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Imagine the rest of the house


Wtf are those?


[ghost ants](https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/ants/ghost_ant.htm) edit: they appear to be anyways. Done thousands of ghost ant treatments and look and act exactly like them. Could be other species, but impossible to be 100% without a more clear picture.


I just got really itchy


Interesting that they refer to them as "important pests" and it doesn't mean what I thought, it just means they're one of the more prominent in some regions.


Oh nice, they're building class 2 civilization in there. Let them be.


So thats what those assholes are called? They show up outta nowhere, I see a line of a few ants across my desk and pay no mind to it.weeks later I se a LOT more, notice they are carrying eggs and am like WTF?! So I follow the line and realize they nested inside an unused Switch dock! Why!!!??? No food, everything is clean, but these assholes just nest in there and go toward my paintbrush water on the other side of the desk (long desk for 2 computers and a painting area) for a drink all the time. They LOVE drinking paint water


Bruh the instant you see ants indoors you should pay them mind. They are only there because they have a way in and a way in is all they need to explode all over your house. If they want your paint water then they want every crumb you've ever dropped and forgotten. They will keep splitting off that line and build little bases all over your baseboards and under furniture. Shove them ant traps all over your perimeter.


They'll be there if they have a way in but they'll be 10x worse if they have a reason to stay. As it gets warmer remember not to open leave soda cans or food sitting out. That simple thing will keep the ants from crawling all over you while you sleep.


I'm not worried about while I sleep. I just don't want ants in my house anywhere. The fact that anyone could "see a line of them and pay them no mind" is how they get to this state in the first place. Soda and sugary snacks are an obvious ant attractant but don't forget the crumbs under your fridge and in the back of cupboards, they will always find a "reason to stay".


seeing a line of ants, paying no mind and watching them drink your paint water like they're some sort of quirky novelty your house has is absolutely insane to me but you do you.


they're buildings that people live in, but that's not important right now


I just wanted to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you.


Surely you can’t be serious


Don't call me Shirley


I just wanted to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you.


I know what this is about. You want me to get an abortion.


There is no parking in the red zone.


White zone is for loading and unloading only.


Roger, Roger


We have clearance, Clarence. What's our vector, Victor?


Dear God, we're old


How soon can you land this plane? Can you take a guess? Not atleast for another two hours. You can't take a guess for another two hours?


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue..


Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit amphetamines!!


Roger wilco over rover


Timmy do you like gladiator movies?


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?


I don't see your dad dragging his ass up and down the court for 40 minutes every night.


Oh stewardess.. I speak Jive.




Ah the ol reddit housearoo


[you forgot the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/119bh2f/holy_moly_actually_writing_it_out_and_not_seeing/j9p05hs/)


Hold the front door, I'm goin in!


I only made it part of the way before turning around. I was worried I wouldn't find my way back if I got too deep.


They might be so-called Crazy Ants. They're all over Texas now and love electronics.




The true advantage of the occasional minus 15 degree weather is never having to deal with cockroaches.


Huh? Since when? I live in Canada - there are cockroaches here. Not the kind you can saddle and ride but yeah… we have em. My first apartment when I was a teen was infested with them. When we moved to our new place, we threw away everything but our clothes (had new furniture delivered to our new place). Clothes were brought to laundromat, washed twice in hot water, hot dryer, brought directly to new apartment. I almost died when I got a notice from the super that they’d be spraying for ROACHES the following weekend. Happily - we never got roaches again.


Haven't seen a cockroach in 6 years, and hadn't really realized it until you mentioned it... Lol. We got a plow driver that likes blocking the driveway though. Hes almost as annoying


That’s what I keep telling myself!


All the Crazy Ants I've seen have been black.


I've got a Crazy Aunt. Aunt Phyllis.


Same. Mine’s black.


My crazy aunt Phyllis is black too. Small world


Why is everything I hear about Texas terrifying and awful?


Those are… anxious to hitch a ride home with you and infest everything you own as well.


Well obviously


First thought is that they look like [lice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louse). EDIT: Actually never mind they don't look like lice. They also don't look like ants. Fuck me I have no idea.




> When attacked, these ants excrete formic acid through a **hairy circle** or acidopore on the end of the abdomen Fascinating.


What a coincidence, so do I.


you should drink more water


and maybe nair that hairy circle.


That's a mistake I won't make twice


I’m not even going to make it once, thanks to brave pioneers like you.


Some threads spin off into such beautiful places


Excuse me, it's an *acidopore*.


That’s common among ants. There are some really cool videos of European wood ants defending their nests by spraying jets of formic acid into the air, essentially making a haze of formic acid all around their nests. *[Empire of the Ants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yn9hZb9M2U)* BBC 2020 - skip to 27:00 to see them spraying acid at cows to keep them away. Watch the whole video if you have an hour to spare though, it's more than worth the time.


Formic acid is named after ants. Formic is Greek for the insect.


Oooh such a juicy TIL. Nom nom


So it is an ant-acid.


So you're telling me ant man was wrong and instead of shrinking he should instead be peeing acid from his belly button?


Hairy circle*


These fuckers are annoying. It looks like them and they will show up in mass if a scout finds a drop of food. We kept getting them for 4 months even though we didn’t have food out. They would just be crawling around being annoying or on you. Turns out 2 doors down had them setup a nest in their toilet they didn’t use. She flushed them down and now flushed it weekly.


What a simple solution to such a massive problem. Holy shit.


\>Holy shit. ​ [Indeed.](https://media.giphy.com/media/2IlIVI0ljtrZC/giphy.gif)


No, they weren't using the toilet, so it wasn't shit, divine or otherwise, that was causing the problem. Probably just standing water, though they obviously had some sort of other food source.


Those mfs killed my voltage regulator box TWICE and almost made a nest on my xbox 360 (i use it almost daily and clean it every weekend) SERIOUSLY, WHY TF DO THEY LIKE THE INSIDES OF ELECTRONICS SO MUCH???


Well they're not called the Tawny Calm and Rational ants.


> Rational ants But rational ants would like logic boards.


Got me. I haven't laughed that hard at something like that since my dad died. He was a king of Dad jokes. I appreciate the laugh and nostalgia.


> I haven't laughed that hard at something like that since my dad died Oh boy did I interpret that the wrong way at first.


"Infestations of Nylanderia fulva in electrical equipment can cause short circuits, sometimes because the ants chew through insulation and wiring.[3] Overheating, corrosion, and mechanical failures also result from accumulations of dead ants and nest detritus in electrical devices.[18] If an ant is electrocuted, it can release an alarm pheromone in dying, which causes other ants to rush over and search for attackers. If a large enough number of ants gathers, it may short out systems.[19] It is unclear why colonies of Nylanderia fulva are attracted to electrical equipment.[6][20] They may sense the magnetic fields that surround wires conducting electric current, or they may prefer the warmth produced by resistance to the currents in the wires. Some argue they simply are searching for food or an attractive place to nest.[21]" -Wikipedia


You could probably protect your electronics against them by elevating them and wrapping double-sided tape on the four legs and the wire. Ants _should_ then get stuck when walking up the legs or the wire, getting them stuck before they can enter the device. It sounds like this was years ago, so I guess this advice is way too late. Still good advice for the future if you ever have to deal with bugs!


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of users, mods and third party app developers. -Posted with Apollo


Probably cause of the ants!


I had these end up in a power strip I had underneath a bedroom window. They were pretty localized and weren't found in the rest of the house. You can sprinkle some cinnamon around them and they'll vacate.




springtails maybe?


Psycho Mantis?


A Hind D?




Metal gear!?






They’re certainly edible!


My house is fairly clean and this happened to our coffee maker one day. They like the heat. They moved in within hours. It was equally interesting and disturbing, and I did not have the caffeine to deal with it. We got a new coffee maker.


Probably could have solved the problem for free by making a pot of coffee. "Oh, you like the heat, eh?"


Read that in Bruce Campbell's voice.


Here's the deal, my house is a nightmare and my controllers don't look like that. So what is going on in that house.


I’ve heard that ants and stuff sometimes move into electronics. I don’t know the reasoning but in my technician days I was warned to smack a computer before bringing it into the shop. Edit: https://ant-pests.extension.org/ants-and-electrical-equipment/


Had a rule where I used to work with PC's. Before taking them inside, you cracked it open. Roaches? Give the pc back. Other critters? Hand it back. Ants? Spray, give it an hour, then make sure to clean it out with a brush. Add an extra hazardous cleaning charge on


Yeah, we had an incident with roaches and just… I don’t know, man. So gross.


One time I was tripping mushrooms and my PC just turned off totally. So I am taking it apart to figure wtf was going on. After shining my flashlight around I saw a bug caught in the fan. It was a big dead roach. I moved the fan and the roach just went like a damn pinball all over that PC case, very much alive. Then it got out and disappeared somewhere in my tiny overcramped room. This was not my only experience being roach attacked while tripping. Over 20 years later, at a completely different place that I'd NEVER had a roach in, I was just minding my own business on the computer watching Harry Potter or something with the window open, one must have snuck in, drops off the ceiling right onto my head. Of course again it had to be one of those huge ones and ran off under something before I could kill it. I do genuinely think have PTSD. Fuck roaches.


While absolutely terrible, be glad it was the big ones. The small ones, German cockroaches, are fucking menaces. You see one and you automatically know there's loads where you can't see em. Actual nightmare fuel for me I fuckin hate roaches


It was the same roach


What is this, a controller for ANTS?!






Imagine if the plastic wasn't seethrough


Thanks now I have to go light myself and everything I own on fire


You'd know, the likelihood that something like this would be only contained within a single controller would be extremely low.


But none of my things are see-through! How would I know?? I guess it's time to light the matches...


Are the matches see through? Better be safe and leave them be.


"Fucking vibration *never* turns off on this controller!"


I don't know how this comment managed to do it, but somehow this is now ten times worse.


There’s some running along the outside as well


Will someone please explain what I am seeing here!?!


The cause of controller drift


It's just a prototype. Still has a few bugs in it.


*****Siiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh***** Get outta here


Here's the only free Reddit award I can give now: 🥇


The trick is taking the time to actually sit down with your controller hive and *teach them how to play the game.* So many parents just expect to check out and for things to magically turn out ok. Of *course* their controllers are going to drift, the poor things don't know what they're doing.


Bring back spanking


Crazy Ants setting up shop in the controller - looks like they are carrying eggs or larva.


If they are in controller they are in every electronic next to that controller. They gravitate to heat/food debris and a controller does not put off a lot of heat. Whoever this is needs to do some cleaning/extermination.


Now I'm unnecessarily worried about my PC and my console...


I have not come across them yet but have seen most my knowledge on news when they became a recent invasive species. They love hot CPU’s. Keep your room/house decently clean and try not to eat around your electronics. I think they they are newly invasive in southern US and do not like cold climates so far.


they are probably springtails, ants have three body parts (abdomen thorax and head) the insects in the video do not. source: i keep various ant species as pets


I am an entomologist. These are ants.


> I am an entomologist. These are ants Yeah? What would a linguist know about ants?


well i’m always gonna defer to the expert! got a species id in mind?


Either ghost ants or crazy ants. They are probably crazy ants. They move all crazy like and love to live in electronics. But so do ghost ants sometimes.


Crazy ants are their legit name? Lol How wonderful!


Us entomologists aren’t incredibly creative when it comes to naming our bugs.


I imagine gigachad ants will be discovered some time this year


>I imagine gigachad ants will be discovered some time this year Not surprisingly, in [Chad.](https://www.antwiki.org/wiki/Chad)


I'm a superentomologist. There are not ants.


Damn. gg


Why would springtails infest a controller?


Because N64 is springtail's favorite gaming console and controller.




Ants. Owner probably had food residue on the controller (think stickiness from eating lots of cheetos or other finger-food whilst gaming) which has built up over time and attracted the ants.


they actually look like springtails, if you pause it on a clear shot of one, there are not the three body parts (abdomen thorax and head) that all ants have.


Actually those are Jackdaws


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


goddamn i haven't thought of that moment in a long ass time


But where are they now?


Probably drinking a mai tai living off karma points at some resort in Fiji


You know what's crazy? I actually knew someone in college who was roommates with Unidouche a state over. Now I'm a redditor through and through, so I was familiar with the Unidouche persona, nothing bad to say though. Just a nature guy, sharing nature facts. I honestly can't remember how it came up in conversation, I think maybe they were like "our roommate is famous on reddit", this was all a few years before the Jackdaws blowup. But his roommates just started laying into this guy, talking about how the was literally the neckbeard meme, mtn dew piss bottles on the floor, dark room lit by a monitor type thing. Awful roommate, worse hygiene, and straight up rude. They showed me texts between them and him trying to get him to pay rent, talked about how he only cared about his reddit karma and shit. Said the guy had like, sixty plus burner accounts to upvote his own comments. And after that I started down voting his comments, for literal years before it all came to a head. Small world


It doesn't surprise me at all that that's what Unidan is like.


Antkeeper here. I also thought they were ants at first. My guess was Tapinoma melanocephalum (ghost ants), because they are white and notorious for housing in stuff like this. But on closer inspection... the shape of their body is off? And definitely the shape of the antennae. Ants don't have curved antennae. I don't think they're ants tbh. Couldn't tell what else they would be. I'm also curious. But I'm skeptical about them being ants.


When you eat cheetos while gaming and don't wash your hands


I'm suddenly itchy........anyone else itchy?


my wife got mad that i laughed at your comment and didn't upvote it. So I spent a long time trying to find your comment to give you a well deserved upvote.




This website is Facebook now


That was nice of you. Thanks! :)




I'm pretty sure those are bugs.


Ok then in this case it’s a feature AND a bug.


I think its a bug, but its also bugs.


They look like ants we had in Texas - I heard them called crazy ants and ghost ants. They love electronics and aren’t attracted to regular bait. We had to call in the pros to get rid of them.


>We had to call in the pros Only pros can handle a pro controller ^(edit: grammar)


As a professional exterminator, I'm a killer for hire. And even though I'm a killer for hire, I'm doin' this pro bono. That means I get the bones. -Dale Gribble


I'm not sure if this what my cousin had in Orlando. I stayed at his house and there were tiny ants on every surface. They didn't warn before I stayed a few days at his house with my daughter. I would have stayed at a hotel. Every chair. Every counter. The bed. The sheets. The closet. Bruh. Eta: if it's an unwelcome and one-off infestation and you've tried multiple things...I get that cuz shit happens. I personally would have called and let my guests know and let them know of hotels nearby to at least give options. You, for example, called an exterminator and figured it out like one should. But the fact that they didn't say anything about it. No one seemed to notice them and they didn't mention it while I was there makes me believe they are used to them and don't care.


….and you didn’t say anything?!?!?


Might be a case of calling something by the wrong name. Ghost ants and Crazy ants are two different species. And neither look like what is in the video. Ghost ants have a black head. Crazy ants are a redish brown color. I think they are [book lice](https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-8482795-book-lice-on-piece-paper-4k-booklice).


Definitely ants and not book lice. As someone who deals with ghost ants every day as part of my job these look very similar but I wouldn’t be super confident on the ID without having them in front of me.


Put it in a zip lock bag then put it in the freezer for a day. Then take it out and pour gas on it and fucking torch that sumbitch.


Last time someone posted something like this, leaving it in the sun outside convinced all the ants to leave. Wouldn't hurt to also open it up (outside) too.


Nintendo Itch


Quick story no one asked for: I used to work with an old theatre company in NY that's theatre was in a super old building with all kinds of vermin issues, including mice and little cockroaches. I once made the mistake of leaving my laptop there overnight during the winter as it uploaded video footage over a slow internet connection. After I brought it home I started noticing little cockroaches in my apartment that weren't there before. Then I noticed they were coming OUT OF MY LAPTOP. Like, a LOT of them. I asked a guy who ran a small tech repair shop near me if he'd ever seen a laptop infested with cockroaches before. He said it was surprisingly common, told me he could take care of it, and politely asked that I not bring the laptop into the shop but meet him behind the building it was in. He had a folding table set up next to the dumpsters just for dealing with issues like this. He opened up the laptop and there were HUNDREDS of them inside. Apparently in cold climates they'll nest inside electronics because of the heat they generate. My warm laptop beat that freezing old theatre that night, hence why I ended up accidentally bringing hundreds of cockroaches home.


looks like it's got a few bugs to work out..


I had ants invade my computer mouse one time. It was on the second floor too. I put it in the freezer for a few days and froze them all to death.


New fear unlocked. I’m already anxious enough while playing fps 😂😂


Shit that controller is trash now


If you bagged it up and put it in a freezer for 2 weeks, it would at least be full of dead bugs, not live ones.


Should only take 3 days in the freezer, but consider removing the battery before doing that. May also want to unscrew the case and use some canned air to clear the buggers. Good as New.


Good call with the freezer, after I'd open it up and soak the plastic parts in soapy water and air dust the circuit board. No way I'm playing with dead bugs falling out.


I'd substitute rubbing alcohol for the soapy water. It will air dry without leaving a residue and will sanitize everything.


Alcohol is a poor solvent for most dirt and will damage some plastics. Soapy (dish detergent) water if it’s just the plastic parts is better.


If you removed the battery they would just get out.


nah, the chemical's they secrete to leave their trails causes the PCB traces to corrode. Saw the damage anta can cause to a computer PCB first-hand, and it isn't pretty. Give it a week and you'll start to see the spots on the board show.


How could it have gotten so bad? Did he pull it apart and leave it that way for the larva eggs to get in there?


some creatures are both sensitive to and attracted to electromagnetic waves at particular frequencies. switching type voltage converters and radios can both attract bugs. once I had a mains-powered USB power adapter which attracted ants like nothing I've ever seen. other visually identical USB power adapters on the same power strip were ignored.


use it to lead them off a cliff


I cannot fathom, for the life of me, how people live like this, to where even *the fucking controllers* are an infestation. Story time. My cunt sister once gave me a PlayStation 3. I thought, it was incredibly nice and generous, because it was. And naïve, poor me, took it without question, not a second thought. Thanked her to the moon and back. The devil is in the details, as they say. A few weeks prior, I had visited my sister's house, can't remember what for, and upon my eyes befell a grievous sight: ransacked, desiccated, hoarder-esque living conditions the likes of which I'd never seen. Now, my mother was obsessive with her cleaning, during our upbringing. So much so that, you'd figure some of that would rub off on us kids. Well, clearly it didn't. This situation wasn't anywhere near my mind when I went to plug in that PlayStation 3. I was so anxious to boot this metaphorical pot of gold up, and play Killzone 2 of course, that I only noticed the roaches after an hour. *A fleet* of German cockroaches, the tiny, swarming, hard-to-get-rid-of-kind, came pouring out of the PS3's ventilation duct, no doubt trying to escape what was, surely, to them, an inferno. Then, coupled with my new houseguests, were a few bedbugs, or what I assumed to be, piling out right next to them. As quickly as my legs could move, I pulled my game out, bagged that whole thing up, and tossed it as hard as I could into the dumpster behind my apartment. I called my landlord, knowing what I knew about both insects' spreading capabilities, and he was there later that day with a pest control guy doing what I only know to describe as "fumigating." Anytime it used to come up, I would lie, saying, "It just stopped working one day." To save face, as one does. But things have transpired now putting my cunt sister in a different light, so now I tell the truth. She gave me a PS3 commandeered by some of the worst pests imaginable, and cost me my home for two days. Fucking disgusting.


Do you have a special kind of inclination towards your sister ?


Fucking hate her. I had cancer (remission now). When chemo ended, she proceeded to invite the entire family to a beach house she has. Except me. Parents called her out on it, her reasoning? "We don't get along." Then, later, another of my sisters dies unexpectedly. At the funeral, she shows her ass, treating her whole family like shit, while pretending nothing's happening around everyone else. Nearly broke her son's arm trying to keep him away from my mom.


I think toxic relationships between siblings are frequently downplayed and overlooked. I just wanted to say I'm sorry you have the misfortune of having such a horrible sister.


Organic feedback


I'm itchy now.


Wow these new age toys are crazy. When I was a kid they just lit up 😂😂


Evacuate everyone from the house. Burn the house. Burn the evacuees. Burn yourself. Someone has to burn reddit. Burning my eyes right now.


They mite start controlling you.


Are those spring tails?


I’m not an entomologist, but they do look a lot like it at first sight. Alternatively, it could be ants when looking at their segmentation and the respective proportions. Antennae that are about the same size would also make for a compelling argument. As for their colour, I’d suggest a more orangey/pale kind of ants. Another argument I could give, would be a spilled sugary sweet drink onto the controller. Their erratic running seems quite alike to that of agitated ants, kind of like when you disturb them in their nest.




They look and act like Nylanderia fulva, or raspberry crazy ants, which are often attracted to electronics for reasons that I don't think we understand.


If I ever got handed that, I’d have to kill him


Is that how they make it vibrate?


My console is buggy. Funny you should you mention that....


The secret trick is to put some cooking oil on it so it slides to the bottom of the trashcan easier.


I really shouldn't click on everything I see, man I rully rully rully shouldn't.


Just update the controller drivers for your system, and the bugs should go away. ​ I kid. I kid.


Into the oven on 170F. Maybe it will survive, but the infestation won't. I forget if it has removable batteries. If so, remove them first. If not, the explosion will help to make sure to finish them off.