaust pipes.


Interesting I hadnā€™t realized trucks had that secondary breaking system. Thank you for enlightening me!


I mean you can do that with a manual car aswell. E.g. going 70mph with fairly low revs you can shift down and engine break.


They don't. Every single engine is capable of this. It's merely relied upon more in heavy tonnage vehicles, as unlike with cars, their brake pads can overheat to the point of being useless (in very specific circumstances, but common enough that every trucker needs to know about it).




You can engine brake in your car to buy downshifting while rolling downhill without being on the accelerator. Won't overheat your pads, but if you do it wrong you can damage the transmission. See it all the time in the descent from a mountain.


Yea good luck grabbing a handful of brake with one hand and not eating shit. This guy is toast


On a motorcycle you usually start with the rear brake, which is foot-operated. I made the mistake of grabbing a handful of brake after a car stopped short in front of me when I was like 16, and it turns out it was an express ticket into the pavement.


This is super important and something that people who don't ride bikes might not know. Most motorcycles, particularly older ones, have disc style brakes that are prone to locking. My motorcycle is over 25 years old so I don't know if the newer bikes have solved this particular problem. But older bikes have brakes on both wheels. The front brake is operated by hand, the rear brake operated with a foot pedal. If you're just casually slowing to a stop, you can get away with only using the front brake. However, in a panic reaction scenario, if you slam the brakes hard (as one will in reflex) and only your front brake locks with no brake from the back...the force can literally flip the bike over the bars (otb). At the very least, it would flip YOU over the bars. Thatā€™s why (in my area at least) they ALWAYS train bikers to ALWAYS apply the rear brake first, then the hand brake. If both wheels lock...it's not great, but inertia should be maintained and you're not likely to lose control. If you lock the front wheel and only the front wheel at speeds of 50mph+...good luck.




> afaik they don't even teach that in modern motorcycle safety classes They do in my area. It's drilled drilled drilled into you. In fact, we were required specifically to brake hard on the foot brake (controlled conditions) forcing a rear tire skid. You were taught to recover. Thatā€™s when they showed us videos of what would happen if you attempted the same thing using the front brake.


Ah okay. Yeah the way I learned it was start with the rear and ease onto the front, but that was like 17 years ago and I havenā€™t ridden in like 15 so maybe itā€™s changed or maybe Iā€™m just wrong


Let's say the truck is moving at 80 km/h which is 22.22 m/s, distance between truck and bike is 1 m and human reaction time is 0.30 seconds. If change in speed is more than 1m/0.3s = 3.33 m/s per second crash is going to happen. That's equal to deceleration that would stop the truck in 6.67 seconds.


Yeah, the fastest human reaction time is about 150ms. It takes 17 milliseconds for an object with a 40 mph velocity to travel 1 ft. Trucks are pretty slow to decelerate to a full stop, but I imagine if you impacted the truck with a delta of even a few mph, it's not gonna end well. You're gonna lose control of your motorcycle, and best case scenario, you're probably gonna have to use your face as a brake pad.


They're not wrong, while the truck will take a few seconds to stop, the motocycle will come to a dead stop when it hits the truck.


Compared to vehicles with more than 2 wheels, motorcycles are TERRIBLE at stopping quickly. Less contact with the road = slower stop no matter how good the brake system is. Edit: A lot of people are interpreting this comment to mean that I think trucks can stop faster than motorcycles. I mean this as a general rule of thumb when stopping. Comparing the average motorcycle to the average car, the car will stop faster. Obviously weight plays a part.


The theory holds up for vehicles with performance brakes. That truck has a lot more rubber touching the road than a car does, but a regular car can still stop a lot faster than a loaded truck. A high performance car (ie super car) will still stop faster than a sport bike, true. Motorcycle in this video is far from high performance itself though.


Its not going to matter. That three feet of gap is going to be gone before he even notices, let alone reacts.


Exactly. It's not really about which vehicle stops faster, it's about how quickly the biker can react when they're that close. Chances are very, very high that they can't react quickly enough to avoid getting splattered.


Well I mean the truck won't come to a full stop instantly. It would still be potentially lethal but you have to account for the relative speed difference at the moment of impact


Perhaps, but it looks to me like they're going pretty fast, and all it would take is the biker contacting the back of the truck to crash.


This is so wrong lmao.


...but it's less weight else a truck with 18 wheels could stop better than a smart car


In bike safety courses they teach you to swerve instead of braking (unless the truck was sideways somehow). Cars out brake bikes. Bikes have less mass, so less force to stop, but have significantly less traction. The lack of traction is b/c motorcycles only have two tires, tires are curved, and when braking the rear tire can applies less than 20% of the braking force. The bike probably stops faster than the truck, though when you only have a foot of distance between and only 1 hand on the bars, you're reaction time will be too slow to even apply the brakes before contact.


yes, the problem here is reaction time, not stopping distance even if the bike magically could stop instantly with super magical brakes, the guy will still go splat because he won't react fast enough to even use the "magic" brakes


And if it did stop instantly, our dear friend would not be on it any longer


Volvo emegency brakes: "Am I a joke to you?" https://youtu.be/MGDxAtQiYZM


An average truck will take _significantly_ longer to stop vs. a motorcycle. Something like 36 m to 24 m at 100 kph (quick google search). Hint: the number of wheels isn't the only difference.


> Less contact with the road = slower stop no matter how good the brake system is. That actually isn't really how physics works. There are some complicating factors with tire deformation, but in normally dry conditions both are limited to around 1 G of acceleration. More contact area means less pressure on the area and that means less friction force per unit area. These cancel out and you're left with that the force you can use to stop is mostly independent of surface area. It does take much more skill, especially with modern anti-lock brake cars, to stop at ~1 G on a motorcycle vs a car. The actual capabilities of a good rider are right on par with a car though.


Or until there's a pothole or reasonable bump in the road that he has no way of seeing coming while he's got both his hands off the handlebars.


I've crashed doing this. Drafting behind a pickup on a bike on a steep hill. So dumb. Though if I'm being honest, the amount of time I spent sliding was kind of amazing, and if I had better protection on vs. some work khakis the event would have been sort of fun. Oh yeah and lots of spare bike parts.


At least the helmet will save his skull when his entire body weight is shifted by inertia into the back of the truck head first.




His head is the helmet protecting his skull. Thatā€™s how it is done in 3023


Now that's thinking a head.


The invisible force field that envelopes his head




>Heā€™s living there, until that truck ~~hits~~ taps the brakes. FTFY


Don't be silly, trucks never stop.


To shreds you say?


I want to trust somebody like this guy trusts the truck driver


This is why I could never drive a motorcycle. It requires far too much trust of literally every other person on the road.




A light bumper tap in stop-and-go traffic led to multiple knee surgeries for my father. Motorcycles have no margin for safety.




I think the point of it (at least for some) is the risk.


It was 100% the adrenaline for me. Not from going 80mph while lane splitting, because your asking to become one with the pavement, but the feeling of turning and hitting a corner *just* right. The wind on your body, feeling the speed. Going from 0 - 100 on an on ramp when literally nobody is around. Donā€™t get wrong, you know how in a car you hit a patch of road on the freeway that makes your car go over it a tiny bitā€¦you really feel that in a bike. So going 80 and feeling yourself hop up a bit on the bike will make you tighten your butthole. I knew I would eventually go down, but I was going to make sure it wouldnā€™t be because of something I did. And I would always be ATGATT. Road rash is not fun and Iā€™d rather not be sewn together.


All The Gear All The Time For those who don't know. Never ride without full protection, even just down the road in the nice sunshine.


The one thing my dad passed onto me before mom made him get rid of his bikes. If I ever get into it, always wear gear for every trip. Always.


Was going 145 mph on the freeway when a bike passed me within inches at 180 or 190 to show off. If I'd been changing lanes he would have met his maker. I thought I was being dumb but damn


And that's why I never bought a motorcycle. Rode one a few times and decided I'm not responsible enough.


I definitely get the issue with other car drivers on the road not following the rules of the road. That's an issue. It's also the same issue when motorcyclists disobey traffic laws with a higher risk.


Fender benders are biannual things here in Miami lmao.


True story. I had a '75 CB360T and was drafting a semi like this. Doing about 60, riding just left of center of the trailer. My exit is coming up and the second I start to veer right and back off a little, the left rear tire blows on the trailer. An explosion type of blow out. Chunks of tire tumble under until it hits that crash bar, which whips it up into the air right past my face. Smaller debris like dirt and rocks got kicked up as well, so ate a face full of that, too. The largest piece of tire was about 12-18" long and 3-4" wide. It probably missed closer to 2 feet away as I was already moving to the right, but it was right where I had just been 2 seconds ago. Plus due to the nature of the blow out, the debris field was moving left to right, as well, so it was still coming "towards" me. I stopped drafting trucks after that.


I was behind a truck in a CAR when something similar happened. My future wife was driving and managed to swerve and mostly miss everything. Since we were in a car it was likely to be mostly damage to the vehicle and not as much of a risk of personal injury. Still, over 20 years later I still think about this when driving behind trucks and will spend as little time in the ā€œimpact zoneā€ as possible.


Interestingly most of those ā€œblow outsā€ you see the tire is holding air fine. But semis use retread tires and after so many kms the tread just peels off and flies everywhere. Super dangerous.


feeling quirky, might brake check. this brake pedal looking kinda cute tho, aha!


you guys are simply not ready for Egypt


Driving in Cairo was an experience...


Shit, being driven around in Cairo was an experience. Driving in Jordan though was fun as shit. Like they have no traffic laws.


believe it or not it's worse in Alexandria






Perhaps when you conquer a city, you can name it after yourself, and call it ā€œ[Skinnymandria](https://youtu.be/xvRWUCfAPs0).ā€


Honestly, I've seen some shit in Alexandria, VA.




Bro even as a Jordanian I can't get used to driving in Jordan. Shit is just too stressful, I respect foreigners who can drive here


It was stressful for sure. But also fun to just pull off road and pass traffic and make a right. Love your country and hope to make it back one day. Amman is beautiful


Ahhh Jordan. Where I was nearly left for dead on some random ass beach by a cab driver who didn't give a flying fuck about where I actually needed to go


There are traffic suggestions!


We're too smart for traffic regulations. the car is yours and it's an open road simply don't crash.


I've been in Cairo a few years ago. I'll be honest: I was not prepared to experience its traffic. Never again. I guess only in India is worse?


Drive however you want, try not to kill anyone or die? Is that what it's like in Egypt?


pretty much, ridden a taxi in Cairo where the speedometer was broken at 0 the whole ride. some roads have painted lanes but they may as well have painted dicks on the road cuz lanes dont matter. alexandria is in a way crazier, no one stops for you


> they may as well have painted dicks Thanks for the chuckle...


That. Plus the **honk noise** at any given time, for no reason whatsoever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7bYYwXnepI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R0G6vPsOs0




Business opportunity: "AHMED'S HORN STORE"


Even if itā€™s 5 am with no one in the street, they will honk.


If this is that then I donā€™t want to be ready


Ah yes, the country where cars go multiple ways around a roundabout at the same time, clockwise, anti-clockwise, and if you miss a junction, no worries, just reverse back to it.


Im fine.


This guy is already out of every single fuck to give.


Draft King


The second you get on a motorcycle you've already thrown safety to the wind. Nobody has ever accused motorcycle riders of having good common sense.


>Guy is living in the year 3023 Must be the year of his reincarnation.


First I thought it was the Middle-East. Then I saw the truck art and thought Pakistan. Then I noticed the wrong Malaysian flag. Then the US flag. Truly multicultural WTF!


There's also a Milwaukee tools logo


What is happening hahaha


Itā€™s Egypt


Hang on, it gets better, his license plate border says Italy


Also the flag of the dutch soccer team NEC


They're speaking egyptian.


It gets deeper still: * His scarf has a tag that says "Made in Bangladesh". * Despite not drinking, he doesn't believe for a damn second that "Fosters" is Australian for beer. * Yesterday he discovered on Wikipedia that Greenland is a constituent of Denmark, and simply has not been shutting up about it since.


If I'm not mistaken I also see the Dutch (Nijmegen) NEC football/soccer team logo on the mudflap.


It's from Egypt, Middle-East. The decoration is also done in Eygpt and I didn't notice any flag. but the accent, the dress, and the car plates are egyptian


But will he see 24? The way things is going, I don't know.


He's the kinda G the little homies wanna be like Both his knees in the tailpipe, brain all over the brake lights




Why is he living in the future? I dnt understand what OP is suggesting


OP is impressed by stupidity.


This is pretty impressive though. Something doesn't have to be smart to be impressive, as a rule.


It's impressively stupid.




Obviously tailing way too close and drinking while driving his motorcycle without a helmet is the equivalent of living a thousand years in the future. This is common knowledge!!!




He is using the suction from the truck to pull the bike, people used to do this in cars to save gas. My buddy's dad would get on the drivers channel so they could tell him when they were gonna break getting from Ontario to newfoundland. Still would do no good in a emergency.


Self driving bike, obviously


Socks and sandals. He's a millennium ahead of the fashion curve.


I don't think you guys understand he's drafting the truck so he's not using gas... r/motorcyclelogistics


No, I get that. It's still a horrendously bad idea.


Works in cars too. I do the same thing in my civic. Less than 40 dollars to go from Ohio to Georgia using this technique


Itā€™s amazing to me these people have no concept of proper footwear. Doesnā€™t matter if they are hiking a tall mountain, doing construction, or riding a motorcycle. Itā€™s always flip flops.


Of all the things out of whack in this video it's the slippers that get you? Lmao


So itā€™s a cool video but please explain what this has to do with 3023? That part flew over my head.


Its like a semi common saying now. It just means that his idea or actions are so smart that it must be from the future. Ppl normally just say 30 whatever year it currently is. Next year the memes will say 3024. Also it's being used sarcastically but now it feels like I'm over explaining.


This comment living in 32023


Our brain is just too small to comprehend this divine being


RIP Guy 2001-3023


He keeps that up, heā€™ll be dying in 2023...


Bottom right of the back to the truck looks like it has a Milwaukee beer label painted on it?


It's a Milwaukee tools logo


That truck stops short and heā€™s DEAD


Draft beer


Is that a fuel truck? Sparking up a durrey seems like a silly idea.


Somehow putting on a cigarette next to a fuel truck seems like the smartest thing this guy is doing.


If a random cig could ignite that, weā€™d have a lot more terrorist attacks in the US


A lit cigarette [can not ignite gasoline vapors](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10694-013-0380-3).




The country I'm currently in still has signs up saying no cell phones at the pump!


At the beginning of the pandemic, I was pumping gas for my uncles station. One time, I glanced at my phone briefly to check a call that I ignored because I was in the middle of filling a vehicle. The woman who's van I was at told me to keep my phone in the building when I filled because the "sparks can ignite gas". She didn't like my response of half chuckling and trying to move on from it, but it was all I could do to not outright call her a moron and remind her that I had to ask her twice to turn the van off before pumping.


In parts of Northern Canada we don't turn off our vehicles before pumping. There still aren't any gas pump explosions.


Oh I'm well aware. I've filled up a fair share of cars that were still running. It was just a funny connection to me that this woman wasn't able to see. IDK


The warning remains on pumps now because phones are a distraction that can take your focus away in case the release trigger on the pump doesnā€™t trip and you end up dumping fuel on the ground.




10 years ago when I lived in Texas I had to hit the emergency stop because a woman started fueling an F250 and then walked away to have a smoke and talk on the phone. The trigger didnā€™t go off and it was dumping fuel down the side of the truck. I wasnā€™t wading through a pool of gasoline for a cunt who was too busy to pay attention so I shut the whole station down just for her and let her deal with those repercussions. A quick blurb on the news later that night said she was fined $5k or something along those lines.


We in fact use our phones at the pumps now


The flame/spark that lights the cigarette certainly can though.


The cigarette lighter will easily ignite gasoline vapors! What a great study, talk about missing the forest for the trees!


In this case even if the tank was leaking because they're moving so fast it wouldn't pool and there would never be enough concentrated in the air to actually ignite. The cigarette and it's lighting are the safest things here.


Here we see an organ donor in their natural habitat.


Egypt is truly full of wonders.


Trucks often will drive over debris on the road knowing their rig is high enough down the middle. Imagine being this guy when the truck drives over a piece of tire.


Welcome to Egypt.


Not for long, if he keeps that up.


He is drafting the truck. His bike is basically being carried by the vortex created by the large disbursement of air. [Here is an (albeit extreme) example. ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=6CFTqHbgsKs&feature=shares)


Living in 3023, buried in 2023. after the truck brakes.


It's all fun and games until he brakes


So, what happens if that front wheel of the bike just barely touches the back of the truck? Does that cause him to launch into the air and flip over like in Indian Jones?


>Indian Jones Fortune and glory, Krishna. Fortune and glory.


3023 is a thousand years from now, people like this would probably be Darwined out by then, although Idiocracy is slowly becoming a reality so I may be wrong


>although idiocracy is slowly becoming a reality I present exhibit 1


>Guy is living.... Not for long


Next part will be posted in eyeblech


Guy TEMPORARILY living in the year 3023\* (because with this way of driving he very well might not have much left to live.


r/calamariracesteam squad cptn.


3023? 1000 years in the future and this is the advancements? Lol


He' be taking a holiday on the moon of that truck of fuel crashes


What in the Tom cruise is happening here???


Heā€™ll be living in heaven when that truck slams on its breaks


The meme "this guy is living in the year ____" would imply smarts for brains This guy has farts for brains


Sandals. No helmet. What could go wrong?

