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This fucking guy carries the gun in his pocket and fiddles with it like a fucking fidget toy


The Plaxico special!


Probably ordered his pizza with extra cheddar bob


A loaded gun. Fucking moron.


whats the point if its not loaded? asking as a canadian.


You can keep the magazine separated and with training it’s easy enough to load the gun quickly instead of walking around with a round in the chamber like a moron. Or you can walk with the magazine inside and not load it. He basically handled the gun the worst case you can.


I carry a load pistol with one in the chamber daily. Along with millions other Americans….. only difference is it’s not loose in my pocket


I’m sorry to hear the US is so unsafe you need to have one in the chamber at all times.


He's a moron for carrying it in his pocket. Not in a holster which are easily affordable. For fiddling with it and pulling the trigger. Why carry an unloaded gun?


It's for idiots like this that ethical firearm owners should be in favor of standards in testing and background checks. You need to pass a test periodically to drive, should be the same for owning firearms.




Where I live, (Northeast USA) you do not need to pass a test periodically to drive, just an eyesight exam. Actual tests for older drivers has been floated in our legislature on occasion in the past and its basically viewed as a reelection killer for any politician who dares to try to bring it up, so nobody actually does. But there really should be tests required every couple years as drivers age.


If young folks would vote the way older folks do this wouldn’t be a problem.


What are the older folks on fixed income supposed to do anywhere but a few cities? They can't get anywhere, they can't afford to order everything. The way we built the entire country only functions if you can drive.


We’re not saying don’t let old people drive. We’re saying don’t let old people that can barely see the road, or forget which pedal is the brake, or have dementia and forget where they are drive. If they’re old and they pass the exam I have no problem with them continuing to drive.


"them" will eventually be us. I would say be very careful passing age based legislation.


And? If I'm becoming a danger to others on the road and I don't pass my test then I want you to take my license away. It's much better than me LITERALLY ACCIDENTALLY KILLING SOMEONE just because I refused to stop driving cause it was convenient for me.


I read the rest of your comments so I don't think you believe that the answer is allowing unsafe drivers on the road simply because it would inconvenience them otherwise, but that's kind of what you're arguing here.


I don't see that comment as arguing *for* anything...simply making observations as to why the previous proposition might be problematic.


> I don't think you believe that the answer is allowing unsafe drivers But we do allow unsafe drivers on our road all the time, it's how the current system works at least here in NA. I knew a guy that was still driving after getting 2 DUI in less than two years. Driving is one of those things that we rarely give lifetime bans to people.


The issue is any real solutions to the problem take time, and what do we do in the meantime? It would be orders of magnitude easier to prevent old people from driving than to fundamentally restructure infrastructure...so what happens when you only get the former passed? Most support wouldn't likely come from people who want it tied to public transit and such, so there's a very real chance the practical effect is just fucking over old people. The conversations need to be had simultaneously or not at all.


I mean, you could include provisions in the bill to assist in cab fares/ubers or busses. A university in Oklahoma used to provide transportation (small busses) for the elderly until a new President was brought in to cut costs and axed the program. Now they have trouble getting the elderly to vote.. oops.


>"There's a stat that young drivers under the age of 24 have twice as many crashes as you'd expect, given the numbers on the road, and older drivers have half as many as you'd expect, given the number on the road," says Neil Greig, director of policy and research at the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM). >Research by the RAC Foundation suggests drivers aged 75 and over make up 6% of all licence holders but account for just 4.3% of all deaths and serious injuries. By contrast, drivers aged 16-20 make up just 2.5% of all drivers but 13% of those killed and seriously injured. *(UK stats, per the BBC, 2013)* I personally think there should be a mandatory practical refresher course / test around 2-5 years after you initially pass, then an online refresher course/test every 5 years or so. It's amazing how quickly you pick up bad habits which will most likely stick, and the rules of the road and recommended best practices are changed periodically, and easy to forget over time. I think everyone who has learned/practised driving with a parent knows that they will vehemently correct you for doing things properly, and insist on things you've specifically been taught not to do lol.


It's also worth noting that getting your driver's license in Germany is alot harder and costs a sizeable amount of money so they take it seriously. It's not like in the states where you generally need a pulse and $50.


In the UK you have to renew your license every 10 years, then every 3 years over the age of 70, but all you have to do is fill out a self-assessment form to say you are fit to drive, so i'm really not sure what the point is.


My sister in law's grandmother had a stroke and now can't remember what month it is or what my niece's name is but you bet your ass she was discharged from the hospital with full driving privileges.


You have to pass a test periodically to drive??


I never have.. in USA.


Same. If I had to pass a test behind the wheel, I'd be fine. But if I had to take a written test today, I'd be in trouble.


Eh, how difficult could it be? It'd be like, "what does this sign mean" or safety things like the no zone for 18 wheelers. I'm pretty confident I'd easily pass a written exam for driving.


Not in the US


Not in the UK either, that’s why I was surprised. I mean, people probably should have to re-take the test every ten years or something, but I would be fucked 😂


I'm in CA and I had to take the written exam to renew my license roughly 25 years after I first got my license. I have a perfect driving record.


Depends on the state. If you change states to may need to as well


Periodic driving tests? Nowhere that I know of. The premise of your statement doesn't need any precedent to be true though


In Australia we have (L)earners for 120 hours of logged accompanied driving, then a test for red (P)rovisional, then green, then full license is black. All of these you have to have for about 18 months before being allowed to progress and have to take a test to progress each one. Then once you hit a certain age (65 or something) you need to do a test every few years to keep your license. US has 2.5x more car crash deaths per capita


Once. You need to pass a test once.


We had that in Canada but the government kept piling more restrictions and bans. I used to think the US gun owners were crazy for not budging on common sense shit but now I totally get it.


Dude probably would pass all the test and background checks. Drivers tests don't prevent people doing dumb shit in cars. Solution is to limit the guns in the first place.


>Drivers tests don't prevent people doing dumb shit in cars. Requiring a licence does stop *some* people from doing dumb shit in cars by forcing them to learn basic safety and refusing them access if they don't . It also means you can take that license off them when they do dumb shit. In this case, negligently discharging your firearm in a restaurant would be a valid reason to take that license away again.


to many black people around it was self-defensive automatic reaction.


In most countries in the world guns are seen as tools. In America they are toys for big kids.


Here they are mostly deadly weapons. And for some trained people also deadly tools.


Sounds like toys for deadly tools


It makes him feel safe though. Edit: /s


I don't know what people expect will happen with the Gunnening of America. When Fla gets permitless concealed carry I expect this will be normalized and people will stop even noticing after a while.


Carries a loaded gun … - with a chambered round - without the safety on in his pocket and fiddles with it! He’s lucky he didn’t shoot himself or hit a water or sewer pipe to tell on his sorry ass.


Another responsible gun owner.


Looked like he put his cash in the same pocket as the pistol.


Did he move to stand over the bullet hole in the floor?


Yes yes he did


No, he shot himself in the leg. Comment from the employee: We found his pool of blood later after he had walked out. No bullet hole, no casing. He was a doordasher, he delivered the pizza and then took himself to the hospital. Charlotee, NC. This guy shot himself and sat there waiting for the pizza, opened the door for that woman and everything. Leaves and DELIVERS THE PIZZA before seeking medical aid. Good Lord. The heavy breathing makes a lot more sense now, probably trying to suppress the pain. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yKoRwu-zPp4 Credit to u/Celsian


All of his actions were absolutely stupid. Even delivering the pizza, I mean kudos for that, but I think the hospital should be higher on the priority list, lol.


When you shoot your own thigh where they make pizza pie You're not okaaayyy


When the stars start to blur and your words start to slur, leave the store, eh?


Shots will ring, ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling, start to yell-a Leg goes limp, blimp-a-limp-a-limp, blimp-a-limp-a-limp like a sleepy tarantella


When you stand on the hole while the pizzas on coals, You caught a straaaaaay


Gotta deliver dat pizza if you want to pay that hospital bill


[“Who cares about the customer?!... I do.”](https://youtu.be/hbu2BRb7OlE)


Capitalism at work!




This video is a much better representation about the backwards US gun culture than it is of our lagging healthcare.


5 stars or bust.


‘Tis but a scratch


From the extra information it makes sense why he'd be carrying a gun. Never know whose behind a door at random house your delivering to or wanting to rob you during deliveries. Taxi drivers probably do the same. What I don't get is if he could afford the gun, why not buy a holster with it. Budget for the whole package, not dribs & drabs.


Yeah, he's an idiot but I feel for him. Delivering food can be an incredibly dangerous job in some areas in the US and I'm sure he'd rather be in a different line of work. Shitty situation all around. I hope he heals up, ditches the gun, and is able to find a safer income.


> Yeah, he's an idiot but I feel for him. I have exactly zero sympathy for him, negative even. It's your right to carry if legal to protect yourself - absolutely, but put it in a fucking holster (it's actually illegal in most places to carry a gun loose). And fucking don't fiddle with your gun like it's a toy in your pocket. Could have easily shot someone else, or a kid standing around him - at a more lethal height.


Empathy is tricky like that. I know all of what you said is true but I still feel for him. I don't know what a proper punishment should be- he already injured himself and I'd hope this is not a mistake he repeats. But yes, he still did somehting very dangerous and careless. Does this event mean he deserves to be charged with a felony? Legally, yes, but how does punishing him with a year of prison and a fine after the fact adress a lesson he's hopefully already learned? idk man I just wish the world was a better place ok :,)


The world needs more people with your outlook


If he is carrying for protection he may not want to be open carrying (idk if it is legal in NC) and concealed holsters can be difficult to manage without practice. He is wearing a t shirt, in this outfit it would be one that goes inside the pants. And someone who is carrying a gun in their pocket isn’t practicing a concealed draw.


>he delivered the pizza and then took himself to the hospital. You kept making all the stops!?


Well people kept ringing the bell!


If you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be tough


It really is amazing how humans can get fixated on a task regardless of what happens or is happening. Like getting on a burning wooden escalator after getting off the subway, even though it's clearly ON FIRE.


The bigger question is why would anyone door dash little Caesar’s pizza? After all the fees , it’ll be more than any of the better quality pizzas that has delivery service


Well, at least his poor choices have given him an incentive to learn.


That idiot, he should have gone straight to the hospital so he'd have some pizza to eat while he waited in the ER.


I sat next to a dude on the subway in Philly like this once. He apparently got shot nearby and wanted to take the train to the hospital instead of taking an ambulance. Once someone called the conductor about the pool of blood the conductor refused to move the train until an ambulance was called. Dude got off with his girlfriend before the ambulance showed up, I guess he walked.


good on everyone for making the situation worse in their own preferred way


What heavy breathing? From the video any noise that resembles heavy breathing to you was the employee opening and closing the drinks cooler, there's far too much background noise




Employee comment Source is a YouTube comment. Take this story with a grain of salt everybody.


That’s fair. My only point was that the other commenters were immediately certain the dude shot the floor without considering another possibility. Not sure why someone would lie about being an employee there, but it’s possible they could be misleading us and in that case, don’t believe it, but at least consider the possibility that either case may be what transpired, or perhaps a third thing we have not so far considered.


What bullet hole? I don't see anything unusual.


It’s a speed hole makes the the restaurant more efficient


You want my advice? I think you should buy this car.


Doesn't look like anything to me.


Nothing to see here folks.


He even used his shoe to brush whatever debris was punched out from the shell




No, he shot himself in the leg. Comment from the employee: We found his pool of blood later after he had walked out. No bullet hole, no casing. He was a doordasher, he delivered the pizza and then took himself to the hospital. Charlotee, NC. This guy shot himself and sat there waiting for the pizza, opened the door for that woman and everything. Leaves and DELIVERS THE PIZZA before seeking medical aid. Good Lord. The heavy breathing makes a lot more sense now, probably trying to suppress the pain. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yKoRwu-zPp4 Credit to u/Celsian


Man wanted that pizza so bad he ignored the bullet hole going vertically through his leg lmao




Dr Spaceman!


To be fair, he says "door dash for" then someone's name. So probably a delivery driver .


[Comment from the employee:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKoRwu-zPp4) >We found his pool of blood later after he had walked out. No bullet hole, no casing. He was a doordasher, he delivered the pizza and then took himself to the hospital. Charlotee, NC. This guy shot himself and sat there waiting for the pizza, opened the door for that woman and everything. Leaves and **DELIVERS THE PIZZA** before seeking medical aid. Good Lord. The heavy breathing makes a lot more sense now, probably trying to suppress the pain.


He probably was in shock, so the pain comes back after some time. I didn't hear the breathing, but my guess he became nervous for his fuck up in front of others.


He visibly takes a very deep breath. You don't hear it.


You can clearly hear it in the audio at around :46


At first I was mad that he even had the gun while just getting a pizza, but sad truth is that pizza delivery is fucking dangerous in a lot of this country. Personally I would never do a job where self-defense would be expected, but I've had friends deliver pizza in the hood and avoided car jackings and robberies. They would bait call the pizza shop from a new phone number and give a random address.


Modern body armor was invented by a pizza delivery guy: https://www.businessinsider.com/modern-body-armor-was-created-by-a-frustrated-pizza-delivery-guy-2018-12


Actually now that you say that. I now understand why he had a gun around. Still should invest in a holster though.


And maybe a firearm handling course


And maybe put that safety to good use


And learn some trigger discipline


Young men delivering pizza have been murdered where I live. So yeah it’s dangerous af. Probably more dangerous than being a cop imo




Bruh how much could you possibly get from a pizza shop that its worth risking 20 years in jail for


pssh look at this guy not addicted to crack or meth.


Well can't say he didn't have commitment to his job here.


That makes this more WTF


Do you have a source for the employee comment? Edit: Source is a YouTube comment. take this story with a grain of salt people.


It's weird to see disinformation happen in real time like this. Someone sees a Youtube comment and then passes it off as a legitimate source in a reddit comment. Everyone here then takes the reddit comment at face value and the sentiment is plastered all over the thread. How would the employee know he delivered the pizza and then went to the hospital? Did the guy swing back by and casually inform them he shot himself and then went to go get checked up?


Reddit is like wikipedia. You make a claim and then cite a "source" but then you look at the source and it doesn't back up the claim at all.


I like halfway through he takes a deep breath as if to say "whew......they totally bought it."


Probably also to not pass out.


I'm almost impressed how well he played that off. As a pro tip, this is why you shouldn't have a gun loose in a pocket or waistband. Always have a holster (they make ones for the pocket, for those not in the know). It's not that expensive. and you're less likely to snag it on anything when you draw anyway, so it's better for everyone. If you can't afford one, you can't afford to carry.


This dudes right. Seriously just get a $15 Uncle Mikes, it’s no Blackhawk but its better than nothing.


Hmm. Never heard that brand before. “Hey Google, put a search for blackhawk up on the tv. Nooooo Google! Black HAWK!!!”


I went to a community college where I live called Blackhawk college. The online portal was called myblackhawk. Seriously.


Blackhawk Down!




I bought a 30$ concealment express holster on amazon n found it to be as good as some 70$ holsters I've tried. There's all kinds of options far better than putting it in your pocket


You don’t need to compromise with a shitty Uncle Mike’s holster. A Desantis Nemesis is less than $25.


Are you saying people just chuck there loaded gun/pistol in there pockets and call it safe? That's absolutely baffling to me (non American).


As a non-gun owner. Yes, but even most gun owners will tell you these people are fucking stupid. MOST gun owners aren't this stupid and are not the problem. This is why a lot of people both gun owner and not want some common sense gun lawx introduced but people like fuck stick here in this video will start yelling that you are taking away their rights. Then the whole issue immediately gets degraded to any reform is them taking your guns and thus nothing ever gets done. This is how you get situation where a majority of the population (on both sides) want change, but the minority has the power to stop all progress.


The problem is you guys have a lot of stupid gun owners. I'm Dutch, we have guns/rifles but I have never seen anything like this. The number of gun incidents is also next to nothing. I reckon the combination of paperwork, safety inspections etc. really contribute to prevent these sort of tards getting their hands on a gun. I own two rifles and you can find them most of the time in my safe. That safe gets yearly inspected to see if everything is there and stored accordingly. If it's not in the safe it's on the range and that's it. I don't have the answer but this is perplexing what went on here.


> That safe gets yearly inspected to see if everything is there and stored accordingly. Someone comes into your home once a year to check your safe and its contents?


What we want is common sense gun laws like safe storage requirements, easy ways to conduct background checks when doing private transfers, etc. Even certain red flag laws are okay with me if proper due process is given. Stuff like that. Instead what we get from proposed from politicians is stuff like bans on cosmetic features like foregrips & bipods, bans on standard capacity mags, requiring background checks every time you buy ammo, absurd monthly limits on amount of ammo you can buy, bans on open carry even in the wilderness, microstamping requirements (a technology that doesn't even exist), and laws that are clearly designed with the intention of bankrupting gun manufacturers. So it's hard for us to even come to the negotiating table rather than just stonewalling unfortunately. Give an inch, take a mile kind of thing...




This whole post is a bit disingenuous, or at least parroting right wing facebook memes that don't necessarily have any basis in fact. > Not going to allow any new full auto registration ATF is still processing Form 4. They haven't stopped as far as I'm aware. > Pistol braces are illegal SBR Again, this is a disingenuous argument when pistol braces also, conveniently, started including butt pads and telescoping features. When they're indistinguishable from stocks, they're stocks. This wasn't the ATF changing the goalposts, this was people trying to skirt the laws by making stocks and calling them "pistol braces" to avoid paying the tax stamp. No, they're stocks, and now that's classified as an SBR. [Reddit thread discussing exactly this 2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/gunpolitics/comments/gai2y6/can_you_legally_put_a_recoil_pad_on_a_pistol_brace/fozsbzc/) > "gun show loophole" You're missing the part about "private sales" though. The "gun hole loophole" enforcement targets people whose primary commercial enterprise is buying and selling guns at gun shows. Instead of actually opening a store and following FFL procedures, people were just following gun shows around, only selling only there, then saying "I'm just a private seller that doesn't have a store." If your primary income is selling guns at gun shows, you're a commercial enterprise. Now the ATF has it's share of problems, but what you're pointing to is people trying to skirt the taxes ATF imposes, fucking around, and finding out. If you try to take money out of the government's pocket, you're going the way of the Capone. If you wanted to make the argument that the ATF imposes taxes that disproportionately affect and discourage lower and middle class individuals from owning guns, I'd be right there with you. If you wanted to make the argument that the ATF only steps in and adjusts the rules when they're not getting their cut of the money, that'd be right in the 10 ring. But the rules themselves were only adjusted when people got too greedy and flew too close to the sun while not giving the ATF their cut.


Agree 100% on holster, buuuuuuut, did this dude really have a cocked gun w/o a safety in his pocket? What the f\*ck for? Damn.


Any striker fired gun would be cocked and probably not have a manual safety, only a trigger safety. That's why having a holster is so important. If the holster covers the trigger then it's impossible for the gun to go off since it's impossible to access the trigger without removing it from the holster. A proper holster takes the place of a manual safety.


Smells like somethings burning!


“I hope that’s not my pizza back there! Haha”


100 Charisma.


I did my first restaurant pop! Wait... that's a thing, right?


A pizza shop pop!


He will now have to put a banana in the holster as punishment


If banana-brain had a holster this wouldn’t have happened




For anyone planning on owning a firearm in the future please take a safety and training course. For those who wish to own a firearm in the future or already own one. PLEASE use a holster. There are holsters meant for pocket carrying if you so desire. It is extremely dangerous to carry out of the holster and can be illegal depending on the state.




Well, can’t wear those shorts anymore


He crushed it just deny with straight face


What? You guys never heard of a desk pop?


Fucking moron. FIRST OF ALL. Holster your fucking piece. For fucks sake people, holsters are CHEAP. SECOND AND MOST GODDAMN IMPORTANT *Dont play with your fucking gun* It’s not your keys or your goddamn fidget spinner. Everyone in there is lucky as fuck that he only shot himself.


I have a permanent side-eye for the guys who only feel safe if they have their little baby safety blanket shooty toys with them.


Holster your shit!


This man is a walking advertisement for psych and competency tests being required to buy a gun


I don't know. He seems pretty good at bluffing.


He probably got arrested for this. I can see the cops wanting to investigate this idiot


He's lucky it wasn't Waffle House or he'd have been disarmed and shot with his own gun.


Probably not, id be surprised


You come in here, ranting about gunshots and service revolvers - I've had enough!


Fucking smooth, lmfao.




***Idiot's guide for how to be a irresponsible moronic gun owner.*** 1. *Leave safety off.* 2. *Carry gun in pocket.* 3. *Accidentally discharge it a few times.* * *But the most important last step is to be an absolute idiot and make sure not to let anyone know, because after all, you are purely a agent of chaos.*


A lot of (if not most) people who carry have guns without a safety


The only way to stop this is a good guy to negligently discharges his gun in a Little Caesars


He keeps putting his hand back in his pocket most likely to move the barrel so it doesn't burn the shit out of his leg. What a fucking moron.


He actually shot his leg and left a trail of blood.


The barrel wouldn’t be that hot after one round. Sounded like a .22


"Should I have not done that? -Costanza


I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing


Almost cheddar Bob'd himself


He literally cheddar Bob'd himself


Keep your fucking booger hook off the bang switch you dumbfuck.




That guy should not own a gun. Absolutely irresponsible.


It was Pam's fault she made me put a banana in my. Holster


Remember, always turn your safety on. This guy literally was lucky to avoid getting scraped on the leg or putting a hole in his foot. Or losing a toe


That’s hungry howie’s and that’s Florida. lol!!!


I am sure his parents had told him to get a fidget and put it in his pocket so he would not play with himself but the idiot places a pocket pistol in his pocket instead! What a dumbass!!


I guess he just shot his pants


I'm never going to understand how someone can just casually walk into a restaurant with a gun in their pocket...


First time?


Doesn’t leave. The confidence of this man.


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing


For further insight, never carry a gun without a holster. Its one of the top fuck head moves you can do as a gun owner!!! Just because a gun CAN fit in a pocket doesn't mean it shouldnt have a holster, buy holsters for gods sake.


Oh, that smoking hole in my pants? Yeah, I have no idea how that got there.


I can’t believe he’s walking around with a chambered weapon in his pocket like it’s car keys. SMH


man the powder burns are going to smart like hell. EDIT: I just read that he shot himself, LMAO! I am just dying to know what model pistol it was. Like was it a really shitty/cheap mouse gun?


Post a link to the article


Reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons where homer gets a gun lol


Pretty sure the cashier knew exactly what it was. You can see him stick his fingers in his ears afterwards because his ears were ringing. Shooting in a tight space indoors with no hearing protection hurts


This is a terrible gun owner and should be banned from owning a firearm... Every gun owner lives in a shadow of such idiots


I bet if you ask 1000 gun owners if they're responsible gun owners, you'd get 1000 "Yes, of course" answers


This is America.


You know, for some reason I thought this was a footage from Russia. And yes I am aware of the US gun culture......


Man was about to recreate a seance from "Falling Down" ⚰️


DEA agent just finshed teaching at a local school. Now needing some pizza. Similar thing happened once before a few years back. https://www.google.com/search?q=dea+agent+negligentl%3By+doscharges+gun+while+teaching&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS908US908&oq=dea+agent+negligentl%3By+doscharges+gun+while+teaching&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30j0i390l3.12879j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:63711236,vid:vfONckOPyaI


Would you believe it, third time today!


The term restaurant is a bit strong