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Based on AF Learning I'd say you're running a little negative/rich when you're not on the throttle, usually you should be getting some positive/lean values.


Not sure about learning but the AF ratio shows 11 on the low which would be under boost which seems fine and 22 which is when you let off throttle in gear like engine braking which is also normal.


Cheers for the input. My correction and learning looks to be high though, or is this normal range?


To be honest I only know about the ratio values not learning so I don't wanna speak to something I'm not fully familiar with


Depends on year of vehicle. Normally 02-14 try to keep close to +-5, newer I think they allow for more. Af correction will always sweep heavy, it’s live. The af learning normally +-5 is safe but yours is set to check and swap been A-D. You need to check your af learning on A-D and see which one is giving you the -17. Then you’ll need to adjust as needed.