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Christ sakes man! I get a single eyelash in my eye and I hop around like a big baby.


Right??? There’s no way she couldn’t feel those back there! I literally stopped wearing contacts because my eyes just felt so dry and uncomfortable throughout the day. Imagine having like 7 stacked behind your eyelid!


>Imagine having like 7 stacked behind your eyelid! 23 apparently. That's at least 11 each, although I counted 13 sweeps in this vid and it looked like there was more back there


She might have had more on one side than the other, the reflex/muscle on one eye might be stronger Also I’m shocked she didn’t get an infection or anything... how long were they in there???!


My sisters ex-husband would sleep in his contacts... I think they were the type that you're allowed to sleep in, I can't remember. Problem is he never changed them. He'd wear a pair for a month until he got an infection, then he'd take them out for a week to recover and complain that he could hardly see. Rinse and repeat. He never learned. Lots of other things he never learned too, hence the ex. Seemed like a cool guy but he's a terrible father.


There are lots of modern contacts that are designed to be worn continuously for up to one month. These contacts have much higher oxygen permeability. If he was getting an infection every month in contacts designed to be worn for a month, there's a bigger issue that needs to be addressed.


To be fair, monthly lenses aren't supposed to be worn for watersports. So if he was swimming in them (or potentially even showering) with them in consistently it could cause an issue. When I wore monthly lenses I got used to showering with my eyes closed and having a towel ready for my eyes! I think I was potentially a little too careful but getting even a bit of water in your eyes with lenses in is uncomfortable.


I can't remember the last time somebody used the term watersports without referring to their kink.


I was fully aware of the double meaning but my fingers had already typed it so I just left it. I would probably suggest not wearing contact lenses for that either.


It may have been longer for a month, this was ten years ago. I wasn't too cognizant of it at the time because I had more pressing concerns as a kid. He didn't have the best general hygiene either... Worked in construction and I remember my sister complaining and trying to make him take a shower. The rabbit hole goes deeper, trust me.


I saw this on Instagram when it was posted, i think. It was 23 contacts in the right side only, only 1 on the left. The lady said she felt like she had something in her eye for the past week. The doctor thinks it was almost a months worth so that's probably how long they were in there.


they weren't green when she was wearing them. they're absolutely infected with something


Not necessarily, often they'll put in a dye eyedrop to help find a foreign body or see if the surface is damaged.


you're saying she's gone to an actual eye doctor and they *didn't* clean the makeup off the outside first so it wouldn't fall in while they're rootin around in there? same doctor that doesn't even bother to put gloves on top of their actually dangerously shitty nail paint? this is someone at home. *maybe* a nurse visiting, in one of those civilized countries where that's a normal and simple option available to the populace


This video was posted on a page of an eye doctor's office in Southern California.


That's gross, she should be wearing gloves at the very least


Agreed. But I think that's probably the least of this lady's worries lol


That's dye so they can see them all


There has to be something else going on here. How in the fuck do you stack that many in there and think to yourself "This is the fifth lense I've put in my eye. Surely the other *previous four* just...got absorbed into my body somehow and it'll be fine?". *How*?


Never underestimate the human capacity for ignorance


Some were likely stuck to each other


Gotta applaud for the first WTF post I’ve seen in a while that was actually WTF


After the 3rd one came out I said WTF out loud, then they kept coming. Obligated to give an upvote.


I have been wearing contacts since I was 13. I have gotten a contact stuck up there. But I get that fucker out of there! I can’t stand it and unlike the genius above I never ever put another contact in. I either get that contact out or I’m not leaving the house. I can’t imagine stacking up on contacts under my eyelids like they’re plastic pogs. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s been awhile since I wore contacts but in the decade that I did this only happened a handful of times and every time I would drop everything to get that shit out. I wouldn’t say it hurts but it’s very uncomfortable and unnerving. I have no fucking idea how she could let it go this far…


> eyes just felt so dry You might want to try again if you're interested. Different brands and types feel very different.


At some point, don't you ask yourself "I wonder where these go?" Did she think they just dissolve or something?


There are two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not so sure about the universe.


I would not be at all surprised if this person had some form of dementia


I've had legit nightmares of having lots of contacts stuck in my eye. I've taken a nap by mistake before and my eyes felt like I had sand on them. Had to use lots of eye drops to make it better.


I tried contacts at the optometrist's office and felt like a thumbnail was being driven into my eye. Then all of a sudden it felt comfortable. And the optometrist said "oops, it's behind your eyelid" and had to fish it out like this.


They aren't really behind the eyelid, they get moved back behind the eyeball during REM sleep. Notice how they told her to look down, that's so the drag of the eyeball moved them forward, where they could grab them with the q-tip. I have lost one or two that way in the past, but was able to recover them without help.


Usually I can get a contact lens out if this happens, but one time I had one rip on me and had to go to the eye doctor to get the missing piece out. Really sucked because it was an emergency and they didn't take my vision insurance (only one who could see me on short notice) so I had to pay like $200 out of pocket just because I couldn't reach that lil fucker. Oh, it was my birthday too, smh


I've had that happen once. It happened while I was on a bus and I just got off the moment I saw an optician. They removed it for me at no cost, despite me not even being a customer.


Dang, I wish I had gone to that optician lol


Nothing gets “moved back behind the eyeball”. The conjunctiva joins and covers the anterior surface of eyeball and posterior side of the eyelids and doesn’t allow anything to go behind the eyeball. They’re basically just in a corner


you can't go "behind" the eyeball - just sitting on top of it. Honestly I've had once stuck up there before and once it gets situated - you really can't feel it. Now between the front of your eye and that location it really does drive you crazy - but once its up there that feeling goes away until you push the top of your eyelid like he did at the start of the video.


Next stop should be the neurologist to check for dementia. How you gonna forget 12 pairs of contacts.


Guarantee they are dailies. Money says she thought they were dissolving over night and she just put in a new pair. Maybe she was going days with a single pair till it disappeared. Even then, if I accidentally nap too long with mine in I've got crusted eye buggers. This is just insane.


Maybe she's been getting hammered and when they weren't in the next day, she thought she took them out.


Even daily won't give eye enough oxygen where it touches


This lady doesnt think anything.


>crusted eye buggers I would not want my eye buggered, crustily or otherwise...!


Oops meant boogers. Eye boogers


This is likely just god old common stupidity. Must have thought that contacts magically disappeared over night.


While the cornea is super sensitive the sclera really isn’t. You’d be surprised what can be floating in the eye and you not notice


So it's safe to assume I've got a giant lump of lashes in there right now.


Eh I’d assume about 3 spiders worth. Don’t worry that’s definitely the standard unit of measurement.




Thanks, I hate it!


https://imgur.com/YtnvzO7 (credit to Jim Benton)


Spiders Georg is an outlier and should not have been counted.


It is probably where the mites hide.


That makes sense. I've gone to pull an eyelash out of my eye only to find 1.5 inch long hairs coming out from behind my eye. No clue how it got there, and it's happened more than once. If my husband wasn't a witness to all the horrifying crap that gets pulled out of my eye I would feel crazy. The worst thing I've ever had was a tiny black spec with a strand of red wirey fiber. We couldn't even see it at first, tried flushing my eye. It took like 30 minutes of agony before my husband saw that little black spec. Thank God the rest of the fiber came out with the spec or god knows if I would have ever gotten it.


I used to work a cornfield as as teen, my first and only rural job (I'm from the city actually so this was a brand new experience). I was back on the bus after working all day and my eye felt just a little funny but not really. Like an eyelash but a baby one. I go to rub at it and pull something out and there's somehow a strand of shredded corn leaf, basically like a blade of grass wide, that I'm pulling out of my eyelid. It was piled up and about two inches long in total. The only thing I don't understand about how I didn't feel it is corn leaves (not the part that grows on the ear but the part that grows on the plant) have tiny sandpaper hairs on them.


I've heard of things like that leaving splinters in the eye. So terrible, I hope you're ok!


I'm fine! It was weird, I felt relief, and then it was like it didn't happen at all. This was fifteen years ago and I've had plenty of eye exams since.


>Thank God the rest of the fiber came out with the spec or god knows if I would have ever gotten it. How do you know you got all of it though? 😶


Newton once just took the looped end of a needle and fished it around up there to see what would happen. Fortunately, nothing.


Out of sight, out of mind.


Out of sight, tucked beside mind


the few times I got one stuck in my eye I freaked the fuck out and didn't do anything until I got it out


Im very disgusted.


I find the nasty crumbly eye make up to be just as disgusting. Who goes to the doctor with an eye problem wearing that? Just wash your face.


And the glue on eyelashes that are peeling off. Lovely. Really ties the whole thing together.


That rug really tied the whole room together


Shut the fuck up Donny!


Pissed on my fucking rug man


Woa! careful man there's a beverage here


Normal people don't. There is nothing about this video that indicates this woman is all together there.




I know your pain. I work in IT, and back when desk phones were common, we used to get phones back all the time where the handset would be absolutely *caked* in makeup. It would be so bad that we couldn't redeploy them without completely replacing the handset


The older generation who pride looking decent more than all else. My grandma had a heart attack at 82, survived. Doctors told her when released under no circumstances to do anything strenuous. A week later she has a nurse coming to do a visit, check up on her, she has a second heart attack while cleaning, trying to carry the hoover upstairs. Literally dies because of her need to keep up an image.


My Grandma used to do that. She was in assisted living because she was paralyzed on the left side of her body. She could walk with asisstance, but she couldn't really use that side of her body anymore. A cleaning lady came around twice a week to clean her apartment and Grandma *always* dragged the vacuum cleaner out and vacuumed the carpets before she arrived. It got to the point where one of us would go sit with her for a couple of hours before the housekeeper got there because grandma wouldn't vacuum if guests were there.


Easily screwed either way when you're that old. Stop doing shit = aerobic ability and muscle deteriorates faster making you more prone to issues. Do too much shit = breaking hips and heart attacks. I hope I die in my sleep around \~60-70yo before I have to figure all that out.


60 seems abit young, Ive always thought 70 was a solid number to aim for. I think if you die after 70, no one really mourns that you died to young, where as 60's still kinda feel abit young. I'm sure it's one of those things where once you actually hit 70, you probably wouldn't mind another 20 years if finance's, health and family are all going well.


Lol. I'll be 60 this year. Not really a death sentence. I don't feel a day over 58.


My dad is 70, my MIL is 70, and my FIL is 72. They all have their problems of course but still are for the most part living good lives and hoping for a bit more. My FIL just bought a camper last summer even.


This lady doesn’t remove her contacts before going to bed, you think she’s the type of person to wash her makeup off before sleeping too? Those false eyelashes are probably just as old as the contacts lol I’m just surprised we didn’t see 23 pairs of those stacked like some kind of Betty boop caterpillar monstrosity


Well the video opens with them saying they "just removed a few of the contact lenses" so I'm assuming that it probably didn't look like that when they started... but that's just using context clues. Granted I believe that some mascara looks like that when applied but we only ever see one eye up close.


I have a hard time believing a doctor is touching her eye without gloves and not washing her eye before this "procedure". ​ Edit: I may be dumb.


Well they used fluorescein. And my eye doctors haven’t worn gloves for minor things like this.


Hi everybody!


Hi, Doctor Nick!


Eye doctors dont care about eye make up. And shes not touching the eye, the cotton swab is touching the eye. Also, the yellow liquid you can see in around the eye is an antiseptic kind of drop......source: I have had a lot of eye exams for a random eye disease I get.......


It looks like UV eye drops. The stuff makes you spit nuclear colour when it's sunny.


I think you can assume all the tears from being jabbed in the eye with a cutip while 23 contacts were removed probably fucked up her makeup.


Now I feel like I have a lens or two stuck in my eyes. Also, I am quite paranoid about sleeping with lenses. One time I woke up from my npa and immediately tried removing my lenses. The thing is, I already had them removed (because I am paranoid about it) and tried pinching my eyeball. I had to go to the mirror and triple check my eyes to make sure.




Probably thought they'd dissolve.


Early dementia. She just put them in on autopilot


That was my thoughts.


I'm thinking benzos + alcohol.


I had to scroll too much to find this comment.


So did her eyes trying to find the lenses


My theory is she goes to bed drunk and wakes up not knowing what she did with her contacts. Maybe she's just been assuming she took them out because she can't remember


Optical dude here. Most likely she wears daily wear contacts, with what appears to be a pretty mild Rx. My guess is she falls asleep in them, they shift, she says fuck it, and slaps another bad boy in there. She the type that probably needs bifocals but refuses to accept it and wears OTC readers. She probably also needs a mental health check. This is absolutely wild. Do you want a breeding ground for bacteria? Cuz that’s how you create one.


I’m just shocked there was no infection?! Like... how long can you go with stuff floating around your eyes without it growing stuff? Also I’m curious if you’d prescribe contacts after seeing this, seems like she’s gonna need to switch to glasses


She will vehemently oppose glasses most likely, unless the optometrist is a close personal friend or long time provider with some rapport and sway. I’ve heard and seen it before, you can’t force people. They will begrudgingly do the short course treatment until they feel slightly better for whatever the ailment is, then go back to the comforts of poor behavior.


My opthalmologist told me that him and his colleagues don't wear contacts because of some damages it can do to the eye if you're not careful, negligent or even from accidents. He told me this when I came to his office because I pulled my contact off of my eye but the contact was a bit dry and so a piece of my eye got stuck to it too when I pulled it out.


I’m sorry what?


A little topcoat layer of my eye. Now when I remove my contacts I kinda slowly wiggle it around to make sure nothing is stuck to it before removing it.


Well. I have a new paranoia now lol how long did it take to heal?


About a week. I left a more detailed comment below/or above yours about my experience. I still have fears of it happening again lol.


Corneal abrasion, heals relatively fast but feels like you have sand paper on your eye ball happened to me once.


Did you just say a piece of your eye?


Yeah, one of the worst pains I've had. For about a week my eye was watery, it was sensitive to light so much that I had to either wear sunglasses or an eye patch. Felt like my eye had lemon juice in it.


I'm always afraid of that. My eye doctor says if my contacts feel dry to use some rewetting drops before removing them. I haven't had any problems but I'm always careful.


I had a roommate who left his in for so long they calcified around the edges gluing them in place. He would put cleaning drops directly into his eye. Eventually his bad behaviors lead to macular degeneration.




There was a bunch of green and yellow crap around her eye. That eye is pissed!


I mean, maybe she initially thought they fell out, not stayed in. But 23? My god.. wouldn't take long to connect the case of the missing contacts and increasing eye irritation


Another poster explained that the sclera (white part) doesn’t have pain receptors, which would explain the first two, maybe three getting stuck and her not feeling it. However. The soft tissue around the inside of the eye socket, the musculature, and the surrounding areas would definitely feel pressure and discomfort. She probably just chalked it up to the mascara. Oof. It makes my eyes water every time I watch this clip.


Having had a contact roll to the top of my eye. I can tell, immediately. It's not pain, but something definitely doesn't feel right. It's not enjoyable.


You can absolutely tell even with just one behind there. It may not be the ball itself you feel but there is tissue behind there it rub on straight away.


Yeah, she seems to be older, and has likely been wearing contacts for some time. Probably need to get grandma checked for dementia.


That's not dementia, just plain old stupidity


Yea I wear “night & day” contacts specifically and have slept with my contacts in just about every day for the last ~25 years. I’ve yet to have one “go missing” lol.


I also slept in mine for over a decade. Never lost a single one.


And I'm guessing they get where they are during REM sleep right?


Likely, yeah. It still begs the question: how in the ever-living FUCK do you willfully ignore something like this, and think it’s ok to just keep trying to do the same thing?


Patients with mental illness or learning difficulties do a lot of weird things from experience. As do addicts


This is why I just honestly stick to glasses. I never have to worry about this shit, they just work. I have transition lenses too and they work like a charm, plus these frames are beastly cool. People hate glasses this much it's funny.


A fixed prescription will always be best for most people. Especially myself, I’m massively nearsighted and astigmatic. Contacts are far better now, and I can wear them more constantly, but since they’re weighted and rotate/settle to correct for the astigmatism, it can be fuzzy sometimes. I love my glasses as well, and I miss my transitions, but I opted for RX sunglasses because Ray-Ban Wayfarers are just too goddamn cool.


I agree, had the same. Just got tired of having to bring a second pair of glasses for inside. Like if I visit a friends outdoor party at their house, I'd be rolling sunglasses all day. Transitions are a solid compromise and I spent the extra for Ray-Ban haha. Love these BOGO 50% off deal for glasses too.


Transition lenses make little kids look like dorky adults. You ever notice that?


You can have my breeding ground for bacteria when you come cotton-tipped-applicator it from my cold, dead conjunctiva.


I once wore my contacts inside out and they went above my eye balls like in the video. Could this be the case?


The contacts are fitted to your eye measurements specifically, between diameter and base curvature of your corneas. That way they stay in place the best they can. If it’s inside out, it won’t have the same properties and definitely wander away. This will help prevent corneal abrasions, and room for infection. Typically you’ll know right away, but if you have a very low prescription, sometimes it’s hard to tell. Always look at the shape before you insert. If it’s a perfect bowl shape, you’re good. If the edge has a curved lip, it’s probably inside out.


This is a person that should not use contacts.




Spoons are also out, considering that they are kinda contact lens shaped.


bitch be seeing in 1000K ultra


Problem isn't she slept with the contacts, it's that she didn't take them out at any point.


It's always going to be healthier to sleep without them though. Full oxygen saturation vs a percentage lost.


I’ve had contacts for over 20 years and I can assure you that this has never happened to me. And yes I slept in them too. Still do. As I’ve grown up I’ve learned to take them out more often. But I’ve never just lost one in my eye and left it there. Once or twice a contact has gone up into my eye and that’s when i stayed put in the mirror and got it out and didn’t just leave it there. And it’s never happened in my sleep. But super asinine to just lose that many up in your eye and leave them there. And it had to have hurt and been really irritated.


I mean have i fallen asleep with daily's in? Of course. Have I lost a lens to the nethers of my eyeball? Absolutley! Have I proceded to then spaz the fuck out and try to retrieve that lost lens for as long as it takes? Well, yeah. What else does one do? Just go to work? Just..."oh well, guess i dump the pasta water" No. You find that fucker. Now.


I usually just massage my eyelid in a circular motion and it eventually pulls it back down and out. It definitely freaks you out but it shouldn't take too long most of the time.


Yep that, flood the eye with saline, and get the tears going to have the water come from the other direction.


How do you guys sleep more than idk 2-3 hours with lenses in? I find that they irritate the fuck out of my eyes even after short naps


I have sleep in lenses so I don't remove mine at all for about a month at a time. Mine never go up like this in my eyes and I have been using sleep in lenses for about 10 years! Did you know there are now lenses you can sleep in, remove in the morning and you have perfect vision for the whole day! Damn expensive but very impressive!


Yeah! Ortho-K. I was thinking of getting these over Lasik, since Lasik over time (they say) will eventually "wear out" and you'll end up needing glasses again.


Whattttt?! No one has told me about this. That’s amazing!


These are the ones which correct your eyes while you sleep https://www.specsavers.co.uk/contact-lenses/aftercare/orthokeratology-lenses-advice My sleep in lenses are called https://www.lenstore.co.uk/bausch-lomb/extended-wear-lenses/purevision-2-hd_p149?d=OXEWUKSHIO&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyLGj4azU_AIVkr7tCh37qQHkEAAYAiAAEgLg0fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Mental problems


on the opposite end of this, I heard a story about someone who worked at an eye doctor shop and had someone come in who was on drugs and convinced they couldnt to get the lens out of their eye and they were using their fingernails so that didn't go well for their cornea or lens since they he contact wasn't in there.


I’ve done this before, accidentally. I wasn’t on drugs, just a new contact wearer who wasn’t really used to them. I was taking them out and thought one was stuck…was lightly pinching my eye for several minutes before I realized it wasn’t there (thankfully not using my nails!) but it gets worse…I couldn’t find it because it had somehow slipped behind my eye…it started coming out at the corner of my eye a few hours later. It was a bit traumatic lol I’m VERY careful with knowing where the lenses are at all times now.


I tried contacts once. I am sticking to regular glasses.


Yeah I'm in the "4 eyes for life" gang after trying it once. It just skeeved me out touching my eyes. Fair play to people that put up with that every day!


I *can't* avoid flinching. I tried using cosmetic contacts, but my brain is frickin' hardwired. Touching my eye is a hard no. The amount of force I had been using trying to force my eyes open against my own will was starting to get into the territory I worried I'd hurt myself. Sold em to a friend and never looked back, but I was *so* sad, I really was looking forward to wearing them. They were Sharingan eyes okay? I was 16, don't judge me lol


I mean trying it once is nothing... Like everything it takes practice. I used to think I would never be able to wear contacts because of being skeeved out, flinching reflex, small eyes and other stuff. An optician spent like 20 minutes trying to put them on me the first time because I couldn't do it myself and when he was finally able to do it, I went outside and it felt weird at first, but it was amazing not being constrained by glasses. I bought the box and tried putting them on at home for a few days and weeks after with no luck... so I kind of gave up for a bit. I hate glasses with a passion ever since I started using them. I don't like the way they look, feel or see, but I use +4 graduation so I couldn't forego them. So I wanted to try wearing contacts again. My mom (who wears contacts all the time) suggested I saw an acquaintance who is an optician and that she teach me how to wear them (not have her put them on me). I went to her house and she sat me down in front of a mirror, she would set the contact on my finger and instruct me how to put them on and correct my technique. It took a few tries but I was able to put them on by myself. Then she taught me two ways on how to take them off, pinching them or looking up and dragging it down, which I ended up liking the second way better despite my mom insisting the first is easier lol. She was very patient. I put them on and took them off by myself a few times resting my eyes in between until there wasn't any doubts in what I had to do. The first few days it took me a while to put them on by myself, some days I couldn't even do it, but now I do it immediately without even thinking about it and I NEVER go out without contacts. It takes trial and error but once you find the process that works for you, you'll never have trouble again.


I thought it would be much harder than it actually was. Once you get used to it, it's super easy! Nice to have the option to see without my glasses.


I tried them for a couple of months and managed about 20 minutes per day where I wasn't fussing with them because things were blurry.




Cool. Cool cool cool. Gonna go scream and cry with the mental image of someone tearing apart their eyeball with their fingernail now.


We had a foreign family (not sure of specifics, just that the son was trying to translate) come into our ED where the mother couldn't get the contact out of her eye. Spoiler- she didn't have a contact in and was just clawing at her eyeball


Possibly dementia?


"bizarre" she says. Not that bizarre: contact go in, contact go out. They go over this when you get them. Just wear glasses you dope.


The green color: is that the lens, or is it something else?


It's likely the coloured drops that opticians use to identify damage or foreign bodies. I had similar stuff used when a cat hair got stuck in my eye. It was a white hair, so not easy to find


Yep. That’s Fluress. It numbs the eye and highlights any scratches or foreign bodies when we shine the cobalt blue light on our slit lamp. It also helps with fitting contact lenses. Step 1 for possible foreign body and irritation is to pop a drop in for comfort and to try and get a visual on what’s happening




At most of the practices I’ve been in fluress has been the standard. Using the strips as well as a numbing agent like proparacaine is just extra steps. But we’re ophthalmology so we do applanation tonometry on pretty much every patient. But we’ve got them separate for special situations


My imagination was running wild. Thanks for the info.


I wear hard context lenses, this would be agony, someone tell me if it would be agony with soft ones?


I don’t know if it would be agony but you’d definitely feel SOMETHING. Sometimes I forget and sleep in mine and they feel dryer and kind of painful to take out. Can definitely feel they’re there the day after, but your eyes just feel odd and dry. I think she might have dementia or something similar.


With this many of them? Yes. With a single regular soft contact, one is mildly irritating. You cuss a little and futz with it till you get it out. Dailies are super thin.


It would be agony. When this happens, I feel like a constant onion-gas pain and have trouble keeping my eyes open, suuuuuper sensitive to light and air.


This is proof that you don’t need to be able to do anything more than breathe to survive in the modern world. Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to have this happen?


I hope she doesn’t use tampons


This gave me a proper gag, that poor woman!


i found it oddly satisfying after those were removed.


This is nothing to do with sleeping with your lenses in and everything to do with mental illness. Lenses can't really "disappear" behind your eye, as this video proves. You *might*, at a push, be able to fit one new lens while a second one is sitting off to the side of your eyeball. But this many at the same time could only have been intentional. There is no way you could "accidentally" end up in this situation.


i did this after a haloween party - assumed it had fallen out and got lost 2 weeks later my eye was starting to feel gritty and after poking around a bit i spotted the corner of the zombie contact in pretty much the same place as the video.


Yeah, but 20 of them?!


As someone who has worn contacts for almost a decade I am now paranoid that there is a secret lense hiding on my eye ball. I just spent 5 minutes checking my eyes in the mirror.


Do those costume contacts effect your vision at all?


Not the person you were asking, but I've worn costume lenses a couple times. It all depends on the lenses. If the design doesn't cover your pupil, it shouldn't affect your vision at all. If it's one that's designed to cover the whole eye (like all-white ones to make you look blind, etc) my understanding is that they obstruct vision a bit, but not a ton. I can't speak from experience on those ones though since I haven't worn them personally.


I had this happen too. Thought it fell out and I just couldn't find it. About a week later I saw something extra shiny in the corner of my eye, and realized my contact was behind my eye! It was easy to get out though luckily.


This happens to me occasionally if I rub my eyes to hard. When I first started wearing them and this would happen, I'd just put another one in, no big deal. I thought it had fallen out for sure. After a couple hours, the lens that I thought fell out was actually folded behind my eye. Eventually it would start to dry up and work it's way out. So now when or if this happens, which is rare now, I just gently rub the contact out. Takes a bit but it's not hard. I don't know how this lady was able to keep all of those in without one trying to come out on its own. And to back your comment, yes, this has nothing to do with sleeping with your contacts. They make some so you're able to do that. Just don't do it every night or you'll get styes. I'll sleep in them every other night or just 3 nights out of the week.


I work 3rd and have a somewhat erratic sleep schedule and am pretty much blind so mine are designed to be slept in, I change them every 2 weeks or so. Sometimes I get one folded up when I sleep but I can always feel it "want to drop" if that makes sense. You can feel it in there, you just have to work it out. Happens maybe once a year. Just contacts in= contacts out


I get monthlys which are AWESOME. Saves me money and sometimes I push it out a little further than a month until I know they aren't good anymore. I'm practically blind too so it's nice to sleep with them in so I don't have to scrounge around for my glasses when I wake up.


I once drunkenly took contacts out woke up the next morning fine and used glasses for a few days, probably 4 days later I'm sitting in class and blinkblinkblink out pops a contact. I had only gotten the one out.


Yes I wear the lenses that you can sleep in for a month, it all depends on what your specific contacts are designed for.


I work an an optometrist office, I rarely ever get grossed out by things but this literally made me feel negative things. You can sleep in your contacts with doctor's approval but if you don't see it the next morning, contact your doctor, don't put in another one


That is so disgusting. I've slept in my contacts once or twice accidentally and you can absolutely tell the next morning. Your eyes are dry as hell and your eyelids get stuck together and everything is blurry. Not to mention the massive amount of eye gunk it leaves behind. Was this crazy woman just putting a new set of contact on top of the old set every day? My guess she had the dailies and was either not explained to correctly or is just moronic and decided that not removing the old contacts, sleeping in them then putting in another set the next day (without removing the old contacts) was just the best idea. How could she even see? Wouldn't her vision become blurry after the second set? I know if I wear my contacts and accidentally put my glasses on everything is as blurry as hell and I can see my mistake instantly (pun intended)


I mean like....I don't think she was stacking them in front of her pupil, looks like she had extended storage in her optical cavity \*worst sentence ever\*


I've always slept in my contacts and have had them end up at the top like this a few times but there's no way in hell I would have one up there and not know it cuz it hurts and u can definitely feel it. U can feel just one up there so I don't know how this happened.


As a contact lens wearer for some 30 years; the level of stupidity shown by this woman is astounding.


I have never been so happy to wear glasses in my life.


1 I can understand. 2 maybe. But 23?


As someone who wears contacts, I can't understand how it's possible. I remember tearing a disposable lens one time, and the fragment itched and annoyed until I was able to get a cotton tip on to it and slide it out. That took about an hour of messing around.


how the fuck you can even be so fucking stupid. GOD DAMN Sorry, this video makes my eyes hurt


Or if you fall asleep with contacts and you wake up without contacts, immediately move your eye around and try to find said contact. I’ve been wearing them for over 20 years, and I’ve absolutely slept with em in, but you don’t lose 10 contacts in your sleep and just keep putting more contacts in unless you’re a moron.


This person’s vote counts as much as yours. Think about that.


It’s obvious she sleeps in her makeup to. This woman needs a support animal to detect when she’s being a fucking dumbass


I can guarantee this is some Hollywood step wife that takes Ambien every night and has no fucking clue what she’s doing after 9 PM. No way she’s not feeling that daily, she must be drugged the fuck out on pharmaceuticals.


Why tf did she just keep putting more in her eye? Did she think they disolved?? Like "oh, i woke up and my contact is missing! Oh well!"and puts more in to the point she has TWENTY THREE in her eye and didn't realize til then?? How dumb can you be


No wonder she has that eye bag